The Straits Times, 22 July 1946

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • 384 1 FEAR OF LARGE-SCALE CHINA WAR U.S. Peace Efforts Break Down NANKING, Sunday. rAILURE of the prolonged American efforts to bring peace to China was conceded privately by diplojnatic and other qualified sources today, although Mr. Leightcn Stuart, the new United States Ambassador to China, declared that hope still existed m
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  • 191 1 U.S. Demands Unity In Germany BERLIN, Sunday. rE United States has j bluntly advised the three i ottfetf occupying po*ers m Germany to join their zones m 1 i a single economic unit or face a s^ady growth of "creeping economic paralysis." Acting on instructions .rom i Washington. Gen. Joseph
    AP  -  191 words
  • 61 1 Big Airfield For Hong Kong HONG KONG, Sun— The Colonial Secretary told the Legislative Council yesterday that The Government was "considering tha construction of a large airfield ior iour-moiored plane At present, he stated, it was impossible to state when con- struction would be begun, ecausel Hong Kon X ai-.d
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  • 70 1 Crops Rui ned By Heat Wave NEW YORK, Inn. Many crops 1 were doomed on America 'i larm »tiJ.j as the temperature soared 1 1) :\?w seasonal records over most America today. The clanger of i'>r?.st flrc spread with the thcrmometre at over 100 In many places. I:: Western Massachusetts
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  • 64 1 [A, Sun.— A bill for a re- ferendum on Sept. 2 on the I must ion of abolishing th^ nionarrhy and declaring a Bulgaria People's Republic was introduced •liament yesterday. measure will deprive the nins-year-old King Simeon and the Coburg dynasty ot all rights and
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  • 112 1 i BERLIN. Sun. Gen. McNarney. Military Governor of the United States zone of Germany, stated today that there was "reasonably i I Rood prospect" of restoring the I German food ration m the zone j 1 to last winter's level of 1,550 caf lories a day
    Reuter  -  112 words
  • 39 1 me yueen adjusting the btlt of Officer Cadet A R S. Tower, winner or the Sword of Honour, when she attended the passing ont parade of "A* (omoany, ICI Infantry Officer Cadet Training Unit. Sandhurst.
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  • 248 1 LONDON, Sunday. THE British Government has delivered a strong protest to Egypt about the recent murders of British soldiers, it was learned m authoritative quarters m London yesterday. The note points out that Britain fully realises that these outrages are probably organised by persons
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  • 44 1 Ship Strikes A Mine HONG KONG. Sun—The 4,000ton steamer Ben Lomond is reported to have struck a mine oil Penang and returned to Penang to investigate the damage. The ship is due at Bong Kong at the end of the month from London- UP
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  • 102 1 ALABAMA. CALIFORNIA. Sun. The giant flying-boat Philippine lil j,iopeucd by 4.080 horsepower generated by 12 jet rockets attached to the wings, took ofl from here last night on its maiden flight to Honolulu. The aircraft became airborne m 52 seconds. It carried a load
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  • 100 1 CAIRO. Sun.— Ten Greeks arreited m Alexandria during the recent Egyptian round-up of I alleged Communists have been released. One. George AvajrofT. had taken action for damages against the Government, but the case has r ow been dropped. Among the documents stated ito have been seized
    Reuter  -  100 words
  • 34 1 i LONDON. Sun—The S3cretary- General, of the United Nations Mr. Trygve Li?, arrived m Mos- 1 cow yesteidav at tho central! aerodrome. Moscow Lad o announced early this morning.— j Reuter.
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  • 195 1 Jinnah For Constituent Assembly BOMBAY, Sunday. MR. Mohamed Ali Jinnah, the Muslim League Pre-; sident, and Mauiana Abul Kalam Azad, former Presid-: ent of the Indian Natioral Congress, are among the dt.u-! gates so far elected to the new Indian Constituent Assembly, by provincial legislatures, which are being summoned specially
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  • 75 1 AHMEDA3AD. Sun, -The police opened fire m a residential area here last night to disperse a mob which had stoned them. One person was injured by shots and eight policpmen ware hit by stones. The Bomoay Province Homp Mi'iister. Mr. Morarji Desai, and the President
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  • 142 1 Paris Prepares For The Peace Conference PARIS, Sunday. r! historic Luxembourg Palace— seat of the French Senate before the war was a beehive of activity today, with hurrying workmen painting and hammering m preparation for the 21nation Peace Conference, dv? to open o n July 29. Built originally about 1620
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  • 136 1 Japs Refuse To Believe Defeat RIO DE JANEIRO. Sun. Sever al hundred Japanese m the itate of Sao Paulo, Brazil, who sti!l do i not believe that Japan has been deteated. refused at a meeting to act-ept the word of Mr. Ragnar Kumlin, the Swedish Minister. that their country had
