The Straits Times, 6 July 1946

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • 442 1 More Ammunition Discovered JERUSALEM, Friday. fHK liritish Army announced today that another 1 large dump of munitions and "a largo quantity of British battle dress" had been discovered m the Jewish settlement of Mesheq Yagur. Tension coninued high m Palestine despite the release of the remaining
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  • 197 1 »PHE following official statc- ment was issued m Kua'a LUmpurL Urnpur yesterday, regarding thg Malayn Union negOtia Governrnent is hopeful of and intent upon an agreement with all sections Of opinion m Malaya and several proposals have been put fory/ard whjch haye been d?. to meet
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  • 47 1 Gov.- Gen. Cuts The Cake 1 nis small bo rai hardly wait for the slice of iced cake which the Governor-General, Mr. Malcolm Macbonald, is seen cut tin* at the Astana garden party at Kuchin? celebrating Sarawak's new stains as a Crown Colony. Army Film Unit picture.
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  • 388 1 LONDON. Friday. IN his statement to the 92nd ordinary meeting of shareholders of the Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China, Mr. V. A. Orantham, the Chairman, said that the total of the balance-sheet showed a reduction of about £5,500,000, mainly accounted for en
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  • 71 1 From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Fri All hope has now been abandoned for the Ft A F Dakota which was reported missi.ig over North Malaya last Saturday, states Malaya Command Air H.Q. The search for the plane which was o n a flight 'rom Sinsrapore
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  • 56 1 LONDON. Fri.— A plot by seven former SJS. men to murder the judges and prosecutors at the Nuremberg war crimes trial was d sclosed by the United States Army newsoaper Stars And Stripes" yesterday. American News Service reported. The report has been confirmed by American headquarters,
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  • 25 1 BRADFORD, Fr i Yorkshire beat India by an Inntnga and 82 runs. Yorkshire 344 for nine declared. India 138 ana 121. Reuter.
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  • 231 1 New Post For Sir Federick Browning LT.-GEN. Sir Federkk Browning, Chief of S'aff, South-East Asia Command, is to become Military Secretary to the Secretary for War in September. His appointment as successor to Gen. Sir Co!ville Wemyss has b^en approved by the King. Sir Frederick trained the airt me fortes
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  • 126 1 naming the Premier. The Premier, however, would have to have a majority approval from the Chamber before forming his cabinet. The Communist Party was sharply rebuffed yesterday when the Constituent Assembly voted 341 to 130 to seat the rightist deputy, M. Frederic Dupont. The Communists sought
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  • 114 1 BATAVIA, Fri— Gurkha troops have crossed the Bekassi River into 'No-Mans-Lanci' on the eastern perimeter of Batavia and now occupy several kampongs u>t the East bank, in direct contact with hostile Indonesian troops Art llery ard mortar fire was heard this morning. The Allie'l-InConeslan a«r°ement en
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  • 29 1 WIMBLEDON.— In the women's doubles serri-nnals Louise Broush and Marearet Osborne, United States, beat Mrs. P. C. Todd and Dorothy Bundy, United States. 8—4, 6 2 Reuter.
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  • 175 1 BIKINI, Friday. VICE-ADM. W. H. P. Blandy, commanding the B bomb test task force has -e. July 25 as the tentative date for the underwater detonation of Bikini's second atoHLc bomb, with a full dress rehearsal to be hold on July The bomb will
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  • 92 1 TRIESTE, Fri— Two companies of American troops, supporter! by armoured cars, tonight broke up a mass meeting o! 3,000 communists who woro demanding Red Army i articipation in thr occupation of Trieste. The communists had gathered in the mail, square, the Piazza San Giacomo, where
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  • 256 1 PEACE TALKS FIXED FOR THIS MONTH PARIS, Friday. THE "Big Four" Foreign Ministers finally yesterday chose July 29 for the opening of the 21-nation Conference in Paris to consider European peace treaties and agreed to require Italy to pay to Russia U.S. $100,000,000 ($212,000, 000 Straits) in reparations, American and
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 228 1 "NUVITA" T OH IC Builds YOU up for Young Old. Sold Every whet* S;»? importer* PACIFIC TRADERS "Why r U^ CLO put up with {t tT^£^. nights like this? r-^ r y^L^F n "THOSE restless ni»hts when I -k 1 -JW^___ I I 1 x wakeful, tortured mind and tattered
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  • 184 2 TOKIO, Friday. GENERAL Mac Arthur 'a Headquarters today approved the reorganization of i he Yokohama Specie Bank, which was once one of the world's major foreign trade financial institutions. Almost single-handedly the Bank financed Japan's economic aggression and foreign purchase of military supplies. The Bank
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  • 28 2 LONDON, Thurs.— Thirty-three neople were taken to Battersec. Hospital when a tram Jumped the points at a crossing at Clapham, and overturned. Seven were detained. Reuter.
