The Straits Times, 21 May 1946

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • 385 1 Call To All Azerbaijanis To Resist Persian Troops TEHERAN, Monday. DADIO Tabriz today called upon men, women and children of Azerbaijan province to repulse attacking Persian Government troops, whom it said began a frontier offensive toward Tabriz at 5 p.m. yesterday. The broadcast added that
    Reuter; UP  -  385 words
  • Article, Illustration
    39 1 I onion's air-raid shelters are no v biin.r dfmolishei. Picture shows a workman swinging his pick on top of a Trafalgar. Square shelter, %ith one of the lions at the foot of the Nelson Olnnin framed m the cpenln;.
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  • 477 1 M.P. Urges Discussion With People Malayan Union THINK it is a thousand 1 pities that the Government did not take seme other .steps to find out what the people cf Malaya really wanted before intrcduc ng tneso drastic changos m the country." sa d Capt. L. D. Gammans, ciio of
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  • 116 1 Th? Govrrnor-General of the Malayan In on nnd Singapore, Mr. Malcolm Mat-Donald, ar- ives at Singapore thij afternoon. The RAF. aircraft m which he is travelling is evpected to land at Changi lirficld at 5.15 pm. The Governor-General will be met by th" Governor of the
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  • 98 1 TOKIO, Sun.—Until 5.30 p.m. today the hunger demonstrators rontinued their sit-down tactics at the Japane<;f Premier's official residence. The demonstrators have been sitting down since yesterday noon. Anparently the demonstrator; were weakened by Gen. MacArthur's statement, and they "omoromised by reading their resolutions to 'he chief Cabinet Secretary
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  • 78 1 PARIS, Mon.—French Government sources said yesterday that Prance does not intend to cede bases m any of her Pacific possessions to the United States and will rjrotect those possessions without help' from any other power. The statement was distributed by the official French news agency
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  • 236 1 Berlin, Monday. /GERMAN scientists are to be VJ allowed to engage m applied scientific research into synthetic oils and synthetic rubber under a new law regulating scientific investigation, issued by the Allied Control Authority. Permission for such research must be obtained from the commander of the military
    Reuter  -  236 words
  • 257 1 New York, Monday. I'HE United States faces one of the most critical weeks m its economic history with two labour disputes railway and coal —either of which could quickly paralyse the entire nation, because most trains use coal and practically all coal is moved
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  • 92 1 CAIRO, Mon.—Forty-five British soldiers were Injured m Alexandria last night m Incidents which took place after a British military lorry had injured three Egyptians In a native district, it was announced here today. Several of the injured British soldiers were taken to hospital and a
    Reuter  -  92 words
  • 194 1 Congress Party Undecided On India Plan New Delhi, Monday. WITH the Congress Party's final answer to the Erltish Cabinet Mission's proposals for India's future still undecided, Mahaima Gandhi last night reported to th? Congress Working Committee on his two-hour talk earlier m the day with Lord PethickLawrence, Secretary of State
    Reuter  -  194 words
  • 47 1 Loan Approval Probable WASHINGTON. Sun —American Government leaders, encouraged by the absence of organised opposition to the proposed loan to Britain during the past week's hearings beforp the House of Representatives Banking Committee, were virtually certain today of House approval by a comfortable majority by mid-June. —Reuter.
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  • 44 1 LEICESTER, Mon.—The latest scons m the matrh between Leicestershire and the Indians read: Merchant not out, 111; Hazare b Jackson. 27; Amarnath b Jatkson, 16; Nayutin c Howard b Prentice, 6: Hafeez not out, 13. Extras 12. Total (for 4) 197— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  44 words
  • 555 1 MORRISON REPORT IN PARLIAMENT THIS WEEK Eierhteen T -)nths Canada Visit LONDON, xMonday. COOI) will be the main issue m the British Parliament this week. The Government will make a statement on the acceptance by the Lord President of the Council, Mr. Herbert Morrison, m Washington of further sacrifices by
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  • 152 1 LONDON. Mon—A number of captured German generals who formed a "Free German Committee m Moscow are now t to train the "Red Army of the future" beyond the Urals, the Sunday DLsnatch yesterday reported from Paris. The papers oinlomatic correspondent said: "Thee h mu-h m this
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  • 43 1 QUETTA. Mon.—Prisoners at Quetta Central Gaol "took over" the gaol for three hours last night m sunport of their claim for increased food nUons. The situation was troufrht under control when r.uards fired on the prisoners, causing several casualties. —Reuter.
