The Straits Times, 13 July 1946

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • 454 1 Strong Repu hlican Opposition Likely WASHINGTON, Friday. TOMORROW the House of Representatives is to vote on whether or no America is to make the $3,730,*****0 (1.5.) loan to Britain. Representative J. Percy Priest, acting Democrat whip, who has been polling and re-polling Members for
    Reuter  -  454 words
  • 154 1  - Goering's Plan To Take Gib Artillery By NUREMBERG, Friday. ALLIED investigators have uncovered German secret records which cle cribe a plan by Goering to neutra::ze and seize Gibraltar by the heaviest artillery si?g,c ever laid, utilizing the largest gun ever built. Guiis were prepared and mas*>:d on the Spanish border
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  • 27 1 Synthetic WASHINGTO* Thurs. The U.S. Senate has approved the legislation extenJins; indefinitely the ban against the disposal of the government n«'ned synthetic rubber plants.—A P.
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  • 184 1 'PHILIPPINES GOVT. FACES REBELLION" American Report NEW YORK, Thursday. SCRIPPS Howard newspapers today puhlifhed a special report from their correspondent, Mr. Sidney B. Whipple from Manila, reporting that threats of rebellion again.n the new Philippines Republic and rumours that communist outlaws were planning to march against Manila from Central Luzon,
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  • 123 1 100M.P's Want Inquiry On Press Freedom LONDON, Friday. MORE than 100 Member; of Parliament today signed a circulatPd petition demanding a sweeping investigation of the British Press, including the extent of monopoly m chain ownership, and tho "extent of financial and advertising influence on the presentation and suppression of new?."
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  • 86 1 WASHINGTON, Fri.— lne House of Representatives Un-American Activities Committee has charged that atomic sctentists employed at the Oakrldg-e, Tennessee, Atom Bomb Plant are m "subversive commurrcation with foreign groups and activities threatening United States S2curity. Disclosing their findings after six months' investigation, the Committee said that other
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  • 56 1 A fatal accident resulting In the dsath of threa Indian railway porters and two Indian soldiers, occurred last night on Kampong Bahru Road when a section of an iron bridge that was being conveyed m a military truc'-c fell off. Four others, two of them
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  • 55 1 Before the Malayan Victory rarade contingent who are due m Singapore today by the Mauretania— left I ondon. they were visited at the Colonial camp by the Sultan of Johore. who is seen above with Major Stubbs (F.MS. Volunteer Force) on Sir Ibrahim s right and
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  • 86 1 Truman Says Back UNO With Police WASHINGTON, Thurs. PRESIDENT TRUMAN told a group of educational authorities, meeting informally m his office today, that world peace is possible if the United Nations is given a police force sufficiently powerful to enforce i^s mandlates.1 ates. He said international dealngs do not differ
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  • 77 1 CHESTERFIELD, Fri Bannsrjee batted splendidly, cutting and driving easily until at 38. a misunderstanding cost him his wicket. He drove hard to midoff, called Sarwate but was sent back, being unable to regain his ground m time. India 2nd Innings:— Sarwat? c and
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  • 46 1 WASHINGTON, Thurs Mr Chester C. Davis, Chairman of President Truman's Famine Emergency Committee, said today that the United States soon wonH meet its 1946 export &,oal but that there was r.o reason to feel that the -world food crisis was over. U.P.
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  • 283 1 WASHINGTON, Thurs. GERMANY, m 1941, planned U to use Subhas Chandra Bose, Indian Nationalist leader, to spearhead an "extensive" propaganda campaign m the British Empire, promising colonial peoples that the Axis would "liberate them from British rul?," according to a German document released by the
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  • 289 1 NEW YORK, Friday. TRADE advices from Washington report thai the Reconstruction Finance Corporation and its subsidiaries are delaying a decision on a possible doncstic price increase for crude rubber until the fate of the Office of Price Administration is decided. They said
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  • 221 1 'King's Relaxed Arm Shows Assassination' BANGKOK, Friday. HOUNDING the table to cmI phasiso his words. Dr. Chcob Choti-Jassthlcn, member of tlie madicaj postmortem comm'jsion, fastly maintained that Kinr Ananda Mahidol of Siam was murdered, during a stormy hearing before the Investigative Commission. Frequently clashing with a government interrogator whom ne
    AP  -  221 words
  • 115 1 LONDON, Tr.ur -There WJre signs on the stuc.< markets today Ofl a serious dccl ne of pries. The tailing off of local parti ipation i has been attributed to the t?mponurj absence of fund; which are tied up m rr-w issues, including £41.500X00 earmarked for the
    Reuter  -  115 words
  • 42 1 TOKIO, Fri..— The Japanesa Minister of Education Kataro Tanaka, sa d the Government, fully realizing the importarce of romanj. -usr of the western alphabet for the written Japanese language intends to introduce romnnji m primary -hools m 1947.— U.P.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 77 1 "HUVITA" tONK Builds YOU up tor Younß Old. Sold Everywhere Sou '.inporters PACIFIC lIIAIDERS FOR EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL Offices at: SINGAPORE -12 Battery Rd.. P. O. Box 203 Phone Nos. 5114. 51 13 KUALA LUMPUR— I Java Street.. P. O. Box 256 Phone No. 4291 PENANC. -31 Beach Street.. P. O.
