The Straits Times, 17 July 1946

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • 468 1 Byrnes Tells U.S. Over The Radio WASHINGTON, Tuesday. mi. JAMES BYRNES, United States Secretary of State, in a nationwide radio address on the Paris Conference, indirectly accused Russia and France of violating the Potsdam Agreement to treat Germany as an economic unit. He revealed that
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  • 262 1 North Borneo Claimed By Filipinos MANILA, Tuesday. THE BRITISH incorporat on of North Borneo as a Crown Colony may produce international repercussions involving Britain and the Philippine?, and become a subject for the United Nations. New Republic Interested Nine heirs of the late Sultan cf Sulu, declared through their solicitors
    AP  -  262 words
  • 102 1 M-..» L.i. rues. —In Central* Luzon winds have reached 40 miles an hour as a gigantic typhoon approaches the area. Telephone lines are down m the north of Manila, and Baguio, the summer capital is reported cutoff from the rest of Luzon by landslides which have
    AP; UP  -  102 words
  • 224 1 BERLIN, Tuesday. MAJOR-GENERAL KEATING, Commander of the Ameri1" can zone of Berlin, has admitted that two Russian officers and their driver, a Russian soldier, all dressed m civilian clothes, had been arrested and were now m American custody. He did not disclose exactly where the
    Reuter  -  224 words
  • 90 1 NEW YORK, Tues.— Slam has formally asked the United Nations Security Council to intervene m the border dispute t>3tween Siam and French IndoChina. Siam has agreed to abide by any solution proposed by the Security Council France has maintained a technical state of war with the
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  • 33 1 NANKING, Tues.— lt was revealed today that the Chinese Communists demand representation m the Chinese delegation to the Paris Peace Conference, arguing that they are controlling one-third of the Chinese population—Reuter.
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  • 435 1 MOSCOW, (By Air*Mail). EXPERIMENTS with a E Central Asian cousin of the common dandelion, being carried out in the rich Ukrainian fields, may revolutionise the cultivation of natural rubber in the Soviet Union. Agricultural scientists are studying the growth and yields of the plant known as kok-sagyz.
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  • 110 1 V st rday m the office of fit U.S. Military Observer at I "ion Buildings, Singapore, Air Chief Marshal S r Keith Park, G.CB., X 8.E.. M.C., D.F.C.; was invested with the U.S. Army decoration, the Lesion of Merit, m the Degree of Commander.
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  • 312 1 Postal Strike Terminated Yesterday THE one week old strike of uniformed men of the Postal and Telecommunications Departments, Singapore, ended at four o'clock yesterday, two hours after they wera handed a letter from the Controller of Posts, Mr. W. (iillam. drawing their attention to General Order s on penalties for
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  • 60 1 CALCUTTA, Tues.—Unprecedented floods have created serious conditions in the ChittagonR area of Eastern Bengal. RAF planes are parachuting food supplies into the area. Sir Cyril Gurner, Relief Commissioner to the Bengal Government, said the floods affected 600 square miles inhabited by half a million persons. Rice crops
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  • 332 1 BATAVIA, Tuesday (UTAN SJAHRIR, the Indonesian Premier/ said last night that if the British leave Java and Sumatra before a political settlement is reached, they leave the stage set for an armed conflict. He was commenting on the announcement by the Headquarter?
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  • 169 1 Sikhs Demand Independent Territory LAHORE, Tuesday. FE 4,000,000 strong Sikh community deeded* unanimously at a represontat.vs meeting here today to boycott the Constituent Assembly to determine India's futurj constitution. The larger of the two Sikh Parties— the Akali Party— opposr^ the plan from the start. T other body is attached
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 26 1 BKiTISH STERLING SILVER CIGARETTE C:ES New stock* Juit to hand P. 11. HENDRY Jeweller with an Established Mfuaia wide Rcontatlon 78 Nortn Biidge Rd. S pore.