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  • 684 2 TOKIO, Friday. ACCORDING to the diary of the Marquis Koichi rt Kido, the Emperor of Japan opposed Japanese expansion in Manchuria but his personal attendants kept his wishes quiet in order to avoid the wrath of the militarists. The Marquis Kido was formerly Lord Keeper of
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  • 342 2 Ahfratp- fa v v LONDON, Friday. DEBATE on India has been arranged to take place m the JKfij*Lords r July 15- The Cabinet has n °t j*t received the report from the members of the Mission and it is likely, writes Reuters Political Correspondent, th^
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  • 243 2 GOERING PICTURED AS LOYALTY VICTIM NUREMBERG, Friday. HERMANN GOERING wa s pictured before the war crimes H trial in his counsel's final plea for leniency yesterday as the "victim" of his own loyalty to Adolf Hitler and to Germany, aware of mistakes, but refusing to leave a sinking ship he
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  • 116 2 BANGKOK, Friday. Siam is to request the U»iitod Nations Organisation to settle the dispute between Siam and France over the fate of the Indo-China border areas ceded to Siam in 1941. The Siamese Foreign Minister, Nai Direcl- Chaiyanam, said the appeal would be made under
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  • 56 2 General J. T. McNarney, GO.C, the United States Forces m the European Theatre, performed the ceremony of opening the new Patton Bridge across the Rhine at Cologne. Here is General McNarney. shaking h ands with Lt. Col. T. Bnrrowes, who was Commanding Officer of the
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  • 178 2 132 Killed In Poland During Voting Period WARSAW, Friday. A POLISH Foreign Ministry spokesman announced today that. 67 "bandits*' had been killed and 308 wounded or arrested in clashes between the Security Police Militia and outlawed elements during last Sunday's referendm:*. Sixty-five members of the militia and police were also
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  • 105 2 BATAV1A, Fri— The Indonesian President, Dr. Soekamo, announced yesterday that he was retaining tht emergency dictatorial powers he assumed following the kidnapping of the "Premier," Sutan Sjahrir, "until the Cabinet ca n function normally again," the Republican news agency Antara reports. Antara said Dr. Soekamo made
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  • 131 2 VIENNA, Thurs.— American military policemen today shot and killed a Russian soldier who threatened Austrian clvil ans with his revolver In the American zone of Vienna, official Army sources announced. The Russian soldier was sighted first by American policemen in a jeep before an American
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  • 49 2 A reward s offered for information. leading to the return of OiM Wesphal i Latex Separator belontfinij to Mount Austin. Rubber Estates, Johore, and (relieved to have been removed therefrom, to a place jnknown, Dy th» Japanese. Apply to: The East Asla"c Co., Ltd 12, Raffles Quay. Singapore
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 342 2 ALL SERVICES CALEDONIAN CLUB. SINGAPORE. l\lii\ JACK CLUB Grand Pknlc it Cruise Eonciay, 7th July. Tickets obtainable at Club. $1.50 members only. Prices of Periodicals 2d 15 certs 3d 20 4d 'i 5 6d 35 7d 40 8d 45 9d 50 Is. Od es 60 Is. 3d 70 Is. 6d
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    • 301 2 SINGAPORE SWIMMING CLUB. The Singai>ore Swimming Club will be de-requistioned on the lft July,. It is intended to re-open the Club to Its on Ita "iih July after the change over has been co.)ip.cted. Former M-inbers ars reouested to apply to the Treasurers, M<;:rs. Rennle Lowiik Co Second r*l;or,
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    • 356 2 NOTICE. NOTICE l O—«m<i ;i cr. that fie Trade Mark and /or Trade Name repicted above M the sole anj exclusive property of Tec Sim Klan of Ouan Hii Co. No. 156 Victoria Str.'e Singapore and is used t>v him in resect of Tea leaves and ;ta dust sohl by
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    • 127 2 Daily: t t.ui. < wm V -i p.m. Cook (Royal cooks!) Laur^i and Hard? serves very Tasty, dishes, dishes, ol their o*n crea:ni:: "NOTHING BUT TROL'BLE" A treat not to be mifscd! Opening To-«cor«w 'THE ADVF.NTI'KES OF T \RTU" (Robprt Donat Valeric Hobson) Midnight (11.30) To-night "ANDY HARDY'S DOIT.LX LIFT*
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  • 195 3 Sarawak Governor To Be Named From Our Own Correspondent LONDON. Fri. THE Secretary of State for the Colonies, Mr. George Hall, Informed Kit. Lt. Teeling m the House of Commons yesterday that he honed that the appointment of the Governor of Sarawak would be mad* and announced m the middle
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  • 108 3 From Our Own Correspondent PENANO. Fri. MAKING her defence yesterday, Nurs Mercy Sledge 'who v charged along with an Indian ayah, Arujiva, with causing th= death of three babies by a negligent act, stated that she did not administer any medicines to the babies that
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  • 511 3 Mm isterA ccused Of 'Evasive Answer' From Our Own Correspondent LONDON, Fri. THE Secretary of State for the Colonies, Mr. George 1 Hall, informed Sir Gifford Fox, (Con., Henley Div., Oxfordshire), m the House of Commons yesterday that there were no means of ascertaining the
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  • 53 3 THE following passengers arrived in Singapore this week by B.O.A.C. and Qantas planes from Australia. Flying Officer G T. Charlton, Mr. P. O'Brien, Mr. H. A. Soley, Mr. E. Wodak. Capt. A. A. Sherlock. There was only one passenger for India by B.O.A.C./Q.E.A. plane yesterday. He was Lieut.
