The Straits Times, 24 May 1946

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • 802 1 Lord Killearn Says Situation "A Little More Promising" r rHE possibility of an increase of 20 per cent, m the allocation of rice for Malaya was mentioned by Lo rd Killearn, Special Commissioner m South-East Asia, at a press conference m Singapore
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  • 409 1 PERSIA TO REMAIN ON AGENDA New York. Thursday. THE United Nations Security Council yesterday voted to keep the Persian issue on its agenda, but to adjourn d'scusson of it indefinitely, thus permitting the case to be brought back before the council any time a member so desired. The Council voted
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  • 60 1 ANTHENS, Thurs. Press disratchej from Corfu yesterday sjii the British warships Onon and Suburb were fired on froni the Albanian coast while pjssing through the Corfu channel The warships were r.ot damaged, these reports said, adding that the ships 'vere bound for Corfu to participate In
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  • 58 1 DSO For Tokio Commander TOKIO. Thurs— Lt. Col. Donald Robert Jackson, commander of the Australian Imperial forces m the Tokio area, vill receive the DSO at Friday's Empire Day ceremonies for 'wonderful courage and dofredness and aptness m dealing with the most difficult si uations." It-Col Ja kson served m
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  • 188 1 Tokio, Thursday. FMPEROR Hirohito, perhaps L< moved by the growing clamour for focd and evidence of unrest among the Japanese, will broadcast for the second time m history tomorrow. Tanan heard its ruler's voirc for the first time on August 15 last vcar when a recording— which
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  • 374 1 No British Troops To Protect States NEW DELHI. Thursday. AMPLIFYING their recently annour.csd plan for India* independence, the British Cabinet Mission and the Viceroy, Viscount Wavell, yesterday told the Indian States m a joint statement that British troops v/ould not be retained m India for purposes of paramountcy. The s—:?mcnt
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  • 75 1 TOKIO, Thurs.—Princes and Princesses of 14 families related to the Japanese Imperial Family have been divested of "all special privileges and immunities, including immunity from taxation," under an order issued today by Gen. Mac Arthur, Supreme Allied Commander m Japan. Gen. Mac Arthur's order Instructed the
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  • 151 1 WashinsLcn, Thursday. THE Unitea States agreed m principle yesterday to 1 principle yesterday to meet the Russian demand lor a revision of the Balkan armistice terms as well as those for Italy, a Slat? Department spokesman sani Russia agreed to th-> American proposal to ravise the
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  • 71 1 The Crown Prince of Sweden and thr Crown Prln?fss (lefo arrive at Croydon for an unofficial visit to London. The Crov.n Princess, who is a sister of Lord Lou's Mountbatten. is s ayins with her mother, the Dowajjer Marchioness of Mi! ford Haven at Kensington Palace.
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  • 104 1 Nationalists Recapture Changchun MUKDEN, Thursday. THINESE Nationalist trcops under Gen. Cherg Tungkuo formally entered Cuang< chun, capital of Manchuria at 11 a.m. today. Advance units penetiated the city four hours earlier said a communique from Gen. Tv Yu-ming's luadquarters at 1 p.m. Changchun wa; taken by Communist* on April 11,
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  • 393 1 NO U.S. RAILWAY STRIKE Washington, Thursday. THERE will be no railway strike m the United States, as rail companies and 18 Unions have accepted President Truman.; secret compromise plan after the five-day truce, which ends today. Leaders of two of tha stronjrest unions aro holding back tbeir reply 1 11
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 737 2 Probably Ready In Plan Next Monday WASHIinGTON, Wednesday. THE food conference called by UNO's Food and Agri- cultural Organisation has unanimously agreed that the Combined Food Board must be changed and a ii-'\v truly international organisation substituted. "Committee No. 3" whose task is to plan
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  • 153 2 KASHMIR, Thursday SIX persons were killeu by police fire during d'.stuibances which followed ihe arrest of Sheikh Mohammed Abdulla and other leading members of the Kashmir national conference here. Abdulla, the conference President, is reported to have been tv- Hating that the present ruling Maharaja
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  • 30 2 Lord Stansgate, Head of the Bri ish Del r-.u O n, at the Cairo An 10-X;.vpt:an Talks replying to Sidky Pasha the. Egyptian Prime .Minister (left with gfcUM).
