The Straits Times, 5 July 1946

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • 750 1 MALAYAN FEDERATION INSTEAD OF UNION New Concessions By Colonial Office From Our Own Correspondent LONDON, Wednesday. AS a result of intensive negotiations between the Colonial Office, the Governor-General, Mr. Mac Donald, the Governor, Sir Edward Gent, and the Sultans, the Colonial Office has agreed to substitute a Federation for the
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  • 50 1 TRIESTE. Thurs. Tension remained high in this strikeparalysed city after a night marked by tv.o bomb explosions which caused one casualty. Allied troops continued to maintain an armed vigil over the San Giacomo workers' district and Garibaldi Square, trouble centres in the earlier rioting.— A. P.
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  • 46 1 NEW YORK. Thurs.— Mr. Trygve Lie. Secretary-General of the United Nations Organisation, said on the eve of his departure for Europe for a three to four weeks' trip that a Russian Mr. Ar'.:ady Sobemlev. would fill the Secretary-General position during his absence.
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  • 57 1 The first consignment of cloth purchased by the British authorities for the Siamese ric farmers recently arrived m Bangkok. The British and American Charges d'AfTaircs. .Mr Harrington Thompson fright) and Mr. Charles Yost, with the Siamese Premier, Pridi Phanomvon;. are shown examining the cloth. Thrv are
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  • 316 1 JERUSALEM, Wednesday. BRITISH MILITARY headquarters in Palestine annotated at 2 a.m. today that it had no information that the three remaining British officers kidnapped in daylight by the Irgun Zvai Leurr' t.hp Jewish terrorist orsanna'.ion. had been released. The "imttuner* relea.--' of the three officers
    Reuter  -  316 words
  • 119 1 Queen Mother Of Siam To Be Questioned BANGKOK, Thursday. rHE Special Comm^si< n studying the death oi King Ananda Mahidol of Siair has received royal permiss.o: to question the new 19-year-old King Phumipon Adundel and the Queen Mother. Previous testimony showed thai the Queen Mother was called immediately after the
    AP  -  119 words
  • 81 1 2nd Century This Season For Hutton BRADFORD, Thursday.—Then was brilliant sunshine at tin commencement of today's pla: m the Indians vs Yorkshin mafch. Yorkshire were battin; under much more favourabli conditions than were Ind a yes terday. Heie li the Yorkshire firs Inn'ngi score for 2 wickets: Watson c Nayudu
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  • 293 1 WARSAW, Thursday. SOVIET troops have driver their stakes along Poland's eastern border, mdi eating a permanent establishment of the Curzon Line as the Polish-Russian frontier, while the counting of Polish national referendum of ballots showed sharp disapproval of such a border. No reference to the eastern
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  • 78 1 AtomsOnJapan Caused 320,000 Casualties SAN FRANC ISO, Wed. NEW figures which bring IIM total casualties m Japan* two atom-bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki, to 320,000, including the lesseriously injured, were disclosed by the American M n di cal Association today. The figures were contained m a report by Dr. George
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  • 53 1 NANKING. Thurs. -The Chinese Vice Minister of foreign Affairs. Mr. Liv Chieh said today that China is consulting with the South Afr.can Government over the Asiati.- Land Restriction Bill. He asserted "China deplores any law which d scriminates on thf ground* nf colour, race
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  • 753 1 U.S. DECLARES PHILIPPINES A REPUBLIC MANILA, Thursday. THE Commonwealth ot the Philippines became the Philippine Republic today. The United States, which had ruled the country since 1898, when she took the islands from Spain, hauled down her flag and the Philippine flag was hauled up by President Manuel Cox as,
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 600 2 Americans Decide To Keep Their Industry WASHINGTON, Wednesday. GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS, working on the asu sumption that the United States war-time tin smelting industry operation must be continued into peacetime, in the interests of national defence, are negotiating with British, Dutch, Siamese, Belgian and Bolivian officials
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  • Article, Illustration
    16 2 ?Zr* mmf U Mr. H V Berry, wb« the acw Kecteul Com ml*si»m r It Wec<»balia
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  • 143 2 CAIRO, Ihurs.— Britisn military authorities h-re today handed over to the Egyptiou Army Cairo's 700-year-oki ti.adel, which has been und3r continuous British occupation since 1682 Detachments of ihe Highland Light Infantry and the Esyptlan Army took part m a n impressive mill ary cer;-nu.\y, whil-Maj.-Gen. Charles
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  • 297 2 LONDON, Wednesday. THE defence of Crete against the German invasion of 1S4J I was "among the finest achievements of the forces of th#» S&mSK?!! G v n ArChih3ld Wave,,7 n e o S w Of F^ Marshal Lord Wavell, Viceroy of India) then C-in-C
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  • 379 2 Britain's Food Minister LONDON, Wednesday riVIXG details of Britain's aid to famine-threatened coun U tnes, tne Food Minister, Mr. Strachey, opening Uie Commons debate en tbe Government's decision to ration breed and flour, called on the United States to help to feed the British zone
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  • 147 2 "I Set Fire To Hitler's Body" Chauffeur NUREMBERG, Thursday. THE War Crimes Court here was told by Hitici's chauffeur yesterday that Its taw Hitler lying dead m ttw Reich Chancellery on April 30, 1945. He said that ho carried the bodies of Hillei and Eva Braun outside l«»r cremation. He
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  • 97 2 WASHINGTON. Wed.— Many Japanese and German war criminals are getting off with light sentences instead of the death penalty because discharged Servicemen refuse to return overseas to tes.ify against them, it was announced from the War Crimes Branch of the U.S. War Department today.
