The Straits Times, 12 July 1946

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • 597 1 "Serious Difficulties Face South Eastern Asia CINGAPORE and the Malayan Union are living on a "ship-to-mouth" basis, and there can be no return, as might have been hoped, to a higher ration scale of cereals m August. A communique issued yesterday by the office
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  • 190 1 UK Has Bought Malaya's Palm Oil LONDON. Thurs. ANSWERING a question by Sir Douglas Thomson, i iinservative, m the House of i Commons last night, the Food I Minister Mr. John Strachey said that Britain had pur-, rhased for some time ahead tho entire production of, palm-nil from the principal
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  • 90 1 21 Accused Of Malaya Piracy BANGKOK, Thur.s -Twentyone alleged members o.' a pirate band, which preyed upon small essels off the Northern Malayan and Southern Siamese roasts, have been formally charged with .Hganising a pirate ring and •aurdsring 19 persons while comnitting piracy on the high seas, according to dispatches
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  • 80 1 CAIRO, Thurs— Hifti Paiha, Ihe Egyptian Foreign Minister. I i d m Alexandria today that Mr. Ernest Bevin v/ill visit E^ypt for the signing of the ::ew A.iglo- I l'f\ptan treaty. After the signing, the Sudan is to tv discussed by tec Egyptian ai.n
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  • 26 1 London, Than.— lndia will bs debated m both Houses of Pari amnit next Thursday, July !P. it was officially announced today. Reut-r.
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  • 23 1 NAIROBI, Thurs —The Aga KhP'i spent a good night last n °]ii. and his temperature has :eturrcd to normal.— Reut«r.
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  • 138 1 Cardinal Says Ask Trieste's Citizens LONDON, Thurs. Cardinal Griffin, Roman Catholic Archbishop of Westminster, told a luncheon audience today that the people of Tries le should be consulted telore a final decision is made on the future of the Italian city. The Cardinal read the following message from Bishop Santln
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  • 137 1 WASHINGTON. Wed —The U.S. Civilian Production Administration plans to permit ar. increase m the amount of natural rubber going into motor tyres, CPA oflKials reported today. The plan would lacnan the natural rubber content Iron 2.5 to 13 per cent. The officials said that th°
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  • 70 1 CHESTERFIELD. Thurs.— l h e latest scores m the match here between Derbyshire and ;hc Indians are as follows: India Ist innings, 330 declared for 9 Derbyshire Ist innings, 139 for 3. It is not certain whethe: Hindlekar will b» able to play on
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  • 262 1 BATAVIA, Thurs.— Dr. Huburtu* Van Mook has rejected a proposal for a military truce throughout Java, "Premier" Sutan Sjahrir of the unrecognized Indonesian Republic told Robert Clurman of United Press m an exclusive interview today. Sutar. Sjahrir said the proposal had received the unoftinal
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  • 155 1 Atom Pictures "Lost L uggage NEW YORK, Thursday. THE missing pictures of the atomic bomb, which had been believed stolen, have been found At least, they have almost been found. Tiie U.S. Army, a little embarrassedly, announced that the courier who was taking them to Washington had stopped overnight m
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  • 29 1 BANGKOK, Than.— The Chinese Chamber of Commerce here yesterday honoured Mr. Lian Ying-chow. President of the Singapore < 'hinese Chamber of Commerce, at a banquet.— A. P.
