The Straits Times, 18 July 1946

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • 380 1 WORLD SURPLUS FOR IN SIGHT N.E.L Production Prospects LONDON, Wednesday. <f WORLD surplus of natural rubber within the next year is foreseen by informed trade sources here, .1 real peace returns to the Nctherland East Indies by the end of 194(». N.K.I, production is also dependent upon improvements in the
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  • 98 1 Governor of Sarawak Appointed r i ai liounctd by the I C"lon al Office that the King ha< fce:n pleased to apthe appointment of Sir hartea Arcien Clark- 3 as Governor and Commaruier-in-Chief, of Sarawak. Born m 1898. S.r Charles was ted m Rossall School and nu>r serving m the
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  • 120 1 CROPS HIT IN TYPHOON MANILA, Wed.— Heavy crop cUmage and less of life along flooded rivers indicated m momentary reports received frcm the Northern Luzon typhoon area toriuy where winds reached a 100 mUes per hour. Th« Cagayan valley, bread basket of the north. nrai reported flooded. I abella Province's
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  • 226 1 OTTAWA, Wednesday. rVO high officials of the Soviet Embassy here are leaving hurriedly for Russia after publication of official charges that they have been engaged m directing undercover espionage operations m Canada. They are Vitali O. Pavlov and Ivan Krotov. Pavlov, the Embassy's
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  • 98 1 LONDON, Wed.— Anslo-Ameii-' can conversations are expected to open m Berlin shortly with a< view to establishing closer rela- Uons between the British and. American zones m Germany, a Foreign Office spokesman has announced. The Foreign Office wrs un- aware of any proposal to hold i high
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  • 97 1 JERUSALEM, Wed. -Palestine's i (SOO.GOO Jews closed shops and Industrie* throughout the coun- i try today m a 15-hour general strike m support of more than 2.000 hunger striken at Latrun and Rafa detention camps. Most of the population stayed indoors and mobile police pat-
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  • 32 1 Montgomery- For N. America LONDON. Wed.— Fisld Marshal Lord Montgomery Chief of th" j Imperial General Staff, is to visit i Canada and the United State* m *ugust and September— Reuter. I
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  • 56 1 Italian Jews staged a demonst. atitn m Rome against Brit'sh policy m Palestine. The demonstrators carried banners denying that increased Jewish immigration the country would necessitate British military reinforcements, and declaring that I'ah-stine Jews ne:d no protectio I from the Br tUh Army. The-slo-an here is
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  • 40 1 From Our Own Correspondent IHK Governmmt has agreed to allocate next Thursday afternoon. July 25, for debate on Malaya. In Parliamentary clr-c-l*s this is considered a great triumph for Mr. Oliver Stanley. Straits Times Copyright.
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  • 199 1 "Veto Attacks Are Against Equality" MOSCOW. Wed. MOSCOW RADIO has defended the Soviet use of the veto m the United Nations Sectlritj Council. In commentary Dr. Lemin. said the idea of unanimous agreement of big powers was born of a desire to apply the experience of war to win the
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  • 31 1 LONDON, Tu^s: The basic! petrol ration to British motorists j is to be increased by 50 per cent, it was announced m the House of Commons today.—Reuter.
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  • 338 1 BELGRADE, Wed. GENERAL MIHAILOVITCH. U was executed at dawn this morning, it was officially announced today. He had been convicted 48 hours earlier by a Military Court for collaborating with the Germans. The execution was carried out m a private military ceremony. Eight other men
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  • 438 1 DRITISH military uniforms are being smuggled out of Singapore, rushed across the Straits of Malacca to Sumatra, and eventually supplied to the Indonesian Army. This revelation was made m Singapore's Second District Court yesterday when the story of an exciting chase of smugglers by
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  • 240 1 War Office Is Hastening K.L. Inquiries From Our Own Correspondent LONDON, Wednesday. ACCORDING to the New; rt Chronicle Hi<?h War Office Officials consider the coninued detention m Ku la Lumpur of 267 men of the 3th Paratroop Battalion a ;eriou s matter. The War Office is doing everything possible to
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 40 1 "MUUSTA" tONK Builds YOU up tor Young Old. Stttd F,vervwherc Sol* '.m porters PACIFIC TRADERS .^VO»CAHRItas "C_— US. 9kt A lead* SpsU Lei us handle your next job Be it UNLOADING OR for Satisfaction, Reliability and Economy TELEPHONE No. 4658
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    • 22 1 RADIOS KEE iIUAT RADIO G 171-124 ORCRWDQD. TELEPHONE *566 <j/\«:ks> afoot it WILLIAM JACKS CO., (MALAYA) LTD. Phoni 6156 Oeatn Building Singapore
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  • 505 2 Explosion Against Armour Plate BIKINI, Wednesday. ADMIRAL BLAND Y yesterday visited King Juda of Bikini at the New Domiciles and invited him to see what the next atomic bomb explosion would do to his homeland. He called on the King at Rongerik Island,
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  • 129 2 Trustees hip For Former Mandates LONDON, Tues. A British Government White Paper issued today states that the former British League of Nations mandates, Togoland and the Cameroons, should continue to bf aan-mlstered as an integral part of the Sold Coast and Nigeria r:spectively unier the international trusteeship system. The White
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  • 162 2 WASHINGTON, Wed— The US. Agriculture Department yesterday said that grain shipments would fill the Uniten States famine relief goal of 225,000,000 bushels for the first hal.* of 1946. The department said that shlpircots on Monday brought the tv>tal exports between July 1945 and July 15, 1946
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  • 45 2 EDMONTON, Alberta, Wed.—A B-29 Superfortress, equipped wilh lons-range radar and with a pressurised cabin, has made a 5.000-mile flight Irom Edmonton over the North Geographic Pole, the first such flight m history originating on Canadian soil, the Canadian pre^> said today.- A.l.
