The Straits Times, 26 July 1946

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • 383 1 Assessment Rate M'jy Be Raised IX order to enable the Singapore Municipality to meet the cost of rehabilitation, the Commissioners have naked the Imperial Government for a grant of >■ 16,000,000, and at today's meeting of the Commissioners, Mr. John Laycock will propose a motion which
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  • 111 1 12 Advisers To Examine Constitution 1 committee of 12 advisers has been appointed to "examine more closely certain matters" relating to Malaya s future constitution That is the principal outcome of the talks which have been held at Kuala Lumpur between the G»vern©rGeneral, the Governor of the Malayan Union, the
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  • 172 1 SOVIET SAY "WE KEEP ATOM VETO" NEW YORK, Thursday. RUSSIA has flatly rejected the major American proposals for the control of atomic energy as proposed before the United Nations atomic energy commission. Mr. Andre Gromyko, speaking at a session of the committee, i specifically turned down the U.S. proposals for
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  • 928 1 JERUSALEM, Thursday. MORE than 700 Jews living m the slum quarter of Jerusalem's walled "old city" have been rounded up and questioned by the Palestine police during the past 24 hours. Thirty were today being held for further questioning. Two more bodies one a"
    AP  -  928 words
  • 69 1 MEDAN (Sumatra), Thurs.— According to the Antara Agency, the Overseas Chinese General Association, m a letter addressed to the Resident, East Sumatra, has severely condemned the actions and behaviour of the Chinese auxiliary squad here, declaring that, "though the Chinese auxiliary squad was initially established with
    Reuter  -  69 words
  • 153 1 LONDON, Tuesday. BRITAIN and the Nether-; lands will shortly request -i he Aliied Control Commission to permit an increased manufacture of Japanese text;iei ior *xport to Malaya and th? South-west Pacific. Dutch sources report that the Pi.v time consumption of inex- j pens've textiles
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  • 105 1 NEW YORK, Thurs.— The secend part of the first session of the United Nations General As* semUj will be held m New York <>n September 23, M. Arkadi Sobo1 'v, the acting Secretary-General, I: as announced. No objections have be:-n received to postponement of the
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  • 105 1 BATAVIA, Thurs.— A fresh demand that the alleged murderers j «-f three Australian War Crimes] Investigation officers be handed over for trial has been made by Mr. Justice Kirby. The three officer* wrre ambushed near Builenzorg m April. Mr Kirby has visited Jogkarta to see "President"
    Reuter  -  105 words
  • 95 1 BANGKOK, Thurs. Queen I Phrara Janani Srisangwan, Queen Mother of Siam, wiu give evidence tomorrow morning before i the Commission of Inquiry Investigating the death of her son, King Ananda Mahidol The Queen Mother wa* m the next room to the King on June 9 when the
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  • 45 1 The Eoard of Trade disclosure that over 50.0 0 tons of raw cotton arc li^lcl by the Cotton Control Eoarri m Manchester and r^icad confirms the trade view tint no shortage of raw material is m ilfhl reports Reuier trom MaiKhc. r
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • 258 1 BATAVIA, Thursday. THE Indonesians today signI ailed Allied headquarters from Jogjakarta that the evacuation of Allied internees has been suspended "until further notice." The Aliied headquarters has ordered au immediate investigation. The official Indonesian news agency Antara, said that evacuation was suspended, as threatened, because the Allies
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  • 22 1 i>r ..mi machine-sunnrrs kef pin B watch on the headquarters of the Jewish A K cn. >m Je^uleiiu
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  • 68 1 WASHINGTON, Thursday. THE death penalty for se1 curity violations involving atomic secrets in cases where there was clear intent to damage the United States, was inserted in legislation covering domestic atomic control by the joint Senate and House of Representatives Conference today. The
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  • 53 1 NEW DELHI. Thurs— The general strike of the Post and Telegraph staff, involving about 115,000 persons, which was to begin at midnight tonight, has been postponed until Aug. 3 by the General Council of the Federation of Post and Telegraph Unions. "Friendly negotiations" are to continue with
    Reuter  -  53 words
  • 616 1 GIANT WARSHIPS GO DOWN TO UNDERSEA ATOM U1KIN1, Tnursday. AT 9.35 p.m. G.M.T. yesterday the world's fifth atom bomb was exploded underwater here. Five minutes after the burst a column of water had raced 3,000 ft. into the air. It is now known that at lecst four ships were sunk
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 183 2 KOO'S HOPE FOR UNRRA SHIPMENTS WASHINGTON, Thursday.' r. Wellington Koo, Chinese Ambassador to the United States, said yesterday that he was in close contact with UNRRA and had every hope that shipments to China would be resumed. Shipments have been suspended owing to alleged discrimination in the internal distribution in
    UP  -  183 words
  • Article, Illustration
    69 2 ru Id -Marshal Viscount Montgomery, Chief of the Imperial (ieneral Staff, recenMy visited his old school, St. Paul s to unveil a memorial tablet commemorating the fact that the Supreme Headquarters of the Allied Expeditionary Force had been set Dp m the school, where the invasion of Normandy was planned.
