The Straits Times, 17 May 1946

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • 547 1 Interim Government Entirely Composed Of Indians LONDON, Thursday. A SIX-POINT plan for a Federal Union of India was announced m the House of t'omnnns tonight by the Prime Minister, Mr Clement Attlee. The plan, which hns been published as a Government Wh ite
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  • 32 1 Hamlet Destroyed By Meteorite MEXICO CITY, Thurs.—The Government announced today that a meteorite destroyed the hamlet of Santa Ana m Nuevo Leon state of Mexico. Eight people were killed and 28 injured—Reuter.
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  • Article, Illustration
    37 1 lord Killearn. who is dealing with the problems of nutrition m South-East Asia, visited Singapore's Tan Tock Senj Hopital early this week Here he is se-n examining a child patient Suffering from Pyorrhea. (Army Film Unit photo).
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  • 362 1 Line MUKDEN, Thurs— A force of 10.000 to 20.000 Chinese Communists have cut the Mukden-Tient-sin railway line— the life-line of the Manchurian Nationalist forces at two points outside the Great Wall anc 1 north-east of Shangka.wan, it was reported here today. Nationalist sources said that Communist
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  • 83 1 rAMBBIOGE, Thurs —There Mru no piny before lunch toriav m t«.o resumption of the match between the Indians and <'ainhrir!ue University, orinp io lei ireathrr. U«utcr. r*".l.i, 'ihiirs. The Ku^Niau Foreign f.'omnus ,;•<• Mr. Molotov info-med the I'orrign Ministers' Gmfeicna lorhiy thai his roverrmeal j..,,| ac rejit?d tii?
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  • 128 1 WASHINGTON. Thurs Presi- dent Truman today recalled the spokesman for coal owners and miners back to the White House m another attempt to treak the deadlock. This conference is the second m two days. The U.S., Senate Labour Committee has approved a resolution calling the investigation into
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  • 112 1 LONDON, Thurs.— Official [quarters said today that atomic energy would probably be on the agenda of the Empire Conference which will resume sitting on Monday for a week. The Canadian Premier. M. McKensie King, who is arriving iby plane m England on Saturclay, will Join
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  • 223 1 MANILA. Thurs.— The Uniced states Foreign Liquidation Commission has announced it will turn over $100,000,000 worth of surplus goods to UNRRA, most of which will be used to rehabilitate China. Of the $100,000,000 worth or goods covered by the agreements between the FLC and
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  • 47 1 Argentine "Fascist Bloc" Denied Buenos Aires, Thurs.— The Argentine Foreign Minister Don Juan Cooke, last night characterized as "completely false the recent statement by the former United States Secretary to the Treasury Mr. Henry Mo.jienthau, that Argentina intended to build an American fascist bloc" m South America.
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  • 244 1 UNO Expected To Adopt Secrecy Rule NEW YORK, Thurs.-Ti.ore are strong indications that the United Nations Security Council v.ill approve today the proposed new rule which would permit the Council to keep certain of its proceedings secret, even from fellow members of the United Nations. The committee of experts who
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  • 172 1 TEHERAN, Thurs. Prince Firouz, the Persian Government spokesmen said today that "the dcor was not bolted against future negotiations' between the den*ocrats and the Persian central government. The spokesman pointed out that both the Persian Premier, Mr. Ghavr.m cs-Sultaneh, and the Democrat Representative, Mr. Pishevary,
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  • 208 1 Morrison's Plain Food Talk To U.S. WASHINGTON, Thursday.- Mr. Herbert Morrison, British cabinet minister, addressing the American people by radio said that if people died of starvation it would be not because there was 'too little food" but because "we are short of the will to put the right shares
    Reuter; UP  -  208 words
  • 429 1 THE "BIG FOUR" BREAK UP PARIS, Thursday. THE "Big tour" Foreign Ministers' Council, sftir three we.'ks of an almost unbrcken record of dcad-lcckx, last night admitted complete failure to reach an agreement. on the peace treaties with Italy and the Axis satellites and decided to adjourn until June 15. When