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    • 84 1 tHtXAMtMWO*\ If QUALIFIED OPTICIAN I C.s. CHOno o.tx.f»ac. I TH£ BfSJ S/NC£ J383 Aerated Waters are obtainoble from the following*'" Provision Stores m Singapore BEACH ROAD AREA Bun Bee fi C>. 11l St IU. B?uch Road Thong Whatt Co. 123. Beach Road Goan Hu»t Hin 363. Beach Kuad VICTORIA STREET
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  • 315 2 Australian Attacks Secret Agreements NEW YORK, Monday. MR. HERBERT EVATT, Australian Minister of External Affairs m a broadcast today attacked the veto system which he said has already "reared its ugly head m discussions on the Atomic Energy Control Commission. Fhe Soviet representative appears to
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  • 140 2 TOKIO Tuts.— The Japanese Army had planned to use the Pope as a peace mediator when the proper time came, according to a secret plan circulated among high officers, five days before Pearl Harbour. This plan ;s now m the hands of the Allies and
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  • 72 2 A Million Japs. Are Still In Manchuria SHANGHAI, Mon.— The U. S. Army China Service Command announced that the repatriation of Japanese from China would he completed today with the sailing of the last deportation ships. Their departure concludes the movemen f of more than 2,220,000 back to their homeland
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  • 38 2 LUXEMBOUR, Tues—Speaking before the Luxembourg Chamber of Deputies Mr. Winston Churchill, yesterday urged unlimited armed forces for the United Nations to operate from a world centre, so that any aggression would "fall powerless.' -A. P.
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  • 185 2 NANKING, Tuesday. THE Communists' spokesman, Wang Ping-nam, said the I Government was preparing for a fullscale offensive m Shantung and Northern Kiangsu and the impression was growing m Nanking that Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek's departure to Kuling may signal the start of the drive to
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  • 149 2 OSLO, Monday. DR. TRYGVE LIE, Secretary General of the United Nations, announced today he will leave Oslo for Moscow on July 22 on an unofficial visit to meet leading Soviet statesmen. Dr. Lie said he had not yet received the final decision
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  • 86 2 Japs Give Thanks To Gen. Mac Arthur TOKIO, Tues. The Japanese Diet's representatives today voted formal thanks to General MacArthur for releasing UJS. foodstuffs to relieve unsurpassed famine" m Japan. Gen. Mac Arthur's "humanitarian spirit," said an unanimously approved resolution, "moves us to a deeper sense of fellow love We
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  • 54 2 OTTAWA, Tuos. Canada will undertake to supply the United Kingdom with an average of 150,000,000 bushels of wheat a year for four years under an agreement which, It is I) I --a ted here, will be signed before the close of the crop year at the end
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  • 97 2 ROME, Tues. Signor Lacide de Gasperi, the Italian Premier who took his new Government before the Constituent Assembly of the Italian Republic, on Monday declared the Government would devote itself to the Four Freedoms expounded by the late President Roosevelt. Members of the Assembly rose to
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  • 397 2 LONDON, Mon. CRITICISM of British wary time tank production is i.ontained m secret reports to Mr. Winston Churchill of 1942 and 1944 by a Select Committee Op National expenditure which were published as a Government White Paper today. Reviewing results achieved in 1943 the Committee wrote:
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  • 37 2 When the Queen attended the Commando's Benevolent Fund Concert at the Albert Hall ten Commandos sat with her m the Royal Box at Her Majesty s request. The Queen shakes hands with her guests
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  • 140 2 WASHINGTON, Mon. A DELEGATION of Jewish ex-servicemen told President Truman today that they would try to recruit a division of Jewish volunteers for duty m Palestine if he feels that would help to facilitate the entry of the 100,000 Jews. In a statement
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  • 92 2 Palestine Illegal Entrants Excused JERUSALEM, Tues —Immigration certificates were allocated yesterday for 1,500 Jewish immigrants by the Palestine Government for the period from July 15 to Aug. 15. This conforms to the quota announced earlier by the British Government granting 1,500 monthly until a final decision is taken on the
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  • 92 2 LONDON, Tues. General Nikolaus von Falkenhorst, Nazi Commander-in-Chief In Norway during the German occupation, will be tried on or about July 29 on charges of responsibility, in killing 14 British commandos, who were token prisoners of war, the United Nations War Crimes Commission announced
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  • 72 2 New Yor k Stocks NEW YORK. Mon. Stocks broke sharply on Wajl Street h'f cause of fears that the OPA Extension might become law. No group was spared and some recent good performers were hit hard. Liquors had a bad day with Schenley declining four. Chrysler plunged over six. New
