The Straits Times, 9 July 1946

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • 311 1 June Decision of Leaders Approved BOMBAY, Monday. RELEGATES to the Assembly ot the All India V Congress have voted 204 to 31 in favour of the British Cabinet Mission's long term plan for Indian independence. The decision war, taken after a ten hour debate durn;g vhicn
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  • 69 1 Aoout 300 wom?n en;ineer«, re pp c eptin X the r fllow workers m the I undnn a-ea, demonstrate 1 out>ide the Ministry or Labour building last month. They demanded "equal pay for equal work' the womeu consider that they should rtcfive the same wa*e lates
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  • 164 1 Archbishop On Problem Of Homeless Jews CANTERBURY. Monday. DX. FISHER, the An!.bishop of Canterbury, m an address to the Canterbury Diocesan Conference dcn:e3 iliat the Governments po'.icy v. us anti-semn k m intention. "TJicre aw veiy mnny Jl'^c myself, who regard anti as do', iii.v.i poivon who yet ieel
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  • 35 1 TOKIO. Men A j.tpanese Army private wuj today charged with killing and mistreating rihpino non-combatants and two former officers were named en charges of permitting subordinates to kill and torture. A P.
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  • 76 1 BIKINI, Mot..— Roger Revello, the U.S. Navy's Oceano^rapre". i predicted tcc'sy that the no- 1 atom bomb test, which will b 1 held here on July 25, will b'.ast a crater m the bottom o* th? Snas n a 1.000 feet across and r,o to 103 teet deep.
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  • 221 1 ARABS SAY OPEN U. S. TO THE JEWS JERUSALEM. Sunday. IN a reply to President Truman's stafemoffc that theUnited State 3 was prepared to assumse technical and financial responsibility for the transport of 100.000 Jewish immigrants into Palestine, the Palestine Arab Higher Committee protests strongly against "such flagrant, empty an
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  • 68 1 From Our Own Correspondent LONDON. Mon. It is generally expected that the Colonial Office will make a firm announcement on Malayan policy before the colonial debate which begins m the House of Commons on July 9. It is also reported that Sir Th»odorp Adams, a former
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  • 432 1 WASHINGTON, Monday. IT is believed that President Truman will send a special message to Congress to try to rescue the loan to Britain, if a canvass of members of the Hm»C of Representatives shows serious danger of the loan being: defeated. The odds aiv
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  • 120 1 TenThousand Watch Indians Ist Innings MANCHESTER. Mon.— Although the skies were ci iudeJ this mornlns. there are expectations of another full day's play today. The wicket i.5 hard and last and good tor many runs India are looking to Merehan* and Mushtaq All to give them a good start India
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  • 117 1 Next Election Fixed For May 1, 1950 MANC'HE&iER. Sunday. THE Minister of National" Insurance. Mr. James Gnliiths. announced amid chcerd at a Labour demons' ration In Manchester today that t'.:e dat^ of thf 1 next general .<-:■■ tion had been fixed by if* Government as May 1, 1930. "My colleague,
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  • 118 1 No i nflat ion Tear In America EUNCTON, Men. -The Un ted States is in the mlddl« of a. period of eeonomir nneertaintjr whu-h will noL end unt 1 Congress passes new pii<e <• iiurol &i 'on. Th?r» has been r.o wholes*:? .tttempt to skyrocket prices tol'..winj the death of
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  • 101 1 Pope Promises Aid For Jap Catholics TOKIO. Ifondky. IN 'hf> first pontifical from th-^ Vatican ad i' d to the Japanee (at ho', c hierarhy. th^ Pope promi material ard morai as.>i>(ance. ••v/e JwUh to s.siuiv vrj'i from thf bottom of our hearts ot oumoral ■trtltfir"^ W-» promise you our
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  • 155 1 VIENNA, oun. The SocUi'Kt newspaper, A'jei'er Z^ilun^. ill on r'ciiior al today mrrlili Un th* Soviet Union had ownprohip O[ th? historti bOBM .ii vienna slons with :»imot every (.-flier woIti the Russian The paper said thai ue •*a.s an lan v. >i Ice
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  • 315 1 PEKING, Monday. GENERAL TU LI-MING, the U Nationalist Commander in Manchuria, has received permission from Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek to meet tho Communist G.O.C.. General Lin-piao. General Wang Yueh-wu. the Nationalist Commander of Shantung, is scheduled to confer with General Chen-yi, the New Fourth Army commander at
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 52 1 SCiSNTtFtC I BKEXAMMTHNI] Jv OUALIFIEO OPTICIAN C S CHOnG 0.D.. f fOC. I ?T^WTnTTnrTT7TjTTjrjJ ftsj>'-'- i/V a^^aaLjJrtßg« S. v fatcittatittg shades. Indelible- s'axs >k fre>h all day. Unaffected by climatic extremes. Velvety-smooth texture. S'em im* I lip- shaped patented design for easy and accurate application. KtU BY AIX (><K)D CHE.'IISTS
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    • 59 1 r m*****ervini*o -Jiiiiiii "iii 3 Sudden Death ilit spiav ts back igaUi (o !VIo s quitoe S ...(ockroaches ever beiori*. UOtamabie M |<" li♦■ Bu s a sores thl lJ|< > i yellow tms wtin tn-; equalij ...Ants, etc. palm- i*u t s, >r yei a* <^\€KSt> «*>ut it WILLIAM
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  • 575 2 A Section Of Jap Army Against War Revelations At War Crimes Trial TOKIO, Monday. A SECTION of the Japanese army had opposed war with the United States because of the inferior quality of Japanese weapons especially aircraft, but, tlvs group was over-ruled by extremists headed by former Premier Hideki Tojo,
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  • 34 2 •"Cevfreil wacon" of the sea that's t'e name th^y'T* given to this ntH L.S. airman's rescue raft with prote^tire t'a-iopy. It holds men, and is mart* entirely of rubber.