    Reuter  -  136 words
  • 221 1 NEW YORK, Sunday. MR. Gromyko, the Soviet' delegate to the United; Nations Security Council, declared m New York last night that full co-operation m the exchange of information on the production and use of i atomic energy for peaceful) purposes was essential to thej work of
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  • 486 1 BUYERS' STRIKE TO BE STAGED IN NEW YORK NEW YORK, Sunday. A COMMITTEE representing more than 70 organisations yesterday called on New Yorkers to open an organised buyers' strike on Tuesday and make it "Buy Nothing Day" m protest against the rising prices. Residents of this centre of United States
    Reuter  -  486 words
  • 44 1 London, ton I'be Poca r»istry his annr.uruTd (hat rorr'd?^ macaroni ipa inuddirs; cake a^n >t!)Pr cpipil: have ben :uV d to ratiaaini nroTramrrc m Icrce from narrow "This is neces3&r> b«cairw the bread anrt fur ration' 1 't'.e Muwuncsmert said —A P
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 71 1 ladies' Dressmakers Gents' Outfitters VISIT M i, 4> MM *'"*4U •MtfO*!, 7Hi BEST S/AC£ /SSJ Aeraied Wateri are obtainable iron the following* Provision Stores m Singapore EUKIT TIMAI. I Huok hye 3TI. Bukit Ttmsli R Kwanc (lu»n Htu« 1 2. BukH Psnjarg Kd. SEnANT.OON RO\D .\'AE\ Thye Chl«D« 203-14 U:;p.T
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  • 673 2  -  Stan Swinton, Ac lion Ordered By Local Commander By Associated Press THA 80, Siara, Sunday. ITPON the bullet and shrapnel-scarred walls of tiny yhors and homes of this remote village is mute < idence of the one-day French "invasion" of Siam ;.n incident which first-hand investigation
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  • 31 2 PANAMA CITY, Sun.— Two In ted States B-29 Hanes, with 2t men aboard, collided m the air off Coiba Island. No. further details are yet ava'lable—U P.
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  • 110 2 MYSTERY OF ARRESTED OFFICERS BERLIN, Sunday. rE head of the American Criminal Investigation Department in Berlin said last night that he had established that the Russians arrested Capt. Harold Cobin and 2 Lt. George Wyatt on July 4 at Birkenwerder in the Russian zone, just north of Berlin. The chie!
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  • 82 2 WASHINGTON, Sun. -The Netherlands East Indies has been I granted an Airerican credit of 5110,000,000 to purchas- United States Army and Navy surplus property. The agreement providps that the Dutch must repay in seven I years at an Interest rate of 2 3 '8 per cent.
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  • 110 2 NEW YORK. Sat. -The w.-?k- j end stock review showed that! New York stocks declined during che past week, with the volume falling below the million share daily average us market opera- tors awaited definite indications j ion the Iat c of price control Leading issues closed
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  • 256 2 ISTANBUL, Sunday, i THE people of Turkey go to the polls today to elect 465 members of the Parliament. For the first time m Turkey's history they will be j voting on the pattern of the! Western democracies. In the past the Assembly has been elected on
    Reuter  -  256 words
  • 40 2 After the first atomic bomb te st at Bikini an "Atom Bomb Tableau" was staged m Farlia merit Square, London, by the Social Credit Party Members of the party are shown representing "Life,' "Atonic Enerry" and "Death."
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  • 191 2 BATAVIA, Sunday. rE Indonesian Government has threatened to cease evacuating Allied internees unless it receives a written assurance that the Allied Command will "discontinue using j Japanese troops against the Indonesian people" and live up i j to the Allied-Indonesian Evacuat;cn agreement. The official protest
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  • 125 2 Bakers' Shops Rushed For Bread LONDON. Sund >. BRITISH hove wives rosbwl baker-;' shops and ever j delivery truck s yesterday <\\ a mtA scramble to buy bread before it joins the list oi rationed goods tomorrow. In some bakeries the ioave: were sold as they left the overs :md
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  • 37 2 BRITISH HEADQUARTERS IN GERMANY. Sun— The German cruiser Leipzig was scuttkd t>tf Wilhelmshaven yesterday. Demolitions also have been canied out on the 10.000-ton i cruiser Hipper and the pocket battleship Scheer at Kiel.— U.P.
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  • 36 2 BOMBAY, Sun-More than 200.000 Bombay Provincial Trade i Union Congress workers, employed m various industries, have decided, on a 24-hour token general strile? tomorrow m sympathy with the Postal Telegraph strikers— UJV
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  • 45 2 JERUSALEM, Sun— One hundred and thirty-eight Jews detained m Latrun and Rafa detention camps will be released tomorrow and on Tuesday If current investigations do not justify their being held m custody any longer, it -was officially stated here yesterday. -Reuter.
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  • 33 2 JERUSALEM, Sun.— The British Army has lifted the month- j old order requiring all Britten soldiers to carry arms -while out- J m3p their barracks m Palestine.— i A. P.