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  • 403 2 N.Y. PAPER'S ATTACK ON U.S. FAR EAST POLICY NEW YOiiK, Thursday. THE Ne« York Herald Tribune has published a kwdur attacking the policy of the United States Government m the Far East. The Tribune states t>at American policy m China has no relation to policy m Japan, and that the
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  • 348 2 Generals Say Palestine Plan Wrong LONDON, Thursuay. A JOINT letter, signed by eight people including Sir Ronald Storrs, Major-General Sir Edward Spears, MajorGeneral Sir Frederick Syfces. and General Sir Reginald Wingate, m condemnation of the Palestine recommendations appears m today's Times. Sir Ronald Storrs is a former Governor of Jerusalem,
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  • 186 2 LONDON', Thundpy the b ed fcr Hew Ee&laad 1 to "scrk the friendship" of the Soviet Union, China, and India, was one of ihr* points made by Mr. Vvater Nash, deputy Prime Mv '.ste:' of New Zea'ar.i, speaking oofore a crowded audience uhlcn included Princesi Elizabeth a: at
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  • 325 2 LINCOLN'S PAPERS TO BE PUBLISHED TWENTY-ONE years .ificr the death of Abraham Lfa In s son, on July 27, 1947, the private papers of the (jrcal American President are to he vailab'e to .Tie pn^lu-. Much of the material ccnta ned >n r;e papem <.:is already been used by John
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  • 46 2 LIVERPOOL, rhun Nearly 1.003 Indian troor three holders uf the Vi to:ia Cross and rror.? t^an 30 women from the I:. arrived hera In tbr Ifaviatanl i the Victory i m Lond' < will leave fe»m< now and travel to London .n special t:r.
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  • 66 2 BOMBAY Wed —I ive cobras wen <l.s<-ov Tpd on Tucsrtay nh'it m the c.owded ronip?'tirkfii( m a pass^n-rrr train fron Peshawar. Panic-stri;kr:» pavs.iu<r* stopprd tVc train ncaBom!;ay a d .ji'muril oi't of the v.iniov.s. Tfc co.ras wer^ s! ot by »h f-.'.in MH d:.ftor and an In.'i.ut
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  • 83 2 Heard Troops Massacred DACHAU, W. PRIVATE Horn r frJ t!ut I A\2 Bound of rJh f:n t> struck a.-.l:: t thej h a'i^ of can soldiers as ihe Oil v.'ounced prisoner^ at -h'j Ifalxnedj massacre. I p.'ho shouted for hlt h< For! can survivors to t' it) Earl lamination f
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 84 2 Chaiigi R.A.F. Barracks' Bookstall liook Sdkr, I\lev.sat;2nt and Stationer, clc. (N R SAHIB) Films Developing, Printing and Enlarging. Reliable and Good Service. A IHIAL WILL CONVINCE YOU. ijfcr^ For /iftmt) Inward or Outward Shipments L^HB. A p JODHI COMPANY Es«ate Suppliers I relghl Agents V»'»^'Th^ 7, Keppcl Koad Singapore. ul
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 729 2 RADIO PROGRAMMES -10 35 pm GSV 16X4 News. 3.40 pan BAN\ STAND ui»>jr»v/nb metres 8.20 p.m. -12.20 4 P ■«>• R'dlo Wha'a Who. 4 j RED NETWOUK from oooo Co am C1SF l«» 82 metrrs l» W pm strictly sontiment.n 5 p.m. 1 p.m »nd 30 to II pm on
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    • 351 2 a..~,a 1L -o. by 1.1/ l son.) i It i 3 one thiiiK for a defence: io be guided by the d but uit" implicitly on tins ts'po o» circurr.- the 'tantial evidence. Note todi dec! foulh. dealer. theory that a heart finesse n d Botn I'O.c:; vulnerable. th? Match-point
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  • 545 3 New Attack On Sarawak Cession Was Case Fairly Put To People? (Vom Our Own Correspondent LONDON, Thursday. OPPOSITION to the cession of Sarawak m England Ui not based upon doubt of the Uajah's constituti.w»al rijrht to cc;jo the state but upon the suspicion that the Karawak people arc not getting
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  • 338 3 Ex-POWCamp Commander's Evidence CAPT. Smuki Zenk a former PoW camp c:mmandant m Slam, giving evidence for the prosecution regarding the murder charge against Major Ifxutani, interrupted m the m'dctfj ol his examination m tha S ngapore War Ccu.t yesterday and, on the applicat on of the prosecuting officer.