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  • 633 2 GERMANY OCCUPATION COSTS CUT Taxpayers Money To Be Guarded PARIS, Thursday. AS the Big Four Foreign Ministers failed to reach agreement on the future of Germany, after a day of discussion, French sources heard with dismay the statement of Mr. Ernest Bevin, British Foreign Minister, that Britain was going ahead
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  • 233 2 WASHINGTON, Thurs. ABOARD of experts has advised President Truman that the Bikini atomic bomb test provided adaquate data lor the redesigning of navy vessels "to minimise damage to superstructure and deck personnel from this type of bomb." They emphasized, however, that the atom bomb
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  • 38 2 HEREFORD (Germany) Thurs. —Thirty-four notorious criminals were arrested and 76 suspects detained m a raid on a displaced persons' camp here. One British officer and one Polish displaced person were accidentally shot duiing the raid. Reuter.
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  • 58 2 STRASBOURG, Thurs— Three high-ranking German officers were sentenced to death by hanging at Wuppertai. Germany, yesterday, for being involved m the killing of British and French m October, 1944. They were Colonel Isselhorst. Gestapo commander m Alsace. S3 General Karl Oberg, Gestapo chief for France,
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  • 26 2 WASHINGTON. Thurs.— More than 2,000 WACs will be shipped overseas m the next four months, the U.S. War Department announced here today. —A.P.
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  • 64 2 PARIS, Thursday. CIGIITEEN soldiers o! the French Foreign I.ejion were ambushed and killed near Cuchi, 40 miles north-west of Sai,'on. French Indo-China, says Reuter quoting the correspondent of the French press agency. An army lorry taking soldiers to Saigon was waylaid while crossing a bridge
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  • 164 2 U.S. Troops End Trieste Riots TRIESTE, Thurs. U.S. troops m full war kit and riding m armoured cars today took over to aid the police m Quelling a riot by 20,000 pro-S!ovenes m Trieste, trouble-spot port cf the North Adriatic. The rioters smashed Italian public markets m the middle of
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  • 25 2 LONDON. Thurs.— Mr. Herbert Morrison stated that the Commons would hear an account of the Cabinet Mission's visit to India next Thursday.— Reuter.
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  • 21 2 Kure, Thurs.— Naval craft are patrolling the Korean Straits to prevent unauthorised entry of Koreans into Japan.— A.P.
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  • 23 2 Now that the war Is over members of the Household Cavalry reappear again m all their pre-war splendour.
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  • 224 2 LONDON, Thurs. THE correspondent of the Financial Times, recently returned from China writes: Shortly after liberation Shanghai was cheap while Kunming was the most expensive place m China but Kunming now is about the cheapest place m China and Shanghai probably the most expensive m
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  • 100 2 STOCKHOLM, Thurs.— The Swed sh Military authorities yesterday called for "special alert- j ness" throughout the country as j reports were received t'.iat six "meteorites or flying bombs" had appeared at several points m central Sweden. Rumours of Ru:s an flying bomb experiments m the Ba'tic
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  • 34 2 The Hague, Thurs.— The Dutch Government denied a report received at The Hague that Dr. van Mook had rejected the proposal for a truce m Java, made by Sjahrir, Indonesian Prime Minister.—Reuter.
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  • 255 2 HERE is the latest news from the world's strike fronts. Two thousands dockers of Southampton, who had been on strike since Saturday, returned to work today. Their first job was to begin unloading 507,000 packages of tomatoes from the steamer Whitstable which arrived from the Channel
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  • 310 2 WASHINGTON, Thursday. ONLY when China has cleared her dogged ports will UNRRA resume shipments of relief supplies, said Mr. Fiorello La Guardia, Director-General of UNRRA, who is adamant m his demand that China should s-pi-ed up tlie distribution of supplies now bottled up m CMaese p;>rts.