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  • 506 2 WASHINGTON, Sunday. THE Chinese Embassy yesterday denied that the Nationalist Government had discriminated against the Chinese Communists m the distribution of INRRA supplies. At the same time the announcement charged UNRRA officials with inefficiency, which it said had "hand capped smooth distribution of supplies to needy
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  • 82 2 London. Sat. rE Board of Trade has reported tliat 1. K. exports for June were 20,200.000 below those for .May and attributed a larje part of the loss to V-Dav and the U'bitsun holidays. The total value of the Jimr exports was ttiS.OOO 000 but
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  • 63 2 ALEXANDRIA. Sun. British service cluefs and Embassy advisers yesterday attended a m^> I ing of'th'! Br:t s!i mission nrgotiatin? the n?w treaty between Brita'n and Eiypt. Observers here believe that th»discussions centred on London.; reply to the latest treaty p;-opc-sals reported oy Egyptian source to have
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • 131 2 LONDON, Sun The lightning strike of London and North Eastern railway workers, which started on Frday when 1.400 workers stopped work in protest, against a charge by the railway authorities alleging that two men stole one tomato each, has ended A statement issued this evening raid
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  • 41 2 Wednesday's Atom Bomb Test WASHINGTON. Sun— The Navy T)en?rtrr<er 1 t vfste-diy saii the detonation t me for the underwater atonic borr.b bur>t ftt Pi^ini bad be n Rt at 2 35 GMT 10.0* m Malayaa time) on Ichi ?4.— U.P.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 221 2 2. i..,ud from a blazing plane by their j ..rachutes. Jack Jr.nst. the sister «.r liis pal Voramy. clash T.iih Jap kt-ri*- b t r-ocure Tomny's r?iease. 'THE RISING SON STRIKES" fcttaoptlaa tc obtain tba secret of the China-India road. Jack Jtnet become generated from Tommy A .&de frenaed Jap
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    • 42 2 *&rT»5j the tube iIPANAI you want Lothpastl White B^. rVr. Ltb if' axv^r/fi oparkhng HI IPANA r~H TOOTH PASTE W '^B Sold by oil Ued ng diitributor. ond /j£2==^ sr^~~-zZ_ moniif«»ur«c by «..«»clMy«n Co fty. XS^^^^^^^^^^^^^^A LW., 223 PocSfic HigKooy. North SydiMy,
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  • 442 3 Outram Road Jap Guards For Trial 1,200 Asiatics Died Of Starvation JAPANESE alleged to be responsible for the appal- ling conditions m Singapore's grimest occupation prison Outram Road Gaol are to come before the War Crimes Courts m the near future. Apart from the deaths of Allied prisoners and internees
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  • 51 3 From Our Own Correspondent PENANC. Son. A European, Lieut. Commander Gayard, a Sea Transport officer, was found shot dead in his room at the Penang Club on Friday morning. The body was discovered lying on a bed with a jrunsbot v.o-ind in the head and a revolvrr
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  • 236 3 C.I.B. CHIEF SHOT SIKH P.C. DEAD From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. THE killing ot a Sikh constable, alleged to be a member of a pang of robbers, by the head ol the Selangor Criminal Investiga- tion Branch, Capt. W. Stafford was the subject of an inquest held m
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  • 127 3 Acquittal In Murder Case From Our Own Correspondent IPOH, Fri. THREE Malays, Mohamed Yuscf, Mohamed Sanah and Kimin who were tried in the Perak Assizes for the murder of an olderly Chinese, Lian Ah Sum. and his son, Lian Choo Lim, were acquitted and discharged by Mr. Justice L,. E.
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  • 142 3 THE following resolution was passed by the annual church meeting of St. Mary's Parisa Church, London in the graveyard oi which Sir Stamford Raffles was buried on Apr. 23. "In view of the fact that the body of Sir Stamford Raffles, the founder of
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  • 73 3 THE following appointments have been gazetted: Mr. C. W. A. Sennett as Collector of Land Revenue and acting Registrar of Companies. Dr. R. A. Lyall and Dr. R. A. Pallister as Senior Medical Officer, Social Hygiene, Singapore, and Professor of Medicine, respectively. Messrs. Low Guan Onn and Unn Hon
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  • 32 3 Inche H. Talib Karim writes in to say that he is the President of the Malay Union, Malacca, and not Che Mohamed Ali bin Salleh. as reported in the Straits Times recently.
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  • Malayan Rubber Reports
    • 226 3 PORTUNATE in that only J2 acres of mature rubber were lost and that generally speaking the trees have not suffered unduly from lour years of neglect. Cluay Rubber Estates. Limited, reported i. heavy programme ahead in cleaning up of all undergrowtn and lalar.g and
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    • 247 3 AT the 37th ordinary general mesting hold m London on June 19, of Ledbury R i?ber Estates, Ltd., Sir Eric MacFudven. chairman of che company, said that productioi common jed at X nrara m "earuary and to the end oT April .seme ?7.000 pounds were harvested,
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    • 160 3 A PRELIMINARY report on the property of the Alor Gajah Rubber Estate states that the mature area has been reduced by some 80 acres cut out by the Japanese for food cultivator. Cultivation has been neglected but conditions were considerably better than for (he majority of estates
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  • 44 3 PRAHU RACE AT BRUNEI The people of Brunei are famo us seamen. The river has been an ideal training ground for Brunei fisherfolk.. The picture above shows prahn races m progress during the nl visit of the Governor-General, Mr. Malcolm Mac Donald, to Brunei.