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  • 318 3 (By An Army Observer) CXERCISE ''Squeeze" is a well named military operation designed to kill or capture all bandits and gang-robben at present terrorizing lonely districts on the border between Malaya and Siam. D-day for "Squeeze" was May 10, when men of the 14th
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  • 72 3 Singapore police are on the look-out for another escapee lrom Outram Road prison He is 33-year-old Lee Chye Hock who jumped of! the prison van while being conveyed from the jail to the Police court yesterday. He was to have appecred before Mr. L. C. Goh
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  • 618 3 Sarawak In The Commons THE Rajah of Sarawak, Sir Charles Vyner Brcoke ha^ signed the document ceding Sarawak to the British according to Mr. George Hall the Secretary of State for the Colonies, m the Hous? of Commons on Wedne.-day. He said the Sarawak Suprome Council
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  • 63 3 BANNERS SLOGAN AT JOHORE BAHRU A section of the rally of Malay men, women and c-hildrrn f-om southern Johore who ma do their protest against the Malayan Union to the visiting Members ol Parliament Capt. Gamiran, aid Lieut.-Col. Rees- Williams, at Johore Bahru yesterday. Capt. Garr.mans rpplyinj m Malay to
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  • 159 3 Plans Well In Hand For M.A.H.A. Show Arrangements are now wel' »n hand lor the 17th Ma'uyan Exhibition which is to be held iii Kuala Lumpur on Aug. 3, 4 and 5. Schedules for the competitive sections includii/? asricu-trra. horticulture, local industries, school products, art and photography, rubber and livestock
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  • 214 3 From Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. A GUN battle b tween the n polrce and alleged kidnapDers m a rubber estate near Sungei Way village led to the rescue of five Chinese merchants who had beer, kidnanped by p gan^ of ei<?ht armed Chines?. It
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  • 179 3 To form a unitec oody, achieve closer co-operation and promote mutual assistance and sporting activities, civilians employed m various War Department services m Singapore piopose to form an organization to be known as the War Department Civilian Start Association. At a recent meeting of senior employees
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  • 804 3 BIG JOHOKE MALAY RALLY From Our Own Correspondent JOHORE BAHIUJ, Thursday. DEARINfi slogans such as "Down with the .Malayan Union," "Long Live the Malays," and "Malays Want Pe^ice r.nd Security," several hundred Malay men, wo*ner and children, m festive attire, greeted Capt. L. I). Gammans
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  • 76 3 The Supreme Allied om- niamie-. South-east Asia, Admiral Lord i ouis Mounthatten will leave Chansri airfield on the evening of Thursday, May 30 to proceed to London to attend the Vi« tory Parade on June 8. lie will break his journi v m Delhi to
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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  • 1289 4 The Straits Times Singapore, Friday, May 24, 1946. A Malayan Tyre Industry If talk could destroy an industry, the production of rubber m Malaya and th neighbouring countries woul 1 be numbered among the occupations that have ceased to exist. We do not uncicri estimate the wartime achievements or American
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  • 37 4 Mr. Ong Choon Yang pas ed away ully at N;>. 3G Sit Wall Koad, tllngapo** on 23rd May. Hfl te»va behind htm 2 wives 4 sons, 8 daughteis 1 s;n-ln-law to mourn his lo^s. L'< cply
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  • 27 4 Mrs. L. B. tliunks all th^re wl.o sent wreaths, messages ol ccn'o]i..c and attended tho funeral ol hei late .'iv band, Wilfred Aloy^ius lhcilia i
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  • Straits Times Post-Bag
    • 392 4 OF F I CIAI announcement that the Medical Col.ege Singapore is reopening some time in June finds former students of the College residing In the Malayan Union in a dilemma as to how they will be able to find means to continue ther ed ion, with surh nroblerr":
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    • 146 4 MR. ARTHUR HARRIS, of Nestle"* Milk, tells us thai a high cost of living Her- io: iu.stify the rrantin^ of a iv ißowance. <Stra ts Times. May 16 > Now that the orarl" hn« SDoken. the recently ar,poi^t Q d Cost Of Living Commi tef 'S^rai. May