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  • 197 3 From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. A SPECIAL scholarship has been created by Mr. J. V. Cowgill. former British Resident, Negri Sembilan. The scholarship is at Durham School, one of the oldest public schools in England and is to the value of approximately £60 a
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  • 189 3 MALAYAN WELFARE STAMPS From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. THE Malayan Welfare Council decided at a meeting en Wednesday to put on sale special welfare stamps in denominations Of one, five, ten and 20 cents, the total proceeds from which would go to Welfare funds. The stamps will shortly
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  • 280 3 NEW BRIDGE SPANS KLANG RIVER From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Friday. THE Governor of the Malayan Union, Sir Edward Gent, will 1 officially re-open Connaught Bridge at Klang tomorrow. The bridge which spans the Klang River was blown up !>v British forces early m
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  • 155 3 PENANG, Fri. Sentence or one year's rigorous Imprisonment eucl: was passed on three Chinese youths Tan Kim Choon, Lim Ah Gong and Ong Kay Seng or. a charge of attempted extortion from a Chinese towkay and former Federal Councillor. Cheab Cheang Lim. All three accussd who were said
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  • 54 3 Nine Civilians To Be Tried From Our Own Correspondent PENANG, Fri.— Nine Penans civilians, including a school mistress, Yuen Chee Wan, w?ra again p.oduced m the polic-" court" yesterday on charges of committing offences during the occupation. With th exception or the case j against Yuen Ches Wan, dat:s I
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  • 338 3 From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. CINCE the liberation or Malaya, the Commissioner of Road Transport has been actively engaged in rationalising passenger road transport services throughout the Malayan Union on lines on which they have been organised before the occupation. This rationalising entailed the
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  • 169 3 From Our Own Correspondent IPOH, Fn. CHINESE miners consider cs L another serious blow the Perak River Hydro Electric Company's notification to tbem that as from August charges on the supply of power ai.d hire of apparatus will be increased by 25 per
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  • 173 3 Sunday's Church Services Church of Err. land: St. Andrew's7, 8, 10.30, 533; £t. Petrs: 7.30, 10.30, 2.30; Carbon (Tanglm); 7.. 9, 9.45, 6.30: Christ Chiuvh: 8. 10 3;t. 5, 6.30: St. ntMt'r 8. 5 30; St. k»aul\> (Serargoom: U Salvalon A my: 10, 3, 4. Christian Seine Society: 3.3 T.
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  • 40 3 A Public Relations rslr^ ;e states: From subsequent information received it spp?prs that the 600 tons uf tea mentioned as b:ng allocated 10 Malaya will oo supplied Iron Kong Kor.2 and China, not Ceylon as previously stated.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 349 3 Announcement to Our Students m Malaya from the Hemingway Robertson Institute CT)\\V. Al! I 1.X.1, students m Singapore and throughout Mal.iya are requeued to communicate with v«, b? writing, direct to HEMINGWAY BOMOmOM I.NSTITUTE Bank House. Bank I'lare. Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. The 11. 11.1 is still holding the unexpireti balance
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    • 91 3 POOR EYES ARE OFTEN THE CAUSE OF A CHILD'S FAILURE! Do not let your child be handicapped thus. Do not delay. ...Consult today NEW CHINA OPTICAL CO, (Manufacturing Opticians) Phone 3786 71 HIGH STREET, Singapore. PRINTS FOR PURPOSES" of REHABILITATION RECONSTRUCTION We specialize m making BLUE PRINTS WHITE PRINTS from
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  • 35 4 Madam Li.n Tarn Neo passed away at No. 23 r-ssensohn Road on 5 < P 6 46. tatrlns l dn;;'hter, 1 son-in-law and 1 grand danr:!ter. Funeral at Bukit Browa on t' at 10 em.