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  • 604 2 LONDON, Monday. THE granting of the huge American loan to Great Britain, now signed by President Truman, means that, to a limited extent, the United Kingdom will be able to increase her imports of manufactured goods. The Country will also be able to import a
    Reuter  -  604 words
  • 237 2 "Embassy Was Headquarters For Spies" OTTAWA, Monday THE Prime Minister ni Canada, Mr. Ma?kemi> King, has given the Cansd an House of Commons the final report of the Royal Comirussion on espionage which charges that pamp'es of uranium were ffiven to ofticials of the Sovit embassy n Ottawa by a
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 175 2 NOTICE. An Ex ra-Ordinary General Meeting of the Estate Asiatic Start Association, SouUi Johore will bs held on Sunday 29th inst at 2 pjn. at No. 47 Jalan Ibrahim (Indian Association Hall). All those who are interested m the welfare of the Association are cordially invited. The following three gentlemen
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    • 39 2 VALET BLADES are back again Bring out your Valet self-stropping razor and shave again the Valet way. Every day a smooth, quick shave and weeks of perfect shaving from every blade. Valet blades for the Razor that strops itself
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  • 383 3 Public To Be Given Adequate Notice WHILE military and civilian staffs, as well as Japaneso war criminals m Changi gaol, are working fast preparing boards declaring areas as "protected places," specific and detailed orders have already been issued to military units giving "shoot
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  • 98 3 A farewell tea party to their managing director, Mr. Paul Clerc, was given on Monday oy the staff of Optorg Co. (Malaya) Ltd., m Singapore, on the eve of his departure to Europe on leave by the Mauretania. Mr. Frank Goodall, a senior member of
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  • 49 3 For stealing half a pound of butter (valued at 50 cents) from the officers' mess at Raffles Institution, Wang So Soon, one of the 'boys' working m the mess, was fined $153 or s x weeks m prison, m the Second Police Court yesterday.
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  • 131 3 From Our Own Correspondent 1POH, Tues. ANOTHER Chinese was ton- victed today on a charge of a ms possession and r cci.ed the djat.i penalty from Mr. Just cr L. E. C. Evans at the Ferak Assizes. The man was 21-yea'--old Kam Chan Sang,
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  • 193 3 rron Our Own Correspondent PENANG, Tues. k STRONG plea for the free movement of rice was made in the Province Wellesley Advisory Council meeting yesterday by Ifr. M. P. Matthew, who urged that the present restriction putting the movable quantity at 12 katis
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  • 74 3 The welfare section of the St Andrew's O!d Boys' Association intends staging 'Lady Prec ous Stream" m Singapore before the end of the year AH members of the association and women interested are asked to commun cate with either the l>onorary secretary or Mr. C. 8. Dong
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  • 130 3 Four Burma Japs Hanged THE Kalagon "Blood Bath" war crimes trial had its sequel at dawn yesterday when the four Japanese officers sentenced to death paid the extrem? penalty m the execution square of Rangoon gaol. The ringleader. Major Ichikawa, was hanged, while f .he other three, Captains Midorikawa Hisashi,
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  • 116 3 THE 34,000-ton Cunard-White Star liner Mauretania left for the Un ted Kingdom yesterday with 4,800 Sen/ice men and 105 civilians aboard. This compares with the complement of Just over 1,000 w:th which she arrived from England on Saturday. The Services departures clear u.e sailing of Release groups 38
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  • 26 3 The Governor of Singapore, Sir Franklin Gimson. and party attended the showing of UagleLion's film. "The Wcked Lady," at the Cathay last n'arht.
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  • 58 3 Ihe weddinr took place at the office of the Registrar of Marriages, Singapore, yesterda of Miss Drer>a Boswell, eldest dm hter or the late Mr. F. V. Boswell and Mrs. N. Boswell of Singapore, a-d C.Q M.S. W. T. Leeson of the Royal Signals, eldest son of Mr.
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  • 218 3 CIME Road internment camp conditions and circumstances surrounding the death of a former Government official interned there, Mr. Harold Parker, who was the manager of the Government Rice Mill at Krian, will be the subject of war crimes charges against five Japs who will
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  • 95 3 THE trial of the eight members 1 of the Jesselton (British North Borneo), kempei-tai on charges of committing atrocities on the residents of the island of Mentanani, which opened m the War Crimes Court m the Chinese Secretariat on Monday, was adjourned sine die yesterday to enable
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  • 35 3 The Singapore Rotary Club will meet at the Adelphi Hotel Roof Garden at 1 p.m. today. Mr. W. Hartley, president of the Singapore Mun'cipal Commissioners, will deliver an address on "Old Singapore."
