The Straits Times, 14 May 1946

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • 481 1 Morrison And Hoover Arrive To Confer With President WASHINGTON, Monday. Mr Fiorello La (luardia, Directorate ncral of (JNRRA, and Mr. Ix*e Marshall. executive director of the emergency food collection campaign, today opened a new nation-wide drive to Ret food for famine areas abroad. In
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  • 350 1 TEHERAN TALKS RESUMED TEHEUAN, Monday. XTEGOTIATIONS between IN the Azerbaijan Democrat delegation and the Persian Premier, Mr. Ahmad Ghavam cs-Sultaneh, were resumed yesterday after a deadlock of several days duration, according to sources clo.-e to the Premier. According to these sources, the talk 3 were resumed at the request of
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  • 44 1 Admiral Fraser's House Gutted HON'G KONG. Mor, Admiralty House, headquarters and home 1 Fraser. Commander-ln-Chief of the British Pacific Fleet. *as virtually gutted by a fire yesterday. Lord Frasor la at present In The fire Is believed to have resulted from defective wiring. UP.
    UP  -  44 words
  • 45 1 CAERO. Mon The ATS. (firl who was injured on May 5 when a bomb exploded outside a canteen in Soliman Pasha Street. Cairo, died in hospital today She was one of 20 persons Injured Her name has not yet been disclosed— R«uter.
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • 46 1 LONDON. Mon —A 33-ycar-ol Londonrr. l>lr. Harry < < •< n sot out on May 6 from Kriisinttiiii. London. on a < m Ihik tour of 1."i."»n» milrs Australia He will tyclr rvrr.v possible mile of the way. only hoarding ships when i»rrans bar further progrrss Keutcr.
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  • 142 1 (viral Arrives To Present Report NEW VoifK. Moii Don Jose (Jiral. lir;ul of the exiled Spanish rrpubli an K'nernmcnt," arrived ben yesterday from Paris to docui irn's on Spain to the United Nations mb-coa which 1"? investigating B| in. His report Is expected to be very uten (Jtri Jo;o Avrnslo
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  • 117 1 HE, Mon Ftoyal Australian und Royal Indian Navy officers told today of a wild s^oim last r.isrht m Bungo Strait during which 17 Japanese submarines broke loose from their towing •-.hips and a Japanese lug sank with the loss of four lives. The submarines were
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  • 49 1 DACHAU 'Germany) Mon Fifty-eight death sentences by hanging were imposed at the Mauthausen concentration camp trial yesterday. Three camp officials were sentenced to life imprisonment. The trial had lasted 37 tfays. All the 61 accused were found guilty They were all former officials of Mauthaussn.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  49 words
  • 32 1 ALEXANDRIA. Sun. X 1 n g Farouk of Egypt today met exKini? Victor Emmanuel of Italy at Antoniades Palace m Alexandria, where he and ex-Queen Elena are to stay.—Reuter.
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • 66 1 CLEVEL D (Ohio), Mon.— The 173-day strike at the Fisher Body Plant of General Motors, the longest major strike in Cleveland's history, ended today when the United Auto Workers' Union unanimously ratified the compromise settlement to return to their jobs on a piece work basis. It
    UP  -  66 words
  • Article, Illustration
    48 1 >NS r by mis Inl tl and «rtrre setioiislr nonnded when ies rl'D from the American forces engaged m a ma bine-gun Itattle with Frrnrh plain-rloths :oli< emen and American military police m thr streets of Paris One of the des'rters h+tn* t»hen to ptison after the buttle.
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  • 234 1 PITTSBUROH. lion. F our hundred IhOMMnd miner? la day went bark to th^lr pita ifter six weeks of idleness and began nine R1 hMMt. i"r two v/rrks for Amtrtca'a ppnilysed Industries. All but* a small percntaije of workeis under the command <>( the ('>al
    Reuter; UP  -  234 words
  • 40 1 JERUSALEM. Mon. Four members of the British Sixth Airborne Division w*re killed and 12 seriously wounded m a clash with colour:^ troops at a military camp *t Tel Levin-icy near Tel Aviv today, according to unconfirmed reports.—Renter.
