The Straits Times, 19 July 1946

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • 638 1 Five Ships Driven Ashore HONG KON(;, Thursday. THE typhoon which fcas been raging across the Pacific throughout this week hit Hong Kong today. It drove at least five vessels ashore m various parts oi' the harbour, flooded parts of the main streets, paralysed
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  • 98 1 HONU KONG. Thurs— The Kong Kong and Shanghai bank today announced the unfreezing of pre-war credit balances, and inaiiag-rs of oth«r banks immediately charged discr mination, aiding that they wore planning an organised protest. The managers or the other banks said they were sMll bound by
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  • 49 1 LONDON, Wed.— ?ot the first tima m the current financial year Uniied Kingdom revenue exceeds expenditure. Tha return for the wesk ended July 13 shows revenue at £48 millions and expenditure £42 millions comparrd with the previous week* £43 millions ar.d £61 millions respectively. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  49 words
  • 301 1 BANGKOK, Thursday. A PLOT to overthrow corstitutional go/ernment !in Siam was d sciosed today by the Prime Minister, Pridi Phanamyong. The Premier made the disclosure .n answer to a request by Khuang Aphaiwong. who has just been named as Siam's delegate to the United Nations Security Council
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  • 113 1 Philippines To Claim Islands From Britain MANILA, ThurdUay. DON Elpidio Quirino, the Philippines Foreign Secretary, announced today that he Philippines would ask the United Nations for one group (.f French-claimed islands and several British-leasad islets oil British North Borneo. He told a news conference thai the Philippines Republic woul i
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  • 93 1 Malays Meet Governors From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs—lnformal discussions on the Secretary of State's observations on propof.ils prepared on the su'>Ijact of the future constitution of i Malaya took place at King s Hou.->e today between th* Gover-nor-General of the Malayan Union and Singapore, the Governor of the
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  • 84 1 LONDON. Thar*.— The VlceCl airmnn of th« Naflleld ore an sat ion stated Tfrterday that an all tim- v hJrl? pxport re-ord was established m Jan«, when the total value of cars and ronune-caJ ve>»lHfs 9hlp ped by Nnfflrld Fxrmrtx Limited alone reached mor« than .£500,090.
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  • 178 1 La Guardia's Demand To Critics WASHINGTON, Thursday. MR. LA GUARDIA, D.rectorGeneral of UNRRA, has demanded that Mr. J. Frankl n Ray, acting UNRRA Director m China, snail supply the j names, official posificns and nationalities of 225 persons en the UNRRA Shanghai stati who dispatched a jofnt telegram to Mr.
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  • 101 1 Shots were fired at about ten I o'clock last night when a gang of about 20 Chinese, most of them dressed m sweaters and muiflers, attacked a coffee shop ard j.all at the junction of Cecil Sti -*et and Boon Tat Street. Bottles were hurled
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  • 78 1 V'.ttr bakers vie.'ins exhibits showin* Britain's bread, cake and flour rations lor the different sections of tbe population, when they met at the Memorial Hall, Farrinrdon Street, London. The bakers were riecid in* whether they vrnMd meet th c Foorl Minister, Mr. John Strachey. on the
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  • 187 1 THE STEAMER BERWYN VICTORY, which it was announced yesterday had been diverted by UNRRA from Shanghai to Singapore with 8,500 tons of flotlr aboard, is expected to arrive here about July 25 or 26. This measure had it* origin at the Liaison Officers' Conference
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  • 786 1 LONDON, Thursday. STATEMENTS on the Cabinet Mission to India wer3 made m Parliament today by Lord PethickLawrence, Secretary of State for India, and Sir I Stafford Cripps, President of the Hoard of Trade, who were both members of the Mission. Speaking m the House
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 524 2 Moscow Broadcaster On Russian Actions LONDON, Thursday. MOSCOW RADIO declared yesterday that the United States is planning to arm and train Chinese troops and prolong the lend-lease to Nanking m a move which "actually amounts to interference m China's affairs." Professor V. Lan m a
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  • 101 2 'Service Heads Silenced On Atom Control' WASHINGTON, Wed. nEPRESENTATIVE J. P. A Thomas alleged today that President Truman silenced demands from the Army and Navy for a voice m the crntrol of atomic energy. He said that service heads, after receiving a directive from Mr. Truman switched positions and no
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  • 42 2 LONDON. Wed.— < By Fraser Wighton. Reuters Political Correspondent) The Foreign Secretary, Mr. Ernest Bevin, will, I understand, lead the British diplomatic deiepation to the peace conference m Paris. Mr. Attlee is not expected to attend. Reuter.
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  • 80 2 WASHINGTON, Wed.— The| chairman of the United States Famine Emergency Committee, Mr. Herbert Hoover, said m an interview today he expected "acute" food shortages In "starvation countries" would be end^d by August when the northern hemisphere crops are harvested. Mr. Hoover added: "The situation will
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  • 46 2 NEW York, Tues.— The Russian proposal for an international convention to outlaw the use of atomic weapons will be discussed &t the next meeting of Committee No. 2 of the Atomic Energy Commission Working Committee, it was decided today. U.P.
