The Straits Times, 29 June 1946

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • 720 1 72 Doomed Ships As Target In Bikini Atoll Tomorrow BIKINI, Friday. A SOLITARY superfortress, taking off from Kwajalein, will carry the atom bomb 200 miles to Bikini lagoon on Sunday. It will make three test runs over the battleship Nevada, anchored at the
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  • 260 1 NEW DELHI, Friday. THE Viceroy, Viscount Wavell, was yesterday making up his list of ministers of the "caretaker" Government for India, and the new Government may be announced next Tuesday. Congress and Muslim Lca?uo have both greeted, with varying decrees of disfavour, the idea of a caretaker
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  • 49 1 DETROIT, Fri— The second tornado in two weeks, a threern;nu! e twister that whipped across the Detroit river from Windsor into the Detroit aity area, today injured nine people .tnd piled 13 parked cars into a heap, the tornado was followed by a thurdrrstorm.— U.P.
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  • 54 1 %L A K nl ?K Minlser, and Adm*ral Lord Louis Mountbattrn. Suprem- A lircl Comma I nhersity. Leading In the proression shown above »r e Mr. Attire and |H« irrhhUhon or Canterbury, Dr. Fisher. Behind the Archbhhon is M. Snaak. the Belgian For-ign Minhtrr »nd behind
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  • 204 1 WHY RUBBER IS ONLY 14 PENCE LONDON, 1 in-day. rHE "Financial limes" Political Correspondent writes It is understood that one main reason for not raising the price of Malayan rubber above 14 pence was the desire to avoid the risk of inflation in Malaya. During the second half of this
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  • 59 1 India vs. Northamptonshire. Latest score: Barron 64, c Mushtaq All b Shinde. Timms 107, c Merchant b Mankad. Greenwood 1, lbw Shinde. Nevell 2, c Merchant b Shinde. Morritt 24, c and b Manlrad. Clark nil, not out. Robinson 2. lbw Mankad Extras 30. Total
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  • 60 1 WASHINGTON. Fri.-An experimental lighter plane shaprd like a pancak* which is expected to hover at a standstill or make sprrds up to 550 miles an hour, has been dlsrlosrd by the United States Navy. The present model will not fly before Sept. 1. The design already
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  • 235 1 More Taxation For Penang Probable From Our Own Correspondent LONDON, Thursday. ADDITIONAL taxation BM| be levied in Penang in order that the port may contribute an equal share to the general burden of taxation for the whole of the Malayan Union "This matter is now und?r consideration," said the Colonial
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  • 282 1 BANGKOK, Friday. ipiSIGNED leaflets accusing the Siamese Premie:', Pricli Phanomyong, and Jus Government of complicity in the fatal shooting of King Ananda Mahidol were circulated in Bangkok as tension mounted in the Siamese capital. In a move Interpreted in many qv.ari.ers as a precautionary measure against revolt,
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  • 201 1 MacDonald Flying To Sarawak MR. Malcolm Mac Donald. the Governor-General. arrived In Singapore yesterday. He will loave for Kuching tomorrow to attend <h? formal taking over of Sarawak as a new calony in the British E nip ire and the swearing in of the acting Governor of Sarawak, Mr. J.
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  • 389 1 RUSSIAN "ABUSE OF THE VETO" NEW YORK, Friday. QR. NAJEKA, president v of the United Nations Security (louncil( 1 ouncil and Foreign Minister of Mexico, today described Russia; repeated negative votes on the Spanish question as an "abuse of the veto." Dr. Najera, who exchange! sharp words with the Bond
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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  • 713 2 Attlee Says Debate Possible Next Week LONDON, Thursday. WHEN the Food Minister Mr. John Strachey an- nounced in the House of Commons today that bread and flour would be rationed in Britain as from July 21, Mr. Winston Churchill, leader of the Opposition, described the
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  • 32 2 TRIESTE, Fri -The United States cruiser Fargo, her crew at battle stations, slid into Trieste tiartottr yesterday in the wake of British cruiser which preceded her into port, U.P.