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  • 47 2 NEW YORK, Thurs— The United Nations Atomic Energy Commission has adopted unanimously a rule providing for a majority vote on all its decisions. The move came after the Russian delegate, Mr. Andrei Gromyko, abandoned his previous insistence on two-thirds majority .—A P.
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  • 45 2 VIENNA, Thurs.— Major Slanlmir Dincic, head of a" Yugoslav Army Mission m the Russian zone of Austria, saiJ yesterday that a "reactionary Yugoslavian array true to King Peter" is bein* organised m the American occupation zones of Germany and Austria.— AJ*.
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  • 140 2 B A T A V I A Thurs Sutan Sjahrir, "Primr Minister' of the unrecognized Indonesian Remit)l!c, has declared m a broadcast that his kidnapping, ostenslblv carried out by youthful Indonesians, might have had serious effects on the Indonesian independence movement. "Suppose that I were not
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  • 63 2 ROME. Wed.— The Ministry of the Interior today issued an order, itrantinT full freedom for Edda Ciano. Mussolri's daughter and widow of the former Fascist Italian foreim Minister, Count Ciano. who was ex? uted by the fascist?. Countess Ciaio h^d b"en h^ld 'n Upari. tte
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  • 178 2 From Our Own Correspondent LONDON, Thursday. THE Tuan Muda of Sarawak, Capt. Bertram Brooke, and the Rajah Muda, Mr. Anthony Brooke, are determined to "follow every legitimate path to regain Sarawak's independence, having regretfully concluded that the Colonial Office are not responsive to arguments based on
    The Times  -  178 words
  • 47 2 TXDKIO. Thurs— Janan wants to join the United Nations Organisation, and the present Government will exert its efforts to make Jaoan acceptable This statenrrt was mad* by the Premier. Phi-'pru Yo^hida. at a meeting of the Hoi'se o^ Reoresentarlvps Constitution Committee U P
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  • 104 2 Agreement On Two Points At Paris PARIS. Thursday. RUSSIA has now accepted the American H|gge.*<ion that the projected in.trnational city of Trieste should be placed under the Uiued Nation-. There is now complete agreement regarding the city. The Fore gn Ministers have also agreed on the question of the I
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  • 93 2 Belie ves Japan Will Become Democratic SHANGHAI. Tues —A linn conviction that the democratusation of Japan, now In progress, will prove successful was expressed by General Chu Shih-minp. head of the Chinese Military Mission m Japan, m an interview with Central News Agency. General Chu said that :n his opinion
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  • 111 2 .1 WICHITA. 'Kansas) Wed.— A new strain ot penicilllum tn-.m 'which penicillin is made— has been d scovered by a 29-year-old war v>;trran and bacterioHgy rtudent. President W. M. Jr».rdine o! the University of Wichita here announced. The new stra n has potentialities possibly greater than
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 902 2 S S. GOVERNMRNT 3% WAX IM.\S 1953/ W. laterest due on the above Loan tor the cuiTent hat year will b? pa.o to Keglctered Holders on the 15th July ItM Notice is hereby ghren that the transfer books of ttie Loan will be rioted from Bth to 14th Instant for
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    • 278 2 TRADE MARK NOTICE nttox'K L S P R A DESTRUCTOI HM I IL QSI ffHUni! OJr :«v k Notice is hereby given tbat tne Trade Ma:k,^n and Traae Nuia i depicted above are the exclusive property oi l^a'it's Pro;.>nutory or No. 69 Absrcrombie Street, Sydney, Ax.t. alia, a
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  • 546 3 Public Must Act Against Black Market 'Prec ise In forma lion Wanted 97 Mr. Hamer By A Special Correspondent THE war against black market operators m Singa- pore which is just beginning may be likeneJ to a military operation but with the people of Singapore acting as a vast intelligence
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  • 196 3 AKKANCiEMKNIS are now complete for a co-ordinated at ack on the black market m Singapore by all the Governme,.t departments concerned. 'I he departments co-operating •ii ihis campaign will be Food ontrol, Police, Customs. Muni•ipalitjr, Public Relations and Social Welfare. The first aspect of the problem
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  • 132 3 Louis-Conn Fight Film In Singapore R.K.O. Radio's exclusive newsreel of Joo Louis' knock-out victory over Louis Conn for the world heavyweight championship, one of the best records of a championship bout ever filmed, will be ai-reened at midnlgnt on Saturday at the Alhambra and on Friday and Saturday next v/eelc
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  • 46 3 There is to be no short cut from Sophia Road to Orchard Road via Ciovernment House domain from today. The "gate" between Sophia Road and the domain Is to be shut, and Government House drive will be closed to all vehicular traffic not visiting the domain.
