The Straits Times, 21 July 1946

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • 98 1 WABNING 5 ALPHABETS rlj noina'- I mnl rdii and. Peru*rd in the boards which are to b< set un at "protected placfs" under the t to Kill' Ordinance. giving spcdal powct to sentri■v. <m 1 sjnsct and 'unrise. rnor. Sir Franklin i 1 \rsterda> unable uhen the Ordinance wo:?ld ronie
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  • 437 1 Ships sail secretly for the Indies THE Australian auxiliary warship Manoora sailed! secretly for the Netherlands Indies yesterday from Brisbane carrying Dutch troops and army stores and equipment, including 200 lorries, tanks, trucks and ammunition. All wharf entrances had been closely! guarded while the Manoora was loading
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  • 93 1 TOKIO. THF United States Eighth Army "a ial'l oflice announced today that at least two I killed and 14 wounded in a shooting Incident beU-een Fornd the Japanese police In the vicinity of To.v station. The In i t, said four F< rmosans .d and
    Reuter  -  93 words
  • 151 1 DURHAM, Sat. DUKAD rationing- in Britain was described as a D "prudent act" and a "necessary measure of insurance*' by the Prime Minister, Mr. Clement Attlee, addressing gathering of miners here today. Accusing the Opposition leader, Mr. Winston Churchill, o' induls.i "s^rlos of stunts to
    Reuter  -  151 words
  • 47 1 LONDON. Sat* MOST of Bi. tain's bakers reluctantly fell in line with the Government's bread rationing pri -rramme on Saturday, but nearly 400.000 signed protest petitions and the Conservative Party stiil frowned on the scheme. Rationing is scheduled to start on Monday.— A.P.
    AP  -  47 words
  • 11 1 Close.of play: England: 236 for four. Details— Pa;e EIGHT.
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  • 97 1 Eurasian to be associate professor Stfnday Times Reporter WINNER of a Fellowship in the 1940 Queen's Scholarship awards, Dr. E. S. Monteiro, before the war, lecturer In medicine and infectious diseases at the King Edward VII "Medical College, has been appointed acting associate professor of medicine at the College. This
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  • 33 1 NEW Malayan bit sweep record was established at yesterday's races at Kuala Lumpur, the total pool being $209,730. The number of the winning ticket was 219,384. Results— Page EIGHT.
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  • 72 1 MICHAEL RENME h&o signed a five year contract, worth £300.000. the biggest contract in British film history, says Reuter. Rennif. six-foot-two and 35 years old. was an instructor in the R.A.F. daring the war. It is only ten years a;o since he left his worsted spinning at Bradford,
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  • 442 1 WASHINGTON, Sat. THE Congressional committee of investigation into the state of military and naval preparedness at Pearl Harbour on Dec. 7, 1941, released its report for publication today, and recommended sweeping changes in U.S. military methods to prevent such disaster in the future. An
    AP  -  442 words
  • 389 1 UNIVERSITY FOR MALAYA: START PREDICTED SOON Sunday Times Reporter "I HAVE every reason to believe that the creation of a university in Malaya is not to be awaited much longer," declared Dr. G. V. Allen, principal of the King Edv/ard VII College of Medicine, speaking at the reunion dinner of
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  • 92 1 STRONG PROTEST TO EGYPT LONDON, Sat. THE FOREIGN OFFICE. 1 through a spokesman, today alleged that ths Egyptian Government has "failed to take adequate steps to halt repeated attacks 01. British sodiers in Egypt. The spokesman revealed that Britain has delivered a strong protest to the Egyptian Government. "We appreciate
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  • 314 1 WASHINGTON, Eat. SENATOR TOM CONNALLY. chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, has outlined a .^evenpoint programme for action by tlie United Stales to prevent the "unthinkable tragedy" of a third world war. In a report on the Foreign Ministers Conference in Paris, I the
    AP  -  314 words
  • 59 1 Political Talks in K.L. Sunday Times Reporter. ANOTHER meeting is to take place in Kuala Lumpur on Wednesday between the Gov-ernor-General, Mr. Malcolm Mai Donald the Governor of the Malayan Uni o Sir Edward Gent, and tli> Malay I Sultans as well as represen- tatives of the United Malay National
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  • 74 1 BERLIN. Sat. ILL avaHabl? U S. ar.ry lnves- tisators were put to wnrk today on the mysterious disappearance of Cant Hart -Id Cobln and Lieut. George Wyptt. who have not been seen sinrp July 4 when they boarded a train for Brandenburg in the Russian zone.