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  • 276 2 LONDON, Thursday. A STORMY meeting of the National Association of Master Bakers threatened yesterday to defy the Government order to ration bread beginning next Monday, at the riJ; of imprisonment, if necessary. Fifteen hundred delegates lited down all opposition to 11 for non-co-operation and Alfred
    Reuter  -  276 words
  • 86 2 SAID General Sir Bernard Paget, retiring C.-in-C. Middle East, m a farewell address to his Cairo G.H.Q staff: In barracks soldiers should live like gentlemen. "All soldiers should wear -pyjamas. ■'I want to see married quarters for officers as well as other ranks. "I want to see
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  • 146 2 MADRID, Wed.— The tenth anniversary of the outbreak of the Spanish civil war on July 18, 1936, will not be celebrated tomorrow for the first time since Franco's assumption of power. The onl7 indication of the recognition of the anniversary is contained m the thus far
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  • 66 2 LONDON, Wed: —The three Russians held by the American authorities are to be released, Hamburg Radio quofns an announcement by United States headquarters m Germany has said. The Russians, two of whom are Red Army officers, were found observing American military installations m the
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  • 75 2 LONDON, Tues.— Air Marshall Sir Ralph Cochrane, Air Officer, Royal Air Force Transport Command, left England today m an Avro York for a three weeks tour of the Far-East. His main purpose is to study the operation of the Transport •Jismiiiana's route services
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  • 221 2 PERSIA ANS WERS FOR BRITONS LONDON, Wed MR. ERNEST BEVIN, the Foreign Affairs Minister, told the House of Commons today that Britain would hold Persia responsible for the safety of British lives and property m the Kuzistan area where disturbances last Sunday causrd the death* oi 17 persons and the
    Reuter  -  221 words
  • 49 2 w.^i.* iMums cases loauea wiin iou-kw Uiesel generating units being transoorted on barees m the Soochow Creek, Shanghai The generators had just been nnloaded from cargo steamer Atwater Park from Vancouvsr. Only food, medical supplies and transport are now being sent to China by UNRRA
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  • 117 2 U.S. Hands Over $300,000,000 To Britain WASHINGTON, Wed. MR. John W. Snyder, U.S. Secretary of the Treasury, announced today that $300,000,000 (U.S.)— roughly £75,000,000— wi1l be placed to Britain's credit tomorrow as the first advance on the British loan. The funds will come from the US. Treasury balance of more
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  • 107 2 Officer Convicted And Dismissed Ship BOMBAY, Wed— Commander I F. W. King, Commander of Talwar Indian Navy shore establishment at Bombay where the ratings mutinied last February, was today sentenced by a court martial to be dismissed from Dalhousie and be "severely reprimanded." Dalhousie is a Royal Indian Navy shore
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  • 178 2 NUREMBERG, Wed— Dr. Hjalmar Schacht, Germany's financial wizard, was presented to the war crimes tribunal on Monday as a man who "trod the path of conspiracy' against Hitler, and now finds himself n the same prisoners' box as the GestaDO chief who who arrested him
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  • 48 2 Bomb damage to St. Paul's Cathedral cannot be repaired for a number of years. Other necessary improvements will extend the work and expenses. The War Damage Commission will meet part of the estimated expense of over £80,000, says U.P. from London.
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  • 46 2 NANKING, Thurs.-U.S. Marines headquarters said today that no trace has been found of seven marines captured five days ago by an undentified band bt armed Chinese. It reported that an Executive Headouarters team composed of Nationalists, Communists and Americans has joined the search.
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  • 22 2 Admiral S'r Campbell Tait governor of South Rhodesia, died at Car>e Town yesterday aged 59 says UP. from South Africa.
