The Straits Times, 1 July 1946

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 20 1 The Straits Times malaya's leading newspaper established over a century KKiliT PAGES. SINGAPORE, MONDAY, JULY 1, 1946. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • 610 1 Admiral s Decision follows Weather Experts' Forecast BIKINI, Sunday. VICE-ADMIRAL BLANDY, in command of operations, announced last night that the atom bomb would be detonated tomorrow at any time after 8.00 a.m. Bikini Time 9.30 tonight GMT. This decision came after weather
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  • 73 1 Lord Woolton Conservative Chairman LONDON, Sunday. LORD WOOLTON, former Minister ©f Food in tha war-time coalition Government, has accepted an inviLation from Mr. Churchill to become Chairman of the Conservative Party Organisation, it was announced today. Lord Woolton succeeds Mr. Ralph Assheton who recently resigned through pressure of othe* business.
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  • 121 1 BATAVIA, Sun.— Lieut.-Gen. S. H. van Spoor, Commander-in-Ch'cf of the Netherlands East Indies Army, answered Dutch criticisms of the British Army in Indonesia in a broadcast to his troops yesterday. "Our British allies have given us a helping hand to liquidate the war in these parts,"
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  • 326 1 "VETO MAY GO" SAYS DELEGATE NEW YORK, Sunday. ABANDONMENT of the veto A power in a flairs of thp United Nations was predicted yesterday by Dr. Quo TaiChi, Chinese delegate to cho Security Council. In an address prepared for broadcast Dr. Quo said he expected public opinion to force a
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  • 36 1 PARIS, Sun.— A French Foreign Office representative insisted yesterday that Siamese had attacked French installations o n the Siam-Indo-China border, and denied that French troops had begun attacks on Siamese towns.— A. P.
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  • 210 1 PARIS, Sunday. rIE Foreign Ministers' Conference again reached deadlock last night on Anievcan proposals for a general Peace Conference and French compromise plans for Trieste, according to American 'mants. In more than four hours the Ministers could reach no agreement on tie demands from the United Stales Secretary
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  • 28 1 TRIESTE, Sun.— More than 20 persons were injured, three seriously. In rioting and street flghtin X betwesn pro-Italian and pro- Yugoslav mobs In Trieste yesterday.—UJ».
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  • 239 1 JERUSALEM, Sunday. MORE than 1,000 Jews were detained and questioned in and near Jerusalem alone as British troops struck at daybreak yesterday the Jewish sabbath in widespread raids "to end the state of anarchy" in Palestine. Although most of those questioned were released, scores of
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  • 153 1 "Unfriendly Act" Of China To U.S. SHANGHAI, Sunday. THE United States has notified China that it regardas an unfriendly act the removal of 400 Germans from the American list of "dangerous and objectionable" Nazis. According to reliable sources many of the exempted Nazis paid tvom US$l5,OOO to U5575,000 to corrupt
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  • 115 1 DURBAN, Sun.— A woman doctor, K. Goonam, was sentenced to six months' hard labour here yesterday, charged under the Riotous Assemblies Act. Four months of the sentence was suspended for six months on condition of good behaviour. The suspended sentience of seven days' hard labour, given
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  • 29 1 friacess Elizabeth and her a wit, the Princess Royal, driving down the course at Ascot in an open landau. It was Princess Elizabeth's first Ascot.