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  • 244 3 D P. Webb, a 3'J year-old j 1 Eurasian police inspector. was yesterday committed to stand trial at the next Assizes on three charges of causin?. hurt at the conclusion of the flrst part of a preliminary inquiry dealing with alleged offences m connection with Webb's
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  • 58 3 GENERAL meeting of members n of the Singapore Cricket Club will be held m the Grill Room of the Club today at 5.30 p.m. The main item on the agenda is the election of the new Committee. A report of the financial position and the working of the
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  • 48 3 EAST MEETS WEST AT KILLEARN PARTY This picture, taken at the third birthday of the Hon Jacquetta Jean Lamnson, on Jun* 30, shows t:»» grandchildrrn o' the Sultan of JoSore. togetlur with the wife of Teneku Mokbota, Lady Killearn and her son. the Hon. Victor Miles lamps*. n.
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  • 399 3 w "I I is not a pleasant task to sentence young men of this 1 age but society has to be protected," declared M: Justice Worley m the As&iz? Court yesterday when he sentenced two naval seamen. Hugh Mi Bride (20) and reler MacNally (21)
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  • 64 3 WITHIN a month of Ufl re- lease from prison where he had served s x months following conviction m December last year for theft, Wong Ah Wun was yesterday sentenced m (he Se«ond Police Court to six months' rigorous imprisonment, to be followed by
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  • 162 3 PREFACING his remark.-, by 1 saying that the people or Singapore seemed to be und-i the impression that me attempt was being made io enforce price control orcfera, Mr. J. Hamer. Food Controller. Singapore yesterday gave figures showing ICtiCfi taken and the fines imposed
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  • 34 3 Mr. S. K. Chettur. Representative of the Government of India m Malaya, returned from his tour of Labuan, Jesselton. Sandakan and Kuching yesterday afternoon nfier studying the condition? < Indian nationals there.
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  • 113 3 AN echo of the Singapore labourers' strike m December last year was heard yesterday m the Second Police Court when Lee Siew Kin was charge 1 with ooI strutting a policeman m carrying 1 out his duties. He was sentence to six weeks' rigorous imprison ment. j
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  • 320 3 UOW a Chinese suspected of beins leader of an ant!- i Japanese association was severely j beaten, strung-up and burnt with lighted paper on delicate parts o[ the body and then subjected to the notorious water treatment by i the accused and his minions was
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  • 366 3 Local Police Raid Gangsters Den TEN Chinese gangsters were arrested, and 19 pistols and a large quantity of ammunition, including a Japanese type hand grenade were recovered, m the biggest raid carried out by the Singapore Police since the re-occupation. The raid took place at dawn this morning. A large
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  • 286 3 TAKING iato consideration that the accused hud bron m ru.<tody for nJ months, Mr. Justice Worley m the Ass.zc Court yesterday sentenced K. Vadivc-llu PUlay a former inspector attached to the Spcial Branch of tee Singapore Pol ce with ore! 21 years servic?. to
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  • 69 3 ALL persons, firms, civilian and Service Departments using B.M.A. cars or military type vehicles loaned to them by the B.M.A. or by Government mast make a comnbte return of them to the Mechanical Fngineer. P.W.D. Workshops. Kandann Kerbau, as soon as nosoibl? with details of the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 161 3 FOR 20 YEARS Violating treajty obligations, treacherously, shamelessly, the Ja»»s hai been buil*in<r secret subterranean fortifications* m the Bonin Group. The tasK force had reckoned o n reducing Iwojirra m six dajs. ft took them t we nty six days to flatten fwojima knock the rats out of their steel
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    • 33 3 The t *smr"^%r Tooth iftilrJ Paste jtptfW makes your teeth White and Sparkling Sold aH toadxg diMribytort ond monu<ac««r»d by ttal My«n C*. Hi. LW., Ul PaciHc Hi«kwu F North Sydney. N.S.W., Amtfdt.a
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  • 77 4 The family of the late Mr. Cheng Kang Nghee wishes to t<-r der their sincere apprn lation ann thanks to nil relations and frlena; who sent wreaths, lettsr of condolerce and contributions. Iri.t lorries and attended ni-jht visits md his funoii.l.. Mr. Mrs. Uerard M. reman?*! tha X all
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  • 19 4 CHEW KIAN KEB Nm#l salesman ot Messrs. C Motte ft Co. please i ummunica'c with P.O. Box 622.