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  • 173 2 BANGKOK, Wed. Siameso police official? announced todaj| that they are poing to re?nact their version of King Ananda Mah'dol's death before the Commission of Inquiry investipat ng the tragedy. They said the king's b:d and mosquito net would be used m a re construct' on of the
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  • 87 2 CALCUTTA, Wed.— A threemember Siamese pi ichasl n<* mission to India, which arrived here from Bangkok yesterday en route to Delhi, will purchas,-; goods for Siam's reconstruction under a R550.000.000 credit granted by the Government of India. The rupee loan which is repayable m
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  • 464 2 LABUAN, Wednesday. DRITAIN'S youngest Colony of North Borneo faces v a revenue problem as most of the costs of administration have m the past been raised from duties on exports and imports. The opium revenue is gone and alternative sources are slender. The British
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  • 105 2 ROME, Wednesday. EMILIO LUSSU, Actionist Deputy, today urged Italy not to sign the "punitive peace because British politicians and International capitalists, and not the Italian people, were responsible lor fascism. "Winston Churchill ana Chamberlain, and othr leading British politicians were supporting, hand-shaking and back-patting Mussolini
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 100 2 NOTICE Will Old Amplcfordlans at present In Malaya please communicate with T. P. R. Baker, area secretary. Ampleforth Society, c/o The Anglo-Thai Corporation. Mercantile Bank Building, Singapore. BRINKMANN CO INSURANCE DEPARTMENT Representing SIN INSURANCE OFFICE LTD. THE LIVERPOOL AND LONDON 4 QUOm INSURANCE CO., LTD. THAMKS AND MERSEY MARINE INSURANCE
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    • 122 2 STRAITS T2MES PRINTING OEPT. has received stocks of coloured lightweight manifold paper. We are now able to qu"tp reasonable rates for order books, requrfitvin books, sales books and all printed matter requiring the use of coloured copy sheets of lightweight paper. Following colours are a.'.i.laoii.: Green Mauve Apple Green Blue
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  • 431 3 Special Facilities For Buying Goods CPECIAL dealers m Singapore will shortly be appointed by the Food and Price Control Department to sell supplies to schools at controlled prices, or prices fixed by the Department plus a profit of ten per cent. This system of supply,
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  • 154 3 London, Wed. IN the House of Commons today, S:'r Waldron vnithers (Cons, Kent Orpington Div.) asked the Secretary for the Colonies whether m view of hardship to the next of kin of the men killed m active service who are unabl; to obtain grants
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  • 120 3 From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. TLEVEN members of the Malayan Victory Parade contingent met with a serious accident while returning to Kuala Lumpur last night from Port Dckson where they had previously been encamped. It appears that the lorry :n which they were travelling
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  • 95 3 NINETEEN .Mooengeis arrived m Singapore by 8.0.A.C./Q.E.A. planes on Wednesday from the United Kingdom. India, Australia, and Penan;. From United Kingdom: Mrs. J. M. Deelen, Master J. Dielen, Miss J. D"slcn, Mr. J M. Kelly. Mr. C. Wilkinson, Miss P. M. Williams, Brigadier C. W Bacon From India
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  • 30 3 Mr. N,4?on Jones, the Financial Secretary. Sinpanore will give a radio talk on "The United S-ates Loan and Malaya" over Rai o Malaga at 9.15 p.m. on Friday. July 19.
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  • 135 3 I AST Tuesday, under the head- ing "Oovt. Servants Dismiss Suggestion Of Strike." the Straits Times reported that "after discussing the question of whether or not to strike for n higher rate of allowance. r\ rom'i"^ »«~Ti-nvt-*»« of Government employees m Singapore de'eided overwhelmingly against striking at a
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  • 179 3 MATERIALS TO REBUILD MALAYA LONDON, Wed. THE Colonial Secretary is doing all In his power to expedite the supply ox materials and equipment for the rehaoil tation ot Malayan ports, including Singapore and Port Swottenham. said Mr. A. Creech-Jones, Undersecretary lor the Colon es, m the Ho'ise of Commons today
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  • 63 3 Caned For Firing Crackers A Chinese youth, 16-year-old Sean Ah Chye, who paid no attention to a warning by a marine police-man not to let oJ crackers at Clifford Pier on Wednesday night, was ord2n-d by Mr. R.C. Hoffman, the Fourth Police Magistrate, yesterday, to be given six strokes of
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  • 36 3 Eighty-eight passengers, the majority of whom are the wives and eh ldren of Malayans, are expected to arrive from Europe by the Boschfonteln this morning. The shio will berth alongside G odown 27.