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  • 55 2 WASHINGTON, Wed.—President Truman today signed the legislation giving the War Department an all time peacetime record appropriation of $7,263,500,000 for the fist a! year which began on July 1 The BUI carries $750,000,000 for atomic energy research and development and for relief m occupied areas
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  • 278 2 'Peace Goal Still Far Off WASHINGTON, Wednesday. OENATOR Arthur H. VanderO berg, of Michigan, told the United States Senate yesterday that substantial gains had been made towards world peace, but the goal still remained far from achievement. Mr. Vandenbarg had earlier said it had become difficult to attain a "peoples'
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  • 114 2 LONDON, Wed. Mr. John Strachey. the Food Minister, said yesterday that any baker who wilfully refused to operate the bread-rationing scheme wo-uici be liable under summary procedure to one year's imprisonment and a fine of a maximum of £500 and on indictment to seven years 1
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  • 51 2 Sjahrir To Form New Cabinet BATAVIA. Wed.— Sutan Sjahrir, the Indonesian "Premier," intimated yesterday that he had been asked to form a new cabinet. His last, cabinet was dissolved earlier this month, when Dr. Soekarno, "Indonesian President," took over dictatorial powers to cope with an extremist bid to seize power.
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  • 222 2 TEHERAN. Wednesday. PEVENTEEN persons were killed and 150 injured mi n a v clash that followed the lynching of an Arcb merchant during the general strike at the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company plnnts m Persia. The British Embassy issued the following bulletin: "The general strike
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  • 186 2 Communist's Appeal To Marshall NANKING, Wednesday. THE Communist 1 Chou En-lai appealed yesterday to Gen. George C. Marshall the United States envoy, to halt the spreading civil strife m China. Simultaneously a Commur.isr spokesman, Wang Ping Nan. said "the present situation la heading directly into fullscale civil war." Returning from
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  • 83 2 VIENNA, Wed— The American occupation authorises are handing over to the Austrian Government the great Hermann Goerlng steel and armaments works at Linz. In Upper Austria. These works, which figure m the Austrian nationalisation programme, are the first of 280 Ger-man-owned concerns which Maj Gen. Mark
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  • 61 2 ROrviE, Wed—Twenty persons were arrested m Florence yesterday after an inquiry into the disappearance of Mussolini's body from Milan cemetery last May. The arrested persons, who are being sent to Milan, are stated to have admitted taking part m stealing the corpse and to have said
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  • 46 2 LONDON, Wed.—People were roused from their sleep at a number of places m Switzerland early yesterday by earth tremors. Swiss Radio reported. Later a strong tremor was recorded, estimated to Y. ye its centre some 1,375 miles to the southeast, probably m Turkey.— Reuter.
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  • 136 2 DACHAU, Tues. Forty-three of 73 German 8S officers and men convicted of murdering some 909 American prisoners who surrendered dnrlnf the Ardennes battl? (the Battle of the Bulge) at Malmedy, Belgium, at Christma~ 1944, were sentenced by a U.S. Court today to death by hanging.
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  • 29 2 Princess Elizabeth, attending her first Henley Ke«itt* with Princess Margaret, presents the Princess Elizabeth Cap to members of the Bedford School eirht. the winners.
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  • 257 2 WASHINGTON, Wednesday. DR. Wellington Koo, the newly-appointed Chinese Ambassador to the United States yesterday presented his credentials to President Truman and pledged that China would work with the United Nations foj the cause of world peace and prosperity. Mr. Truman, replying, paid tr buto to the 'spirit
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  • 281 2 LONDON, Wednesday. THE war to peace switch-over m Britain's factories and workshops is being accomplished side by side with improvements m working conditions demanded by organised labour for many years, which were held up at the outbreak of the war. Many employers, anxious to show appreciation of
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  • 64 2 SYDNEY. Wed.— Six Dutch ships tied to Australian wr.arvt»s lor six to ten months by the waterside workers' ban on loadIng material that might be used against Indonesian nationalise cleared Sydney and Brisbane yesterday for the Netherlands East Indies. No dockside union labour was used
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  • 68 2 Tojo Trial Again Tomorrow? TOKIO, Wed— The trial v: Hideki Tojo and other major war criminal suspects may be resumed on Friday, according to offi- j cials of the International Military Tribunal for the Far East. The officials said tnat air con- ditioning was now be ng tested/ If it
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  • 66 2 WASHINGTON Wed— The Se- nate's Office of Pric° AC.ministra. I tion Bill was rejected oy a vote of 211 to 64 m the Hous« of Representatives yesterday. The Bill will b-> sent to the Joint House-Senate conference committee foi a new pftcr^ M write a
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  • 97 2 More Tension In Trieste Area TRIESTE, Wednesday. arrests were made it following Mondays «iemonstrations m the main square of Caporatto, northwest of Trieste, m the AngloAmerican occupied zone "A", m which unarmed Yugoslav soldiers took par... The atmosphere is still tense as the result of last Friday's fron. tier affray
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  • 140 2 War History Of India Protest London. Wed.— Tae organising secretary of the Tagore Society of London. Mr. B. B. Ray Chaudhuri, has received a letter from the private secretary vj Lord Pethick-Lawrence, Secretary for India, stating: "The decision to approach Mr. Compton Mackenzie to write a popular history of India's
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  • 90 2 WASHINGTON, Wca President Truman has signed legislation authorising the transfer of 271 surplus small naval vessels to China to help start the Chinese Navy. The transfer will be made under conditions to be laid down by the I President. The vessel* may be sold, leased, traded
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 129 2 KIDNEY WEAKNESS The n^althy do rot realise wh»t kidney weakness Is, D-it to the sufferer it means intolerable pain and suffer ng— Backache, Pineache. Lumbago and Rheumatism all deprive people ol fre'dom and comfort. De Witts Kidney ani Bladder Pills are unrivalled, ar.d are a special remedy for all kinds
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    • 48 2 RAFFLES HOTEL TO-NIGHT DANCE 9 p.m. to Midnight RAFFLES HOTEL ORCHESTRA i Admission to Non Residents $1.20 (Including Tax) QUALITY DEFINITELY SUPERIOR sold y *y g§ni fc\ ERYWHtRE NOETIC JjOo |/< *to SOLE Ab I C g|^£ 'sW DISTRIBUTORS: F^li*^ \\k/ CHANG DENTAL CO., 22-24 Java St., Kuala Lumpur.