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  • 157 2 8 SOLDIERS WOUNDED UN CAIRO Cairo, Tfcun. (fN the first act of violence (1 connected with the general strike protesting against the continued British occupation, eight British soldlen and one Egyptian policeman re wounded late last night by a hand-grenade on the Kasreinil Bridge near the headquarters of the Brit\s'i
    AP; UP  -  157 words
  • 95 2 MUNICH, Mon.— Waitro i one of this city's oldest and lar- gest beer cellars, tlie HofbrauI haus refused to go to work recertlv whrn the r rnanded that they wear s'.< The nronr'ptor fa id bare ejs were all right during the war I when
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  • 106 2 LONDON, Thurs— lt was learned here today that the Orc^k Premier. Constantine TsaldarLs, m his ta'k.s with Mr. Attle?, Mr. Byrne? and Mr. Bevin, warned the British ana U.S. Government Russ a would try to get an outlet to the Mediterranean thn a Yugoslavia ar.'j Albania
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 255 2 NOTICE. Re: YONG KWAY MAY Information is requir-id regarding YONG KWAY MAY then IMng at No. 754-E Simon Road, Singapore, formerly of the Bankruptcy Office, Singapore, who was detained and taken on or about the 28th February 1942 by the Japanese Military from the 7th mile Upper Seranpoon Road Concentration
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    • 384 2 GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. Tenders Wlli be received at the Euperintenderr Of Stores Furniture, Kandang Kerbau Office, up to noon of the 24th. July, 194 C. for the following works:— fai Supply of Firewood (b) Coal (O Lime (d) Bricks (c) Sand for the period of 3 months from date of acceptance
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    • 142 2 GOOD NEWS! "HIS MASTERS VOICE' ;i #to| RADIOS L^tSIX -VALVE EIGHT WAVE HANDS WITH BANDSFREAD TUNING ON FIVE SHORT-WAVE BANDS. <+g± TIMES EASIER TO TUNE-IN S"than pre-war models PRICE $275*00 PRICE Will be available shortly at:KEE HUAT RADIO COMPANY KELLER PIANO COMPANY *****1 Orchard Road, Singapore Orchard Road, simapor. 21
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  • 450 3 Reha bilila tion On Own Resources DEC A USE the loan originally offered by Government to rehabilitate the pineapple industry m Malaya has "whittled down to meagre proportions," pLus have suffered a temporary setback and the industry has now decided to carry out its planting
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  • 57 3 from Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUtfPUR, r THK i.iUial ftigtribalim < f v. rll over l,0C0.00;» vaids. of «loth wi'j be made by the Mahiy.m I'nion Ciove-nmrot shortly to rmplove's of m'nes, psiates :ind lir°e idirtriril r-inrvns. The as^is'sn^e <»f l^adin-; trad' nssocia'ions an-1
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  • 203 3 Inspection Of Vehicles In Singapore Until ye-t.vduy about 1,453 private cars and trucks! were inspected, mainly for registration particulars, wh-bj 275 taxis and ab^ut 100 hire-; lorries have teen inspected lor roadworthiness by the Office of the Registrar of Vehicle?, Singapore. About 9,657 vehicles, including private cars, lorries, taxis and
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  • 66 3 From Our Own Correspondent Penang, Thurs. A PADI planter was shot dead at Pematang Pauh, Butta'worth, early this morning whe*.i robbers bro'^e into his house. Tbe planter, Chan Ah Foong. was awakened by a nois? mad? by the intruders and on his offering resistance was killed
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  • 32 3 From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Fri.—The next meeting of the Malayan Union Advisory Council is to be held at the Council Chamber m Kuala Lumpur on Tuesday, July 30.
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  • 262 3 Inspector Says He Fed Detainees A STATEMENT that he had helped G. H. Kiat. the well known Singapore Chinese, m the early days of the Japanese occupat on was made by ex-inspector Ibrahim bin Omar at the Singapore Assizes yesterday. Ibrahim, who was making his defence on a charge of
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  • 108 3 JHE Sungei Geran and Pangka- lan Balei, Palembang, Sumatra PoW Camo cases will shortly be tried. Witnesses who can identify Japanese and Korean personnel m Pangkalan Balei Camp are urgently required to give evidence. People who were PoWs at Pakan Bahroe Camp are also wanted to dentify
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  • 107 3 Robber Had Jap Pistol A Japanese automatic pistol and a dagger were recovered by the mobile patrol from Beach Road Police Station, Singapore, on Thursday, when two armed robberies were reported. Suspicious of the behaviour of two Chinese, m King George's Avenue, the mobile patrol stopped and searched them The
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  • 78 3 From Our Own Correspondent PENANG Fri 1 CHINESE detective who was shot by a gunman m Jelutong on May 14 but recovered from his wounds gave evidence at a preliminary inquiry today into a charge of attempted murder against a Chinese. Lim Chin Hai. After the
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  • 305 3 UOW an Australian PoW, Private Durkin, was ordered to stand m a grave and was then bayonetted by a camp guard Otsuki was related yesterday at the trial of the three Japanese, Capt. Hosumi, Warrant Officer Okawa. and Pte. Otsuki, who were charged m the
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  • 159 3 From Our Own Correspondent LONDON, July 3. 'By Air Mail). —Many Malayans v.i!l be interested to hear that the engagement has been announced m London today between Mr. Roger Elvy Prentis, of Singapore, and Wye, Kent, and Mrs. Katharine (Kitty) Ablitt of Eastbourne,
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  • 104 3 At a meeting of members of the Y.W.C.A. held on Thursday the following general committee was elected: Miss L. Angus, Mrs. J. K. Gale, Mrs. Goh Kok Kee. Mrs. A. M. Handy. Mrs. P. P. R. Josselyn, Miss M. Leicester, Lady Lim Han Hoe, Mrs. Loh Poon Lip,
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  • 38 3 Major Gen. Frank Ffstinr Admiral Boyd and the dover or of Hon-j Konp. Sir Mark Youn;, listening: to the band of the Royal Marines bea'inp the retreat at Murray. Hon< Kong:, recently.