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  • 99 2 MOSCOW. Thurs.— The Shah oi Persia's sister. Princess Ashraf Pahlevi, nas returned to Persia bedecked witl honours after a 2*- day triumphal tour of the Soviet Union. During her tour the Princess plated wreath oh Lenin's tomb u. Red Square, Moscow. A receptio:. was held in
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  • 230 2 BRUSSELS, Thursday. THE first allocation of German plants and heavy machinery available under reparations was made to 12 countres, all members of the Inter-Allied Reparations Agency, at the fourth session of the organisation yesterday. The countries concerned were Britain. France, Belgium. Holland. Yugoslavia, Greece, Denmark. Norway. Albania.
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  • 252 2 NANKING, Thursday. MATIONALIST armies totalling nearly 500,000 men were reported today to be driving along the 130mile Yangtze River front between Nanking and Shanghai. By Communist admission they had succeeded in penetrating fifty miles into Communist-held areas in Kiangsu Province. The Communist New China News
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  • 79 2 BANGKOK, Thurs. —The Siamese Foreign Minister D rek Chayanam, revealed today that the delegation going to the United- Nations to present Siam's side In the Indo-China border dispute would also offer Siam's application for United Nations membership. The delegation will leave on Sunday. Mr. Direk
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  • 106 2 BATAVIA. Thurs -It is understood that Sutan Sjahrir, former Premier of the Indonesian "Government." is returning to Jogkarta this evening or tomorrow, following "President' Soekarno's request that he should form a new cabinet. Previously ;t had been stated that Sjahrir would not head the hew
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  • 75 2 LONDON. Tliurs.— i^uiiivn worth £3,000.000, believed to be the largest load ever carried m a. civilian aircraft, left London airport yesterday for Belgrade. The Bank of England regard* thts as perfectly normal, since the gold belongs to a non-resi-dent. Political rirclPb her; are interested m the
    Reuter  -  75 words
  • 65 2 ISTANBUL, Thurs. -Turkey's main opposition Democratic Party won 18 of 23 National Assembly seats in Istanbul yesterday, to take 69 of a total of 465 seats. The Democrats and Independents charged that frauds were being enacted in the counting of the ballots. Smyrna Democrats cabled President
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  • 85 2 Threat To N.S.W. Wheat Crop SYDNEY. Thurs A spokesman for the Australian Department of Agriculture said yesterday that prolonged drought threatened to reduce the wheat crop In New South Wales this year by almost 50 per cent. He said that unless rain tell within two weeks the crop would 'probably
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  • 40 2 BANGKOK, Wed— The Siamese Government is to commandeer rice to enable the fullest compliance with the tripartite agreement between Siam, Britain and the United States to expedite ex->-,orts of rice to Indie, China and Malaya Reuter.
    Reuter  -  40 words
  • 407 2 DAYONETTING and assaults on women and the burning of live Chinese in the rape of Nanking were related at the War Crimes trial today by a former Nanking physician, Dr. Robert 0. Wilson. He told how Chinese doctors and nurses of the University Hospital fled
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  • 169 2 Overseas Duty For R.A.F. To Be Cut LONDON, Wednesday. FROM Oct. 1, overseas duty lor R.A.F. men m the Med. terrar.ean and Middle Eas:, Command, and m Air command South-East Asia and India will be further reduced to two and a half year?, the Air Ministry News Service stated today.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 591 2 CHAPTER 216 (Pawnbrokers,) Unredeemed Pledged Goods find Je»e Icry from (he following Pawnbrokers' Shops Ko. 21 New Bridge Roac, Chin Chong Pat (Chcp Thye Sheng) No 135 Nsw Bridge Road, Chin Gee (Chop Ju Thung) tic 180 Souch Brldse RoF.d, Lam Joon Chong Chin Ah Choi (Chop Sem Thye). No.