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  • 63 1 Athens Deny UNRRA Partiality Charges ATHENS Thurs— The Greek Prime M nister, Mr. Constantino Tsaldaris, today denied UNRRA charges that his Governmer. was allocating UNRRA supplieonly to its supporters. 'I deny it absolutely." he t*Ad. "There may be discriminaton In some small villages about whi I know nothing;, but I
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  • 258 1 SAIGON, Thursday. A FRENCH MILITARY spokesman announced today that French troops on July 8 occupied the North Indo-China gateway town of Langson, m the wake of the Chinese occupation force, which crossed overland into China. He said the only Chinese troops still m Indo-China wer? about
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  • 65 1 The riant fuselage of the worlds larjest flyinc-boat, designed by Howard Hughes, on a 28-mile road journrv to Terminal Island, California. "Hercules" has cost 3,00«.oeo, and is to have ri*ht engines totalling 28.00 J b.p. and will be able to carry 4.A troops and a
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  • 134 1 Apathy Over The Loan In Washington WASHINGTON, Thurs.— The poor attendance of members of the House of Representatives for the British loan debate was worrying Administration leaders on Wednesday. The U.S. Treasury Secretary Mr. Snyder told the press that his department v:ns increas ngly confident that £he House ot Representatives
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  • 296 1 Echo Of Pearl Harbour TOKIO. Thurs. ADMIRAL KICHISABURO NOMURA, Japanese Ambassador to the United Stated at the ti;r»e cf Pearl Harbour, notified his Government oil October 22. 1941, that he did not want ta play the deceitful role m Japan's negotiations, according to evidence m the hands of the International
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 114 1 SCIENTIFIC Mtxmwm A OUALIFIED OPTICIAN C.S CMOno o a.f »ot TH£ BEST SiHCE /SS3 Aerated Waters are obtainable from the following* Provision Stores m Singapore OEYLANG and KATONG ARSA ChUm Joo Heoc 487, Geyiarsg Roud Chin BS2, Grylang Road Tay L«e Gaan 330, Tanjong Ka'.ong Roftd Mooi Hens 110,
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  • 290 2 House 9 s biginterest From Our Own Correspondent LONDON, Wed. THE UK was widespread support m the House of Com- mons for Lieut.-Col. D. R. Rees-Williams' suggestion that if it is impossible to secure any agreement m the current negotiations m Malaya, a Royal Commission
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  • 105 2 WASHINGTON, Thurs. UNITED STATES senators say that Mr. La Guardia has sharply criticised UNRRA workers m Shanghai for making a public protest that relief supplies were beirg wasted thtr.\ Those senators, v.ho withheld their names, asserted that Mr. La Guardia told a clos-:d session
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  • 39 2 BOMBAY, Wed.— One person was killed and two injured m stabbing attack? yesterday m Anmedabad. scene o« Hindu-Muslim clashes during the pLst ten days. Casualties since July 1 now total 52 killed and 336 injuredReuter
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  • 39 2 New Delhi, Thurs.— Hopes (of settlement m India receced yesterday as the Muslim League last night -ndi^ated its intention of rescind ng its decision t a cent the British CaDinet Mission's proposals for a constituent assembly.
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  • 175 2 Greek Premier Thinks King Will Return LONDON. Thurs. CONFIRMATION «f the v Greek monarchy and the return of King George is "more certain" m the September 1 plebiscite, the Greek Prime Minister, Mr. Constantine Tsaldarls declared yesterday. In an interview, th 2 Greek leader predicted a favourable vote exceeding 70
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  • 84 2 WASHINGTON, Wed— While the cost of living m the United States continued to advance, the prospects of the resumption of price control appeared to decrease yesterday. Ten days after price controls were lifted, government statistics showed a total advance of 14.3 per cent. As
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  • 79 2 Vienna, Wed.— The Austrian parliament yesterday voted 161 to 4 m support of the government's resistance to the Soviet order taiing over German property m the Russian zone as reparation, according to Reuter. A U.P. message states that the U.S. government has taken steps to blanket
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  • 147 2 From Our Own Correspondent LONDON. Wednesday. WHEN were the armed forces in Malaya coins to be reduced, asked Capt. L D. Gamnans, in the course of the Colonial debate in the House of Commons. He said that surely the army could get out of
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  • 413 2 LONDON HONOURS ADM.MOUNTBA TTEN LONDON, Wed. IN the historic Guildhall here today Admiral Lord Louis Mountbatten, former Supreme Allied Commander South-East Asia, who left Singapore at the end of May to attend the Victory Parade, received the freedom of the city of I^ondon the highest honour that a civic body
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  • 93 2 OFF BIKINI ATOLL, Thurs. THE underwater explosion of atom bomb N'». I on Jaly 25 is exnected to hurl fragments of target ships nearly two miles m the air, ViceAdmiral VV. H. P. Blandy disclosed today. The burst m Bikini U|M< he said, will
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  • 184 2 1,000 Jailed On Eve Of Cairo Strike CAIRO, Wed. AN estimated 1,000 people, 200 of whom were ce.:cnbed by the police as leaders of the youth groups of th? two political parties Kot a and Wafdist, were jailed tcday as a "precautionary measure," as the Government forbade a general strike
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  • 345 2 LONDON, Wed. THE inside story of the BriI tish defeat of the vastly superior Italian forces m East Africa m 1940-41 m which the "capture of Kcr^n provided a fitting climax to the great work m Eritrea cf tho 4th and sth Divisions," If described
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  • 758 2 PARIS, Wed. DEMANDING that Germany be treated, as an eco- nomic unit with free interchanges between the various occupation zones, Mr. Ernest Bevin, British Foreign Secretary, told the Foreign Ministers' Council today that the British zone m Germany was costing iritain £80,000,000 a year.