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  • 813 4 The Straits Times Singapore, Friday, Jvly 5. 1946. "Investment" In Gambling An assault is being made on this country by the promoters of Gov-ernment-controlled lotteries m Western Australia. We have before us tickets which arrived m Singapore m an envelope addressed to 'The Superintendent" of a private house m Tanglin.
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  • 303 4 The Secretary-General of the United Nations Organisation has announced that UNO is taking over the League of Nations' old .home at Geneva. It has not been stated -vhat functions of the organisa.ion will be exercised there— presumably only those in- numerable minor offshoots which are inevitable m a
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  • 855 4 A Malayan Middle Class Family Chronicle gEFORE the Japs came, as a result of most unimaginative and dull plodding, I became the chief clerk of a certain Government department m what was then known as "the F.M.5.," on the princely salary of $240 a month. On this amount I hod
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  • Article, Illustration
    33 4 MR. CHURCHIT.L reee>.inf* a pr.?<i t frcm thr n'ople of Jamaica, a raskrt of eiyari, a' a luncheon given i. t his honour by the West India Com m t tee i\ London.
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  • Man In The Street
    • 526 4 an amazing lack of judgment was shown m the decision to pay mil salaries to European government servants for the period of Japanese occupation: In the case ot married menjwith wives and families outside Malaya, ?ome measure of relief was obviously essential. With this
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    • 86 4 'Blackmail In Business HATS off to your cones^oi.dents writing on the aiiiiject of "Blackmail In Business". What they wrote about me h ghhanded attitude adopted by salesmen of imported goods-- and their demand lor tea-money is very true. Perhaps the Police div.siun j dealing with corruption and com- i
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    • 149 4 WITH reference to the lettei m your paper from "Oru-- j Armed Man", I happen to be] one of the salesmen who a: o entrusted with the task oi distributing Government im- ports. It is gratifying to learn that a I j commission ot 30 cents is Dtinyj
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    • 91 4 WISH to call attention *c the deplorable condi'ior? existing daily at the Food Controller's office at Maxwell Road. Due to the impossible length of the queue and the slowness of its p'-o?re. c T w^s unsvccess'ul on four different occasions In ;:avir~ my rice ration card
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    • 74 4 THE latest victim of naib driving m Segamat is Chinese named Ho San, wno was killed by a lorry on rr.a«n road inside the town limits. The deceased was the sole supporter of a wife, seven children and another dependent, all very young and with no means of
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    • 240 4 THIS business of back-pay.... for the 1% years of the Jap occupation. I did not hear a word about back-p«.y; it never occurred to me that we should one day persuade ourselves that it is our due. The mischief was done when it was decided to give
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    • 122 4 IHE notice m the Straits Times of juiy 4 re'.ative to the unveiling el thi RlttiM statue, makes one wonder what qualifications are necessary to enable one to take a prom nent part m the proceedings. Apparently it is not for those to take part who can
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    • 87 4 MAY I utilise your columns to thank the sponsors of the Peoples Restaurant? Let us hope that this is the first ring of the death-knell of food profiteers. I find one plate of rice not suffic ent for a square meal, and two plates rather excessive.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 817 4 SITUATIONS VACANT WANTED a Compounded App'y Bex Mi, Etra'ts limes OFFICE BOY. Enghsi speaking mutted. Apply 165 Midrt j Roed. WANTEU. Qualified r'-.topea:i Acre -infant for Group of Ruor-cr Estatesin Joiiorc. Apply Box 40' S.I. WANTED by a British linn a vc-jv.g in-» c dinefe clerk typist. Ap,.l.j Box MO.