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    • 131 2 THR&Wt*K DISTI:Vfjr£JIS&ED SJtßyff-E aX 5oi»« sto& of Kf«n»ntr Quality 'oB»d gold pl{rte hoy* be*n worn for o$ \o*g <v thirty-fty* AH Kr»iß»ntx j-ew«(r> *riil sj!v« co> t s-spoading bri«t»tb*cows of Wwi; surface *SH? $K&BB* haia .'otlad i 4 XT. gaid. FINE QUALITY JEWELRY fOt MIH; £vmmB -krr-try C««ar Uttf Tie
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  • 316 3 Possibility Of Naval Base Strike Ending THE majority of the Singapore Harbour Board dock- side workers who were on a one day token strike yesterday signified last night that they would resume work this morning. Some of the men who had re mained away from
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  • 89 3 Check Reveals How Pilfering Takes Place NINETEEN Chinese women, lined the dock of the Fourth Police Court yesterda* on a charge of stfalin? 231 tins of provisions valurd at S'OO. the property of S3 B.S.D Pasir Pan lan?. The fine imposed on p-i;h woman was $25 or two w."ks" rigorous
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  • 101 3 MKARUBAHERAN, described as a clerk at 223 D.0.8., pleaded guilty to theft of two carburettors. rallied at $51, the property of the Fo::es, and was sentenced to one j day's simple imprisonment and a ti'ic- of $100 or a further one month'i rigorous imprison- J
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  • 376 3 Asiatic Teachers Salaries Discussed LONDON, Wednesday. MEN teachers locally-recruited m Malaya with qualifications and duties identical to those of graduates from British universities are paid 80 per cent, of the European rates of pay, the difference being the usual expatriation allowance granted to European officers m the Malayan Governments. This
    Reuter  -  376 words
  • 56 3 The Ambon case In w'.Uch camp commandants, a msd cal officer and guards of the Haroekoe, Ambon and Liang PoW camps lace atrocity charges concerning 4,000 British and Dutcli PoWs who were taken to those islands for the construction of arfMds will be concluded today at
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  • 251 3 Police Hold Exercise In Alor Star From Our Own Correspondent ALOR STAR, Thurs. FE Kedah Police and the 4/14 Punjab Regiment carried out an internal secarity exercise last week, covering Alor Star town and the suburbs as far as the Ar.ak Bukit Ri~e Mill. Although this was the first practice
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  • 44 3 The Royal Singapore Golf Club's eighth hole is one of the most picturesque spots on the course. The recently opened old course, once a taniora garden, has been completely repaired through the efforts of Malay and Indian kebuns.
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  • 142 3 From Our Own Correspondent PENANG. Thurs. FOLLOWING up their arms driv? started earlier th.s week. the Penang police yesterday evening succeeded m tracking down two hideouts m Sungei Jelutong. believed to have been occupied recently by a certain Penang gang. Situatea within 200 yards of
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  • 117 3 From Our Own Correspondent TAIPINO, Tues. rLLOWING a petit on sent to the authorities by Taiping merchants about the nefarious activities of children in the vicinity of Market Square, Taiping. police took action and swooped down on the children one early morning. The raid
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  • 32 3 The Kuala Lumpur Post Office announce that consequent on the suspension of the parcel post service between Indo-China ani Slam. parceU will not be accepted In Malaya for Indo-China until Curther notice.
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  • 376 3 LONDON, Wed. WHEN Mr. D. R. Rees- Williams (Lab., Croydon), at question time m the Commons asked what action had been taken to secure a greater acreage under cultivation for rice m Malaya, Mr. George Hall, Colonial Secretary replied that production m 1940 was 335,000
    Reuter  -  376 words
  • 77 3 From Our Own Correspondent MALACCA. Wed— Forty-two representatives of the Coffee Shopkeepers' Associations throughout the Malayan Union and Singapore with the exception of Kelantan, Trcngganu and Pahang, held their first meeting -n Malacc? after a lapse of four-and-a-half years. The meeting discussed the establishment of
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  • 60 3 FIVE locomotives and lender*, each weighing 71 loaded aboard the freighter Samoa m Gla.gow yesterday for shipment to Sin-rapare, Rruter reports. The locomotives, buili by the North British Locomotive Company, are the first of a consienment of 40 being built for th,e Malayan railway. They are
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  • 130 3 STOLE TWO ELECTRIC UNITS From Our Own Correspondent ALOR STAR. Wea. IN the first case of its kind, Chuah Choo Sing, was yesterday fined $100 lor the the.t nt two units ot electric cuir^r.^ which he consumed without the permission of Huttenbachs Ltd., of Alor Star, by fraudulent connection with
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  • 101 3 From Our Own Correspondent PENANG, Wed. WHEN the case against five food inspectors was brought no again in the Buttenvorth police? court today, the prosecuting officer told the magistrate, Mr. C. W. Shorland, that the charge of extortion had been armnded one of accepting an illegal gratification
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  • 30 3 Singapore Indians want to form a United Orgarisat..u.i uv Indians A mass meeting will b.? held on Sunday, July 28. at tbe Happy World Stadium with taw object m view.