    Reuter  -  40 words
  • 313 1 Ministers May Compromise On Ruhr PARIS. Mon A < on < French demands for the detachment of the Ruhr nrsepql rum Germany appeared pissiMp t<»dav 1 as the Big Four Foreign Ministers reassembled after a day off. In I fin effort to resolve th<-ir re- maining points of disagreement <
    AP  -  313 words
  • 52 1 Chifl ey In Japan lOKIO, Mon. —Mr Joseph Chiflev, Pi me Minister of Australia, arrived today at Atsu?i and was met by Gen. MacArthr.i-, Biitish r-nd Soviet representatives an<? nn Australian guard of ho.iour. He is staying overnight, journeying to Kure tomorrow and departing on May 17 lor Australia via
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  • 430 1 NEW DELHI. M sources toddown of the Simla COnffeft creasing food shortage, would ptunge Ind n In violence. Demonstratloni have tlr^adji broken mil n Simln. ;u> Exchange Trlegrapli report ted spread througnoul the country as md crisis Since tho Isdkm naval mil'
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  • 12 1 1 f. ,i i t n n
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  • 27 1 Ex-Premier On Trial tapper -i ffrmer Premier f>f Rumania, and chare r '(i with treav m which to •"Iprppnt when only '■undreds tion w pard.— ■"•fMif pr
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  • 44 1 ■AfflLA, >ton r.ishioke Nakada. a Japanese civilian propaeanda expert, was today convicted hv the war crim»s rommission ani sentenced to {0 years" hard labour for his part m the mnssarre of (T>(! CkhMte civilians at San PaMo. I a«irna. la«l «prin? \P.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 10 1 SCIENTWC cVEOAM/MnOlt ly QUALIFIED OPTICIAN c s CNons o o..«»oc
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    • 65 1 g-O>IAMOM)S) J, STONE CO., LTD ENGINEERS AND FOUNDERS DEPTFORD CHARITON. LONDON World's Largest Founders of Non-ferrous Metals Ample stocks shortly available of "TONUMT BRAND Manganese Rron/.0, I'hosphor-Bron/e iind (iiinmetal In^Jot M-.inganese Bronze Rf)llod Uo<l Chill Cnst Phosphor Bron/e Stick, Cored nnd Solid Whitemetals for all Classes of Bearings c <lACK§>
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  • 482 2 When UNRRA ends its work of reoatriating displaced persons within the next few months, a new international organisation must be ready to take over the job. This point was made by Lt.-Gen. Sir Humphrey Gale, reporting on behalf of UNRRA to the United Nations Committee
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  • 375 2 Four men were arrested after a raid on a Rome radio station by masked Fascists, who seized a transmitter and broadcast a record of the Blackshirt anthem, "Giovanezza." A news bulletin was on the air when five youths, armed with grenades, broke Into the studio, overpowered
    AP  -  375 words
  • 133 2 Margaret Denholm, who joined tbe B B.C. in September, r>:."> as an anneuncer in the General Fortes Programme, is well known in Malaya. She was born in Coonoor, South India, where her father was in business, and before she was grown up had travelled between India, England (where
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  • 88 2 Japan's Largest Service TOKIO, Sun.— Five thousand Japanese episcopalians gathered here today for th» largest Japanese f'h-istian service to be held since the war The service was sponsored h> thp Diocese of Tokio and assisted by the brotherhood of St. Andrews. It included music by a choir of 100 Allied
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  • 135 2 Sir Malcolm Robertson, formerly chairman of the British Council, speaking at a luncheon of the Incorporated Sales Managers' Association in London, described Russia as "a nation which has to be watched." He pointed out that Russia completely dominated all Eastern Europe up to the Elbe.