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 10 1 ~~sc)entmc wvcamlnation If QUALIFIED OPTICIAN c S.CHono o a.f roc
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    • 147 1 j[jEWEll?fW ■l-^IAMONDji 1 SACM/O 3V MACHINE TOOLS We can supply your Post-War Requirements for:Wheel Lathes; Capstan Machine Tools; Radial Lathes; Lathes; Tool Drilling Machines; Pillar Cutter Grinders; Plain. Bench Drill-.; Planing I niversal Surface Machines; Millers; Shapers; Grinders; Floor Grinders; Engineers' Small Tools; Screwing Machines; Metal Lathe Chucks; Abrasive Cutting
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  • 458 2 Rail Transport No Longer Handicap Mukden, Monday. GEN. Tv Li Ming's headquarters this morning announced that Chinese Nationalist forces have captured Szepingkai rail centre to the south of Changchun. Meanwhile, the China Central News Agency reported that Gen. Sun Li Jen, commander of the Nationalist new
    AP; UP  -  458 words
  • 241 2 Premiers Say No Cession Of Bases London, Monday. niPLOMATIC circles said L/ today that the empire Prime Ministers' Conference, i which reopens today after a 10 day suspension was willing to grant the United States full lacilities, but would refuse to yield any sovereignty of Facific o.' Atlantic island tases.
    UP  -  241 words
  • 44 2 NUREMBERG, Mon. !iied prosecutors now believe that the Nuremberg war crimes trial hearings will continue for three more months, until mid-August. The trial has already lasted six months. The many thousands of pages of evidence contain some 3,000,000 words.—A.P.
    AP  -  44 words
  • 119 2 MADRID. Sun- Unc^ciji ieports to the Mancheta news agency today sail thit thero was a violent explosion m I.con this morning, which d°stroye.* v num- ber of houses and interrupted •ail traffic. Gen. Franco and a small party left Madrid at mid-day by motor-car for
    UP  -  119 words
  • 79 2 Aboard DJ S. Mount McKinley m route to Bikini. Mon. K-".perls said yesterday that the radio-activity caused by "Operation Crossroads'. when naval units are atom-bombed m a lagoon m July, might drift around the world many times m the upper air currents at or about 70,000
    AP  -  79 words
  • 92 2 BUCHAREST, Mon. Thirty I more former Ministers and Under Secretaries of State who served under Marshal lon Antonescu, dictator Of Rumania, setenced tcr death last week for treason with 12 of his associates, have been arrested, it was announced yesterday. With four generals they will shortly come
    Reuter  -  92 words
  • 295 2 Time Estimate For Evacuation Of Egypt Cairo, Monday. rvBSERVERS here believe \J that another joint meeting of the British and Egyptian delegations negotiating for a revision of the AngloLgyptian treaty of 1936 will take place m the very near future. 1 Military experts of both sides who have been touring
    Reuter  -  295 words
  • 270 2 BEVIN PLAN FOR GERMAN INDUSTRIES Paris, Monday RJR. Ernest Bevin, the British Foreign Secretary, has demanded the international! zation of industries m Eastern Germany, m the heart of the Soviet occupation zone. This was an :r.dteation m accounts available j o-terdav of the Big Four Foreign Ministers' Council sessions Such
    AP  -  270 words
  • 30 2 INDIANAPOLIS, Mon Mr. Booth Tarkington, the American writer, author of "Monsieur Beaucaire," died yesterday at his home here at the age of 76., after two months' illness.—U.P.