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    • 142 4 I RETURNED to Malay* lust 1 month with my hu.-iviiid (ex-P.O.W. m Si a m and Japam. Like many rtlitr wtVCS, I tm mystified why wives cannot dr_w food r. ti On having C itala or Austrij Ha, we ha:l tn plve no our ration liooks and
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    • 98 4 J Aj.l MtaciM en at tl^e i ot news i?i youi i- me ol May 20 iii which we ai- tokl n-dt the i coirmerc:a! lious'i. pi m Pf iiang. have brcn granted cigarette rations at controlled that m certain 'inns 'he staffs have been given fi-re cigarettes
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    • 91 4 it \v: -ho 1 cpo tJVt t'.vo nianas^n Mi? NA w^ m Sincapor?, a^ed O arrf 18 who l,ad nala ip^ropriated -v-d ra=h amor.iting to iv. tit re 1, tlirm, re bunnd over ty Crlmtnal Dlstrlrt Tuige Mr. IPaal Storr A.s there has htcfl no .i;t^ry about this
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    • 156 4 WHATEVER your cop. pordent, Np; Kvo Hong may s;iy m d. tenet! of the ciy i wholesalers In J. 8.. sometning I* obviously wr»mi with the disitlon mac ir> Johort B.ii K. c Hup vealed ihe startling la t.ha* ti'.» retail ket amahs' had r.o, :i aliott'
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    • 111 4 I AM a regular visitoi General Post Offire. i rom my observation the business m all branch?! bandied by the clerks far exceeds th pre-war days, but m spite ot lac multifarious transactions numerous inquiries by the publto which the postal clerks ha\ I > attend to,
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    • 262 4 A Malay At Bangkok— Changkols For Clerks Again— College Students Who Can't Pay DON'T talk too much, or we shall not supply you *ith a grain of our rice for \oui starving people," cried an officer of the Siamese Customs in Malay to a Malay sailor who attempted t^ explain
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    • 277 4 THE silly idea of forced labour by the Japanese se.rm to be still m gnsttsKC m Malaya. Some Government departments ure already preparing for a "Food G: Campaign", m whi'h the clerical staff are to take up tools and irrpler ents to till the ground aeain.
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  • 1103 4 I WAS shocked to road 1 Cpi Shirley'.- insolent repiy to "Englishwoman Ex-Interme. His attitude is precisely rhmi we have learned to expect from the Army here, and the R.E.s am indeed be proud ol him. Every word of what "Bus!
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 648 4 SITUATIONS VACANT GOOD ALL ROUND COMPOSITORS wanted Good salary and allowances Apply Box 971. StraKs Times. HIPPING Firm lequircs ixp:ricncec. Stenographer State qua'ifica ions and salary required to Bnx No. 19 S.T. WANTED for UaininK r.s audit cleric a ,u:i.or wiih Bp'.ltudc for arlttuuatte i!ir li-.icai knowledge of 'cooiil: pi
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    • 41 4 "JEEPS" For your riiiidrrn have »> rived. A perfect sctue model of ito Popular "JEEP", made of metal and fitted with powerful clockwork motor, painted In v.ani.r.e camr.-.iftagc. EVERY CHILD WILL WANT ST! $5.00 (Postage .V) cts.) ti! SI HUti Street, Si-'imnor*.
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  • 140 5 Mission To Advise On S.E. Asia Needs ANE hundred million yards of textiles may be forth- coming from Japan for South-East Asia countries and. if so, they would be drawn from old stocks m Japan, s;?id Lord Killearn, Special Commissioner m South-Vast Asia, speaking
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  • 126 5 Political Unrest Affects Estates SAM fp'.ncisco. Thunday YiTE United S.ates Rubber Company today rc;->rtcd that political unrest vas i.eep-ir.-i about throe-fourths o; its n ar Eastern ruboer plantations cut of production. The fir«t quarter output on Malayan plantations <m Kcdaht was a little over 400,000 pounds. but Sumatran plantations, which
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  • 95 5 From Our Own Cor: PENANG, Thurs.—The Penang Rubber Exchange has decidea to make representations to the Chief Secretary of the Malayan j Union on two pomt-.. O i To fix a ame ior the official j restoration o. Penang's iree I port status, raid not to tax
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  • 120 5 Alleged to have retained property which they knew or had reason to believe to be the proceeds of a robbery, a Chinese \.oman. Lee Ah He;i?. a Eurasian, Mabel Canta Maria, and a Malay. Rose Mariyam. had the charges pxplaii ed to them before Mr. L. C.