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 233 2 Pacific Islands Talks WASHINGTON. Wirt The ", -J MaUs and B'ltain were rrrortrd to tv .nakuig tory rogress towards .»n agreement on the .vntrol of m. 1 rral strategically located land i In the Pacific. acting U.S. Secretary of {■late. Mr. Dean Acheson. official Iv disclosed that talks were way
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  • 708 2 Leaders Say "No Violence CAIRO and LONDON, Thursday. If ING Farouk of Egypt is to invite all the Arab rulers to meet and discuss the Palestine question. Abdul Aziz Badr, head of the Arabi section of the royal palace has left Cairo in an Egyptian plane
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  • 226 2 IZVESTIA CHARGES KOREA MOSCOW, Thurs— The Moscow newspaper Izvestia charges that, at the recent U.S. Soviet commission for Korea, the UJ3. tried to open the path for reactionaries to capture power over Koreans. The paper said the meeting broke down after six weeks because the Americans failed to show understanding
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  • 163 2 LO'-'. 'ON. Wed— Mr MackMllie King the Canadian Premier, has made it clear that he had no :^ht f«f rebuking Mr. Clement Attlee. the British Primp Minister, when he told the Canadian Parliament recently that Canada had not been ashed, nor had ,\da given
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  • 244 2 Yoshida Now Premier Of Japan TOKIO, Thurs.— Mr. ShVru Yoshida. Acting Foreign Minister has been appointed Prime Minister of Japan. The appointment has received Allied approval. Mr. Yoshida has served as principal liaison official with the occupation authorities since October and his previous record is considered free of any charge
    Reuter; AP; UP  -  244 words
  • 418 2 George Cross Award For Detonating Nazi "Oysters' 9 The award of the George Cross was announced m London last week to a Naval officer who, wearing diving gear and working almost blind m water encumbered with wreckage and human bodies, made safe three mines of a hitherto unknown type, known
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  • 576 2 "Australians Want U.S. To Keep Bases LONDON and NEW YORK, Thu.oday. The question of retention of bases in the Pac.fic by the United States finds favour amongst people in Australia, according to a survey made by an American newsman. Public opinion in America is reported to b3 strongly behind the
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  • 87 2 WASHINGTON, T urs The Hojsp of Representatives Appropriations ommitlee toolt a !onj loo:< at the VS. oustSi;ard's postwar plans ycst r.Iay and derided that t e can I too mam admirals, (iinimo-dor.-s and iBplll— an:I ciiupp'd n arly e ?0. '00.011 .< it of the srrkiie's 1947
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  • 289 2 RIO DT: JANEIRO. Tlmr; An ant;-Communistic programn lonal scope ha:; been adapted by the Brazilian Council of Ministers, it was reported last i. Sources close to the Government described the programme •S designed to "defend Democracy and the Chii.; lan TradlCon of Brazilian peonies.' It was anticipated however.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 289 2 I JUST RECEIVED BOOKS on Orcnltism Yoga Life After Death and Throsophy Also available Malaya rpsiile Down ftn« i li Mid Aust:a!ian Maß.'zlnes FAR EASTERN NEWS AGENCY i Book-cHtrs S:ati.ine:s, Newsagents. IS-.. Or. hard Road, Singapore. NOTICE T. A. Bwtholomeussj Ltd. have plearure m advising their fomcr Clients and thr
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 689 2 RADIO PROGRAMMES ctMpaDrtor MAY 17 i pm Xndla and Ce v lon Ha 'f "ow t«j SlWL»/\rL-»K£. 6.30 p.m. News. 6 45 p m BBC PJ"- Military Band. 8 p.m. Kadlo SEAC Theatre Orchestra 8 in n m New* Wo:ld and Home News. 8.05 p.m You.s KED NETWORK from oooo
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    • 113 2 CROSSWORD |A5 I Bf^l I I cally slow and state12/ \22 2J I I K^^^B^5 V^\ Decorato wiUl lsFW v CLUES DOWN. 2. Entertain. 3 Lhcly dance C OMClr y tv<s, 4, Climbing plant, 5. By, 6. Wat chful, 7. Re- mHA.N^JBC.A 0 0 > sounded. 8. Odd, 9. Strong
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  • 487 3 DRIVER >S EVIDENCE IN COURT INQUIRY A LORRY driver, giving evidence before Mr. H. A. Forrer yesterday at the continued hearing of the preliminary inquiry into a tentative charge of murder against Ibrahim bin Omar, a former Inspector of i Police, stated that he had
