The Straits Times, 25 May 1946

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • 842 1 Tested In War Call For Voice In Foreign Affairs For Opposition LONDON, Friday. yR. Anthony Eden, the former For eign Minister, opening the debate on L Egypt m the House of Commons today, called on the Labour Government to follow the example
    Reuter; UP  -  842 words
  • 215 1 U. S. Has Germ Spray Weapon Washinerton. Fndav THE UNITED STATES has a secret germ spray weapon "far more deadly than the atomic bomb," members of the Appropriations Committee of the House of Representatives discc?ecl to reporters here today. One member said: "The Navy has developed, to a point where
    Reuter  -  215 words
  • 45 1 BERNE, Fri.: —Princess Juliana and Prince Bernard of the Netherlands left for home yesiLerday after a three-day visit to Switzerland. They expressed the Rratitude of their people lor the assistance given during and after the war by the Swiss people. —A.P.
    AP  -  45 words
  • 95 1 PARIS. Fri— Representatives of 22 nations and three international organisations announced yesterday that there would bs a world deficit of M/ 00.000 tons of coal by June. 1947, if all envrrnments did not take immedite and energetic measures. In a communique at the end of a three-day
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  • 509 1 MOSCOW RADIO announced lest night that the Red Army's evacuation of Persia was completed on May 9 three days after the deadline set by the United Nations Security Council. The text of thj announcement •vas: "According to information m the possession of
    Reuter  -  509 words
  • 216 1 IMPORTANT discussions are taking place m Singapore between Lord Killearn, Special Commissioner m South East Asia, and Dr. Hubertus van Mook, Lieut. Governor-General of the Netherlands East Indies, who arrived la Singapore yest?rday by air from Batavia. Dr. van Mook is accomp ni ri by Gen. S.
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  • 41 1 Troops Arrive For V-Parade A group of soldiers and sailers from South Africa and Rhode sia, the first Empire servicemen to arrive m England to take pa rt m London's Victory Parade, s een on arrival at Blai kbushe Aerodrome, Surrey
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  • 136 1 Rail Strike Paralyses America WASHINGTON, Friday. DESPITE intervention by the President of the United States the str.kc cf railwaymen has started. Reports say that the stnko il almost total. The strik? came as a surprise to the Nation since eighteen of the! twenty railway unions lia«l agreed to arbitrate. Tv
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  • 39 1 LONDON, Fri-Acting Air Chic* Marshal Sir Keith Park has been made Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath m recognition of his distinguished services m South East Asia, says the London Gazette tonight.—Reuter
    Reuter  -  39 words
  • 379 1 SARA WAK TO COME UNDER MALA YA (From Our Own Correspondent) PENANG, Friday. jVjR. .Maicoim MacDonald, i GovernorGeneral ot the Malayan Union and Singapore, who arrived to take a? his temporary headquarters here today, said he expected Sarawak to come under his control as soon as the taking over of
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 153 1 f ***UfACTU*IMO LsHursJ me»——ATt» m etttf) V iPOKI -HHAM4 J MACHINE TOOLS We. can supply your Post-War Requirements for:Whrcl lathes: Capstan Ma Mine Tools; Kadial I-athrs; I.athrs; Tool Drilling Machines; I'illar (utter Grinders; Plain, Bench Drills; I'lanin? Universal A Surface Machines: Millers; Shapers; Grinders; Floor Grinders; Engineers' Small Tools; Screwing