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  • 229 3 RUBBER, pepper, rattan and coffee form the principal cargoes of 13 LCTs (Landing Craft Tanks) which plybetween Singapore and Sumatra, and Malayan east coast ports. Although only recently purchased from the Navy at prices ranging from $30,000 to over $100,000, LCTs are playing an
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  • 152 3 Paratrooper Gaoled For $1,240 Theft From Our Own Correspondent MUAR, Fri. TWENTY-YEAR-OLD Clarance Marland of the 225 Para Field Ambulance Section who stood trial m the Muar District Court on a charge of theft of $1,240 was found guilty and sentenced f o four months' rigorous imprisonment by the District
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  • 212 3 THE Customs Department are conducting a vigorous driva against the black market m liquor m Singapore and men from this department recently paid vlsils to ;i number of shops to keep a careful check on pr'ces 01 liquor, particularly whisky and gin. As a
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  • 194 3 WOMEN SUSPECTS IDENTIFIED From Our Own Corresiiondrnt PENANG, Fri. WOMEN war crime suspects were identified by memben of their own sex at a. dramatic parade held m Uw Penang prison today. Conducted by the local Par crimes investigation team the identifloaton was :r. >.:ked oy outbursts of grief and '.ndigiiation
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  • 208 3 FLIGHT SERGEANT Frank Albert William Jackson, a?ed 21 years, of the R.A.F. (Changtt, was yesterday acquitted without his defence being called by Mr. Ahmad bin Ibrahim m the Fifth Police Court on a charge of causing the death of Chinese, Goh Ah Choon, at the junction of
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  • 81 3 Two charges of murder were explained to Mokmin bin Asm. a Javanese, when he appeared before Mr. R. C. Hoffman, m the Fourth Police Court yesterday. Mokmin who was alleged to have caused the death of Lee Hoay Seah and Thean Chiau at Pulau Bukom on
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  • 155 3 I hurch of Kn,'ter.4: H Andrew*? 7 6, 10.30. 5.30; St. :erV 7 V>\ 110.30,1 10.30, 7.00: Garrison (TansUm: 7 i 9 9.43; 6.30. Christ ChUTC'i: o, 10.C3. 5, 6.33: St. HIIJV: 8. 5 3C; St. Paul's (Seransoon): 8'n Amy: 10. 3. Christian Sciencr: Ciii" IT. ojicneft
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  • 54 3 Fron. Our Own Correspondent PENANG, Thurs—ln the Bali!-: i Pulau district today a strong police posse conducted an intensive arms drive during which th.:y raided kampongs, villages and the hills m one of the hunts undertaken so far. Ten persons, it is learned,
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  • 26 3 The Methodist Girls' School o*. I Kuala Lumpur will be celebratirT its polden jubil?e on Aug 2. All fr-ncr students are invited j to be present
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 239 3 LIANG HUP HUAT CO No. 129, Sims Avenue. Singapore. NOTICE is nereby given that Ng T.tang Teck, formerly employed as Assistant Manager of Chop Hup Slang Thye of No. 398. B;ach Road. Singapore, has, as from the Ist day of July, 194 C. left of his own accord the service
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    • 29 3 LIMITED STOCK ARRIVED from ENGLAND available it BUILDIING North Bridge Road Singapore RAFFLES HOTEL TO-NIGHT DANCE 9 p.m. to Midnight RAFFLES HOTEL ORCHESTRA Admission to Non-Residents $1.20 (Including Tax)
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  • 529 4 The Straits Times Singapore, Sat., July 13, 1946. Alarm In The Black Market Although the spread of the movement to provide meals at 35 cents m people's restaurants and m canteens run by public bodies and private firms has not yet had the effect of bringing down prices In local
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  • 542 4 Illegal possession of arms is a very grave offence. At present, under an emergency Proclamation, the punishment for it may be death. Whoever commits murder shall also be punished with death, whether the offence is committed with a weapon illegally carried or by any other means.
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  • 74 4 CENOR Rodrigo Molina, 43, Span- ish lawyer and notary to General Franco, died m Madrid yesterday after being shot m his office, says Reuter. Th-> assailant U said to have ?nt«red his office shouting "Where is Mol na, I must kill him.' Later the man describsd as a Spanish
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  • 1250 4 American Interference Or Help In China? THE problems China faces m achieving a "unified and democratic China" as stipulated at the Moscow conference of the British, the United States and Russian foreign ministers last December were discussed on a national radio broadcast m the United States recently. Participating m the
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  • Man In The Street
    • 230 4 YOU and your contemporaries have made excellent efforts to combat the blac'.tmarket, but you are doomed to disappointment for thr following reasons: (1) The average person doo? not appreciate his responsibility. It is a common thing to hear a person sa> that his
      UP  -  230 words
    • 168 4 I read with disgust the letter 1 signed "Keen Observation" with regard to the S.T.C. There is at present a racket among bus conductors, ticket inspectors, drivers and starters oo swindle the S.T.C, and not the public. Passengers are not affected, because they pay the correct fares
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    • 144 4 THE salesman has been attacked. presumably by jealous dealers who could not get the goods, although they themselves would have been only too pleased to pay "tea-money." It is certainly not the salesman who should be blamed for asking for or accepting tea-money. Black-market conditions and
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    • 81 4 THE Government doctors are forcing schoolchildren to consult dentists for the extraction of slightly decayed teeth which are not causing trouble. An extraction used to cost 50 cents in pre-war days, but now costs from $5 to $10. If the Government Is sincere in Its aim,
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    • 96 4 VOUR news item on the "Slit Skirt" fashion in America causes one to wonder if women in general, and fashionable women in particular, would not attract more attention and cause more sensation by going about nude. We have "bare-back" and "bare-bosom" gowns. I now await the fashion, "completely