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  • 56 2 SYDNEY. Austra.. .?d i to send 10,000 tons of cement as part of the cargo of three ships .'ailing to Hong Kon f where con- struction mai..ials are badh needed. The Australia-China Line recently v:as formed to I over the service formerly supplied by the
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  • 430 2 Empire Read y To Gi ve U.S. Bases On Terms JOINT discussions between the U.S. on one hand, the J United Kingdom, Australian and New Zealand Governments on the other about a security scheme for the Pacific have been definitely brought a stage nearer by the present Commonwealth talks in
    Reuter  -  430 words
  • 162 2 Six British undergraduates are being selected to fly to Brazil at the Invitation of the Brazilian Government on a "good will" mission. They are going for three months. Each is to receive £50 from the Brazilian Government as pocket money. Less Meat In U.S. WASHINGTON.— The
    UP  -  162 words
  • 471 2 Whisky And $200 For Atom Sec ret ON the ILsl of 35 "spy rin.i Bgnts named by Igor Gouzenko, key witness m the Canadian at; mic secrets leakage trial, is the name "Alex." This "Atoc" is ntnc other than 34- veLr-< Id pallid A?aa Nur.n May. bni.iant Kin^ g College
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  • Article, Illustration
    26 2 Base.-; nea- Australia and New Zealand form an integral part m the defence preparations m the Pacific. They are discussed m the accom'Tany/n« article.
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  • 108 2 contract Bridge \OKTH +X 7 WEST \ht ft IV 6 V J 6 070K J 9 8 ♦Q» SOI Til A J 5 <? OAQ d 5 Spades are trumps. South leads. North and South are to win all seven tricks against any defence. Bridge Problem Solution South leads spade
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 799 2 RADIO PROGRAMMES SINGAPORE P- m £°n> Todays Papers. 11.45 p.m 1230 showtime. 1 p.m. News Gerraldo and his concert orchestra. .in nm T,,t-,i.iHp t.i Riu« .""^^r.* rOn> 123 aJl5 twenty-four -hour News l'/.,^ Top "buuSTJ' 1 m ft -pm sod 6 39 to 11 p m on MAY 5 Headlines.
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  • 359 3 M.P.s To Meet Sultans At Kuala Kangsar FEDERATION TO BE INSISTED UPON I/UALA KANGSAR is to be the venue for the meet- ins between the Malayan rulers and the two members of Parliament, Capt. L. I). Gammans and Lieut.-Col. Rees Williams who are due to arrive in Singapore on May
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  • 337 3 PENANG, Mon.— Penang clerks m their hundreds and In the presence of the president of the Penang Chamber of Commerce and several members of the Advisory Council, met at ths Li Tek Seah School yesterday afternoon for the inaugural meeting of the Penang Clerical Union.
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  • 58 3 In a brief ceremony m the fore court of the Viceroy's nous?. Commanding General Sir Bahadur Shumshers Jung Bahadur Rana is seen pinning the Star of Nepal to the breast of I i Id Marshal Lord Wavell, on whom was also conferred the rank of Honorary
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  • 164 3 Rubber Theft Sequel In Taiping Court (From Our Own Correspondent) TAIPING, Mon— Four Chinese, who were arrested by the Taiping Police m connection with the theft of rubber m Bruas. were produced before Raja Salim m the District Court here on Saturday. Two of them, Ewe Lee and Ewe Yew,
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  • 552 3 'From Our Own Corespondent) MALACCA, Mon.— "This is an extraordinary robbery— on 3 m which the major portion of -h? money was returned This statement was made by crosecution counsel, Mr. S Shunmugam, m his closing address Lo Uie court m a case of gan^
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  • 103 3 (From Our Own Correspondent) AI.OR STAR, Mon:— A Malay who hehavej quecrly and stated hp wished to go into the Is ana to see Ikl Sultan of Kulak KM detained by thr Toil:' While m rustoJy, he exprrssed a desire to t> taken out for frayer.
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  • 145 3 yesterday was the birthday of the Sultan of Selangor. His Highness celebrated his birthday m Klang wher? a ceremonial pcrade was held on the padang The Chief Secretary of t.h? Malayan Union, Mr. A. T. Nev<boult, attended At 9.10 a.m. yestrrday, the Sultan arrived at the
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  • 114 3 The following is the solution to I the crossword puzzle given In the Straits Times of May 8: Clues Across: 3. Curbs. 9 Acid. 12. Palace, 14. Rlsid. 16. Noble. 17. Snipes, 19. Cran. 20. Eel. 21. BasI kets. 23. Rills, 24 Palettes, 26. Pet. 28. Eric,
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  • 86 3 'From Our Own Correspondent) IPO!!, Mon:— When yesterday's down train from Prai wan derailed five milrs from Ipoh. one Indian sepoy was killed and another injured out of 1? Indian soldiers who were travelling as guards over a trainload of rire. bananas and other commodities.