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  • 605 2 Centralised System Would Hamper Unity LONDON, Thursday. rpHLi Conference ot oornitiions' I'rime Ministers bas tict-iared m favour of the present system oi free discussion and exchange of views amor.*; Commonwealth members and against "any rijrid centralised machinery." A statement famed from 10 Downing Street {o'.ii«/h f
    Reuter  -  605 words
  • 62 2 LONDON, Thurs —The abolition of corporai punknment m both East and West African forces was announced m the House of Commons yesterday by the Colonial Secretary Mr George Hall. The legislation would bo introduced m the African coionles to make the awarding of corporal punishment for
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • 82 2 CHARGED WITH I TREACHERY ffhea Ike AUirs MM expert td to arrive near Pa-is Ihe Patriots of Chatoa decide) to fieht for their own liberation Vichy militia denounced them to the (aitiian S.S. m?n Tuenty-six hostaefs were taken from Chatou and «hot m cold blood under fiiihtful conditions. Charged with
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  • 211 2 Pearl Harbour lnquiry Over WASHINGTON, Friday. "THE Congressional Peai! 1 Harbour investis;atinp I committee has finished m- vest igat ion of the Jap unese 1 attack. Two Republican members protest ihat the Committee's 8,640,000 wora i record is incomplete. 1 Prince Konoye's memoirs revealed that President Roosevelt had ac :ed
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  • 63 2 TOKIO. Thurs:—More than quarter of a milion dollar*' worth of silver, diamonds and 1 precious metals were discovered by uutroLs of the First Cavalry Division, acting on information received m an anonymous letter I to G?n Mac Arthur's HeadquarI ters. They were found under the iloor of a
    UP  -  63 words
  • 168 2 Unrestricted Submarine Warfare NUREMBERG. Thursday. NIMITZ, He..d of j American war time I Naval operations, has told the War Crimes Tribunal that the United States contT. cfed an unrestricted submarine m d air warfare against Japan throughout the war. sinking enemy mercnan* vessels without varaiac He sent an affidavit to
    UP  -  168 words
  • 69 2 PRAGUF. Th-irs.-Informed (martens here-on the basis ot recent information received from Inside Poland yesterday, described conditions there as'utterly chaotic'". These reports said that armed bands oi various political affiliations roved the Polish countryside firing upon Government troops and Russian convoys. They added that Russian convoys travelling across
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  • 172 2 WASHINGTON, Friday. THE Far Eastern Coinin s1 sion. at the behest si ill Committee on democratic trends headed by the S.viet Representative M. Nowkov, has asked the chairman. General Frank McCoy, to secure "certain informat:o:i as to the extent to which certain policies relating to civn liberties
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  • 92 2 Poles Change Their Minds LONDON, Pii, -lne JPuh>h Commander. General Anders, has arrived here lor discussions on the demobilisation of Poles servins m Western Europe. It is anticipated that the question of the migration of large numbers of these Poles will be discussed at the Dominion Prime Ministers' Conference. Two
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  • 779 2 SINGAPORE •m NlniiiKK from iiuob pm u>4 «M to |i pm O o SJJ r.t !res from uaoo to 3 o.m on 1.823 mes/sec m b| metcc (Mud and from ■13 to 930 po on 1.7H mmm v "I metre band CHINESE noon to I. IS p.m. <newi
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  • 588 2 THREE-POINT PLaN FORFOODS SUPPLIES WASHINGTON, Thursday. THR Indian Government's .representatives i<xiay submitted a three-point proposal to the Food and Agricultural Organisation conference io ensure •dirness m future distribution of KUT* worM fowl supplies. The propunal was ma V >n the form of a c n'u'i r, by Dr. V. K.