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  • 130 2 120,000 Jews Arrive From Russia WARSAW, Mandiy r -"TIE Central Commit ec o f 1 Polish Jews reports lhat 120,000 Jews have recently arrived from Ru-ss a. The majority wish to e^ ~ate to Palestine. Twenty five thousand repatriate* are at Stettin while Jth:is 1m" e been sent to Lower
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  • 81 2 VATICAN CITY. Mon.— Th-> j be 11s ot St. Peters Basilica and over 400 churches m Rome rang out yesterday to proclaim *.he L-ddition of the name of Mother Frances Xavier Cabrini to the I llsi ot saints of the Catholic Church. The ceremonies brought to a close
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  • 57 2 NEW YORK Sun.— n,t Comb.ned Tin Committee is at present gathering data as the oasis for making interim allocations for the second hal f oi 1946 according to the Journal of Commerce today Member countries and countries requestine tin allocations irili be requested to sinmit. bv August,
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  • 27 2 BUDAPEST. Mon.— Seven men were shot accidentally while watching the execution of a war criminal m jail courtyard. Bullets ricochetted from a stone wall.
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  • 48 2 LONDON Sat. DIRATES are operating off the coast of Argyllshire. In their latest raid on Dunmore Farm on the lonely isle of Easdale, they took one hundred goats. The pirates killed the animals and sa'led with carcases. They left onl> eight <oats on the farm.
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  • 161 2 GOERING 'S PLOT TO INVEST FRANKFURT, San. A PRE-WAR plot by Hermann Goering to invest $50,000,000 (£12,530.000) in American industry has be-, n HBOC' red by the U.S. Department of Justice investigations. la his cell in Nuremberg, Goering has admitted the scheme. He supplied additional details cf the arrangements which
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  • 220 2 Troops Disperse Trieste Crowd Trieste, Sunday. TEN thousand pro-Italian demonstrators were dispersed by 500 British and American troops m Trieste last tight following an organized protest against the decision of the Big Four conference on the fate of the city. The ttoops barred the way of the demonstrators as they
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  • 124 2 TOKIO, Monday— Takao Saito, 41, former warrant officer in thp Japanese Army, was deiamed j.i war crimes charges By SCAP «s Legal tiecticn with responsibly lor the deaths o: 450 non-com oatant Filipinos and military prisoners m Fort Santiago. SCAPJs Legal Section sa:d that wnen Sai;o
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  • 101 2 CALCUTTA, Mon.— Reports from Dacca, the second c iy o* Bengal, said today that the city was "in a state of panic" following Hindu-Muslim clashes. Several latal stabbings we-e reported. Word from Dacce said that all schools and shops were closed and that armed police were patrolling
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  • 211 2 REFORMS IN SHAISGHAI CUSTOMS SHANGHAI, Mon.— 3wc;pJ ing measures to restorv normal working conditions in the Shanghai Customs— believed to be the greatest singi** contributor to the Chinese exchequer following years of Japanese misrule are expected with the appointment of a Briton Mr t A Pritchard, as Customs Commissioner here.
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  • 86 2 KWAJALE1N, Monday— The superfortress "Dave's Dream.' which dropped the atom bomb over Bikini Atoll, toot oft for the United States yesterday where tne crew have been reassigned. For the pilot. Major Woodro* Sv.ancutt the return flight vill be a race with the stor* His *ife
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  • 24 2 LONDON. Sat. MANY hotel-keepers m Margate 111 are buying shaving-sticks frorr Canterbury m order to keep private laundries for gues!> going.