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  • 32 3 A «nir:t«d riehatr fc*i»««B i ii<- Prime Minktrr or Italy (I ft) .111(1 Senator Casai'l on the topi" of thp hour: thr rravi'y of the food situation in Italy.
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  • 410 3 Smallpox On Ship From Far East (By Air Mail) LONDON, Apr. 30 TIGHT hundred and hixty Li naval officer* and men brought home from the Far East for demobilisation, tw» W.R.N.S. officers and 17 civilians are detained under smallpox quarantine on board the 14,000-ton alrcraft-carrirr Fencer m Plymouth Sound. The
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  • 309 3 NEARLY 500.000 morr workn-t w.rr engaged on export and homo production m February than m til month, according to the monthly dig'-st oi I atlai by the Stationery Office Work on orders for the home market has increased by over 50 per cent, since last
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  • 220 3 (Iroii Otir O.ui i <> r ".pmiilfMl > PFNANO. Mon 1h legislation t-> makr« pnnn" i frr-p port is bring drnltrrl as a mattrr of nrg'-tr nr<ii>r: to an official assurance r<bv t. thrro local Chnmh'-i ">r Commcrrp. it is Irani^d Thf throp Chamber ■jraphrd
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 135 3 NEDERLANDERS Zij die to Singapore blijvrn wwrken m zirh riesti)<H hrbben laten rrgistrrcren vcor evacuate naar Ntderland, kunncn op 15 en 16 mei a.s. iiforgTM taachen 10 12 (n lifidtop tusschen 2 on 5 in hct Wilheimin.ik imp (Barak V) fen "evacuatie bewijs" ontvangrn, op vertnon van het door rie
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  • 96 4 Mrs. Ciii'.n Keng Geow (Mde. Kay Yue Tec) ;.nd family wish to express thtir heart iVlt thanks to all relatives mm Mciiaj, who aiitnaou tlu iuncri;! of tlic tetc Chan Kcng Oeow a:itl ta all those who sent wreaths, ltttr.s c: condolence, and lent cars and lorries tor the
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  • 32 4 In Loving Memory of our d-ar'i, loved Mother and Sister Mrs. Cecilia Catherine de Sauza and Mrs. Em. itRose Richards who were lost on \ne «.s. KUALA on 14.2.42. R.I. P.
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  • 1060 4 The Straits Time Singapore, Tuesday, May 14, 1946. Unions And Wages If trades unionism does not establish itself on a firm basis m Malaya, it will not be for lack of official encouragement. Since the reoccupation, several authoritative statements have been made assuring labour of full recognition if it will
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  • 313 4 Parliament &it is a weakTUa. ness that today I tie Union affec ts a part of our bureaucracy to a degree greater than ever before in its history— more dangerously even than it affected our Stuart kings. It manifests itself not jnly in our relations with hitherto friendly
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  • 1596 4 By AMONG the stories from Java of guerilla warfare and diplomatic manoeuvres, little or nothing has been heard of the economic consequences of disorder in this island, formerly known as the Denmaik of the Tropics, but now more like the Ireland of the
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  • Man-in-the-Street
    • 125 4 The amazing diatribe by the "Englishwomen ex-lnternee m your issue of May 10 goes to prove how thankless some people can be. As an ex-lnternee she should be pleased to see us. Had we not come East, she, like the poor, would still be m dirt and
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    • 60 4 The removal of the Hindu burial ground to Chuo Choo Kang .Road is causing some Inconvenience to the Hindu public of Singapore. The matter has been taken up by the Hindu Association to the authorities concerned. A statement will be issued by the Association as soon as
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    • 137 4 1 wish to draw the attention of the postal authorities to the confusion that prevails daily at the "Teiegrams" and "Stamps' 1 counters m the General Post Office. There is no attempt at enforcement of queues and It is Just a scramble among those who desire to rush
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    • 95 4 At the end of Martia Road m Katong I have seen cotton wool swabs floating In the sea, I understand they come from the T.B. hospital there. I also understand that these swabs are thoroughly soaked m disinfectant before being thrown into the sea. The disinfecting
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 590 4 SITUATIONS VACANT WANTED Experienced Lady Stenographer for European Shipping Firm. Apply Box 952 ST. WANTED Amah Houseboys. Apply room 31, 4th Floor, Mercantile Bank Building. WANTED a Violin teacher (preference given to one able to teach piano as well i. App.y P.O. Box 1C!, WANTED by large European concern energetic
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    • 31 4 ewwmoi/an/re that way/ This d lei lest, terrifying In Ita Implications, proves that good vision la priceless. Take care of your eyes. Have them examined periodically. C. S. CHONG, CDs FP.O.C.