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  • 1012 4 The Straits Times Singapore, Sat. July 6, 1946. Raffles In The New Colony One 01 the .nos familiar features of pre-war Singapore will he restored todar, with the return of Sir Stamford Raffles 10 Empres? Place. This statue in spite of the u^ly setting which tht .W.D. of Victorian times
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  • 90 4 WASHINGTON, Thurs —The Senate House Banking Committee approved the new one-year price control bill by 12 to 5 votes. Democratic leader Senator Alben Barkley ot Kentucky said there was every reason to believe that the Bill would be enacted He said he hoped to call the bill for
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  • 1003 4 QNE day in 1923 Lord Ponsonby entered the impressive offices of the Independent Labour Party, which was still the most powerful force inside the Labour movement. With Ponsonby was a very tall young man with a gentle cultured voice who appeared to Mr.
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    • 239 4 AT the unveiling of -he statue of Sir Stamiord Raffles in Singapore in 1887. Sir Weld ended his speech by "It only remains for me to read to you a telegram that I have Just received from the Rattles family. It
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    • 106 4 THE people of Kelantan, particularly tho-e in rural areas, are only rarely obtaining kerosene oil and cigarettes at the prices fixed by the lirnis concerned for sale to the public Dealers are selling through the back door at $10 for a 4-gal-lon tin of kerosene, and $15
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    • 244 4 THE licensed rice dealers of Kuala Pilah are selling to the members of the public from 20 to •40 per cent, of their rice rations in the form of rice dust, bran and padi husks the sweepings from the rice mills. When asked why they supply
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    • 139 4 I AM curious to know why I straps are not provided m the S.T.C. trolley-buses. Is it another of the commodities which are on order and expected to arrive during the latter part of 1947? Ask any former strap-hanger and he will confess that he rru«;es the
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    • 90 4 MOST clerks and stationmasters in the Malayan Railways are made to work 12 hours a day. after which overtfn* is paid excepting those lucky ones who work In the head ofSc* or lc a few big stations. It is high time to make I change. Will
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    • 67 4 I SHALL be much obliged if you will tell me tue various stopping places on the air mall routj from London to the East. As this question aopears frequent"? in the yearly geography papers, schoolboys will appreciate this h. formation very much. CHEN SIIIFK UN. FLYING-BOAT:— Poolr Miiseilles,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 786 4 SITUATIONS VACANT WANTED a Compounded Apply Ec.x 393, Straits Tl.-nes WANTED Eurasian or Chinese lady :i;>-;ap!icr. Box 418 S.P. WANTED. Qualified riaiopcan Acunt for Group of Ruohtr Estates in JobOR. Apply Box 40' S.T. STENOGRAPHER WANTED Salary $'80 -200 per month. Apply Box Ko. 420 ST. WANTED by a British
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    • 48 4 TIRED EYES! Whether oi not you &ow wear Glasses, II your eye* are t ml or uncomfortable, HAVE AN EXAMINATION Proper ftlsss s can oe ot tremendous help to your efficiency, your physical and mental comfort as well as to your appearance. Consult: C. S. CHONG. O.D F.P.O.C.
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  • 313 5 Govt. Release A Million Yards ANE HUNDRED THOUSAND workers in essential services, and eommercial firms in Singapore may buy ten yards of cloth each when 1,000,000 yards of textiles made in U.K., U.S.A. and India are released by Government shortly. The price, which is
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  • 97 5 THE inquiry into the death of 1 Mr. F. H. Gr.umltt. a member of the Supply Distr buting Unit of the B.M.A., and wellknown in Penang belore the war. who was found dead w:th a rope round his neck in his room on March 30, was continued
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  • 221 5 OWING to circumstances arising out of the Japanese occupation, applicants' lor grants of Probate and Lett?];: of Administration will 10 many cases be unable to produce conclusive evidence o! the deaths of persons who ara still missing and concerning whom there is no news
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  • 47 5 The second People's Restaurant will be opened In Seng Poh Road, off T'onp Bharu Road, at 11 a.m. on Tuesday, July 9. Meals numbering from 2.300 to ?.400 arc bcints sold daily at the Telok Ayer People's Restaurant. the food being completely sold tut.