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  • 228 3 No Acute Flour Shortage In Malaya Report Of UNRRA Ship Explained JTNRRA's diversion of the steamer Berwyn Victory from Shanghai to Singapore with 8,500 tons of flour aboard m answer to an "urgent 5.0.5." from the Ministry of Food, does not mean that there is a flour shortage m this
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  • 301 3 Bullying Detective Gaoled From Our Own Correspondent MALACCA, lues. CENTENCE of three years' rigo- rous imprisonment was passed by Mr. Justice E. O. Pretheroe at the Ass.zc Court today on W. Tucor, a young Sinhalese, when he was found guilty by a common jurys verdict of five to two, on
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  • 77 3 Penan?. Tuesday. THE Malayan Union Governor, Sir Edward Gent, m the course of a two-day tour of Province VVellesley visited the agricultural settlement at Bertan estate, Bu'ut Msrtajah. this morning and there saw Japanese prisoners of war busily engaged m the Government's "Grow-mnrs-food" scheme. These
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  • 85 3 A LIMITED number of small craft ranging from 16 tons to 2,000 tons (cross) have been made available for immediate charter by the British Ministry of Transport. Officials at the office of the Ministry of Transport, Ocean Building, are unable to give any indication as to
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  • 123 3 Indian Denies Beating Detainees A COMPLETE denial that he had t aten Gopal, an Indian detainee, with the object of making him confess to an alleged murder, was made by K. Naranasamy, a long service detective, m the course of h:s defence before Mr. Justice N. A. Worley and special
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  • 117 3 CTATING that he could not oeJ lieve the explanation that tiie opium had been picked up, Mr. Paul Storr, the District Judge, sentenced 25-year-old Abul Khar of the s.s. Nevesa to 18 months' rigorous imprisonment on a charge of possession of approximately seven pounds of opium
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  • 57 3 APPEARING before Mr. Paul Storr m the First Police Court yesterday, 25-year-old Tan Hong Boon claimed trial to a charge of abetting: the offence of receiving an illegal gratification of $1,000 by a public servant, C.S.M. Broughton of the SIB. The case was postponed to
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  • 386 3 TO assist Chinese merchants m Singapore, the Malayan 1 Union and other parts of the South Seas m the quick rehabilitation of their businesses, the Chinese Government will soon release a sum of $500,000 U.S., said Mr. Lien Ying Chow, chairman of »he Singapore Chinese
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  • 159 3 Chinese Allege Dutch Fired On Junk In Rhio •TROUELE between the Dutch 1 authorities m Rhio and Chinese rndcrs following the death of a Chinese sailor killed when the Dutch garrison fired on a Singapore junk has become the subject of inquiries by the Chinese Consul-General m Singapore and the
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  • 58 3 A MILITARY truci driver, 20-year-old J. M. Herbert appeared before Mr. R. C. Hoifman m the Fourth Police Court yesterday on a charge of criminal breach of trust m respect of 19 bales of clothing and boots worth $4,750. The case was postponed to
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  • 29 3 Crops from Buk t Katil Rubber Estates Ltd. for May and .Tune were 30,334 lbs. and 29,449 respectively, bringing the total for six months to 139,262 lbs.
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  • 273 3 TIGHT passengers left Singapore for -*-1 Australia on Monday by 8.0.A. C./Q.E.A. plane. They were Mrs. E. R.G. Bruce. Mr. W. Wads. Mr. J. R. Chapman. Mr. A.P. Evans, Squadron Leader T.L. Muir, Mi. and Mrs. E.K. Yap, Capt. B.Arrow smith. 8.0.A.C./Q.E.A. planes which arrived from the United
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  • 115 3 Carried Dagger As Talisman A JAVANESE labourer employed m the Wilhelmina Camp. Mawi Kartar, who stated that he carr.ed a dagger as a talisman, was fined $30 or a month's rigorous .mprisonment by Mr. Paul Storr m the First Police Court yest^vday. It was stated that police patrolling the Katong
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  • Article, Illustration
    62 3 Miss E. A. Abbott (above) of Glasgow, has been appointed general ass stant on the headquarters staff of the Singapore Y.W.C.A. Mrs. J. S. Stott (below) formerly Superintendent of Sin arore Municipal Maternity and Infant Welfare Centres and for the past four years Bursar of University Women's College, Melbourne, is
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  • 134 3 INSPECTOR SAYS MAN ABUSED HIM ALLEGATIONS that following a fight outside the Happy World cabaret on the night of April 28, a Chinese. Chu Siu Peck, abused him and resisted arrest for fighting m public, were made by Inspector Frank C. Pestana m the Second Police Court yesterday. Pestana was
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  • 77 3 A CHARGE of murder was explained to a 30 year-old Cantonese, Sam Fok Hong, before Mr. L. C. Goh m the Second Police Court yesterday. It was alleged that Sam stabbed a woman. Ban Hoo, with a pair of scissors while she was m bed In
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  • 19 3 Bishop Edwin F Le» will preach at the Straits Chinese Methodist Church, Kampong Kapor, t Sunday at 5 p.m.