    UP  -  74 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 168 1 fif. \i a cn Repairers Irpair* Gui-ntcfd Inr Year*. ;32 Kortli Gric": A 34. Cbu'ia St. Ptot 797 i READERS S ot tks by i\*f^ M^ S<^' m 3 together r YET A MEMBER OF ILADERS UNION. THE ONLY BOOK CLUB. WE SUGGEST THaT YOU ARE 1 -sing an oppor.
      168 words
    • 215 1 RADIOS KEEWUAT RADIO C 112-124 OXHASD BD. TELEPHONE fcs66 MORE NEW ARRIVALS. PIANO SOLOS P «ANO SOLOS (Conld) 48 Prelude Fugues, Vol. 1 9.60 "umoureske 48 Preludes St Fugues, Lyrlc Al bum JW Vol. 2 9.60 LISZT BOIIM. Carl. 15 Hun^nrian Rhapsody The Young Pianist (12 Progressive Compl tPieces, without
      215 words

  • 1274 2 SPOTLIGHT On MALAYA AND MALAYANS CLIFFORD PEFJR TURNS HIS premo ri i with fu! in sole contr the posr bea ed l«>r suc!i a put for one umed p of the D b: virtue of rity but bj the accept- 7 krte Arms L TEDDER has gone a c he
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 196 2 OUR LATEST ARRitfAL ?.jr* Anti After f .70 9.00 Mm l«ar Soxnr C 30 r.a't 1 1 l-nion b\ OM. Green $10.80 id Blunden 7.50 1.. 1 t 5.70 Ilon-p I rorr I 6.30 V.r lost Sin-»porc 7.50 Utl.ur On thr Uir 9.00 Malin\ Hir Srx I 4.50 irs uf
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    • 119 2 DON'T SUFFER! You car.r.ut concentrate as you should if ycu are are sufTenr.g from 1 or external piles cet the best oat of life and to ye sjri?:st the far y use of Oe Witts "Man ?an' Pile Remedy. The first application will give immediate nlLf i- '!ne results will
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 954 2 UIKIPADniIP CM* as Itlill Tir 12 ;-5 pm :J- -as. 8 33 p.m. Cricket commentary. JtHVjnrVJnt- Interlude, li 00 E-rt Mrsseder. 11.30 j 8.43 p :n. Homeward bound. 9.00 p in. BCD NETWORK from noon to pin. News, il .40 pr. From Todays All Ha!e. 9.30 p.m. The Three Mus--2
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  • 545 3 A rmy gets new powers to fight looters Sunday Times Correspondent ANK of the biggest problems facing the military authorities in Singapore today is that of combatting the widespread looting and pilfering from its many depots and these thefts are costing the Services millions of dollars.
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  • 31 3 m h authoress. Madame iiabrirr. h« been awarded the Critics' Pri/e worth IM.M* franc Nff I>t ooi!, I j \ic dfs Morts' rh» Life of the Diadi
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  • 53 3 BAN3KOK-A drive by the >c Government to r:orzantM the railroad system so that there will be no delays in movin2 out rice for hungry Aiia nos resulted in the susD?nsion of 200 railway officials who were not adequately fulfilling their duties, the Siamese newspaper Praja Korn
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  • 81 3 Sunday Times Reporter (GOVERNMENT is investgiating the possibilities of J sU-iblishing a second police school to train the increased number of men the Police Force intends to recruit. These are more of the measures planned for fighting MCNI societies, ■gs. firmed robbers and thk Sir
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  • 41 3 Sunda> limes Correspondent PENANG, Sat. M o: thi tai in 1012 order UcArthur a i Com .a -k U lod»e( ■■.ill be br othe clay. arrival of thesi lite the loca ha fur IS of the* nival o;
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  • 17 3 I l.Ti' I in ihi tin of sardim au< n\er in the sum o $100.