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    • 201 2 CORPS OF AIR RAID WARDENS, PAYMENT OF ARREARS OF PAY Lists of Officers authorised to sign claim forms In respect of each Division will be published m the Press In the next few days. No claims will be considered unless signed by these oHicers Officers authorised to sign will b»
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    • 384 2 THE SINGAPORE AUCTIONEERS SALE OF SURPLUS STORES tc SCRAP METAL ETC. BY ORDER OF D.A.D. SALVAGE, H.Q. SINGAPORE DISTRICT. S.E.A.C. The following Items of Surplus Stores Scrap Materials will be sold by Auction ir. 106. Civil Salvage Depot, Balestlar Road. On Monday, 15th July 1946 at 1100 hours. Wollen, Cotton
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    • 144 2 THROUGH MSTI\Ct i-r;< <<•?; Some *rt>jJ* of Kr««r.enrr Quality ro!h-<J gold pk*t*TOV£ beoo wornfoi at lorq or *r» rry-f»v« y«t»ri. All Kren>»atz fewelf y will piv» corresponding KfomefliJ: Co'f lii ks remain Vi N h O VAU T V J E WKLB > tOM MIN; £v<j««e Jftwttry O>U<ir P»n» Ti«
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  • 330 3 Speed Limit For Lorries In Singapore Rural Board To Enforce Ordinance AS a safety measure and to save wear and tear on roads m the Singapore rural area, steps will be taken to enforce the speed limit of 30 miles an hour on all military and other lorries using these
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  • 209 3 MALAYANS returning to Singapore by the Cunard-White Star liner Mauretania tomorrow are being provided wi'h special train facilities for travelling upcountry on Sunday. The railway authorities m Singapore are making it a point to see that passengers and their baggage travel by the same train. It
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  • 142 3 Grew Hemp: Fined Talping, Wed. nOPv cultivating plants of can- j nabis sativa (Indian hemp) In the Maxwell Hills, a Tamil: named Arumugam was yesterday, rined $100 or two months' hard labour by Mr. C. P. Newton m the j Tain'.ng District Court. Che Omar. Malay Customs Of- I fleer
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  • 135 3 'j'Wl^..rV passengers arrived m Sin- I gapore on Wednesday by 8.0.A.C. <*>.E.A. planes from the United King- doni. Australia, Burma end Penang. I"iom United Kingdom: Mr. J. Mercer, X*. J. Spuiway, Mr. F. B. Drake, Mr. I. Morrison, Mr. P. Bauer, Unit. Col. J. White, Flying
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  • 36 3 Capt. Hagi Risuke, a^e^ 39, Japanese war criminal suspect, formerly of the Kempeitai, who escaped from Changi gaol on Wednesday. Police and the Services are on- the look out for the man.
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  • 224 3 ALFSEA PRODUCES A THRILLER IT is a pity that Alfsea Produc- tlons* latest stage play, "Someone at the Door," by Dorothy and Campbsll Christie, is only going the rounds of the Services theatres and not giving Singapore theatregoers an opportunity o! seeing a well-produced, intelli- j cently acted comedy thriller
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  • 47 3 Government pensioners m Singapore are to be permitted to purchase cloth wh eh is to be made available under the scheme of distribution to Government servants. Pensioners who are interested m this matter are asked to get m touch with Mr. A. Chelliah, 47, The Arcade, Singapore.
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  • 136 3 TOUR hundred chickens, the first consignment to arrive irom Australia by air since the reoccupation. have reached Singapore safely. After their Ions plane ride from Australia yesterday, they were rushed to the citv by car frcm Changi airstrip and delivered to their respective consignees. The chickens
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  • 44 3 On the occasion of Bastille Day. a reception for the members of the local French community will be held at the old premises of the French Consulate General "Atbara," 5 Gallop Road, on July 14 from 12 a.m. to 1 p.m.
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  • 36 3 Re-registration of B.M.A. cars started yesterday when two B.M.A. registered cars 178 and 3456 were allotted civilian regi- stration numbers SNSOI ana SNSOS respectively. All registered B.M.A. cars are expected to! complete re-registration scm?time next month.
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  • 35 3 Miss Maureen Bos well who bas beeu awarded a scholarship to the London School of Economics at London University to study social welfare work, Miss Bosweil holds a first-class diploma of Raffles College.