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  • 213 3 DOING work which m prewar days was done by a staff of 20 men, three clerks and three vehicles inspectors at the Singapore Road Transport Office have issued, up till Saturday last, a total of 18,762 motor driving licences. Of these, 2,800 were new
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  • 407 3 THE fina' ztt of Congress m passing the Un'ted States loan to i*iitain had no perceptible effect on Malayan markets. Keen buying interest persisted m tins during; the week and a good volume of business was put through, states the Malayan Sharebrokers
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  • 711 3 Share quotations, a» at July 19 according to the Malayan i r arebrokers Association (Sinjapore) were as follows. INDVSTBIAI S Buytr Seller Alexandra Brickworks Orcls. WOO *2.50 Alexandra Brickwork* Prefs. 2.1» Brit. Malaya Trustee 8t Executor Co. 7. 50 8.50 Consolidated Tin Smelters 3*/- 26/Eastern UnlV:a Assurance
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  • 208 3 T<HE following passengers arrived In Singapore on Wednesday by the Otranto from Madras. Mr. P-.M A.L. Alagappa Chettlar, Mr. Alagappr.n, Mr J.L. Davidge Mr. O L. Letchuman Chettiar. Mr K.N L Manikam Chettiar. Mr. t P. M P Mutthlah Chettiar. Mrs. A tk yanl and two children,
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  • 33 3 From Our Own Correspondent) LONDON, Jrly 20. TT is announced m London that the Highlands and Lowlands Para Rubber Co. are amalgamating with Aver Kunlng. subject to Treasury consent being obtained.
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  • 54 3 The Singapore District Epworth League will hold its first Singanore conference since thp w*r from Aug. 2 to Aug. 5. A faculty of well-known social workers unc'pr the leadership of the De?n. Mr. Theodore R. Doralsamy, will deliver lectures and conduct classes on important youth problems, and the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 221 3 TALAM MINES; LIMITED. and RIVER VIEW RUBBER ESTATES, LIMITED. Application has been made to the Directors of the above CompmiCi to i*su; to the following Shareholders duplicate certificates m ths above Companies upon the statement that the original certificates have been lost or destroyed. Notice is hereby glv?n that if
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    • 66 3 (oHskerg TV DEER WITH A NAME AND QUALITY YOl KNOW. We know it Li time you had your f&*j(BQt Carlsberg but re*r*t that owing <♦ £ifi&bMZ\*to t0 the shortage of supplies »< vLLZIy cannot meet all demands at Vconiii/ w present. Every endeavour is being made to obtain larger shipments
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  • 14 4 Alex. MeKcnzie, The Wrack, Banff Tcotland. (Late Tcbong Estate, Malacca) died 17th July.
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  • 1100 4 The Straits Times Singapore, Monday, July 22, 1946. Ourselves And The Loan One illusion was destroyed and one fact of great importance brought out by Mr. Nelson Jones, Controller of Foreign Exchange, in his broadcast from Singapore on the American loan last Friday. Many people in this country have assumed
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  • 35 4 The French High Court of Justice has sentenced Leon Cayla, former Vichy governor-general for Madagascar, to flvr years' imprisonment, national indignity for life and a 10,000 francs fine, says A.P. from Versailles.
    AP  -  35 words
  • 1368 4  -  W. BARTLEY, Memories Of Bygone Singapore I By M.C.S. Mr. W. Bartley, President of the Singapore Municipal Commissioners and the oldest member of the Malayan Civil Service now m this country, pave some recollections of Singapore as it was when he first
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  • Man In The Street
    • 288 4 MAY 1 offer a suggestion in an endeavour to obviate the not infrequent allegations against drivers of m.litary vehicles? To me the remedy is so simple and obvious that I have hesitated to submit it hitherto, solely because I expected someone In authority to
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    • 103 4 Ou r Jay- Walkers I FEEL thst a teply to thletter f om E. D. M. headed "B'ocd O n The Road" is necataary. I sympathise greatly v/ith the ED M. in the loss of near re'atives, but instead or" muM-sllnging "t the inefficient c"i ir ers of the shoulrt
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    • 72 4 IN reference to your report headed "London honours Admiral Mountbatten." I find you have omitted the very important passaee in which the Supremo praised the 12th and 14th Armies. He said:"The mainstay of the 12th and 14th Armies was provided by Indian Troops, lor whose conduct no praise
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    • 173 4 AFT?5R the subject of back pay first cropped up in the papers I spent happy days counting my chickens before they were hatched, i.e. multiplying mv salary of $70 by 3'/2 years. The rumours regarding the cost-of-living allowance which spread like wild-fire made me believe I
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    • 79 4 "PICK Indian's'" comn.ent on the Congress Med cal Mis.- ion's work in your irsue of July 18 is foclsh. The IBslion has done a wonderful service i n Malaya, irrespective of race, colour or cas.e. Speaking of the Singapore centre. I was amazed a 1 the way in
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 866 4 PECKER— On 15th July, 1946, at the College Hill Nursing Home. Shrewsbury, to VIOLET (nes Bodenham wife of C. B PECKER. brother for Daphne (David Anthony). The engagement has taken place between Miss I. B. Mclntyre of Penang, r.nd Pic H F. Chntterton R.A.M.C. PERSONAL Mrs. and Miss Dolly Murray
