The Straits Times, 10 July 1946

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • 389 1 SINGAPORE POSTMEN ON STRIKE Mails Available At Post Offices SINGAPORE today is without its postmen and its telegram messengers. The entire uniformed staffs of the Postal and Telecommunications Departments yesterday, after a meeting between representatives of the men and senior Government officials, decided to go on strike as from 6
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  • 89 1 A bill affecting the return of premises occupied m prewar days by people who became "war absentees" is to be introduced at the next nieetine of the Singapore Advisory Council. The bill aims at ensuring that lessors and lessees and landlords and tenants whose tenancies were
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  • 167 1 NUREMBERG, Tuesday. lAWYERS for the accused L Nazis c'a'med today that the German attacks on Hoiland and Belgium were justified because those countries violated their neutrality by failing to shoot down British planes en route to bomb Germany. "Russia An Aggressor" They also described thp
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  • 100 1 WASHINGTON, Tues.— lt was' authoritatively learned today that the United States intends to release Baw Maw, the puppet Premier of Burma under the Jap occupation. He is at present imprisoned at Sugamo, near Tokio. The Government within a lew days will advise Britain that
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  • 128 1 Troops Turn On Italians In Trieste TRIESTE, Tuesday. BRITISH occupation troops, smarting under indig- 1 nities which they suffered; from Italian rioters on Saiuriay, turned on the Italians on Monday night m a violent j srunter demonstration. E top windows were smashed] luring an hour of fracas m rrieste before
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  • 100 1 MANCHESTER, Tue^.—Wiih Lancashire scoring 172 all out here today their match with the Indians results m a draw. The Indians scored 456 for 8 wickets oecl. Merchant and Mankad continued their non-aggression policy and the first hall-hour picduced only 19 runs. The eighth wiexct partnership had added
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  • 37 1 CLEVELAND, Tues.— The Goodyear Tire and Rubb3r Company directors today declared a dividend of 75 cents (U.S.) per common share, and plso the regular quarterly dividend of $1.25 on $5 of convertible preferred stock— U.P.
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  • 431 1 TOKIO, Tuesday. THE former Japanese War, Minister Gen. Sadao Araki, has admitted m written evidence, at the War Crimea I trial here that he gave the order for the expansion of the Japanese occupation m Munchuria after it had been ap- j proved by the Cabinet.
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  • 40 1 A new picture of Mrs. Rowley, widow of Lieu.-Col. John Rowley, and daughter of M. and Mrs. Ktr.yon Fellowes, of Ottawa, whose to Mr. Malcolm Mac Donald. Gownor-Gen-«ral of Malaya and Singapore, waa announced In May.
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  • 398 1 PARIS, Tuesday. INVITATIONS to the nations who fought the Axis m Europ? 1 to attend the full-dress Peace Conference m Paris on July 29 were sent out by France today m the name of the Paris Conference of the Big Four Foreign Ministers. Mr.
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  • 80 1 SEATTLE, Tues. The Russian Naval Lieutenant, Nicholas Redin, who is suspected of espionage, testified at his trial here today that Soviet ships patrolling the North Pacific before Russia's entry into the war against Japan provided f .he United States Navy with valuable
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  • 243 1 MUSLIM LEAGUE SAY VICEROY'S PLEDGE BROKEN NEW DELHI, Tuesday. THE Council of the All-India Musiim League is to meet on July 28 and 29 m Bombay to "examine the whole question" of the British Cabinet Mission's plan for the future of India, and to "decide what course of action shall
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  • 167 1 Five Nations Now Seek UNO Membership NEW YORK, Tuesday. A potential source of ocnflict m the United Nations Security Council appeared to be taking shape as pending applications fO l United Nations membership swelled to five by the receipt of a petition from the Kingdom of Transjordon. Some new applicants
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  • 141 1 "French Agent; Involved In King's Death" WASHINGTON, Tuesday. REPORTERS were unable to' ;I* obtain any information 1 shedding light on a statement made by the America! I journalist, Mr. Drew Pearson I that "the story that the j 1 King of Siam shot h mseif I while cleaning his rifle
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  • 78 1 WASHINGTON, Tuas.— The House of Representatives met two hours early today for a heate.l 1 debate on the British loan so that, they will be ready to vote on Saturday. Republican leaders joined the j administration supporters m pre- dieting a House of Representatives passage
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 27 1 i;k.tisii STERLING SILVER CIGARETTE CASES New stocks just to hand P. H. HENDRY Jeweller with an Established Kaiaia wide Rcoiitatlon 78 North Bi idee Rd. S pore.
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    • 10 1 setEMTme 1 fyf£XAM/MAr/C* 4 OUALIFIED OPTICIAN c.s. CHono o a.FKjc.