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  • 64 3 BANCKOK. rHINESE in S;am have betn warned by the Chinese Government not to involvt In Siamese internal political affairs because of the current state of national emergency. tement frcm Mr. Sun Pien ntmen. resident member of ths rinnese Diplomatic Mission, said instructions Irom the Government
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  • 89 3 Public must co-operate Sunday Times Reporter '*1T no moment in the Co- lony's history has the cooperation of the public been so necessary." declared the Governor. Sir Franklin Oimson, to Singapore newspaper men yesterday. He was referring to the apparent apathy by people in failing to take advantage of the
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  • 56 3 Sunday Times Correspondent PENANG. Sat. IMR Ong Ken Keng, president of '< m the Kucmintang and San Mm ,Chu Vi Youth Corps, has been appointed Malayan delegate to the forthcoming central executive I committee meeting of the San Mm Chu Vi Youth Corps to be Meld at Kulin?.
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  • 136 3 A HORSE FOR HIS KINDNESS Sunday Times Correspondent MELBOURNE, (By Air Mail) MUSTRALIAN sentimentality H and kind-heartedness were exhibited in Melbourne ist week when a newspaper printed on its front-page a cameraman's dream of a 'tear jerking" picture an aged Cantonese greengrocer in tears after a tram had killed the
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  • 122 3 Sunday Times Correspondent MALACCA. Sat. THE first case of its kind in which the buyer in a blackmarket deal as well as the seller was prosecuted, was heard before Mr. M. Neal, the District Judge, yesterday when an Indian pleadj cd guilt) to having
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  • 107 3 Sunday Times Correspondent BANGKOK. CIGHT ships scheduled to carry Siamese rice to Singapore or the Malayan Union sailed, loaded or were due to load during the July 6-20 period, the Combined Siam Ri?e Commission announced They were: Empire Caicos, loading with 3.658 tons lor Singapore: Gian
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  • 61 3 Sunday Times Correspondent PENANti. Sat. A SPECIAL Chungking education mission is now in Malaya. >Ir On Lin Yin, a member of the mission, who is in Penang. stated that Malaya's share of the IS SGOO.OOO grant from Chungking for rehabilitation work will amount to 51. 000.000 (Malayan
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  • Article, Illustration
    33 3 Popular with the Chinese are the marionettes. These Chinese theatres in miniature are usually hired for festivals and birthdays. The Sunday Times cameraman took this picture from a Singapo re roadside.
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  • 250 3 Sunday Time s Reporter FUND with two revolvers, 21 rounds of ammunition and a Japanese bayonet, an Indonesian, Awang bin Amat, who was produced before Mr. Paul Storr in the Criminal District Court yesterday, was sentenced to three years' rigorous imprisonment, and fined a
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  • 114 3 CHE" ISMAIL bin Mohamed Ali has been appointed to the Malayan Civil Service. A Selangor Malay, Che' Ismail born at Port Swettenham in US and educated at the Victoria Institution. He won a Q-Kens scholarship in 1937. and entered Trinity Hall, Cambridge where he gained his
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  • 174 3 Sunday Times Correspondent PENANG, Sat. ORIGHTER broadcasting is t.v aim of the new radio chie'. Mr. G. L. Morrison, who h?s arrived from Singapore to take charge of the Penang radio station. Mr. Morrison said that the broadcasting studio would be shifting from Victoria Green
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  • 193 3 Posed as VC f forger is gaoled BELFAST. Sut. AN Army sergeant, who was said to have DMti as a major with the Victoria Cross and to have forged cheques belonging to his father while having a "good time" in Northern Ireland, was sent to prison at BtUit today, when
    Reuter  -  193 words
  • 42 3 OLD RAF Hali.'ax bomoers witl be used for flying fruit from Europe and Africa to England. The first of six bombers have been delivered to Elstree aerodrome for a private firm which emrcts to start the service shortly.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 230 3 1793 ;ii MM BRITISH or AMERICAN Txx>ks or .ticals that you may require. S?r.d your reculrrmc:)-. aid quoti you Cubs. Schooiv M Hospitals. Business Houses. Govrnim-nt nU etc. csp-ciall> I All tci-lvral and professional s supplied H:re n fr-.v .<;',>■; i-ven annual subsc-ipttT) ratry Including oost of Postage to