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    • 61 4 OYwT C K. eTEBNA We are servicing and repairing these watches as tar as is possible with the limited resources at our disposal. We are very short of tools and spare parts obtainable only from Switzerland— for which no import permits have yet been granted here, We regret we cannot
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    • 65 4 OTHER LETTERS— Pajr Sertn. ■H LONG-PLATING NEEDLES tmake your records "EVERLASTING' U r-cords can ix- mad? EVKH ,^^^l^^ WHEEDLES $1.50 per Hat. IH-PQINTMHSTER 54.. l%*sUcr :;o cents f.trat ~lixiiiiYiß~ OPTICIAN felloe 01 the Institute Ophtliairmc Opticians (England.) Fellow 01 the Worsh pful Company of Spectac!e-Makers 'Eng Freeman of the City
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  • 198 5 Trade Union As Ultimate Aim of Clerks All-Malayan Meet At Kuala Lumpur A TRADE union of all clerks m Malaya, employed m both commercial and Government offices, is the ultimate aim m the formation of a Pan-Malayan Clerical Union which is to be proposed at a meeting of Singapore, Malacca,
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  • 156 5 Gov.-Gen's. Salary A RECENT 1-tter published in the Straits Times inquired w'r.y the salary of Mr. MacDonald, which was stated to be ri75.000 a y<a\ should be 'i.c: 1 Irr d by the Malayan I'nio i a\".n~. 1 lie item in the Malayan 1'nion estimates reads '"Contribution to Singapore Colony
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  • 295 5 pLUBBED packets for des\j tiaatloru in China may t.ow be sent from the Ma'ayan Union and Singapore by air mail to Hongkong and there?; bv surface transport. Air mail Forvice is al-o available fat Canton, Chungking, Shang hai and to other destinations in China, served by
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  • 48 5 Meeting Of Malacca Landlords I'rom Our Own Correspondent MALACCA, Sun. 4 REPRESENTATIVE meeting of Malacca landlords was held here today to propose certain mendments to the Rent Restriction Ordinance, 1939. The meeting also discussed the proposed Leases and Tenancies (War Absentees) Ordinance from the landlords point of view.
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  • 205 5 2 Chinese Die In Penang Gun Battle From Our Own Correspondent PENANO, Sun. AFTER a gun duel between rival gangs in Pen ing, two Chinese youths lay sprawled on the road 200 yards from each other, while bystanders- looked on but would not tell who had shot them. This was
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  • 101 5 IORs Gaoled For Theft Of Benzine FTO 1.0.R.5, Shik Ouibiddin and Shulal, who were arrested by the Military Police on July 4, were sentenced to three months' rigorous imprisonment each m the Fifth Police Court on Saturday for theft of 200 gallons of benzine belonging to the Forces. It was
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  • 135 5 IN U.e report of th e Singapore Coroner's inquiry into the death of a Chinese seaman who died of a gunshot wound, otj July 5, m a motor vessel m waters ofT Tanjong Balai, Karimoen, N E.1., published m the Straits Times of July 19. the I
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  • 78 5 From Our Own Corr?spondent MALACCA, Fri. THREE cases one m which Cecil Beins stood charged *ith a collaboration offence and a second m which an Indian. Ainoon, faced a charge of assisting the enemy, both charges being under th Defence Regulations. 1939. and the third m which a
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  • 86 5 IT a press conference yesterday, n the Governor, Sir Franklin Gimson. agreed with a questioner that the Army is "getting browneo off with coming to the rescue m the unloading of ships. Added Sir Franklin: That attitude is quite right. We cannot ask the Army
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  • 66 5 Former and present students of Telok Blangah Malay School will hold concerts to mark the closing of the school term. The concerts will be held on Saturday and Sunday, July 27 and 28. A bazaar starting at 2 p.m. on Saturriav and ending at midnight on Sunday
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  • 110 5 Practice flights have already begun for an attemnt to raise the world's air speed record of 60S miles an hour setup by Britain last November. The new attemnt will be made OTer a course between Littleh. irnton and Worthing, on the Sussex coast Group-rapt. E. M.
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  • 286 5 FREE meals in certain schools, chocolates and milk at controlled prices and other amenities in Singapore schools have brought about a changed outlook toward school attendances by children of school-going age and their parent". Many parents fcho decided against sending their children to school, because
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  • 121 5 From Our Own Correspondent MALACCA. FTi. "THE practice of accepting I or coffee from shop-keepers without charge by !ood inspectors will be brought to the notice Of th* Food Controller." said Mr. Justice E. O. Pretheroe during the hearing of an appeal argued by Mr.
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  • 46 5 From Our Own Correspondent MALACCA, Fri. A dinner was given by the I Eurasian community last Satur- day at the Rest House in honour of Mr. C. F. Gomes, a member of the Advisory Council* Malayan Union, and Mr. A. J. Mlnjoot, Municipal Commissioner.