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  • 52 1 BOMBAY, Sun.— Mahatma Gandhi had a narro.v escape early today when a train in which he was travelling to Poor.a, ran over several boulders which were placed across the tracks. There was a jolt as the train ran over the boulders but n one was
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  • 119 1 India's New Caretaker Government NEW DELHI, Sunday. AN eight-man temporary "caretaker" Indian Government, to serve until the ejection of the Constituent Assembly, has been named by Britain. The members were appointed by the King, and the posts they are expected to hold are: Field-Marshal Sir Claude Auchinleck, War portfolio; Sir
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  • 342 1 Sjahrir Kidnapped In Bank Building BATAVIA, Sunday. THE Indonesian Ministry of Information has officially confirmed that the Indonesian "Premier," Sutan Sjahrir, and nine members of his staff including two "Cabinet Mini ters." were kidnapped at Soerakarta at 2 a.m. on Friday. The Ministry said '^h^t President Soekarno was taking all
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 696 2 Report After Visit To Bombed Cities WASHINGTON, Saturday. EXPERTS, who had studied the ruins of Hiroshima and Nagasaki warned Americans that going deep underground and dispersing their industries and populations might be the nations only salvation in the event of future atomic warfare. The White
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  • Article, Illustration
    69 2 In a recent demons ration of a n w type of popell"- Mi lan if craft executed Mtherto impossi 1? manotuvr s. She is equipned wit'i twin rvrloidal pronellcrs (consisting of two sets of verti:al blades, each set revolvi--* indep ?n4ently and each Had? revolving as well). This 900 ton
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  • 150 2 Bormann- Alive Or Dead? NUREMBERG, Saturday. THE mystery of whethei Hitler's deputy, Ma/tin Bormann, died at the end of the war or is still alive remained unsolved today. The Barrister defending him presented his case in exactly one hour. "I regret I cannot prove that Bormann is dead," sad the
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  • 142 2 RANGOON, Sun.— An unprecedented crime wave sweeping Burma shows no sign or abating On an average 60 dacoit!es and murders were committed daily last month. There were 1,600 dacoities and 238 murdfrs. The New Times of Burma, In an editorial says atgumants ranging from economics
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  • 79 2 MADRID. Sat— Eighteen i J lanish anarchists were todr.y sentenced to terms of Mncrlso'"ment by a court martu:, at Alcala de Henares for attempting Ito reconstitute the anarchist Na-JtiO?->al Labour Confeciern.i^n. land to form amned groups for (purposes of rsbellion. Grrsorio Carr'a QaCST) reused of
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  • 291 2 Apathy Alleged At Tokio Trials TOKIO, Sunday. WHAT was potentially Asia's greatest drama threatens lo become a second rate affair, rapidly losing any audience, writes Russell Brines, of Associated Press. Criticisms by Commander Benttey M. McMullin in^ San Francisco statement have resulted m general apathy which seems to affect everyone
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  • 282 2 BATAVIA, Sunday. LOA SE-KHIE, Chinese Red Cross representative toll United Press last night that the Chinese in the Tangerang area, fifteen miles west of Batavia, were panicking following the taking over of the area by Indian troops from the Dutch, writes Robert Clurman from
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  • 116 2 'Free Vote For Poland'— U.K. LONDON, Sunday. 'THE Polish Ambassador, Dr. I Kenryk Strasburger, has been formally notified that the British Government v.ill not ratify the agreement on the settlement of Polish war debts until it is satisfied that Foland is fulfilling obligations to hold free election.*. Thr agreement, which
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  • 170 2 SEATTLE, Sun. -A heated debate between the United Kingdom and United States delegate! at an all-night session of tr.e world maritime conference wages and hours committee on Thursday ended in a defeat for an Am rican proposal for an eignt-hour day. Charges that the Amcru-.n
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  • 105 2 COLOMBO, Sun.—Selfvanayagam, a 32-year-old Indian labourer, has been sentenced to 2 months' rigorous imprisonment on a charge of criminal trespass. He was released jn bail after appealing against the sentence. Selvanayagam was th: first of a batch of 15 Indian labourers on trial after refusing
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  • 323 2 FUTURE SEEN FOR SYNTHETIC AKRON, OHIO, Sunday. UANY leaders m this United States rubber capital foresee synthetic rubber serving the dual purpo: c of replacing the natural product for many uses, and achieving the cost of 12 cents p^r pound which will keep prices of rubber from Far East plantations
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  • 208 2 NEW YORK, Sunday. DOCTORS Abba Hillel Silver and Stephen S. Wise, ctr j chairmen of the Amencan Zionist emergency council declared today that the British arrests of Jew 'oh I agency executives m Plate* 1 j me canstituted "an act of Mr against the Jewioh
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  • 85 2 WrIITE SANDS (New riexico> —Amy officials here aMiiounced that another rocket test for the [?ltlUde record is to take plnce on July 9. Scientists are studying the results of tlie G^rmanmn.i? V-2 which soared 75 miles int( tyi3 stratosphere on Frio'ay. T~e rocket, which
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 635 2 SALE BY TENDER 1. The Custodian of Property, Singapore, 'nvitcs tenders for the purchase of the following particulars of which are as follows: Lot 1. One lanre Boiler. Makers: Llndasy Burnt Co., Lyiri* at A.P.C. Store. Kallan«. Lot 2. Ore 'Petter Ps-tent Oil Knclne" Calibrater No. 20,666 B.H.P. 6. R.P.M.