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  • 310 2 Plans To Build Soviet Naval Power WASHINGTON, Mon. THE United States transferred more than 4,200 naval vessels, ranging from tiny torpedo boats to escort carriers, to other nations under the Lend-Lease agreement during the war, it was revealed today. Of these, 3,390 were Lend -Leaded
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  • 109 2 Mih a ilovitch A Traitor? BELGRADE, Mon. THE trial of Gen. Dragomir 1 Mihailovitch, Yugoslav Cnetnik leader, and the 23 former ministers and politicians who are arraigned with him on charges of war crimes against their own people is expected to end by .Saturday. There is no appeal against the
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  • 108 2 Dutch Marines Clash With Extremists BATAVIA, Mon. rENTY Indonesians were taken prisoner and some killed when amphibious units of the Netherlands Marines clashed with extremists near Kamal on Madura coast, eastern Java, the Netherlards Navy Information Service reported today. Three heavy machine guns and some small arms were also captured
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  • 138 2 LONDON. Mon. DOLICE throughout the night, searched ten miles of Bournemouth coastline for a clue to the disappearance of 21 -year-old Doreen Marshall of Hatch "Snd, j Middlesex, recently demobbed from the W.R.N.S., who has been missing from a Bournemouth hotel since Wednesday. She was last
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  • 129 2 VIENNA, Mon. THE Soviet authorities m Austria announced today that all Germans m the Soviet zone of Austria must leave immediately for re-settlement m the French zone of Germany. The Germans, estimated to number 45,000. have been instructed to report at police stat'ons this afternoon with 3C
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  • 47 2 LONDON, Tues. CTRIKES, engine trouble and cancelled bookings three t mes prevented pretty Eloise McDonald from crossing the Atlantic from Toronto to marry Charlie Stevens of Egham. Surrey. Eloise is rr.ak ng her fourth attempt to cross the Atlantic during this week-end.
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  • 72 2 POLD bars, jewels and currency U worth 100.000 were discovered on board the Dutch liner Klipicntem yesterday before she sa led from Batavia. They are alleged to have been smuggled on board by two gold c t alers who had buried the valuables during the
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  • 93 2 CAIRO, Mon Twelve boxes brought by several Russians m an air plane to Cairo were the subject of questions m the Egyptian Chamber of Deputies today Deputy Ahmed Elmi Mahmoud was asked for details o* the incident at the airport when, ha said, the Russians refused tc
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  • 222 2 Pitched Battle Fought Near Manila MANILA, Mon. UNIDENTIFIED bands fought a pitched battle on the outU skirts of Fort McKinley, U.S. 13th Au Force HQ six miles south-east of Manila, early this morning. Philippine M.P.s dispersed the battlers. Whether it was a fight between political groups or merely between rival
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  • 108 2 LONDON, Tues— A plea of insanity failed at Liverpool Assizes when Thomas Hendren, 31-year-old ship's baker, was sentenced to death for the murder of Mrs. Ella Valentin" Staunton, aged 41. In her manicure saloon m Tempest Hey Liverpool, on May 20. Ah sentence was r*-sei he turned
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  • 115 2 LONDON, Tues —Norwich direc- tories call it Earlham Green Lane, but the people who live there call it "Slumber Lane." They have only to sit m a chair and they begin to nod. Wives doze over their housework, husbands, eager to garcen, soon start to dream of bed.
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  • 30 2 Vagrant children are a social p-oblem m Rome, ''Re-education Centres" have been established m the city where they "re fed, clothed and given facilities for recreation.