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  • 91 5 There was a noticeable decLne in Singapore's death rate for the week— there being 153 deaths compared to 175 the previous week. Although there was one death from smallpox for the June 29, no fresh cases were renorted. According to a Municipal health statement, there
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  • 16 5 -V r. J Thornbur\ ha.; assumed duty as Accountant, Chartered Bank, Klang, writes our Klang correspondent.
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  • 176 5 CPECIAL arrangements are be- ing made to accommodate a large gathering in Empress Place for today s unveiling of the statue of Sir Stamford Raffles by the Governor, Sir Franklin Gimson. Representatives of the various communities will be present at the ceremony which is expected to last
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  • 238 5 OPINION ON FEDERATION SCHEME MALAYS in Singapore are cautious in their comments on the news from the Straits Times London correspondent that the Colo:uul Office has agreed to substitute a Federation for the Malayan Union and a H gh Commissioner for the Governor. The fact that such an agreement appears
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  • 210 5 Found Dying In Bathroom HEATH by natural causes was u the finding of the S ngapore Coroner, Mr. G. W. Porter, yesterday following the inquiry into the dsath of Mr. A. La Cloche, who, nine hours after his landing in Singapore, was found lyin* in a pool of blood on
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  • 272 5 DRUTALLY beaten into unconsciousness on no fewer than 20 occasions in 1942. Arumugan, a young Indian suspected of being a Communist, lay unattended in a cell with acute dysentery for a week before he died. His body was put into a sack and carried away
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  • 77 5 A douMe wedCIAK took plac« at t<e St. Andrew's Cathedral on Thursday when Mr. Ht\ge Albin Sommer (above), son of Mr. and Mrs C. Sommer, of Denmark, married Miss L s Borch Jensen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Einar Jensen, of Denmark, and Mr. A. Sorenson, son of
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  • 356 5 rE Singapore Cricket Club is claiming $40,000 against all I losses and damage suffered by it during the occupation, said Col. O. W. Gilmour, presiding at a general meeting of the club yesterday. Its liabilities stand at over $40,000. Counter-balanced by assets there
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  • 197 5 Sequel To Kampoag Minyak Raid AS a sequel to what is believed to be the biggest and most successful raid by the Singapore police for many years carried out on Kampong Minyak on Thursday morning, lea Chinese were brought before Mr. Paul Storr m the
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  • 223 5 From Our Own Correspondent PENANG, Friday. A CROWD of 1,000 Chinese demonstrators who .surrounded the Bukit Mertfajani police station for three hours in protest against the Government seizure of rice h<m smugglers abcard a train en Wednesday evening were dispersed yesterday afternoon following a police
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  • 48 5 Dr J. S McLimoc 0 s a turned duty a.- Medical OfiVr:\ Klan^ m place .d < "-..-.t 1 Smith, who i* procped'na a leave Capt. Sirith was S'uff or. cer. HeaHh Office. KUr.t. and oucc?ed2d Br J. V f-pv?rativ.:i las M°dical Officer Klane. writes I our Klan" corre.-poment
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  • 145 5 AIR Chief Marshal Sir Keith Park. G.C B., K.B.E., M.C.. D.F.C., who is returning to England Shortly, will be Invested with the United States decoration— the Legion of Merit in th» Degree of Commander before he embarks. The award will be presented bv Major
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  • 62 5 Excerpts from the farewell performance of ENSA in the Far East will be broadcast from Radio Malaya tonight from 8 p.m. tt> >3 30 p.m. from the stage of the Garrison Theatre when the curtain rings up on Tommy Trirder and his company. Alter the news broadcast at
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  • 48 5 A fire which broke out at a i military d'-imp m Buona Vista Road yestercay evening was °xtinguished after two hou*s vur< by firemen from the Muricinal Army fire serv ces. Two engncs from the Army Fire S*-vlce ?"1 one from the Municpal EMtftde i were m attendance.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 218 5 MALAYAN UNION GOVERK&fr&II ISSUE ON TAP OF 21% 1954*56 3% 1962»6« IN SCRI BED STOCK -1. LISTS will be opened on Bth July 19 IG and the loans will remain "on tap" until a date to be notified m the Malayan Union Gazette. The loans will be issued and will
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  • 493 6 China Modernising Agriculture Food Self Sufficiency Now A Possibility CHANGHAI, (By Air Mail).— A China self-sufficient m food supplies for the first time m her modern history looms as a distinct possibility as a result of the success achieved by the Chinese Government m its initial efforts to modernise Chinese
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  • 219 6 HEAVY SALE OF U.S. ARMY SURPLUS MANILA: (By Air Mail).— The role of the Foreign Liquidation Commission in the distribution of relief and rehabilitation goods in the Philipnine and Pacific area is shown in the heavy sales of surplus property since the start of disposal operation late last year. Foreign