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  • 250 2 U.S. Decides To Retain Texas Tin Smelter WASHINGTON, Friday. Fwas officially made known today that the facilities c/ the United States' huge tin smelter at Texas City, constructed in 1940-41 and operated sines then principally on Bolivian and Belgian Ccngo concentrate?, are Is be retained, either in actual operation or
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  • 61 2 HAIFA, Fri.— Nearly 1,300 .Regal Jewish immigrants arrived here yesterday a British destroyer hovering near their ship. They were transferred to a clearance camp after disembarkmt-. Many sad they were former inmates of German concentration tramps. Their vessel, the Josiah Wedgwood, slipped out of the
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  • 42 2 HYDERABAD. Fri. Jewellery and precious stones, valued ct €127,500. are reported to have been stolen from the residence of the Nawab Zah:r Yar Jung Bahadur, Labour member of the Executive Council of the Nizam of Hyderabad.— Reuter.
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  • 192 2 U. S. Concerned Over Malayan Controls WASHINGTON, Thursday. THERE is considerable concern in United States official and commercial quarters over the question of how long the British intend to maintain rigid exchange and trade controls in Malaya. Some U.S., officials say that such controls will be retained far beyond the
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  • 443 2 PARIS, Thursday. THE big four Foreijrn Ministers in conference in Paris this 1 afternoon cgrced to re< .1 ihe Dodecanese strategic group cf islands off Turhcy to Greece. They a'so accepted the French position on the FrenchItalian frontier question and agreed to the limitation of
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  • 196 2 HAMBURG, Thurs— Four thousand Germans chanted 'GotL strafe England" today In a protest demorr. ration against :lie Tritish plan to evacuat? more than 20.000 psrsors from Hamburg homes to make room for Bri rh occunation troops families. Cries of "We arc not Indians— we are Germans.'
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  • 92 2 DURBAN. Fri.— Dr. O. M. Naicker, leader of the Indian passive resistance movement in Durban against the Indian Land 1 enure Act, was sentenced to six months' hard labour an Thursday for contravention of the riotous assembly act. A .suspended sentence of seven days for
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  • 39 2 A recent photograph taken during an interlude in the Ind<a talks R. to L. Lord PrthicitLawrence: Manlana Abul Kala m Azad, Irdian Natknal Congress President; Sir Stafford C ipps: an I Mr. A. V. Alexander.
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  • 134 2 Hirohito Said Against War In 1931 TOKIO, Friday. WITNESSES at th? war crimes trials tr today that extremist tlements in the Japanese army planned and carried out the Manchuria conquest in complete deflurce of the wishes Ofl Emperor Hirohito, and governments headei by Inukfci Tsuycshi and Reijiro Wakalsuki. Testimony indicated
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  • 174 2 Communists Mass For Attack? ITATIONALIST repci\s from 11 Chengchew continue >v charge that Communists in north-western Honan «»c busily engaged in preparations for air offensive. Twenty-i^o communist regiments, the reports said, nave been concentrated at S uwapoai and Wuaho, where they were recently reinforced by units iro:n Shansl province. Another
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  • 152 2 WASHINGTON, ll*u*«. I'h3 U.S. Government today gan to accumulate cv douce; around the Bl—tlfl naval lieutenant Nicolai Redin regarcing an Corionc^e charge alk:;tn.3 that he tried to transnv' to Rob'l plans of a new 10,003 top dsttnver ten Yl llowstcn?. The laMui o.S. it itrifi
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 857 2 SALE BY TENDER. 1. The Custodian of Property, Singapore, invite 3 tenders for -lie parchftre of the folliwfng partic uars cf which are as fo lovs: Lot 1 26 t asc :-t whve chali. Lot 2. 350 Cases of envelopes and voucher pads. Lot 3. 150 Cases Ointment. Lot 4.