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  • 100 3 Admin istr ation In Singapore LONDON, Wed. SIR Waldron Smothers: (Cons., Kent, Orpington Div.) asked m the House of Commons today if the Secretary for the Colonies had had time to study particulars that had been sent to him regarding the adm nistratrton at Singapore and what action h: had
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  • 226 3 LONDON, Wed. THE Malayan Union Government is prepared to make re1 habilitation loans to the Chinese section of the tin industry for approved programmes of repair on terms similar to those for European companies. This statement was made m the House of Commons today
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  • 64 3 Sio?apores Botanical Gardens, which used to be a delightful spot to visit on moonlight nights, is now closed to the public after 7 p.m. A correspondent m yesterday's Straits Times pointed out that this came about with the advent of "the New Freedom." The pi r
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  • 253 3 LONDON, Wed. IN the House of Commons, Capt. L. D. Gammans, (Cons. North Hornsey) asked if a statement would be made about claims for compensation from widows and relatives of civil defence workers killed m Malaya at the time of the Japanese invasion and the
    Reuter  -  253 words
  • 85 3 LONDON, W«d. TIItRK were 39 murders and 458 robbTie-i m Singapore, of which 101 were robberi s by armed ?an«rs, during the period'.een Jan. 1 and July 19, sad Mr. A. Cr*ech-J->nes. V ndT- Secretary for the Colonies, m reply to a question m the
    Reuter  -  85 words
  • 222 3 Releases Of Singapore Buildings London, Wed. SIR Basil Neven-Spence (Cons., Orkney and Bbetl%n4i the Secretary of State for the Colonies, m the House of Commons today, if he would secure the ce- requisitioning of buildings Delonging to large shops m Singapore so that the needs of th? Inhabitants might be
    Reuter  -  222 words
  • 51 3 Owing to the inability of the accused to attend court due to illness, the case m which P. C. Dom nic faced a charge of collaboration under the Defence Regulations was adjourned to the. next Assizes by Mr. Justice Pretheroe m the Malacca A«size Court on Saturday, states our Malacca
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  • 155 3 Gaol And The Cat For Young Extortioner From Our Own Correspondent Ipoh Wed. AT the Pera'i Supremv Court, Mr. Justice L. E. C Evans sentenced to three years rigorous imprisonment and 12 strokes of the cat, a young Chinese, Tan Tong Choon, who was found guilty on a charge of
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  • 337 3 INSTEAD of applying to the Malayan Government Accountant m London, members of the Civil Defence Services and temporary government servant s Singapore who were interned and who consider themselves ent,c|ed to exgratia payments of accrued pay for the period of internment, may now apply
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  • 137 3 From Our Own Correspondent LONDON, July 9. CONTROVERSY over the cession of Sarawak still continues n London newspapers and periodicals. Today both The Times and the Daily Telegraph publish a telegram which has been addressfid to the Tuan Muda, Capt. Bertram Brooke, by the
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  • 196 3 Gunmen Fight Police In Singapore SEVERAL clashes oetween Kunmen'and police took p:i t n Singapore on Wednesda*. ni?ht, and swoops on various criminal haunts lrd to the arrej f of :;3 people. One Chinese was shot by a detective who broke un a j?ar.g flirht During the ni^ht. Tamil Hindu,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 30 3 CATHAY- BOOK EARLY 'PHONE 3400 GRAND PREMIERE TONIGHT TOMORROW AT MIDNIGHT More Dazzling Entertainment Than You Ever Dreamed Of! DICK HAYMESBETTY GRABJ.E m "DIAMOND HORSESHOE" A 20th Century Fox Technicolor!
      30 words
    • 36 3 Your teeth JT White and Sparkling Hfc With m i pan a «j\ TOOTH PASTE -'-^V SoW W distrrbwter* and mmMifae" *V-^£^A t«r»<i b> lfittol.M>«t ~o Pty. Ltd., 213 Pooßc m H4«h«ro». North S,dn.,, N.S.W, Autbolio.
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  • 19 4 "STEVENS 1 Leanard Aurther Ha.eloclt (Ben) on July 2nd 1948 at Tonbridge Kent, loving brother of Jiydur Sbcvrns
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  • 41 4 MINDEN DAY. Will any otUcers tht Jn..i iii *..i wio a»e ii*~iy to bo m Singapore jn 1 Aug. 46 piease contact Major P. A. M. Morrah, XX The Lancashire Fusiliers, C/o. The Straits Times. Cecil Street. Singapore, Tel. 5471.
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  • 1024 4 The Straits Times Singapore, Friday, July 19, 1946. Adam And Eve In Malaya "SELF-GOVERNMENT FOR MALAYA THE AIM" this was a headline in the Straits Times the other day. It must have started a train of reflection in more than one reader. How times have changed! During the period between
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  • 51 4 A new Rotterdam-Lloyd freighter, named after the Mod joker to, sunk south of Java m 1942, with accommodation for 30 passengers, has been launched at the Caledon Shipbulding and Ennjneering Company's yards, Dundee. The new th p carries a memorial plaque m noncur jf Jier
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  • 1594 4 By Reuter's Special Correspondent LABUAN, Tues. TWICE m the last two weeks, the GovernorGeneral, Mr. Malcolm Mac Donald, has flown to Borneo for the incorporation of protected territories within the British Commonwealth. At Monday's ceremony at Jesselton. British North Borneo formally passe 3