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  • 272 3 An Old Resident Tells Of Singapore In 1908 CINGAPORE In 1908 appears to have been a most Inexpensive piace to live in according to cost of living figures given by Mr. W. hartley, the Municipal President, when he spoke of his 38 years m Malaya to Singapore Rotarians \esterday. The
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  • 388 3 DERSONAL appeals to the British Prime Minister, Mr. Clement Attlee, by a Member of Parliament, Mr. Harold Davies, who visited Malaya during the early days of the liberation, and by a member of the Imperial General Staff, have made possible the continuance of free meals
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  • 133 3 From Our Own Correspondent IPOH. Wed. "WE pray for your cont.nued prosperity. But if your business is to flourish and you value your life then you had better loan the sum of $1,080 to enable our corps to go on. Otherwise Such was the
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  • 114 3 SIX weeks ago, a Straits Timet reporter approached the head of a Govern nent department for details regard nj certain features of his work. The reporter was requested to write an official letter asking for permission to obtain those details as the I>epartmental hrad considered he would
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  • 191 3 POR the purpose of seeing that the Geneva Convention is strictly adhered to m the countries of South East Asia, the International Red Cross at Geneva have despatched a special delegate to Singapore. The delegate is Mr. Charles F. Aeschliman who hns had considerable
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  • 90 3 i>CRIBLD as a tiad-r, Kassiru b n Adam was sentenced to weeks' rigorous imprisonment fined $150 or two weeks' imonment by Mr. T. L. Tan m the >nd D strict Court yesterday a charpe oj selling a pound tin of Ovaltlne for $5. a price exceeding
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  • 34 3 A small rubbsr smoke house off Kirn Chuan Road was badly j damaged by fire about 6 o'clock vesterd^y afternoon. The Geylang Fire Brigade turned out and prevented the fire from doing further damage.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 87 3 SHOWING AT CATHAY TO-DAY Special Movietone Ne//s Flash Jap War Criminal Executed at Changi. TAT O N G RESTAURANT <5c BAR 18, Chulin Street, Singapore. Tel. 4303. Please come to 05 for BREAKFAST TIFFIN DINNER IV e cater for Parties at our RESTAURANT or m Your Home. DELICIOUS EUROPEAN AND
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    • 73 3 Exactly What You Have Been And Are Waiting For PLASTiCS 'Fethalite' Powder Ccmpact exquisitely designed with special facility for inserting monogram and photo of YOURSELF or your BELOVED. Ideal as .PRESENTS. To avoid disappointment, book your orders early from: PENINSULAR TRADERS (fareast) LTD. 90, Robinson Kuad, Sintarwre Tel: 70C0. 48S1
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  • 1160 4 The Straits Times Singapore, Thursday, July 18, 1946. The Malays And The Throne "He was exceeclngly popular with all the Malay Chiefs and prlnvippl men. who used to coma from all parts to consult him. Being a very fine Malay scholar, ar.d having a most courteous manner, he was able
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  • 27 4 The U. S. Census Bureau reported yesterday that commercial exports during May hit a new 35year high, totalling $649,01:0,000 reports U. P. from Washington.
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  • 932 4 By A Chinese Business Man IT is a lie to say that the Singapore police treated the labour unions before the war as "secret societies." The lawless elements which terrorised coffee shops, waitresses, stallholders, hawkers, etc., into paying "protection fees" were hunted. These were
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  • 81 4 The Labour movement m Malaya, and its history and treatment by the police before its emergence as the recognised and organised trade-union movement of today, was the subject of a critical article by Mr. Lim Kirn Chye published m this page last week. Today that article is answered by a
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  • Man In The Street
    • 144 4 IN the good oid days before the war it was a pleasure to visit, tbo Botanical GarHpns, especially, on moonlight nights, i and enjoy the treon au auu 1 general restfulnes. With the advent of this New Freedom, however, the Gardens are now closed at
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    • 114 4 I RECENTLY looked througn a copy of the Malayan Union Gazette setting out the 1946 estimates of expenditure for the Union, and I noticed that the salary of the Governor-General Is to be paid from Malayan Union Government funds. Since Mr. Malcolm Mac Donald is the
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    • 55 4 THE 8.8.C. recently reported that it had learnt lrom Kuala Lumpur that a momentous change is being considered U) replace the Malayan Union by a Fedsration. I am curious to know whether. for a domiciled Chinese m Malaya, there is going to be any difference between
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    • 94 4 Inote your report that the Indian Medical Mission has left Malaya "after successful completion of its mission to Malaya." I don't know what they have done for Malaya as a whole, *>a* I know that 1 am a sick Inditn 80 I thought of approaching the mission. But
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    • 83 4 IN addition to the reselling of used tickets by S.T.C. conductors, mentioned by one tf your correspondents, there is another racket. This consists of issuing cheaper tickets for fares received but giving these tickets a higher travelling value by punching the necessary extra sections ahead. What has
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  • 393 4 What Hopes For The Original Owners? (From A Correspondent) WHEN the Japs came into Singapore they seized almort every motor vehicle and dumped them m open spaces. Some lucky owners got their vehicles back, months later. Of those not returned at least 80 per cent. some rotted away
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 859 4 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Classified Small? SI/- per tine Mm Charte $4'- Public Notices $5/- per single column inch Personal Domestic S2/- per line Mm. Charge SB/f'.ix average words comprise one line. Advertisements may be sent ty posi ccumpanlrd by remittance. For information telephone Advertising Manager, 5471 or write Singapore Tree I
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    • 47 4 11RED EYES! Whether oi not you do* wear Glasses. If your eyes are t'red or uncomfortable. HAVE AN EXAMINATION Prooei classes cen oe ot tremendous help to your efficiency, your physical and mental comfort as well as to your appearance Conault: C S CHONG. O D fP.OC.