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  • 394 3 A PROFIT of $2,992.97 for the three months ended March 41, 1946, is shown m the report and accounts of Tambalak Rubber Estates, Ltd.. which will be presented at the 33rd ordinary general meeting of the company at Hongkong Bank Chambers, Singapore on July 30.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 250 3 REWARD. Tm undermentioned Com'pjnio.? will i Twy the sum of $100, I m their O:nmon Seals (chop lmp'Oi.on nurhlim) returned m good order and .on: Fraser Weave Ltu. "oiicap rj Soda" Fraser Neave L"d Malayan Breweries Lid Ar. hipilago Brewery Co. (2941 > Ltd. Sir.g.p^re. 25'.h July imo. TELOK KRUIN
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    • 228 3 AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE FREEHOLD A LEASEHOLD SINGAPORE PROPERTIES To be held at The saleroom of Messr.. C'heong Koon Sen? Co., Ltd., No. 10 Chu'.ia Street. On Wednesday, 31st July 1916, at 2 30 p.m. Lot 1 Freehold land house No. 165 Orchard Road, area 1233 sq. ft. Monthly
      228 words
    • 180 3 ARMY SURPLUS STOCK for CHEAP SALE Now m stores at Adelaide. Melbourne It Syitoey. All biand new article* Shipments arranged within 6 weeks from oatr ol ordu Items romprisinr— H MtDWARES. MACHINERY, T001..V BIII.UIN'. MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENTS, SHIPS STOEFS. DOMESTIC GOODS AND TOILET ACCESSOIUES. Here are a fsw of the
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  • 44 4 WTLL ALL "BURMA BOYS" at present m Singnpore pleast communiratr with Capt. B. L. Dunsford, Social Welfare Drpt. Singapore. Tel. 4371, or Hugh Bavage c o the Straits Times. Tel. 5471, as it Is proposed to hold a re-union dinner next month.
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  • 1041 4 The Straits Times Singapore, Friday, July 26, 1940. The Reporter In Empress Place As a rule the Straits Times does not ventilate its difficulties wi».n officialdom m its own columns. Such matters are best settled behind the scenes, and the newspaper reader cannot be expected to be interested m them.
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  • 79 4 THE assistance of the educational authorities is ro fte sought by the Department of Medical and Sanitary services with a view to introducing the subject of rex education m Ceylon schools. The matter was considsred at ft conference of Health Officer summoned m Colombo fcr the
    UP  -  79 words
  • 871 4 By A Chinese Business Man "I am a buVnesg man, but I am as tired of the Mack market as any wage-earner," says the writer of this article, a Chinese resident of Taiping. He ur^es that the best weapon of the Malayan clerical class
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  • Man In The Street
    • 175 4 IX your report of the Englan u 1 v. Wale s rugger Match at Jalan Besar, no comment was made on the excellent and much-appreciated marching and counter-marching of the Pipe Band of the Royal Scots. The performance was most impressive, and
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    • 247 4 p mis war was fought to let loose mischief-making firebrands like the writer of the leader m the Indian Daily Mail of July 18 headed "Thes? Blood-Suckers," the n it was a sheer waste of human life and there will never again be peace m this Malaya
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    • 193 4 rUR Jeader headed Malaya! Looks to India" began: "It; is good news that talks are proceeding on the highest level between Malaya and India for the resumpt'on of large-scale immigration from South India to this country." Good news for whom? It is news for British capitalfsts
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    • 137 4 rP has been with growing concern that I have notice J i in the columns of your paper frequent references to the interest taken by the Chineso Government in the education of Chinese in Malaya. The latest pronouncement states tpat "education of Chinese In Malaya is proceeding on
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  • 404 4 (From A Correspondent i WE have read with interest of the award of the 0.8. E., M.B.E. and Certificates of Merit to Malayans who did v work during the oc tio i, and those who during |the Malayan cam rendered invaluable 84 m the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 886 4 inis EN(jflUEMi»rr is announced between M!m Ca herine Tan, daughter of the iate Mr. Tan Pong Guan A Mr. Lee Chlm Ouan. SITUATIONS VACANT WANTED a gin typist for a Chinese Import House. Apply to Box 561 d T WANTED a Chinese doctrr ror s disp-.isary m 8.H.8. terms reasonable
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    • 78 4 SOME BOOKS ON MUSIC. A History of Music in England by Ernest Walke- $10.00 Of Mm and Music. by Masco Carber 6.80 The Appreciation, or Listening; Chits. by Stewr* Mnepherson 3.50 A Ootnpa.ik to Beethoven's Pianoforte Sonatas. by Donald P. Tovey, 8.40 How to Read a Score. by Gordon Jacob
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    • 59 4 Pz.. Jh^ DORVItrE and A TRIM A MODELS at T^T- LITTLE SHOP. RAFFLES HOTEL. ■H H*SBP* wmjj I MtUtiaW 2/.CHULJAST. S'PQXfjSJf RV MEYER OPTICIAN Fellow oj the Inttltuie Ophthalmic Opticians (Englcnd* fellow of the Worsh pfu! Company of Bpectacle-Maker* <Eng > Freeman of the City of I ondon. M'Htern sight
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  • 538 5 Committee To Examine Constitution Union Talks End On Optimistic Note By Our Special Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. AT the conclusion of a two-and-a-half hour meeting between Mr. Malcolm MacDonald, the GovernorGeneral, Sir Edward Gent, the Governor of the Malayan Union, the Malay rulers and delegates of the United Malay National
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  • 78 5 Labour Union Respons ibilities From Our Own Correspondent Penang, Thurs. "I AOOUR unions are no use k whatever unless they are prepared to accept responsibi1 ties," rad Mr. Jo^in Jet, Commissioner for Labour m the Malayan Union, who is m Penang to£ay on a brief vidt. Describing strikes as a