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  • Man In The Street
    • 273 4 A FEW days back a larg? consignment of text'les was released by one of the beet-known pre-war firms \n Singapore, who have now been appointed as the head of the commercial combine for the importation and distribution of textiles. Among the text
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    • 95 4 "Arms And The Man I QUITE appreciate what you I say about the law and its punishments m your leader, Arms And Tha Man." But m this case of Loo Cnoo T.&y, of Ipoh, I cannot but sympathise with this man who has to undergo eight years' impri-sonm-nt for having
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    • 131 4 PERMIT me to draw all' ntion to the open space tojnded by China Street. Cross Street, Pekin Street and Amoy Street, as a beautiful illustration cf your leader "C-ty of Smells." Hawkers not only block the lanes an: streets m this area but throw de> aying
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    • 117 4 IHE Director of Education, Singapore, has published a notification telling successful candidates to apply for their cert flcates individually to the General Secretary, University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate, Cambridge. The Director of Education here would do us a great favour if he would apply for us as
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    • 61 4 WHY have no awards been given to Dr. G. A. Ityrie and Mr. C. H. Hewitt, who were medxal and lay superintendents of the Sur.gei Buloh Leoer Settlement? They stayed behind when the Japs came m. and were taken away from the Settlement m December. 1943, for internment.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 796 4 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Classified Smalls SUES per line Mm Charge S5 Public Notices fin dct single column inch Personal Domestic KM per line Mm Charge $10. Mi averace word? eompriv mt <n c Advertisement* may be *em b) post accompanied b> .emitiaoce. For information telephone "idvcrtit v* Manager 547 i or
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    • 52 4 "PLEASURE RIDE 1 (Made m England) Made to ptemae the Children This new "Pleasure-Ride" Is made m England by the most reliable Makers. A Bell is now fitted. Improveu seat with back-rest, finished In Green and Red. Rubber grips and pedals A hish-rrade toy for the Children. I 61/63. High
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    • 53 4 OTHER LETTERS. Paje Six. Passages to India—Snaniroon CHldren—Postman Twice A Week —Ten-Year-Old Smoker. HE CHOW lilfllfr 2I.CHUUAST. S'P(/Xe\2JF R.V.MEYER OPTICIAN Fellow oi the institute OphMaimic Opticians (England.) Fellow of the Worsh.pful Company of Spectacle-Makers <Eng.) Freeman of the City of London. Modern sight testing and lens finding equipment. 6 RAFFLES
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  • 694 5 I.S.P. Constitution To Be Changed From Our Own Correspondent LONDON, Thurs. AN important statement on the future development of the Incorporated Society of Planters (Malaya) was made to your Correspondent today by J,he newly appointed secretary of the Society, Mr. J. N. Hughes, formerly
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  • 444 5 HAWKERS BLOCK A SINGAPORE STREET By A Special Correspondent pIVE hundred vacant pitches in Municipal shelters in Singapore for hawkers remain empty, while pages in the registration book kept at the Labour Office for unlicensed hawkers who wish new employment still remain blank. Singapore's
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  • 268 5 Increase In Malayan Rail Charges HEGINNING from Aug. 1, D railway tariff charges for Singapore and the Malayan Union will be increased. Reference to the new charges is made in a supplement to the Malayan Union Government Gaze Ete. Fares for first class passengers will be eight cents per mile,
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  • 19 5 The Indian Congress Mental Mission is closinT Its S neanore centre at 331 North Eridje Road on July 25.
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  • 259 5 China-Bound Vessels Delayed In Singapore PECAUSE of insufficient berthing space at the Singapore tJ Harbour Bo: rd wharves, a number of Hongkong-bound vessels, at present fining m the S'njyapore Roads, have not been able io discharge their cargo and proceed on their Far Eastern voyages. A direct outcome of this
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  • 128 5 A STATEMENT denying that the majority of 30» British and Dutch PoWs died of thirst on a single voyage from Ambon to Java m September, 1914 was made by Lieut. Kurashima, the officer m charge of the "hell ship." Haruyoshl Maru when
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  • 190 5 2 Years R.I. For Indian Detective A SINGAPORE detective, K. Naranasamy, who beat up a detainee and ml undated him by threatening to have his wife and children thrashed if he d.d noi confess to a murder, was sentenced to two years' rigorous imprisonment by Mr. Justice N. A. Worley
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  • 43 5 CAPT. Suzuki Sohei, commandant of the Lieng Khan camp (n French Indo-China. expressed his sorrow at the Australian War Crimes Court yesterday that an Austral- aa Po W had be n &v i lected to the water-torture m July, 1945.