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  • 298 3 War Claims Compensation gEPRESENTATIONS are being made by the Singapore A Ratepayers' Association to the Colonial Secretary on the subject of compensation of war cla<ms. The association is to press for quick action as many serious cases of hardship are already m existence. At a meeting
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  • 67 3 Alleged to have robbed Quek Chai Ec of $101.80 m Lorong 23 Geylang, 28-year-old Ong Ah Jin, had the charge, which stated that he used a pistol at the time explained to him before Mr. L. C. Goh :n the Second Police Court yesterday. Ong was
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  • 95 3 From Our Own Correspondent TAIPING, Wed. rE District Judge, Mr. C. P. Newton warned three Malay padi-planters, Yasin. Abdullah and 'Mohamed, that whenever they wanted to remov? thnr crops, they had to get the permission of the Assistant Food Controller. For not heedinst tho regulations, they stood to
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  • 121 3 A NOTICE issued by the Public Relations Department, Singapore, states: "It is notified for general information that on July 15 and subsequent days Japanese stocks of ffdirnite will be llown between the hours of 8.30 a.m. and 5.00 p.m. on Admiralty land on the west slope of
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  • 129 3 PASSENGERS OF MISSING DAKOTA LONDON Wed THE Br'.iish Air Ministry announced tonight that a Dakota of Air Command. South-Eist Asia has been missing since June L 29 on a flight from Butterworth to Rangoon. The plane's passengers were: Lance Corporal R. Plumriel^e Royal West Kcntg. Lance Corporsl O. T. Braund.
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  • 420 3 LONDON, Thursday. WHY Indian labourers were paid less than Chinese for tho same work m Malaya was a questkii asked m the House of Commons today by Mr. Reginald Sorensen, iLayton. West Div., Labour). He suggested an inquiry Into wage rates for workers of different Malayan
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  • 18 3 The Sinjranore Stamp Club will hold a mating at the YM.CA. 'Army Fection) concert today at 5 p.m
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  • 93 3 LONDON, Thurs. ASKED by Capt. L. D. Gammans (Hornsey, Cons.), if he had any statement to make on the recent fracas m Singapore between Malays and Dutch subjects. Mr. C.eorre Hall, tho Se retary of State for the Colonies, replied that the recent death of
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  • 136 3 Army Help At Power Station TROOPS trom Singapore District who are assisting the Postal authorities m mail deliveries to and from the harbour, the ra Iway station and district and subpost offices, are also assisting tho engineers ard other staff of St. James Power Station during the str ke of
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  • 56 3 Advice has been received fcv the S ngacore Government thai international control of allocations for leather has now ceased and there is now a free markoc for imported supnl es throueh commercial channels. Apportions for import l>ences, A. P. forms> will now be consHnr^d f o
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  • 342 3 From Our Own Correspondent Ipoh, Thurs. LOO CHOO TEIK. a young Hokien, in the early days of the occupation saw his father, mother, two younger brothers and sister taken away by Japs during a raid at Tanjong Rambutan. None of his family were heard of again
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 32 3 You get White, Sparkling TEETH when you use SPAN A TOOTH PASTE 5j i! b. -ill l«adinq aittributert ana monufoeturvd by Irittol-My«n Co Ply Ltd.. 22} Pacific Highway, North SydMy, N.i.W, Australia.
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    • 68 3 PENICILLIN Sodium Salt (200,000 units) SupDl'e.s now available to the M.vlical Protvsion and Registered Pr\r>macists posseting rcfr rr rators. MAY BAKER LTD., PO Box 7J--N'unes BuildiiiR Tel. 2."»?f» Singapore. S TEWART M cj NTYR E CO., (SINGAPORE) LTD. 45. Orchard Road Singapore ENGINEERS CONTRACTORS Steel Sp ecialists. M. FLINTER S.
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  • 61 4 Madam Rtsalind Mcc Sih Mul, 57 y i> I d :i"iiy on 11th July, 1916. i C m al :5 Angullia Road, le*-vlng Par anJ Josph Giam, 2 is. 2 rons-.n-law. 2 c!aught3rsii- :rv an 1 6 grand-children. Funeral \»i 1 tr ko place at 3 p.m. en Saiu:
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  • 1000 4 The Straits Times Singapore, Friday, July 12, 1546. The Tenancies Bill No ordinance published In the Colony since the reoccupation has aroused cuch prompt and widespread disapproval as that officially described as "an Ordinance to provide for the adjustment of leases and tenancies of premises of war absentees, and for
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  • 102 4 IN a note tv Sir Alan Cunningham, Pal2stme High Comm sfioner, the Arab Higher Committee yestcrtay demanded immediate dissolution of the Jewish Agency "m v ew ot incriminating evidence available of the Jewish Agency "s direct relations with Jewish terror istj and its activities m arms smugglinp
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  • 871 4  -  LIM KIM CHYE by JHE title "Labour Awakens m Malaya" chosen by your contributor "Malayan Citizen" for his article last Tuesday was, I think, unfortunate. He should have called it "How to sponsor Government labour Unions." Do other "keen and shrewd observers of Malayan life"
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  • Man In The Street
    • 293 4 IN reply to the letter from the members of the Chinese Swimming Club published: today (July 11), I should likej to say a few home truths. On Dec. 11, 1845. I had the j good fortune to be b.lleted Bt] 37 AmDer Koad.
