The Straits Times, 24 July 1946

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • 467 1 Cabinet Meets And Officials Predict Anti-Terrorist Drive JERUSALEM, Tuesday. THK PALESTINE GOVERNMENT announced today that 93 persons, includ- ing 14 British and Palestine officers were killed outright under "the huge pile of debris" in the bombing of the King David Hotel, British Military
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  • 203 1 By a Special Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Tuesday. IMPORTANT developments m the discussions that have) been taking place i;i *he past i^w weeks between the! Governor-General, the Gover-, nor of the Malayan Union, the Sultans and the represenUtivtl of the United Malay National Orgar.isat o n are
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  • 157 1 i MANCHESiER. TuOS. Ai <i result >f todays play here m th e Set-ond T««t match between England and Mi-India the match is drawn with India scoring IH ior 9 m j :irir second innings. EnL-indi Hcored 153 ior 5 declared Detailed scores as received India Ist. innin»»: all
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  • 40 1 LONDON Tuesday Sir Keith Murdoch. Austral an publisher. forecast here oday that t hew 'VGUId be no relief from the pre- sent newsprint (aaatos for three; years. This, ho would con-, «equentljr ha'»e bad effect for democracy. Router.
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  • 216 1 China May Cut Rights For Foreign Ships SHANGHAI, Monday. DRASTIC curtailment oi foreign shippings rights j m China is reported tb be! imminent. This follows repeated vigorous representa-j tions by Chinese shipping interests against Government "concessions to foreign shipping m the past few months, including the chartering of, British vessels
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  • 113 1 Major Charged With Treason SYDNEY. Tues— Major Charles Cousens of th^ Australian Imperial Forces Bth Division, who was captuied m Singapore and, later allegedly broadcast on the Tokio Radio, appeared m a police ccurt today charged with ■traitorously adhering to and aiding and comforting the King I enemies.' He was
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  • 251 1 BOMBAY. Tuesday. •fHREATS of a fttkenU .strike Of ail postal workers, ftiroughout India, if the demanda of the postmen and; telegraphists already on strike 3t<> not conceded further, complicated India's internal communication feosttton today. While Bombay Nationalist :i wspapers recorded the auocett jr yesterday j "token general
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  • 46 1 THE Criminal Investigation Department, acting on m- i formation received, made a swoop on a damp m <ity\*ng Road last nifht and recovered 97 hand rnnades. This is the biggest baul of hand grenades yet made by the police m Singapore.
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  • 270 1 Italy To Have 200 Tanks And 250,000 Men LONDON, Tuesday. THE Italian Army is to be 1 reduced to a maximum of 250,000 men and 200 tanks under the provisions ot the treaty between Italy and the Allied powers. The Italian Navy will b e cut to 'I battleships with
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  • 80 1 TOKIO. Tuesday. THE British destroyer H.M.S Camperdown is racing at full oteam on a mercy mission to the Army transport David C. Shanks, 1.TO0 miles off th e coast of Japan. An Army surgeon Lieut.-Col W. F. Bowfrs. Is on board the Camperdown and ):<t
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  • 44 1 EXPRESS TRAIN DERAILED hlfven persons were injured, six seriously, when the Aberdonian Express from Kings CroM. London to Aberdeen left the rails near Hatfield, Hertfordshire. All 13 roaches were derailed. Picture shows men working «n the torn -up track and wreckage of the train.