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  • 66 2 SHANGHAI, Mon. AVERSEAS Chinese are rcmitt- ing back home to China large sums monthly, according to figures released here by the Bank of China. A new record was set m the month of May, wh-n the figure touched nearly £2,000,000 compared with C 600,000
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  • 132 2 7 KILLED IN BURMA AMBUSH RANGOON, Mon. SEVEN people were killed, including a police (jonstabl3, and six wounded when a gang of dacoits ambushed and attacked a government truck marching under an armed police escort from Kazunma to Seikpyu m Central Burma. The police and some villagers resisted the dacoits
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  • 96 2 Culver City. Caliiornia, Mon. ONE of the world's foremost aviators, test-pilot ("Heirs Angels") Howard Hughes, who has made several round-the-world flights, clung precariously to life today, following a crash m his latest monoplane. The plane crashed into three houses and a garage causing £25,000 damage, after
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  • 329 2 NANKING. Tuesday. THE Chinese Government and the Communist delegates have reached a complete deadlock m China's protracted peace talks, statements by both sides suggested today. After a two-hour talk with General George Marshall, the United States envoy and wouldIbe peacemaker. General Chou En-lai. the Communist representative
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  • 174 2 CAIKO, Men. r! Arab League tonight released the text of a memoi;indum sent individually by all the Arab States to Btlla n on the Palestine question after last month's League meeting at Blouden m Syria. The memorandum said: "The present status quo m Palestine must end
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  • 127 2 Soong Blames Chinese Communists SHANGHAI, lira. pREMIER T. V. Scong bam*- ed and condemned Chinese Communists for the recent anti-American manifestations m a news conference m Shanghai today. He said the Chinese people were grateful for American aid and but for this. Shanghai, Peiplng, Tientsin and other cities to where
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  • 120 2 Ch u rch ill Ca bin In Air Display LONDON, Tues.— Members of the Empire Press Union, representing newspapers throughout the British Commonwealth, and foreign ambassadors saw the greatert and most comprehensive air display ever staged m Britain. It ranged from scientific developments achieved m secrecy I during the war
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  • 116 2 BIKINI, Mon. THE U.S submarine Skate, 1 which took an atom blow. estimated at 500 lb. per square inch last week, sailed past the USS Mount McKinley the atom task flagship today ur.der her own power Adm. W H. Blandy. commander of the Bikini operations, boarded the
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  • 88 2 HONG KONG, Mon. PAWNBROKERS arc the latest group of Hop.t Kong s commercial cemmunitv to go on strike. Roughly 77 p r> are affected. Refusing the request of thi Commissioner of Polio, to reduce the rate of intereit to the 1930 level, all pawnbrokers on
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  • 59 2 NUREMBERG. Tues. FieldMarshal von Rundstedt, Hitlers C.-in-C. on the Western Fron:. was walking with the aid of st'eks to the Nuremberg courtroom to eive evidence on the indicted Nazi organisations. On the way he stooped to pic:< up a cigarette end, probably thrown down by
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 170 2 By Popular Request the CITY BOOK STORE will be open daily up to 8.30 p.m. to enable Office Executives and Clerical Workers to view the wide variety of publications and make their selections. HAVE YOU UKAO THE DESTINY OF CHINA i ENGLISH VERSION) by GENERALISSIMO CHIANG KAI-SHEK tThe Book That
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    • 147 2 NOTICE We have pleasure in itating that our National Cash Register Department has now been reopened and invite your rnq-iirics for National Cash Registers and Accounting Machincs:National Accounting National Cash Register* Machines f or f or Analysis De;U stor-s Ledger Testing Ko'els Ke.eip'ing hemist^ Payroll General Stores Bane ledgers and
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  • 637 3 Singapore Man On Union Board? CLOSER co-operation between the Road Transport Department of the Malayan Union and the office 01 the Registrar of Vehicles, Singapore, is envisaged, the Straits Times understands, and to this end Mr. W. A. M. Watts, the Registrar, will probrbly be
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  • 68 3 'km story of Remnang has endel. Th; last JaT Po*Vs li>ft that island on July S. This pictur**, taken a few days before ths Jaz>s l*ft shows how they were being fed during their stay there. The sacks m the foreground contain pineaoples sent to the
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  • 218 3 Malay Women Stage First Concert Prcm Our Own Correspondent BATU PAHAT, Mon. HISTORY was made at Batu Pahat on Saturday when, for thfl lirsc tme m Malajan annals, Malay women appeared on tne stage to act and sing before a mixed audience. The event was a concert organised by the