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    • 4 4 OTHER LETTERS. Page Six.
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    • 123 4 Ihe toothbrushj f that i )jf jumps to it m rrvus is a Wisdom Tooth- il brush, the brush that gives a brisker, certain l<* m II 'if I clean. Your teeth feel l^jJ Ml fresher and there's a z Ml 7 if sparkle m your mouth. I II The
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  • 453 5 Nurses To Be Trained In Australia Local Committee Appointed -FULLY trained Chinese nurses domiciled m Malaya will be eligible for selection for a two year course of training m maternal and child welfare work m Australia as a result of the recently organized A.I.F. Malayan Nursing Scholarship scheme. It is
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  • 168 5 2,500 Candles Brighten Up Brunei Town TWENTY -five hundred candles illurrinated houses on stilts along the rivers which make the biggest part of Brunei as part o; the celebration for the a* tne Governor-General, Kr. Malcolm Mac Donald to Birnei ytsterday. The reflections of tie candle Tgh's. on ids
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  • 174 5 PoWs Died Of Suffocation In Rail Trucks /•ROWuED into railway trucks with no water to drink and little to eat, several Englsh, Australian and Dutch PoWs lost their lives, some of them from suffocation, while being transported from L eng Khan to Saigon in 1943. This evidence was tendered yesterday
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  • 171 5 New Council For Raffles College A bill providing for t.he reconrtltution of the Council of Raffles College— rendered necessary by the change m the conFtiMitton of the Coionv and thf Malay States— is to be introduced into the Singapore Advisory CO' ncil soon. The new members of the Coun. cil,
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  • 107 5 Medical Council Am endm ent THE lv.^.wiiig agd recon.Utution of the Medical Council m the country— one of the effects of the new political changes is to be accomplished by an amending ordinance to be introduced !nto the Singapore AdviCouncil soon. Opportunity he.s also been tak."n to clarify the position
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  • 94 5 Police Act Against Ticket Sellers From Our Own Correspondent PENANG, Wed. CHORTLY before the late show J last night, thp police rounded up ticket racketeers at Penang cinemas. This was the first raid ol its kind since the reoccupatioa and some ten arrests, mostly of Chinese and Indian youths, were
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  • 126 5 CENTENCE of six weeks rigorous Imprisonment was passed by Mr. L. C. Goh m the Second Court yesterday on a police constable, Abdullah bin Talib, through whose negligence an India named Samsuddin who was m his custody escaped from the Victoria Hospital m
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  • 193 5 Japanese Says PoWs Were Brave Men LT. Kurashima, commandant of the Haroekoe camp m the Ambon group told the crimes court m Singapore yesterday that he considered Allied PoWs were brave men and as such must be treated kindly and correctly. He was making his defence at the War
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  • 64 5 THE public is warned net to ex1 pect the immediate normal resumption of postal delivery and other services due to the congestion created by the one week strike by members of the uniformed branches of the department. A big accumulation of mail i* now being sorted out
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  • 96 5 New People's Restaurant ANOTHER people's r??taurant will be opened on Friday at 11.20 a.m. m the Queen Street Boys' Club m Queen Street, behind St. Joseph's Institution. The use of the club for the purpose has been generously agreed to by the club's president. Mr. Richard Chuan Hoe LJm. The
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  • 369 5 Jl IR Chief Marshal Sir Keith I Park, and Lady Park em. barked m the Mauretania on Tuesday for England, after Sir Keith had been invested with tho United States Legion of Merit, m the Degree of Commander, by U.S. Military Ob. server, Singapore, Major
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  • 57 5 The bicycles parked outside the Outram Road People s Restaurant tell the story of 500 meals beine served eysry day where it was expected about 2,!>«H) would be served. There are several reasons for this drop m sales and a Straits Times reporter, who inquired
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  • 305 5 OPENED on July 9, the People's Restaurant m Outram Road, housed m one of the big wooden godowns erected by the Japanese m that area, is only supplying about 500 meals a day instead of the 2,000 a day that was expected.