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    • 254 2 CHEMICAL INDUSTRY I H I 30^1 m I n Hmß A X 1 Jtt I k I J^_^,l m m n B^r V L I ttm^ km |t WM m WL M \^mw 3r Ai T X his is the symbol oi friperia! Chemical Industries Ltd., the great British chemical
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  • 458 3 Protest Against Cost Of Living Report From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. THE Junior Civil Services Association of Kuala Lumpur has received a request signed by iis members to convene a mass meeting to pass a resolution of protest against the recommendations of
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  • 172 3 From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. "IT is a happy coincidence that 'this meeting gives me the opportunity of paying a tribute to the invaluable work of the Australian Red Cross whose organisation in Malaya is closing down today," said the Governor of the Malayan Union,
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  • 24 3 Malacca Municipal Commissioners will hold their first meeting at the Municipal Office on July 3 at 10 a.m., states the Straits Times Malacca correspondent.
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  • 134 3 From Our Own Correspondent PENANG, Sun. HTHILE welcoming the recom- mendation of an immediate payment of a ccst-of-living-allowanc by the Governor's special committee, Government servunts in Penang are generally disappointed at the low scale of the proposed allowances and increment. It is pointed cut that though
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  • 88 3 Hospital Ships To Evacuate French TWO Bri.ish hospital ships, the Amarapoora and Gerusalemme rre shortly to be employed m the evacuation of French children and children of French extraction, from Indo-China. This is m response to a request irom the French Government to the Admiralty for assLs ance m e
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  • 140 3 IMPROVED TELECOMS. PROMISED From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. ALL all-round improvement in facilities and the speeding-up of telegraphic communication is foreseen by the Director of Telecommunications, Malaya, in his review of the telecommunication services for the period ending June, 1946, which was tabled ut today's meeting of th«>
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  • 390 3 "fREAT concern and alarm at the unrest among estate U workers in recent months, especially among Indian workers," is expressed by Mr. A. B. Cooray, Chairman of the All-Malayan Estate Asiatic Staffs' Association. Mr. Cooray, in a statement to the Straits Times, points out
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  • 133 3 From Our Own Correspondent LONDON, June 18. A TRIBUTE to the late Mr. Ernest Charteris Holfford Wolff, who died in April, is published in the June issue of British Malaya over the initials "J.W.S "Wolff loved Malaya deeply, and no one
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  • 112 3 MR. W. A. M. Watts, acting Municipal Secretary, has been appointed to the post of Registrar of Vehicles, Singapore. Mr. Leong Yee Soo, first clerk of the Municipal Secretariat, has been promoted to the post of chief clerk of the Secretariat, a special grade appointment. Other promotions
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  • 297 3 From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. WHEN the war crimes court ipsumed si ting today a statement by Mr. T. Maries, a f'uala Lumour Eurasian. was r*ad relating how he was anestpd en s-ibpicio jot spreading underground new.« to civilians i-nd subjected to torture during
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  • 64 3 In order to educate motorists m Singapore, a Singapore Traffic Code has been issued by the Road Transport Department. Instructions, printed m four languages, Enrlisb, Chinese, Tamil and Jawi, are simple and are illustrated by drawings. The boo* is ob'ainable at the Road Transport Depa-tmer t
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  • 145 3 From Our Own Correspondent SEGAMAT, Sat. THREE brothers, Soh Sing, Soh 1 Lian and Soh Choon were produced before Che Abdul Hamid bin Mustapha in the Segamat District court and three separate charges were preferred against them. Soh Lian was sentenced to four months' .iportus imprisonment
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  • 182 3 Alor Star Greets The Governor From Oar Own Correspondent ALOR STAR. Sun. ILOR STAR was in festive mood with flags and banners on housetops to greet Sir Edward Gent, Governor of the Malayan Union, as he disembarked from a plane at Kepala B-.ia's aerodrome on Thursday. The Governor was met
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  • 128 3 Fr»m Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR Sun. 1 drive against wild pigs :s n being carried out as intensively as possible, in spite of the serious shortage jf guns and ammunition, as the "Grow More Food" campaign is clearly being retarded by the lack of effective
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 829 3 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Circular Saws «H«*l 2 to 3 Pctiol Driven Power EnF' n? s Suitable for Driving pumps etc. Apply Box 3C2, B.T. FOR SALE. Motor Cycle. Ne« 2] HP $830/-. Apply between 9.00 t^- 1.00 p.m. 182. South Bridge Jload. FOR SALE De Soto 1941 S:io^n. 27.3 HP.