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    • 294 2 E©©KS OF T©*2?AY Look I«.r it i r ii"— N <*■«■»* v.c-.i^ MMM f.c-ii Joiin t...naE.-.J Ly o. l^»Ci i_>.ci iuo.i >i..A me UtaM Cuiiiiun^ti by iu..H Citliier laMfc *^.».~»t<ia MM »«.c|».e i,> twmir ili-a.ji *»-i0 U^t.e to lotsaam Dy D. U. l\jnji m Aiiaii l.: .1 *•> I»cr you
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  • 322 3 Singapore Is A Cleaner City Now Refuse Collections Have Been Cleared CINGAPORE is today a cleaner city than it was a few months ago. All centres at which refuse had been collected have been cleared up and a systematic attempt is being made to clean up the drains. Reporting on
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  • 121 3 Comm iss ion ers Wanted CINGAPORE Municipal Comirissoners will ask Government to increase the number of unofficial Commissioners on the Board. At the Commissioners' meeting yesterday, Mr. John Laycock "su?gesed that th's should be (*one not only to broaden t'-r basis of represent a ion but also reduce the strain
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  • 214 3 $600 FOR GIRLSHOT IN LEGS A case In which C.S.M. Stanley Robinson, attached to N. A. A. F.I. was charged with criHr.T r-nrt by a rach act was compounded before Mr. Paul Storr in the Dis*-ict Court yesterday. The accused was discharged. The complainant, an 18-year-rld firl ChDV Ah Woon,
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  • 164 3 ARAI Ghokai, Korean ?uard on the Burma-Siam Railway ccn3. ruction, known to PoWs as "Junsl? Jim," was sentenced to 15 years' imprisonment by the Australian War Crimes Court in Singapore on Thursday for inhumane brutalities on Bri'.ish, Dutch, American and Australians workirg under Ivm. Arai
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  • 164 3 Sunday' s Church Services Church of England: St. Andrew's: 7. 8. 10 30 5.30- St Peters 7.30, 10 30, 2.30, Gar:ison (Tarurlln): 7 15. 9. 9. 45, 6 3TChrist Church if) no 5' r. 3i St. Hilda's 8 5 30; St. Paul's iS«rnngoon) 8. Salvation Army: 10, 3, 4. Christen
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  • 220 3 MR. Norman Watson r?.vlor, for many years mar.ager of Guthrie and Co., Ltd. s Medan office, died at the General Hospital, Singapre, on Wednes- day irom cereoral malaria. Mr. Taylor returned to Malaya in December, and aft°r spending seme time in Singapore, was working latterly
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  • 163 3 Is The King A British Subject? rE question of whether the King of England Is a naturalised British subject suddenly cropped uo In a discussion between a Magistrate, Mr. Paul Storr, and counsel, in a Olnsrupore Court, yesterday. Defence counsel, Mr. David Marshall, was seeking to estnblioh ownershio of a
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  • 98 3 ASKED by the Australian War Crimes court yesterday to demonstrate hew hard the Japanese could hit wi h a belt, Lane? Corporal Kaga Zenshi, a Japanese euard at Rajburi, in Siam. borrowed an Australian belt from the prosecuting officer. Capt. Grant Ma~lntyre. He handled the
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  • 35 3 When the field general cour*rr.artial of Major F. T. Mstherell, R.E.M.E., was resumed yest^-riay, the defence counsrl. Mr. G. M. Coltart, made hs closing address. The proseeu.or's address will be delivered on Monday.
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  • 34 3 The installation of amlifying equipment in the Municipal Council Chamber will cost approximately $1,100. It is hoped that by the next meeting of the Commissioners the amplifying system will be in operat-on.
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  • 29 3 Thursday, July 4, which Is American Independence Day will by observed as a holiday by the American Consulate-General and the consulate will be closed on that day.
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  • 91 3 A PROSECUTION witness at an inquiry into hurt charges against P. P. Webb, a police inspector, before Mr. H.A. Forrer in the Seventh Police Court yes^rday declared that there was a mistake in the statement he had made to the War Crims department The witness, P.D.D. Appuhamy,
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  • 371 3 Another 'Death' Railway Case Opens 1 Jap lieutenant who was stated to have beaten up PoWs when he was drunk, a Korean quartermaster who was charged w'th tne death of a British signalman, and v Jap medical sergeant who i alleged to have ran away and reused to come anywhere
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  • 34 3 Sir Franklin Gimson. and a oarty which imljdfd Lord and Lady Killcarn. were present at the Premiere of the Fasrle Lion film, "The Se.enth Veil" at Pavilion on Thursday night.