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  • 268 6 WASHINGTON. Fri.— The VS. I Supreme Court's recent blow at j American "Jim Crowism"— a name for the way in which Negroes are kept separate from the whites in some sections of the. United States —was a limited victory for those opDOsin? segregation of the
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  • 82 6 TOKIO, Fri— The Tokio metropolitan police are discarding in the next few days for all time the short sabres which are purely ornamental and are considered "silly" by foreigners lone resident in Japan. The police said they bad received a supply of clubs which will be
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  • 225 6 LOS ANGELES. Thurs.— Mrs. Audrey Eougher, 25 ,\vho had been committing adultery with Alex Haproff, 25. later Jured him to his death, a Los Angeles court was told recently. A coroner's jury found Mrs. Bougher, her husband Ernest, 38, and Donald Lawhead, 37, who boarded
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  • 53 6 LONDON. Tnurs.— Seventy-fhv British teachers will leave shortly for America under the Ministry of Education's exchange scheme with the Unitsc 1 States. The teachers will stay for a year and American tear hers will come to this country. It is hoped to increase the numoer next
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  • 35 6 LONDON, *M.--The Air Vinis try has decided that no RAF. •accountant iffceers tau So released durin; "uly ar.d Au^ujt as so mari> ire n^:Wl to deal with complicated demob accounting.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 372 6 I ATTENTION I PLEASE! I This is not an attemnt at exhausting adjectives or superlatives. In our earlier advertisements for Iwojima we claimed. NEVER, NEVER, NEVER BEFORE has anything like it been seen m Singapore. We reiterate this statement. Every on* who ha> seen it so far has GASPED IN
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    • 554 6 BY ORDER OF THE CtSTODIAN OF PROPERTY, SINGAPORE. AUCTION SALE OF 36 Electric refregerator cases, 1 lot kapok. Radio Spare part scrubbing and paint brushes. Shovel*, leather, typewriters, wine gla^use Cotton coir mattresses. Treadle sewing machine. Etc lying at The Gcdowns Nos. 2 3 Havekxk Road, also 5 Japs, automatic
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    • 223 6 NEW BRITISH GOODS. Shipments just to hattd Sterling Silver Cigarette Cases Souvenir Spoon 3 *Gold Signet Rings Cuff Links Dress Suites British Made WALL THERMOMETERS $630 each Opticians 13, Battery Road, Singapore' FAMOUS A. V. M. PRODUCT EAGLE BRAMU Kuhbcr C.oni2i)l:)tini> Ac-Cl Sole l>.»tntjuting A£**n!v CHID A FRANCIS 6c .O.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 261 6 RADIO PROGRAMMES SINGAPORE Kill \tl\\OHK from aooo Za t p.m. *nd j 30 to 11 o m on 225 metrei from noon to t p m on 4.825 mcs/Bec in 04 metre &and and frt>..> 7.45 to ».3(i p.m. on 1.78 insc/tec <n 61 metre naud CHINESE noon to 1.15
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    • 191 6 D. D. Cm 5 21 p m S S5 p.m GSJ 13.93 metres from S.20 p.oi —10.35 pm. GSV 16.84 metres 8.20 p.m.— 12 .2U m GSF 19 82 metres. 10 50 p.m.— 12.22 am OSN 25.3)1 metres. JULY 6 7.30 a.m. Radio newsree). 7.45 a.m. Music parade, 8.30 a.m
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  • 347 7 Greatest U. S. Food Movement Is Impending WASHINGTON, Friday— U.S. Secretary of Agriculture, Mr. Clinton P. Anderson, said in a nationwide broadcast that the United States was now in the "last big push'' to complete delivery of 400 million bushels (11 million tons) of wheat for relief feeding in Europe
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  • 210 7 SELF-GOVT. TO U.S. ISLANDS WASHINUTON, Fri.— The intention of the United States Government to grant local civil government to all island possessions of the United States and all islands occupied by US. military lorces, is embodied in a bill be ng considered by the House of Representatives committee on insular
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  • 54 7 LONDON, Fri.— Biitaii is to help rearm the Norwegian forces. An agreement to be announced shortly, is understood to include provision of ships, aircraft, and army equipment. Four thousand Norwegian troops are to take part in the occupation of Germany They will be given a section
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  • 171 7 I ONDON, Fri. Mr. George L Isaacs, Minister of Labour, told a London conference recent. r« "It is hoped that by the end of July you will see a considerable improvement in the paper position "The Government want to see more paper lor newspapers
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  • 54 7 LOS ANGELES, Thurs.— John Dcnovar, owner of the 23-year-old Casa Manana flats m Santa Monios, California, has received two official directions: one from the Superior Court orderins him to tear down his flats and the oth£r from the office" of Price Administration telling him he cannot evict
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  • 153 7 IONDON, Fri.— Dr. Edward L George Tandy Liddcil, Professor of Physiology at Oxford University was fined £25 at Oxford for causing unnecessary sutterin? to a number of cats. Mrs. Gladys Kathleen Scragg, keeper of the animal house in the department, was fined on the same charge.