    UP  -  30 words
  • 543 2 Wa.shiy.gLjn, Monday. A MISINTERPRETED remark by the U.S. Stat- Secretary, Mr. James Eyrncs, aflor the Mosccw Ford^n Mm tUtTi conference is blamed by diplomats as setting ofl the Chain of events which led eventually to the collapse of the i ;mSoviet negotiations o\er Korea. Many
    UP  -  543 words
  • 346 2 Went dealer Neither side vulne-rable. NORTH A J 10 8 5 4 V 8 4 3 2 K 2 WFST FWT 9 6 3 A K 7 2 <? A Q 5 <? J 10 6 C> 10 4 2 A A K S A n73 *AQ 54
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 103 2 THE UNITED STATES LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY In The City Ot New York T(^m ieflißiffilfci33g>*Be^CL. HEAD OFFICE 101 FIFTH AVENUE, MEW YORK, U,S.A, SINGAPORE BRANCH HONGKONG BANK CHAMBERS Sub-Branches Chief Agents: Kuala Lumpur Mercantile Bank Chambers Penang 1 Church Street Ipoh 1:0 Rrewster Road Kota Bha^nj 2:0 Jalan Post Oflice ShAKGHAi,
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 262 2 RADIO PROGRAMMES SINGAPORE in n NETWORK from oood M 2 p.m. ar.d 6 30 to II pm on 225 rrttrra from noon to t p.m on 4.825 Tics/sec Id 61 metre band and from 7.45 to 9.30 p.m on 4 78 m*c/»ec In 61 metre band CHINESE noon to 1.15
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    • 243 2 MAY 21 8.30 a.m. News, 8.45 a.m. The Robinson Family. 6.30 pm. News, 7.15 pjn. Cricket Commentary Kent vs. Yorks, 8.30 p.m. Variety, 8.30 p.m. News, 9 pm. Tommy Handley In Itma. 9.30 p m Carroll Ebbars and his orchestra, 1030 p.m. Radio Newsreel, 11 30 pjn. News, 11.40 p.m.
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    • 261 2 8 30 p.m. Keyboard Club, 7 15 pjn. India and Ceylon Half-Hour, 7.45 p.m. Out Of The Oven, 8 p.m. Radio SEAC World and Home News, 8.05 p m. Yours For The Asking 9 p,m Music, 9.30 p.m. Rainbow Roof, 10 p.m. When Day Is Done, 10.30 p.m. Radio New.-reel.
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    • 91 2 CROSSWORD [20 C^m i^b^M PM tions> J2- Disturb CLUES DOWN. 1. Border, 2. Habituate, 3. ff^^tTjRAMr Fever, 4. Waited on, 5. Animation, 6. Peer, 7. Eye- fSG-'AftMCOftir/? doctor, 8. Part of milk, 10. Delicacy for tea, 11. V'lX,^^! Sullen, 16. Very small coin, 17. Therefore, 18. O b M A
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  • 457 3 Former Outram Rd. Gaoler On Murder Charge Beating Of Chinese Related In Court J|O\V a Chinese prisoner was punched, slapped, kicked and subjected to a severe beating with v cane for nearly one and a half hours to make him confess, was related before Mr. H. A. Forrer m the
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  • 133 3 Food Exhibition In August Form Our Own Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Men— Arrangerrents are well m for the first post-war Malayan AgrtHorticnitural Association exhibition: which will be held m he Batu Road Fnolish FH'">i Muring the August bank holidays. A feature of this exhibition will be a dispbv of -u o
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  • 74 3 Form ur Own C- -s.. TAIPING, FM -Tho Taiping branch of the Malayon Democratic Union has been formed here. Forty-three members enrolled at the inaugural meeting, while a working committee of 15 was ;elonted. Mr. F. G. H. Parry, chairryin of the Malayan Democratic Unf>n, (Perak), m reply
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  • 79 3 WITNESS COLLAPSES IN BOX i During a cross-cxamintion by Mr. K. P. K. Menon. counsel for Manikam Thana;i -iliiv, Ahmat bin Abi'ullah, a «mi Malay warder attached to the Outram Road P/ison during the Japanese occupation, collapsed m the witness box m the Seventh Police Court yesterday. Ahmat had to
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  • 178 3 I A DECREE nisi, which was to have bren made absolute for a. Briiish officer of the Indian Medical Service but for the Japanese occupa tion of Singapore, was mad? absolute by Mr. Justi'.e C. W. y. Carey, acting Chef Justice, m the Singapore High Court jesterday.