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 792 4 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Classified Smalls S1.25 per tine Win Charge So Pur. lie Notices II* ocr single column inch Personal Domestic >?.f,0 nrr line IMin Charge S10. Su avrrair words corapnst jnt ait tlnnlHMIk ma> be •.•■n. by post accompanied b> remittance For information telephone ur Manager 5-171 or wri!f Strait*
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    • 56 4 TIRED EYES! Whether 01 not you now wear Glasses. If your eyes are t'red or uncomfortable. HAVE AN EXAMINATION Proper classes can oe ot tremendous help to your efficiency, vour physical and mental comfort as well as to vour appearance Consult: C S CHONG. O.D F P.O.C. E -1 1
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    • 32 4 aP>^T^ l j^S«>^^^^3lM^a^a^^^^*l^fcJ^i(^2 atILM *ht^ \****^*^t '^^fea^a^a^k^l I B^^^ T*B "^~~-i ■V I 1< *1 aß^^^'^'^iyarTQSSrJrTß I feaek again fa s. to safeguard f i/our health jKfig^'iil w0 mm mm mrm C
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  • 727 5  - Surplus Military Assets For Disposal A Special Correspondent. Malayans May Buy Wide Range Of Goods By agents themselves or by tender. There are certain items on the; disposal list which none of tho Boards anywhere m the world may get rid of without first reference to the Ministry of Supply
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  • 131 5 WITHIN a few minutes or robbers breaking into a lioir-e m Shrewsberry Road and robbing the Indian ociMpier of 8100 m cash and jewellery yesterday afternoon, a police mobile patrol from Kandanc: Kerbau Police Station was able to make four arrests. Credit is jMven to the
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  • 276 5 RELEASE OF C.S.C. TODAY T HE Chinese Swimming Club i will be completely derequisitioned today, the Straits Times has been informed by the Singapore requisitioning authorities. An allegation that there was discrimination m the matter of de-requis.tioning was denied and it was pointed out that it was the first recreational
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  • 46 5 Capt. Hagi Risuko, first Japanese war criminal Bnsoect to escape, is still at large. A former Kempeitai man. 39 yearold Capt. Hagi escaped on Wedr^sdav when he was a member of a fatteue party cutting grass r.bout 300 yards outside Chon'M paol.
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  • 137 5 Mr. J. Calder As O.A.G. North Borneo THE Governor-General's visit to j Borneo has now been reduced j m length. The Governor-General j will fly to Jesselton on July 14, for the ceremony on July 15 oi establishing the new Colonial < Government alter the period oj the M.litary Administration.
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  • 288 5 ADMITTING that it was against the usages of war to transport PoWs m ships carrying such dangerous war materials as bombs, petrol and detonators, Lt.-Col. Anami, commandant of PoW camps on Haroekoe, Ambon and Amahai Islands said that he had no alternative but to obey
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  • 18 5 Xae Mauretania. giant < unard White Star liner before *he war. which arrives m Singapore today.
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  • 235 5 AS a protest against what it terms a n unsatisfactory reply to a memorandum submitted by the association ior consideration by the Singapore Advisory Council, the committee of the War Prisoners (Singapore) Association have decided to call a general meeting of the association. The meeting
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  • 165 5 SEQUEL TO ALIWAL RD. ROBBERY AT the end of the preliminary inquiry yesterday morning m the Second Police Court, Jam.s Marshall Hall, Cyril Heniy Bartlett and Ernest William Johnson, three Service policemen, along with two Filipinos, Ignatius Undasan and Stanley Almonte, were committed to the Assizes on charges of armed
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  • 139 5 From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. ANEW order for the compulsory re-vaccination of all persons not vacc.rated within the past year will be gazetted shortly m l view of the outbreak of smallpox m Southern Siam and Nothern Malaya. The authorities of the Malayan Union
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  • 32 5 Malaya's allocation of dried fruits from Australia may be procured commercially Applications for Import llcen-ea 'A P Forms* should be submitted to the Registrar of Imports and Exports, Singapore.
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  • 310 5 MOKK than l,uuu passengers win aisemuarii irum me giant 34,000-ton Cunard-White Star liner Mauretania when she berths alongside the Singapore Harbour Board godowns 21, 22, and 23 at 12.30 p.m. today. Of this complement of passengers, 680 are returning Malayans, approximately 400 are Service personnel, and
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  • 110 5 SINGAPORE'S Police drive against unlicensed broken went into full suing yesterday morning as a reJUlt of which 20 lorryioads of 3' ok and equipment were U-kii into police cus'.o.iy foil police raids on hawker-ecn-jjested areas m Merchant Road and New Market Road. A cordon was thrown
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  • 114 5 SUICIDE OF WELLKNOWN PENANG MAN AvifcclDlCl oi suicide whilst; the state of hs mind fll temporarily unbalanced was iccorded by Mr. Poh Guan Hock. the Singapore Coroner. ye« at the conclus'on of a preliminary ir.qui-y into the death »f P. H. Grumrri tt. formerly a wellknown business man. who
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  • 73 5 ABOUT 500 mechanics, mostly Chinese, employed ov United Engineers, have intimated tha>. they will go on stii".:e this morning This brings the total or strikers m Singapore today to nearly 4,000 men. The mechanics recently presented certain demands to the company, among them, <» 150 per
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 342 5 A. R. P. Thr following officers have been aut'.orisc>d to sign claim forms loi Arrows of Pay for the Corps of Air Ra d Wardens. No claim will b= considered unless signed by one of these officers. -A" Central Div Mr. Chong Slak Tong, 68 Neil Rd. a central uiv.