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  • 475 5 From Our Own Correspondent LONDON. (By Air Mail) A WOMAN who stated she was the wife of a Chinese resident of Kuala Lumpur was found not guilty at Kingston Assizes on July 9 of three charges of libelling the owner of
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  • 456 5 MALAYAN PLAN a ING TOPICS By Our Planting Correspondent THE heavy burden of the present four cents export tax on rubber looms largely in the costs budget and in the minds of every rubber producer at the present time. It is having a crippling and
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  • 239 5 Public Must Help To Clean Singapore "THE naM ot people are moi;* aosorbect in money-makin< than in combating and helping u» restore the health of this city. s&id Sir Han Ho? Lim in an address to th»» Y Men's Clu'j Luncheon meet ni helri Ivl Saturday at the Oapitrl B
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  • 41 5 ANE death and four report"! cases duo io ymall-DOx <m reported for the week endin >, July 13. accordlatj to a Municipal health s=»ct "1 trot i^supr l N i cases of finall-pox cccu~ed In the previous vMk.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 89 5 Amazing NEW safe way brings glorious relief from lint it a grand and glorioua twaf and briacinff van mtmmimmitmm r.,'.m, ~h.n your hndach. dftp, pamfrw HEADACHES ,ou ,mm<i,*le n\,,(. Ntr« for R lpfin |h BEST TO6TUAtUP faint f.dt MM undtr lit You |<t MORE taMrti. IWWIIUnjIK Moth.oi .ouch. Do«bW r.t«d
      89 words
    • 98 5 WASSIAMULL f DEPARTMENTAL STOUT. Offer You NICEST SELECTIONS OF Printed Crepe? i Angel Skin Printed Shantongs Brassieres-ail sizes Plain Satins Taffetla Slips Plain Taffetta Ladies' Handbags 31 33, 35. High St, Phone 3454. 62C3 SINGAPORE. STRAITS TIMES PRINTING DEPT. has received stocks ot coloured Ugtuweigb* manifold paper. We are now
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  • 660 6 THE INDIAN NEWSLETTER Postmen Strike Work Sikhs Send Representatives To Constituent Assembly By Associated Prees CALCUTTA, Saturday.—Inv dia's attention centred this week on a postal strike which left most of the large cities of the country without street deliveries and congested distribution. In some areas like Bombay the strike was
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  • 141 6 Hong Kong To Abolish Pillion Riding HONG KONG, Saturday.— One of Hong Kong's most flourishng post-war businesses, a legacy of the Japanese occupation, is to be prohibited by the government after August 1. An order banning pillion trans, portation, will atfect approximately 2,000 bicycle riders, who, charging sometimes exorbitant prices
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  • 187 6 MUKDEN, Saturday—Geo- logists attached to U.S. Reparations Commissioner Edwin S. Pauley's mission announced that they have come upon one of the world's largest molybdenum deposits at Yangchaohantze, 40 miles inland from Hulutao on the coast of Liaotung Gulf. Technical experts who investigated Manchurlan industry for three weeks, say
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  • 358 6 Shanghai Fears Great Economic Disaster QHANGHAI, Sat.— Fears of u economic disaster overcoming Shanghai, city of four million struggling hopelessly for rebirth after over eight years of war, were expressed in a petition to the Mayor, Mr. K. C. Wu, by a group of representative businessmen, writes Associated Press correspondent
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  • 31 6 "Mad Marshall" Jacobs, champion flagpole-sitter, crowned his record by br-ng rqarried to Miss Lonnie Casmon on top of his 170 ft -high flagpole at Coshocton. Ohio.
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  • 70 6 TIENTSIN. Thur. Nankai University, first university m China to be destroyed by the Japanese at the outbreak of war m 1937, will be restored with CNRRA aid, it was learned recently. The petition of the university authorities for repairs has been sanctioned by the Hopel-Jehol-Peiping-Tientsin CNRRa Reg\:>nal Office,
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  • 50 6 TOWNSEND (MONTANA), Wed. —A single gold nugget weighing 60 ounces was mined recently from the superior lode of the late H. O. Miller's mine near here. Mrs. Miller said the nugget was about the size of a pound or butter and was worth US$l,3OO— A. P.