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  • 101 5 With famine threatening their rountrym?n, hu, .an troops m Sinn? t a decider! to (l.i'iat- 50 tons of rice and atta roprcsrntin onr month's ratiens to hr\n irlic\e starvation m India. Tho donation was ris'i'^ed by a Ifttc writltn by Sul>rd?.r P. K. (iupta.
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  • 380 5 Capt.Gammans On Task Of His Mission Fioin Our Own Cone-po; clent Johove Bahru, Thursday. "T sincerely hope that wlvn 1 we finish this tour we shall be able to do something to restore peace and harmony to this happy land." said Capt L. D. Gammans, leader ot the Parliamentary mission,
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  • 137 5 From June 1. it is announced, it has been decided to abolish the system of making specific territorial allocations of wool piece ja>oris. blankets and yams I litfd Kingdom. Exporters are to be allowed om to direct thru- agreed of the United Kingdom availability to any
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  • 76 5 With the inauguration of two additional flying-boat services from Malaya to the United Kingdom each we^k. it i.i now possible for a limited number of nonpriority passengers to obtain all lo th(< Middle East and I .tc now briny r t;iofor any period ahead, m
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  • 547 5 MALAYAN tin production is expected to reach 90 pel 1 cent, of pre-war production m 1949, according to cv: given by Mr. A. D. Slotke adviser to the Secretary of State for the Colonies en the Malayan tin
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  • 557 5 |\LTAILH of British afiffffltanfffi to biam m the task of rehabilitating her transport system so that it can ca/ry rice to the needy countries of South East Asia were J:i>en m Singapore yesterday by Maj. Gen. Charles I?ussei, who k officer m charge
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  • 189 5 Ex-Gaol Chief Charged With Murder RESERVING his defence, Manikam Tanapathy, Superintendent of the Outram Road prison during the Japanese occupation. v.;.s yesterday committed to stand tr.ul at the next Assizes by Mr. H. A Forrer m the Seventh Police Court, at the conclusion of a preliminary Inquiry into allegations ol
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  • 24 5 The Governor-Gem nil. Mr. Malcolm Mac Donald, l"ayes by air for Penang this morning. For she time being, Penang will be his headquarters.
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  • 76 5 MALAYANS wishing to purchase worthless Japanese '•banana not.-s must ma';e .1 deposit of £100 m good Malayan currency. Such is the invitation thrown opm to the piibli. by the Custodian of En*my Troprrty. Malayan I'nion. who promises to rct'irn t!ic SlOO deposit to unsuccessful temlerers The
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  • 151 5 Ladv Louis Mountbatten. the Superintendent-in-Chief of the St. John's Ambulance Brigade, is making a three-day tour cf the activates of the British Red Cros&^-Civtlian Relief Commission, in the Malayan Union. Lady Louis is accompanied Major Gen. R.B. Pargiter, the Commissioner, and Mrs. C. Langworthy,
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  • 414 5 NEED AS VITAL AS EVEK THE importance of more food m .Ma3;iya coula not be over-emphasized, said Lord Killearn the Special Commissioner m South-East Asia, speaking at a Press conference m Singapore yesterday. "I somet'mcs wonder." he said, "whether with the capi tulation of the
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  • 394 5 How Rice Is Allocated In S.E. Asia I ORD Killearn Special L mimiss ocr m South East A.-ia, described as "not m -.ely absurd m fact, but impossible under the pregent international machinery for mufcing ailoca* i"ns." the statement msdn m Clilna ibni live million ten? of rict 1 his
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 153 5 WRESTLING Ti^J" great world B a^ s p m Th- Pr^ o.i thai n< arlv (MM Rkk. Ma'.iyan Wrr- l.iiif Hilary f \ST _^B WEEK rrcrnts anokhcr Super jB Attrartion ?j£l r%i SK.\( OOU 15' I.T i MM. WAN UK 1\ Y-V.T M IMIWTION PP CONDA ioxs ZOMBIE BWL jjfcfc'-
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  • All The Latest Sports News
    • 300 6 27 WICKETS IN ONE DAY AT BRISTOL London, Weil. Rain prevented any play at all m several of today's County cricket fixtures, and on grounds where matches were begun the wickets proved full of tricks. At Bristol, where Gloucester are at home to Glamoigan, no fewer than 27 wickets fell