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  • 267 1 LONDON. Monday. r! question why ships were allowed io leave British ports for Singapore with empty cargo space in view of the im- portance of export trade and the fart that Singapore merchants found great difficulty in obtaining shipping space for vjoods was asked
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  • 138 1 From Our Own Correspondent LONDON. Tues- -Company accounts issued today show the fol/owing: Nortii Hammock Rubber Estates report a loss of £4,098 for the year ended March last. A suai or £2,000 has been transrerrrd to ttafi reserve fund. Deducting the credit balance brought forward irom 1945
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  • 280 1 WORK on Britain's bifgest naval base in the Far East Singapore Naval Base was brought to a standstill yestordav when more than 15,000 skilled and semi-skilled labourers, including the majority of clerks and others engaged on office duties, stayed away from work. A
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  • 40 1 From Our Own Corresponds; i LONDON. Tue.s. An nv.poitaaf statement, on the progress o' ii»o tin pri.-e negotiation^ .nay mad«" at the annual m°etiii|. <y the London Malayan Chamber «>•' M nes romonow. Strsi'.s Tim*; Copyright.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 142 2 REBELS IN CONTROL OF BOLIVIA LA PAZ, Bolivia, Tuesday. 1 UDENT and workingU class insurgents were today controlling the Government of Bolivia after four days of battle in which there were reported to have been 2.000 casualties. In the fighting which ended on Sunday, President Gualbsrto Villarroel was nanged from
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  • 82 2 Move To Abolish Passport Visas LONDON. Mon— The British Foreign Secretary, Mr. Ernest Bevin, promised early action to simplify, if not abolish, passport* and visas for persons who want to enter and leave the United Kingdom. Speaking at a holiday camp exhibition, Mr. Bevin said he objected to all these
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  • 381 2 MYSTERY OF "TANAKA MEMORIAL" Conquest Of World In Four Stages TOKIO, Tuesday. THINA's Minister of National Defence, Gen. Chin Teh-chun, admitted at the War Crimes trial today that he could not name the author of the pamphlet circulated to the Chinese people as Japan's notorious Tanaka Memorial plan to conquer
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  • 145 2 LONDON, Tues.— Moscow Radio renewed its attacks yesterday on I United States loreign policy. charging that 'capitalists' in 1 America wished for a new war, and that the United States was fostering civil war in China. The broadcast, quoting the newspaper Pravda, said: "It is 1
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  • 112 2 LONDON. Mon.— Just before morning service began yesterday at Saint Luke's Church. Peel Road, Holloway North, two choir- boys passing through the churcni yard lound a murdered woman 1.1 the bushes. The police identified the body as that of Mrs. Vanderstay, of C?mick Road, Holloway, 46
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  • 345 2 New Light On Kidnapping Of Sjahrir BATAVIA, Tuesday. IN a recent broadcast from Jogjakarta M official spokesman of the Indonesian "Government" threw additional light on the recent kid napping of Sutan Sjahrir in the course of a review of "President" Soekarno's administrative intentions. It would appear that the attempted coup
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  • 302 2 THE Straits Times ha s received the following statement from M. Morand, acting French Consul-General m Singapore, with reference to an article headed "One-Day Invasion of Siam," which appeared m the paper on Monday, signed by Stan Swinton, of the Associated Press: Operations of the "rench forces
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  • 84 2 HONG KONO. Tues. More than 1,300 tons' surplus Army and Navy equipment today arrived from Okinawa aboard the Clark Victory for the International Committee for Chinese Industrial Cooperatives, which is re-starting activities designed to assist Chinese industry. The shipment includes more than 60 trucks, jeeps, weapon
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  • 18 2 "Death Is So Permanent" A road safety notice U British drivers at I nna. m the Ruhr district.
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  • 192 2 MALINO, Monday. PUR resolutions embodying a federal plan for the future government of the Dutch East Indies were adopted unanimously today by delegates from the outer territories (Dutch East Indies, except Java and Madura) at Malino, near Macassar in the Celebes. The resolutions were: First: All
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  • 143 2 WASH1NU1ON, Tuesday. THE UNRRA Central Com- mitten is meeting today in a session which is expected to pass on the Programme Sub commit tee's recommendation that Ch na's allocation be cut by $27,000,000. Although an UNRRA spokesman insisted that any cut whicn might be made
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  • 107 2 DAR-ES-SALAAM, Tues- The Indian Association of Tanganylica yesterday declared that Indians in Tanganyika were greatly opposed to any suggestion chat Tanganyika should become a British colony Instead of a British trusteeship. The Association, said a statement, fully supports the transfer of the mandate to the United
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  • 51 2 WASHINGTON, Tues The Senate and House of Representatives conference of members has officially approved legislation extending the Office of Price Administration until June 30, 1947. The conference reports are likely to be brought before the House today, and various quarters are confident that approval will be obtained.—
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  • 542 2 SHANGHAI, Tuesday. MADAME SUN YAT SEN, widow of the founder of the Chinese republic, in her first political statement for more than two years, warned that the Chinese civil war "though undeclared had already begun" and urged the immediate creation of a coalition government, "because civil
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  • 99 2 WASHINGTON, Tues. The United States Agriculture Department, in a special report yesterday .orecast the largest maize crop in American history. It is estimated at 3.487,976,000 bushels, an increase of more than 140 000,. CCO bushels on the forecast a fortnight ago. The Department forecast 1.133.075,000 bushel
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  • 107 2 ISTANBUL, Tuss— The Republican Peoples Party, the Turkish Government Party, has gained a majority la 46 out of Turkey's Hi provinces, according to reports of the count in Sunday a general elections. In these provinces, the Democrat Party, the principal opposition party, hss a
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  • 98 2 JOG JAKARTA, Tues— T. e Indonesian News Agency AntDra, reports that it has learned from 'informed circles" that th e Dutcn are endeavouring to strengthen their military forces in Java and Sumatra by ordering munitions through Siam. Antara says the Dutch have approached Slam as a
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 134 2 DEALERS DEALERS WANTED m all countries. except Americas to handle first-class termanent waving product. Only reparable firms, well-connected with all good-class hairdressers m their teri, with excellent sales promotion (acuities and able to hand fcigh-prestigr «ppiy "JAMAL" Safes Affiliates Ltd., Boreham Wood Herfordshire England. STATION HOTEL (Restaurant Bar) Re-opens
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    • 101 2 Netherlands Indies Shipping Organisation PbtabiiMod m the Netli East Indies) K. P. M. LINE -*-*JL*"*£*fc £trv;c e between SINGAPORE and BATAVIA <r g Priok) with c:ls at Banka and BHhton ports will be eslabUsht.d effective from Amu^i 11th 1946, when the "RIIJNST 1 -ivos th- initial sailing. For passengers and
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  • 243 3 First Ship Sails On Aug. 11 Straits Times Reporter TEE arrival of newiy-built vessels in increasing num- bers has made it possible for the K. P. M. Line, operating: under the management of the Netherlands Indies Shipping Organization, to resume its network of regular services between
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  • 34 3 A SHIP FAMILIAR IN SINGAPORE A tyoical X.P.M. ship used m the intr r- Island service before the war. Ships of a similar desisit will be used when the service starts again m August.