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  • 273 5 How Food Was Smuggled Into Prison UOW iood and tobacco men smuggled to prisoners m Outrun Road Prison during the Japanese occupation was described at the Singapore Assizes before Mr. Justice N. A. Worley yesteroay during ths trial oi Manikam Tanapathy and Gopal, superintendent and gaoler, respectively of the prison
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  • 52 5 A picture wh'ch appeared on thi/i page yesterday was das:ribed as being a picture of men oi the R/.-yal Navy who wers workin? at t'Ae St. James Power Station. Th:s »vas incorrect. The men of the Royal Navy were working at the Singapore Harbour Board Power Station and not at
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  • 81 5 1 23-year-old Chinese. Chua Soon Guan, who pleaded guilty to being m possession of a revolver and 18 rounds of revolver ammunition was sentenced to three years' rigorous imprisonment and fined $1,000 or a further six months' imprisonment by Mr. Paul Storr m the First
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  • 67 5 From Our Own Correspondent LONOON, Thurs •J-riE War .viinister, Mr. Jack 1 Lawson, promised Mr. P. Piratin (Com., Mile End Div., Stepney), m the Commons yesterday that he would inquire why the Singapore Swimming Club poo] was no longer available to other ranks except between
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  • 36 5 The inaugural meeting of the I Singapore Social Welfare Council I will be held at 5.30 p.m m the i Social Welfare Department to1 morrow when the Governor wjII speak on the work of the Council
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  • 84 5 ONE of three bills passed m the Singapore- Advisory Council meeting yesterday will permit registration of the name of a child up to 11 years after date of birth. The existing law allows registration up to seven years only after date of birth. The amendment has
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  • 39 5 There wi:i be no signing of chits at the S.C.C. m the n«w era. From Aug. 1, cash will be used m the bar. Details m a notice m our advertisement coI lumns today.
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  • 78 5 Macßitchie Reservoir one of Singapore's largest impounding reservoirs located off Thomson Road, and once a favottri'e spot for Singaporeans out to enjoy the fresh air, is now out of bounds to the public. Notices at the main entrance to the reservoir warn visitors that
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  • 97 5 From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. ANOTHER former Malayan, Mrs. J. Fletcher Cooke, has besn awarded the M.B E. She is the wife of Mr. Fletcher Cooke, who was in the Malayan Civil Service. Mr. Fletcher Cooke was D strict Officer of Cameron Highlands
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  • 353 5 THE "uttfr incompetence'' of the police in their investigations of a murder which occurred i n Singapore on Oct. 2, 1945 and the fact that looting took place after the hous had been placed under police guard, formed the subjects of strong comments at the
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  • 288 5 Consolidated Tin s £129,893 Profits A NET profit of £129,893 for the year ended June 30 is reported by Consolidated Tin Smelters Ltd. The dividend on the seven per cent non-cumulative preference shares for the half-year ended December larft was paid and the directors recommend payment of the preference dividend
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  • 151 5 NAVAL TUG TO TOW BENLOMOND A SPECIALLY charterer] naval tug which left Singapore ye3terday evening for Penang, will tow back the 4,000-ton "mine casual/ Ben liner, Ben Lomond, lor repairs at this port. The tu^ is scheduled to arrive m Penang on Saturday and th*project of towing the Ben Lomond
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  • 163 5 R.A.S.C. Man Gaoled For Having Arms REMARKING that h? could not accept the explanation ov Abdullah bin Hamld. a privat of th» R.A.S.C., that a pistol art s»ven rounds of ammunition were 'planted' in Abdullah's pocket, Mr. Paul Sto.x th? District Judg 1 yesterday sentenced th? man to threa years'
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  • 450 5 FIRAMATIC evidence of how when his effort to shoot fleeing Malay failed, his brother, Okuda Naotake, took the pistol trom him saying, "This is the way to fire a pistol," and advancing to where the Malay had fallen ***** him was given by Okuda Naokuni
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 91 5 7392 BRINKMANN fir CO., 15 GRANGE RD., SINGAPORE Sole Agents for Kelvinator MjVKI TODAY Norfh Bridge K«^d '*rm**m (ncrtr Bras Basalt Itd.i 1.15, 3.30. 539 A 9 p.m. Sotnrlhing never before attempted m this medium of entertainment! Leaded with Uiril!s suspense! IN TECHNICOLOR Midnight PREMIERE To-morrow A Story reveals the
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    • 266 5 MESSRS BIRCH CLARKSON Cor stilting Engineers and Agents for Engineering Supplies have pleasure m announcing t: <t they are row m a position to act as Consulting Engineers, and undertake the design supervision ard maintenance, of all types of Factory and other Plant. They are m a position to quote
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  • 631 6 Time Now To Review Whole Position By MILES W. VAUHN, United Press Correspondent fOKIO, Wednesday The success of Allied occupation of Japan, which is nearing the end of its first year, has been so great that some competent Allied observers believe that it may be
    UP  -  631 words
  • 49 6 New Cap For Women Police LONDON, Tues.— A new shinpeaked cap, similar ts 'hat worn by the members of the Women's Auxiliary Forces to th° Royal Canadian Air Vorce has been adopted by London police women. The new cap is the first steo towards redesigning the entire uniform— AP.