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  • 133 3 Police Find Baby Dead, Mother Dying ENIERINO^tt ..uus, a? lioad. Kin^apoio. "o^. rday, :ound a one-year c- d bajv df (i. another child !nj y*iO tUld I their mother dyin*?. I'he discovery followed a fight, be' Ac-en a Chinese and his wife. Armed with a pistol and a j-.anu-jjrenade, three
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  • 81 3 CHOON Seng Leow and L'rn Wee Peng, wJre charged m the Second District Court yesterday, with having hpd m their possession on July 8 at Amoy Street, c.nvns an'] rlo* H materials belonsi^g to the mili ary. Both pl~adod guilty. Choon S?ng Lew. who had
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  • 322 3 PEOPLE'S CANTEEN OPENED CINGAPORE'S second Gov;m- ment -sponsored People's Restaurant was opened at Seng Poh road, m the Tiong Bahru area yesterday. Wives and children of Singapore wage-earners there are hundreds of families living m this area sampled a fine 35cent meal. For their money they had the choice of
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  • 63 3 Rubber crops harvested dm ng June were as follows: Allen by Rubber Compary Ltd. 38,600 lb., Benta Rubber Estates Ltd. 47,000 lb., Jeram Kuantan Rubber Estate Ltd. 38,600 lb., Kundong Rubber Estate Ltd. 15,500 lb., Mentakab Rubber Co. Ltd. 65.800 lb Sungei "Bagan Rubber Co. Ltd. 122,000 lb.,
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  • 237 3 1 ANCASTRIANS on the Loadon- Sydney "Kangarqo Route have just completed 12 months of continuous sen ice. Across the Indian Ocean, Catallnas and Liberators had been flying the worlds longest air hop for two years, when m June, 1945, the first Lancastrian augmented the service and
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  • 329 3 30AD accidents m Singapore are on the increase— test month 332 occurred, an increase of 70 accidents compared with the number reported m May this year, with eight deaths and 88 persons sustaining injuries. Ihe increasing danger to life and limb cannot, however, be dealt
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  • 97 3 A MEETING of members of the Y.WC.A. will be held on Thursday, July 11. at the Host-1. Fort Canning Road, at wheh a committee will be eWcted by the voting members to carry out the general policy of the association. Mrs. Stott, formerly !3upc;rntendent of Singapore Municipal
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  • 416 3 LIEUT. Commander J. J. Wilson, R. N. R., appearing before a Naval Disciplinary Court yesterday, was acquitte:! without his defence being called on a charge of failing to hand over to the proper authorities two Stewart Turner marine auxiliary engines. The case was a sequel
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  • 155 3 S'pore Man To See Ruler A MAN ho duiing the Httern- ment Ci the Ist Mysore Infantry at Ncr Soon village, heipled its members m every possible way and kept up their morale by uivins; them Allied radio news, is shor ly returning to Mysore The man is Pundit S.
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  • 24 3 New prices "rh'eh hr>.ve Deri fixed for lact-ven m fflnganore are M.73 'for lib. tins) and 54.75 i (for 31b. tinst.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 14 3 STEWART MCINTYRE CO.. (SINGAPORE) LTD. 45, Orchard Road Singapore ENGINEERS <& CONTRACTORS Steel Sp ecialists.
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    • 209 3 MALAYAN UNION ©OT£^MME2O ISSUE ON TAP OF 2J% 1954-56 5% 1962»66 INSCRIBED STOCK 1. LISTS are NOW OPEN and the loans will remain "on tap" until a date to be notiried m the Malayan Union Gazette. The loans will be issued and will be rsdesmabl2 at par. 2. INTEREST will
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  • 38 4 I-ADY Swettcnham des'ros to express her mast grateful thanks for all the many kind letters and cables of sympathy. Those received from Malaya were especially deeply appreciated and Lady Swottenham hopes to write indlv!:!':r.''y In due course.
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  • 1006 4 The Straits Times Singapore, Wed. July 10, 1946 The Planter On The Tote Harassing though life and work still ar? for most people m Malaya, a distinct improvement m tone has been noticeable lately. Busy activity everywhere is engendering confidence and a feeling that Malaya is passing at lest out
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  • 134 4 On June 29. the first Patiala Regiment held a farewell parade m Batavia on the eve of the.r return to India. The regiment has been on continuous operations since 1939 when it was engaged on the North-West Frontier of India. At the beginning of 1942 it was rushed
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  • 1434 4  -  "MALAYAN CITIZEN" By ARE you an employer? Were you outside Malaya or behind barbed wire during the Japanese occupation? This article has been written for you. The author prefers to remain anonymous, but he is one of the keenest and shrewdest Asiatic observers of Malayan life.
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  • Man In The Street
    • 224 4 |)ENANG regained Its "vecl port status shortly after the resumption of civil administration, and I am suitihe general impression iv Singapore is that the "Settlement 3f Penang" m its entirety once again enjoys the privilege o» the pre-war era m being able to procure goods