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    • 73 5 SS^^^S^S NORTH BRIDGE RD E»^3F^ f A r ear Bras Basah Rd.) "THE MAN ON THE BEAT" and GREAT CIRCLE Preceded by »th E C H A E 6 E f thc Bth8 th ARMY MID-NIGHT PREMIERE TO-NIGHT Another PARAMOUNT Roma Uic Adventure Thriller of the emu wa;? rsoirr. SHOWING
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  • 178 6 COLOMBO, (By Air Ma 1 v The Ceylon Indians' case for multiple to return 12 Indians to the first Hou?e of Representatives under Ceylon's new constitution (expected to b 2 implemented m May or June next year) has been put be "ore the Delimitation
    Reuter  -  178 words
  • 116 6 rKIO, Thurs. American disease fighters are using the residents of Okayama m Honshu as human guinea pigs m an effort to stamp out the Japanese di-ease of B. encephalitis. The city had a population of 1.300.000 before tbe war So far about 19,000 children and
    UP  -  116 words
  • 111 6 War Chiefs Used Prototype Cars LONDON, Thursday. —Before the design of the new 4>4 litre Bentiey car now being manufactured was finalised prototypes had been m use during the war. Six were allocated to senior officers for high-speed duties. They covered 300,000 mil3S. Another prototype was used as a small
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  • 75 6 LONDON, Wed— The founder of the League cf British Housewives told a meeting here seeking for more liberal food allotment that 22 women have already committed suicide "becauss of the strain of ration-Ing and standing m queues." Cries of "coward' greeted the announcement that the Food
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  • 128 6 "There Is nothing new m thi3 situation either m Chin* or elsewhere, and there is always only one end to it," he proceeded. "The longer it goes on, the more scr>ous is the ending.' 1 Fortunately, he declared, it, would not greatly disturb the solid
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  • 288 6 CHINA'S RECOVERY HAMPERED Huge Army Makes Balanced Budget Impossible By SPENCER MOOSA, Associated Press SHANGHAI, Thursday— So long as civil strife continued, China's lines of communication would be interrupted and her complete economic recovery rendered impossible, Prof. Douglas B. Copland, Australian Minister to China, told me m an interview. The
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  • 64 6 The civil strife had another devastating effect on th»» economy. Professor Copland continued, m that it necessitated heavy expenditure on the army and made anything aoproaching a balanced budget impossibl;. Thus, he said there vere two forces m operation that were highly inflationary m their effects— the decline
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  • 194 6 Siam "Explosive Issue" BANGKOK, Friday.— Siam'i announced intention cf placing the Indo-China border question before the United Nations m the near future confronts the UNO with an issue which best-informed British and Ame:ican sources here consider potentially explosive unless it is soon settled. Behind the Bangkok governments move lies a
    194 words
  • 63 6 SHANGHAI, Wed.— Two Ug Ash canning plants will be establ shed m China as part of the Chinese National Relief and Rehabilitation AdminLst. lion's fishery rehabilitation program ne Canning experts of CNRRA and UNRRA have left for a two-week survey trip of Ningpo and
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • 124 6 TOKIO, Thurs.— The JapaI nese nt'W3 ag:ncy, quoting Tass dispatch, said today that large numbers of Soviet immigrants are now engaged m developing the industrial resources of Sakhalin. The report said large numbers of ships were carryine settlers from Vladivostok for Sakhalin, the Kuriles and Kamchatka.
    124 words
  • 89 6 SHANGHAI, Thursday Although a team of 22 medical men, all former members of the Rockefeller-financed Peking Union Medical College, is helping to combat Shanghai's cholera threat, the disease is still spreading. The Health Cureau announces 63 new cases, bringing the total to 741, of which 57
    Reuter  -  89 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 346 6 MAJESTIC Premier Chinese Picture Palace 4 shows daily: 1, 3.15, 74 9.1S p.m. •THE HUGH BEET" One of the best miracle picture ever shown on the screen with Chinese sub-titles. Tonight midnirht 11. .10 p.m. "FOUR HEROES" MARLBOROUGH Dairy 3 Shows: 3—l3 1> 9 "BASANT" (Hindustani) w;t!i the Beautiful Mumtaz
      346 words
    • 103 6 BRITISH MEDICAL ASSOCIATION Malaya Branch. P.M.S. Division. A meeting of Che P M.S. Division will be held at the Institute for Medical Research, Kuala Lumpur on Saturday 20th July at 12 noon. AGENDA (i) To appoint a Committee. (11) Any other business. All members and medical practitioners wishing to join
      103 words
    • 470 6 THE SINGAPORE AUCTIONEERS! SALE OF SURPLUS STORES A SCRAP METAL ITC. BY ORDER O* D.A.D. SALVAGE, H.Q. SINGAPORE DISTRICT. S.E.A.C. The following Items of Surplus Stores Scrap Materials will be sold by Auction ir 106. Civil Salvage De- pot, Balestler Road. On Monday. 15th I July 1946 at 1100 hours.