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  • 254 3 The founder's day was fittingly celebrated by the past and present pupils of St. Joseph's Institution, Singapore, on May 15 when a concert was held before o large and appreciative audience. The playlet 'The Snails Lesson' was so cleverly staged that the moral it was Intended t>
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  • 124 3 Form uur own ALOR STAH, Mon.->or the lnurd^r of a 13-year-old Chinese J)oy. Lo Chin Chooi, on Oct. 29, ?945, on an estate at Kampong Jorong, Pinang Tun^ga' Estate, BoHlh Ki'dah. the Kedah State Police are olTering a reward of $500 to any person or perxons who can
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  • 222 3 RICH MAN PRESUMED DEAD AN application the first m its kind to be made since the liberation to presume the death of a 21-year-old wealthy Chinese, Chan Joo Miang, who was taken away by the Japanese shortly after the occupation and never seen again, was j granted by Mr. Justice
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  • 82 3 (rm Our Own lent KRIAN, Mon Since the reiccupation, the electric lighting n Bagan Serai has been very insatisfactory. For the last wo months, private houses hay* >ad no lights. This is due to the fact that the > nalne at Ihe power nous?
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  • 196 3 The Malaiin T'nion governor. Sir Edwari Gent, dfsiri: >e« tbe new emergence of political consciousness among the Malay p?orle as very healthy." In an ex'lus ye in'rrvicw with the Associated Press, Sir Eilwa.d j attributed much of the current f^illicuUifs of Ihe Malayan I Union
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  • 181 3 From Our Own V •rerwordmt KLANG, Sat Bisho* Edw'n F Lee of the Methodist MnawM, was accorded a tremerrtou* ovation at a tea party held in honour of his visit to 'Xlan 1 yesterday evening at the Metho- dlst Girls' Sc'n ol. In an inteiesting address.
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  • 136 3 Taiping From Oar Own Correspondent TAIPING. Fr!.—Several tr hemes for the Improvement or" Taipinjj town were discussed at the monthly meetin; of the Town Board. An up-to-date 'nnd^rn bus -tation is planned alonp Iskander Road facing the Taiping Amusement Park. It ?s understood the five bus
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  • 137 3 TELUK ANSON, Sat. The temporary sheds, allowed by the Japs along both sides of roads, are to be pulled down by the end of Jun?, on orders of the Town Board. Hawkers who v re regist-red m 1941 will be permitted to carry on, and to compensate for
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  • 358 3 Hundreds of tons of rubbish He n Singapore s streets- a danger to the health of nearly a million Deople. It is estimated that nearly 200,000 tons of rubbish will be beared from Singapore's strepts ay the end of the year— provided the labour force and
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  • 36 3 MUs Mary Pickforl, who vitited London recen'ly on a business trip, was heard m several 8.8.f. overseas programmes. Here she is seen at the microphone with Ben I yon (right) and Vernon Harris
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  • 361 3 THE economic recovery of the Malayan Union is proceeding as fast as the peninsula's wardamaged facilities can handle it, the Governor, Sir fidward Gent, told an Associated Press correspondent. Ihe chief barrier to econo- mic recovery m the peninsula. Sir Edward continued, is lack of transport.
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  • 356 3 ON his return from his 25-day tour of the Malay Peninsula, the Singapore Chinese Consul-General, Dr. VVu Paakshing, said he was impressed by the patriotism shown by the Chinese people, the progress made by Chinese schools and the eagerness to promote Chinese education, and the existence
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  • 314 3 Maria Montez, Jon Hall, Sabu Co-Starred In Movie. Vivid, adventurous entertainment is heralded m the presentation of WHITE SAVAGE, one of Universal.; major product. om vhirli cren, t>morrow at the Alhambra Theatre. Filmed m Technicolor, the new picture reunites Maria Mont»z. Jon
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 43 3 MAY BAKER LTD. Manufacturing Chemists, Dagenham, England lia\o rr.opriHMl tht-ir Singapore office at temporary preiiiii-es, No. 3, Malacca Street. Spedalitiee price lUls arc expected this week. Will all doctors, vlioloalers and relailers requiring a copy pli-a-f write to I*. O. Box 73, Singapore.