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  • 331 3 Armed Robbers Steal $10,000 Payroll ONE of the most daring robberies in Singapore occurred yesterday at about 9 a.m. when two armed Chinese held up the cashier of the Tan Tock Seng hospital in the grounds of the hospital and snatched away a bag containing $10,000. They fired two shots
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  • 97 3 PVERY person who was in Sin- pore during the Japanese occunat'on and has not be?n revaccinated since should be revaceln This would be a wise precaution, said Mr. W. Bartley, Municipal President, replying to a suggestion by Mr. John Laycock at the Commissioners' meeting yesterday, that a statement
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  • 89 3 At a meeting held ut the Bukom Clerks Club, the following were ejected oftice-bearers for the current year: Patrol s: Messrs R. M. McLeish it D. M. Ash; President: Mr. Kee Yew Chve. Vice-Prr.s dent: Mr. Wee Ah Kirn, secretary: Mr. Wons Kwong Yam, treasurer: Mr Li.r
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  • 244 3 SAVE MORE WA TER Municipal President Tells Singapore. IN spite of public io.-ponse tc the appeal to save water, consumption in Singapore must be reduced by a lurlher million gallons a day to preserve a minimum margin °f safety, said Mr. VV. Bariley, Municipal president, 3 day. At the Municipal
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  • 120 3 "Seventh Veil" At The Pavilion SOMETIME In Au^Ui., Lion s product on. Seventh Veil. will be screened at Pavilion in Sinsapor dierice wheh attended the Malayan premiere on Thursday night considered it one of ihe CriUah films s ,i sine the lb-ra-tion. Ann Todd and James Mason are the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 279 3 NOTICE. L*r Sam Chcon Will any pesor. who has niy kniw--o\oqe 3'u To shuiuwaoui am jo oSpnj named In F'^-uary i 942 or who has any in.'ormaM<.r of hi.« A-r.iwdboiit* since that date please communicate with:— AI.LEN A GIEPHILL. Advoca'os Ffl'cltors, Malacca MALAYAN RAILWAY. Varan:-f-s f r Imperial Combustion or
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    • 106 3 THE NftTIONH CITY BANK OF NEW YQ3K IncorporutPd with Limited Liability in the Unittd States of Arr4JNION BUILDING ANNOUNCEMENT Savings Account facilities have been resumed for our clients desiring this service. IV Robins, n Road, Singapsrr M 7926. Kluanc Branch: 7 JaUn Lambak, Kluantr Trl. 95. IMPORTERS INSURANCE AGENTS EXPORTERS
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  • 1088 4 The Straits Times Singapore, Sat., June 29, 1946. Singapore In The Money Market The Singapore citizen who has been wondering for several months past how enough revenue Is going to be extracted from this city and island to pay for the imposing structure of a Crown Colony Is not much
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  • 49 4 The Singapore share of the former Straits Settlements surplus sterling funds is estimated at £5 millions (including the Opium Revenue Replacement Fund) Owing to a misprint, this figure was given as $5 millions in the report of the Financial Secretary's speech la the Straits Times yesterday.
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  • Saturday Forum
    • 493 4 in complete agreement with the wages and Cost of Living Allowance Committee that extra money put into circulation when there is a scarcity of goods in the market would only make the inflation worse, I thmk that an allowance of say 50 per cent to 100
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    • 625 4 HO we ever learn anything rrom v experience? 1 agree witn your correspondent, J. F. L. CMria. This country has always been cursed with over-government. Now we are In a worse position than ever Who is all this magnificence intendCQ to impress? Governor-general Governors Secietary-General Colonial Secretary
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    • 119 4 MAY I draw attention to the behaviour of some of our bright youn? things who are seen in company with those in uniform. It is really an eye sore to see them enjoying themsehes arm-in-arm with their supposed dream boy in places of entertainment. During the
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    • 424 4 SUBURBIA: NOODLES! I\O you happen to Know .1 the anti-malarial branctl of the Mun cu a Jty i. s til functioning? Apparently it is not or if it is. Still Road must Have bten left out of its programme The rrains along the main road art blocked with ruofcish and
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  • 527 4 IT was reported in the Straits Times of June 24 thac priests attached to the Pena n g Buddhist Araoctattca asked for an inrr.^asa cf sal iry. and, when this was not forthcoming, went on strike and refused to leave their rooms to officiate at
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 769 4 LIM-CHIA. On 25th June 1946 to 14; yn. wife of Lim Chon^ Pan?, lh; 2i.t of a dau'hto:. Th? marriage tock place on June 27, 9. '6 brlv/cen Quake Ah Mm, tijit «iau<?ht':r of Mr. <te Mrs. Quake Ctilp Ycow r.nd Choo Mol Chlng of Kcluntaa. SITUATIONS VACANT OLD cs>b.i-hed
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    • 48 4 TIRED EYES Whether or not you now wear Glasses. If your eve* are t rei or uncomfortable, HAVE AN EXAMINATION. Proper glasses can be of tremendous help to your efficiency, your physical and mental comfort as well as to your appearance. fonviU: C. S. CHONG. O.D. FT.O C.