      470 words
    • 200 6 NEW BRITISH GOODS. Shipments just to lunni Sterling Silver Cigarette Cases Souvenir Spoons ¥Gold Signet Ringi Cuff Links Dress Suites HnTlTli J I It wftfff Mi in i'Fß A FAMOUS A V. M. PRODUCT EAGLE BRAND Kubber Cotigulntinfi A«-.«l i Sole Distributing Af,otw«? CHID A FRANCIS 6c -O. 1 tl
      200 words
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 463 6 RADIO PROGRAMMES SINGAPORE at^S^j and" I* m LeUer8 9 Pm Ca in8 RED NtiuoKW from noon to exr>e P' on Sunoays when 'ft- afterifci^n lO.lST'p^.^Ltoinster MavMs^lO^O 2 p.m and 6.30 to II p. n on 225 ""ton open, at 5 p.m -news head- p.m. Rad Jo NewsreeL 10.45 p m.
      463 words

  • 619 7  - TERRORISM GROWING IN TWENTY COUNTRIES Post-War World Affected Secret Societies By I OIsDUIS, Wednesday Terrorism is lighting its way back. In about 20 countries it has become a regular instrument of politics m the past 12 months. It ranges from the Asturian anti-Franco Maquis m Spain to the anti-Communist Maquis
    619 words
  • 152 7 10,000 Tons Of Arms Missing From Berlin BERLIN (By Air Mail). At least 10,000 tons of German, Russian and French machine-guns, gun barrels and parts, optical sights and other munitions have been removed m perfect condition from a former German arsenal m the British sector of Berlin m recent months.
    152 words
  • 62 7 LONDON. Wed. A poll conducted by the newspaper "Night Express." published m the Russian zone of Berlin, showed that 74.6 per cent, ol the paper's readers would move out o: Germany if it were possible. The remainder voted against moving. The par>er did not ask to
    62 words
  • 72 7 NEW YORK, Friday- Lt. Gktt. Stratemejer, chief of 041. army defence command, declared yeslerday: '•Figuratively speaking, the army -lir forces ri.^ht now could not pMßeh its way out of a wet paper bas" He asserted 'if th« *rmy air forces were called upon at
    AP  -  72 words
  • 142 7 Blind May See' With Help Of Radar I ONDON, Thurs.— Edmund Barton, of Huddersfield, a young ex-Flight Lieutenant who lost his sight m action with the R.A.F., is among radar and other scientists who are experimenting with "ear torches," or portable guiding instruments, and print-read-ing apparatus for the blind. Sir
    142 words
  • 136 7 BERLIN, Wed.— Seeking information about ciieir children who were stated *o have been arrested by tiM Russians, representative German parents from the Spreewald district of the Russian zone, about 50 miles southeast of the capital, have arrived m Berlin to see the Soviet and German authorities. Arrests
    136 words
  • 54 7 NEW YORK, Wed.— The Rubjer Manufacturers Association estimates that American motorists will wear out 8,000,000 automobile tyres during the holiday months this summer, about 30 per cent, more than normal. The toll of tyres Is equivalent to approx mately one month's production of United
    54 words
  • 169 7 RUSSIA HAS NEW TIES WITH SLAVS I ONDON, Thurs. Two deve- lopments of importance have been taking place m Central and Eastern Europe: Russian policy towards Germany has been transformed from one of harshness to loniency, and mlitary ties tetwc;n Russia and Poland and Jugoslavia have been woven considerably closer.
    169 words
  • 233 7 IZESSINGLAND, (England). 1\ Wed. A n ambitious oxpedition, reminiscent of romantic fact and fiction of history but aided by modern science soon will set out from this fishing village to seek treasure and high adventure. Its destinations arc the Pacific Islands of Cucos. eff the north-west coast
    AP  -  233 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 128 7 OPENING TODAY 5 Shows 10 30 -am- 1.30 4 6 30 9.30 p. m. HERE'S YCUR WEEKEND SHOW! LOOK AT THE CAST! Pauletfe's the W1& X raciest, most riotous jLte* IB ;e\ ji romantic escapade iX&*>&^m M^^^^ mk you'll sco this year! I 4 7&% Ma ROLAND YOUNG ALBERT
      128 words
    • 535 7 NOTICE. The P.anters 1 Loan Board invues offers for the following Estatas: (a) SAPINTAS Si mated m Selangor on the Bernam Kiver, about 12 mite from Sabak Bernam. comprising Mature Coconuts Acres 1108.4 Mature Rubter 83.6 Planted Acres 1197.0 Reserve Land 381.0 Building Sites 8- s Waste Land H3O Total
      535 words
    • 248 7 Mansfield Co., Ltd. i iricorporateo tr Singapore BLUE FUNNEL LINK Sailings tc and from Unitpo X.:: sdom Hickory Burn Due from I .K. 15 July Bellerophon Due from U.K. 21 July Tracer Sails for U.K. H July Glcnbri; Sails for UK Julf Western Australia The ihortest «ea route at the
      248 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 512 7 I am Indebted to a correspon- of lone neart on the diamond dfnt for raising a point which, are and ended up with an ovsrihough covered many times before trick v.orth 400 points, as well as in this column, is the source of 480 below the line and of