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  • 769 4 Sarawak has figured many tim".s m the files of the Straits Times over -he last hundred 3 ears, and now the time has come to bid farewell to that unique little state m Borneo. It was m 1841 when
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  • 347 4 Complaints Qa*e teached the Straits Times of a grievance of Singapore shopkeeper. s wnich calls for prompt investigat'on. Recently the Supply and Di.-''': ndOB Unit sold large quantities of War Department ixxls U- tfct big wholesale firms. VhfctJ turn have sold them rc'Mlers In so doing
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  • 151 4 The Sudan may be a i itma objected that And U.JN.U. the introduction of the United Nations brings an additional party into a form of government that is already sufficiently complex. On tie other hand the Sudan provides a problem m trusteeship for the handling of which the
    The Times  -  151 words
  • 1034 4 Europeans, Dy aks, Malays In A Native State This article by Arthur Bi-yant, the well-known historian, presents both the historical and the recent post-war background of the decisive events m Kuching last week, when the State Council of Sarawak voted by a narrow majority for the transformation of Sarawak from
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  • Man-in-the Street
    • 253 4 I'HE drastic cut m th.- riC3 ration to 2 14 kats per week for men, 1' 2 katis per week for women sn.l 3 4 katis per week for children Ls not only shocking but ridiculous m view of the fact that the blackrr.arkcteers are able u>
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    • 154 4 Indian V olunteers AT the .t:. t: rmiti Chinos- British A-s.c ation's m ting at th- Garden ('lub. n* povtrd m the GtraiU T iim lof May 16, I see tha Ih i Chr.e c ruv> to fnh: fo welfaie (f the Chi to V Innteeis. Mr Yap Rtsne O*ek—«r,
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    • 151 4 I READ m your papti a few diys a^o o r the inquiry n^ade by Coi. Gi\>en en the question of Jap officer wh» n he came inti (ourt m his bare feet. Lalcr. thfs? same sacred 'ee^ •ncftsd i i a brard- wm i pair of
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    • 124 4 "An Old-Servic2 Employee" i\ is sun ly sore at new clerks getting new gajis. The B.M.A. knew what tho" were doing, and we should thank them for bPinT sn considerate ps to pay their •mployees an p.deqmtp salary m vi(».v of the present hi»h n f living. The
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  • 1049 4 From A Chinese Correspondent WHEN are we going to ge.' Back Pay? That is the worry m all minds Asiatic of course m Go\ernmeni and ether service today. Worry, because the war has caused such dislocation m our lives that it will take
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 858 4 KIQI'IRM MASS A lle<i<j|em High Mass for the repo c of thr .saul of the late Mr "Jot" Fran r v/;ii b rang at tlie Church ol Cur L:idy Of Lcjurd?s lomorrow at (j...i) a m. PERSONAL Will (he boy and amah who were working for Mr. Charles Dyas, Superintendent
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    • 31 4 Come THMUGHIIFE THAT WAf! Tills biei lest, tenilylni? In Us implications, proves that good vision is priceless. Tnke care of your eyes. Have them examined periodically. C S. CHONO. O.D.. F.POC.
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  • 1744 5 CHARGES OF BRUTALITY AND MURDER POMMANDER of Group 5 the PoW labour gangs used by Japanese io build the Burma-Siam railway, m charge of camps which were described by prisoners as "Death Valley," and "Hell Hole," and for whom Dutch PoWs had twisted
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  • 82 5 Ironi < tur Own Correspondent KUAI A LUMPUB, Mon.— i Closely following on the arrfst by the Police Flying Squad on Kri'av niplit vif five Japanese fugitives, officers and men of the Investigation Branch made a ■urprise iaid »>n the jungle at Snngci I'.uloh on Salurda-, atid
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  • 267 5 SYDNEY Ellis and William Elliott, two British mem bers of the crew of the Btlß Finn, appealed unsuccessfully for leniency before Mr. Justice Richard Moor m the Singapore High Court yesterday. Fa.'h had been sentenced m a police court to three months rigorous imprisonment on a
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  • 125 5 i Malnya need;, ea:lv resumn tion of trade with Horn Ko:'S ;nd other South China oorts ?(m j its rehabilitation L'en Vin-chfiU. I chnirman of the Slngan Chinese Chamber n* r -.mere-" 4 .-tated <>.n bin i F! r. Kong on an official mi.«-»-.!on. Three bhap.-, n