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    • 72 6 Charity Soccer Proceeds DECENT soccer matches In which Chinese Athletic teams have pa-tiripated raised 513.234.35 for charily Three matches were played, the first asainU the BJLMX m mid-An il. This was m aid of the Malayan Weliari- Fund, wbic-h profited by $2,565.33 from the match. The other matches uere played
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    • 317 6 More than 250 players have entered for the first English po3t-war amateur golf championship, which will be ronte^te^ on the Birkdale club's courss at Southport. Lancashire, Irom Monday, May 27, onwards. Alexander Kvie. of 9ann Mn->r Club, Leeds, will defend the title lie won
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    • 404 6 Soccer To Be Revived In Krian Straits Times, Corr, KRIAN, Wed.— Scccer is to be revived m Kvia i District. This was decided at a meeting of the Kricin Football League, which was presided over hy Mr. D. J. Staples. Dfc> trirt OfP<*or. Krir.n. ho is takin^ a keen interest
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    • 61 6 London. Wed A spokesman of the Amateur Boxing Association of London said today that it would take action later this year on invitations from Czechoslovakia, Poland. Denmark and Turkey to send boxing teams there. The amateur boxing season finishes by June 30, the spokesman said, adding that the International committee
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    • 334 6 Edinburgh, Wed.— Batting all day m their two-day fixture against Scotland, the Indian cricket tourists scored 247. It was a dour batting display lasting five hours- /he only really entertaining cricket being provided by Hazare ;.nd Sarwatc who were associated m a seventh wicket parlnership
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    • Article, Illustration
      17 6 Princess Elizabeth watches Hyp?rlcum being unsaddled after the filly had won the 1,000 Guineas lor the Kin*.
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    • 77 6 ,imon? the 36 iomprt:tori who qualified for the finM cays play m the recent Dunlop-Southpo-t K 2,000 competition was Dick Burton, the Brit sh open golf champion, who was Paying m his last tournament before his visit to Amrru-a. The pictures show, above, Barton chiving off
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    • 210 6 A bcxing card oC excentionnl promise ts being staged at til* Ilappv World tonight with all the iive boxers chosen to toui Ua making their finol appearanecs before sailing tomorrow. F,.r the fiv boxers. Battling Bhna, Aman, Pancho, Boy Andre and Battling Khoon, it is
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 339 6 SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY Tenders arc invited fcr the supply of. 51 tons of 30 40 Penetrr t on Ei*.ume:i 100 tons of 80 101 Pene ra" ion Ei.umei' 100 tons of Rapid Curing Cu'.-back Asphalt. C'o-ii s of the General Conditions nnd Spejiftcations can be obtained at Urn Municipal Engineer's Office.
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    • 253 6 SEA PASSAGES FOR CEYLONESE. Ceylore c rasidirg m Lsltnl cf Singapore and tlie State of Jar.or: should apply to the Inunlgvaicn Offic.-r I Chinese Secretariat, Havslo k Rord Singapore, for all lnfonr.atl n re.ardin, r sailings, passages Si embarkation arrangements. Cevlcn^e m Government esn:ov should epply for passage: to
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    • 707 6 AUCTION SALE OF Freehold Si Lraseho'd Sirgip.-iic Propjrliet. To be held at The saleroom of Messrs. Cheong Koon Seng; Co, Ltd No. 10 f hulia Street. On Wednesday. 29th May 1946, at 2.30 pm. Lot 1. Vr.luab'e freehold land and rouses Ncs. £3, 55 Si 57 N;li Rrad Slncapore. area
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    • 454 6 MMKN RACEPORM telN yon race oy rare how they looked In the paddock, how they went n the tetting and how Ihey all ran. The idenl weekly contact for Overseas Sportsmen with raring m England Tr* Season, by Air Mall 1$ wrrks trial 'or £5 RACEFORM, 39 43 Batters:a High
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  • 890 7  -  MURIEL PENN By Kcuter's Special Correspondent I Millions Of British Workers Get First Paid Holiday LONDON, (By Air Mail).— Over 15,000,000 British workers are preparing to take their first real holiday m seven yoars. Half of them will be enjoying the first paid holiday of their lives.