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  • 197 3 APPEARING be: ore Mr. Paul Storr m the First Police Court yesterday, five Chinese Ma Fau (32), Wong Fung (28), Tung Chan (25), Yuen Van (33), and Ma Chak (35)— were ordered to i>e bound over m the sum of $1,000 each m two sureties, m
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  • 84 3 From Our Own Correspondent PENANO, Tues.— The Beard of Licensing Justices in Pcnang a: their first post-war meeting yesterday heard an objection by «j neighbour to the granting of a beer licence to a new hotel in Northam Road on the ground that it was
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  • 426 3 ALLEGED to have been con- cerned In the beatings of a detainee with the object of making him confess to a murder, a long-service detective, K. Naranasamy, was on trial yesterday at the Singapore Assizes, before Mr. Justice N. A. Worley, on charges of abetment of
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  • 558 3 United Engineers' Meeting THE changes m the economic life of the community imposed by the Japanese are the cause of very considerable unrest, and 'it will take a long time before skilled and unskilled labour of every description can be expected to settle down to
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  • 84 3 ALLEGED to have committed extortion and to hav? threatened Teo Swee Tin, in Jpper Nankin Street that h? would smash his shop ir he did not subscribe to th»» Kwang Ying secret society, 27-year-old Cheong Peng Hong claimed trial to the charge, of having d'Shonestly induced Teo to
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  • 44 3 Two members of the Malays i contingent to the London Victory Parade will broadcast tonight from Radio Malaya on the olu? network at 9.45, immed atelv after the news bulletin Tomorrow at 6 pjn. representatives of the contingent will broadcast m Malay.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 41 3 ypkEESzJSS&Ksi) jVOrth bridge rd 1T W^j/J Bras Batah Rd.) BEST (fl^f) LATEST METRO 3P£>gg<S^3 NEWS Preceding Paramount* Attraction:Hail d as on c of the BEST War Romarcrs: NEXT" CHANGE CONSTAN( E KFNNETT Is retur Ing with GRACIE FIELDS m... "PARIS— UNDERGROUND"
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    • 79 3 SYDNEY-SINGAPORE- LONDON EMPIRE SERVICES Showing the Flag —on British Wings! /.he "Kangarco" o.era.el jy Q.E.A. and 8.0.A.C. gives Singapore air conn ct ons of unparalleled speed and corrifon with Sydney and London and tvavsl tim 3 to both Capitals can now be measured m terms of hour; 33 hers
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  • 50 4 Mr. Gch Kirn Wee of Queensland In v a-»ce Co. passed away peaceful y on 14th July. 1943. He leaves behind a wl c. 5 sens, 6 d aught es. 2 rons-ln-law and three grand children. Funeral Ht 55 Koel: Road on July 18th. Deep y regr it d
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  • 998 4 The Straits Times Singapore, Wed., July 17, 1946. Malaya Looks To India It is good news that talks are proceeding on the highest level between Malaya and India for the resumption of large-scale immigration from South India tc this country. This was reveal "d by Mr. S. K. Chettur. 1.C.5.,
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  • 86 4 BATAVIA, Mon. nUTCH marines who landed *>n Madura Island oif Java's northwest coast retired after a clash with the local forces. According to the official Dutch statement the marines landed to take a coal-light?r from the port of Kamal to Soerabaya. Th«y did not expect oppos tlon
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  • 2332 4  -  By IN his report on his mission to Malaya Sir Harold Mac Michael begins by referring very briefly indeed to the previous Treaties with the Malay States and he notes that "none of these instruments conceded to His Majesty's Government direct rights of
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  • Man In The Street
    • 771 4 IN the days that are dead, their Highnesses, the Ruling Sultans of the respective Federated and Non-Federated States, guidea by their able and experienced Advisers, wisely alienated lands for the cultivation of rubber on a graduated scale of. rental, designed to be nominal
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    • 51 4 IN view of the frequent accidents along the SlngaporeJohore road, and the rash and negligent driving of military vehicles, I suggest that the present speed 1 mit of 30 mj).h. for city areas be extended the full distance from Singapore to Johore. I would suggest that the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 870 4 CHUA TAN. The engagement Is announced between Mr. Chua Yam Chua, the 4th son of Mrs. Chua Mua Klat and the late Mr. Chua Mua Kiat of No. 63 Upper Ssrangoon Road to Miss Lucy Tan. Eldest daughter of Mr. Mrs. Tan Miang Long of No. 326 Thomson Road, Singapore.