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    • 94 4 THERE appeared m the Straits Times of June 24, under the heading "More Buildings for Release," the following announcement: Also to be re.eared by the end of this month are Orchard Road Hats (opposite Orchard Road poMce rtation). Amber Mansions. Institution flats and Bt. Nieho'as. July is here,
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    • 150 4 *rmed robbery and extortion, committed mostly by Chinese. are rampant m Sinpapore. The victims are mostly shopkeepers. The criminals call at tbe shops and demand money at -he pistol point. Not satisfied with the amount they get then, they force the shoDkeeners to pay t*em fr <irn
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    • 179 4 AS one who travels regularly by omnibus, I would clnss "8.C.", the writer of the totter m today's issue (July 9) as disgruntled s»:«dler. Excepting his admission of his own delinquency, I should say that his letter is a pack of lies. I make no defence
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    • 83 4 IN pre-war days most of the 1 cinema theatres had matinees for schools and other children on Wednesdays, Saturdays and holidays at special concession rates or at half price. Could anyone enlighten me as to why such facilities are not extended to children nowadays? A.GDC. Singapore. W.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 853 4 lIASTIE-MOERMAN. The engagement is announced between Lt. Dennis S. 11. Hastie, R.I.A.S.C. only .son of Mr. Mrs. S.K. Hastie of ll iidd rrsnrld, Yorkshire and Miss Marie Winifred Moerman, second daughter of the late Capt. and Mrs. Moerman of (irt-iingen and Singapore. PERSONAL Mr. 1. M. CALHAEM LDS. UCS. has
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    • 109 4 £f* /bands «^f Presents ANNE SHELTON. (The Idol of the Armed Forces) ***** It a. ways Ratn* before tbe Ri.nbow St. Mary's In th? Twilight G0154 It Costs so Liti'e Wtw c&n't It happen to me ***** Co i^Lantly At I act ***** Car. i get out >it n,'.3 Mood
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    • 88 4 Wishes to announce the jy Qyjs arrival of NYLON LINGERIE AT THE LITTLE SHOP, RAFFLES HOTEL. Property Protection from TERMITES It is essential that our Termite Extermination Service be employed before repairs to White Ant-infested properties are carried out. Otherwise, new timber will only provide fresh food for these insects
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  • 1087 5 Bill To Safeguard Tenancies In Singapore 'War Absentees 'To Have Privileges AN important bill affecting the return of premises occupied m pre-war days by people who became "war absentees" is to be introduced soon into the Singapore Advisory Council. Its aim is to ensure that lessors and lessees and landlords
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  • 75 5 Malaya's allocations of evapo- rated milk, powdered milk and cheese for the period September/ December, 1546 from Australia 1 and New Zealand will be procured through commercial channels. Applications for import licences "A.P Forms* should be submitted to the Registrar of Imports and Exports, Singapore. Subject to
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  • 137 5 AtIBOMQLI wordcj warning regarding the surrender of firsarms has been issued by the Singapore llovernru nt through thr Public- Relations Department Thp final flat of surrender of all inns :n-d ammunition Ls siven as July 31. After that d*te, it is stated, "the full rigour of the law
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  • 458 5 Manslaughter Trial Of Officer Ends A PLEA not to spoil the' career of his client was, made by defending counsel, Mr. Kenneth Seth, at the; R.A.F. court-martial m Sinfca-j pore yesterday of Squadron I Leader Peter Jack, on charge of manslaughter j under the Air Force Act a civil offence.
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  • 176 5 8,000 Indians Want To Come To Malaya From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. EIGHT thousand Indian labourers are ready to s^i! from India for Malaya if Government can arrange for their passages. This statement was made by Mr. Bhagwan Singh, President of the Kuala Lumpur Indian Merchants Association, at
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  • 113 5 Occupation Service: A Decision From Our Own Corresp'.ndnt PENANC Tues. THE Penang Municipal ~ommissioners at a meeting today approved a proposal by the General Purposes Committee that the reriod of Japanes" occupation ohall count at a period of Municipal service fcr those officers and daily paid workers who were <1>
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  • 455 5 Inspector On Abetment Of Murder Charge A trial which is an echo of incidents which occurred m the first few weeks followin? the fall of Singapore m February 1942, began m the Singapore Assize court before Mr. Justice N.A Worley yesterday, when Ibrahim bin Omar, former senior police inspector, was
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  • 62 5 The scene at the General Post Office yesterday when members of the uniformed staff of the Postal and Telecommunications departments, Singapore, met the Financial Secretary, Mr. Nelson Jones, Mr. W Gilliam. Controller of Posts, Mr It. 11. Oakcl v, Controller of Labour, and Mr. S. P. Garrett.