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  • 449 3 Gaol For Sale Of Poisonous Liquor Four Indians on Dec. 30, last year, went to a stall at 5>/ 2 mile Pasir Panjang Road where they consumed two bottles of local liquor. They bought anoth?r bottle but finished it in their barracks. The next day, one of them felt ill
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  • 305 3 Court Sequel To Loss Of Military Goods The recent disappearance of 1 $3,000 worth of bedsheets from a j Military store m Mohamcd Sultan Road had a sequel m the Rel'ef Court before Major A. P. Jock yesterday when five persons claimed trial on various charges connceted with the missing
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  • 122 3 From A Correspondent) Catholics of Singapore wi'l be plad to know that the Redemptorist. Fathers are to begin a I fortnights mission In Singapore beginning from Sunday mornin and will preach at the Cathedral ■>f the Good Shepherd at 5.30 p.m daily New missionaries have ariived
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  • 393 3 S 'pore Overcrowding Worse Than Ever With a jump la Singapore's population Horn an r^tin050.000 before the war to 900.C00 today, there U a con I 'crable increase m overcrowding ii' the town, and thousands of Singapore labourers sleoo m the ta each night. As a consequence, iliim condi- i
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  • 150 3 A sequel to a trap laid by the Police m Arab Street was heard m the Police court yesterriiv where Abdul Samad bin Jaafar, 25-year-o.d Malay, faced three charges of carrying a .38 revolver, beirg m possession of Japanese automatics without a licence and being
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  • 153 3 Malay Gaoled For Threats In 1943 MUAR. Wrd-Haii Abdul Jalal bin Haji Johar stood trial m the District Court. Muar. b:fore Lieut J. U. Webb on three charges. On i two of these he was discharged, net amounting to an acquittal At the conclusi-n of a two-riay trial yesterday, HaU
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  • 76 3 Among the 7,000 odd surplus Government vehi Irs to be sold at Grrat Missenden, Buckinghamshire, is a 31 hp. Dodge troop carrier. In tu>s particular vehicle a pair of blackbirds I chose to build a nest The fortunate purchaser will, therefore have a bargain:
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  • 143 3 A raid by the Food Inspectorate m Lorong 7, Geylang, on Wednesday resulted m several persons, including two women, four men and one youth, being charged m t;i e Second District Court yester- :ay before Mr. T. L. Tan. They were nil charged with failing
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  • 101 3 (From Oar Own Correspondent) PENANG, Thurs —A surprise police swoop on the suspected headquarters of a secret society resulted In the arrest of four Chinese, and the d ,-,covery o.' two revolvers m a shophouse m Perlis Road this morning. Two rale's wore conduvte.l
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  • 150 3 Six Years For Extortion Attempt (From Our fhvn Correspondent) IPOH. Thurs— When a middleaged Chines? visited the office of a well-known miner. Mr H E W. Kiaw. on Mar. 12 and left his visitir.g err. d m f he f c rm of a bulky letter, an office employee shadowed
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  • 148 3 Charged with criminal breach of trust m respoct of property valu:d at $425, Tc-n? Tian Suap v.a> yesterday sentenced to one month's rteorous imprisonment hv Mr. Paul Storr m the District Court. It was disclosed that the accused was entrusted with 3d katis of
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  • 260 3 Ship To Repatriate N. Malaya Indians INSTEAD of calling at Po planned, the Nevasa, whi on May 27 with Indian rej where it will pick up up India. Mr. S. K. Chettur, Indian Government representative, Malaya. stated yesterday that the Ind'an Shipping Priorities Committee had made this decision m resDonse
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  • 133 3 'From Our Own Correspond :nt» SEGAMAT. Wed.— Alleged to have been responsible for iwo robberip.s m Tenghu Tiga Road. two Chinese were this morning produeei before Ih^ poli c macristratr, Che Baron bin Ahmad. At the request of the police, they were remanded m custody