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  • 158 5 Mechanized Food Scheme A Success (From Our Own Correspondent) KUALA LUMPUrt Wed. A PROJECT started by the Malayan Fcod Production Board last January, the cultivation of 2,000 acies m the Sungei Buloh area by mechanical means is at present well under way. Three hundred acres have already been cleared of
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  • 117 5 Cheap Food Canteens All Over Malaya From OO| Own Correspondent PENANG, Tues. TflE early establishment of people's restaurants m Penang. on the same lncs as these m Singapore, is indicated by the announcement that a Welfa r e Officer is being appointed shortly to take charge of welfare work m
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  • 70 5 Grenade Hurled At Lorry (From Our Own Correspondent IPOH, Wed. WHEN a hand grenade was thrown at them and burst behind their moving lorry at a point between Siputeh and Par:t, four members of the Sam Min Chu Yi Corps, Of Batu Gajah, were badly injured and their lorry was
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  • 65 5 A LARGE consignment of dhall has ai rived recently and is being distributed by Government agents to the trading community. The price at which this commo. dity is sold by importers to wholesalers is $15.00 per picul. The controlled wholesale price to retailers will be
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  • 300 5 9 Tons Of Refuse Cleared After Ra id Cleaning Chit The Hawkers NINE tons of decaying refuse, mostly irum the drains, \wi». removed by the Town Cleansing DejK.ri n*nt wh t tor.M over m the New Marked Street area after the police h d cleared the area of unlicensed hawkers
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  • 82 5 Works Canteens A SCHEME has been devised to assist all large employers of labour who wish to set up canteens for their employees. The Food Control!* r will make certain foodstuffs available to tmnl avers approved by the Labour Department. Each canteen must «erve a minimum of
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  • 165 5 Lightermen Discharge 470 Tons Of Coal ABOUT 470 tons of coal was un«. loaded irom the Fort Rae yesterday following an agreement between lighter owners and 100 Indian lightsrmen who wen' on Jt rike the day previous. Vliis was the first bit of act.v::y at the Singapore Roads, wiei^ several
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  • 143 5 R.A.F. Families Arriving TWENTY-FIVE berths have been reserved for the families of RAF personnel m the "Monarch of Bermuda" which is due to sa:l trum U.K. for Singapore today. An order issued last January stated that an officer or airman can appl> lor his wi.e and children to be sent
    143 words
  • 83 5 (From Our Own Carres- ont'ent PENANG, Saturday MEARLY 3,00 c settlers, who had 11 proceeded to agricultural settlements m Province Wellesley during the occupation and who have now received notices to move out of the se.tlements. from managers of estates on wnich these settlements were
    83 words
  • 90 5 Unveiling Of Statue Of Capt. Light (From Our Own Correspondent > PENANG, Wed. THE statue of Captain Francis Light, the lounder of PCnang. will be unveiled on Aug. 11 this year on the 160 th anniversary of the founding of Penang. Standing before the war at Fort Cornwallis, the statue
    90 words
  • 41 5 Lt.-Col. T. S. Shastry Lt.Col. T S. Shastry. Director, Indian Government Medical Mission m Malaya, has been directed by the Government of India to hand over charge of the Mission to Maior Devasahayam. states a release from Public Relations Department, Singapore.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 54 5 VICTORIA THEATRE SINGAPORE Reopens To The Public With 'SOMEONE AT THE DOOR' A Comedy Thriller Presented By ALFSEA PRODUCTIONS TWO NIGHTS ONLY 19 and 20 July at 8 p.m. Reserved Seats $3. 2. 1. Tel 6218 Service Other Ranks Half Price "A well produced. int< liigrntly acted Comedy Thriller full
      54 words

  • 562 6 A Turbulent People To Be Pacified DESHWAR (By Air Mail)— A £9,000,000 five-year development plan, the first big: friendly step towards the pacification of India's most turbulent region, the North- West Frontier, will be announced shortly. The plan is designed to bring economic stability to
    Reuter  -  562 words
  • Straits Times Pott-Bag
    • 240 6 Fis disgusting to sse vehicles waiting at the Muar ferry landing for the better part of a day, while Army trucks and vehicles come rolling up from anywhere and push to the front, and, what's more, those m command of these vehicles demand that they be
      240 words
    • 93 6 OUR hearty congratulations to the S.T.C. for the excellent and speedy recovery of the transport service for Singaporeans, wiio remember all too well the transport provided by the Syonan-Si Siden of Syonan-to. It would be much appreciated if the omnibus service Irom Finlayson Green to Alexandra Road could
      93 words
    • 73 6 WILL the Johore authorities see that the public ge s what is due to them m th 3 scheduled time? If the Food Control Department m Singapore can do this 1 efficiently, there is no reason wb" the Johore Bahru Food Contr ;1 Department cannot do the
      73 words
    • 94 6 I'HE foilow.i.g paragraph appeared m the May issue of the Crown Colonist. I Addressed to "The Peopie of Britain, -co G.P O. London," there has arrived a greetings card signed simply "Prom the People of Malaya." On I the front of the card is pasted a snapI shot
      94 words
    • 66 6 SO much propaganda lias been given to the 35-cent meal that thos? who have not yet had the opportunity to try it out for themselves are under the impression that one meal is sufficient. Actually, one meal is not enough. For a normal eater one and
      66 words
  • 174 6 NEW DELHI, MondayAcquisition by the Dalmia interest of eight iarge Indian industrial concerns, including the Indian National Airways and the Dhranghadhra Chemical Works, m a deal involving "more than ten million rupees" was announced here. In detailing the transactions, Mr R. X Jain, son-in-law of Seth
    174 words
  • 50 6 MEXICO CITY. Monday.-The Bank of Mexico has offered gold bars for sale with permission to export them at 5,750 paper pesos per kilogram equivalent to VS. f.36.92 per troy ounce. This price compares with the official United States price of US. $35.00 per troy ounce. A.P.