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    • 127 3 THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK Uncorporatea with Limited Liability m the United States of America) UNION BUILDING ANNOUNCEMENT Savings Account facilities have been resumed for our clients desiring this service. PRINTS FOR PURPOSES of REHABILITATION RECONSTRUCTION We specialize m making BLUE PRINTS WHITE PRINTS from tracings of all
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  • 1181 4 The Straits Times Singapore, Monday, July 1, 1946. Malaysian Saga At a ceremony to be performed in Kuchlng today, Sarawak will formally take on the status of a Crown Colony and enter the British Empire. Thus ends a story which began*ln 1839, twenty years after the foundation of Singapore by
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  • 20 4 In Loving Memory of my dear husband John Hollo Alexander Hamilton ESVF died POW Kranjl Is:. July 1944.
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  • 27 4 RODRIOUES— Mrs. Jonn R. Rodrtpucs lai.ily wish to tbank all fiirnds and relatives who ottendcd the funcrnl of her husband who died on 13.6.46. Deeply regre.ted.
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  • 42 4 The Navy has abolished the title Flag Officer, Malaya and Forward Areas, now that this area comes under the British Pacific Fleet Command. Rear Admiral H. J. Ee'crlons ommand is to b 3 known as Flag Officer, Malayan Area.
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  • 1627 4  - CIVILISED" SAVAGES IN THE ATOMIC ERA DR. JOHN DUFFIELD THE ATOM BOMB WITHIN OURSELVES By Of the Littlemore Mental Hospital, Oxford IT is vastly significant that some of the greatest minds of this age doubt whether the power of the mind can match the power of the disintegrating atom. The
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  • Man In The Street
    • 216 4 WHEN will the Malayan Governments come into line with the British Government with regard to free meaical and dental treatment for all? In normal times the only people who hit treated free at district hospital > in this country are:— (1) Malays, (2)
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    • 116 4 IT i-> deplorable that at a time when the ColVge at Kua'a Lumper could tw most useful, owing to the disaopearance of opportunities for study abroad for Malayan engineering; students, i* should be shamefully neglected. We doubt whether enough has been done try to reopen the
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    • 166 4 CHINESE Green Horn asus why those girls who used to strut out with Japs during the occupation are now repeating the performance" with members of the liberating forces. The answer is simple: these girls are being tacitly boycotted; for no self-respecting Singaporean who suffered under the Jap regime
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    • 62 4 THE concrete fortification In Raffles Place, facing Chulia and Bonham Streets and Battery Road, should now after "peace" has reigned in this island for nearly ten months be demolished. Unless, of course, we are expecting a third World War and a s»-!ond Battle of Singapore, In which case
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 829 4 SITUATIONS VACANT WANTED by European Import HHB rapablc and cne getlc Wharf Sluppir.3 Clrrk. Apply Box 3GD. Stra.ts Times. WANTED young attratt've girls to ■work In European Rest air. snt. App'.y personally Changi li^'aurant As Cafe 14th miles Changi. VACANCY for a Chlr asslstnn* dispenser or rppren'ice dlspmser and WANTED
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    • 11 4 WINCHESTER HOUSK 16. CoUyer Quay Week Days IS to 13 a.m.