      230 words
    • 221 3 CBLESJIND f^LASTICS A\.r^. LTD ELECTRIC CABLES.... W ill] riirrnio[)laslir I nsu lal ion SIPI-ISIOK TO HI BBKK.COXKIII I) CAILES FILLY VEATHBPIOOF \M) \o\.l'Mllsll \:tll Hr>i>»ant io vtalrr. oil. |»clrol. ;mi-I :ilk ilic- mdl' iinrffrrlrcJ I>y rain, air or xra.v alcr. TOUGH AND rilAir.l.l.. —No i:«< I Ur nOra pr... lorlion
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous

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  • 593 4 THE SUNDAY TIMES SINGAPORE JULY 21,1946 Fighting The Price Racketeers THE elimination of Singa- pore's 30,000 unlicensed hawkers is a major problem for the city and it is one that has got to be solved if the campaign against the black market and the racketeer is to meet with any
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  • 923 4 THEY'RE DEMOCRATS IN JAPAN TODAY The Japanese people turn their backs on their "undefeated" returning soldiers and claim TODAY nearly all Japanese homelanders are selfprofessed democrats, even to the extreme of turning their backs on Japanese soldiers repatriated from Malaya and all the other places they were sent to fight
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  • 786 4 Big send-off for Marella on her first trip RETURNING MALAYANS Air mail lettter from BOB GILMORE Melbourne, July 10. SEEING the Marella off for Singapore from Victoria Dock on Sunday in many ways was like old times; according to the public prints the sailing of the Burns Philp veteran attracted
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  • 292 4 France wants Siam's PNTHRONED under a C golden canopy within the most magnificent of Siam's 17,500 temples rests the Emerald Buddha, the fabulous religious treasure responsible for one of the most unusual disputes between modern nations. France demands it for IndoChlna. Siam -efuses even to consider the claim
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  • 148 4 'Ribbon cities' as A-bomb defence By A Correspondent RIBBON CITIES"— Rows of houses stretching from coast to coast and from ncrth to south, transforming UN United States into a Oil me* checkerboard are propo ed by two prominent atomic scientists as a defence against ihe aomtic bomb threat. Such a
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 487 4 Son of late Mrs <> MISS WEE I Mr h Chen* ot Singapore PERSONAL A T Oi 46 Raffles I;', S 1.) d 1 J4ti SITUATIONS VACANT Wanted by Irr.port House experlenrthand typat with knowled?e .Tiee routine work Apply to A 9 Cundav Times SITUATION WANTED U) n :.ce malar..
      487 words
    • 29 4 To protect you from fraud Seal 1« affixed to all packets of Post-war BCH and TIGER TEA. Distributors lI ARPCR GILFIXXAN CO., LTD. irs throughout Malaya BOH PLANTATIONS LTD.
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    • 87 4 TMi BEST SiNCi J833 iAerated Waters are obttttlMlUa from the following Provision Stores in Singapore BEACH ROAD AREA Bun B.'-e A C"«. 11l ft 113. E?::"ii Road Thong Wh-tt A Co. 123. Beach Read Gcan Hi .it Hin 363 Beuch H' :nl VICTORIA STREET AREA Qi!*k Hock S.-ng 311 &i
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  • 332 5 Penangpolice swoop on secret hide-outs Sunday Times Correspondent PENANG, Saturday. THE Penang police force, now increased in strength is at present engaged in a full-scale operation against what an official calls "Penang's hill-hillies." The network of hill paths on the isfand provides excellent cover for secret
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  • 31 5 >«f London's CM D is Mr. William Rawlings, Mho has r\t< c and the tiput.itiun of beins a scholar I as a solver of difficult murder t:
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  • 94 5 Sunday Times Correspondent IPOH, Sat. CENTEN'CE of death was pass- ed this morning in the Perak Assize? on Ong Peck Seng who was convicted on a charge of carylng armc The prosecution alleged that Ong drey; a revolver when cornered in a police ambush set along