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  • 187 7 BERLIN, (By Air Mail;.— One hundred and forty leading German businessmen and economic experts metaphorically rolied up their sleeves and tackled the problem of getting Germany's internal trade moving again when they held a conference here recently. They were working at brst on a makeshift arrangement the
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  • 81 7 LONDON, Fri— Britain may have an open port, to operate without Customs and Excise and serve a "free" manufacturing area concerned only with export. News that the Government Is considering this was given by Mr. Marquand, Parliamentary Secretary of the Board ot Trade's Export
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  • 55 7 LONDON, Frl— The British Government expects that the U.S. Congress will reach its decision on the loan within the next three weeks. It is expected that by that time it will be through the House of Representatives, and that the money will become available by the end
    55 words
  • 159 7 12 EXPERTS TO SPEED DIVORCE LONDON, Fri. Appointment of a committee to examine the system governing the administration ot the law of divorce and nullity of marr>age was announced by the Lord Chancellor, Lord Jowitt in the House of Lords recently. On the assumption that the urounds on which marriages
    159 words
  • 223 7 LONDON, Tues. Britain will be able to buy b«ef and wheat more easily and the Argentine will profit from proposals now being discussed m Buenos Aires to turn the Argentine's £400,000,000 credits m Britain into a loan. Reconstruction in both countries would be speeded up by
    223 words
  • 34 7 LONDON, Fri— Marshal of the R.A.F Sir Arthur Harris, war-tirr e Chief of Bomber Command, has been appo nted managing director of a newly-formed shipping company. the South Africa Marine Corporation.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 249 7 TENDERS Tenders are invited for the purchase of the following estate sup>i:es surplus to the Company's requirements. Tenders will not be considered icr less than the minimum qjajititie? sUted. Delivery will be taken from the Company's godown at Messrs. Harri ens, Barker Co. Ltd., 4 Kirn Seng Roar' Singapore. Terras:
      249 words
    • 508 7 THE SINGAPORE TRACTION COMPANY., LIMITED. (Incorporated m Enc.and) ADDITIONAL OMNIBUS StRVICE Commencln.' on (Sunday 7th July. 1946, an Oirlbus service v.lll operate between Flnlayson Oreen ond Tampenis Road Via Conn-'UKht Drive, Beach Road. Bras Basah Road. Selegle Road. SeranKOon Road. and Upper Serangoon Road. Thi servic? frequency will be 10
      508 words
    • 312 7 Mansfield Co., Ltd. Uncorporaieo m Singapore Bl HE KtNNEL LAS* ■aliinpf tc and trom Unlt«fl Kir gdom Hicko j Barn Due from L.K. 8 July 3lf (,p'ion Dv- f<m U.K. IS July irn trae Due from U.K. 18 My Teucrr Sails for L.K. ti r.Hv Irntxc Sails for U.K. 27
      312 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 520 7 The declarer In today's rtsal made an unfortunate guess in the key suit but he also made an excellent recovery. bared on shrewd card reading. North, dealer Both sides vulnerabl; NOftTH It A t A Q 8 X IIM1I WEST CAST J 7 K Q 6 5 VKJ6582 V 10
      520 words

  • All The Latest Sports News
    • 377 8 AN interesting week-end lies ahead of Singapore rugger and soccer fans. To-day at Jalan Besar stadium, starting at 5.15 p.m., England meet Wales in the firstV>f a series of Services international rugger matches in aid of Services sports funds, while to-morrow the Singapore Chinese Football Association
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  • Article, Illustration
    0 8
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  • 124 8 Diamond Sculls Quarter-Finals At Henley LONDON, Thurs. AHEAD wind and su'try weather following an overnight delude made conditions for competitors diTicul* when the Henley Regatta was continued today with more heats. In the Diamond Sculls s'mifirals a*e two Americans John Kelly and Arthur Gallarhcr, M.FJ. Gueroi of Argentina and Jacques
    Reuter  -  124 words
  • 333 8 Wimbledon WIMBLEDON Thus. TJAULINE Dctz and U/.;i- Brough. bo*i Calilornians and mmbers of the United States W'g'.'.man Cup team, will ..ontsst the women's singles final on Saturday. Fitz haying today beaten her comparirvi Dorothy Bundy 6-2, f-3 in the sen I -final and Brough ha^.i.p
    333 words
  • 25 8 Wimbledon THE result of the men's singles final between Yvon Petra (France) and Geoff Brown (Australia) will appear in page one if received in time.