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  • 445 5 THREE Japanese members of a permanent staff on sections of the Siam-Burma Death Railway were sentenced la death by hanging yesterday at the conclusion of their trial before a War Crimes Court on charges of ill-treatment i»f British, Australian, and Dutch prisoners of war, some
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  • 105 5 BEFORE the Japanese occupation of Malaya it was not an unusual thine to hive consignments of day -old chicks arrive m Singapore by Qantas from Australia. The war. of course, put an end to this trade but it is now h<i;ig reopened wit.? an experimental consignment
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  • 132 5 REMARKING that the explanation given appeared to be true. Mr. Paul Storr. the District Judge, yesterday fired an Indian. AhmPd M?era Labtey. who was armed with a dagger m Telok .Aver Street on June 19. $30 or a month'? r'gorors Imrr'sonment Mr. Stcrr warned La'obey that
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  • 295 5 WELFARE WORKERS CHOSEN THE throe Singapore candidates who have b"(n chosen to undergo a twoyear course of training m social welfare work m Lond »n are Miss Maureen 80-W'll. Mr. Seah Yun Chong and Flight Lieut. K. H. Tan. l'liey wiil be employed by the Social Welfare Department m Singapore
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  • 122 5 Daughter Of Millionaire Robbed From Our Own I PENaNG, Tu.v rif URING as a principal witr.e s today r.t the Inquiry I I armed robbery tiu n :i Chinas-. c ah Chi-i Te k, Madame Ida Oi, dau h-er Ol Irte "sugar kiriff of Java. OM 1 ong Ham. told
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 25 5 LATEST! BEST! Up-to-date! Metro News Covering world-wide events especially adapted for Mauya. SHOWING DAILY JUBILEE THEATER North Bridge Road, (near Bras Basah Read) 'Phone 3105
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    • 114 5 Place Your Order With TAM SIN PENG €O. 11 Phill p Street 9 Singapore Phone 4373 The Biggest 6c Most Reliable Stockists of all requirements for ESTATES MINES FACTORIES «c GENERAL CONTRACTING WORKS. etc. etc. Further Particulars Prices on Application JUST RECEIVED A shipment of BRITISH FIRE EXTINGUISHERS (2 gallon)
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  • 291 6 Tokio Statues Being Slowly Removed TOKIO, Tuesday— Will Gen. Mac Arthur's purge of 1 undesirable Japanese militarists affect the dead as well as the living? The majority of the Japapese questioned by United Press appear to think that it ought. Of the 61 statues and monuments
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  • 212 6 TOKIO, Tues.— S C.A.P Headquarters is issuing a Japanese phrase book to occupation personnel which includes these phrases: "You are ver> prrtty," "How aboul a date"" Where will I meet you?" a.s well as 14 ways of saying tood-b>p. U.P. towering column m the grounds of
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  • 240 6 DANGALORE, Mon. Dr Sir C. V. Raman, the well-known physicist and Nobel Prize winner we!ccir.eJ the proposal recently made by an American scientist. Dr. QontOd F. Hule, to form a World <\>.snciation of Scientists, m PfJcr m secure freedom of scier.iifl.-: tsearch and publication juv.l p'cmote
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  • 81 6 Bangkok, Tues. DOLICE today arrested Nai L:ang 1 Chaiyakam, member of the New House of Representatives and editor of the weekly Thoed Dharma, who was charged with spreading a 'sinful rumour" m connection with the death ot Kins; Ananda Mahidol. The police alleged that L:ang has distributed
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  • 84 6 BATAVIA, Sun. Ovar T'PO Chinese evacuees from pl?c^> about the perimet?r of Bativia are now being cared for r»y the Central Chinese AssociatU.ii at Poerwakarta (West Java' Subscriptions for the relief of Chinese refugees are still bein; received from various Muslim prroups. The Indonesian News Agency
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  • 130 6 COLOMBO, Tues —The Ceylon Government hopes to invite Their Majesties the King and Queen, the two Princesses— Princess Elizabeth and Princess Margaret Rose— the British Prime Minister and Prime Ministers of the Domnions for the celebratior markin? the inauguration of Cey;on's new constitution, which
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  • 134 6 TOKIO. Tuesday. INDIA'S member of the prosecution staff m the Japanese war crimes trial, Mr. Govinda Menon, m an interview with United Press said he was extremely pleased m the way the prosecution's case was developing aeainst Tojo and other major defendants. Mr. Menon said considerable
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  • 104 6 BATAVIA. Tues —Communist literature is being widely distributed and eagerly read throughout "republican" Java, according to the Jogjakarta correspondent of the Indonesian news agency. The correspondent adds that the supply of books is not equal to the demand but efforts are bring made to increase the
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  • 118 6 Clothing Coupon In Plate LONDON, 1 ies.— To provide cassocks an? surplices for the choir, the Rector of Norton. Stoke-on-Trent, appealed to his congregation to put one clothing coupon m the collection plate. Some people gave more than one. said the Rector, the Rev. R. B. Mackenzie, but the general
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 731 6 NOTICE TO RUBBER DEALERS. RUBBER FOR AUSTRALIA. Full particulars required for the supply of the following grade: Standard £evertex (Sipang or Kluang quality). OVERSEAS CORPORATION (AUSTRALIA) PTY LTD. Ajent: MESSRS. EMERSON ELLIOTT CO. 107-109 Anson Road. Singapore. NOTICE. It is hereby notified for general information and for necces^ary action by
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    • 433 6 NOTICE. A general meeting of the memuers of the Straits Stt ements iSpirci Asscciatlon will be held m the Adt.phi Hotel grillroom at 5 p.m. on Thursday, July 18th for the following purposes. 1. Election of a chairman. 2. To euiisider the advisability rf extending the membership and ebjects of
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    • 262 6 TO THE MEDICAL PROFESSION. ir PENICILLIiN it INSULIN VACCINE LYMPH Stocks now avail .im; at GRAFTON LABORATORIES. LTD. and MEDICAL HALL, LTD. Batter y Road. Singapore. Trlf phone No. VOhl WHITE ANTS RAT extermination D. D. T. Service Rates reii.soiiab.fc Service reliable Australian Co>i~ci r THE BRITISH PEST EXTERMINATING CO.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 314 6 RADIO PROGRAMMES SINGAPORE RED NE1WORW frooi noon tc 2 p.m and 6.30 to 11 p in on 22! metres from roon to Z p m on 4.8*!! mes/sec. in *i metre band and from 7.45 to 9.30 |i m. on 4.78 sec. bi 61 metre band CHINESE noon to
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    • 142 6 JULY 10 7.30 a.m Radio 7.45 a.m. Letter lrom London COO a.m. Dickens 's Characters, 8.30 a.m. Ne*s. 7.30 p.m. Merry-go-r-u,pd. 8.30 p.m. News. 35 p.m. Iirerlude. 8.45 p.m. Homevard Bound, 00 p m. Tune in witii Edna, 9.30 \t id. Swing Club, 10 00 p ia. Forever rthur.