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    • 11 4 Hack acfo 7// j& to safeguard *f J J tfour health
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  • 1359 5 South Western Singapore A Vast Ordnance Depot NEW HOSPITALS BEING BUILT By A Special Correspondent BIG plans for the development of the south western sector of Singapore into a vast Ordnance Depot, and for the construction of hospitals and camps to house the peace time military
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  • 114 5 JAP CAMP CHIEF TO HANG Hidaji, fcrmer il commandant of the Allied officers' PoW camp at Kanburi, Siam, was sentenced to death by hanging at the conclusion of his trial before a Singapore War Crimes court yesterday. Noguchi was charged with illtreating Capt. W. M. Drower vhom he sent to
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  • 121 5 PEOI LE S Restaurants are not cut to compete with anybody, but they ar3 ons of ths weapons with which the authorities will fisht the blaci market, according to Mr T P F VrNoico. M.C.S., chairman of the Peoples Restaurant Commute?, who introduced newsoanermen yesterday to
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  • 78 5 Mr. George Lee has Presented $3,448.95 to the Governor for allocation to charity. T'ris sum was collected during the Victory Exhibition, organised in the Happy World Amusement Park in conjunction with the Public Relations office. The uf!er was generously rr.ade that a:i takings above the averaie ta'iinps should,
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  • 341 5 By An Army Oojc. SEMI-PERMANENT ceirps for the forces «t:-'ioned on Malayan mainland will .-'art erection th's week. Tl are thiio trrcups of camns. r.-»ch grow? is MB*W c! of four camps each accommodating 7S0 men. a f:' r ti;cr fj ir :>< mouating 250
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 131 5 JUBILEE to»i>ay TEL 3403* 1.15 3.30 630 9.03 p. WAITDISNfYS Tne story of BAMBI ls the 5i M A story of every ones life, filled fgBMJJkvJ with human emotions of love, Oil*' lOVI S'O»* g: jf •#(f?f^ hate, jealousy, gaiety, fear, VaSSf Famed happiness, courtship and vV& B 1 Book
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    • 102 5 i GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO. LTD (Incorporated in S.S.> ft THE IPOH BRANCH OFFICE will open on Juy Ist 1916 witii M quarters in the Offices <t Mes is. Eime Darby Co., Ltd., Erewster To id, fo: the purposes of paying JTalu itkt, i vo t ting Claims reviving
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  • 286 6 U.S. Leads In Imports To Hong Kong United Kingdom Shipments Drop JJONG KONG, Friday.— lmports from the United States to this principal port of the Far East for the first five months of 1946 are leading imports from the United Kingdom, British Empire, Canada and Australia combined, according to the
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  • 209 6 India Railway Strike Called Off CALCUTTA, Fri.— Amid clouds of political gloom surrounding the fate of Britain's interim government proposals, India's food and transportation picture was brightened by the All-India Railwayman Federation's unanimous decisions to call oft* the national railway strike scheduled for June 27. The decision, resulting from an
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  • 99 6 Burma Increasing Rice Cultivation RANGOON, Fri —Prospects of cultivation in lower Burma where, before the war a vast, a'most unbroken. *»x»j-iJis^ of 10,000.000 acres was vi?vt,t^d to rice crop, are genera lly much brighter than last y;a- when only 6.000.000 of 12.500 000 acres were under rice cultivation. It is
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  • 82 6 WASHINGTON, Thurs —United States agricultural missions have been appointed and wii: leave soon for China and thp Philippines to collaborate with the sovernments of those countries In studying immediate Chinese and Philippine agricultural problems and to recommend action for their solution The members of the