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  • 270 2 TIENTSIN, Men. ffpiTED States Marines and U the relief agencies, U.N.R.R.A. and C.N.R.R.A., m the Tientsin area have joined forces m an all-out effort to save North China's rice and wheat crops from one of ihe greatest locust, invasions m China's history. While the U.S. Marines
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  • 430 2 BRITAIN LET MARX AND LENIN STAR VE LONDON, Sun. rIE Russian newspaper Izvestia. in an article quoted by Moscow radio, said today that while the British once allowed such eniijjrees as Marx and Lenin to starve in London, "influential Englishmen" now offer "love and generosity" to emigrce Poles. The article
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  • 201 2 Pilots Help Hong Kong's Recovery HONG KONG, Sunday. A GROUP of former A.m. >iAt can and Australian ,\ac pilots are contributing uwards Hong Konjj's reliai.:litation. They have been flying in ia* materials' and essential medicat and chemical supplies. Roy Farreli, American piloi ol the National Aviation Corporation, and former
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  • 117 2 HONG KONG, Sun. bum. CbaS: I Lnan one ii Chinas »nost vV.I >urI tv! pub!.." men. has b;en appoimjed Coir-marder-in-Uhie; tfin;t:i I China Area, of China's revived j Navy Ad:n. Chak Chan, who recently resigned as Mayor ol Canton, was n.ade X.C M.G. by the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 165 2 NOW P.EADY GUIDE to MALAY CONVERSATION by A. E C op? A I. appro*cb to the S"i:dy tt ftte'.i Mutable bi.t>i for Beginners aci X Lhcae wno wish to improve ibej >p sk;ng. KELLY «s WALSH LTD. BOOKSI I.' KRS STATIOVERS. I'KIMLKS KMFLES PLACE. SINGAPORE. THE UNITED STATES LIFE INSURANCE
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    • 69 2 RAFFLES HOTEL TO-NIGHT DANCE 9 p.m. to Midnight RAFFLES HOTEL ORCHESTRA Admission to Non-Hesideats 51. 20 (Including Tax) Specialises m: TWINES fOR PACKING, STITCHING AND SEWING PURPOSES HEMP. FLAX, AND COTTON FISHING LINES 'ROPES* LOOM CORDS FLAX AND JUTE CANVAS Aho acts as buying agent and indent house for Baiaar
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  • 337 3 Allowances To Be Paid This Month THE Government of Singapore has adopted the re- commendation of the Pyke Committee to pay Government employees a temporary cost of living allowance not exceeding a maximum of $35 a month. This allowance is to be paid retrospectively from
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  • 48 3 The second general assembly of the I'nited Malay National Organisation was held m lpoh at th« end of June. The picture above shows the Sultan of Ptrak declaring the ossfmbly open. At left Dato Onn bin Jaffar. President of r.M.N.O. >oeakin? at the assembly.
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  • 78 3 THI". Covrrnmenl of Singapore is prepared t« consider ihi'i>^ for payment due on j. -count of goods delivered, or services rendered, to f.ovfrnment departmenis before Feb. 15. 194*. and for which no payment has yet been made. < laims should be presented in writing beforr Aut
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  • 149 3 Policeman 's Evidence In Webb Inquiry FURTHER evidence was record- ed by Mr. H. A. Forrer in th« Seventh Police Court yesterday. during the second pha?* of the unary inquiry into tentative harjes of causing hurt against P. P Webb n police inspector. Muid bin Blanat. a Malay police sergeant
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  • 64 3 TDWARD McGRELLIS. «38'. an R.A.S.C. driv?r claimed trial before Mr. Paul Si on- in the First Police Court yesterday to a charge of committing criminal breach of trust of Hi bales ol mi- j Ht&ry property. Half of the property had been i recovered, it was stated. Bail
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  • 246 3 CINGAPOKE is not as yet by any means free from the danger of malaria, as nothing like the pre-war standard has been reached although a large measure of control has been re-established, according to the acting Municipal Health Officer, Dr. W. E. Hutchinson. Denims
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  • 101 3 i Pan-Malayan Indian Teachers' Federation has beon formed \n Kuala Lumpur and will be officially opened on Saturday by Mr. s IC. Chettur. representative of the Indian Government '.n Malaya. The Federation has ihe distinguished patronage of the Governor of the Malayan Union. Sir Edward Gent, and
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  • 259 3 REWARD of $200 is being offered by the Singapore i Police to anyone giving information leading to the arrest and conviction of persons m possession of arms. The notice is issued by Mr. R. E. Foulger, Commieaioner of Police, Singapore, and is one of the
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  • 148 3 "Ransom For Bicycles From Our Own Correspondent PBNANG, Mon. THE P^nang Police having effectively checked gang robb?ries, extortion and kidnapping, are now turning ther attention to' I new racket m Penang— the' seizure of UcjFCIM from owners and the demanding of ransom" for the return of th» cycles. I The
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  • 59 3 NI W maximum retail ■eMMf mites arr innnuni rd for the foM «v v milk foods: l.acioctn 1 Ik tii 11.13. <♦»■ Hi SI. 15: vl lo b-»lf-poond tin ctnt-. 14 ciim^ tin SI IS; Nestlfs roroa 1 Ib. tin S! 00. I'aU-P'uind tin M
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  • 189 3 Danger To Flooding In Malacca From Our Own Correspondent MALACCA, Sat. on the adjournment at Thursdays Municipal -neeiing. Mr. Tan Siew Sin staled that rhe occupiers of premises most of which were business premises m Kampong Pantei were apprehensive lest the Chinese jinks which had rren sunk m the Malacca
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  • 43 3 From Our Own Correspondent IPOH. Mon.--A surprise raid. OTrted out by men of th<* lpoh 3(M.vt'v*> Branrh on a village lear Tanjong Rambutan resulted n the arrest of one Malay who yes caught m possession of a $f»n gun
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  • 401 3 Prom Our Own Correspondent MALACCA, Sat. THt; s.-aicity of stand-pipes, shortage o- playing fields, the insanitary condition of labourrrs' quarters at Kubu and the j suspension from .service of ?ertain Municipal employees were among the topics raised by Mir. i S. Shunmugam speaking on the|