      142 words

  • 357 7 Huge System Of Tunnels To Protect People JON DON, Tuesday— Britain took its first step apainst possible atomic war today when railway technicians submitted a report calling for a huge system of deep level subway tunnels under metropolitan London capable of protecting virtually all of
    UP  -  357 words
  • Article, Illustration
    29 7 German mining: experts are like l>- to be brought to Britain. The above shows a German nvner eating a meal of meat-and-veget-able soup in a canteen in the Ruhr.
    29 words
  • 129 7 Londonderry House Now Air Centre LONDON, Tues.— Londonderry House, Par.: Lane, is to become the headquarters of an A. A. of the air. Ibe Royrl Aero Club, which regulates all civil flying In Great Britain last night announced the establishment of an associate in^iibsrship organisation Lord Londonderry, a vr-e-presi-dent of
    129 words
  • 73 7 LONDON, Tues. Journalists could help the Government by raising their own standards. Mr. D. R. Hardman. Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Education, told a meeting of the National Union of Journalists m London. He said the Ministry weclomod the education and training of junicrs. which
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  • 198 7 Old Volumes Fetch High Prices LONDON, Mon— Rare "Id vn- lumes are fetching very high prices m current London auctions, not because of their intrinsic worth so much as for their decorative value. That is the oDinion of the manager of a well-known secondhand bookstall m London. He attributed many
    198 words
  • 86 7 CHICAGO, Mon.— lf you want to live to a ripe old age, according to Dr. Carlson of Chicago University, you must not eat too much. Dr. Carlson has for the last four years been experimenting with the diet of white rats. He has found that those rats
    UP  -  86 words
  • 112 7 LONDON, Sat. TOR over an hour while Miss 1 Joan Phelps, waited m her wedding dress at St. Paul's church Chatham m Kent, with her father, bridesmaids, page boys and 50 guests, Mr. Alex M.tchell, the bridegroom, kicked his heels outside. But most flustered of
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  • 61 7 LONDON, Sun.— Television sets are being incorporated as a standard fitting into new flats now being built m Moscow, said a U.S. reporter broadcasting frim Moscow today. Television screens and loudspeakers will be connected up to a central broadcasting urit, so that tenants of flats
    UP  -  61 words
  • 19 7 NANKING. Tues.— There are still 1,600.000 Jaoanese c yillans Wt m Mancm.ria, according to the Central News Agency.— UP.
    UP  -  19 words
  • 234 7 New York (By Air Mail).— Evening gowns slit fore and aft as far as the law allows were presented by Anna Miller at a press review aptly titled "Night Triumph." A black crepe gown, with a touch of lace m the right places
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 86 7 l^y/|li^y>^^ OPEKING TODAY 4 SHOWf 1»30_4_6.3O 9.30 P. M. A GRAND COMEDY RIOT! colbert MaAray^^^£ Vljj^Q&^jAkb W§tot&*wfc mS^HPK Paramount Gil Lamb Cecil Kellaway j_. -aa»^h Robert Benchley Jane Frazee Mikhail Rasumny *t£sßti*o?^s MITCHELL LEISEN production I L -m. m ■iiiii imniMl —Ml ill .JlHium'll—cmH" 1"""-i ■>— """-i 1 ENGLAND vs
      86 words
    • 790 7 SALE BY TENDER. 1. The custodian it Property, Singapore, in -'-.tea tenders lor the purchase of the following oarticulars of which are a* follow:— Lot 1. co.r prising atvut 20 bags dried cement. 3 cases tar and fibre sheets. 1 scar'aing felt and I cases brass propellers etc lying at
      790 words
    • 364 7 Mansfield Co., Ltd. (lncorporateo m Singapore > BLUE FUNNEL LIVE Sailings to and from Unfed Kngdnrn Hickory Burn Due from U.K. 13 Jul? Bellrrophon Our from IK 18 July Teucer Sails tor UK i 3 lul.T Glenbrg Sails for U.K. Z" Mi Western Australia The sherteM wa r*nu %t the
      364 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 478 7 In countless situations the he failed to do so East opening lead of a trump will pro- hardly could risk increasing the tect tricks that rightfully I i -n% contract by a "stab" rescue with to the defenders. Today's nand either minor suit. Besides, his is a typical illustration of
      478 words

  • All The Latest Sports News
    • 454 8 Swimming Pool Gym To Be Built DRANCH centres m the principal suburbs of Singapore to embrace the needs of all young men and a further development of clubs for boys m various parts of the city are among the future plans for the V.M.C.A. m Singapore.