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  • 166 6 Modena (ITALY) Fri.— Cesira Cavczxi celebrated her eolJen ueddine anniversary and her 85th birthday with a party which was attended by her 14 children and her 37 grandchildren. During the party she drank a toast to her husband and said, "I have everything which life
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  • 264 6 CJiANGHAI, Friday:— Organised large scale waterfront pilferage is forcing local underwriters steadily to increase the'r pr»miums, and it may eventually drive them to refuse to insurz against losses from thett. Pilferage has reached such proportions that consignees frequently find five or six per cent of their cargoes missing
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  • 64 6 NEW YORK, Fri.-Yat Ah King, a Chinese seaman left his estate valued at about £500 "to the purpose of finding and bringing up a male heir for ire in my native Fukien." This set quite a problem for a New York court, when the will was
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 262 6 With the advent of air- j& conditioning Cathay marks r^pH3 new Era in Singapore's world of entertainments. „-J^Mnl;jSla^J presents the final PJI" Wlf < MHCTy^|fflv_ word in modernity, artistry and efficiency. Here the devotees of the cinema cult can now revel in upholstered luxury, air-conditioned comfort and expert service whilst
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    • 613 6 LOST Fibre trunk last Saturday from s/s Strathaird. Contents grraw sentimental value. Handsome Rewtrc Apply Room 100 Raffles Hotel. A large European firm In Malaya has vacancies for European St.Mt with the following qualifications: (1) Two men with shipping or accounts experience, age under 27 years. (2) Two assistants for
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    • 205 6 NEW BRITISH GOODS. Shipments just to hand Sterling Silver Cigarette Cases Souvenir Spoons Gold Signet Ringc Cuff Links Dross Suitn FAMOUS A. V. M. PRODUCT EAGLE BR AND Rubber Conciliating Acid Sole Uikinbutintf Agent*; CHIDA FRANCIS tfc -O U.M Army ('ontrartort A Shipchandler*. IU-A, Cecil Street. Singapore. TeL 2952 Look
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 237 6 RADIO PROGRAMMES SINGAPORE BED vtMVOHK from noon to 3 p.m. %nd 30 to 11 om on 235 metres from noon w> 2 p m on 1.825 mrs sec -n 6i metre baiMl and from 7.45 to 9 30 p.m. od i.78 msc/sec a Cl metre ojnd CHINESE noon to 1
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    • 275 6 TO-NIGHT'S HI OKI I GUT 8.18 p.m. Your favourite song* > 8.32 p.m. forces Variety Qvii relayed s from the Shackle Club Singapore i 10 p.m. Radio Theatre b. b. c. 5 20 p m ft 35 pa fiSJ 13.93 metres from s .JO am -10 35 pin. GSV lb.jM
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    • 345 6 movies. 1 p.m. News, l.ji p. ii. History of Chicago jazz, 1.30 p.m. Now and then. 2 News, 2.01 p m You-' for the asking. 3 p.m. Tiffin tun -3 3.30 p.m. News. 3.40 p.n Ba. Cst&nd, 4 p.m. New musto,time K P m Follow the leader. 5 p.m.
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  • 235 7 COST of living in Singapore this month has risen slightly ever last month, according to official statistics. Compared with 1941, it is about three and a half times higher. Taking 100 as the cost of living in 1941, figures for May this year
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  • 173 7 From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. IN the Lake Gardens, Kuala Lumpur, in March 1945, the Japanese Kempeitai surrounded a house occupied by a Sikh, Gurchan Sinyhi who under the name of "Singa (meaning "Lion") distributed an Allieo. newsheet and other anti-Japa:eso propaganda throughout the length
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  • 101 7 OfTicial infonration has been r^ iv( d from Hons Kor,^ that thrir total surplus of dried fish for cxnort to all countries for th" rest of 1946 is a maximum of i 2,000 tons, and may be a? low as 1.250 tons. Rcmc. however. m'i«t
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  • 40 7 The Lovis-Conn Fight film left New York on June 21 by air. according to RKO Radio Pictures. The film should arrive in Singapore early next week and arrangements are now in hand for local release immediately after arrival.