    UP  -  588 words
  • 63 2 Quadruplets In China t;kntsin, Thar —<;•.•.- I ap. Ml vrrr born over a prrio I of fv:> c':i s to ■>'!•>. T: V t'i« "ifi» of a ChlaeM BM r n:it 111 i are rrwrlti to be wrii <):i Haji 1 a ci-l s l>or ::id !he fo!lo".vinc dnv two
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  • 353 2 According to Culbertson In certain bridge circles aboit hah of all deals are oper.ed with "one club," on the somewhat naive theory that this makes '1 c course of subsequent bidding b^th smoother and rafer Some times, however, things dnn't ttm cut that way! For example: North, dealer. North South
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 132 2 MAY BAKER LTD. Manufacturing Chemists Daganhara, England ha\e rr-nprtietl Ihrir Sifjapart alftcc al temporary preMises, No. :t. MaUfra Street. ffpffhllHn j( rir.lists arc rxpeeted lliis u«»k. Will .ill rftoetars, v bolciakn bsml retailer* resjairißg a ropy pInMC wrih- lo l». x 7.{, Siagapwre. mmm bi yeast tabled PACKED IN TINS
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 86 2 CROSSWORD CLUES DOWN. 1. Broom, 2. Learned. 3. With rr weapons, 4. Pile. 5. Cover, 5. Sharp, 7. Juicy Berry. '•'••'ir r^oMoB 8. Success, Used up, 14. Pa«en*er Ship. 16. Af- a £l A HLXL^I?^™ flrmative, 19. Classify, 20. Metal. 22. Fool by flat- s W:-B f: T\ r tery,
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  • 491 3 65,000 Join In Celebrations EMPIRE Day, the lirst to be observed in Singapore lj since 1941, was fittingly celebrated in all the schools yesterday with parades, the unfurling o f the Union Jack and the presence of distinguished visitors, many of whom addressed the
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  • 63 3 IPOH. Fri. Nearl: 5 000 schoolchildren Iron all Enish and vernacular schcol> In Ipoh gathered this morning on the town padang to celebrate Empire :Day. I The Resident r--.•.■.-•r--.•.■.-• -j 0 ~r Mr. A. C. Jomaron, read the Rmpire Day message and sair' I the cfcbrati'n
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  • 327 3 Tribute To Schools From Governor r N a special "Empiro Day" L broadcast to schools in Singapore yesterday the Gov•rnor, Mr. F. C. Gimson. .<aid le hoped to extend the personal acquaintance he had nadp with schoolchildren luring rec nt visits to the r schools. "What I l:ave seen already
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  • 203 3 THE part that Australia's wartime industrial expansion could play in the rehabilitation of Malaya and other South East Asia countries was emphasized by Mr. Claude Massey, the Australian Government Comn.i^sioner, in a broadcast over the Singapore radio. Australia could supply gooc* food, clothes, machinery, I
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  • 134 3 Alleged Attempted Extortion An aprlication for th e accused to be kept in Police custody for 43 hours after which they aro to be sent to the Civil Prison pending their trial wr.s made by Court Inspector Rahman before Mr. L. C. Goh in the Second Police Court yesterday, when
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  • 54 3 When units of the R.A.F. rehearsed their Virtory flights over London, their chiefs were watching their progrcs; from the Mall. Lfft to ri?ht. Wing Commander R. C. Lister; Air Commodore McE;o>; Air Commodore D Barnett; Air Commodore V. H. C. Russtll; Air Vice Marshal Harries; Air
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  • 243 3 BATU PAHAT, Friday THL voice of Malay womanhood against the Malayan Union was heard for the first time by Capt. L. D. Gammans. visiting M.P., and Sir Theodore Adams, who is touring Malaya on behalf of Sir Edward Gent, at Batu Pahat yesterday when North Johore
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  • 547 3 THE c^ur£ge and ingenuity of Chinese who harboured two British soldiers m Siam for three years was revealed recently when they were thanked by Gen. Messervy and given token rewards at a parado he'd m their honour. When the Japanese invaded
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  • 442 3 SOBS DURING EVIDEISCi: jl/JKMOKIES of his experiences on a Japanese ship ifl thai was attacked by Allied planes m January, 1!) l!, while en-route for Burma yesterday proved too much f or a former Siam Burma railway camp commandant Major Mizutani, who
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 471 3 CHAPTER 216 (Pownbrokers.) I'n-rdoemed Plfdc d Goods and Jcwclcry from the following Pawnbrokers' Shops No 21 New Brtdse Rcac'. Chin Chong fV- <Chcp Thye Sherg). No 135 New Bridge Rosd, Lam Chin Gee (Cl-.op Ju Thung). Ny IRO Couth Bridge Ropd. Lam Joon Chor.g Chin Ah Chai (Chop Sem Thye).