      454 words
    • Article, Illustration
      36 8 Johnny 8., exhibited by Mr. John Bettsridge of Kepton Kidin; Srhool, takes a jump m fine style while compe ing for the Challenge Cup at the White City Stadium m the first post-war National Horse Show.
      36 words
    • 91 8 Pater son Meets Curran To-night GLASGOW, Tues. JACKIK I'aterson defends his world, nritish and British Empire flyweight ti les against Joe Curran, 3i-year-old LiviTrool llvwricht, at Hampden I'ark here tomorrow night. Paterson has not fought at eisht stone for three years, and boxing fans wonder whether he can make the
      Reuter  -  91 words
    • 194 8 Gurkhas Beat Kelantan In Return Soccer From Our Own Correspondent) KOTA BAHRU IN an exciting match before a crowd of about 3,000 the Gurkhas beat the Slate Soccer XI by an odd goal m three on the Padaiiß <Jaion« ground recently m a return lixture. In the first game the
      194 words
    • 116 8 School Sports In Balu Bahat From Our Own Corresponde:;t BATU PAIIAT, Tues. THE Government English School, r?;-.tu Pahat, will hold their annual athletic sports on July 27, on thr school field, two weeks before the end of the term instead f in the last week as the fasting month begins
      116 words
    • 85 8 roi'l'lNG the bill m tonight's wrestling at the New World Irena, is the return contest beween Stan Garside of Yorkshire md the Punjabi grappler Dara singh. The two recent fights between these two wrestlers ended very ibruptly, when Dara Singh was for a very rough dls)lay. 'Hie
      85 words
    • 53 8 LONDON, Tues. THE champion soccer clubs of 1 Sweden. Czechoslovakia anrl possibly Denmark are to b? invited to play return matr-hos against English clubs In Enrland during October. France and tho Netherlands will Drovide international opDOsition to England. England will play out of season internationals m Portugal
      Reuter  -  53 words
    • 220 8 AT a meeting held at the Pontian Malay Club, it was unanimously agreed to revive the Pontian District Football Association which was first established m 1940. The rollowlnjc were elected office-bearers: Patron:— Ungku Ismail b A. Rahman (District Officer. Pontian). President:— Che Zainal b Mohamert (Asst.
      220 words
    • 303 8  - INDIANS SCORE 410 FOR SEVEN Learie Constantine Hy Manchester, Mon. ON an ideal wicket for batting at Old Trafford today India displayed inconsistency when replying to Lancashire s 406, but thanks to a magnificent batting performance by Merchant had topped the County score by four runs with three wickets m
      Reuter  -  303 words
    • 212 8 LONDON, Mon. A GREAT innings of 142 by M. P. Donnelly, the New Zealander, helped Oxford to total 261 r.nd belter the Cambridge first innings total by 60 runs. In their second ini«ings Cambridge were d'smi>sed for 127, leaving Oxfcrd to get 68 runs
      Reuter  -  212 words
    • 51 8 THE following will represent the 1 V.M.C.A. at table tennis against the United Services at the Shackle Club at 7.15 p.m. on Friday: Singles: Fung Guan Swee, Soh Teow Keng. Lav Kieng Hionu (capt.), Sim Soo Juay, Fung Guan Chye. Doubles: Wee Swec- Lee 8t Ang Sam
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 504 8 Th.ff Shows Today at 3.15, «.:*0 A 915 pm. Vccna. Yaltub and NaMr m "MA-BAAP" A Ktoiy '>1 love ni,cJ (iovotlon so human thai lt will pull at your heart-rtnnns!! RIK-«d by UnlU-d Exhibitors Ryn-llnat'!. Vlltral laT Mr V PUONE< ***** V I Am 3, 6.15 tc J. 15 p.m.
      504 words
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