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  • 87 3 En cash ing Current French Francs THE Controller of Foreign Exchange notifies for general information that holders on July 15 of current (as distinct from demonetised) notes of the French franc area, should aoply immediately to any bank which is a member of the Malayan Exchange Banks Association for information
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  • 212 3 IAMNA Das, a 21-year-old Indian J sentry at the Base Ordinance Depot, Mohamed Sultan Road, who was alleged to have robbed Chinese named Lee X:m Seng of a wrist watch worth $150 and $L'4O cash on the night ui June 1. was committed to stand
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  • 35 3 The 16th annual gsn*nl mating of the Singapore Mercantile Co-Operative Thrift and Loan Society Ltd. will take nlace tomorrow at 5.30 Dm. at th? CoOneratlve Societies Denart-runt. dth floor, Fullerton Bu'ldinj. Refreshments will be served.
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  • 204 3 No Women Police Yet For Singapore A WOMEN'S Police Force in Singapore, built round a nucleus of experts lent by the London Metropolitan Police, will not come Into being for some time yet the London authorities have not yet even replied to a request lrom Singapore. The suggestion that a
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  • 284 3 Five Chinese Committed For Robbery rfE Chinese, Ong Teng Lira (19), Kok Yak Chuan <22), Chu Swee Lan (22). Kok Bah (20), and Teo Tai Chu (25), at the conclusion of the preliminary inquiry, into charges of armed robbery in the Third Court yesterday, were committed to stand trial at
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  • 145 3 P. R. Akins, a British seaman of the 'Empire Brutus', was produced before Mr. R. C. Hoffman, the Fourth Police Magistrate, yesterday on charges of being absent from duty for five hours, and assault'ng the ship's master. Captain Cornwall. He was sentenced to ten weeks' imprisonment
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  • 509 3 Occupation Gaol Chief Makes His Defence THE Superintendent of the Outram Road Prison during the 1 Japanese occupation, Manikam Tanapa*hy, yesterday admitted to the Singapore Assize judge, Mr. Justice N. A. Worley, that after the first year of the occupation there was much suffering m Outram Road Prison owing to
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  • 203 3 CONTROL PRICES FOR TEXTILES CONTROL has now been enforced over the prices ol a vast range of textiles m Singapore, according to the Government Gazette. These include:— Sarongs (42' x 72") 53.25 per sarong retail. $2.60 per sarong wholesale. The retail prices of the more common varieties are as follows:
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  • 126 3 CCOTT E. LAND, one of the fir3t ships to sail under the charter of American President Lines, is expected to arrive in Singapore on Friday in the course of her maiden voyage round the world. The ship carries only two passengers on its maiden voyage
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  • 249 3 TERTAIN dark and unlighted roads m Singapore the scenes of many armsd robberies —ar e to have $30,000 spent on placing electric lights at "strategic points, so as to reduce th 2 danger of hold-ups by gangsters This decision by the Singapore Municipal Commissioners
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  • 286 3 From Our Own Correspondent IPOH, TUESDAY. UAMZAH bin Mat Ajar, formerly a Sergeant In the Malay Regiment and later a Sub-Inspector of Police under the Japs, had sentence of death passed on him today on a charge of murdering three unknown Chinese political prisoners at Kampar
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  • 165 3 Sultan Urges More Food Production From' Our Own Coi respondent KUALA LUMPUR. Tues A PLEA that vigorous action interest in food production n the agricultural areas of the Coe«t Districts, according to the adv ce and assistance of agricultural officers, was made by the Sultan of Selangor, at the District
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  • 34 3 The Rotary Club of Singapore meets today at the Adelvhi Hct~l at 1 p.m. Major General L. H. Cox, G.0.C.. will address the Club on the subject o f "Battle Of Malta.