    AP  -  50 words
  • 66 6 SANTA BARBARA, (California), Tues— Ganna Wateka, 53-year-old opera singer, last Saturday divorced her sixth husband m a brief surprise hearing, but asrre^ to i>ay him F1.500 and $5,000 attorney's fees. In rfturn Theos Bernard. 38 —identified by his wife as a "white Lama yo?i and lawyer"
    AP  -  66 words
  • 116 6 TOKIO, Wed —Doctor? have convinced Dr. Shumei Okawa, war crimes defendant who thumped the bald head of Hidck Tojo, that he weighs 1.003 pounds and he is quite pleased The Kyodo news service reported drily today that Okawa "continues to be crazy," and said he had received
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  • 28 6 SYDNEY. Monday— The Australian sugar crop for 1940 is estimated at 660,000 tons, compared with 640,000 tons m 1946 and 645.000 tons m 1944.— A.P
    AP  -  28 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 495 6 The Ministry of Transport advise Bh.pplng Companies that they have a limited number of small crafts ranging from 16 to 2,000 tons gross available for immediate charter. Application for Inspection of craft should be made to the Ministry of Transport, Ocean Buildings, Collyer Qury, Singapore. For Information as to terms
      495 words
    • 575 6 AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE FREEHOLD A LEASEHOLD SINGAPORE 1-KUrt.KIUS. To be held at The saleroom of Messrs. CHEONO KOON SENO CO LTD., No. 10 Chulia Street, Singapore. On Wednesday, 24th July IMC, at 230 P.M. Lot 1. Freshold land and house No. 182 Ssrango n Road, area 1,029 sq. ft.
      575 words
    • 779 6 MISCELLANEOUS rOR SALS. O.E.C. radiogram With Gerrard Changer 1946. 10.V. $750/Oerrard changer 1946 model with cabinet $326/- 53 Selrgie Read. FOR SALE Morris "8" Saloon 1938 Model In good condition. (Insured). Apply any time at 26S Ra;e Course Rd FOR SALE An Austin Van m perfect working order $2000/- or
      779 words
    • 370 6 FAMOUS A. V. M. PRODUCT EAGLE BRAND Ritbbcr Coagulating Actd 1 Sole i.a*i '.a* ri outing Agents: CHIOA FRANCIS 6c O." H.M Army Contractor* a Shipchandlers 1 1.1- A, Cecil S.rect. Singapore. Tel 2952 Established In 19<6. OPTOMETRISTS OTISiM) 13. Battery Road. Singapore. LADIE3 GENTLEMEN/ Please call at:HEEREN BEAUTY SALON,
      370 words
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 479 6 RADIO PROGRAMMES SINGAPORE 12.45 p.m.) and from 6 >>m to 8 15 JUL* 18. VJ w %fc> P«n. (news id Malay at 1.30 p.m.) n REJ> NETWORK from noon to ENGLISH I am to 1 cm (new* 7 30 am Radi0 Newsreel. 7.45 am 1 p.m and «.3O to 11
      479 words

  • 262 7 I ONDON, Wednesday.— The Bill for the nationalization of Britain's coalmines has now passed both Houses of Parliament and has been signed by the King, thus achieving the first instalment of the Labour Government's nationalization programme. Although the legislation has taken a good many months to
    UP  -  262 words
  • 143 7 I ONDON, Monday,— A new Rus- sian science called Astrobotanics, invented by Prof. Tiefchov, has established the fact that vegetation is growing on Mars, the Moscow Radio stated. The Professor also claimed that the vegetation on Mars has been able to adapt itself to th e raw
    UP  -  143 words
  • 158 7 LONDON, By Air Mail.— Flying-boats might one day alight within 16 miles of London, on long water-strips constructed inside the vast perimeter of London Airport (formerly Heath Row), which was recently opened to international air traffic. This is one hope of the visionaries who have planned London
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  • 108 7 LONDON, Tues— The Rev. Denis Bringloe attacked the contention that it was better to have cinemas open on Sundays because people would have somewhere to go. Mr. Bringloe, who is rector of Gaywood, Kings Lynn, Norfolk, said: "The country is tired out and no longer
    108 words
  • 129 7 BKVERLEY HILLS, California), Tues. Irwln Williams, deep-sea diver and explorer, has posed a new problem for the United Nations. It was disclosed he Is seeking the UNO's aid m dispelling the "Curse of Montexnma," which, according to a legend, has hovered for 400 years over
    AP  -  129 words
  • 109 7 Officers Kept Chained LONDON (By Air Mail).— Three British officers, kidnapped by Jewish terrorists, were kept with their wrists chained for 17 days, it was revealed a few hours after they had been released. At first they were chained hand and foot, Captain O. C Warburton, burly, blonde-moustached paratrooper of
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  • 255 7 Jew Defends British Action In Palestine I ONDON, (By Air Mail).— L British action against Jewish terrorists m Palestine was defended by Mr. Leonard Stein, president of the AngloJewish Association. "When terrorist acts were succeeded by an open, organised, and potentially formidable challenge to the Government of Palestine, Britain was
    255 words
  • 64 7 NEW YORK, Tues—Production of steel m the United States has increased greatly since the end of the strike of steel workers. By the last week of June, production was at 87.2 per cent of normal capacity, campared with ODerations a month earlier at 43.6 per cent of
    AP  -  64 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
      265 words
    • 876 7 SALE BY TENDER. 1. The Custodian of Property. Singapore, invites tenders for the purchase of the following particulars of which are as follows: Lot 1. .xunprlslng 2T cases insulating fibre, about 200 straw bags cement (old), 1 ,ot about 300 old sack cloth bags etc. lying at 20, Magazine Road.