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  • 121 7 WASHINGTON. TRANCE received the .arrest r share in a recent allocation of tin mrtal for use during: the period ending June 30. France was allotted 2.840 long: tons out of a total of 9,476 long: tons. The allocations, madr by the combined tin committee*. supplement
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  • 353 7 Singapore Rotary Club Dinner THE Singapore Rotary Club held a dinner meeting at the Adelphi Hotel on Wednesday, at which 145 members and guesLs were present. The occasion was r the presentation to the club of the new charter to replace the old one which was cancelled when Malaya v,as
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  • 75 7 Agricultural Show At Alor Star From Our Own Correspondent ALOR STAR. Mon.— Agricul- 'ural and kampong industries rubber, livestock, arts and crafts, school handicrafts, special war photographs by the Public Relations department and moving pictures will feature in the Kedafa Agri-Horticultural and Livestocks Exhibition from July 19 to July 21.
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  • 248 7 Singapore Filipinos Want Consul IN earnest plea that a Filipino consul-general be appointed for Malaya after the inauguration of Philippine independence 011 July 4 was contained in messages sent by the president of the Singapore Filipino Association to President Manuel Roxas and the Commonwealth Foreign Minister. The message from the
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  • 50 7 PENANG, Thurs. MEARLY 100 members of the civi- and military police carried out a combined arms drive in the Eukit Mertajam area '.n Province Weli^sley fcr six hours yesterday, when the suspected j headquarters of p. certain local society was id:d on the outskirts o» the town.
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  • 214 7 Improving Primary Education From Our Own Correspondent PENANG, Tikm. AN indication that the Government is carefully considering the question cf "improving and spreading primary education in the coun try", was. given by the D.rc tOi- of Education, Malayan Union, Mr. H. R. ChecSsman at an interview here today. Mr. Cheeseman
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  • 80 7 Penang Kempei Return From Our Own Correspondent PENANG, Thurs.— Dressed 'n army uniforms with their hands tied behind their backs, a party ot 12 former members of the Penang Kempeitai arrived from Taiping under heavy armed escort at noon yesterday. From the pier they were transported in lorries to the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 197 7 if^»|. AHA H ROW SHO^HG §T 11 a.m. 2.00. 4.15, J|jdpf|j H■Hi M W 630 9.30 p. m. AIR CONDITIONED THE HOUSE FOR COMFORT. EVERY SEAT AN ARMCHAIR More Gloriously Gay! .In A Way that dares you on! More Wonderful! Than in "Hers To Hold!" DEANNA. The Way you love
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    • 955 7 SALE BY TENDER 1. The Custodian 3t Prop.Tty. Singapore, invites tenders tot the purchase of 'iie following uartlculars of which are *r follows: Lot 1. 9 Japanese aeronautical engines. 37 Japanese aerupMinr •proDs'ler blades. 1 Small lot if aeroplane parts approx 1 ton ivlng at Elim Camp. 91 T..8 Pasir
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    • 472 7 Mansfield Co., Ltd. Incorporated in Singapore )f BLUE FUNNEL LINE Sailings tc and from United Kn gdnia 11 Men-lnus Doe from U.K. 1 TulJ Hlekorj Burr Due from C.fc 2 July Sail* for U.K. 4 Iiit Brflerophon Doe from L'.K. 10 Inly Western Australia 1 The shortrM %ra roate at
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 398 7 Average players are too prone to assume that key suits will break, and therefore too lax about setting up alternative plays. For example: North, dealer Neither side vulnerable NORTH Ml A J 10 9 A Q9t 10 6 3 WEST EAST Q 10 7 8 S K87 IQ.SJ2 J 10SS
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  • 362 8 J^ID PANCHO, one of the five Malayan boxers who left for Australia last month, has his first fif?ht in Melbourne to-night. His opponent will be Billy Alexander and the fight is scheduled for 12 threeminute rounds at the featherweight stipulation. Pancho is expected to
    362 words
  • 111 8 AN interesting soccer match will be played at Jalan Besa- stadium to-morrow when th> Malay Football Association will meet Alfsea H#j. The pan:e is being nlavtd In aid of the V>lfare Fund, and admission charces will be SI and S5O certs. Kick-off will be
    111 words
  • 200 8 THE final England trial and practice match in preparation for the scry ces international Rugby series will take place at Seletar R.A.F. ground on Tuesday at 5 p.m. The first s-ame, between England and Wales, will be played at Jalan Besar stadium on Saturday. July 6.