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    • 114 4 CORRECT TIMING. Correct ti.rlng In music can bf acquired through proper training. Train your children to p.ay Duets two players m one iMam the only sure way to improve th-'r "Timing." Here are s.>m« useful B.tks: over t:i:: hills 18 Du»ts lor Teacher i»rd Pupil $2.50 CLASSICAL DUETS Book 1
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    • 40 4 R.V. MEYER OPTICIAN Follow oi the institute OpruhajmiL Opticians i England.) Fellow of the Worshipful Company of Spectacle -Makers 'Eng.) Freeman of the City or Ldndon hi'aiein sight testing and lens i* indmit equipment 6 RAFFLES SQUARE it lOPP. LITTLES)
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  • 942 5 All Japs Leave Rempang By July 8 117,369 Repatriated In Three Months By A Special Correspondent REMPANG Island, prison home of Japanese surrendered personnel and of Jap prisoners of war and temporary outpost of the British Empire, will be clear of all Japanese by July 8 and will return to
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  • 385 5 SINGAPORE'S 500 Filipinos O celebrated th:ir i.ido-|| pendence ycicdray with a I :eries cf functions starting vkm a High Mass, at the l v Higli Mass, at the c Cathedral of the c bhepherd and terminating with a tea parly and dance at ih»- Vie oiia
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  • 122 5 It is the intention of the au- j thorites to plare a b-onz^ tablet, at the foot of the sta'u? of Sir Stamford Raffles mi n Empress. Place m the n3ar fuUire. The j tablet will bear a drscription of! Ihe events which lei to the'
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  • 66 5 Trout Our Own Correspondent MUAR. Tuesday. The first peneral meeting of the Muar Junior Civil Service was held at the Government English School Hall yesterday. The following were rio^to^j nfn~p-t*f c* a rs: Prr irfpnt: Inche Azman: Vi:e-Presidrnts: C D. West wood and Koay Peiip Yean;
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  • 204 5 IN oxder to deal with problems affecting companies and arising from the new constitution of Singapore and thi enemy occunatiori. a Comprnies "Special Provisions) Bill was passed m the Hagaporc Advisory Council yesterday. Existing companies will be deemed to be registered m the Colony instead of
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  • 77 5 Major T. D. Dewsnap, of the Salvation Army Welfare service, writes from the Red Shield Club. V.M.C.A. building, Stamford Road, to say thai the Straits Times report that there is a whole floor of errmty rooms m thl<s building is false, misleading and unfair. Major DeWey
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  • 178 5 'From Our Own Correspondent! PENANG, Thursday. THE Commissioner of Province Wellesley, Lt. Col R. F H. Drake-BrccUman iast n "In le* to a combined poli*e, mil tary ar.d food control raid on suspected rice smugglers from the Flam**** border travelling aboard the train from Padang Besar.
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  • 38 5 M Ol J. H. tflt gtm. senior Bnti h officer oi Reni«ian e Island. f*«tosr#*he* with 'he Jar anew «owmander- in -chief «f ill Japanese ptmnml o^ Rcra»«ng »nd Galang. Lt. oca 1.-.-li 1110
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  • 704 5 A FATAL cccklent m Orchard Road recently had a lieqiwl at an R. A. F. c«nrt-aiart al m Singapore yesterday when Squadron, Leader Peter Jack was on trial on a charge of mnn«taughter by causwu the death of Lieut. W. W\ MM*. of the Ist Northampton
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  • 131 5 NEW prices for mrat and for Heritefcs malted milk have teeeu fixed by the Prke C+ntrollrr. Locally slaujrhterrd meat has now been reduced t* SI per luUi. with iite exception of rump and fillet stcaU which remain at SI 50 per kati The price
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  • 429 5 I EGISLATION providing for the whipp nff of pai-sons for L the mere illegal possession of firearms was urged by Mr. E. R. Koek m the Singapore Ad>isory Council yesterday. The Bill, which Council CtJKd, empowering sentries on guard duty at protect 3d places to
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  • 295 5 V-PARADERS PETITION TO WHITEHALL A BILL authorLz ng the demoDilizV.ion of the Malayan Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve. Strains fft.tTHK)dali Volviitee.- Force. Malayan' Volunteei Air Force on June 30, t*nd all lonril defence corps raised under the Local Defence Corps Regulations, 1940, en Sep.. i, last year, was passed ir the
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  • 43 5 The next meeting of the East and West Society takes place today at 8 nm at Toc-H (former SRC premises on the Padang). There will be a discussion, to be led by S Set. A. Martin, on The Future of Broadcasting.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 174 5 GOVERNMENT OF SINGAPORE REHABILITATION LOAfi ISSUE OF $25,000,000 AT 3% Registered Stock 1. Repayable 1962-1970. The Financial Secretary, Singapore, has authorised the issue of $25,000,000 Rehabilitation Loan as from tne Bth Jub r 1946. The loans will be issued at par. 2. Interest will be at the rate of 3
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  • 291 6 HISTORIC FLAG OVER ROME ROME, (By Air Mail).— So old and tatte-rod that it had to bs pinned to a board a flss of an carlirr Italian Republic was hoisted aoovc the Cn;;itol m Rom» to mark the creation of tho new and this time united Republic of Italy. It
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  • 51 6 LONDON, Wed -Birkbeek Law College will teach classes m prefabricated huts m cleared bombed out sites of Fleet Street. Several other prefabricated units will be joined together In London's city's ancient temple to house the 80.000 law books removed from the Middle Temple's damaged library— A.