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    • 180 4 THE libsraton of Sir Stam-! ford Raffles from hs m ternment m Rattles Muslim was big ntws n Singapore. I Now Raffles is ba:k m his risht'ul place, and for this we i have to thank Lorrt oris Mountbatten and Ms "Arthur, who liberated the territories jt
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    • 233 4 I am most gra'eful lo 3t 11 Profitable for h s usefu information regarding Ihe story from Sin Chew Jit Poll about the manner m which salesmen are approaching the various dealers. Perhaps it would be interesting for him to learn the attitude which I am adopting towards
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    • 161 4 I vi?ited the Capitol to seethe picture "Desperadoes" and was shocked at the scenes of violence en;ct9d ther. in notably the gun-duel betwten the potiea and the bandits. I am a law-abiding citizen, and yet I must confess to a peculiar feeling while seeing this film that were I
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  • 699 4 Nature Notes In A Johore Village Out-Station Diary TA Singapore banl m khaki reproached the Straits I imes m this page yesterday for serving up so much deprcssin<; news. The world being wbat it i<. we can't very well help it, but today. m a mood of condition, we tiring
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 809 4 SCOTT-COC.AN At the Church of the Good Sh-pherd, 6 ngapore, on Juiy ll'h. Robert 6rm ol Glasgow, Scoll.rii I. to Ocialaine Mary Organ of Co. k. V SITUATIONS VACANT WANIED by Import firm a lady stenographer Please apply Box 451. Straits Times WANTED For European mercantile firm experienced clerk for
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    • 51 4 ?1 HEALTHY CHILDREN! f% HAPPY \m PARENTS! All Parents are Happy when their Children are Healthy. Give them a Scooter a Sure Way to make them Healthy as well as Happy. Model 1 Racer Special $15.00 Model 2 Tubular Joe $20.00 Model 3 Tubular King $26.50 61. 63 High Street,
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    • 37 4 R.V. MEYER OPTICIAN Fellow of the Institute Ophthalmic Opticians (England.) Fellow of the Worsh pful Company of Spectacle-Makers fEng.) Freeman of the City of London. M.ilern sight testing and lens finding, equipment. o RAFALES SQUARE (OPP. LITTLES'
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  • 591 5 All Restaurants Can Sell 35 Cent Meal Welfare Off icer Shows How It Can Be Done THE 35-cents meals sold at People's Restaurants m Singapore have had no effect yet m reducing prices of food sold m eating shops and restaurants and the reason, m the opinion of the Social
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  • 269 5 aCTxON ca n be taken by the tt Singapore Rural Board m respect cf unauthorized bu l'Jinga wheh wore erected during the Japanese occupation, recording to the provisions of the Lirriitafon Ordinance, and control of building activ.ty m lural aioas is being steadily carried out
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  • 73 5 'From Our Own Correspondent 1 Ipoh. Wed. DERAK has received its allotment of much needed textiles and at a meeting of Ipoh amalgamated guilds and associations held 01 Monday, th» merchants recommended that distribution be made through the rice card system "to f-nsure that all individuals, rich
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  • 78 5 THIS is a story m three acts, with a godown of the Singapore Harbour Board as the scene. The warehouse is full of textiles. Act 1: Assistant storekeeper opens door. Sudden surprise as gang of men rush m obviously bent on pilfering. Act 2:
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  • 159 5 V-PARADERS TO MARCH IN SINGAPORE THE Governor of Singapore I is welcoming the Malayan contingent and the Hongkong and Borneo detachments at 5 p.m. tomorrow at Clifford Pier, Singapore, when th?y return on the Mauretania. The contingent will disembark from the Mauretania and come by harbour craft to Clifford P!er
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  • 97 5 Ipoh Clerks Back K.L. From Our Own Correspondent Ipoh, Thurs. YESTERDAYS meeting of Ipoh's Government servants presidj ed over by Mr. Boey Heng Fook. decided, that its members are to align themselves with the resolution of the J.C.S.A., Kuala Lumpur, who are appealing to the Governor of the Malayan Union
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  • 27 5 KEMPEI CHIEF HANGED Lt. Col. Sumida, Singapore Kempei-tai, chief,, who was hanged yesterday at chan?i raol, Singapore, for his pa t in the notorious Double Tenth" case.
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  • 563 5 THE preliminary inquiry into a charge of armed robbery I against James Marshall Hall, a member of the Corps of Military Police. Cyril Henry Barllett and Ernest William Johnson, two members of the Royal Marine Provost, and two Filipinos, Ignatius Undasan and Stanley Almonte, began
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  • 50 5 Appear ng before Mr. L. C. Goh m the Second Police Court yesterday, D. Jaasen. a 24-year-old Eurasian, claimed trial to five charges of extort on involving $5 m each charge from five persons at Beach Road on "Vednesday. The case was postponed to July 19 for mention.