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  • 317 3 THE urgent need for edible oils, especially coconut oil, for the people of Burma, is expected to be one of 'h« matters to be discussed at the monthly South East Ava liaison officers' conference convened by the Special Commissioner. Lord Killearn, which will be held
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  • 102 3 From Our Own Correspondent RAUB. Sun. DAUB and certain other town* in Pahans will in the near i'uture have an English girls' school established, if the Methodist Missions plan has the support of Uie Government and the people. This statement was m:~;d o ov Rev. Abel
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  • 99 3 GUN FOUND IN STOLEN HAVERSACK MR. 1.. C. goh presiding n mm Juvenile Court. yt tc!d a mi!;;ary lony-drvc. Manniiiij. that he wo'ild nave be more earetul, m niiiie. wtt i the luggage he was cany 113. Mr. Goh had Just, sen fenced a Chinese to six m :n th*
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  • 82 3 Organised by th-» 8t Andrew Scout Groun. m aid of the Oroup Fund. Malaya s firsr s out concert will bp ri^ld at St. Andrew's School hall. Woodsvi!!e. on F.idi.v. July 12. A repaf p*rfornianiv will be held on Saturday, i.i'.v 13. at the Vtetoriu Theatre m ftnpress
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 89 3 H. I. WINTER CO., LTD. (I\ O. Box 662.) Tailors Outfitters will reopen business shortly at 1 3E, Battery Road. Fiist floor of H. Building. STRAITS TIMES PRINTING DEPT. has received stoc-ks of coloured light we;" ht manilold paper. We are now able to q\nte reasonable rates ior order books,
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    • 122 3 I PAN A A TOOTH PASTE Your Teeth 1.1 I J| SiM by olf U<H!i»] dthlbuton and <nonJa-'jr<d b< IfcX T l->;o!M,«-i Cm. f; Vi i2l P.lP .1 >. H <,i,-. TO BE raKL »RO!M I.OMKSTIC WURRIKS M~*~»~*~OIN»~% LUXURIOUSLY VII r T I II P A SJ "W CLAHk FUPM3HIID
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  • 1042 4 The Straits times Singapore, Tuesday. Julv 9. 1946 Tan Malaka Again Tan Malii'-ia is in the news again. Ou readers will remember that this was a name that fre- ouently appeared in the Straits 1 Times some months a/o. when the w^rld was just beginning to became conscious of the
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  • 31 4 CALISTAN. On 6th July 1943, at l.i Canning Hist, Singapore, ADELINE 'ITflCHE^E GALU.TAN, -ar'.y be ovc-d wi e of Mr. O. E. Oallslan of M mn. Cable Wireless Lti
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  • 68 4 LONDON, Sun. THOUSANDS of Jews, including 200 European orphans with concentration camp numbers titooed on their arms, marched rrcm London's East End to Tratalgar Square m protest again;,: the Palestine raids. The demonstrators were led by a Jewish holder of the Victoria Cross. Mounted police guided the
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  • 748 4  -  A Singapore Importer By 'THEY Couldn't Care Less" was the title I gave to this article at first. But that might imply a story by Peter Cheyney. However, what I have to relate is just as fantastic, though based on fact. It is
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  • 453 4 (Just before he died. Sir Prank Sv.ettenham received some verses on the Malayan Union from a Malay J i iif» m one of the remotest districts of the Malay PoMtncuia, a relative of one of the highest hereditary chiefs of hi* State. These verses
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  • Man In The Street
    • 304 4 I HAVE ?een the letter frotn "A Citizor" of lpoh j which he deplores the grant ing of Certificates of Grali tude of those who harboured Allied soldiers during the enemy occupation of Malaya He describes them as "mere pieces of paper." He maintains fe recipients
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    • 216 4 nOUBTING v.hat J had heard i about now mmh money a conductor of the S T.c. can We- i aally make by reselling the same 1 ticket two. three or even four, times. I myaeU wen! to th« < pany to apply the p-^t of a
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    • 317 4 •*HE letter by S. P. Abraham 1 fender th« d ng "Clothing from India" may ra's*' false hopes of getting supj'lifs sent here by fr'ends. The cottou s tuation in India is still so difllcut f-at it loks ps though litt'e mav be expected to be exported,
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    • 111 4 ONE re«Js <> much atou. I 0 Singapore Swimming C*UD —where m. \u<, to be .<• (m colon 1) to be a m the exclusive lai 1 C!ub". etc Eut *!iat S'nsapore neeu- i- an lutMii.i' n.'ial Club wn f the cosmcspoiitan people o; thu (ity can
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    • 83 4 $200 For Europ eans? IF the 85-oent is jjooj enough for Mr. McKeinni. i don'l see why tne leca! pcan offlcer.i E-hoald be p.-s 1 over and abore their fa', »:«1arJea an additional S.".i of living allowance, as I u>;ders* md hi i been prop On the contrary, if
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    • 153 4 A Girl 's Advice IHE committee wu^ch i vestlsated the co.-t of ivin r v.;: all-ttritisj 11 this conun t:ce v.:iat life v ;ke ror then si a.xnj 01 it >rop inqu:my mto then Jiciely oy asking tnem :oi md written btaiementa, it n.u 1 wish Uwm, cut he r
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    • 237 4 A LETTER m the St Timeg discussing tht q tion whether priests she'll I i go on strike local's an insta ice jot this kind that tcok pi.' in Kuala Lumpur durin the Rrst Woild War. There vu a Chaplain of 8elangor who had come on: on agreement
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 867 4 SITUATIONS VACANT WANTED Eurasian or Chinese lady 1 inirtiap.-i Bvx 418 S T wanted Immediately tftctent male 01 i' h^u- Bbocthand trout Apply o. Box IK. \v\..i£D LfmlaM Cipifettes lor s O>: l Apply yth fioo r VANTSJU Qiinli!":ed «:'op.-an Acim.ijijiit foi Gump of Ruol'tr Estates lore Apply Box 4'J
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    • 47 4 TIRED EYES! Whetner ot not you fK** wear duxes, if vcur eves are t red of uncomfortable, HAVE AN EXAMINATION Protwi Rbsses can oe of tremendous help to your efficiency, your phyrical and mental com'oit as well as to your appearance. Consult: C S CHONG. O.D. FT'IC.