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  • 329 6 British Fleet Barely Sufficient For Needs Five Years To Reach Pre- War Level I ON DON, Thursday— Merchant shipping upon which v the economic life of the war-weary British Isles depends is available today only m quantities barely sufficient to meet easential requirements and five years of rebuilding will be
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  • 165 6 PHILADELPHIA. Tfcurs 1 Charles Cooey. of Philadelphia, i knows what it means lo have i a thiiitv wife. For 42 yta r s he hand<d over '.'6.5 ea.h we;k his entiic wages as a laundry driver to his wife. Para, who ;ave him
    UP  -  165 words
  • 147 6 Divorces Of Servicemen To Be Speeded LONDON, Wed.—Thousands or Services divorce cases, delayed: because jf ibek. of legal fncilitiea will be settled by September. i Tnis is the tairct da.c SSi by, the Service Livorce Department! .•1 the Law Srviety m a new scheme cfsigned to clear off all outstanding
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  • 110 6 WASHINGTON (By Air Mail.! —Two attractive young women cachers of a Washington elemcn. Lary school are facing charges oi contributing to the delinquency >f minors. The charges follow accusations irate parents that the teachers,! :;*-year-old Elsie Paulson and 29- car-old Lins Wenschlag. enter-! ained a 15-year-oli
    UP  -  110 words
  • 370 6 30 Murders In 48 Hours MEU YORK. (By Air MaH)._.* n unprecedented i» homicide wave is sweening America, and reports h n i ea r y^ 3o murders m th '»st three days have shocked the nation. Tiies? are only a few of the murder cases placed on police records
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  • Article, Illustration
    29 6 A boat propelled by a water- jet «v tested on the Thames rcccn ly. The above picture shows its inventor. Mr. R. M. Parkinson. inspecting < he water- Jet engine.
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  • 137 6 Post- War Cars Not Ready Yet LONDON, V.'t.d. The Coun*- 1 of Indusrnal Design has decided to cancel the transport section of the Br tain C?.n Make IV exhibition. Th? exhib ton is to be held m the Victoiia and Albert Musetin.. Uensinglon, on Sept. 24. The motor industry la
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  • 121 6 More Vacancies Than Teachers LONDON. W?d. A report, presented to the annual ronfere:ic° ;of the Association of t'eadn.istresoes at the Mary Datchelor Girls' School. Camberwtll stst^.J that there were more teaching vacanci2o than enndidates to fi)l them. On the oue^tion of rxaminatlons. th? delegates b?lieved that the time was not
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 154 6 J^Ubfo T II A IN 2M 4154 15 U B lI H V :t 30 p M NOW SHOWING THRILLS! ROMANCE! ACTION! Tyrone Power as a Red Blooded Hero captivated by the Arms and Charms of a South Sea Beauty Gene Tierney. Alluring. Captivating and Glamorous *°Jf*Sft s Jt TYRONE
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    • 694 6 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE two chairs, (trhions. on! round two pahit tables all teak twentyseven danre recor I. Call room 3, Orange Hotel after 5 i\m FOR SALE: Two storl?d 6 ro.n Bungalow, one mile from Town. M S vacant p issession. apply 33. bt Michael's Road. ROYAL SINGAPORE GOLF CLUB
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    • 565 6 NOTICE. MUNICIPAL rOMMISSIONKKS OT i THE TOWN OF SIN(;\fORK. > Auessmrnt for the year 1941. Rates due for the 2nd hatf-yni 'Ml Owners of property are reuinued 'h.'t rate* tor the 2nd half-ye:.: nre due and payable In advan. nr fi^mand at tn? Municipal m th* month of July 194«.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 131 6 RADIO PROGRAMMES SINGAPORE till) >MhUKh from good p.m tad ::P U 11 u on oo «5 metre* from noon Co I p.m on 4.825 net see o metre baud and from 7.43 to s 3* p.m no 4.78 hm/in at 61 mrlrt- OJtid CKINE^iB ooud CO 115 m (newt in
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    • 163 6 p.m »nd k pm U 11 j.m od metres; from noon u> t p.m od 7.? me* sec >■ 4; metre o»n«L p.m to 7.45 p m and 9.31 pm u 11 p m oa 1.T8 aies «ec is 61 MM o»nd MALAY xi! tc I (newt 12 45
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    • 137 6 B. B. C. S ib p in —A 35 p Oi CSJ 13.03 metres from $.£Q o ru MJI pin CSV U.K4 mrtrea S.M Dm -i.vru m fMt 1A >? tnrtrrs, lit 50 om.— 12.22 ana (iSN HJi metres. JVLT 7.30 a.m. Radio newsree'. 7.45 a.m. Music pared?, 8.30 a.
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  • 323 7 Brothers On Armed Robbery Trial From Our Own Correspondent SEGAMAT, Tues. AFTER a preliminary enquiry lasting several days and attended by a large crowd from the outlying kampongs, four Chinese, three of them brothers, were committed for trial at the Johore Assizes on a charge of armed robbery by Che
    323 words
  • 270 7 From Oiu Own Correspondent KUALA LVMPUP W>1. THE War Prisoners' :Malajan Union > Association held it 1 first general meeting In Kuala Lumpur today at the town hall About 40 members were present and the objects and rules of the association were adopted. It
    270 words
  • 41 7 Pen a he, Wed. A Tamil, Sanayase, who was produced in the Butterworth Court on charge of kidnapping three pirls from the lawful guardianship of their mother, wss discharged by Lt. Col. Drake Brockman today on the prosecution withdrawing the case.