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  • 119 3 Individual Claims For Compensation (From Our Own Correspondent) SEREMBAN. Ihurs— With reference to the notices which have appeared here on the subject of a Reparations Committee to consider the claims of the British Empire on Japan, a press communique points out that "the time has not yet arrived for the
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  • 360 3  - Fighter For P.I. Freedom JAMES HALSEMA BY The first President of tho Philippines Republic Manuel Roxas V Acuna has been an out.s'iancLng champion for the independence of his islands sinco he served as ;i special envoy with a delegation that put the problem before thS Congress m 192.;. Toaay, at
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  • 60 3 WASHINGTON. Wed. Admiral William D. Lrahv. President Truman's Chief of StaiT will f!v tn Tiv-'land tomorrow to arrancc for the complete w'thd'.uwal ->f US. troops from Mala* a, India. Australia, N:w Zra'.and and th 3 NE.I. Admiral Leahy will bo m London for 10 days.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 71 3 ARE YOUR VALUABLES SECURE? Who had the keys of your safe during the Japanese occupation— If you are not sure, it would be wise to order NEW SAFES! WE CAN SUPPLY: FIRE-PROOF SAFES STRONG ROOM DOORS SECURITY STRONG BOXES 6c CUPBOARDS FILING CABINETS and STEEL OFFICE CUPBOARDS AND SHELVING for
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  • 45 4 A MEMORIAL SERVICE m honour of the late Miss Catherine E. Jackson will be held on Sunday, 19th May. 1946 at ft p.m. at the Straits Chinese Methodist Church. Kampong Kapnr Road. Sinna- friends of Miss Jackson arc •cordially invited to be present.
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  • 41 4 MR. CHK TECK KHIAM wishes to fxpre-.s Ills heartfelt thanks to all rcl.iives and friends who attended the rum ral of the late Lav Yoke Eng and to all thes- who yent wreaths, letters ol condolence, etc. and rendered assistance
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  • 1363 4 The Straits Times Singapore, Friday, May 17, 1946. The Fat Of The Land After having been faced m Malaya ever since the liberation with constant anxiety over the rice shortage and other less basic but nonetheless worrying food problems, and after reading during the same period a series of increasingly
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  • 1546 4 Diehards On One Side: Extremists On The Other By The Special Correspondent Of The Times In Batavia Now that agreement m principle has been reached between the Netherlands Government and the "republican" regime In Java there is good prospect for the working out of
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  • Man-in-the-Street
    • 157 4 T HAVE read your article on 1 wrestling m today's issue, and I wish to say that I fully agree with your views en ladies wrestling. I have been a professional urestler m Europe and various parts of the world, and, although ladies' wrestling and mud
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    • 142 4 It is high time the authorities put a stop to pillion-riding on bicycles. The danger involved will not only kill both the riders but cause great inconvenience to the unfortunate motorist who had knocked them down. Along the busy streets of Singapore we find these gay people
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    • 156 4 f"|UE to the lat3 war, boys like me missed th? opportunity to learn a profession m the Singapore Trade School. Now lots of them are m their twenties and have to earn their own living. Even if the Trade School m Newton Road re-opens, most of j them
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    • 122 4 It is gratifying to note that W.S.K. (m your paper of May 13) has taken the lead to voice the grievance everyone here has on the strange difficulty of getting cigarette rations In Johore Bahru, although the authorities have issued cigarettes m sufficient quantity for release to
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    • 291 4 Your readers may be interested m the following personal note about Dr. H. L Richardson, whose broadcast talk m food probiems m Asia and especially m China you "üb'ished on Saturday May 11. He happens to be my eldest brother He had his early training m New
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 752 4 SITUATIONS VACANT GCCD ALL HOUND COMPOSITORS v.nt d. Good salary and allowances Apply !iox 971. Straits Times. WANTED 1 competent bDokkeeper Kid 1 jnrlrr typist. Apply Bjx No 973 Straits Times WANTED one energetic vounc etat typl I i male or female i. knowledge of mc th: nd an advantnee.