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  • 526 5 WOMAN'S TOKEN OF APPRECIATION A LBGACY of £26,544 (aboui $225,000) has been left to the Singapore General Hospital, by Mrs. Helen McMiM;sn, who died in Penzance, England, recently The jritt is intended for the establishment of a ward in the Hospital in memory of
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  • 396 5 A lovr, rvh r rv r.ii'-o h tor. K Vellu Pillal, i< to stand trial at the forthcoming A~ on a charge of murder and three charges of voluntarily cftnsta" grievous hurt ofTmces alleged tn have been committed during the Japanese Occupation of 81ni gapore when
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  • 444 5 POMPLETE Jack of assistance from senior admimstrativf and supply chiefs and departments which obstructed any attempt accused made to ameliorate the condition of PoWs was stressed by defence witnesses ut yesterday's hearing m the Sixth Singapore War Crimes Court of ill-treatment charges
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  • 421 5 LOCAL GAOL BREAK POLICE radio cars and the Polic? generally arc on the look cut for a Chinese Whc escaped from Out ram Road gaol on the night of May 11 12. This; was the first tune sincv 193C thai a priaonci has escaped from Out ram Road gaol. As
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  • 334 5 LONDON. Apr. ?,0. Bv Air Mai' Murder charges against a number of R.A F. men will, it ved. be abandoned following the acquittal at an Uxbridge court-martial yesterday of SerHerbert George Gibi^s, nurtierlng ;i fellowr ai i Japanese concentration camp in 194:;. The cases were
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  • 107 5 Hut r row i* lined the nirtr s of Batavia on Apr. 38 when the M 1 lidav of Prim-ess Jnl ;.ina was celebrated. All arms of th? Allied forres were represented In the erremonlal marrh past. Top picture the saluting base oat^ide the mlfcncc of
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  • 300 5 W eek-end Robberies In Singapore Several robberies took place during the week-end. The first case of armed robbery reported was at 8 45 p.m in Omar Road where four Chines?, all armed, robbed a compatriot of a fountain pen. That same evening, four Europeans robbed a ccr parked near the
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  • 215 5 Delay In Fixing New Tin Price Criticised From Our Own Currespondcnt LONDO! I pOMMENTING on t 1 Vx parent lack of progress in the negotiation producers ani tho G ment frr a h ghr tin pi Financial Times when practicr.. ment favour", ;■!■> ir ?ontinuod del. easpi rathtg "A hifh^r
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 67 5 BRITISH MALAYA TRADING CO., LTD. (BWTi )liad Office: London Office: Wavell Houne. Ballard Estate. Bo" 150 Fleet St BUSH RADIO A GAFMON SH PRODUCT I^iily white Sports Cioods (London) Cosmetics and Rnthroom Luxuries Puints, Distempers and Household Requisites. SHIPMENT ARRIVING SOON Enquire: 92, Robinson Road. Singapore. 9, Couri o' Justice.
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  • All The Latest Sports News
    • 45 6 Ihe Indian cricket tourists m England. These pictures show the team at India House where they were given an official reception by the Hi;h Commissioner for India, Sir Samuel Runganathan, who is seen shaking hands with the Nawab of Pataudi.