    41 words
  • 343 7 Prom Our Own Correspond' nt KOTA BHARl Mon. ALTHOUGH the number »i deaths from smallpox Is on the decline those from cholera are increasing not onl\ in •Kota Bhara but also in oulljiadistricts, despite the pron:»t preventive and prohylactie measures taken by the Medical and
    343 words
  • 169 7 Governor To Open Klang Exhibition From Our Own Correspondent KLANG, Wed. IN co-operation with the Public Relations Department, Malaya, the first victory exriWtion featuring the powerful armaments of the Allied forces m the great European and Pacific victories m photographs and operational war films will b? held at the Klang
    169 words
  • 89 7 At the general meeting held I recently, the following were elect- i ed office-bearers of the Muar Club for current year: President, Dato Othman bin Buang; VicePresident, Inche Mahmood bin HussaLn; treasurer, Inche Azman bin H. Abdul Hamid; hon. secretary, Inche Ban bin Haji Babu; committee, Inche Taib
    89 words
  • 193 7 (From Our Own Correspondent) PENANG, Wed. THAT the accused was a better built man but that witness had to grapple with him because he was "lighting- for his life*' was a statement made by a prominent local Chinese, Ong Eng Hock, when he gave evidence
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  • Article, Illustration
    21 7 Thirty giris »f the Indian Women's Services, who marched m London's Victory Parade, left London recently for a visit to Edinburgh.
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  • 33 7 "The V.M.C.A., Yesterday, Today and tomorrow, will be Mr. Rowland Lyne's subject at the V's Men's Club Luncheon Meeting to be held at the Capitol Restaurant on Saturday at 1.15 p.m.
    33 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 263 7 ALK A M BRA v m. m »v THE BETTER, BIGGER PICTURE Bookings: Tfl: 6909. TERRIFIC Voted Last Night's Audiences. UNRIVALLED UNDERWATER ACTION SHOTS! GUNS THUNDERED— When U.S. Sub. 'COPPERFIN Comes To Mount Fujiyama— With A Cargo Of TNT! Sub. Fights Dive-Bombers! Sub. Fights Destroyers. U.S. SUB "COPPERFIN" IS ON
      263 words
    • 516 7 TENDERS. Tenders will t>e receiveo at the Colonial Secr,t*ry'« Offlce iT> to n«-'u of tbe 15th July 1946., for the surp.v of the uncooked -atioru w> the 81ngapo'-e Police Force fcr a pe'':xl of 3 mor.t.':» In the fliJi ln»i*nct ctmmendng >n Ist Au^u^t, :.46 Salt Coror ut Oil
      516 words
    • 283 7 Mansfield Co., Ltd. Uucurporaieo is Sincaporii Bl.l'E FLNNEL LINE Sailings (c and from Oni'M Ki'sdom Glrnflnlas SaUs far U.K. 6 >u\y Hick* j Burn Dae from IK 8 Jbl.v B lerophcn Ku- VK. 15 July Glfntr»« Due from t'.K. 18 July Western Australia rbc <h«-l«»t «ea rootc at the
      283 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 233 7 It was bad enough for EastWest in today's deal to be outgeneraled in the bidding, but it was considerably worse to be routed in the play! North, dealer Both sides vulnerable NORTH 5 t Ml k 4AKQJ6St WEST t \ST K 10 982 A V{ 7 8 3 »K«i A
      233 words
    • 217 7 Actually, of course, four spades could have been made without real difficulty. Questionable as East's bidding tactics were, however. West earned the far bicker mark in the i>'.ry. B»« openinp lecd. the s ngl<:.on club, was logical enough, but coupled with a subsequent fall bv the wayside, it proved to
      217 words

  • 117 8 r rm: following team has been x chosen «o represent Wales m the Services International Rugby match against LnjUnd at Jalan Besar Stadium to morrow at 5.J5 p.m.: A. N. Griffith (Cardiff)— Capt.; R.G. GJUari (Cardiff). O. Saunden (Newport). O.L. Lewellyn (Bridgend). C. Ware (Mid
    117 words
  • 137 8 Bigger Stakes For Penang Race Meet (From Our Own Cor: <?s-rondent) PENANG. Thurs. 'T'HE Penang Turf C!ub has announced A an in-?r^.se of $200 tr. stakesrepresenting roughly a 20 per cent, increase for each race at Its forthcoming two-c*ay meeting en July 27 and Aug. 3. Purses will be $1,200
    137 words
  • 86 8 r pHE Sime Toad Camp toe ball team, which has scored a of victories recently gained ye' another on Tuesday when they beat the Singapore Radio Station by four goais to two on the camp ground. With the assistance of Indonesian labourers, campers have transformed