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  • 90 8 (Prom Our Own Correspondent; SEOAMVI. Tues. 'THE Segamat Ctlckat Clib will mccl the Muar C.C. In a nuurn cricket fixture next Sunday. Dv to the lack of a suitable playing field in Muar trie (fame will be played at Tani'kalc. Tills will probably be Tangkak's first exhibition of
    90 words
  • 46 8 UINOON TliUhl. AT a meeting of Dsru Cup oatioits heie today It ww decided Uml It should be left k vu In'.ernHllnnal Lawn Tennis Fert^rntion >o name th? nations to b<' admitted to the Davis Cup competition next year. Lord Teir.plewi.od presided. -Hitter.
    46 words
  • 190 8 Derby Winner Beats French Challenger NEWMARKET. Thurs. 'TTHE Derby winner, Airborne, did J something to regain the prestige of the British bloodsUxl: which slumped bad.v at Ascot ivhrn he won the Princess of Wales Stakes over one and a half miles, the French challenger, Marcel Boussac's Friam, which staited 5-6
    190 words
  • 59 8 CINGAPOR3 wrestling fi>r.s are aasirod maty thrills at the Great World to-nteht when Jeff Conda. the unbeaten Malayan heavy-weight champion, meets the lr.domltable Chinese grappler, Son of Kong, over tsn rounds m the main event of the programme The supporting fights Ivan Ho vs. Rou^house Jeff"t?.\ Selantror Jaguar
    59 words
  • 56 8 A SOCCER team to represent ttie Singapore Indians aga'.nst tho Royal Air Force (Seletarj at the Jalan Besar stadium next Wednesday will be selected Trom the f< ilowmg:Osman, V Jf. Sabapa!ii>, Kartar Singh, P. namoo, O. Hanatungn. Mohd. Sattor. Krlshnasairy. Vijretnam. Paul Divas, Bulan, Paul. Donah. Baboo, Bala^ubramaniam.
    56 words
  • 171 8 LONDON, Fri. HAMPSHIRE scored the only two-day victory m Couiity II cricket matches m progress to-day, beating Sussex by an innings and 84 runs. At all other centres there has been high scoring. At Bristol Gloucester have replied with 453 for five to Notts'
    Reuter  -  171 words
  • 245 8 British Open Golf ST. ANDREW'S Thurs. IJENItY Cotton, twice winner of the Open Golf ChampionII ship, took the lead m the second round here today with another splendid 70, and an aggregate of 140, which put him one stroke better than Sam Snead of
    Reuter  -  245 words
  • 334 8 BRADFOKD Thurs. ABRILLIAMT innings cf 183 not out by Ler. Hutton has put Yorkshire in a position to b. at the Indian cricket tourists, possibly by an innings. At the end •>: the second 1 day's play today Yorkshire had de- clared at 344
    Reuter  -  334 words
  • 99 8 ALL Indians and Ceylor.ese, including ci-ose m the Police Fore, »ho wish to take part m the forthcoming Sh.'.apore Island Amateur Athletic Association Meet, which will take place on Aug. 5 at Jalan Besar Stadium, are requested to sen. J their entries through either Mr. B. Dudley, c/o Radin
    99 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 391 8 SKY G. W (Great World Paik) To-night: p.m. A9 II p.m. •Daredevil" Bob Steou In his Greatest AdvenJurp "THE MYSTERY SQLADRON" (Chaps. I—6>1 6> with equally daring companion, "BU? Boy" Williams Final Chapters from To-morrow Matinee at 3 p.m LIDO N W (New World Park) Dairy: 3 p.m. 7 p.m.
      391 words
    • 379 8 V l l All BOOK EARLY C^|M HV PHONE 3400 8 °^> lll.m. 2 P.m. 4 5 |.J« &9 30 P-m. AIR CONDITIONED NOW SHOWING THRILLS! ROMANCE! ACTION! Tyrone Power as A Red Blooded Hero Captivated by tho Arms and Charms of the South Sea Beauty. TYRONE POWER— GENE TIERNEY
      379 words