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  • 351 5 $7 Million Increase In Trade Of Singapore $10,000,000 Worth Of Rubber Exports U7ITH imports, mainly foodstuffs, totalling nearly $31,000,000 and exports, mainly rubber, exceeding $21,000,000 m May, Singapore has registered fresh records again m her rapidly recovering trade. In comparison with April figures, she has increased her exports by $5,000,000
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  • 51 5 "THE outlook Ls encouraging." was how an oflficml yfterday described t'-;e Rrst day'^ sal? of the Singapore Government's S25.000.000 three per ("lit loan. A satisfactory numbrr of anplications was inadi- it ttetcC TSis is the first sin«a?>©re loan, previous loans floated in Singapore being Straits Settle- mrnt.;
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  • 218 5 2 1/2 YEARS' R.I. FOR MALAY WITH RIFLE 4FRES1ED by a C.I.D. n officer who was Inve gating the recent distu 'b ances in Oeylang, Salim bin Z'.m. who desrr bed himsslf as a Malay, was convicted »n the Singapcre District Couit yesterday on a charge <•: possession ct arms
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  • 127 5 A Food Control Officer, Mr. A. Rodway. who was charred: 516.60 for a meal which he and; two friends had m a Muslim re-;: staurant m North Bridee Road. I yesterday told Mr. Tan Thoon Lip, the Second Mavis I that, the charge was $7.G0 above the i
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  • 180 5 of death by v hanging was pa-sed 01 1 Sft Major Toyoda Akiichi i^t the close of the tr al yesterd <y on a charge of being Concerned with the il:-lr atrn:nt cf local civilians resulting .n j the (ieaih of two of then.. In announcing
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  • 222 5 HOLDING that there «TBJ "insufficient evidence tfl satisfy him v.i.liout reason-! able doubt" that the carpus v.rre stolen properly, Mr. Paul Starr, the District Judge, yesterday acquitted Caesar M. Houghton, without calling for his defence, on a charge of dishonestly retaining 80 secmi-hand carpets
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  • 151 5 Perak Clerks Plan People's Restaurant IN Singapore today t i-tuJy the operation ol £\.pol<j'a Best aura nt which daily sell? BS-cent lunch to Bevertd thousand people i> Mr. H. Yin. presiiieut of the Peiak Clerical Un on. Mr. Yin hopes to ge! a s m:lar restaurant going m looh wn^ntbera
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  • 137 5 2 Yrs.' Gaol For Opium "Carrier" SI NTENCE of two jreai rigorous imprisonment was passed by Mr. Paul Storr m the District Court ye-t-r-day on a 33-y;ar-o!d Cantor.ese woman, Peo n Tye Heng, who pleaded guilty to a charge of possession of Wt+Ui pounds of opium on Apr 1 27.
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  • 228 5 New Food Canteen Opens Today ONE new -Peoples Restaurani opens lotiaj m otmump^"> and two new (k»vernment departmental canteens will lulaunched tomorrow. This is the latest news on the food-for-all front. The FinP— ial Secretary. Mr Nelson Jone< w.l. l:e present at the opening of the Seng Poh H<«d "PJOPJJ
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  • 337 5 RAFFLES COLLEGE REOPENING from Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Mrs. IN a talk over the Kuala I Lumpur Radio last night to those who were at coiaje m 1941 and who pr©pose to resume their studies and to til©* "who possess the requ Rite qualifications (or a-m s n and
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  • 42 5 Persons who live m l C v Uc« division, Singapore, who require new raton cards or delations anc 'inclusions to old tation cards must now apply to the SubI RaMonin<r Office, Church Hall, St Paul's Church, 6th mil3-ston« I UppT Serangoon Road.