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  • 136 5 Sunday Times Reporter Wr, Sa- Franklin Gimscn, m>.ets Singapore Chi -day, to discuss matters s*-t out in their memorandum presented to Government, one point to b d wili be the future of the Singapore teer Corps oldest organization of its land in the Emj: This
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  • 80 5 Sunday Times Correspondent PENANG Sat THE Municipal campaign to 1 clear the streets of hawkers and roadside stallholders has already begun. Dr. W. H. Brodie. the Health Officer, stated today that nearly 3.000 hawkers hav e been registered so far. Action against illegal squatter:; is also
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  • 58 5 WATER SUPPLY RESTRICTED Sunday Times Correspondent PENANG, Sat. THE consumption of water in Bukit Mertajani and Prai is being restricted from today, according to an official notification issued by the Executive Engineer, province Wellcsley. The restriction measures include the shutting eft* of supplies at both centres tnrour'hout the night, pnd
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  • 175 5 Few want $20 for club name Sunday Times Reporter WHAT'S in a name? For someone who can suggest an appropriate name lor the new N.A.A.F.1.-E.F.I. Officers' restaurant shortly to be opened in Raffles Place there is a prizs of $20. But in spUe of the fact that this ofTer has
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  • 109 5 Sunday limes Correspondent ALOR STAR, Sat. It is up to the Malays and the 1 others forming the population of Malaya to strive and make the utmost use of the agricultural resources that nature has provided them with," said Tungku Yaacob. State Agricultural Officer, at th
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  • 89 5 maximum charge of S3 for a meal is to be amended tj h~Mt >n ine near luturo. says an official ommuni-ue issued yesterday. The order tor a maximum price was first made in February and it is now felt that the reduction in nricrs of
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  • 56 5 Sunday Times Correspondent IPOH, Sat. IN the Perak Assize Court today. j Mr. Justice L. E. C. Evans sentenced Loh Seng Chye, a 40--year-old Hokkien, to 14 years' rigorous imprisonment on a charge of armed robbery and abduction of a Chinese school teacher at Batu dajah
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  • 504 5 Sunday Tiim-3 Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. THERE have been many I claims that ha\e b2en grossly exaggerated, semetimes bordering on the fraudulent," declares a statement issued by the Claims and Hirings Directorate on the authority of the G.0.C., Malaya Comrrar.d, en the subject of cliims for damag2
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  • 56 5 three Japanese officers responsi ble for the Kalacon "Wood Bath"— ln which 600 Hurman m en. women and children died after they had been shot by a British firing squad. They were the first i-^pancse to be execute 1 for ofTencfs against civilians in
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  • 339 5 By Reuter's Special Correspondent BRUNEI, a town on sluts, still refuses to come down to earth. About two-thirds of Brunei's population of 18.C00 pecple live in houses built literally in the middle of Brunei river, and all efforts to persuade them to live
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  • 26 5 The Pyke Cost of Living Committee Is still sitting. It is preparing its final report but when this will be ready is not known.
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  • 270 5 Sunday Times Reporter A 50- YEAR-OLD Suluk, w th his hands tied ;md !>ing on his back spat in the face of a Kempoi-tai interrogator and tcld him that the Japanese were an evil people ;:nd would suffer for th? illtreatment they im met ng
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 249 5 World's Richest Source of s* l Pit V. ial MINERAL SALTS brings Jk-JHF new health to RUNDOWN, k IP WEAK, DEPRESSED people nB|O When y«.iu overwork or worry or suffer acute W \^Jl ncn-: Mrain, your system is gradually robbed W. mim vital Mineral Salts. So you get vB I
      249 words
    • 133 5 SYDN^Y-SINGAFO^F.-l CIIDIDE CEOUiP^ 4 cifii mc dEnf ibEd ilßaa^sS B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^a^^^ 6^3*^^ ilk S bCK£Sb^bW Showing the Flag —on British Wings: /.'he "Kangarco" lir.ioi o. tr.rcl uy Q.E.A. and 8.0.A.C. jr v♦■ s Singapore air conn c: on > m\ (inparalleled speed and corr.fur, With Sydney and London and travil tune