    AP  -  49 words
  • 212 6 Strong China Guarantee Against War CHANGHAI, Wednesday.— A u strong, united and prosperous China is an excellent and most effective guarantee against a third world war, said Mr. Hubert S. LUmg, who has just returned here from a two-year lecture and inspection tour in the United States where he travelled
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  • 85 6 SHANGHAI, Wednesday—Complete collapse of the Chinese ci-garette-manufacturin« industry io foreseen unless steps are taken to check imports of American tobaccos, state Chines? merchants. Unless action Is taker to restrict imports, practically all th? 60 tobacco factories m Shanghai will be forced to close down m two
    Reuter  -  85 words
  • 87 6 In preparation for the reopening of the Far East roulo. which has been inactive since September, 1940, a British Overseas Airways Short Hythe class flyingboat left Pcole. Dors*'. :.o carry out a survey flight to H-'ng Kong The survey flight will follow ths normal B.O.A.C. flying-boat
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  • 64 6 HONO KONG. Tues.— Abbot Sumu. ncied Buddhist leader :rom has arrived m Hon<? Kons? en route to Cheung On. Shensi. where he will take up the post of Instructor of Pali. Sanskrit and English In the Pali Academy of Buddhism. He cams to China on the invitatioi.
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  • 48 6 NEW DELHI, Wed.— The Government of India has decided to start a college 0/ nursing in Delhi provided suitable accomincdattons can be found. The college will specialize in public health nursing with a bachelor of science degree awarded to students completing the four-year course.— A.P.
    AP  -  48 words
  • 270 6 SAN FRANCISCO, Tues.— j 1 Chemicals that can make giants or dwarfs out of nor-: mal young individuals and| exercise dictatorial controls over some of the body's most important glands have be?n introduced to the medical profession here: They ran make animals grow to about twice
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  • 109 6 COLOMBO. Wed.— Ceylon is 'o Lave its first balanced budget after run not of deficits but si rpluses. The war years brought annual surpluses into the Rpserve Fund which are to oe utilised for post-war reconstruction schemes. A total estimated expenditure of Rs. 341.111,756 is provided
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 404 6 SIR ALEX. KORDA'S W-J V l -I J GREATEST TRIUMPH! ffSuJsTfr!:^ 'ijJvrll IT'S THE Next Big Show --""If at the Daily: 3 p.m. 7 p.m. 9.15 p.z*. C The Bi« Laughs Created Only By A OS T rW* W The Special Laugh-makers! *m fill W MU Laurel and Hardy m
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    • 738 6 MISCELLANEOUS VACANT land between Lorongs li <5t 20 Geylang Road. Area about 60.000 sq. feet. Available for lease subject to agreement. Very suitable for cinemas wayang shows, motor garages, market or food stalls. 200 feet wide 300 feet long. Please apply M.A Fazal Elian <St Co.. 35. Arab Street, Singapore.
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    • 425 6 "M-V" DIESELS Limited Number of 61 H. P. Available from Singapore Stocks Each Complete with Full Set of Spares, C. S. BYRNES CO. SINGAPORE. Telephone 416 5, NANG HWA PIANO CO., luniiip Repairing Furniture Maker? at GcoeraJ Contractors 173. rank Koad Singapore. TYPEWRITING DUPLICATING StBVKt Privacy, Neatr.css, Prompt Service and
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 404 6 RADIO PROGRAMMES RADIO MALAYA T^SS«.«5r« 1TJTU. 22"-™, metres from roon to 2 j> ic oo 4.825 session open* at mews headmrs sec id <U metre bami and from lines at 3 30 •> m and new* ii 9 30 o m 7-30 p.m. Harmony Hall. 8.30 p.m. 7.45 to
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  • 379 7  - BRITAIN MUST CHOOSE IN PALESTINE Partition No Solution Says Arab Leader By JOHN CALDER, Reuter's Correspondent JERUSALEM, Wednesday— The time has come when Britain must choose between Arabs and Jews, Mr. Jamal Husseini, vice-Chairman on the Palestine Arab Higher Committee and virtual leader of Palestine's 1,200,000 Arabs, told me today.
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  • 172 7 BERLIN, Wednesday.— The new frontier across East Prussia, between Russian and Polish administered territory, is now fortified with trenches and wired gateways guarded by military sentries to prevent smuggling from the Russian into the Polish zone, according to German refugees from the Polish area who have reached Berlin.