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  • 237 5 Another familiar feature of pro-war Singapmy ha> been revived— the Mail Notice, which used to be published regularly tn the Straits Times. Eelow is the first Mail Notice, issued by the General Post Office, Singapore, yesterday. This notice gives the latest times of posting for
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  • 89 5 Convicts m San Vittore caol. bi,T^s prison m .Milan, staged their second break-out riot rerently, and strong forces of rnardr. had to be massed ronnl the fiaol The rioters were led by a notorious f anrstr r and former Fascist leaders. The earlier riot was fined to
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  • 152 5 A RMS CASES: 3 CHARGED Alex Hay MrßoMjie o f the Seventh Paratroor Regiment claimed trial *efo»e Mr Pnal Storr m the Pi>trict Co"rt yesterday on a charge of disposii 7. of a Japanese automcth f or $140 m Cieyiang on May 17. The accused wa^ .emaidcd for i' week
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  • 182 5 Estate Labourers' Demand COLOMBO. About 400 Indian labourers on Knaresmlre Estate. In the Kegalla district, Ceylon, viiich has been uqu:i:j by Jhc f»ove.nment m uurtuaice of 4 .;->e policy o: settling iaiid on livdless villagei's. have refused :o leave the estate and are cemanding that tr.f est-.te be settled on
    UP  -  182 words
  • 120 5 Revenue officers on duty at Tanah Merah Besar m Chanel on May 17 lnf-rceptt a lor- and found abort 43 ptculs of rire In it. In the second restrict court before Mr. T L Tan yestercay, Lee Kirn Chee ;iie owner of the rice, who pleaded
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  • 277 5 EUROPEAN GAOLED FOR POSSESSING REVOLV ER D(>I\TIN(J out that Ihe pos^ pi fast m Singapore is an offence, Mr. Paul Storr, m i the District Court yesterday convicted Francis (tr;;ham Thomson, European nvmacrcr of the Coastal Transport Comoany, m duirgti of hoinir m po*>s^«sion jn* a 3& calibre revolver and
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  • 137 5 FINES totalling $1,500. i i 3S months' r.gorous imprisonment in default, wera imposed by Mr. Ppul Starr in the District Court vr-;.rdav en a 32-ycar-o!d C i' > i Chan Kim, who was con I en charges of being in p lion o (i I "ri
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  • 37 5 CLACTPV. SUSSEX Ti>c Internntionr.l Socialist Confi att. ncfcd tv d~! i rovnirios, ha.*? agreed '.h: Internationa! bureau should Iks MM 1:0 hi I r>r»H m, lit-; hy 1 ii' s i f the W(ii It!.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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  • All The Latest Sports News
    • 808 6 Race Against Time In State Cricket Straits Times Corr. Seremban, Mon. Singapore needed seven runs to win with three wickets m hand when time intervened and thus, with the game anybody's did the two-day State cricket match between Singapore and Negri Sembilan end at Seremban yesterday. This flzhting, thrilling flnir.h
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    • 444 6 FIVE SELECTED BOXERS IN ONE CARD Final Appearances On Friday Night All five boxers sailing for Australia on Saturday will fight at the Happy World stadium on Friday night, thus providing, after a series of postponements, the card th;*t all local fight fans have long wanted to see. Tiger Aman
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    • 207 6 The Co'.onia's crlrket XI bat th? Hn. Austrp.l a War Graves Group b 'six wickets m a match p:i»yed on Sunday. Scores were: Hn Australian War Graves Groan Fiber c Perry' b Sen-vi-?t-e 21: Stringer b Srnevratn? 4; Lorin-jrr ttm Ratar.aynke 5: Bsdfcrd c Wljence
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    • 282 6 FRENCHMEN PL A Y FAST SOCCER TO WIN 2-1 PARIS, Sun.-- Enaland completed her soccer international programme or ue seasi n here at Colombes Stadium thi-= afternoon by losing one-two to France before some .'i5.UOO spectators. Williams, In Uie England goal, had more to do than hi.s counterpart, Da Russ.
      Reuter  -  282 words
    • 68 6 London, Man. Ted Broadribb, manager of British liuhtheavyweUht champion Freddie Mills, said that Mills, <vho was knocked-out m the t-nth-round at Ilarringay Stadium last Tuesday by Gus Lesnevitrh of New Jersey, would not fight m the United States. He said Mills had atreed to fight
      AP  -  68 words
    • 93 6 Straits Times Carr MUAP, Mon:— The follo-vimr sports fixtures, the proceeds o.' which will be donated to the Ifuar Welfarn Relief Fund, hay? Bern arranged for the week: On May 21 and May 22, the nth. Hattalior. Paratroopers will meet Muar Combined at siccpr and hockey.