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    • 445 3 ANNOUNCEMENT Tlie Australian Government M-. Claude Itaqr, has now f-stablteh:d his office In the Union Building. Collyer Quay. Temporary acre nimodatlon i 3 located m R> m E2 on ihe third floor and te'ephene numbers are 3823 and 3820. All enquiri .<■ en makers of trade, passports snd Immlj
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    • 437 3 NOTICE. This is to inform oui Clients thai we have re-opened our offlre at E-li Union Building, 3rd floor Oui telephone Is No 3204 CHUNG WONG Architects. Civil Engineers. Surveyi TENDERS FOR SCRAP MATERIALS JOHORE BAHRU POWER STATION Qusta-ions are invited for the un-'er-ment.or.ei mat-rials now si'uat d Johore Bahru
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    • 268 3 Re: Arthur Xo,| Krni m dr eis-d. la'a t if M; M M Mirll Krnlon Ipnh 5 Perak. who rfird m Sinja-x.rr ..n or r abcut Ihe ?Bth d.y of Srpemb-, All Creditor having cltirs a a n>t the Es'at' of the above drcaid shoulo -'■■c notc^ of such claims
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  • 45 4 ENGAGEMENT The engagement is announced between Koh Tiong Tat, third son of Madam Wee Keng Nco and the late Mr. Koh Seek Geok, and Lily Tan Sai 8uan, youngest daughter if the ;md Mrs. Tan Chin Lock and adopted daughter of Madam Tan Tau N.-o.
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  • 760 4 The Straits Times Singapore. Sat., May 25, 1946. The Malayan Melting-Pot The Sultan of Perak touched on one of the primary formative influences of the new Malaya when he was visited by boys of his old school at his astana at Kuala Kangsar a few days aeo. "Speaking not as
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  • 332 4 Yesterday and today the been an extraordinary spectacle m Orchard Road, where there has been a queue of many hWH dreds winding from the Cold Storage Company's premLses far back into Emerald Hill Road. These people are vatttng tv nine tins of condensed milk each. Nothing could
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  • 48 4 Capt. F.J. Bel'.tnger, Ifmancial Secretary to the War Office, said at Manchester m opening the army recruiting campaign i'jr 100,000 men, that provision had been made this year for the building ol 1.000 new houses or married soldiers and their tamilics, says a Reuter report.
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • Untitled
    • 86 4 THE subject of pic*pocketing i<i m everybody's mouth but police action is raft,er slowPriority is being given, I i 11 Isume. to robberies committed at the point of the pistol, rathe than to the mere sliding of deft hands into innocently half-open pockets. Stricter measures, with more plain-clothes
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    • 69 4 AN interesting and nihei humorous .spat haa K«n going on In your "Man-in '.he Street" columns, between "Disgusted Motorist" and cyclist pillion-riders. Talking about love-making "on the move," m ieeps and on bicycle bars, it's simply tickling! In this so-called "Atomic Age" we are surely learning fast. Perhaps the
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    • 212 4 WHILE passing through Singapore, I have read with interest a news item m the Sunday Times under the caption, "Prosecution Of Patriotic Indians m Burti.a.' As *UA us likely to be wMMy revl 17 indian residents of Singapore »nd the Malayan Union I consider it my duty
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    • 66 4 |N pre-war days it was possible for people to get married, at very little cost to themselves, m the office of the Registrar of Marriages. Is this' efflce functioning now, and if so, can you tell me where it is? CLM. Singapore, May 18. (The Registrar of
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    • 82 4 I AM an Asiatic employee working m an office 111 the Cathay Building, where i>omc 1 Service personnel are on duty as guards at the entrance. At night I all passes have to be produced I before entry. It is their duty, at:d it is very important But
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  • 1374 4 BACKGROUND OF EGYPT DEBATE The Suez Canal And The British Empire THE core of the Egyptian demands comprises the complete evacuation of Egypt by British troops and the unity of the Nile Valley which means in effect the incorporation of the Sudan in the Egyptian kingdom. There is in these
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 697 4 PERSONAL MR. A. I RAJA SINGHAM. Representative of tlie Government r.f Ceylon in Ma'ava. le:t for Ceylon by Ar tfali m ruing nr.d will he away fo.- a f~w i I ;s cxpcr'.ej that 0:1 h.s ictun an announcement will b^ nridc "cgardinR the Entrance E>:arqfriation o; t s .e
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    • 30 4 GO/HGTHgOUCHUFI THAT WAY? This brief test, terrifying In Its implications, proves that good vision ls priceless. Take care of your eyes. Have them examined periodically. C S CHONO. 0.D.. F.PO.C
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  • 95 4 'Mr. 1 death of Mrs. Agnes Fernando oreu-red at 3.15 a.m. at K.K. Hospital on 24 5 46. She is the beloved wife (,i B. W. O. I'c:naiijo mother of Basil, Terrene?, Ce/t in. Eileen. Mildred <V Nelly. Th" enrlese will lra>c the rrsid nee, N-\ 158, Tanjong Kalong Rd.