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    • 14 4 RECORD OWNERS! PROTECT YOUR RECORDS WITH fill **7z'l, IM-POINTMASTER >4.50 C!S3 llic!: St.e<<. :>.iKap*re.
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  • 828 5 BALANCED DIET RECOMMENDED TN considering what steps should be taken to meet an insufficiency of rice m South-East Asia, the nutrition conference m Singapore recommended the introduction of a balanced diet, and the establishment of nutrition units and of a nutrition advisory council m each
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  • 45 5 bncln, Burma, has suiTeied ci n- ihr.ihly frum hnmbing by oth the British mnd the Japanese, mid the lamous Mon' < m Pagoda, immortalised by X Hing, i* seriously endangered h\ landslips. Picture shows the Paeoda and some of the damage tamed by landslides.
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  • 98 5 DEVONPORT. Thurs. Two boxes from Bombay, containing linen, cosmetics, nuts, cicar.s, canned foods and hides. flj»ur< d m a smuggling case at Devonpcrt courtmarttaJ. They were brought to Cmxind nt the request of Lieut. J J o-er William Wedgood Cavanagh, P.N.V.R. a technical assistant to the
    Reuter  -  98 words
  • 78 5 (From Our Own Correspondent) PENANG, Wed.— Two hundred and sixty-five tins of caustic soda, alleged to have been stolen Irom the army barrack:; store, were mentioned m the Relief Court today when Jasanathan, lormer chief cleiK of the store, 'a as produced or. a charge of
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  • 288 5 Search In Japan For Vanished Penang Woman TOKIO. Thurs.— At the request of the United State., State Department, Supreme Command Allied Powers ha.s launched a search for information as to the j fate of an American-born woman I who was late seen m the Indian Ocean m March, 1944. clambering
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  • 442 5 Province 'Forgotten In London (From Our Own Correspondent) PENANG. Thurs. An interesting discussion on the position of Province Welisiley m relation to Penaigs l.« port statu.; took place loda- at the Province WeUsaWy \4\iaofJ Council meeting Replying to a question by Mr. M P. Matthew as to wl.y there should
    AP  -  442 words
  • 462 5 Absent Jap Blamed For Tortures "I don't blame the Andaman people for having a grudge against the Japanese." said English-speaking Jap civilian interpreter Mlkami. defending hlm■^lf against atrocity chargfs m the Singapore War Crimes Court estercay. Mikami was giving the prosecuting officer, Capt. Hibbert his explanation as to why Andaman
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  • 377 5 MANILA, Thurs. A strike wave is sweeping the Philippines and unless living costs move down fast enough to keep pace with the war;e earners' income, Llie strike wave is likely to reach tidal proportions m the coming montnst labour officials predict. The walkouts m various
    Reuter  -  377 words
  • 479 5 Organisation To Help Four Million Indians Abroad Bombay, Thursday. An organisation to assist the 4,000,000 Ir.- -n nationals abroad has been formed m Bombay with Sir Chimanlal Setalwad as President. Known as "the Indian Na- tionals-Overseas Congress," the organisation has for Its alms: (1) promoting and safeguarding the best Interests
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  • 424 5 Police Ban Women's Wrestling The women's wrestling cm, test between "Rough-house and "Shanghai Susie,' advertised to take place at Vne Great World amusement park tomorrow .ihht has been h:inned by the i tlio Straits unders This is the immediate outcome of a lc-adins article in yesterday's ftr.iits Time.s which drew
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 241 5 CANCELLATION OF WAR CLAUSE Attached To Policies Of The NATIONAL INSURANCE Co., Ltd. 6 8, Java Street, Kuala Lumpur. Notice is given hereby to all policyholders of the National Insurance Co. Ltd., of the cancellation on and after Ist March, 1946 of the operation of the War Clause ttached to