      876 words
    • 414 7 I Mansfield Co., Ltd. Incorporate ir Singapore BLUE FUNNEL LINE Sailings tc and from Unlteo Kingdom Rhnus Due from V.K. 20 July Bellerophon Dae from U.K. SO July Teurer Sai's for U.K. M Mf Samjack Due rrom IK 26 July Glenbeg Sail* for U.K. 31 July Western Australia Tbe nhortmt
      414 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 674 7 It may be set down as a sound i ten-ace position, openei the ten rule that the more discards the of clabs. Although declarer was defenders must take, the greater mortally certain that this lead I will be their difficulty in protect- was not from the queen he had j
      674 words

  • Article, Illustration
    38 8 'me ft. E. M. E. team which was beaten by six goals to one by the Singapore Rovers m a cha- itv soccer match m aid of the Queen's Street Boys' Club Fund at Jalan Besar on Sunday.
    38 words
  • All The Latest Sports News
    • 563 8 Boon Leong, De Souza Take The Honours S.C.F.A 3. Recs 1. niMUNITIVE but determined Chia Boon Leong, playing 1/ football that at times compared well with Chinese stalwarts of the past, had a large share m the Singapore Chinese Football Association's victory by three goals to
      563 words
    • 124 8 (From Oar Own Corresopndent) KINTA, Tues. murk the end of the Kint.i District Football League the champions yesterday met the Rest m match which the champions. Battery 469 of 96 Field Regiment, won by four goals to two. It was a thrilling game and a Httip?
      124 words
    • 254 8 ETCETERAS BEAT IPOH CEYLONESE (From Our Own Correspondent i IPOH. Sun. 'TTIE Etceteras did well on Sunday In I A winning by eight iiins against the strong Ipoh Ceylon Association team when, In reply to thslr opponents' total of 124, the Ceylonvs*: could only collect 118. On a malting wicket
      254 words
    • 265 8 Penang Race Entries i From Our Own Correspondent) PENANO, Wed. tTVE Kuala Lumpur horses Antrum, Silver Bond. Winsork. Plying Column and Woamcra— have been en- I tered for the Pcna r ip.c<; meeting on July 27 and Aug. 4. The entries are: HORSES CLAM ONE Bull Tol. Burraneer. Double Scotch.
      265 words
    • 79 8 STOCKHOLM, Tues. i CWEDEN won the doubles match \v against Yugoslavia m the Davis Cup European zone final at Varberg Club today. Yugoslavia by winning th* firs* I two singles on Saturday lead by i two matches to one with two more singles to be
      Reuter  -  79 words
    • 352 8 By Vernon Morgan LONDON, Taes. THE manager of the Indian j touring team. Mr. Pankaj Gupta, had a half-hour's inter- view with the Prime Minister, Mr. Clement Attlee, In the Cabinet j room at 10 Downing St. this morning. The taik was entirely
      Reuter  -  352 words
    • 497 8 LONDON, Tues. IIORTHAMPTONSHIRE, a far better side than their records 11 would suggest, scored their first yictory since May 1939 m beating a strong side m Glamorgan, but they had to fight hard. Set to get 86 with all second innings wickets intact at
      497 words
    • 310 8 Five Test Team Players On Injured List LONDON, Tues. FIVE of the England cricket team chosen to meet India on Saturday have had to crop out of the Gentleman versus Plafers match startJnt at Lord's tomorrow. They are Paul Gibb. who was Injured at Sheflield on Monday, Len Hutton who
      Reuter  -  310 words
    • 258 8 Recs' Hockey Cricket RECS' nocxey teair.s tor games tomorrow and on Monday will b? chosen from me following' Against the Polite at Thomson Koad to-morrow, starting at 5.13 p.m. S. Rodrlgues. B. Scheerder, P. Neubronnjr, H. Hoeden. G. Clarke. M. Toledo, T. Vanderpiit. R. Barker. K. LeemDrugseu, A Clark?, K.
      258 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 306 8 ALHAMBRA 11 1.30 4 6.30 9.15 SHI MARRIED A CORPSE 111 1 ii. i v gnwct A TERRIBLE COUPLE! on a TERRIBLE HONEYMOON! RED LIPS rh/rsf/ngi BLACK WINGS N.v.rln,/ JtKS% THE VAMPIRE ffilh Latest Universal Newsreels. lu,t 3 Stunnin- Mm Shows! Mi. 6.30 t: 9.15 p.m. JOHN (..WAS (Inliß'.s Proffiaor
      306 words
    • 120 8 W&tVTmmtt^ 4 Showi 1.30. 4. 6.30. 9.30 p.m. Geroge Sanders Star Of "SUMMER STORM gives another outstanding performance. itiKJ ltfy4«T^.<B who KNEW said: iHt'i^^'!^^^' *X ">" |oy ri '2 ht B^kS o« tH« XAF Ac* wK« WBERUH^p •-SANDERS --""CHAPMAN ONSLOW STEVENS GALE SONDERGAARO A CO.»«|.» riCTJK ALSO Gaumont British Nev/s
      120 words