      133 words

  • Sunday Times Special
    • 987 6 By Merv Williams, Boxing Editor, Sporting Globe MELBOURNE, Mon. THE real story behind the ninth round knock-out of 1 Battling Sima, Malayan 9st. 91b. champion, w ho was punched, bustled, and hounded to a standstill at the Melbourne Stadium on Saturday by Mickey Tollis, lightweight
      987 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 308 6 NDERS. < Ivrd st the Office of Work N*AKI EFI. 116 Anson Road for the upply of sani..tiaents.— 10 Wash Basins. 10 Lavatory P»ns complete with tana. 6 Baths NAAFI KT\ does not bind itself to MMat or any lrnd?r. "JUST RECEIVED" j $15. 00 U Annual of Pfe tafiaptaj
      308 words
    • 335 6 ANTIPEOL CUTANEOUS VACCINE OINTMENT contains the sterllr vaccine nitrate lAatMrai) of the streptococci. sUph> lococcl. and B pyocyaneus common to skin Infections. RHINO ANTIPEOL for all naso-pharyngeal Infections. OPHTHALMO-ANTIPEOL for ocular Infections and lesions. ENTEROFAGOS (Oral) polyvalent bacteriophaees for Intestinal and para-intestinal Infections. DETENSYL vegeto-polyharmoiiic hypotensor MEDICO BIOLOGK \l LABORATORIES.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 634 6 J LccvO D%^CqNJ Cw yt// sacrifice ty Edgar Rice Burroughs EPff 9SN ofTK&a TTHAtP t the mcmmy-m«n carded him *I',| '^fcM y^^fßNßK^u I r^l JTw -I|>J isSt. W\ ["■W^fßTr- vzfn r /^^w^mlW B^r important this Vcek in considering: anything /^^hjt^ > jf JS^aE^ Yssfy^vßmwr' B^M^ni^y""^ JL-vT"* i '^t^Bß^BwßP Your personal
      634 words

  • 39 7 Ai m' er natch H tide 1 ..rrstir^d fi r V r:l ..I .:.i j i m I in mil t, t;UHrf ■Mrtag: Jaffar. K.ttli, ttxiitl Rahman laha. D 1 > 1° F.kraji. vhjr.' Irl Rah-nan.
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  • 8 7 1- P in I The i
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  • 312 7 [TOO FEW SPORTS FIELDS I. RELEASED WHILE the majority of playing fields up-country have been re-conditioned and made available for public use, conditions in Singapore remain much the same as they were in the early days of the reoccupation. Anson Road Stadium, venue of many an historic match and the
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  • 497 7 George Chisholm's Sport sr eel LONDON, July 10. Fc PTBALL Ei the topic of the moment and figuring largely in all conversations is the rot-on 1 mend: tiop resulting from il-.c Home Office inquiry into the Bolton Cup-tie disaster thit lefislatica br'n? all big football
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  • 140 7 a good team on its feet, is willing to donate the cup and help in ct^er directions. With at leart four fiist-cla£3 civilian t?ams ready and eager for such a crmnH^tton. 3"d ?<n abundance of talent availabU- among the Services, it only remains for the controlling body to
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  • 100 7 Sunday Times Reporter SEREMBAN, Fii. AN interesting cricket match was played at Sererr.ban on Saturday between the Durham Light Infantry and the Negri Sembilan Club, the game ending in a win for the club by 26 runs. Scores were: N.B. Club: 80 (E. I. Ponnlah. 25, M. Retnam,
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  • 351 7 Sunday Times Repciter IPOH. Sat. THE Perak Turf Club officially came into being again when a meeting of its ordinary and life members yesterday voted its resuscitation and went o:i to receive the report cl the tem- porary committee and to elect an official
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  • 212 7 FOR fl/kt time in history, d from vaiio'is districts in IMMMg met at the Ravb Ue.«t House last weekend to consider the formation cl a Pshang Football Association. It was unanimously decided at the rr^tin!; that it was high time mat Ps.hang should have such
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  • 195 7 K BIG entry has been rccvivrd f^r the -^Sintjapore tab'e tennis ch3mpionfhins of 1946. Chief Interest in th« championships Is t'is inter-cub toagV* event, which has attracted 10 affiliated clubs and associations, amon* thf"n a European team, which is believed to be strong. Th»
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  • 217 7 Sunday Times Correspondent PARIT BUNTAR, Sat. r THE Krlan soccer league is nearlng completion and the DID PWD. with 13 points from seven games, are the favourites Their nearest rivals arc the Malay Ycungsters who are one point behind but have played one more game The Youngsters