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  • 166 5 INSPECTOR DENIES UK BEAT W AHA 15 HOW arms and ammunition were recovered after a detaint.named Wahab had bsen beaten up by a Japane^r. Toyoda. was described ac the Singapore Assizes yesterday at the trial of ex-inspector Ibrahim bin Omar on a charge of abetment of murder. Ibrahim denied takine
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  • 289 5 Allied PoWs Shot During Liberator Raid WAR Crimes Court m Singa- pore yesterday heard evidence, contained m written affidavits of PoWs, that during a raid by 128 Liberators on a partially constructed aerodrome m Ambon In 1943. Japanese guards ran for their lives to the outskirts of the town. On
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  • 573 5 By A Special Correspondent. LIEUT.-Col. Suunida Hareuzo, one-time chief of the Japanese Kempeitai interrogation unit in Singapore, and six of his henchmen, leading figures in the noted "Double Tenth" investigations and trial, were hanged in Changi Prison yesterday for their atrocities against 57 British and
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 369 5 A. R. P. The following officers have be^n euthoris?d to sign claim forms tot Arrears of Pay for the Corps of Air Rad Wardens. No claim will be con-fcidere-d unless signed by cue of these officers. "A" Central Div: Mr. Cheng Siak Tong, C 8 Neil Rd. (St. Joseph's Inst.)
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    • 211 5 MALAYAN UNION GOVERMMEMT ISSUE ON TAP OF 21% 1954-56 3% 1962-66 x INSCRIBED STOCK 1. LISTS are NOW OPEN and the loans will remain <>;i tap" unt l a date to be notified m the Malayan Union Gazette. The loans will be issued and will bo redeemable nt par. 2.
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  • 1100 6 Riots And Heat Kill People: Nehru On Atomic Bomb Test: League Attacks Mission Indian Newsletter By Associated Press CALCUTTA, Tuesday.—Comv munal rioting and stifling heat wave took their toll of lives m India, shunting to the background the po itical news that had dominated the
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  • 201 6 SHANGHAI, Thurs.— Chi nesa v nationals m the Philippine Islands are eagery hoping for a united China that they ntia> invest freely hi productive enterpr >es m their motherland, accord'njj to Mr. Sze I-sheng, Phfltafifoe* delegate to the National Assmbiy. One of their alnts is
    Reuter  -  201 words
  • 195 6 WASHINGTON, Wed.—Detailed information about ;ome 35,000 heretofore secret war-time projects of the United States Office of Scientific Research and Development (CSRD) like the method of building one of the U.S. Army's sea-going motor trucks is being made available to the American public. The OSRD has reported that
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  • 110 6 MADRAS, Thurs.— The Government of Madras anticipates a deficit of Rs.l 20,000,000 in its current budget accounts, it was learned here. It was also reported that the cabinet has n o intention of imposing any new taxes, preferring lo make up the deficit by appropriat ors from
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 368 6 A I LI A HDD A 3 BIG SHOWS "tiLY ALtiAlflDnA 10.45-1.15-3.45-630-930 BOOKING Tel: 69Q9 DOUBLE YOUR •lOMpy^ WORTH! sad LARGE CROWDS YESTERDAY when they came to see THE BIGGEST, MAMMOTH PROGRAMME OF 1946! 2 great pictures! gfe hours of SUBLIME entertainment! BROWN ]> |%|V|£ fVWmV WHITE BOMBER IiUUIS WFIFI
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    • 444 6 Re ROBERT CRAWFORD deceased late of Derrick A Co. Singapore, who died on 28lh November 1914. C editors and others having claims against the abo\e estate are requested to give notice thereof m writing to the undersigned within two months from the dat- hereof after which time the Executrix intends
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    • 269 6 GOODNESS PRESERVED Tims Products Ltd., the prominent Indian concern, market a wide range of canned goods, including fruit juices, squashes, jams, pickles and vegetables Only the finest and purest ingreI dients are used m the manufacture of these products, which are $o appetising m flavour and so rich m vitamins
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 466 6 RADIO PROGRAMMES ciMPflDnor io« ALAY nilt !l 1° Dm (news at July 12 blW jAfUKt 1245 P m > and from 6 ,«m to 8.15 7 n o D A Pm. (news rc Malay at 7 ?0 Dm) 7.30 a.m. Radio Newsreel. 7.45 RED NKiUORW from noon to ENGLISH i
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  • 359 7 Sheffield Plans To Keep Former Status Large Sums Already Spent On Publicity CHEFF1ELD: (By Air Mail)— Sheffield steel manu- f acturers are drawing up plans to keep Sheffield the foremost of the world's exporters of the special steels for which the town has long been famous Firms which in some