    86 words
  • 59 8 A SOCCER team to represent the Singapore Indians agf.lnjt the Royal Engineers to-morrow v.ill be selected from the following:— Osman, Sabapathy, Kartar Singh. Ramoo. Ranatunga. Mohd Satter, Krishnasamy. Vijeyretnam. Paul Davis, Balan, Paul, Dollah, Eaboo. Bala3ubramanlam. Mulh'ah. Manl Thamby, S.R.S. Naidu, ard Somoo. Players and supporters please meet
    59 words
  • 53 8 r THE following will represent the V.M.C.A. at cricket against the Police at Thomson Road at 2.15 p.m. tomorrov: F.W. Marsh (Capt. 1.8. Saratta, Tan Gi-an Hong, Ciitong Thiam Siew, S. YOijorojali, V.R Sabapathy, K. Muthucumaru. A. Vijiaratnam Ong Swee Kong, C. de SJJva, K.J Heely. Reserve 1
    53 words
  • 600 8  - PETRA G. BROWN IN WIMBLEDON FINAL Vernon Morgan) (By Yvnxi om- WIMBLEDON, Wed. \un rETRA of France and Geoffrey Brown of Australia <•» i^ OO U teS the men s singles final on for the WimW C i b y Ame ica ™g«s m the first postwar Wimbledon championship. In
    Reuter  -  600 words
  • 91 8 JEFF Conda, the Malayan champion, drew with Dara Slmjn. each pinning the o'her once m the main event of a thrilling w.-irtllng programme at the New Wot ul on Wednesday night In the opening fight ootween Tl.ger Dass and Uoughoiii Jfffrey the referee inter .ened and tackled Jeffrey on
    91 words
  • 58 8 'THE following will rerresent the 1 Chinese Swimming Cl':b m a return friendly table tci.nis match against the United Services Team at Uie Shackle Club at 7 p.m. to-day-Singles: Chua Kirn Vtarn. Chan Kwok Ming, J,oke Seek CJironi?, Won* Tong Goon A. Tan Miang Slam. Doubles: M m
    58 words
  • 264 8 ST. ANDREW'S. Wed. DOBBY LOCKE, South Africa's 29-year-old wonder golfer, will tomorroV begin the second round of the British open goif championship one stroke ahead of his nearest rivals Henry Cotton and Norman Von Nlda of Australia on the olc. course here. After an exhilarating
    Reuter  -  264 words
  • 346 8 LANCS SET FOR BIG TOTAL LONDON. Wed HAMPSHIRE showed their appreciation of a good I picket by making the^r hi<*h~>-t icore of the season Chiof par'i%:pant In this feat was Bairy the lolt hondrr who crmplft d hi:; -fcond cenfurv of the season. The M CO included s?ven Middlesex player,
    Reuter  -  346 words
  • 161 8 i MEETING the 1939 County cricket Tm^V^shire at Bradford to-day m the first of their two matches' against the County, the Indians were caught on a wet wicket and for 138 runs. Yorkshire m reply have Scored 52 for the loss of one wicket,
    161 words
  • 147 8 INDIA— 1st INNS -Merchant c Wood b Smults 2 Hafeei c Wilson b Smaites 21 j Pataudi c Watson b Booth 16 I Modi c W»* b Booth 16 Uol Mahomed b Coxon o Mankad Ibw Booth 1 I Hindlekar b Booth B Nayudu e Sellers b Kn!><nson Bannrrj?e
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  • 22 8 The Mayii Badminton Party will hold a convnlttee m??tir>7 at 46J-A, Upper Seran^oon Road, at 5 00 p.m. to-morrow.
    22 words
  • 126 8 Hen ley Royal Regatta Opens OXFORD. Wed. THE Henley Royal Regatta 1 opened today m glorious sunshine. Chief interest was In the heats of tbe Diamond Sculls m which all the six overseas scullers won to enter the quart-er-finals. However. R Burnell raised home hopes by recording the fastest time
    Reuter  -  126 words
  • Article, Illustration
    34 8 .Sim the hLstory o f Wimbledon, the last four H*rJ J? In* me PSP S Sin COme from one nation-the U.S. Here are the American girU. with Mrs. Wi-htman. and the newly-HOn'Wightman Cup.
    34 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 378 8 vQi &EYLAN& PHONE *****4(0 Opening Today: 3.00. <U0 ie 9.15 fr.'a. I MINCII II Ulttlll IT OAJ»YL F. ZANBCK HENRY KWG jwm cwmwr-rox mctuu Also Latest Movietor- News Tomorrow at Midnight Warner's Siar Studded Musical "THANK YOUR LUCKY STAKS" Starring Errol Plym Olivia Ptliavilland t'ddie Cantor Denns Morgan GEVLfInGTpiIOHE a<»O7B
      378 words
    • 196 8 As Usual The Best Show In Town! 2£33EE^^^ to-day 4 SHOWS 1.30 4-6.30— 9.30 p.m. James Hil ion's Masterpiece Exciting Impressive Exceptional A Truly Outstanding Movie! NOW COMES A PICTURE TO RIVAL "MRS. MINIVER" 1 AS ONE OF THE GREAT SCREEN HITS OF OUR TIME! COLMAN ijjfsiHs CAISbN^JH •t/iiUNfir _^Tliil
      196 words