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    • 46 6 Services Rugger Stalwarts Tir rick of Se-iIrM rug-er pU -en m Singapore fought out a thrilling match at Jalan Besar stadium on Saturday when the Combined RN.-R.A F. hrat the Army, intcr-S?rvice champions, 11 6. Here are pictures of the teams and the game In progress.
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    • 397 6 London, Mon. Following the disappointment of Fleet Street m the Newmarket Stakes run over one and a quarter miles on the famous heath last week, it appears obvious that if Lord Derby is to win the Derby next month it will after all have to
      Reuter  -  397 words
    • 37 6 PARIS, May 19: Charles Semblat, trainer of the French colt Nirgal, said toda\ that Ms participation i■• tile Epsom Uerbv, running, June 5, is still uncertain. The final decision will be made before May 27.—Reuter.
      Reuter  -  37 words
    • 71 6 Seattle, Mon— Al Hostak of cattle, twice the world's j i mi'lul:wei?ht boxin; champion, v ill resume the fi;ht career he halted to en'er the army, his manager Eddie Mariano announced. Kedocing his weight at prrI sent is Hostak's biggest problem. He wieghed ISO
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 125 6 FREEDOM— COMPLETE FREEDOM THE RUES LIBERATED! ■H P I \p BIG DRAMA OPEN s BOOKING OFFICE. „n 0. TEL. 5281. Ha.m. 2p.m. 4.15 6.30 9-ISp.B, l O^tiA.O^ A Noro«ac*N GERMAN -•V G^ \EL CMAUINO1 IHM lOMT pt nr A»* Of\S^' Jj^^l^^i NO PICTUM CAN Of fl« NIPPED <O MO«I ACTION-C«AMMtO
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    • 344 6 DISTRESS SALE In the High Court of the Colony or Singapore Island of Singapore Distress No. 1 of If) 16. In the Cause of ONO HIN TIANO (Plaintiff) versusJ. NOEL HAY (Defendant). AUCTION SALE OF Furniture etc comprising; DinIng table and chairs. Jd -o^uro, dressing table, single beds, camphorwood boxes.
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    • 143 6 Rimless Classes hv OAH SIN OPTICAL HOUSE 325 North Brld?r Road. S pore. Proprietor— P S DZTNO OD RADIOS KEE HUAT RADIO CO. 112 m Orchard Ro-id Telephone 4566 SINGAPORK Of Interest to ARCHITECTS, ENGINEERS CONTRACTORS. We undertake ordois 'o make BLUE PRINTS A WIHTi: PHI MS from tracings Prompt
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  • 692 7 htarvation In Ihe Interior Of China SHANGHAI, (By Air Mail)— Relief is slowly friclding into ''he 19 provinces of the interior of China where some 00,C00,0C0 persons are en the point of starvation. But the volume of relief arriving is sa small by comparison to the
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  • 101 7 ~«,»<- **wr "-".iWf 4 mam Houses wi h plenty of space, new blocks of flats «ith lifts play-grounds for children. That is the Stspney-Porlar project initialed by the L.C.C., which will cost £45 millions for land acquisition and take thirty yea-s to complete. Ihe plan
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  • 85 7 WASHINGTON, Sun—The American Federation of Labour declared m a statement issued here yesterday thai it "unequivocally condemns the attitude taken by Soviet Russia since the war endtd." The statement "views with grave concern tne mounting threat of another world war," and draws attention to "the deep
    Reuter  -  85 words
  • 30 7 ROME, Mon. —Italy wants Qlreat Britain to pay for the up- then of occupation troops Official "liiion of ro-bel'igrrency is 1>: ing used for Italy's argument -UP
    UP  -  30 words
  • 419 7 LIPISTICK BUIL T MORALE IN JAVA CAMPS NEW YORK, (By Air Mail.)— Women can be made more content even though they have to endure privation m prison camps threatened by revolt if they can have a little lipstick, some rouge, face powder and silk stockings, says Capt Harold L. Guyion,
    AP  -  419 words