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    • 109 4 Be A Mew-Sty ie Instrumentalist! Here are some up-to-date music for you. PIANO Modern Swing Style Course of Plar.o Playing Gerry Moore $1.80 Swlnj Phrases for Piano 1 60 Rhapsody m Blue, Complete, for Piano O. Gershwin 9.00 CLARINET Concerto for Clarinet by Artie Shaw 4.50 SAXOPHONE Swing Style Phra*es
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    • 87 4 i A "jQ Announces the arrival cf Jtfa HERSHELLE MODELS AT THE LITTT.E SHOP. RAFFLES HOTEL. Property Protection from TERMITES It is Mat-ntia] that our Termite Extermination Service be employed before repairs to White Ant-infested properties are carried out. Otherwise, new timber will only provide fresh food for these insects
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  • 351 5 Small Investors Take 50 per cent IJP till yesterday more than $10,000,000 of the Singa- pore Government's rehabilitation loan has been subscribed for, and subscriptions, averaging $1,500,000 a day for the first week, are continuing to come m steadily. Subscribers have come from all classes
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  • 212 5 Prom Oar Own Correspondent PENANG, Tues EVIDENCE that two of the three *> robbers who had entered her mother's house on the night in question had had their faces and bodies "painted white' was given by a young Chinese woman in the Assize Court
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  • 102 5 Charged With Allowing Man To Escape rORPORAL Noor bin Hassan and police constable Hussein bin Abu Hassan appeared before Mr K. M. Byrne in the Third rolice Court yesterday and claimed trial to :i charge that through their n»flisrence on Jmne 3 18 -year-old (hen Ah Sine, who had be-n
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  • 109 5 MOTHER (15) ESCAPED TO SEE CHILD Ala-yeur-old Chinese mother. Lee Ah Geok, and her two-year-old daughter are to spend the next five-and-a-half months in the Salvation Army Girls Home. Lee was arrested last February for possession of NAAFI cigarettes, and was bound over for six months. Before th? six months
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  • 51 5 Scheme For Importing Fresh Food nEGiSTRATION is shortly A to begin of firms wishing to fall in with a scheme So.importing fresh Australian products under Government auspices. These importers will also sell their goods under Government direction. Rc?istrat on is being carried on in the Municipal Buildings by the Food
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  • 96 5 The ALFSEA Productions play "Someone at the Door" will be performed in the Victoria Theatre, Singapore, on July IS and 20 at 8 pjn. and is op^n to both the general public and th? services. This play has recently completed a successful tour of .service units
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  • 262 5 From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. pOMMUNIST activities in Benl* ton? in 1942 when the Japanese Army was repeatedly harassed by Chinese anti-Japan-ese elements were recalled In the War Crimes trial held m the Sun Cinema, Bentong. The court which consisted of Lt. Col.
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  • 36 5 The next meeting of the East and West Society will take place today at Toc-H Stamford Road at 8 p.m. when Dr. Chelliah wil 1 speak on 'Education m a multiracial community.'
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  • 50 5 'SINGAPORE'S WATERFRONT Silt from the mnuti of the Sin j no re river is being used to fi Q up holes m levelling operations which are taking place alou; the esplanade on both sid:s of St. Andrew's Road, Chinese coolies employ! )g the oldest of methods perform this laborious task.