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  • 402 5 Coroner s Findings For Government rl record of the Coroner's findings m the inquiry into the death of a Chinese seaman, Soon Ah Kwiing, who died of a gunshot wound, on July 5, m a motor vessel m waters off Tanjong Bali, Karimon, N.E.1., when the vessel was fired upon
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  • 105 5 A Chinese, who was described by his wife from the witness box as a husband who had given her only two suits or clothes durinp the four years of their manied life, was ordered to pay $50 a month for the maintenance
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  • 173 5 First Learn Mother Tongue, Says Expert pRIMARY educaucn m i Malaya should begin only with the mother tongue of the child, and the teach ng of a common language English m this countryshould be left till the secondary grades are reached, declared Dr. D. D. Chclliah, m a talk on
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  • 118 5 From Our Own Correspondent PENANG, Thurs. A DETECTIVE attached to the Penan* Polic* force was h?ld up and led to a tre: by three robbers last nlijbt. He snent th- whole night m this position ard wa> only released this morning when a passer-by
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 59 5 'J~Wk^yTl{j fMl*^ NORTH BRIDGE RD JtTtrue i iip^ Fields j H story of two jraL fig B**"^? *****188 HH gallant womenL \vggi Jm| inaHi m Paris! k *J| ttSSSBS^jW when each Kiss mayf v SBlfi be the last. C^^U L- -^^W l#i f* ill Det e^-m mm V Preceding by
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    • 92 5 Miss deoMe. K.wON«j tw 1/ MiruT off il nivjHi (The Hula-Hula B ff/* V ~X l] Come see the Ch m n) Bff I ll' Best shows Hot Hawaiian music Bff I /r._.-__._,,r>v AnuicctrtM rocc pia-ed m. hi /Em FIOO/f\ DMIS SION FREE VICTORIA THEATRE SINGAPORE Reopens To The Public
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  • 480 6 Airfields Being Used To Grow More Padi MEW Delhi, Wed.— During the first half of 1946 India obtained from outside the country 566,000 tons of food grains— 533,000 tons of wheat and 33,000 tons of rice. Over 497,000 tons are in the "pipeline" in
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  • 177 6 OHANGH AI, Wed Dr Robert R w Williams, distinguished chemist and a major inventor of the principal propess used in the manufacture of Vitamin B-l, has arrived in Shanghai from the United States to set up a process for enr.'ching rice with Vitamin B-l. Dr.
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  • 56 6 TOKIO, Tues.— Japans first police women are begin::in« to grumble. They don't like the salary, the work and the treatment given to them. The small uniformed women carried their complaints to th" press toc?ay. They said they w"e promised yen 300 (about $40 Straits) morjthlv but
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  • 119 6 IONDON, Wednesday: The draft of the new Ani»lo-Egyp-tian treatv provides that in case of aggression against E»,vpt or in certain circumstances against Britain the two countries will co-ordinate in necessary defence measures. Feutsr learns A Joint defencs body will be establishment to strdy measures of resistance
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  • 97 6 SHANGHAI, Wednesday -T h e State-owned China Petroleum Company h?s ordered a larpe quantity or oil from the South Seas, which will be sent here to be refined, according to Chlness pre«s renorts. The Company which owns a large refinery m the distant northwestern provinces of
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  • 61 6 RIO DE JANEIRO. Tue^.- -Brazil is attempting to settle labour disputes with a new law which Drovides compulsory mediation before a strike can take place. Labour unrest is widespread and a number of union groups have reported disputes to government agencies as required by the law. Labour
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  • 33 6 JERUSALEM, Wed.— lmm gration certificates have been allocated for 1,530 Jewish imml- 'rrants by the Palestine Governj merit for the period from July 1 15 to Aug. 15.— A.P.
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  • 520 6 Straits Times Post-Bag OF late there has been considerable agitation about passages to India, among th? Indian public, but, leaving aside the cost of the passage, the Field Security checking, and the shortage of shipping accommodation, there are abuses which could be remedied. According to the present
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 243 6 ALHAMBRA MIDNIGHT TONIGHT TOMORROW! "One of the GREATEST Entertainments of all time" Walter WincheU. Everyone Says It Differentijr— But TheyrAll Say HOLLYWOOD'S RECORD BROKEN IN INDIA! THIS MOVIE 'KISMET' DID IT! Stayed 111 J— t-m The Farr lne < 1 Weeks! ]jf^^^^ ft Oriental 51 at Bombay Interpretation »f Mat
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    • 200 6 MISCELLANEOUS FOR Any Sort of Automobile Repair, Scientific Method of Engine Tuning, and Perfect Lubrication Service remember the WORKSHOP next to Pavilion because their 25 YEARS' EXPERIENCE means Dependable Service to you. TAN MOTOR WORKS. NOTICE to Importers Your Import requirements embracing any and all commodities can be filled to
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    • 681 6 EDUCATION DEPARTMENT, JOHORL LONDON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE SPRING EXAMINATIONS 1911. Certificates of the successful candidates m the above examination he a at the Johore centre In 1911 have De^n received m the Education Office, Johore Bahru 2. Candidates should claim tlvm oy submitting their names m full and the subjects
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    • 537 6 ST. ANDREW'S OLD BOTS ASSOCIATION "LADY PRECIOUS STREAM" The first reading will take place at St. Andrew's School on Saturday 20U:.. 1946 at 4 p.m. This play had very suocsssful runs ?a London and other places where it was produced. Wil! Old Boys' Ladles and othei 9 interested kindly communicate