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    • 526 6  -  VERNON MORGAN) (BY 'Grand One Despite All Difficulties 9 The soccer season just ended worked out better than even the most optimistic dared hope, both in the standard of play and public support. It was a grand season considering the difficulties with which clubs had to contend,
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    • 102 6 Law ton Played In Complete Daze LONDON, Mon— It is now disclosed that England's socct captain and centre forward, Tommy Lawton who played such a big part in helping liis side to beat Switzerland fourone on Saturday was injured twenty minutes after the start an I played throughout the rest
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    • 85 6 LONDON, Mon —For the first time m history a Royal procession will drive down Epsom racecourse on June 5, when this year's Derby will be run. Final details have not yet been settled, but it is understood that the Kin; and Queen will drive from Tattenham
      Reuter  -  85 words
    • 58 6 Straits Times Corr.— lPOH, is the result of the third race at Sat. Delayed .—The f ollowins Ipoh on Saturday. 1. Ballymun; 2. Goatskin: 3. Mickey Rooney. Time 1 mln. 20 1/5 sec. v.en by lj. 3. Tote $17. $7. $7. Cash Sweep No. 1105 $1304, No. 963
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    • 338 6 Indians Only 43 Runs Short OfßritishRecord LONDON. Mon.— The classic record-breaking last wicket partnership of Sarwats and Bannerjee at the Oval on Saturday has put India m a pretty safe position against Surrey. IU looks to me as though the game will now peter out m a draw, writes Leary
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    • 164 6 DAVIS CUP PARIS, Mon. France confirmed her superiority over Great Britain m the European zone ol the Davis Cun «by easily winning the last two singles matches here on Sunday. France thus won the tie d> five matches to nil and will meet Sv.i'zerland m
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    • 185 6 LONDON, Monday. Freddie Mills, holder of the British cruiserweight championship, will have his biggest test when at Harnngay stadium tomorrow (Tuesday) he faces the world champion, Gus Lesnevich. Mills is leaving nothing to chance, and is training harder than ever before, fully realising the importance
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    • 118 6 AIR FORCE BADMINTON Lac Rogers of Jurong won the R.A.F singles badminton championship for units m Singapore Island on Thursday when he beat Lac Mac Donald (368 Wireless Uniti 18-16, 15-9 m a thrilling final. Eight unit champions contested the Singapore title. Results were: Quarter-finals: Sgt Hobbs (ACSEAt beat Lac
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    • 148 6 HOUSTON. TEXAS. Mon.— Byron Nelson yesterday won the MO.OOO Houston Open Golf Tournament, witli a 72-hole total of 274. Een Hojan, two behind, shot a fixiy-e!s:ht on the final round, attempting to ratch up, but Nel.son duplicated with another UxtTeteht Sammy Snead v.-as third
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 105 6 TBNDBR3 bs i'- :v d at Ute O'lice of an Cen n up to noo-i of ihe 18 h May' I HOW DC \v,ik.:-- S' Mie' jip •< R-vpd. Wlrekl S■ tin. Sii)Ka;jore. ftat to form rf i will U- required (o cU' the hiradi d Dol'ers v ti. the
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    • 167 6 DC; JS *X^QQ'|| Rimless Glasses by DAH SIN OPTICAL MOUSE 325 North Bridge Road, S pore. Proprietor— P. S. UZINO. O.D MOSQUITOES. If your walls have been sprayed with this marvellous new insecticide, certain death results. D.DT SPRAY I Established m 1916. OPTOMETRISTS OPTICIANS 13, Battery Road, Singapore. RADIOS KEE
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    • 962 6 THE RUBBER GROWERS' ASSOCIATION (INCORPORATED) At the Annual General Meeting of the Rubber Growers" Association held In London on the 25th April 1946. the Chairman. Mr T. B. Barlow, referred to the price of rubb-r In Malaya, and the following are extracts from his speech: It Is unfortunate that prior
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  • 589 7 Communists Rush Reinforcemen ts NANKING, Monday. AFTER 23 days of bitter house-to-house fighting Chinese Nationalist troops have gained control .of the southern sunburbs of Szepingkai, according to the Chinese newspaper Ta Kung Pao. The report stated that 150,000 Communists, who captured Changchun last
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  • Article, Illustration
    26 7 The empty grave of Mussolini m the Musocro cemetery, Milan, as it was found on the morning after the bodr was stolen by unknown p rsmis
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  • 165 7 WASHINGTON, Mon. Zx-port-Import Bank announces that it has agreed with the Chinese Government that cotton shipped on consignment to an agent or on cash-on-arrival terms and still awaiting payment will be eli^iblefor financing under the $33,000,000 cotton credit which the Bank recently granted to China. Because of
    Reuter  -  165 words
  • 97 7 TOKIO. Mon— For U.o first ti.-.c in Japanese history, demonstrators some of them carrying Red flags forced their way past ihe guards into the Imperial Palace grounds and staged a demonstration yesterday in front of the Imperial Household department office demanding food Fhe demonstrators, who num
    UP  -  97 words
  • 102 7 CAIRO, Mon.— The charge thct Britain had "bought" King Ibr. Saud of Saudi Arabia for S2=> 000,000, made in a broadcast by the United States Senator. Mr. Ralph Owen Brewster. was term ed "absolute rubbish by '.he Secretary General of the Arab League, Azzam Pasha, today.