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  • 27 6 SYDNEY. Thur- Radio telephones will be used for communications m remote regions of Australia where the cost of erecting ordinary telephont wires would be prohibitive.— A P.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 581 6 ROBINSON tfc CO., LTD. Our premises will be opened for retail business from 9 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. until further notice. NOTICE. The Office of the CANADIAN GOVERNMENT COMMERCIAL AGENT is now situated In Room D-2, Second Floor, Union Building, Singapore, to which address all communications and enquiries should now
      581 words
    • 863 6 MISCELLANEOUS POR SALE. WINCHESTER Automatic/Repeating 12 bore Shot Gun. Buyer must have purcha&lng permit. Box 520 Straits Times. POR SALE Two New Trucks 3/4 ton Weapon Carriers Dodge 1945 Model. Apply to the undersigned Director, Congress Medical Mission, 247, Ampang Road. Kuala Lumpur. FOR SALE 5 seater, 1942 model 29
      863 words
    • 718 6 EDUCATION DEPARTMENT, JOHORE. LONDON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE SPRING EXAMINATIONS 1911. Certificates ot the successful candidates In the above examination he d at the Johore centre in 1941 have 0<;>a received in the Education Office, Johore Bahru 3. Candida tes should claim them oy submitting their names in full and the
      718 words
    • 461 6 Established In 1910. OPTOMETRISTS OPTICIANS 13. Battery Road. Singapore. Stocks available Geigy's D. D. T. 5% Liquid Spray. 1 gallon Tin. $10.00 retail Insect Powder. 4 ozs 'Fin 65 cents. (Discount to Trade) Made In England by PAR BRITANNICA INDUSTRIES. LTD. (PBI) Distributed by THE BRITISH PEST EXTERMINATING CO. *85
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 408 6 RADIO PROGRAMMES SINGAPORE 0D 78 ">'«»* 13 93 metres from 5 20 ,> m RED NETWORK from noon to AL n A KX f <new8 o P™. GSV 16 84 1 pro and 6.30 to 11 pin on «25 12 45 pm) and from «••">«> 815 mere* 8.20 p.m. Vitt).
      408 words

  • 213 7 OCCUPATION CHIEFS TO CONFER I ONDON, Saturday,— The L ommanders-in-Chief of Ihe three western zones of Germany will probably meet shortly to study the implications of closer Anglo-Ameri-can-French co-operation in Germany, according, to a well-informed diplomat i c source. It is unlikely that any final decision will be reached between
    UP  -  213 words
  • 52 7 No Celluloid Sobs For Japanese OEW YORK, Tues— The Japan- ese will have to take their Hollywood films complete with liappy endings, whether they li.:e It or not. Before the war the lacanese used to trim American films to tuit their taste for heaw o'ram^. mid often turned the plot
    52 words
  • 535 7 Labour Admits Danger Of Plan LONDON, Saturday— The pattern of Britain's socialism, already planned as far as nine years m advance, has emerged as a cautious blending of the systems of state ownership and more-or-less controlled private enterprise. The avowed objective of the Labour Party
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  • 93 7 rE shortage of homes b not peculiar to Singapore. Prom London yesterday came a telegram stating that exPte White of the Ist Airborne Division, unable to find a house, moved with hi* family into a pillbox en the outskirts of Newton Abbot. White had been released
    93 words
  • 124 7 1 ONDON, Wednesday:— L While the country as a whole is suffering from a fresh oubreak of crime, the pointer on the graph at Scotland Yard, which records fluctuations in lawlessness in London, is moving down, writes a London "Star"' reporter. There Has been a steady
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  • 41 7 No more British aircraft-car-riers are to be dscarded for the present, it is bow understood. The uncompleted u .000- ton 1 carriers Leviathan ard Hercules are leaving Newcastle-on-Tyne under tow L-viathan goes to 1 Portsmouth, and Hercules to 1 Clyde yard.
    41 words
  • Straits Tines Post-Bag
    • 256 7 BEFORE the war Kelantan was a land flowing with milk and honey. Four fowls could be bought for a dollar, 10 eggs cost 10 cents, the best rice (such as "Anna Naga" and "Mas Jarong") 24 cents a gantang, a full-grown sheep or goat less than $4,
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    • 214 7 Goods From America I WONDER if the Government 1 is not spending more time and energy in trying to combat crime than in checking the rocketing prices of goods, especially essential foodstuffs. Decent people have been, and still are, struggling just to keep 'hemselves alive not for a day, a
      214 words
    • 129 7 WHO were the 750th Chines* Labour Company? When enlisted, they were provided with uniform, living accommodation, and rations, and suj- jected to regular army discipline. The duties of the 750th C. L. Coy. were fatigue duties. They were first sent to Kuala Lumpur J and aiterwards returned
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    • 97 7 BREAD rationing in Great j Britain has been drastically applied. This is unprecedent- d. since throughout tthe whole ol the six years' war, bread wrs never imposed— and this has been done to provide more wheat for the Empire. And yet the British Service rn*n in Singapore, most
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 490 7 REWARD Any one giving Information leading to the recovery of docun.ents. newspaper cuttln?* and other properties of Dr. R.A. Thompson formerly of 4. The Arcade, Singapore u> the undersigned will be suitably rewarded. DAH SIN OPTICAL HOUSE. 325, North Bridge Road, Singapore. NOTICE. MV. TWEEDBANK" loads for U.S.A. about 7th
      490 words
    • 262 7 Mansfield Co., Ltd. (Incorporated m Singapore) BLUE FUNNEL LINE Sailings to and from Un.ted Kingdom Bellerophon Due from IK. Z3 July Teacer Sails for I X 27 July Samjaek I>«- from I K. II Jul> Glenkeg SaiK for IK SI lul» Benrinnes due from IK. 1 August V. m Australia
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 827 7 BffiPT^^j w t ft* m f*™^^ *Xr^ tW In today's deal a slam bid 'n- j cross-ruff followed: then the detended as a sacrifice bore lus- clarer cashed the club ace and cious fruit when the defense ruffed a club, went slightly askew west over-ruffed with the Eart dealer u'.ank
      827 words

  • All The Latest Sports News
    • 646 8 Ncrthampton Regt. 4. Chinese A.A. 1. MORTHAMPTON Regiment's soccer team gave a record 11 Singapore crowd value for their money and an exhibition of classy football when they beat the Chinese Athletic four goals to one at Jalan Besar yesterday. Reputed Army champions, the Regiment confirmed the
      646 words
    • Article, Illustration
      31 8 From left to right. Dinny I'ails (Australia), Tom Broan (US), Jack Kramer (U.S.) and Geoff Brown (Australia) take court for the Wimbledon final, which the Americans won 6—4, 6—4,6 4, 6—2.