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 453 6 RADIO PROGRAMMES SINGAPORE 1245 pm) and rrom to 815 Music Parads. 8.30 a.m. News. w 0Jn (new8 lL Malay at IJt D.m.) 7 45 p.m. Cricket commen ary. 8.00 BED M'.TWOKK rrom noon to ENGLISH pm to 3 cm (news p.m. Vic Oliver Introduces 8 30 |S pm ana 6.30
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  • 611 7 British Mission Gives A Warning L ONDON (By Air Mail)— A British Government scientific mission has been to Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Their report, published by the Stationery Office is the first to tell us with scientific precision what really happened when the only two atom
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  • 72 7 NEW YORK, Wed— A bNnd Justice of the Peace today married two deaf mutes of Evansville (Indiana). The Justice is Kussel Judd and the couple, Mr. and Mrs. John Ferringer. Ferringer is 58 and his wife, the former Seba Hancock, 28. The couple read Judd's
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  • 156 7 WESTMINSTER, Wed.- Asked In the House of Commons if he was aware of tbe adverse comment m South Wales about the waste of paper by the Littlewood and Shermans Pools, who have flooded the area with circulars, Sir Stafford Cripps, President of the Boaid of Trade,
    Reuter  -  156 words
  • 60 7 HORSUV TYN, Czechoslovakia)) Mon. Frontier guards near here have captured two bands of smugglers and confiscated goods and currency valued at 5,000,000 Czechoslovakian crowns. One group attempted to bring 60.C00 American cigarettes into Czechoslovakia for the black market. The other was caught trying to reach Austrian territory with-
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  • 154 7 NATIONAL MEMORIAL TO NEWTON LONDON, Wednesday:—Britain will have a fine new observatory housing a giant telescope and other astronomical instruments as a national memorial to the great British inventor, mathematician and astronomer, Sir Isaac Newton, if Parliament votes the money. This announcement was made at the opening day of Newton
    Reuter  -  154 words
  • 89 7 VIENNA, Wed— Dr. Ernest Illign, the former head of a provincial children's hospital, and two women assistants w.-nt on trial before an Austrian court here on Monday, on charges of murder of 250 children m the institution Co-defendants with the 42-year-old psychiatrist were two women doctors.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 428 7 JO\ k I \frll nL'AJte TODAY 4 SHOWS George Sanders Star Of "SUMMER STORM gives another outstanding performance. ■a 1P7n3l a. *GtM I Suipons* electric, X^il^ll 3*t^B pul»atir»g, vibrant.. jMAaBKjdySyyCJHk^UAAAAiIAMfI In this itrangest of [&KQS2nSE I ♦hrill-filled dromatl Jaw flu fcr Una m ««M <■■ MMaAURCO C G*C£H fts*«**SAMUEl BiSCHOrT
      428 words
    • 914 7 SALE BY TENDER. 1. The Custodian or Property, Singapore, invites tenders for the purchase of the following particulars of which are as tollows: Lot 1. x>mprlslng 21 cases insulating fibre, about 200 straw bags cement (old), 1 .ot about 300 oid sack cloth bags etc. lying at 20. Magazine Road
      914 words
    • 426 7 Mansfield Co., Ltd. Incorporates v Singapore bi.uii fi;nnel line Sailings tc ana from umteo \u gciom Rhesus Due from U.K. 30 July Bellerophon Due from L.X 20 Fult Trurer Sai't for U.K. fi July Samjark One from IK 28 I ilv Glcnbeg Sails for U.K. 31 July Western Australia The
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 770 7 In today's hand North deservta He won with dummy's rcart ace severe punishment for his bid- and led the queen of clybs. Ea.r ding, but, Justice nodding, he covered and the ace won A low shared in the profits accruing club was now led back to th« from his partner's
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  • All The Latest Sports News
    • 439 8 NEXT fight dates for the Malayan boxers m Australia are July 26 and Aug. 2. Gn the firs- of these dates Boy Andre will meet Stumpy Buttwell, leading contender for the Australian flyweight title, m Brisbane, while Battling Khoon will meet Micky Hill, the flyweight
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    • 73 8 LONDON Wei. DKOMOTER Jack Solomons stated to. ay that he had matched Giis Lesnevich. American holder of the world cruiscnveisht championship, to fight Bruce Woodcock British heavyweight chamrion, over ten rounds m a non-title bout at Harringay arena, London, on Sept. 17 This
      Reuter  -  73 words
    • 104 8 ENTRIES loi the Singapore Islana Amateur Athletic championships, which will be held at Jalan Basar Stadium or Monday. Au*/ 5, close tomorrow. The meet will be hsld under Imperial Services A. A. A ruies. The events are 100 and 220 yards, quarter mile hair mile, mile,
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    • 140 8 From Our Own Correspondent TAIPINO, Mon. ONE school record was broken at the first post-war athletic sports of th» King Edward VII School held here on Saturday. v;hen a Malay youth, JafTar, threw the discus a distance of 106 ft., 9 ins. bettering the existing lecord
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    • 146 8 THE Chinese Swimming Club defeated the United Services team m a friendly game of table tennis by four games to one on Sunday. The following are the rt suits: Chua Kirn Hcarn beat Eksteln 3-1. Ng Yew Win* beat Badham 3-2; Loc Meng Kong beat Page 3-0:
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    • 47 8 The following will represant the Colonials at cricket against the Recs, at Thomson Road a\ 1 p.m. on Sunday: A. E. Dellkan, Tliam Koon Poh, L. S. Nathanielsz, W. Ratnayake, C. Colling, Thiyagarajah. R. DeMlkan. F. Kennedy. Ar.sjamana, A. Arlv&chandra, E. Fernando. L. Delilkan, L. Wijeweera.