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  • 330 5 Thousands Still Queue For Tinned Milk Big Sales Made At Controlled Price I >.\i ul the iifehts oi Mngapore during tne past lew day.; has been the long queue of several tnousands which has formed up in Orchard Road outside the Cold Storage premises to buy condensed inilk at the
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  • 43 5 The Governor. Mr. F C Gitnson. ha accepted office n> natron <f the War Prisoners 'Singapore* /.s:coiation. At th? flrtt WCB9 a! mectlnf of the association held recently it was unanimously resolved to invite Mr. Obnaon to be a patrcn
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  • 46 5 I h .J of ?»ir. \\i.:. i» .l bill, i :r-!i > the re;l ol i if I'nivcr ity of Oxford a:;d •n Ims wav to receive an ho *.orary denser as ilcrtor of Law fro!n '.he ancient Inivcrsity of Leydea, m the NctkeriMMi
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  • 54 5 PIPERS LEAD THE BRIDE TO CHURCH xnesj fln» lo:kinr pia«n of .he i tois Luards prt .cii >1 Nadin? Pother and her father when she arrived .it St Paul's rhurjh. Knightsbridge. to mary (apt the Hon. Graham lampson. Scots (iua-ds. who is the son of Lord Killearn, the Special Commissioner
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  • 172 5 Speculation On Future Of Tin Price London, Friday. A SPOKESMAN of the A Ministry of Supply denies rumours that the Ministry might offer £330 a ton for Nigerian tin, F.A.S., Nigctian port. He says that the Metiil Controller has offered about £308 and has refused the Nigerian producers counterdemand for
    Reuter  -  172 words
  • 101 5 (From Our Special Correspondent) MUAB, Frl— "The hill tribes also protest against the "Malayan Union," read one of the posteis carried by three SakaJ hillmen from Lenga, 2G miles away from here, when (apt. L. D. Gam mans. Ml' and Sir Theodore Adams arrived here this
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  • 310 5 Repatriation Caul Theft Alleged K. R. RAMANATHAN. an Indian clerk employed m the Publicity Office of the Government of India m RobinMti Road, yesterday stood trial before Major A. P. Jack m the Rel cf Ccuit on a ciiargt cf theft cf Indian repatriation cards m the possession of Mr
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  • 61 5 Hotel Manager Fined For failing to enter particulars m the register and, secondly, allowing the premises to be used for immcral purposes, the manager of a hotel m Changi Road, Ong Lia Lia was fined a total of $250 by Mr. L. C Goh, m the second Pclico Court yesterday.