    Reuter  -  172 words
  • 90 7 Anxiety To Post Office TXTENSIVE illegal broadcasting from Britain fj causing anxiety to the Post Office, according tc the News Chronicle. This was stated at Bury m the fust reported prosecution since the end of the war for using a radio transmitter without a licence. Maurice McKaveney <29i. former Army
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  • 81 7 LONDON, (By Air Mail.— L Because of the acute beer shortage many hotels m northern England are selling ice-cream to augment incomes. One licensee said today: "The rut In beer rapplies ha* reduced our turnover nearly one-third. -I am selling ice-cream In the bar to help
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  • 130 7 R.A.F. MAY HAVE NEW UNIFORMS NEW R.A.F. uniforms are being considered by a committee of Air Ministry and R.A.F. Home Commands representatiyes under the chairmanship of Air Marshal Sir James Robb, A.O.C.-in-C. of Fighter Commund. No decision- have yet been made. Proposals being examined Include: Abolition, to save expense ot
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  • 107 7 ON the railway station at Stowmarket (England) a young couple stood chatting as they waited for a train last Monday. One wore blouse and skirt, had blonde hair stylishly dressed, and make-up and lipstick. The other was in green uniform. Railway officials noticed something strange about
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  • 683 7 European Importers Blamed Straits Times Post Bag 1 HOSE of your correspondents who attack the salesmen are in the right, whilst those who blame- the "ring" dealers are not in the wrong. But both of them are mere cogs in the black-market machine. 'To get at the source" one must
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 714 7 SALE BY TENDER. 1. The Custodian ot Enemy Property, Malayan Union, will dispose of plant and materials at Bungsar Paper Factory, Bungsar Road, Kuala Lumpur, by Public Tender. 9. Messrs. Harper Ollflllan A Co, Ltd., 15, Old Market Square, Kuala Lumpur, have been appointed as •s agents to deal with
      714 words
    • 427 7 Mansfield Co., Ltd. < Incorporated m Singapore) BLUE FUNNEL LINE Sailings to dno from Kingdom Samjark Doe from U.K. 2* July Teucer Sails ro. U.K. 29 JJl.r Gtenbes M for U.K. SI lulr Benrlnnes doe from UK. 1 August Western Australia The ihort«"M at* rouU at the cheapest rate
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 763 7 The bad trump brear in to- a spade loser unavoidabb. it day's deal could have been over- seemed that the only hope was come by a little ingenuity on the I to find the diamond ace on side, declarer's part. and on that theory South imSmith rfpalur mediately led a
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  • All The Latest Sports News
    • 307 8 R.A.F. (Seletar) 3. Army 2. ILTHOUGH an Army soccer team meeting the RJLf. H (Seletar) at Jalan Besar stadium yesterday scored within the first two minutes of play, they were beaten by three goals to two, the Airmen scoring their winning goal four minutes from
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    • Article, Illustration
      20 8 Ihe Malay football team which beat Kranjl Wireless SUtion by six goals to one at Jalan Besar stadium on Wednesday
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    • 255 8 County Bowler Takes All Ten Wickets LONDON Thu* V¥ ITH the Indians resang tor the Y\ day before engaging m a one -day nr.frh with the Club Crlskit Conference the major cricket prj^ramm» today is confined to half a dozen county cnamplonshlp games. The return of the July heat wave
      Reuter  -  255 words
    • 153 8 LUXEMBOURG, Wed. pjELEGATES from Europe and Latin America arrived m Luxembourg last night for the first general conference of the "Federation International de Football" to be held for eight years. A heavy cgenda extending over three days awaits them, with at least five recommendations due for consideration.
      AP  -  153 words
    • 88 8 LONDON. Thurs. THE callftver on the Stewards Cup, running at Goodwood on July 30, and the St. Leger, running at Doncaster on Sept. 11, was arranged for tha Victoria Club to-night but no business v. as done on either race. Eght to one the fleli was
      Reuter  -  88 words
    • 195 8 ANOTHER junior promotion has been arranged for Sunday's boxing at the Happy World stadium, and as m the first programme of this nature held last Sunday, there is promise of more earnest scrapping. Heading the card this Sunday are Little Loone, the Ipoh southpaw with
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    • 113 8 THE Rocklltes Sports Party v.ill travel up to Batu Pahat U play soccer and cricket during the August Holidays. Members ar? ask?d to notify Mr. D.C. Swyny, 14, Lorong "M" Teluk Kurau Road by Aug. 1 if they are willing to travel so that th;
      113 words
    • 89 8 From Our Own Correspondent SEGAMAT. Wed. IfLUANG visit Segamat on Sun- day to meet the Segamat Cricket Club in a whole day's came of cricket. In the first fixture at Kluang, the Segamat C.C. scored a narrow win In a lowscoring match. The Segamat team will be cnosen
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    • 54 8 From Our Own Correspondent IPOH. Thurs. T)ERAK lias accepted Selangor's in- vitatlon for a State cricket fixture at Kuala Lumpur on Saturday and Sunday and has selected the following .Yrim: Suppiah (Capt), Nalliah, Naßlt h, Appuni. E. Yong. SelvanayaKam, Major Fletcher. Capt. Martin, Bdr. Hornsby, Sarjeet Singh,
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    • 78 8 jVfEETINQ R.E.M.E. base work- shop In a game or soccer at McNalr .Kua<1 on Tuesday, 16 EM Coy, R.E., won by three goils to nil. The R.E.M.E. defence stood up well to consistent pressure from the R.E. forwards, but had to admit defeat In the end.