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    • 51 8 CEYLON bports Club Hockey team to play the S.J».C at Police Depot on Monday will be selected from the following. V.N. Pillay K. kumaru, A. Ponnampalam V. John. E. Doraisamy, C. 'llmralsineam, S.K. Sundram. A Vljeretnam. 8 Kulasingam. W. Ponniah. W. Ponnampalam, 8 Sebastian, C. Doraisamy, C.T
      51 words
    • 47 8 r THE first annual athletic sports of A St. Bernadette's School. Klancr. will be held on Saturday Auinut 3. at 3 p.rn on the School Orounds. Of tTie 19 Items m the pro*ramm» '■'ne will he for the Catholic boys of the Parish.
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    • 155 8 BOMBAY. B) Air. THE veteran Indian batsman. Prince Dulecpsinhji. pleaded here for an improvement m cricket m India. He said ne was glad Indian bowlers had given a good account of themselves during their British tour, and referred admiringly to Vl;»y Merchant as "the
      Reuter  -  155 words
    • 31 8 STOCKHOLM, Wed.— Sweden r>eat Yugoslavia by three-two m the European Davis Cup lawn tennis final and meet the United States for the right to challenge the holders, Australia. Reuter.
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    • 57 8 VJTTEDNESDAY night's wrestling rerv suits at the New World were: Dara Singh beat Bosca Boa by two two falls to one in six rounds; Baby Londos knocked out Sailor Musket In the fourth round; Len Hicks drew with Jim Ccrbett, each scoring a pin fall; Dal Morgan knocked
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    • 432 8 I AT the general meeting 01 the Rock- •<* lltes Sports Party held on Su ly the following: were eleoted office bearers for 1946-1947. Patron, Mr E. L. Carnegie; president, Mr. Chew Eng; vice-president, Mr. Stephen Mosbergen: general secretary. Mr. D.C. Swyny. asst: secretary. Mr. O. Balakrlshnan;
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    • 219 8 Segamat G.E.S. Boys Beat Teachers (From Our Own Correspondent) SEGAMAT. Mon. THE Segamat English School opened their cricket seaso.i well with a 25-run win over the Teachers whom* they met over the weekend on the School padang. The Schoolboys meet the Old Boys' Assoc ation next Friday. Scores were: Teachers
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    • 281 8 LONDON, Wed. AT Lord's the Players took advantage of the weak Gentlemen's attack hitting 399 for 5 with England players Washbrook 105, Ikin 81 and Denis Compton 87 all doing well. Washbrook's century took him three hours. Pataudi did not go north with
      Reuter  -  281 words
    • 62 8 LONDON, Wed. RAIN is expetted to provide tricky wickets tv help India's spin bowlers at Saturdays Test matfh at the Old Trafford ground m Manchester. The Indian team is exp?ctrd to cemist of: Merrhant, Mush'aq M', Amarnath, Modi, Mankad, Pa'audi (Captain), Harare, Gul Mohamed. Sarwatp,
      62 words
    • 114 8 T<H£ United Family B.P. beat the Str'alts Chinese Epworth League by six games to one. Results, United Family players mentioned first: Men's Staples. Hen? Stale Kwee beat Seah Yeak Khern 13-15, 15-1. 15-8; Heng Slak Kwong lost to Neo Seng Kee 15-9, 8-15. 10-15: Chou Slew
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    • 25 8 ENTRIES for the Singapore table J tennis championships close at 1 p.m. to-morrow. No further entries will be received after this date.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 490 8 PWONE«. ***** 3 «howv 3, 6.15 9.15 p.m. Far the 2nd Tim* In Singapore COLUMBIA'S Swashbuckling Masterpiece "THE SON OF ROBIN HOOD" ■tan in; CURNEL WILDK ANITA LOUISE JILL KSMO.ND EDGAF. BUCHANAN In ( TECHNICOLOK! It broke all records m SINGAPORE so COME EARLY} To-morrow at Mid-nilr A Star Jammed
      490 words
    • 226 8 01^ **n 6 930 OWING TO tfEIHIFIC SUCCESS k PCruLAR DEMAND, SEASON HELD OVER. ACTION! THRILLS! ADVENTURE! MURDER INTRIGUE! PUBLIC HANGINGS! A Woman 's Treachery Sends A Man To The Gallon 's She Kills For Pleasure. The Year's Most Exciting Drama m^mmmmmmm a GAINSBOROUGH PICTURE MBanaHMM* JAMES ill 4 n
      226 words