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  • 295 5 TEXTILES FOR SIAM NOT FROM MALAYA'S QUOTA I^HROUGH the efforts ot Lord KiiJearn's oincc, a total of l.",O(M),IHil) yards of textiles and about 200 tons of agricultural implements are beinjj made availrole t.> SSani m order to (-(V.iiilate her cultivation of I rice. I The foedfl m not a b
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  • 145 5 For dtaobeyinf orders and I absenting themselves without leave lour seamen were punished' m the Fourth Police 1 Court yesterday. On the first charge ol disobeying the Cap- j tain's orders. J. Boob. H. Boot- man J. T. Harris. I'uemen on the ship Fort Bi-ausejous. were
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  • 81 5 iFrom Our Own Correspondent) PENANG. Thurs.—Three Chinese youths. Tan Kirn Choon. Lim Al? Leong and Onu Kay Sena;, d be members of the i \s All We Want" gang, were i produced m the police court to- I day on a charpe of attempting to
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  • 637 5 EVIDENCE that engine trou- ble developed almosr immediately after the take-off making a crash landing n.?ces- 1 >-,ary, was given m the Coroner's Court yesterday by the pilot of the four-enjnneci Sunderland flying-boat which came to grief off S?letar re- i
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  • 323 5 A CHINESE reader ol the Straits Times who i, the la her of WMM (hildien ht— jit the folio a m,, note on the Milk (>ueuc tt» our office >est'.-day i afternoon: "According to the artiiie Thousands Buy Tinnei Milk' m the Straits
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  • 175 5 ALOR STAR Thurs "T thank the British for winning the war and for trying to win the peace so earnestly." said Dr. Wu Paakshin, Chinese Consul General at a tea oarty given In his honour by the Kedah Chinese Chamber of i Commerce Col. E. V. G.
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  • 310 5 Historic Flag And Gun For Colony GIFTS FROM SUPREMO \(\X th«> eve oi his flight to London to attend f lie i Vie<o*-y Parade, the Supreme Allied Cvauumter, Soiiih-ttas| Asia, Admiral Lord Louis Mi»u;iJt»aHen, i will present a Japanese gun and a Union Jack to the (•overnor, Mr. F.C. Gimson,
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  • 93 5 Talks On Free Port Changes For Penang IfftOfli Cii- Ov.;; < ti O AKS arr now :;uunt(r» m pic-.ara'-'-n ft* (!•<• restoration ol Prna..* to a n •talus A meeting of rep r if it Co-n|» f r"Urr i I Prorlnee Wellesley which A -viii when Penang Is ''pclared
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 251 5 TENDERS. T.-ndt- i trc Invitee' fa -j i .surplus to ;ho Company*- rcii'iireaunts Tc:i:!i r v. 11 not b- less than th? mm- qu; X .U Ci-mpanj .s godown at Aies- B rv- r c> Ltd j Ki I Road Singapore i Term';: Casn a IV Order ll^ vl
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  • Untitled
    • 448 6 GIANTS OF PAST IN OVAL CRICKET LONDON, Thurs. rOUNTY Cricket took a back seat today and the limelight shone on the Surrey Centenary match at the Oval, where an "Old England" eleven played the county m a one-day match. The King arrived during the afternoon, and was given a great
      Reuter  -  448 words
    • 69 6 The following have been selected to play cricket lor the S.C.R.C. against iTensah at Tenaah on Sunday. The bus leaves the Clubhouse at 10 a.m. Eu Cheow Chye (Capt). Cheah Kirn Swee, Chia Keng Hock. Gan Ke» Tian, Khoo Or.g Lee. Low Kee Pow. Ong Chew Bee. On*
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    • 343 6 j Edinburgh, Thurs <wi f y sufßced the Indian crick^t tour.sts to dio-niss m fhf "t Cc a ICT1 C T VICt ry by an innin e s a "d 56 runs m the two-day irwtch played here. The Indians owed much of their success