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  • 34 3 The next meeting of the East and West Society will take place today at Toc-H (Stamford Road) 8 p.m. Mrs. K. V. Davids. M.A.. "'ill sneak on "The Changing Status of Women m Malaya."
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 76 3 SECOND TO NONE KiNCLISH-MAKE I l~y '^1 HIS MASTER'S VOICE WSxQ Am. o $275.00 SPECIAL FEATURES i 8-Valvo Superhet 8 Wave Bands Ban^spread Tuning on 13-16-19 25-31 meters. Sensitive Recaption Two-colour wooden cabinet Easily worth more than $275— SO LOWLY PRICED, IN ORDER TO SUIT EVERYONE* POCKET AND TO SMASH
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    • 541 3 THE SINGAPORE AUCTIONEERS SALE OF SURPLUS STORES SCRAP METAL ETC. By Order o* D.A.D Salvage HQ. Singapore District. The following Items of Surpltu 3*ores and Scrap Materials will be sold by Auction In 106. Civil Salvage Depot. Balestler Road. On Thursday 25th July 194 C at 1100 hours BRASS <3t
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  • 25 4 In loving Memory of Alexander I-awrence lieach 1/B.S.V.V. who passed [-.way m Kutchlng Camp Borneo on July 24th 1945. Dad, Mother, John Hasel
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  • 1054 4 The Straits Times Singapore, Wed., July 24, 1946. Throttle-Hold By Veto During the past few weeks an ever-growing murmur has been making itself heard in and around the United Nations Organisation, a murmur which is now swelling to a roar. Its subject is that most controversial item in the United
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  • 137 4 |\£MOBILISATION of the Indian 1/ Army is proceeding according to plan, and by October 1946 demobilisation started in October last year— the greatest volunteer army in the world will have been reduced to one million men. it is offlcally stated at General Headquarters, New Delhi. The first
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  • 1369 4  -  By 44 It would be a good thing if Malayans would try to view the changing order of society not purel> from the viewpoint of a business man, or of a man stubbornly averse to change, but of a citizen whose duty it is
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  • Man In The Street
    • 323 4 THERE can be no restriction 1 in the black market in food until the distribution is taken entirely out of the hands of the present wholesale distributors. The People's Restaurants are an experiment only, and definitely not a solution to the problem, although
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    • 173 4 A LETTER appeared in the' Straits Times recently complaining that the Eotanic Gardens are closed alter 7 p.m. every evening, and saying that this was a feature of the "New Freedom." During the latter part oi 1941 there appeared in one of the Singapore newspapers an article
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    • 99 4 CAN you or your readers, or the powers that b?, figure out the reason why the import of Empire tea is disallowed, while foreign teas (Java and China) are freely imported and sold with impunity in this market? This Is being done in defiance of the
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    • 103 4 I HAVE to voice a complaint about the total absence of price control in Ulu Kelantan. Quite brazenly, the following prices are extorted from the pubic:— $12 for a 4-»allon tin of kerosene $3 for a lib. tin of Australian butter; 20 cents for ten Double
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 854 4 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Classified Smalls 51.25 Dtr line Mm Charge S5 Notice! iU< ocr single column tneb Personal Domestic RJM nrt line Mm Charge SlO. Six iveriie word* comprtst >nt «n c Advertisement** may De vt>> b> post accompanied b> •■enrttani-e For information telephone .\dvertHi»| Manager 5471 or write Str.ut» Tunes,
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    • 78 4 RIXXAOS tl J JACK SIMPSON and his Sextette 1303 Paducfth £:.tlng on a Cloud 1 144 Pennsylvania Polka Jersey Bounce 1182 Swing Shoe Shop I've pot you before my eyes PRIMO SCALA and his Accordeon Band 1109 The White Cliffs of Dover Why don't we do this more often? I3SY
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    • 95 4 XJQ* l |a s received a consignment of EAR-RINGS m coloured plastics and fancy POWDER COMPACTS at THE LITTLE SHOP. RAFFLES HOTEL. Property Protection from TERMITES It is essential that our Termite Extermination Service be employed before repairs to White Ant-inJested properties are carried out. Otherwise, new timber will only
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  • 551 5 ■"An Insult To M&n Who Suffered" BUILDING UNSUITABLE DECAUSE of constant interference by passing traf fie, which, in the opinion of Lieut. Col. E. N. Blacklock and his two colleagues on the bench, created conditions not conducive to a- fair trial, the War
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  • 172 5 New Move In Lightermen's Strike AFRESH development m the strike of Singapore's lightermen occurred yesterday when r&presentatives of the General Labour Union went to the Controller of Labour's office with an agreement to be signed by representatives of the lightermen and lighter owners. Th e owners have refused tc sign