      512 words

  • All The Latest Sports News
    • 295 8 CANTERBURY, Thurs. THE most welcome feature of the second day's play m the England Test trial w»s the bowling; of Voce and Wright who were chiefly responsible for England gaining a first innings lead of 146. Wrigi.t repeatedly beat the batsmen and broke
      295 words
    • 157 8 England: Ist Innings 327 for seven dec. THE REST— lst INNS. Brookes Ibw. Wright 30 Robertson c Ikin b Wright 0 Compton c Hutton b Wi ight 5 Waison b Wright 13 Sxnkh c Yartiiey h Vooe 3 .Averv b Voc 79 Griffith b Voce 16 Terks b Voce
      Reuter  -  157 words
    • 310 8 By Learis Constantine CHta i tlßt LH.L.L), 'inurs. IDOPIINU more methods than the Indiana did on the f rst day, Derbyshire's batsmen hit boldly and collected 36i> runs m reply to India's total of 380 for nine declared. The Ind.ans, however, were degyed by
      Reuter  -  310 words
    • 225 8 LONDON, Thurs. YORKSHIRE completed their match against Essex to-day m two days, winning uy six wicKets. *hile Lancashire aie m a strong winning position against Leicester. Scores are: At the Oval, Sussex first lnn'.r.?* '•hi and second innings 60 lor I. •Si;rey first innings 391 (Squires
      Reuter  -  225 words
    • 71 8 ANEW Services cricket team, the Base Accounts Cricket Club, has arrived m Singapore with headquarters at the R.A.F. Station. Chanpi. The team has had a good record m India, and is anxious to start playing m S'ngapore as soon ns possible. Any Service or civilian
      71 words
    • 41 8 St. Cloud, Paris. Thurs.— Henry Cotton, Britain's great professional, captured the French international Golf open with a total of 269 at the Saint Cloud golf course U day. His card for the two days was 70-66-67-6 C —A. P.
      41 words
    • 79 8 JOPPING to-night's wrestling I card at the Great World is star Garside m a bout against Zombie, who is mailing his farewell apnearance m Sineapor?. In ths second big event Chunky Harman. the unbtaten British featherweight ?rapDler, faces the speedy Mir Khan of the Punjab. In the
      79 words
    • 38 8 Buffalo, New York, Thurs.— Willie Pep, 127, of Hartford, Connecticut, world s featherweight champion, technically knocked out H. Gibson 127, of New York, m the seventh round of a scheduled ten-round nontitle bout— A. P.
      38 words
    • 217 8 NEW YORK, Pri. BEHIND the $30 top price ti:k2t for the Louis-Mauriello heavyweight championship fight m September is the story of the beating which promoter Mike Jacobs took on the Louis-Conn affair. Mike made money over it, but nowhere near as much as
      Reuter  -  217 words
    • 310 8 RECS POLICE DRAW 1-1 Recs 1. Police 1. HONOURS were shared when the Reos. met the Police at Thomson Read yesterday, each side scoring ence. Both sides played scrappy soccer, bad finishing be'ng the order of the day. This was particularly so with the Rccs who were guilty of far
      310 words
    • 100 8 THE major sports events taking place m Singapore today are the Services international rugger match hetween Scotland and Ireland %t J'lan Besar stadium and three soccer matches m two of which Singapore's leading Chinese teams will be concerned In one of them the S C.F.A. will
      100 words
    • 207 8 (Prom Our Own Correspondent) KUALA* LUMPUR. Pri. ACCEPTANCES and running ord;r for to-morrow's races at Kuala Lumpur arc RACE ONE Horses, Clas; 3, div. 1, 5} furs. Empress 9.07: July The Seventh 3.07; The Tavern 8.11: Russian Rose 8.07; Young Ginger 7.07. Ne scratching. RACE TWO Ilorses,
      207 words
    • 142 8 A TEAM to represent the Singapore Indians at soccrr against the R.A.F. Tengah at Tengah at 5.15 p.m. to-day will be selected from the following: S.P.S. Naidu. Sintha. Razak, Ramasamy, Pahlm, Munlandy, J. C. Corera, A. Sankaran, D Marimuthu, Parameswaran, Jean Pierre, V.N. Pillal. Shegaran, Roberts, Deanah and
      142 words
  • Article, Illustration
    11 8 A scene on the opening day of tie recent Henley Regatta
    11 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 504 8 1* PHONEj. ***** V i Shows 3, 6.15 9.10 p.m. The year's Champion muslcal-coinesy-drama "STATE FAIR" Jean C;ain. Dana Andrews Dick Haym.'S. Vivian Blame In Gorceous Technicolor! 10-i'sht at Midnight •THE I ).:S!CAN BROTHERS" jfmratr'i UU t i-: c ata t p"!Uf i.ast-uav at 3.15 7—9.157 9.15 p.m. He's King-piti
      504 words
    • 397 8 ACTION' As en Fight For Jew dled Women Golden Fortunes R.AMANPF" Scenes of Exotic Splendour numHnoc. w ith the Queen of Dancing Girls! A'IVFNTIIRF' T° Thrill you as the Romantic Rilicn I U At. Ro g ue intrigues with a Ghief for an Empire! THE WORLD KEIVMVNED "KISMET 11 (M.G.MS
      397 words