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  • 126 7 HEATING IS OFF FOR AIRLINERS LONDON, (By Air Mail).— Because of the accident to the Pan-American Constellation air liner carrying Vivian Leigh and Laurence Olivier to Britain the five B.O.A.C. 40seater planes ,nf this type are being modified: Passengers have been warned to take winter overcoats with them as the
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  • 183 7 Wife Charged With Murder COVENTRY, Wed.— The Rev. \j Ccrringan Appleby, 30, a Congregational minister, of Farren- road, Coventry, suffer, ing from a razor wound in his throat, gave evidence in hospital wnen his wife Mary Monica, 25, was charged with attempting to murder him. The court visited the Gui-on-road
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  • 145 7 L ONDON, Wed.— A Har!eystreet surgson, Mr. H. G. Bedford Russe.l, agreed at an inquest at St. Pancras on the Hon. Leslie Gully, half-s ster of Viscount Selby, that he received £10,000 irom her m a year. Miss Gully, who was 48, died a^ her
    145 words
  • 104 7 LONDON, Wed— Many German s are at present supplementing their food rat on with a paste called mycell. derived from wood chips, of a high calorific and albumen content. The wood chips are boiled m digesters for the extraction of sugar and resins and
    104 words
  • 53 7 WHITE SANDS, (ne# Mexico). Wed.— The UJS. Army on Tuesday Ust-ftred a German V-2 rocket tc an altitude of 83M> miles to cvrate a new record. Lad^n with r i-<^_ w^thor>g instruments, the was m fie a'r 400.5 s?C! Kis. It lnr^ed 63 mils north oi the
    AP  -  53 words
  • 54 7 Constantinclurer, a Bucharest lawyer, personally delivered at several newspaper offices a letter announcing his suicide statin? the time at which he wished to be cremated and urging immediate publication of the letter. Then he went home and shot himself. He was cremated at the hour he
    54 words
  • 110 7 LONDON, Wed.— Tonnage of merchant vessels under construction in yards outride Britain last May totaled 1,580,823. This is about 487,000 tons les-: than the tonnage in hand at the end of June, 1939. Returns compiled by Lloyd's Register of Shipping show for ch? first time since
    110 words
  • 48 7 LONDON, Wed— Radio Moscow said today that a Soviet sci?ntiflc expedition left by air yesterday for the polar stations of the xestem sector of the Arctic to study the effects of polar nigjht and the midnight sun period on human beings working and liv-ng in these areas.— UP.
    UP  -  48 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 299 7 JUST ARRIVED! "THE MAN ON THE BEAT" and "GREAT CIRCLE" Will have their Premiere Opening To-day To-morrow. DEFINITELY FOR 2 DAYS ONLY! DONT MISS the« instructional pictures! Patrons are kindly requested to be on time th* CHARGE 8- ARMY" IT's truly an inno.a'ion m Motion Picture Entertainment you never dreamed
      299 words
    • 533 7 REWARD Reward offered for Information leading to recovery of EHn Automatic Pipe Welding Plan, removed from United Engineers Workshop, Lahat Road, Ipoh. by Japanese about January 1945. Reply to United Engineers Ltd., Ipoh. SINGAPORE CLUB. Members are notified that Luncheons will be served m the Club on and after Monday
      533 words
    • 343 7 Mansfield Co., Ltd. Unroiporaiea ir Singapore BLUE Fl NNEL LINE Sailings to and from Onlt«d Klinrtnna Hickory Burn l>ue from K. 13 JulT Bellrrophon Jue from L.K. 18 July Teucer Sal's for t'.K. Ti July Glenbfg Salts for UK Z' lulJ Western Australia The «hor»est *t» romU at the rtHMHI
      343 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 429 7 Some of the errors at the aver- tract even though he had the age bridge table "not to mention ereat fortune to get an opening those found in the so-called ex- ciub lead from West, pert games) become almost ludi- When the club king was led rrous on close inspsction.
      429 words

  • All The Latest Sports news
    • 534 8 AUSTRALIAN MAY RUN S'PORE BOXING IF a plan now being considered is finally put into operation, Singapore will see some really good boxing of an international character early next year. The manager of Stadiums Ltd., the Australian boxing firm, has, it is understood, written to Mr. George E. Lee, proprietor
      534 words
    • Article, Illustration
      1 8
      1 words
    • 97 8 CI.NGAPORE »ill, in all proba- bility, be the venue of an interesting: and long-awaited cricket match over the August Bank Holidays if a n invitation issued by Singapore to up-country (Ticket authorities for a match between the Malayan Union and Singapore is accepted.