      Reuter  -  343 words
    • Article, Illustration
      15 6 The stait of the Grand Prix motor race which was hel J rec;nty at Marseilles
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    • 275 6 Londan, Thurs, LONDON. Thurs.— The West Indian test crickeier, Leary Constantino*, lets cricket followers behind the scenes of first-class cricketers' life m a new bcok "Cricket m the Sun." He draws a rather scmbro of County game as a profession for young men. 'It
      Reuter  -  275 words
    • 166 6 Outsider In Derby Wins At York YORK, Thurs.— Miss Priscilla i Bullock's Neapolitan, quoted at 166-11 66-1 for the Derby prior to win1! ning here this afternoon, ran a splendid race m the hands of I Harry Wragg to beat two other I Derby candidates. White Jaclcet and Peterborough. by
      Reuter  -  166 words
    • 178 6 Rivers Fights Bomber Newton To-morrow Al Rivers, on th? trail of his comeback to th? priz? ring, will tacicle hi; 1 ccend huruls at lh? Great World arena to-r.iorrov; night when lie meets Bomr Nev.ton. i Rivers, despite years of inactivity, proved that he is still a force to
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    • 173 6 Straits Times, Corr., KUALA LUMPUR, Fri.— Decisions to run a cricket league and arrange State fixtures were taken at a meeting of the Selangor Cricket Association last iilfhc presided over by Mr. R. P. S. Rajasooria The meeting was well attended by delcgat2s of cricket clubs
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    • 369 6 Fight Fans BOO Main Event The five Aastralia-bound fcox^rs did not get a good send-off at the Happy Wcrld stadium last night. The crcwd. largely Malayan, had come fully expecting a grand night's boxing, but there were no highlights. In the last fight, when Tiger Aman, obviously short of training,
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    • 30 6 RECS AT CHANGI The cricket match between the R?cs a.'.id Graves Headquarters will be played at Changi tomorrow, starting at 11 a.m. Transport leaves the Cathay at 10 a m
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 182 6 NOTICE As regards the publication of the office bearers for 194G of the Singapore Buddhist Association some time ago, I b?g to correct that Mr. G. E. Perera is the adviser instead of committee member of the above Association SPOKE BUDDHIST ASSOCIATION Hon. Secretary. SK\ G. W I(To-nighl and 30)
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    • 415 6 NOTICE In the Estate of Oei Koon Kei aLso known as Oel Kie, deceased. NOTICE IS GIVEN that ah beneficiaries of the above-named deceased who died m Tanjong Pinang. Rhio, m 1877. claiming to be entitled to share is the above estate are requirod to numbit their claims to Mr.
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    • 524 6 A Fine Selection Diamond Gem Set Engagement Rings, Eternity Ring., Wedding Rings. P. H. KENDRY Jeweller with an Established Maiaya-wldc Reputation 78, North Bridge Road, .Singapore. For SERVICK Satisfaction Moderate pricks SINCAPORE STATIONERY MART. 28. Chulia St. Sinrapore. Ju t Arrlred AUSTRALIAN LIQL'ORS Available at KHEMCHAND SONS •8, HIGH STREET.
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    • 268 6 FAMOUS A V. M. PRODUCT EAGLE BRAND Ruhhcr I'oa^uliitin^ Arid !Sole I ).>tniwting Agents: CHIDA FRANCIS tfc CO. D.M- Army Contractor* A Shipchandlers. 113-A. Cecil Strcd. Singapore. Established m 1916. OPTOMETRISTS OPTICIANS 13, Battery Road, Singapore. MORE GOODS Arc Arriving Soon: Watch lor Our further Announcement GIAN SINGH tfc CO..