      31 words
    • 248 8 Fine Double By Sundram For C.S.C. A N all-round performance by the ■<■»■ Colony player. R.V.S. Sundram. who scored 51 and took six wickets for 23 runs gave the Cy.on Spirts Club an easy victory over the 11th Pc:t Operating Group at Changi yesterday. Pillai also baited well lor the
      248 words
    • 265 8 IN a cricket match played yesterday at the Police Depot Training Grounds, the Pjics b;at t!ie Colonials by 53 runs. Highest scorers of the match ware R. Hoffman with 43 runs, and L. Nugara with 36 runs, but the outstanding feaiure of the game was
      265 words
    • 193 8 IN the main event at Saturday's wrestling at the Great World Stan Garstde did well to beat Baby Lonrios of Selangor by two clear pins, scoring one In round throe and the other in round five In a fairly exciting bout. The second big fight between
      193 words
    • 102 8 Prom Our Own Correspondent PENANQ. Sat. j VfTTTH several teams from other States schwluled to visit Per.ang during the Augiost Hank Holidays, local bad- j minton players are training hard fur j their forthcoming engagements. The fillip which the proposed visits has already given to th* game
      102 words
    • 69 8 THE following will rep r 2.-rnt St. Andrew's School at volleyball against the V.M.C.A. In a return game on the School Ground at Woodsville today at 5.15 p.m. L. Vanderput. Tan Soo Yam, Tan Ohtaw Khoo, Ltm Chong Pul. Lim Hong How, Tan Keng SUng.
      69 words
    • 209 8 PARIS, Sat. •TWO Americans, Louise Brough and Margaret Osborne, beat j the French pair, Mm?. Paulette i Ravous and Mme. Simone Kleina- I del today, the third day of the international French tennis championships, m straight sets, 6-1, 6 0. Pauline Betz of Los
      209 words
    • 409 8 MANCHESTER, Sat. A GAMBLE by the Nawab of Patuudi j n putting England to bat m the Second Test match at Old Tr afford, today was only partially successful. India's full battery of slow bowlers provided some shocks during one period of just over an
      409 words
    • 67 8 ENGLAND—Ist !nm W»«hbrook c Hindlelur b Mankad 3» Hutton c MoshUq All b Mankad «7 Compton Ibw Amarmtta 51 Hammond not out 45 J HwdsUlT c Merchant b Amarnaih 5 I Otbb not oat IS; Extra* XIX I Trtal (for foor wicket*) 2U« Sohoni 11 Am amain 3S Mank?d
      67 words
    • 163 8 LONDON, Sat. THE following were thfl close ot play scores m County cricket james starting to-day: At Lords. Middlesex 138 <Goddard seven fo r b^>. and 18 for j four. Gloucester 132 (Sims four 1 for 27. At Blarkheath, Surrey 288 1 Parker 86. Kent 39 !or
      Reuter  -  163 words
    • 229 8 Officials For International Club Elected From Our Own Correspondent SEO AM AT. Sat. OFFICE-BEARERS for the Be«amat Sports Club, an international body which will devote itself mainly to the improvement and running of various games m Ssgemat. were elected at a recent meeting They are: President. Mr. W. Fox rA.O.-ex
      229 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 425 8 To-day: 3 p.m. and 7.39 p.m. Enters Its 2nd week! The Tamil feature of absorbing interest! "Jsgali'.Ua Prathapan" With a line-UD ot ce;ebrlties PIT Chinnappa. N S Krishnan. V n Rangactnri, M.S. Sjrojml. T.A. iram. and U.R. Jlvamrilam. T.d.i.v: 3 p.m. 7 p.m. 9.1J p.m. HARRY CAP.EY NMtM a sensational
      425 words
    • 273 8 SOUTH SEAS SPRING ROMANCE! ~-r-»^ True and Beautiful f EDGAR BARRIER A lex Collier Mary NaiS "W9 Moron. Oll«o Somu«l S Hmd. yXVC ii In! Pi-cccded By "SHORTS" and PATHE GAZETTK. MARIA PLAYS DUAL ROLE TO PERFECTION! ERROL FLYNN HERE— TO-MORROW The Law's Long Arm Gives One and Clean Sweep
      273 words