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    • 121 4 BOYS! Its fun to build these MODERN BRITISH FIGHTING SHIPS. Constructional Kits. Kit consists of tmwmm full-sized Diagrams. St(p-by-st«r> jJ^— fs^V Handbook, Frintcd-on Ealsa wood panels. Cutting To^.s. paint, i Sb» ace» stories, etc. Build dvi ing your Sp*'- Time 1 our friends will admire you. Size 2801 To build
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  • 90 5 m X a flics Place, SI i sapor e, m the di;s v.hen Malaya was miking: frant'c efforts io prepare ftr the i ivasion, a concrete rhlbox vas ere. ted at a busy crossroads where Chulia S reet, Ben am Street and Battery Road
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  • 471 5 THE Malayan contingent to the London Victory Parade le/t England on the Cunard liner Mauretania on June 25 and after a journey via the Cape is expected here m the second half of July. Before they left they received the following message from the Secretary
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  • 73 5 U. S. Films For Singapore THREE American films to go the rounds of schools, associations, and public cinemas in Malaya Isoon, were shown to a small auI dience yesterday by the United States Information Service in Singapore. One dealt with the fascinating life story of a jeep A second was
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  • 269 5 Malay Sleeps Under Six Blankets I LETTER from a Singapore Malay Volunteer, Mohamel bin M. Salleh, a member of the stall of the fcurvey Department, received in Singapore recently g.ves an extremely good picture of how members of the Malayan Victory Parade contingent were trea.ed in London and how they
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  • 60 5 lINUSUALLY houvy rain yester- day flooded many Singapore streets. It was the first long downpour that Singapore had for many weeks, causing a real break n the "drought" condi ions which had made the wat3r situation in Singapore reservoirs acute. The rain lasted several hours, and
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  • 575 5 Quick Settlement Of War Claims From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. EAILURE by Government to pay out war risks goods insurance, which was compulsory insurance, is causing a great deal of resentment throughout Malaya, declared Mr. S. B. Palmer, at today's meeting of
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  • 205 5 Filipinos Celebrate On July 4 MORE than 1,000 Filipinos in the Malayan Union and Singapore will celebrate the independence of the Philippines on July 4. Almost simultaneously with ceremonies !n Manila. Filipinos in Singapore will hold a number of social functions arranged by the Singapore Fiiiplno Association There will also
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  • 192 5 3 Years To Restore Our Electricity From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Sat, IT will take up to three years to restore the pre-war conditions of electricity throughout Malaya, despslo the fact iW iat supplies of elec.rical naterials and equipmen are start. ng Ui arrive anc tha position *ill improve
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  • 377 5 [That special atten ion to Chinj Chew Street, in the Tanjong I'• i'agar area cf Sinr. apore. is called lor rrom the police is evidenced by the following ex racts from I the Straits Times post-bag] RECENT letters on piekaocketing in Chin Chew Street
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  • 394 5 Amendment Of Moratorium Urged At Council Meeting From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUrt, Sat. THE question of property sales was referred to at today's meeting of the Malayan Union Advisory Council, by Mr. S. B. P?lmer who said that one of the primary privileges of ownership of lp.nd was the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 135 5 THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO. LTD (Incorporated m S.S.) ft THE IPOH BRANCH OFFICE will open on July Ist 1946 with quarters m the Offices of MeS3rs. Sime Darby Co., Ltd., Erewster Road, for the purposes of paying Maturities, investigating Claims, reviving Policies and collecting Premiums. Policyholders and
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    • 185 5 Malayan News On Pages 6 <& 7 The Malayan Sharebrokers Association's weekly report and the list of share quotations apycar in page 7 today. Other local news on pages 3 and 6. Just Unpacked a limited stock of BRITISH GALVANIZED BUCKETS 4 Gallons x 24 gau.<;,e For Economy and Service
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  • 433 6 Civil Defence Services Disappointed Committee To Discuss. Govt. Statement THE Executive Committee of the Civil Defence and Essential Services is to meet in Singapore shortly in order to discuss the future course of action to be taken by members of these Services in view of the recent statement by the
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  • 79 6 Straits Times Correspondent PENANG. Sat. THREE Chinese alleged to be members of the "Big Three," a certain Pera:< society, have been arrested m I'enang. The police on searching them found a letter demanding a "loan of R4.000 from a local merchant failing which, the note
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  • 318 6 Rubber Prospects In N.E.I. BATAVIA. NETHERLANDS East Indies rubber production, hampered by shortages of labour, transport, fertilizer and working materials, must overcome major difficulties to regain its prewar importance, writes H. van Lenncp, chief of the N.E.I. Rubber Fund, in the current issue of "Economic Weekly," publication of the N.E.I.