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  • 266 7 BABY BOOM CRISIS LONDON, (By Air Maxl».— With Britain's birth-rate booming, the Ministry of Health, says Mr. Aneunn Sevan, is facing a ens s m its efforts to provide adequate a r commodation and nursjng lor thousands of mothers-lo-be. Births m England and Woles Jn the first quarter oi 1945
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  • 60 7 I'o the provision of Nati tnal Parks m Britain, the establishment cf a ESfvMtvMt fund was annonnc** In *i. Hush Dalton's Bud;i>t sper? h last month. It 1% likr!? that the scenery seen m this picture wilt come into on? of the future parks It
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  • 396 7 FREE EDUCATION UP TO SEVENTEEN London Schools Get Ready LONDON, (By Air Mail.).— Britain is Roii,«; to take advantage of war-time upsets to her schools to conduct a hou^ecleaninff in her education system. The two great evils at present are lack of b undine and an insufficient number of teacher>.
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  • 67 7 Woman Gets 1,500 A Year Job Miss Dorothy Elliott, national organiser of the General and Municipal Workers' Union, is to get the .£1,500-a-year Job as chairman of the National Institute for training domestic servants. The Institute, now bein^ onncci by Mr. Isaacs, Minister of Labour, will be financed by the
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  • 255 7 Sobo Is Not What It Was LONDON, <Ly Air Muii,— London's Soho. district of cafes, chop sivy ami for.'ignt>rs, is not what it was. l.'rw after a year of peace, tlu.c i? slight indication of any n i to pre-war days and ways Until 1939 this little district Ithe centre
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  • 90 7 Mr. Llewellyn Oliver Moss, !>2-year-old chief production test pilot of the Gloster Aircraft v ampany, was piloting a Meteor Jet plane at an estimated speed or over 500 m.p.h, when it broke up m the air, it was stated at th^ Pershore, Worcs, ins
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 208 7 CAPACITY HOUSES EiITHRALLEO BY THIS, OHE OF THE YEAR'S OUTSTAKiiiNe FEATURES! ITS DRAMA MmmimßMjMßl AT IT'S KEIGHT! S4dJLjJi.ClAfl^^f ACTS9H tOO^.o? a---— EL KBOBAI .-.V G CH LIINGf THWI tICHT I J-. <V\V* iffift, TO TMI OCSHT TM«r lOVII r\ GV-P s»!?^i) NO plctoßl CAN rit I ftl«r "t^ y€«B»»W ,MOPtACtION.C»<M.M
      208 words
    • 596 7 Mansfield Go., 11l (Incorp'irntfd id BMKSpSN BLUE niNNBL UK! I Sailings to ani from l'mt"»i Kingdom not Ruainntocd rhr->ntis Our from I'Sl 'I M;if I n >'a'U for IK "'i I. if OBMtH Sail* for IK M May Glenapp Sails for IK UKSIFKN AISTUAI M The <hortr«l «r» r.mtp it
      596 words

  • 145 8 /t Camp Ro.sevclt, Hciacr Germany, 3.0C0 Nazis have plenty to occupy them, he cause, m addition to (loins ca:np chores, and working en the camp allotments, ihey receive instruction m a variety of subjects from dramatic nri to housc-fcuiJding. The pir tui«? above shows internees ramm ir.g
    145 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 488 8 IfAKLBOROU GH Dally 3 shows 3—3 C 9 p.m. SUM Tacking Crowds! "LAILA MAJNU" Xrtel?a;ci thru th 2 United Exhibitors Syndicate) The Hlr.dustani vertlon of the world's H'ettel lo'vc-affalr that was wrltt?n m blocd t?ars and ./as desllriod lor a tragic end! To-morrow at Midnight: "MAZDOOB' One of the greatest
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    • 208 8 PHONE tf^ A Tiri! A V am 2 430 7 00 3400 M B"'MIB MI and 930 p, NOW SHOWING Picture That w lts m Into your a q^^^^l^ i6f9 Starring DAMA JEANNE DICK VIVIAN ANDREWS CRA IN HA YMES BLAINE Directed by WALTER LANG Produced by WILLIAM Pf RLBERG
      208 words