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  • 307 5 Japs Who Fled Singapore Being Tried A Eurasian woman, May Hood en, will be an important witness at the trial which opened in Singapore yesterday of five Japanese, a naval petty officer and four civilians attached to the Japanese Navy, who are charged with killing two Malay policemen on the
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  • 59 5 From Our Own Correspondent MALACCA. Sat. TAN Keng Long, a well-known local resident, was ordered by Mr. J.E.M. Cave m the Magistrate's Court today to pay a sum of $45 ncr month to his wife. Won? Yok Eng. as maintenance, and $12 a month to each of his
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  • 92 5 DELIEVED to be the first people's restaurant to be established in Mala. a. the British Restaurant in Hentone, Pahanir, offers lunch at 25 cents for a plate of rice curry with fish, beef, mutton, poultry or egr?s, and vegetables This restaurant was opened on Feb. 11 through
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  • 113 5 THE following notification regarding pensions has been issued by th; Singapore Government: A temporary increase in pensions was notified by the Government of India in May, 1945. In view of this, the Colonial Government have also agreed to a further increase over that previously notified, in
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  • 156 5 CAPT. Suzuki, the commandant of Lienp Khan PoW camp in French Indo-CMna, Med cal Sgt. Yamamoto and a Korean guard, Chiba. who were charged with rommittinjf atrocities on PoWs, some of whom died as a result, were yesterday sentenced to death by hanging at the
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  • 110 5 AT a meeting of the Singapore Advisory Council i n the Municioal Council Chamber last Thursday morning. th e Medic"' Registration 'Amendment) Bill was passed, Ths Bill, entitled An Ordinance to amsnd the Medical Registration Ordinance 'Chapter 65 of ths Revised Edition)." is purely formal in
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  • 337 5 From Our Own Correspondent KUAJJl LUMPUR, Tues. DECAUSE, according to Lieut. -General Sir Frank Messervy, D G.O.C.-in-C, Malaya Command, now on leave in England. Britain's forces in the Far East were in danger of forgetting the art of jungle warfare and if the danger were
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  • 131 5 3 Policemen Take Woman From Dock Ftook three policemen to get a middle-aged Chinese woman out of the dock of the Second Police Court yesterday. The woman, Mu Sam Mui, who was arrested by the police on a charge of theft of ten cigarettes valued 50 cents, had been in
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  • 65 5 Brigade Deals With 7 Fires The Municipal Fire Brigade had a busy day yesterday, having been called out to deal with seven outbreaks, six of which were grass fires. The Army Fire Service was aiso summoned on three occasions. The seventh outbreak was the result of an electrical short circuit
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  • 124 5 r PHERE were only two passengers on J- board the Qantas plane which lelt Singapore for Australia on Monday. They were Mr. C. W. Goyder and Mr. M. R. Gregory. The fallowing passengers anived in Singapore by B.O.A.C. and Qantas planes from the United Kingdom, Australia, and Penang
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  • 17 5 At 9.45 p.m. today. Sir Edward Gent will broadcast a talk from Kuala Lumpur over Radio Malaya.
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  • 128 5 13O trades union has yet been registered in Singapore, Mr. T. P. McNeice, Trades Union's Registrar and Chief Welfare Officer in Singapore told the Straits Times yesterday. In order to cope with work anticipated. Mr. McNcior has been provided with an assistant, Mr.
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  • 279 5 A GIFT of $150,000 to enable a graduate of the King Edward VII College of Medicine, Singapore, to do post-graduate studies m medicine m Europe, has been offered to the college by a wealthy Kuala Lumpur Chinese, Mr. Liew Kwong Hon, m order to perpetuate
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  • 134 5 Seamen Sent To Gaol For 18 Months /*HUA Saik Leun, a Chinese who claimed that he was a seaman, was sentenced to 13 months in prison In the First District Court yesterday on a charge of house-breaking and theft by night. It was alleged that Chua SaJ"j Leun. with another
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  • 356 5 From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, lues. THE strike at Port Swettenham amongst labourers employed by a contractor for unloading ships is yet another example of the damage to the cause of labour which can occur through irresponsible action by their so-called leaders,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 57 5 sH^JjHjAfl RF.ST LATEST N:Tfh r.riH^e Koid "vmt Rra« Basah Ra., 1.15. 3.30. 6JO ft 9 »i». I the Bret time that ti r Mid !e t.f Ua: At a- tie has bern usert for scenes la a film and In Color too! L. T. C. 250 TONS Available Sor loading