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  • 484 5 A VARIATION of the notorious water-torture consisting of the pouring into the victim's mouth of boiling hot water was described m the Australian War Crimes Court yesterday when three Japanese and four Koreans were charged with the inhumane treatment of English, Dutch and Australian PoWs,
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  • 185 5 Man Tells Of New Method Of Hold-up IT the end of a preliminary inquiry yesterday in the Second Police Court, Syed Ahmed Shah, an Indian, was committed for trial at the next assizes on a chaige 01 armed iiobeiy. An Indian. Babu Lai, in his evidence, said that on May
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  • 365 5 A THREE-DAY conference Of Indians from all over the peninsula is scheduled m Kuala Lumpur on Aug. 3, 4 and 5, to Inaugurate a unified Pan-Malay-an Indian organisation on democratic lines for Malaya's 750,000 Indians. The groundwork for this projected body was laid recently when a representative
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  • 263 5 TWO shiploads of rice from Siam, several hundred tons of dhal and other foodstuffs, and hundreds of tons of coal are lying m the holds of ships m the Singapore roads as a result of the strike of 1,400 Chinese and Indian lightermen. In addition, thousands
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  • 210 5 TAPT. Shiozawa, the comma n- dant of the Amahai camp, said yesterday that PqWs had been beaten in ris presence but he did not consider It ill-treat-ment, when he was making h s defence on atrocity charges in the Ambon case in the War
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  • 77 5 Renewing Licence CUMMONED before Mr. K. M. Byrne m the Third Police Court yesterday, Yee Cheok Wan of the Atonrc Club m Lloyd Road, was fined $200 or three months' imprisonment for continuing to allow dancing and music at the Atomic Club on July 3. alter
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  • 83 5 AN official communique issued yesterday confirms the Straits Times story yesterday that Govirnmtnt has ordered prefabricated letters from the United Kingdom to allevia'.e the acute shortage of I'urhtcs in Singapore. A total of 150 thirty-ton unictaft Vg tcrs, togretiier with 15 single screw 47-ffet unic-aft tug^, have
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  • 145 5 Chinese Gaoled For Opium Smuggling TWO Chinese, Lljn Ah Mei, arid Poo Soo Guan, who pleaded guilty to charges of possession of opium were each sentenced to six months' rigorous imprisonment by Mr. Paul Storr In the First Police Court yesterday. A constable of the Royal Naval Police saw Lim
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  • 70 5 AN unemployed Malay, Abdul Rashid bin Hajl Latif. appeared before Mr. Paul Storr in the First Police Court yesterday and had a charge of b:ing in possession of 1,927 rounds of .38 ammunition, explained lo him. The ammunition was in good condition and was
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  • 94 5 For eight tons ol rubber in an unlicensed store in Cecil Street in June. Ng Say Kia, of Chuan Eng and Company, was fined $200 by Mr. Paul Storr in the First Pol ce Court yesterday. Pleading guilty to the summons charge, Ng explained that the rubber
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 25 5 Wis UNO 4} is its History hat does its Charter mean Buy THE CHARTER OF THE UNITED NATIONS With Commentary From all Booksellers Price $1,
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    • 68 5 Don't Miss This Opportunity! SALE NOW TO 24 JULY '46 Stationery 10% Discount Bocks, Magazines, Periodicals 20 f c Discount Sports Materials, etc. Special Discount fall at SHANGHAI BOOK Co., 349 NOKTH BRIDGt. LOAD: SINGAPORE Tti 2721. r"%<NK FOR CLERRAfICE OF inUIRRD SHIPmEFITS fAflf FROm RORDS OR UIHRRVES ON fUO
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  • 421 6 Outside Capital Afraid Of Unstable Position CHANGHAI, Sunday— The encouragement of foreign v investments m China will be among the urgent questions discussed by the Supreme Economic Council, headed by Dr. T. V. Soong, when it meets m Nanking. Chinese industrial leaders realise that British and
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  • 112 6 Co-operative Factories In Madras CALCUTTA, Monday.— The Madras Government Is considering a plan to establish a number of sugar factories in different sections of the presidency to meet a 50,000-ton shortage of sugar in the province. The factories would bf run on a co-operative basis with the cane producers as
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  • 89 6 WASHINGTON, Mon AMERICAN Red cross Is said to have ordered 70,000 ampoules of the rare drug "Neo3tibosan" to be used in China for treating Kala-azar. and is trying to buy 250.COO more. Kala-azar is described as a parasitic disease which has "now reached serious ep'demlc proportions
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 674 6 TENDERS. Tenders will be received at th 3 Office of the Director of Medical Services. Singapore, up to the 31st. of July, 1946, f« the supply of the following oils to the Government Health Department, Singapore, for a period cf four and a half months m the first instance comiu>ncin:?
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    • 650 6 SALE BY TENDER. 1. The Custodian of Property, Singapore, invites tenders for the purchase of the following particulars of which are as follows: Lot 1. comprising 21 cases insulating fibre, about 200 straw bags cement (old), 1 .ot about 300 old sack cloth bags etc. lying at 20, Magazine Road.