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  • 92 6 Help For Discharged Prisoners From Our Own Correspondent MALACCA, Sun —At a meeting held last Thursday, presided over by the District Judge, Mr. J. E. M. Cave, it was decided to form a Discharged Prisoners Aid Society in Malacca. The Resident Commissioner, Mr. H. A L. Luckham, who was elected
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  • 134 6 Occupation Detective Committed From Our Own Correspondent MALACCA. Sat. IN English -speaking Indian, W. Tudor, alias Tudor Wimalasurendra, was committed to stand trial at th 2 Assizes today on a charge of voluntarily causing grievous hurt to Haji Amat bin Haji Latlp with a view to extorting a confession. Tudor,
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  • 359 6 From Our Own Correspondent PENANG, Sat. ANNOUNCING the Municipal budget at the first post-war meeting of the Penang Commissioners yesterday afternoon, the new President, Mr. W. C. Taylor, declared that (he Penang Municipality had "no need to fear the future financially or m
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 896 6 OA£B BY TENDER. 1 The Ous'odlan of Property, Sin-.j-pore. '.nvd'ji tenders for '.he j>archa*e Oi tin! ioil "vrig partic uars of which (ire as to io»s" Lot 1 26 1 nse- -f whve rhalic. Lot 2 .>.")() Cases of envelopes and s/cueßM pads Lot 3 IoU Cases Olncment. Lot 4
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    • 823 6 By Order of the Asst, Controller of Customs, Preventive Branch S'pir;. AUCTION SALE OF CONFISCATED CRAFT 5 sampans. One motor-sampan and One rowing boat lying at Chvgi Custom, One motor-sampa.i with o <tboard motor (no number) lying at Singapore Slipway, Tanjona Rnu, an 1 One sampan lying at Bei.:n Roai.
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    • 455 6 JULIAN LIM 365 ORCHARD ROAD Information is requi-ed concerning the abovenamed Julian Llm who was taken by the Japanese Military trcm the concentration area m Upper Crc» Street, Singapore, on the 21st of February, 1942, and has not returned or been heard of. Information is also required regarding a will
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    • 391 6 Established In 1918. OPTOMETRISTS OPTIC) AN3 13. Battery Road. Singapore. LIME Large Quantities Av.'iijbie for Immediate Delivery, Plrase Write for Quo at'ons FEDERAL TRADING C0.(1946)LTD P O. Box 84*. SINGAPORE Branches at Koala l.umpur Ipah. When your Office neeO: reliable and experienced mechanics to attend to your TYPEWRITERS. CAM.ULATORS. and
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 514 6 RADIO PROGRAMMES SINGAPORE ewept or. Sur.days when n.e aft«rnoon JULY 1 Kti> oikviiu rTnm noon to fesslon °Pe»» at 5 oi trews nead- 7 30 a.m. Radio newsroel. 7.45 a.m. Z om ln 5! 3 11 2*1 ltnf tlSO0111 and news »30 pn» Christianity rnd Atomic power. 8 a.m. metre*
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  • 641 7 Malayan Share Markets Show Continued Strength CONSIDERABLE strength was displayed by share 1/ markets during the week with a continued widening of public interest and a fair volume of business was written, states the Malayan Sharebrohtrs Association report for the week ending June 29. In Tins Sterlings despite less London
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  • 186 7 From Our Own Correspondent MALACCA. Sun. TAN CHIN KIM, the proprietor of a Chinese dispensary. Chop Tai Wah, at Mill Road, was charged in the District Court with dishonestly receiving stolen drugs, the property of the District Medical Store. An English-speaking boy, Ke-> Sik Yong, who had
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  • 773 7 The following are prices at June 29, supplied by the Malayan S^urebrokers Association: niiLMnu^ Buyer Seller Mexandra Brickworks Ords. $1.75 Alexandra Br'ckworks Prefs. 2 50 Brit. Malay i Trustee Executor Co. 7 0C Consolidated Tin Smelters 23/Eastern United Assurance 35 00 Praser None 20. bO jammon (Malay)
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  • 57 7 LONDON, Sun.— Among the best soldiers of the British Army polcing Germany are 2.540 men whose orison sentences for desertion, insubordination and other military crimes nave been s' -pended. Every month a report on their behaviour is submitted to their commander. They still forfeit their right
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 331 7 STORE MAIL NOTICE Latest time and date of I!AILS FOR post ng at General Post Office, Singapore. AIR. Australia and the New Zealand 9 a.m. Tuesday. Thursday. Saturday and 4 p.m. Eurma 4 pm. M o n d t. y, Wednesday. Thurrday, Friday and Ceylon Sunday. China Hong Kong,
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    • 414 7 WANTED An experienced AccoucUnt with a lKtle kno"vieds?e of Chit cm must b I able to Uik° charge of fi li sets of accownts. An experienced and good Correit pondenee assL'tant with «ord knowledge of Chinese A junior clerk with tome knowledge of Chinese. Goo 1 salary for right men.