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  • All the Latest Sports News
    • 565 6 WOODCOCK FACES BIG TEST TODAY To-night the British heavyweight champion, Sruce Woodcock, fights Tami Mauriello, tough American who will never admit defeat, at Madison Square Garden. The fight was to have taken place last Tuesday, but Mike Jacobs, the Garden promoter, lost his top-liner to-night when Bob Montgomery injured his
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    • 303 6 1 Association roccer teams for forthcoming games arc: Inrl Div at Jalan Brar stadium on Monday, May 2i, kick-off at j ;> ni. Mi UUkamexu, V. N. Pillai. S,:bapathy, Mahalingam. Kartar Magh, P I iran, Kn-hi.asamy, 1 hair. .vcu. Mchd. Jr.flar. S. G^pal. Dollcn, AccuUii,
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    • 424 6 BERLIN, Thurs. Max Machcn, who trained ex-heavy-weight champion Max Schmeling during most of his career and managed him In its late stages, has made three predictions. (1) That Billy Conn certainly i Respite a kne? injury sufT?re rill wrest the crown from Joe during
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    • 36 6 Charity Soccer Proceeds The proceeds of the soccer match between the Chinese Athletic Association and the R.E.M.E. on Sunday at Jalan Besar Stadium amounted to £4,969. This money will be used for relief work m China.
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    • 472 6 Indian Spin Bowlers Find Their Form LONDON, V/ed. Following" their triumph over Surrey at the Oval the Indian bowlers came into their own apaln today and made short work of Cambridge University. writes Leary Constantine. It cannot be consinered a great test for the tourists, who can be excused if
      Reuter  -  472 words
    • 216 6 NEW YORK, Thurs. Fran* Parker, Ted Schroder, Billy Talbert and Gardnar Mulloy will comprise United States Dsvis Cup team meeting the Philippines In the first round at St. Louis on June 14 and 15, team Captain Walter Pate announced. Parker, California, and an exsergeant, who holds
      AP  -  216 words
    • 76 6 In a socrir match played at Jalan Besar sia'lium on Sunday between the Chinese A' hletic and R.E.M.E. m aid of China ralief, the Chinese won an excitins came by three coals to nil. Those pictures show. ton. a Chinese rlayer colliding with F. Frantic.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 126 6 *nPß;?Pi3Ks6aft 5 showj daily Book early Phons— 69os TEE YEAR'S GLORY STORY! 3 Yanks with Chinese Guerillas blast the rapacious Jcp hordes to avenge the fate of one tfirl! ALAN LADD, the screen's coldest killer— LORETTA YOUNG, his collaborator— and WILLIAM "NDIX. the "Human Torpedo" of Wake Island tame. fk
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    • 719 6 NOTICE OF REWARD Fahang Registers of Titles. The Resident Commit loner. Pahang offers a reward of $1,000/- to any one who gives information Hading to the discovery of the above registers which were lost In Singapore during the Japanese occupation. These registers were received In the office of the Commissioner
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    • 556 6 SPORTING RACEFORM trlls you race by rac» how they looked m the paddock, how they went 'n the betting and how the; all ran The ideal weekly contact for O»ersea» Sportsmen with racing m England The Season, by Air Mall 16 weeks trial for £5 RACEFORM. 3943 Battersca High St.,
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  • 581 7 Sarawak Expected To Vote Itself Into British Empire I From A Special Correspondent KUCHING, Wednesday. CARAWAK is expected to vote itself into the British. Empire this week. A Malay Dato proposed, and a Dyak chieftain seconded, the "Bill for the Cession of Sarawak to His