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  • 437 5 REPRESENTATIVES of the uniformed stuff of Ike FteiaJ and Telecommunications Departments, Singapore. ar« to meet officials of the department s for discussions rejjurding pay, allowances and condition of service. These dscussions will take place at M.30 a.m. today. Eight representatives of the men, six from
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  • 67 5 ALFSEA Produces A Thriller AH-^ci Productions are p ins a V.\r net m thre? a t«. "Someone ai h. Door." at the Sampan Theatre. Tanjlin Bar-ra-k.s tonignt and tOBOROT. Th° gala p?r{o:mance will be tomorrow night when it is exp°c ed that amo dist'njtuisbed audic i will b? Sir Franklin
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  • 63 5 m Oi;r Own Co.rcspcj d IPOH Mon- Perak's nev Reioner. Mr An Vincert A>t(>n. has arrived aad tc\ ever duties *rom Mr A. C Jomaroa, who re soon on ir l dieol grounds Mr. formerly Dis' OflS- of I i r PcraV ana an exr.riM of the
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  • 230 5 MacDonald To Visit British North Borneo THE Governor-General, Mr. Malcolm Mac Donald, will pay an official vis t to British North Borneo, arriving at Jescelton by air on July 14 for the ceremony of rnnd ng over of the Military Administration the follow ng day. Mr. Mac Donald Will officially
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 212 5 fVuild up lr\ UMTtMG w \tnStsCr aI V/ FOOD m il TONIC i^mwL htte is wonderful Food 'lonic which gi.e^ sou a daily ration ul body building Hinaralt and Food lodin* thoie preckMM tubsuncci to vital 10 healih and M.teng:h i h: concentrated food value i' ttemenJou*. Om wcrt'i iupp«y
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    • 88 5 PLAIMAR LIMITED AUSTRALIA Manufacturers and Distillers of SOLUBLE ESSENCES and FLAVOURINGS tor- IMM Waters MttaMl B»k<» Cake «-ordtoU Mj ker Mrla rvunUm Iti'ru I >y:xp-. M.mufai 'uir: 1 FLORAL OTTOS I kml il Oils, O!eo Resins, (output at**, Arouialir M ,Ui« X and Synthetics for uv- m m^nuf^< lure ol
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  • 1050 6 Indian Princely Order Threatened GrandOldDays Coming To An End By PRESTON GROVER. Associated Press NEW DELHI, Mon.— The approach of independence for India is threatening to upset one of the most colourful and romantic features of life m India the autorratir rule of the mighty Maharajahs. These princely rulers range
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  • 195 6 M W YORK. Mon. -wil> of lixlay are twi.-c M alive and alTt as they were in the "flapper' period after the first World War. hut the same cannot be said lor men That is the opinion of Dr. McAuliffe. a New York authority on
    195 words
  • 163 6 CALCUTTA, Bun. A medicine a<»id to have been used su:cessluiiy for the ti Hum on tinman belies to treat acute castfl of siarvation m the 194* B» ictuiinc? is be ii 2 piepard a.\d aiored m quantity tor iiif la the event India must combat another. famine.
    163 words
  • 145 6 Philippines Has Own Air Lines MANILA, (By A.r Mail).— The Philippines today is making considerable rrogresa in airways transportation and commune ution. At present, over a yaar after the liberation, the Philippines has two large Mr < ompanles— the Ph lippine Air Lines and the Tar Eastern Air liansport. Inroporated
    Reuter  -  145 words
  • 137 6 Lrc Surress -roi;ii'-ONE taat tube children, most o. whom are end school are starting life treryth'ng In th*»ir layour Horn the physical .standpoint," Hr Aber I. Welsman, of New STork. has report -vl l<j ihe American Society for the Study of ..>■ r-iity. They have n physique equal
    137 words
  • 19 6 -!»NKING. Mon 'Ihf Chines? ■v of Fur lan A* airs anr ourt"»d yesterday i's formal re- Austrian GovA P
    19 words
  • 228 6 MONGOLIA WANTS TO BE IN UNO SAN FRANCISCO. Mon.— Three small nations Siam. Albania ard Outr-r Mongolia zesk admission to the United Nations. As both Siam And Aib3tiia were members of the old League of Nations, it is Outer Mon^ol'a which is coming up in th* world. Until recently it
    228 words
  • 51 6 BVI'AVIA, Thurs.— The Medal of Freedom has been awaided by Oen. Douglas McArthur to Lt.(•ommander Marcelis- Vaarzon Moral of the Royal Netherlands N'a'v for "meritorious service" which has a!ded the United States In the prosecution of the war a»»in-t the enemy during 1944 and 1945.
    UP  -  51 words
  • 265 6 NEW DELHI, Sun.— An uroffical United Stated famine mission, sponsored by the Indian famine emergency committee in >iir> united State?, has started tour oi India. The icmmiit?p is headed by Pro:'. Theodo;<? W. Bchulte, chairman of the University oi Chicago's Department ot Econom cs. A special f<x>cl mission
    AP  -  265 words
  • Article, Illustration
    15 6 Two British guards with a s?lf- ..ait by Rembrandt, bHirvrl to be hs last work.
    15 words
  • 59 6 JERUSALEM. Sat. BRITISH militaty headquarters have been exoecting reaction from the JewL.h terror s: organisation to the round-up of Jews and the seizure of arms. S?nsational reports from Jerusalem <not carried by Reuters) that Jewish underarourd armies had the operational deadl'ne fixed foi midnight last ni?ht was
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • 29 6 SOUTHEND. iSN'GI.ANDt Sun. Because men's knees were too knobby, girls wer a chosen to Dliv the part of Roman soldiers 'a a recent church pageant her. A.P.
    AP  -  29 words
  • 191 6 Polish Army To Work In Britain ROME, Suii. The wotk oi transporting 106.000 tn-n ot ihf Polish 2nd Corp^ to bectal th?ir new life m Britain which started this monrh. should be completed by the end o: the yea r Und^r tbs British Oovemment lehesae. all men w'.io re?l they
    Reuter  -  191 words
  • 84 6 WA.SHfNGTON. Sun. The pro1 ol^in of cancer research should be i i :ed with the same enerjv ai w&s mtiitered for the dr ve to develop the atomic bomb. Ths suggestion was made m j Washington by Julius Jay PerlI mutter, head of a committe?