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    • 604 6 MISCELLANEOUS r'QR RALE.: oarge collection of 3ld Perak "Tiger Head" stamps only genuine buyzrs need apply. Box 481 S.T. FOR SALE: Austin 8 h.p. 1940 Model. 4 seater also modern household furniture and 1 Remington noiseless portable typewriter. />pply 482 S.T. FOR QUICK SALE B flat MglhtT tan Trumpet, almost
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    • 394 6 NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN thnt Cyril Hack worth Young late of I;x).j. Perak and now of Lond.n Er.R and tia< assigned all his shaiei and interest m the Partnership Business of Sarltx v Engineers and Contractors under the rtyie or firm of C. H. Yourg Co. Ipoh, Perak to
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 375 6 1 RADIO PROGRAMMES 2 p.m and s.30 loll pn on 2Z5 session open., at 5 p.m .news head- wicket commentary. 8.45 p.m. metre* from noon to 2 o m m 4.8t5 llnea at 8 30 m and news qi 9 30 o m Homewar a bound, 9.00 p.m. Forever mcs/see
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  • 946 7 Must Be Loosened Or End ad By J. L. GARVIN, m the Daily Telegraph. LONDON (By Air Mail)— lt is time to turn from the results and lessons of the Paris Conference, such as they are, to the real sphinx-riddle of the world's future. Bluntly,
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  • 174 7 WASHINGTON, Monday.— Hitler's scientists were at work on super?onics designed to bombard New York, the, U.S. Army Air Force disclosed I It was but one item on a list of 136 secret weapons they, wero striving to perfect o: improve at ths end of
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  • 77 7 WASHINGTON, Monday—American airlines today reported that nearly normal services have been restored on some trans-oceanic routes disrupted by the government order grounding Constellation aircraft. The hardest hit service is the I acific because it has longer nonstop distances than the Atlantic. Flights to New Zealand and the
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  • 186 7 I ONDON, Monday. TuberL culosis and venereal diseases have reached epidemic proportions m Europe, the Health advisory commission of the League of Red Cross Societies reported t<»day, adding that tuberculosis alone is killing four times as many people as it did before the war. Dr Ernest
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  • 98 7 NEW YORK, Monday Approximately 117,000 persons of all nationalities are waitin* at the great harbours of the World for ship transportation, according to a report m the New York Journal of Commerce. The newspaper said 20,550 persons were waiting to cross the Pacific to the United States,
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  • 66 7 TOKIO, Tues.— The Tokio Shimbun noted a change m former Japanese Premier Tojo s reading habits, remarking he is now scanning six newspapers daily instead of Japanese classics, which he perused prior to 'the trial. After reading the newspapers, Tojo makes voluminous notes and then becomes
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  • 150 7 UNO STAFF HUNT FOR HOMES NEW YORK, Monday: A seaside hotel had been taken over, blocks of flats planned and householders appealed to by a letter m a desperate attempt by the United Nations to find homes for their swelling staff m a New York area where housing shortages is
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  • 144 7 NEW YORK, Mon— There will definitely not be any new Packard models this year and major changes m this company's cars will be deferred at least until well into 1947, according to the compary's Gereral Manager. The decision not to introduce any big alterations at the present
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  • 25 7 WASHINGTON, Monday— Tfce UJS civil aeronautics administration announced that it will open branch offices m Shanghai, Par s. Cairo and London within tnre? months. UP.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 114 7 frnrnTCyAea/u today IK^SkSSK-^^" 4 Show* 1.30-4-6.30-9.30 p.m. SONGS-DANCES- COMEDY-ROMANCE NEXT CHANGE George Sanders gives An Outstanding Performance As An Jl. A. F. Officer. *$F*WUiMfc**T- 6rBW£ Anders L^ mmmi CHAPMAN CchOmha mjC^ ONSIOW STEVENS nenmc Ifcjjj yy| GALE SOXDEROAARD.J hMtaklMHlriHalP XMhALfRtO L 6KUH IMMwSAttUO. MPHOFT GREAT DEEDS OF HEROISM! Wlwn the
      114 words
    • 661 7 NOTICE. ROBINSON CO., LTD. As far as limited stocks permit, we will shortly t»- opening our Singapore premises for retail sales on a cash basis. Stocks of hardwaie, lawn mowers, trunks and suitcases, silverware, provisions, etc, will be available. Our Tailoring Department is now operating under our European Manager, Mr.
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    • 346 7 Mansfield Co., Ltd, < incorporated 10 Singapore BLUE FUNNEL LINE SillUjgs tc and rroro United Kingdom RheMU D«e from U.K. 20 Julr RHlerophon Dae from U.K. 20 July Teucer Sails for U.K. fi July Samjack Due from U.K. 26 July Glenbec Sails for U.K. 11 July Western Australia The shortest
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 435 7 c 5S h^ ~Wn .bout'in the *inj, fl, gjnM W*. J^ outcome! two trump tricks, a low trump South, dealer. was i ed f rom dummy. East r'Jt Both sides vulnerpble. u the queen and laid down the North-South 60 on score spade uing. South ruffed, cashed his Jack of
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  • Article, Illustration
    23 8 y.*!if||g* Rovers wh o beat the R.E.M.E by six oab to one In a chanty soccer match at Jalan Besar stadium on Sunday.