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    • 88 5 SYDNEY-SINGAPORE- LONDON EMPIRE SERVICES Showing the Flag ty I —on British Wings i The "Kangaroo" Str.ue operated Dy Q.E.A. and 8.0.A.C. gives Singapore air connections ot unparalleled speed and comfort with Sydney and London and travel time to both Capitals can now be measured m terms of hour? 33 hojrs
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  • 443 6  -  B> HAROLD K. MILKS, Associated Press MANKING, Mon. Britain, pushed from her domi- nant position in the Orient by the fortunes of a global war, is keeping an interested and eager eye on the possibilities of an early settlement of China's internal conflict. The
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  • 160 6 PIPING, Mon. Seventysix accused traitors, among them the famous "Commander Chin", have been transferred to the Hopei High Court for trial. "Commander Chin, 1 -laughter of a high Manchu offlc ril, has been called the Lord Ha-Ha of China. She is accused of being
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  • 120 6 SHANGHAI, Mori.— China's exports througn Shanghai for the tour-month period from January to April were approximately 12 per cent, of the nation's imports through this city, according to statistics issued by the Inspectorate General of Customs, Shanghai. During April alone Shanghai imports totalled Chinese National $81,510,606,000, while
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  • 92 6 TOKIO, Monday— The guard was changed outside the gates of the Japanese Imperial Palace, today, but the Japs were mere onlookers. At an imnressive ceremony picturesque little Gurkha hillmen with inswept hats and bis knives sluing at the hip of the Fifth Royal Gurkha Regiment relieved the
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  • 274 6  -  By HARRIS JACKSON, Associated Press Correspondent QAIGON, Mon. Official French sources charge that the Siamese Government "has been giving help" to Annamite and Laotian enemies of France in the Mekong River border area "bygiving them arms, shelter and money." These spurces also accuse the Siamese
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  • 58 6 The Hungarian pengoe, which rocketed to the inflation historymaking mark of 500,000,000,000,000,000,000 to the U.S. dollars (about 5s has run its foolish race and is no more. The Hungarian Minister has banned it from circulation. Before the war the pengoe was equal to the dollar. Now it
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  • 201 6 TO PROTECT CHINESE NAVIGATION SHANGHAI, Monday. Farreaching protective measures for Chinese navigation, including a requast to Chinese National Relief and Rehabilitation Administration to cancel British ship charters and the annulment of the recent Customs House announcement of the opening of coastal shipping to foreign navigation have been agreed upon by
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  • 91 6 LONDON (By Air Mail).— The Spanish Who's Who in the British Parliament includes these thumbnail sketches of British Cabinet Ministers: Prime Minister Clement Attlee: An able politician, though ne u:ed to write poetry. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Hugh Dalton: A good war record Rtputeu to have a parade-ground
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 651 6 NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that 1. S. A. Abdulkader have commenced the business of a Glass Merchant under the style of "S. A. Abdulkader" at No. 175 Orchard Rnad, Singapore, formerly occupied by M. V. Ibrahim Co. I will not be responsible for the debts of the said M.
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    • 658 6 MISCELLANEOUS ADVE.R'nsiNQ space salesman required by Publishing Company. Good salary and commission to right man. Reply with full particulars and copies of references to P.O. Box 437 Singapore. ADVERTISER holding sole rights for paying lines of British Ooods requires additional capital to expand business. Willing tc consider partnership or percentage
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    • 821 6 EDUCATION DEPARTMENT, JOHORE. LONDON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE SPRING EXAMINATIONS 1911. Certificates ot the successful ca:ididates m the above examination he.d at the Johore centre m 1911 have om received In the Education Office. Johore Bahru 2. Candidates should claim them oy submitting their names In full and tinsubject* they took
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    • 268 6 SWAIKA EXPORT IMPORT LIMITED. POLLOCK HOUSE, CALCUTTA INDIA. EXPORT We export Linseed Oil, Stand Oil, Varnish, Snellac, Soaps, Liquid Soaps. Soapstone Powder, Talc, powder, Spices, Chillies, Earthen ware. Glass Ware, Enamel Ware, Lamp Ware, .Gas Mantles, Minerals, Fertilisers. Slate, Myrobolain etc. IMPORT We import Cassia, Betelnut, Sago flour, Copra oil
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 480 6 RADIO PROGRAMMES piirjTO MALAYA »-«n 'news lr Malay 20 p.m.) Short and Sweet. 8.00 a.m. The Hu- *»***^*>^ WA«n*" ENGLISH i p.m to cm <new$ man Mind, 3.30 a.m. News. KH) NtrWORii from noon to a j 30 pm) end 8 15 0 lT> u u p. m 7.30 p.m.