  • 251 7 SQUARE HIPS FOR U.S. FEMININITY By DOROTHY ROE As ocialed Press Fashion Editor NEW YORK. (By Air MaiU —American women have beer, known for their flat hips and rounded hips, slim hips and hroad ones, but H remained for Claire McCardell, the ai ways surprising young New York designer, to
    251 words
  • 106 7 Soviet Mission In Argentina BUENOS AIRES, Mon A threeman Russian mission, which described itself ac a "Soviet commercial delegation," now >n Buenos Aires, is<i;v planning to lemain m the Argentine capital fw a long t.ur.e. The arrival of tie mission opened ud a broad i eld of speculation for
    UP  -  106 words
  • 223 7 Uncle Sam Trades In The Philippines MANILA. (By Air Mail.) Uncle Sam, m the role of Trader Sam, has found a way to stimulate hemp and copra production m the Philippines. It is a simple formula: Give the grower goods he wants and can use, instead of simply paying him
    223 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 115 7 Phone f^ TU A V uam 2 4 30 GRAND OPENING TO-DAY YOU MUST BOOK EARLY IUS GLORIOUS A MOTION PICTURE f^^^, j More gloiious with \Mk -***iSm\ Hammcrstcin, W^ *%P-_ \l\\ who gave you 1 and "Carousel"! ..J^ g j&Ki **a*m&o A>eJ W !*jSr A AW a 20,h &*>,
      115 words
    • 240 7 For Policies on favourable terms covering: FIRE MOTOR Workmen's Compensation Personal Accdt. (incl. Flying) Fidelity CuaraAtee Lift, Plate Class, Baggage Cash in Transit Jewellery ("All Risks') MARINE, etc etc apply to the: COMMERCIAL UNION ASSUF.4MCE CC, LID. funds so, OOO, OOO Beh. ON: Commercial Union Hlilg.. Robinson Kri.. SINGAPORE. Phone:
      240 words
    • 250 7 Mansfield Cu., LJL (Incorporate©* u> bi'.y-ipoie i BLUE niNNBL LINE Sailings to taoA from Unlt"<l Kingdom Dates not guaranteed Samarkand Due from 1 .K. 21 M.iy llartinrrton P>ue from IK tS M^tr Lyraon Sails for I.K. fj May Glaums Sails for I.K. ?.O Mar Glenapp Sails for I'.K ti June
      250 words

  • 93 8 Puffing its way out of the railway sheds th s streamline rail monster is one of the new locomotives for South Africa's railways. 'ihis piciurc shows what British railway men like to call "Operation Fizz" m progress. It is the special weed killer train m acticn between Manchester
    93 words
  • Article, Illustration
    38 8 I lany cf the staff laboratory assistants m Britain's big penicillin factory- at Speks, Lancashire, are wjmen, specially trained m testing the drug. The factory, owned by the Ministry of Supply, employs 350 workers, including 50 technical experts.
    38 words
  • Article, Illustration
    24 8 Lighty year eld maestro Toscanini, who is now conducting at La Scala, Milan, is returning to New York. He hopes to visit England afterwards.
    24 words
  • Article, Illustration
    34 8 Bananas, non-existant m England throughout the war, are coming back into the fruit shops again. This picture shows the first shipment of 75,C00 bunches being loaded into "The London Wharf" m one British Camerocns.
    34 words
  • Article, Illustration
    33 8 Voting m the national referendum when France rejected the proposed new constitution was a family matter. Minors couldn't vote but these two were there while mother and father went into the polling booth.
    33 words
  • Article, Illustration
    16 8 Italian philosopher, Senator Benedetto Crocc, Chief of the Italian Liberal Party prepares for the forthcoming elections.
    16 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 370 8 GAIiRICZt. ..GEYLANG Phone ***** list n v. S 1">, CO 9.T5 pm. r) V 3 O'Brien a: d Doro'.hy 3..0rt In -CAPTAIN MIDNIGHT" (Ohaptcn I—7) c <> utr.b as M uhtl? t Ac icn Crarr.m d Ser.ul. i:.ic.iiy Cpi:s BMBt frard mnn! f li. e'J mo.:, pop :lr.r H:ro! Children
      370 words
    • 105 8 AILJAKiDDA daily Vshows L n #V4 DKA Boi k Uth rkum m LAST DAY OF A RECORD RUN!! It's Cot The Verve If You've Got The Nerve! I UUliU Si^'^^' M&m iO-MOKROW-We To You The Technicolossal 4% WHIIE SAVAGE" V/i:h All It's Tropical Love Ha»e Insoired By Primitive PassionsYES, TOMORROW!
      105 words