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    • 64 8 ((From Our Own Correspondent Ml'AR, Wed. jHE Government English Preparatory 1 School, Muar, held their first annual sports since the liberation at the O.E.S. ground last Friday. All the events were run without a hitch, and keen competition was seen Mahkota House won .he championship cup, besides cap'
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    • 127 8 I a TEAM to represent the Singapore A Indians against the Malacca Old Boys' Association \t the t J.I. ground 'Bras Basah Road) today will be selected from: Sithambaram, Q. Muthusamy, Baboo, K. R. Murugiah. I Balasubrarr.anian. K. Bala, Ismail, {Baboo Jaffar, A. Rahim. Jean Pierre, I
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    • 55 8 IN a soccer match played at Johore Bahru yesterday 60 PTC (Tengah) beat Johore Customs by three goals to two. The Tengah team ware down by two goals, scored m the first half, till 13 minutes before the end when Perks scored thre3 goals to give them
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    • 39 8 'T'HE following will represent the A RAP. (Tengah) In a game of soccer against the Singapore Chinese Football Association at Tengah tomorrow Roberts: Griffiths. Broadbent; McWee, Loom, Slllbrook: James. Watson, McMaous, Smith. Smith. Referee: Cpl. Carter.
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    • 25 8 THE Police hockey team beat a scratch team from the JOes by nine goals to three at the Police Depot ground yesterday
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    • 188 8 AT a meeting of old boys of all Malacca schools held at the Rangoon Road School, it was decided to travel to the home town for soccer matches during the August Banlc Holidiy.v md the followtrr were elect?d to serve en the
      188 words
    • 43 8 ((From Our Own Correspondent SEGAMAT, Tu*s. rS first athelctic sports since the liberation ot the Segamat English School will be held next Friday on the School padang. These sports were an annual affair prewar. There will be 24 items.
      43 words
    • 79 8 (Trom Our Own Correspondent > SEGAMAT. Wed SCORING a three-nil win over the S.D.U.. the Police qualified to meet the Segamat Club (Malays) In the semi-finals of the District knockout soccer Cup competition. Scoring with a penalty just before the interval, the Police overran the S.D.U.
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    • 90 8 THE following will represent the Colonial; at cricket against the R.A.F. (Tengah) at Tengah on Sunday, starting at 1 1 a.m. A. E. DelUkcn (capt). L. C. Dalilkan, R M. Delllkan, C. Colling, W. Ratnayake; L.S. Nathanielsz. L. Nutara. D. R. Mllier. P. Kennedy, Matthews. Albert, Ariyachandra, L. Klasscn.
      90 words
    • 206 8 Annual Schools 9 Sports (From Our Own Correspondent) TAIPING, Wed. rE relay team of Clifford School, Kuala Kangsar. repeated their performance by winning the inter-school medley relay event at the 22nd annual athletic sports of the St. George's Institution, Taiphig, held here on
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    • 331 8 (From Our Own Correspondent) KLANG, Wed. rpHE first annual sports day of the J Methodist Girls School, Klang, after the liberation was held at the school padang, last Friday and waa witnessed by a large gathering of government officials, military officers, and community leaders. The Tengku Ampuan of
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    • 44 8 THE following will represent the R.A.P. (Tengah) at cricket against the Colonials at Tengah on Sunday, starting at 11 a.m. Welllngs (capt). Luce. Stead. Loom. James, Croff, Davles. Sillbrook, Cooper, Piper. Smith. Twelfth man: Hawkes. 1 Umpire, F/Sgt. Talk: scorer, Johnson.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 478 8 j-uo lja\ d.15. 630 9.15 p.m. Nssna ftr.a Siiyain m ik MUN-KI-JEET M .HindustiiiV.i OpenlnK Tom rrow: WHITE SAVAGE" In Tec'.inl olor Tomorrow Mldnlte: "AMAZON" (Illninrtanll CHUNGKING Tanjoas Faga" Khone 3:'.Z~, Openir.j today: 1. 3 15. 630 90» "TARZAN'S SECRET TREASURE" wi h Johnny WHMHIR Maureen OSulllvan 5V> b' spectacular.
      478 words
    • 250 8 EN TERTAINMENTS Dramatic Triumph Errol Flynn f (Cowman who's aftrr row- £^^9 feft^> Thieves) and Wr I Alexis Smith m M (As Jeanne Starr, ulittertrit Swr .<^^^jSJtKJM of the BelU Union Muzie HalL/ jj^V* seen* ot a terrible ean-njhti la ihe run which BG.COO people H 'Stormed' the Majestic, Ran
      250 words