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 124 7 WHCFEAWAVS (WfIITtAWAV, lAIDLAW £> CO.. LTD.) iPOUE Post Jiox 6% KOB PERSONAL BHOPPJ 16 eta. tablet each 60 34 tube 123 tin Mt Dishes 50 cts. each .ring Soap 40 stick Vakferma Antiseptic Balm 110 Jar ua 78 eta. Bottle Hand lotion 2 2o tureUe Complexion Milk 225 150 each
      124 words
    • 325 7 The Sensational rf^JlMl i Tri-Star Team is Here V^Wl I UL/ BEWARE— A She-Serpent! It has wriggled into Love's own gardon WEIRD WILD DANGEROUS "COBRA WOMAN" I'niversal's Rare TK( II MCOLOR Spectatle) featuring ■■■■^m^L*. Hollywood s crlcbratrd beauty MSRIA MONTEZ JW In dual role as the twin j»"a sis»?r3, TOLLEA
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  • 662 8 Good Start In Second Test MANCHESTER, Sat. DA IN held up the start till after lunch in the Second Test match between England and All-India at Old Trafford to-day but England ent in to bat on a tricky wicket after India had won the toss, made
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  • 130 8 PARIS. Sat. 'j'HKRI. were no surprises in the Frcach lawn tennis championships yesterday wh.-re American girls sbowrd their superiority by reproducing Ihtir Wimbledon form. Ma Joan Curry beat her French opponent Madame P. Frlrk 6-7, 6-t, and in the men's duub'i- tne Cugliah pair. Henry
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  • 325 8 A.A.A. Championships LONDON, Sat. SYDNEY WOODERSON, former holder of the world mile record and former mile champion won the three miles event ;.t the A.A.A. championships at the White City Stadium toda*. krocking over 10 seconds off the British record. The mile was won by
    Reuter  -  325 words
  • 536 8 NEW BIG SWEEP RECORD K.L. Races Sunday Times Reportri KUALA LUMPUR. Sat. j WITH a toU! 7>ool of $209,730 I .in big sweep record was established here tod.^y. the final day of the MMfßt Turf Clubs Sun Meeting A good crowd wMd) Included V\n«t <J;-Pertuan Herar of Ne«ri Se-n--bilan and
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  • 74 8 Recs Beat Police By 53 Runs IN a cricket match played at Thomson j Road yesterday, Recs beat the Police by 53 runs. Battin; first, Rccs scored 131 for 9 wickets, highest scorers being O. Clarke and D. Ross who knocked up 34 and 23 respectively. S. K Sundrum took
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  • 40 8 Sunday Times Reporter Kuala Lumpur. Sat. The Navy tram from Singapore, playing their second chanty match in Kuala Lumpu r this evening, were defeated by four goals tc nil by a Combined CiviliaT team.
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  • 28 8 NEWPORT. Sat--Mi«j> Gem Hoahing of China wen tIM Welsh Women's Utii Tennis Championship on Friday, beating Mrs. Joy Dibbert of Britain 6—l. 2.— A.P.
    AP  -  28 words
  • 311 8 ENGLAND— Ist Inns Washbrock c Hindlrkar b .Mankad 52 Hutton c Mu.-hUiQ All b Mankad 67 Compton Ibw Amarnath 51 Hammond not out 45 Hardstaff c Merchant b Amarnath 5 Gibb not out 13 Extras 3 Total (for four wickets) 2UC BOWLING O. M. R. W. Sohoni 11 1
    Reuter  -  311 words
  • 149 8 Sunday Times Reporter ALOR STAR. Sat. BUT for an accident whi ,-h resulted In their goal-keeper, Tai Kow breaking his hand, the Kuala Muda Chinee might have staved off a four-two defeat Inflicted on them by the Penang Seaplane Base ioccer team. Scorers in this match
    149 words
  • 72 8 Sunday Times Reporter SEGAMAT. Prl. r TIIE S?gamat Crickn Cub me?t 1 Tampln In a cricket mat.h on Sunday at Segamat. Th- Se-amat team will be choien from: P. Na?rsi (capt.). C. S. K. Bove'l. H. R J Lockhart. R. O. W.ljicy. Barr Kumaraku'asinghe. Capt. L. J. Cartr.
    72 words
  • 507 8 LONDON, Sat. f-LAMOHGAN, who ars the only v* team *o beat Lan~a<Urc this aeason. made a great effor; to complete a double yesterday Thy were foiled by the last Lancashire pair who came together with 35 runs still required to avoid an Innings defeat trlth only
    507 words
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    • 297 8 II p -m. "THE SON OF ROBIN HOOD" »'ari«»::\i vii in \\lT\ I II Jill \r. R.i (j:\n\n ■:.<-r Breaker in dazrilng. brcatii-taklnx g GLvLPnc p«o«f eaO7B C. 3c pm. in "JliO O L A j Show— PHONE dO7OW i )4 p m jtcnuttes of ;un r. II Advirture
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