    84 words
  • 80 6 MADRAS. Sun -The reintroduction or proh bitioa from O- ol>er 1 m the four district* of Salem, Chittoor, Cuddapah and l Nortli Arcot. which w?r? d<vlaied .•dry by the former Conjress M;nidtty. hai been d?clde.l u^on by I tha Madras GovcrnTn°ir I Th»> ques ion was considered at
    AP  -  80 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 462 6 THE TANGLIN CLUB. A Special Oen»r«l Sfcutts of the M«mbers Df 'lie Taiifltn Cub will b? held on Tu^.fay. tlie »'.i July IMS. at 5.15 pm at the AI |-hl Hotel Roof Garden Si^apore ■HSMaW 1. To raoetM the R*,- of th«? Com tee J. To r*ervi^ the date
      462 words
    • 186 6 l-'nr Policies on fdivturahl,; terms covering! FIRE MOTOR Workmen's Compensation Personal Accdt (mcl Flymg) Fidelity Guarantee Cash m Transit MARINE, etc, etc, <//>/>/v the:— COMMERCIAL UNION ASSURANCE CO.. LTD. FUMDS -tBfi, M Bch. Olf: .>,r, I lIHNI '■'■I.) RoMIWM ><<!.. SINCAPORE. Phone: 6944 Sub-Boh. OCf: rUn'<: C.han.lvr-. IPOM. British Miido
      186 words
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 188 6 RADIO PROGRAMMES SINGAPORE R£D NE1WOBW froai uoau to p.m and 6.3# to II pin an ZZi metres from roon lo J inn on 4.825 met sec. in '1 metre ind from 1M to 9.39 i> m. on 1.T& sec. in ■>t metre band CHINESE t.oon to t.lf t
      188 words
    • 130 6 12.45 p.m> and from 6 m to 8.15 p.m. (news Malay at .0 p.m.) EJU3LISH i p.m. to 1 p m. (news at 1.30 p.m »nd 8 15 p rr. to U p.m exrept on S'uciuys wh»n 'a* aftsrnoDi session opens at I p m. n-ws heaJllnes at 8.20 D
      130 words
    • 157 6 Jl'LY 9 7 10 am FUdio New.sre»!. .4a a ui Vf.i i Hill. 8.30 a.m. Mews. 7.JJ pm. Variety B^nd Bjx. Ml oin. MtlUary music, 8 30 p m. News. UI p.m. Piano Farad'. 8.1s p ai Homeward Bound. 9 0D p.m. All Hilc J.30 p.m. Ted Heath. 10.00 p
      157 words

  • 1923 7 Demobbed Vainly Await "Boss" Jobs: Tragedy Of The Qualified: Union Workers Dictate: Will Others Follow OUR LONDON LETTER FROM 01 R OWN CORRESPONDENT London, June 27. I OFTEN wish I could make these London Letters more exhilarating and I hope that they soon will be so:
    1,923 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 91 7 LATEST! BEST! Up-to-date! Metro News Covering v.urld-wide tv.nts especially adopted for Malaya. SHOWING DAILY JUBILEE THEATRE North Bride; Road, mrar Bras Ba&ah KomA\ 'Phone 3105 tufactmnd by D. D T. Spray s and Powder*. Disinfectants and Antiseptics1^ ,]!^v D D f Floor Polish /S km-\W Carbolic f •.Her -Soft Soap.
      91 words
    • 728 7 SINGAPORE Ml'Mf IPW. HEALTH DBrAKTMECT Immunisation afalnst Diphtheria Frej immunisation against dl.^h:herim (or children Is being re-sla.ttcl. iDd children under three years of age may be brought to the Municipal Child Infant Welfare crnlc? for Immunisation at the lolloping times: Krcta Ayer Clinic Ihursdays 2—42 4 Prtnsep Street Clinic
      728 words
    • 362 7 Mansfield Co., Ltd. < lnrorpoiu: eo id Sincapor?. Bl I'fc rtHNBL LINF Sal'lnjs tc and trom 'Jniten Kl' ariorn HicUorr Burn Doe from t X 10 JuW Brllcrophon Due from U.K 18 Jult Teucer Saih for V X i.« luw dlrnbcc Sail* for I' K. 27 julr Western Australia The
      362 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 482 7 The plan of play chosen by lhe discarding spades, and then the I declarer in today's deal was spade king was l?d through East. sound, but he failed to rise to an who covered. Declarer rutted 1 emergency. went to the club king, and played So'.tlh, dealer the queen and
      482 words

  • All The Latest Sports News
    • 556 8 MANDAI Rifle Range was the scene of great animation on Sunday last when a large crowd of members and friends of the Singapore Rifle Association turned up at the second weekly shoot of the Club. It was an ideal morning for rifle shooting
      556 words
    • Article, Illustration
      41 8 This picture, radioed from New York to London and rpceived m Singapore yesterday shows the punch with which Joe I <mis knocked-out Billy Conn m the eight round to retain bis \v',.;i heavyweight title at the Yankee Stadium on June 19.