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  • 182 7 KRONBERG JEWEL CASE ECHO 1JRANKFURT, Mon.— Si Capt. Brumbaugh, defence attorney for Cal. Jack Durant and his wife, W.A.C. Capt. Kathleen Durant, who were arrested in a Chicago hotel in connection with the Kronberg Jewel theft, told United Press today that Mrs. Durant was thrown into a psychopathic ward shortly
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  • 104 7 Britain's coal stocks itre lower than ever before in our industrial history, said Mr. Arthur Horncr, South Wrles nvners' president, tpeacinir in the Rhondua Valleyr. The Government ard the Coil Poard will require ths ;o-opera-t on of every person in the industry now if we are
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  • 488 7 DLYMOUTH, (By Air Mail)— Plymouth is celebrat- ing the 400th anniversary of the birth of one of the most colourful figures in British history Sir Francif Drake. The actual date of his birth in 1546 at Crowndale Farm, 15 miles from Plymouth, is obscure, but the
    Reuter  -  488 words
  • 155 7 S. AMERICA SEEKS SETTLER WASHINGTON, Sunday.— World Report, a weekly news magazine devoted to world affairs, says "A world movement of population, shifting workers and farmers from impoverished Europe to new homes in South America and Australia is developing i n the wake of the war." The magazine said Brazil
    AP  -  155 words
  • 122 7 A strange light objftt seen fly in e at about 250 miles an hour over the Rhone Valley, Switzerland, has riven rise to the conjecture that the Russians are testing out flying bombs over the Alps. Similar objects have crashed in Sweden recently. The stationmaster at
    122 words
  • 133 7 BERLIN, (By Air Mail): Hitler's Volkswagen," the People' car which was at first believed to have been nothing more than a gigantic bluff to take money. from the German people, has after all proved to be a revelation in the building of cheap cars, writes Reuter's
    Reuter  -  133 words
  • 118 7 A new use had been found for rockets as brakes on speeding trains. After a series of experiments, Dr. Theodore von Karman, of California (US) Institute of Technology, said rockets fired In reverse from the side of a train would bring it to a stop
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  • 68 7 Dickens is the most popular author among the 21 German war leaders on trial at Nuremberg since last November. Schacht is reading "Pickwick Papers," Rosenberg is deep in "Oliver Twist," and SeyssInquart is finishing *'A Tale of Two Cities." When not reading or taking exercise, all the prisoners
    68 words
  • 198 7 Training In Dominions Hits Snag niFFICULTIES over the sugV gested scheme to tram British soldiers and airmen in the Dominions are so great that it is unlikely the plan will ever come into operation. South Africa and Canada were asked by the British Government whether they would agree to a
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  • 162 7 NEW YORK, Monday There is one thing certain about American women who will swim at popular seashore and mountain lake resort this summer. People will see more of them. Swimming centres are to be the scene of a somewhat startling fashion parade as bathing suits approach an
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 631 7 ROBINSON «c CO., LTD. Our premises will be opened for retail Dusiness from 9 a m to 12 30 p.m. until further notice THE SINGAPORE AUCTIONEERS SALE OF DERfiLICT MOTOR VEHICLES of every iescriptlou, ETC ETC. By Order of D.A.D. Salvage HQ. Singapore District To be hrld In SOS, Civil
      631 words
    • 384 7 Mansfield Co., Ltd. lur«rp*rated m Singapore) BLUE FUNNEL LINE Sailings to and from Un.tfd Kingdom Samjack One from IK. 11 Juh Tcucer Sails for U.K. 29 Jul» Glenbeg Sails for U.K. 31 July Benrinnes dur from UK. I August Western Australia The shortest sea route at the cheapest rate Single
      384 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 802 7 There is this to be said for At thr; eighth table the bidding duplicate bridge— it oilers hand- went: some rewards for extracting the g^u, We s« North 1^4 last possible "ounce of Juice" ji heart DoaMc 4k<wti 5 Pi«»»n«t from the cards. And it punishes Pa»* ran 1 heart*
      802 words

  • All The Latest Sports News
    • 491 8 MANCHESTER, Mon. I EARIE Const an tine, Reuter's Special Correspondent, Li summing up to-day's play in the Second Test match at Old Trafford between England and All-India, said the fears that Pataudi had. when he decided to make England bat, have been justified by results.
      491 words
    • Article, Illustration
      55 8 < huJlevs face hidden by the ball wbich be headed m to five the Northamptonshire Regiment their frst poal m Sunday's charity soccer match at JMwi PMN stad«<>n r v.birli the Northamntons beat th« ChineM Athletes by Tour goals to on?. Millinrton. m ri»ht corner, who scored two goals, bad
      55 words
    • 73 8 Richards Rides 100th Winner Of Season LEWES. Sussex, July 22 pORDON RICHARDS registered U his hundredth win of the season today «l'«n m the £200 Abcrgavenny Plate here, where the racing is taking place for the first time since the course was derequisitioned by tbe Government, he rode M. A.