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  • All The Latest Sports New
    • 375 8 IJOTH the Singapore Chinese Football Association and the Rees will be at full strength when they meet at Jalan Besar stadium this afternoon m a game m aid of the Little Sisters of the Poor. The game is surrounded with special interest from the fact
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    • 103 8 IT has come at last. Football by moonlight, we mean. Serembzn had the honour of launching the i.rst "soccer by moo. light* match, and Capt. K. Tej ?inph, of the D.I.D. Supply Depot was the introducer. His side met an Ind'an team. The ball was painted
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    • 279 8 Sunday Spoon Shoot At Mandai Range C 7 A LARGE number ot rifle shooting enthusiasts turned up at the Mandai Rifile Range to compate for ihe weekly "Spoon 1 last Sunday. The results were: 200 yds. 500 yds. 1. Capt. A.L. Comport. 30 28 =58 2. M.G. Calder 28 29
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    • 115 8 New Wrestlers In To-night's Bouts 'T'HREE wrestler* from up-country make their first Singapore appearance at tonight's wrestling at the New World. They are Baby Londos, Pretam Singh and Dal Morgan. In the mam event Bosca Boa. the Kuala Lumpur Chinese, faces Dara Slngn over eight rounds, while Baby Londos meets
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    • 46 8 LONDON, Mon. Probabla runners for th? Eclipse Stakes to be run at Ascot on Frida> over a m le and a quarter: AJdis Lamp (Cliff Richards) Aldakhil (no Jockey) Edward Tudor 'Gordon Richards) Gulf Stream (Harry Wragg) Khaled (Jones) Midas (Eph. Smith).— Reutei.
      Reuter  -  46 words
    • 41 8 Ola boys ot all Malacca Schools are asked to meet at the Rangoon Road School to-morrow at 5.-0 p.m. to disnuss the advisability of travelling to the old town for two charity soccer eH'r.'ni t»e B^nk H'lnays.
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    • 172 8 (From Our Own Correspondent) KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. TVf EIGHTS tor Saturday, the second W day of the Selangor Turf Clubs Summer Meeting are: Horses. Clas.< 1. 7 furs. Tonroe 9.13; Favourite 8.03; Mr. Chips 8.03; Calaraint 8.02; Demure 7.13; Wymering 7.12; Electra 7.11; Lady Llmarch 7.10; Old
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    • 113 8 Torks: Ist Inns.— 3o« for 6 wiekeU dccL INDIA— Ist INNINGS Merchant Ibw Coxon 7 Modi b Aspiiall 5 Mushtaq All t Tardley h Booth 27 Mankad c Coxon b Aapinall 13! Amarnath Ibw Coxon Hazare net eat 214 Pateadi not out 51 Kxtrms 17 Total (for 5 dccl.)
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    • 468 8 Open Golf TT7HEN 33-year-old Sam Snead. of Virginia, won the British Open Golf championship on the Old Course at St. Andrews on July 5, he shot a last round of 75 for an aggregate of 290 and a clear four -stroke win over Bobby l-ocke
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    • 228 8 By Learie Constantine F e SHEFFIELD, Mon. Indian cricket tourists, continuing their first innihps here today against Yorkshire, staged a wonderful re covery, scoring 490 for five wickets and declaring after tthey had lost three wickets for only 70 runs at the close
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    • 108 8 BLsle> Mon. r GLAND, who are the holders, retained the Kolapore Cup at Bisley today with a total of 1,088 points followed by India with 1,061 and Jersey third with 1.03». For the mother country Squadron- Leader Willott. the King's prize winner, and Major Maxwell who
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    • 309 8 LONDON, Mon. U7ALTER Hammond, England's Test captain, scored yet another century today. makin 2 113 for Gloucester against Leicester at Bristol, while Avery, the Essex player, who failed to find a place m the England t e am to meet India this week at Old
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 269 8 GEVIAfIG *PHOnE ***** To-Day 3.15. 6.3* v.15 p.m. India's Ace Stunt Exponent John Cav2s ii "STUNT KING* A Brimful of Lightning Action. FLstlcufTs <b Stunts to keep you on 3/out Toes. Come on here you ActionLovers Released by United Exhibitors Syndicate. V PHONE: ***** V Last 3 Show*: 3. 6.15
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