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  • 122 7 ENGAGEMENT \\1> I BDDING 'From Our Own Correspondent i LONDON, May 6. Today's London newspapers publish an announcement of the engagement of Squadron Leader C J Longmore, late of Kajang, younger son of the late Mr. and Mrs James Longmore, to marry Miss M. L. Chown, only
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  • 382 7 By HOWARD C. HEYN HOLLYWOOD, (By Air Mail.)— Out of the morass of expensive time-killing film loot age with which Hollywood floods theatres throughout the >vorld, there emerges occa.sionally a picture that approaches perfection m cast, settings, atmosphere and story. Devotion," a romance based u»on the lives
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  • 270 7 Travancore Fashions "Immodest" i TRIVANDRUM, INDIA, (By Air i Mail).— Alarmed by "a growing tendency on the part of Christian ' to forget decency and modesty,' the Archbishops of Cochin and Travancore have demanded that the ladles wear upper garments long enough to cover at least half the hands and
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  • 206 7 THE tempo of production and construction work is st^aciiy i increasing m Russian auton obile plants under the new Five Year Plan, according to Vuscow dispatch In the Communist "Daily Worker," New York. The Moscow, Gorky an.T LVais plants will be considerably t-x-panded within the mxt
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  • 459 7 "Equal Treatment For All" By GLENN WILLIAMS LONDON, (By Air MUil) The Government's "soci::lizetl medicine" plan, designed to open ample and equal medical treatment to all Britons, is likely to stir up one of the bitterest Parliamentary arguments m recent years, even though the principles of
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  • 389 7 WHY CHINA CANNOT EXPORT HONG KONG, May 16. Trade between China and Sweden on a much greater scale than before the war was predicted by Dr. Sven Allard, Swedish minister to China, provided China successfully solves her currency problems and stabilizes her economy. The minister, here recently on his way
    UP  -  389 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 105 7 ¥U¥llf ,SE TEL. 3405 TODAY ■JUllll^Ljfii |)ail): t m 6 30 A p. M /Oft NOTHING BUT** BOXING-HAPPY WORLD 8-15 p.m. CUNDAY 19th MAY 1946. Tilt s P PRESENTS A THRILLING PROGRAMME Jtik KID PANCHO (Dashing Filipino Kid) .mfm 10 Rds DENNIS COLLINS "a (Fle:t Air Arm Champion) /m m^
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    • 585 7 ST. ANDREWS CATHEDRAL Notice. Notice Is hereby Riven that the Annual Parochial Meeting of St. Andrew's Cathedral will be held m the Cathedral on Thursday, May 30th at 6 p.m. CHEONO HOCK HAI, Hon. Secretary. MUNICIPAL 7 NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC Applications for Gas Supplies. Etc. Applications for gas supplies,
      585 words
    • 356 7 Mansfield bo., IX (Incorporatefi m blnwifore BLUE TUNNEL UNI S.-lllngs to L'nllrcl Klng-hiiii Dates not Kuaranteed Samarkand Due from U.K. 1> Mar Laomedon Our from I.K. 1!) May HartlnKtnn Due from IK 22 Mar Lycaoa Sails for IK. 27 May Glenapp SalU for IK 6 June WESTERN AUSTRALIA The «horle«»
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  • 128 8 IjOTCJ K:ller.rn who is m Singapore to deal with South Eas* ii r hvMom went to the Tan Tock Sen^ hospital to see the effects of malnutrition. In this pirt ure he is seen (wearing a monocle) examining a severe casi of beri-beri with Dr. Nicholk,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 400 8 GARMiCH GEYLANG Oronlr; To-iay, 3.15, 6.30 9 13 p.m. Parcmount presents "7KE GREAT MAN'S LADY" BtßJTtrg Barbara S anwyclc. Jcel McCrra B;:fl Brian Donlcvy. A G rut story of a man who bu It an Empire cut of the Lovi of his Lady AND Of a woman win -aw th"
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