      41 words
    • 54 8 LONDON, Sun. GEORGK Benard Shan turned sports columnist today tor the Sunday newspaper. Pictorial, and said that international sports do not contribute anything to the goodwill between nations 'It obvirtu lv creates the most furious animosity between nations who have no natural, quarrel. All competitive games
      UP  -  54 words
    • 182 8 Saturday's Table Tennis Exhibition /""OMMI'iT.-t members ol ue Sin^a- pore ijole Tennis Association were enter' .u..i>d to a t?i party by Mr. Yum K >K Ling on Sat. 'day lait at the Urea- World Amiivtmtnt Park More than two hundred members and guests tn; lu" presidents, hon. secretaries and suorts
      182 words
    • 163 8 SINGAPORE'S European team of wrestlers carried the honours at Saturday night's wrestling at the Great World Stadium when they met a team of Kuala Lumper's ma tinea. Kuala Lumpur wrestlers lacked experience and when pitted against some of the Singapore stars were often in difficulties. Nevertheless-,
      163 words
    • 157 8 AT a geiu-tti iiueting of the Ami- Cable A'i.'ctK- Association the fol- lowins w?r- i-ectod oG3?:a'j for the year 1946-19*'< Pa:tons. Messrs. Lauw Han Bie. Chua Ser A \n. Low PhP.-.r; Ker and Low Tang Crar.?: presid3n r Mr. Tan Bak Son?- vice-presidents, Messrs. Tan Ctiiuii.-. Chua,
      157 words
    • 73 8 (Vron Our Own Corresr -indent; SEREMBATT Fri t>Y 14 xj to 8. the Eeremban 11 Butter defeated the Naval up >v from Port rtckson at ruKgor here v«slerday. At the Interval the 8er«.'tan team led 11-0. 8coiers iu- the Serervban team were Cap'.. UmaQ, Lieut Ferera ctiri Q.
      73 words
    • 94 8 1'HK Singa^e Indians «tfl meet the RAF. 'Seletarl:— Su th H>it- Uw Jalan Bcsar Stadium to-morrow. Kick off will be at 1.10 p.m. I Singapore Indians team v :ll bt selected from »re following O M. An.'jllla, V. R. Sabapathy. P. Gupta. J.aitar Singh. (I Narayanasamy, P. Ramoo.
      94 words
    • Article, Illustration
      13 8 A view at the Singapore Rifle Association school at Mandai on Sunday.
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    • 63 8 THE final Scottish trial In preparation for the Services international rugger match against Ireland on Saturday, will be held at the Poli-e ground, Thomson Road, at 5.15 p.m. to-morrow Players who have not yet been contacted and are desirous of ha*ir.e a trial should report to Sm
      63 words
    • 180 8 LONDON, Men. 'T'HE following U the CDUnty cric*e: champiorunip standing Including matches ended last F.iday. Lead P W L V NK L U r*LS 12 4 4 Lanes 13 10 1 0 2 1 0 124 Yorks 11 3 0 1 2 0 1 100 Mdlex i
      180 words
    • 140 8 From Our Own Correspondent KRIAN, Sat. A GOAL t*o minutes tram the end gave the DID PWD a narrow victory over the Fcod Control and LtMbMM when they met in the first match of the second round 01 the Krian soccer league. The F. C.
      140 words
    • 29 8 From Our Own Correspondent BAIU PAHAT. Fri. THE Government English Scliool. Segamat drew one -all with the Batu Plat O.ES m a soccer match played here to-day.
      29 words
    • 278 8 Dutch Win Aquatic Tournament AMSTEROAV Mon. T'HE :4winiiiih<g. diving «»d wat«r- polo torn ament between Denmark Sweden aui Holland end--v yesterday in a clear vi-iory for the L.t ich. The nnal i-cres werii Hci'and: 108 1 2 points; c *eden, 9u 1 2 p, :nu and Denmark. 95 points. All
      AP  -  278 words
    • 149 8 LONDON. Sat. DEUTER S correspondent at Man- Chester understands that the Maharajah of Patiala has grants Amarnath. a Captain in his state irmy. perm ssion to si°n a conj tract with Burnley, the Lanoa- shire League Cricket Club, tor the next season. Final acceptance. therefore. would
      Reuter  -  149 words
    • 179 8 i Prom Our Own Corresi* a^MtJ KLANCi. Sat. ""APTAIN Ardrew Smith u uoi only a lovabV doctor, but iU< a keen iporuntati, a -id his da^'.^ure from KUn; on l.vrsfer Is a cii.stnct uain to Ma»r' staled Mr. U Prancis, Cap. am of 'he Klang
      179 words
    • 41 8 (From Oiu Own Corr >"!<•' d ut BEREMBAN. Prl. rr IHE1 HE N.S. Chinese RC. <i-l.*»/>d 1 the RS-.Tr tsain ln Ungu* flxture by six teals to nil. The scorers were Chit Hoh (3) C It Hou and Tian Kwpe
      41 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 452 8 VK GEY LANG PHONE 843/oiW Tjday: MS A Ml p.m. Baeapsi Huns vs. Cwtry Guns m "ESCAPE IN THE DESERT" wil'i Phillip Dorn <'c H?lmut Dantin« Thrills up:n TJ n h ln Tenor ■trawn Arizona V PWONt ***** V Last 3 sho.-.s— t.U a &.U p.m. -SECRET MISSION" Hiirai James
      452 words
    • 187 8 CJjLH IIIHV *».3o p* J& Every Seat an Armchair GRAND SCREENING TODAY! The Rampaging Blonde Breezes into Singapore. Whoopee! she's a wow! She's got everything and so nan the film iNCENOIARy BLONDE Bh-riv h.-nos! i f^'X 17 Hit Songs f A Wild West Shows rhe M, •MNChNDKRY I" Z J™*
      187 words