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    • 299 7 Mansfield S Co., Ltd. (lncorporateo ib 3 ing a port i BLUE FUNNEL USE SnJ!lne» to «nd from United Kir gdom Men-lans Dne from UK. 1 *uly Rlckorv Barr Dae frntn t.K 2 July GlenQnlas M for IK. 5 Tu'v Bellerapiion Dae from U.K. 10 Jnly Western Australia The thortesl
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 447 7 At duplicate bridge, heavy em- i The bidding phasis is laid on no trump con- East Soath tracts because of the greater r msa i spadt p^ 3 tmb9 trick value. In the case of slams. Pass 3 spatir* Pm t no trump however, and particularly grand Pan s hearts
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  • All The Latest Sports News
    • 197 8 MELBOURNE, Sat. (By Mervyn Williams, Boxing Editor Sporting Globe) JSID PANCHO, featherweight champion of Malaya, made a great impression at the Melbourne Stadium to-night when he outpointed Billy Alexander, featherweight champion of Victoria, over 12 rounds. It was a hard, gruelling fight from the first
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    • 91 8 NEW YORK Sat. TAMI Mauricllo, of the Bronx, stymied Mike Jacobs' attempt to promote another Joe Louis heavywtiffht title defence m the autumn by refusing the promoter's offer. Jacobs offered Mauriello 17 per cent of the net gate, but the challenger demanded 20, the same as
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    • 409 8 Essex First Pair In Big Stand County Cricket LONDON, Sat. THE outstanding feature or County cricket matches starting to-day was the unbeaten first wicket partnership of 235 runs by Essex at the Oval. The batsmen concerned in !t are Avery, who has so far scored 140, and Dodds, who has
      Reuter  -  409 words
    • 216 8 (By Learie Constantlne) LIVERPOOL, Sat. THE return of bad weather at Liverpool was another great disappointment to the Indians at the beginning of their tour against the northern counties which will culminate with the second Test in three weeks' time at Manchester. Before tea
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    • 75 8 T^HE Chinese Swimming Club beat ■1 the United Services linm In a friendly game of table tennlr by even games to nil The results were: Chua Kirn Hearn beat N. Choulnrton 3-0; Chan Poh Yin;? beat H. Ekstrin 3-0: Chan Kwok Ming beat J. Page 3-0: Won"? Ton.j
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    • 87 8 PE Naval Base Asian's Sports Club beat the Johore Police by three goals to two in a friendly soccer match played at the dockyard on Saturday. K.mie and Aziz gave the Johore Police the lead in the first hall when they led by two goals to one.
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    • 192 8 Last Night's Boxing TEDDY Lee outpointed Som Pong In a thrilling ten-round fl«?ht at the Happy World Stadium last night. Som Pong, using all his experience and ringcraft, weathered an early storm after he had been sent down by a left jab for a count of
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    • Article, Illustration
      20 8 G. 11. Walters, Cambridge Har:i rs, makes the w'nning jump at the British Games at the White City S adium.
      20 words
    • 441 8 Queen Mary At Wimbledon WIMBLEDON, Sat. THERE was a half-mile queue from the gates when opened two hours before play began and all means of transport were taking more onlookers to the famous arena. Queen Mary arrived and took the seat she usually occupied and
      Reuter  -  441 words
    • 35 8 NEW YORK. Sat. WILLIAM WOODWARD'S filly, Bonnie Bp»-v1. beat five colts to win of $5. ,000 Empire City Stakes, h tting the wire half a length ahead of the favourite Natchez.— A.P.
      AP  -  35 words
    • 457 8 KEEPING th« ball low and adopting short passing tactics, which suitea the sodden ground, the Malaya beat ALFSEA by three goals to one at Jalan Besar Staaium yesterday. Organised for the benefit of the Singapore Welfare Fund, tlu' game produced fast and keen soccer. The
      457 words
    • 45 8 SOUTH ORANGE, New Jersey. Sat. The National singles champion, Frankie Parker of Las Angeles, sent the United States into a 1-0 lead over Mexico m the opening match of the North American zone Days Cup tennis series. Parkd defeated Rolando Vega, 6-0, 6-0, 6-2.— A.P.
      AP  -  45 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 248 8 T I I A UnU n a m 2o 4is ■Tim- U IB HtP 6.30 9.30 p. m. V J^ The House for Comfort Every Seat An Arm Chair Air Conditioned LAST 5 SHOWS TODAY! So unusual! so delightful different! t'athny always gives you the best. All Singapore is singing
      248 words