    200 words
  • 121 8 THE finals of the Army Athletic 1 Meeting (Singapore Distrxt) will be held at Jalan Besar stadium to-day. Maj.-Gen. L. H. C&x, G.0.C., S ngaoore District, will be the referee and Mrs. Cox will give away the prizes. The programme is: 2.30 p.m. 100 yards; 2.35
    121 words
  • 79 8 U"NTRIES ai( now open lor the All- Singapore: table tennis championship of 1946, and the sv^nts arc the inter-club league, men's ri.-.gles, men's doubles, women's singles and mixed doubles. The inter-club league event will be between teams of five players together with two reserves. The p'tyers must
    79 words
  • 52 8 •7HE B.S.C. XI will be chosen from the following to play a friendly soccer match against an ALFSEA XI at Tanglin Barracks at 5.15 n.m. to-mnrrow M. A. Mecca, Leorr.ard, Sahat, Rahm, Halim, Guan Chwee, Guan Kirn, Lcmhruf?an, Omar, JafTar, Haron, Dollah Kechot, Eddie Darker, Alex Watts, Roland
    52 words
  • 303 8 Letter Seremban Soccer Fan Rebukes Spectators (WAS one of the many spectators who witnessed a game of soccer in which the local Chinese irct a Service team yesterday. Wnat promised to be a good game was utterly spoilt by a certain section of the crowd. I refer to a group
    303 words
  • 210 8 (By LEARY CONSTANTINE) NORTHAMPTON, Thur s Northamptonshire have fought hard in their game with the Ind an tourists, and only totally unexpected happening-? seem likely to produce a definite result. The County started the day well by getting rid of the three remaining Indian wickets for
    Reuter  -  210 words
  • Article, Illustration
    28 8 Mrs. Hay S ammers M-nii? s i a play a ai :st Mi--? M. E. Osborn* (U.S.) in the Wi^htman Cup. The American girl won 6—3, S— 2.
    28 words
  • 468 8 WIMBLEDON, Thurs. WIMBLEDON'S first sensation arrived today when in the men's singles Pancho Segura of Equador, fourth ranked player for the lawn tennis championships, was eliminated by Tom Brown an unranked American player, who won 4—6 6—3 6—3 6—3. But Brown, 23-year-old San Francisco player, gave
    468 words
  • 219 8 Two-Day Wins For Surrey Middlesex Ccunty Cricket LONDON. Thurs. FE Country cricket oro^ramme was interfered with rain in some cases, but Middlesex and Surrey managed to win their respective matches inside two days. Middlesex's victory over Warwickshire was featured by Compton's return to form, scoring a grand .122. Scores were:
    Reuter  -  219 words
  • 75 8 r PHE following have been selected to play soccer for the Rocklites against the Slnßaporc A.T.C. (Signals). R.A.P Kallang, «H ttie Aerodrome ground, Kallang, it 4.30 today. Transport will leave 301. Telok Kurau Boad. at 3.45 p.m. O. Balakrishnan, S iM. Ortega (Capt M. S-^rielo. P Thurais'ngnm. Tan Eng
    75 words
  • 60 8 The following will represent the Y.M.C.A. against the 31 E.S.D. Indian team on the teanls pavilion ground to-day at 5.15 p in. Lim Njit Stong, Chla Kok Leong. Toh Shuni' Ohee. Wee Boon Hal Au Boon Hal, Au Tat Chu. Ycow Wan Sang, Lira Cheng Slong, Lee Ah Chlo,
    60 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 488 8 I HOW SHOWING M at 1,3.15, 7 9.15 p.m. "YELLOW RIVER" A a Brand new I'letute In Mandarin Jf a Kißht against "China Sorrow" Tonight 11.30 pm. C "Victory of China a Picture no *W* Chinese can alloi d to miss Book Earl; Avoid the rush f* DISTRICTS MOST POPULAR
      488 words
    • 260 8 THE VANGUARDS OF DEMOCRAOI IN THEIR GREATEST ADVENTURE/ SUFFERING AND— VICTORY! ANTON WALBROOK Remembered for hs migbty "MirHAEL STROGiMF." "VICTORIA THE (JUEAT, and "SIXTY GLORIOI'S YEARS,*' now gives the most brilliant performance of his distinguished career. op«m TO-DAY rfTl BOOK EARLY The Spanish Civil War Recalled And So Is The
      260 words