      Reuter  -  73 words
    • 279 8 YORKSHIRE WIN BY ONE WICKET LONDON. Mon. rO days sufficed for Gloucester and Yorkshire to win their County cricket games but whereas Gloucester had an easy victory. Yorkshire did not win till they had lost nine of %heir second innings wickets. The game was notpble for low scorinK and a
      Reuter  -  279 words
    • 205 8 Petra Among Last Eight In French Tennis PARIS, Mon AS the resuit of today's play in the French lawn tennis championships at Roland Harrow stadium in Paris there are three Frenchmen, two Americans, two Czechoslovakiar.s and one Yugoslav in the last eight. The Wimbledon champion Yvon Petra had a comfortable
      205 words
    • 131 8 i From Our Own Correspondent' BATU PAHAT. Mon. BATU Pahat bc*t Kluang by the only goal of a soccer match played on the town padang yesterday. Kluang was expected to avenge their previous defeat at th< hpnds of the local warn and a la'ge crowd
      131 words
    • 58 8 I^HE following will represent the Y.M.C.A. at volleyball agaiaat the 140 Coy R.I.A.S.C. on the tetuux ground at S.I 5 p.m. on Saturday A.S. Durai Chia Kok Leong. Yow Wah Sung. Ton Shung Che*. Wee Boon Hal i Cap* i Robert Chan. Au Tat Chu. Au Kot C'hu. Lee
      58 words
    • 102 8 i From Our Oxn Correspondent I SEBEMBAN. Mon. r rilE Singapore Kovers. pUylnt with on chanie from tbe team which defeated the (hineae *«aterday. were lucky to beat a Necri XI romnoMd of Service and Civilian pUyers by the only goal *f the
      102 words
    • 279 8 Nagesu Takes Seven For 15, Bovell 52 N. O. (Prom Our Own Correspondents SBGAMAT. Mon GOOD bowling by P. Na«e»u, who j bagged seven wickets for 15 runs, i and an unbeaten 52 by C.SK. Bovell the P.M.S. player, enabled the Segamat Cricket Club to bsat Tampm m a i
      279 words
    • 53 8 'ITJE following will represent »rte Recs at hockey against th<- Police on the Police ground tomorrow at S 13 P m. j R. Minioot: X H. Barth P. Neu- bronner: H. Hoeden. G. Clarke. M. I Toledo: B. Scheerder. K. LsembnißI gen. R. Barker. A. Clarke K. Bbert.
      53 words
    • 33 8 |IQ ACSEA will hold an athletic ni«'eiii:r. on Saturday at the i ACSEA sports ground Chanel, m prepare tion for the Singapore A. A. A. i m«'itu? on Aug. 5.
      33 words
    • 228 8 'From Our Own Correspondent) KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. The Singapore naval football team, m their last charily match at Kuala Lumpur this evening. defeated the combined R.A.F. by four goals to one. The Navy were m excellent form and dominated exchanges from the
      228 words
    • 346 8 Ipoh Cricket Provides High Scoring i Prom Our Own Correspondent > IPOH. Mon. 1""HE i^erak Ceylon Aa»ociation and the T.P.C.A.. Kuala Lumpur. drew their two-day cricket match at Ipoh today, high score* on both j tides m the first inning* preventing a definite decision Scores were: C A. Ist INNS.
      346 words
    • 205 8 r FHE following lies in The Singapore Y.M.C A table tourna- ment will be played today at 5.15 p.m. I at the Tennis Pavilion: OPKN SINGI.Ji5 CHAMPIONSHIP TIBS: Sim Soo Juay v. Koh Cliit Meng: l/>h Swee Kee Lim Thye. Hock: D. E Sandsrs v
      205 words
    • 58 8 JOCKEY ESCAPES INJURY NEWMARKET. Moil PDOAR Britt. the Maharaja Oaekwer Lt of Baroda's jockey, had a narrow escape from Injury when at exercUe with Fred Armstrong's team here today. Brltt was riding a two-year-old when the girth broke throwing him to the ground, but he managed to hold on to
      Reuter  -  58 words
    • 32 8 A GENERAL meeting of the members of the Mayflower B.P. will be held at Mr. Chan Chim Bock's residence, 47. Shrewsbury Road, oft Moulmein Road on Saturday, at 2.30 D.m.
      32 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 437 8 NEW WORLD PARK < l>*i'>. 3 p.m. p.m. —J.l j p. T'iit 'Charlie" laugh* a plenty! Charlr-s Chaplin In "GOLD RUSH" v.liftt a story Charlie has to Mil Opening Tomorrow "SAHARA" With Humphrey Bc^art Mr»tin3 and opposing the Naxis m (he Dsssrt t GREAT WORLD PARK ij-nigtit: 7 p.m. tt
      437 words
      7 words
    • 306 8 ENTER TAINMENTS i .i i THE LAW MEETS THE OUTLAW! -ERROL FLYNN as the TOWN Marshal who succeeded within 24 hours what others failed for 21 > ran m the qnelling of Terrorism created by those who had ro ri?ht to the gun. DAILY 5 SHOWS 11™^^ II a.m. p.m
      306 words