      97 words
    • 90 8 POINTS WIN FOR JACKIE PATERSON JACK Paterson, 26-year-oid Scot, retained his world flyweight title tonight in tinning a 15round contest from Ja,- Curran of Liverpool. Paterson weighed 112 lbs and Curran 109 lbs. Curran was warned twice by the referee that he must stop running away from Paterson and "make
      90 words
    • 157 8 Rovers Meet R.E.M.E. On Sunday I THE Singapore Rovers, a strong soccer team combination oi players from many leading local sides, meet the R.r.M.E. in a j match in aid of th* Queen'3 Street Boys' Club Fund at Jalan Besar on Sunday. The match is being played under the patronage
      157 words
    • 49 8 The following will represent the Crossbats against the Segamat Cricket Club at Segamat on Sunday at 10 a.m. A. Vijayaretnam, E. Doraisamy S. Kulasingam, P. G. Segeram M. Sivalingam, K. Thambyrajah S. Yogarajah, S. K. Sundram, K Muthucumaru R. V. S. Sundrara and A. N. Other. Scorer: Kandasamy.
      49 words
    • 42 8 THE following will represent the 1 Recs "A" football team m a match against the Police at Thomson Road to-day. C. Alphonso; C. Norohha A. Watts; P. Neubronner, Vaz, H Hoeden; D. Ross, A. Clarke, K Leembruggen. Concencio, O. Valberg.
      42 words
    • 54 8 DECS' cricket team to meet F. W. Marsh's XI in a matcn at Thomson Road at 1 p.m. on Sunday, will be chosen from the following: J. Anchant. E. Barker t Chopard O. Clarke, J. de Sou^a, P. D'Almeida, R. Hoffman, R. Janscn. K. LeembruRgani C Schubert, D.
      54 words
    • 114 8 Scot Irish Rugby Teams T'HE following are the teams for the Services ii>ternaticnal Ruby match between Scotland and Ireland at Jalan Besar siadium to-morrow, kick-off at 5.15 p.m. Scotland: D.G. Reid; Q.M. Carstairs. W.S. Armstrong, W.N. Scott, D. Robertson; W.E. Grieve, E.J. Nelson. D.C. Mr-Ewan. A.E. Penton, A.L. Barcroft, C.E.
      114 words
    • 91 8 JN a friendly badminton return of three singles and four doubles to be played on Sundav, the Maxfli Badminton Party will meet the Sportllght Badminton Party at the former's crurt at 2.30 p m. A team will bo chosen from the followr.g to represent the Maxfli B.P W.
      91 words
    • 32 8 (From Our Own Corresoondenl) BATU PAHAT, Tues. THE Chinese Recreation Ciub 1 completed ita handicap billiards tournar 2nt last week with Lim Yeow Chong as winner and Kim Sim Kuan runner-up.
      32 words
    • 167 8 LONDON, Wed. UIGH scoring has again been the 11 order in County cricket matches starting today. Scores are: At Oval, Sussex first innings 383 (Cox 161, Hammond 51, Gover six for 127). Surrey first innings 16 for zero. At Birmingham, Kent first innings 305 (Todd
      Reuter  -  167 words
    • 263 8 CANTERBURY, Wed. THAT England could occupy 'he wicket all day and score only 321 for seven wickets in six hours in the Test trial here was due to several factors; <he steady work of six bowlers, the wickctkeeping of Griffith and admirable captaincy. The day's play
      Reuter  -  263 words
    • 80 8 Louis To Fight Mauriello In September NEW 1ORK. vvcd. DROMOTER Nike Ja.obs an- nounced today that world heavyweight boxing champion Joe lous will defend his title a«f?inst Tami Mautiello in a l."»-rourd battl» at Yankee stadium on Segt. 18. Louis, who has defended the title successfully for 21 times, recently
      80 words
    • 14 8 Indians Bat All Day v Derbyshire (By L?arie Constantlne) All The Latest Sports News
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 519 8 i p.m. 7 p.m. 9.15 p. m ■«..ihinc like personal contact! A man visits a country.»s it. Likes the people and marries the girl to be happy ever after M.G.Ms Brilliant romance 'SONG OF RUSSIA" Robert Taylor— Susan Peters. Midnight (11.30 p.m.) To-morrow "A YANR IN THE K.A.F." Tyrone
      519 words
    • 212 8 VII AII n a m 200 41S HH V 630 9JO p m Wmm Every Salt Arwemir ISj£"2b AIR CONDITIONED. NOW SHOWING A Glittering Technicolor Cavalcade of America's Reckless Era! W-^TPOti* I'm More of a wSman" W^mf^^h T JSL2£? uII Ever Get! V j fating ocros« th* I "^VVl^ft **£Sf^
      212 words