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  • 473 7 AMERICAN VIEW OF SOVIET AFTER WORLD WAR WASHINGTON, (By Air MaiL).— While World W;ir II caused significant changes m the relative positions of i\\c l T niter* States, the British Empire, Russia and otlirr countries as repards their mineral resources, Rtmhl cmcired from the war
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  • 294 7 A BRITON PLEADS FOR SS CHIEF TX3NDON. (By Air Ma.l).— A Sew Zealand commander. Brigadier L. M. Inglis, today m the Luneburg court thimonth faced his enemy of the Crete battlefields. S.S. General Kurt Student, and sought to prove that his German adversary was not :i war criminal but a
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  • 182 7 CZECHS VOTE TOMORROW m po- ronimunists Slroii^r PRAGUK. (By Air Ma^f On Sunday. May 26. Czecho Slovakia uill go tc the poll? for the first timr sine 1!< ;> The whole country ha? btofl waiting eagerly for this tlav si tire the people. doepJv riemOCrattc at h<a>r want ti bark
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  • 505 7 By HENRY 111 '(HLK\ Routers <<HT<^pnndfflt A! Xl»l{li>. \ii Mail).— Thp new outstanding; Iraturr of Sp;ini«h politic^ is thr swing »»f the middle class to\ »:d- >he mcrarrhv. The leaders, and the dttM which installed the Repuolic. m MO, arc BMP returning .sadly to the Monarchist camp
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  • 60 7 KING GEORGE IN LONDON M Manriee l.ambvrt thr Au w Riian SKA, bas imst vnmpivtrA the cast »f an equestrian statue of King frrmrgt V. (Hip of thr works sent •■> th- a>val Academy London it larisp for the tallr -j.-- and ha-, heeti rrrrt'A i- <>c rwirtyard. The 15-ft
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  • 676 7 Second Suez Canal Just A Dream (AIIPjO. <By Air Mai ]>.- Suggestions for duplicating the Suez Canal, brouptit to the fore by thf British evacuation of Egypt, are regarded here as just another dream At first glance, using a map which shows no mountains or dens, a canal along the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 606 7 SEA PASSAGES FOR CEYLONESE. r>sldiip m the Island of Singapore and the Statp of Jobon ftiould apj^lv tn ttM^Tai' n Ofllr r Oiinrso Beoprtarlat. Hereto k Rm| Snirapore, for all in'ortr.atl n irw sailinßn, passages A embirlcnton nttnn ment-. CPylrn°sc m Uovernmrnt r-n!i'o\ should apply for parsaer: to
      606 words
    • 340 7 Mansfield 6*.. LULL i In(OT-po:-a'ed m S nci WUM itwh ■i l.ycaon Sa:!^ for I.K. (IV-napp S;ir!« f«r F 10 Jimia MNBatai f)«iU frr »X lune WMIIM AISI RAI.I The shortest *ra roate at the rhn;>rsl ralr Sintle Fare: $245.99 f\ 1 (Hirnn Sail* ft trvm.wllr O«rr««ii #«c f-«m
      340 words

  • 2211 8 SINGAPORE CLERKS ON B.M.A. SALARIES THE opinion expressed by Old- Service Employee" makej painful reading. What the B.M.A. pays does not enabl= a wa?ecarner to live lavishly. His slighting common's on persons with poor educational qualifications ignore the fact (-hat Singapore was wlihin the "'Toa Co-prosperity Sphere" for 3Va years,
    2,211 words
  • 48 8 Princess Elizabeth visited H.M.S. Vanguard, the world's bi«est battleship, at Greenock. Scotland, to attend the service of dedication of the Chapel of St. Andrew on board, conducted by the Chaplain of the Fleet. She Is seen being welcomed aboard by Captain W. G. Atntw.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 373 8 PIS T R iC T^ WOST PQPUL AH AND Iff TO 04 I..\r>T 3 SHOWS 3.03. G. 30 p.m. John Carfielcl tt Harry Carey m "AIR FORCE" Unforge .table Sac* of Unconquerable Heroism Tonijht at Midnight Tomorrow: "BLUES IN Tilt NIGHT" HAPPY Tcday at 3.15—7 9.13 pm. Margaret Lockwood
      373 words
    • 366 8 liy^ I V*Jj jf-*-"»-fo TODAY 5 SHOWS PPrnTTwffiWP^*^^ 10 30 < am 3 4. 6.30, 9.30. pm. ANOTHER GRAND COMEDY: XgsEttS2SiJj**=- ™^r rUvfELLLDT V% B.ny D."ni B»m /_2?\ I^(M NELSON- REED.LEVENE /JtSA 1 *J Alan 7 Dickl. KfEJh I BAXTER O'N EILL HALL V phone p a t H
      366 words