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  • 343 7 Franco Returns To Falange Support MADRID. Mon-If any political significance can be read into the complexion of Gen Franco's new Cortes, which goes into its first full dress session tomorrow, the interpretation must be that he is returning to Falange support and approaching policies from which he withdrew m the
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  • 86 7 JOHANNESBURG. Monday South Africa is taking the most comprehensive census m its history. It includes all races with their stock. Ten thousand enumerators are covering an area of nearly 500,000 square miles, operating on foot, bicycles, automobiles, mulecarts, ox-wagons, horseback or ca:nels. This Is the first
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  • 211 7 HONG KONG. Mon -The director of the Canton-Kowioon i railway yesterday confirmed that eisht were killed and seven injured when .bandits mined .he special express train near Copton last Friday, gathering considerable amounts of loot from f the passengers One man a'one reported that $70,000,000
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  • 55 7 THE HAGUE, Mon—The Canadian brigadier, J. F. A. Lis- ter was yesterday acquitted by a court martial m Amsterdam on the charge of having used for private purposes a house which had been requisitioned by the Canadian forces The prosecution had accused Brig. Lister of employing four Dutch
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  • 99 7 WASHINGTON, Monday —The Germans built ten bi; helicopters which were able to climb 18 feet per second with ten passengers and a full load of fuel before the Allies homhed out the manufacturing plant at Bremen. Disclosing; this today, the US. Commerce Department said that the
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  • 232 7 SURRENDER TERMS DISPUTED TOKIO. Mon -A bitter nght raged before the war crimes tribunal yesterday as the chief ition and the defence counsel argued whothr' Japan's surrender was unconditional or not. Th" chief .Tarcmiese Defence Council. Dr Ichiro Kiyosp. pounding the table, declared that Japan did not surrender unconditionally and
    UP  -  232 words
  • 77 7 ANKARA. Mon- The general elfctions to offer th* electors a free choice of politiol parties have been fixed in Turkey for June 15, It is r -llably reported herp President Lsmet In'»nu was today unanimously r.. elt-rttd President of the republican Peonies Party— Turkey's only political
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  • 62 7 NUREMBERG, Mon A "shake down" raid In a four square mile area of suburban Nuremberg was oorducted today to unravel the myr tery surrounding the killing of four American soldiers last Friday. Two companies of US. military police assisted by 50 German police searched
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  • 213 7 WASHINGTON, Mon— A common pool of air bases throughout the Americas, to be used by the 21 countries m the Western Hemisphere was disclosed here yesterday as the main feature of a master plan for hemisphere defence. The plan, drawn up by mill tary
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  • 5 7 Prof. Laski Replies To Critics
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 70 7 I J\i I I'l VL*/2l*£ OPENING TODAY BBg^HSß^S^^ 4 SHOWS: 1.30, 4, 6.30, 9.30 p.n. IS T=fREE DAYS ONLY V LACH WOMAX KUUHr TO OCSTftOT rm. QTHt& ..TOWIMTHOt! to 4 Jr- i- T V|-' B* V> K>& i" BERGMAN W BAXTER Adam Had Four Sons $sJK untuo ksay wsmxv Km
      70 words
    • 467 7 Mansfield i Utirnrporntrd m in.y ifiwe 1 IILIi: ITNN. MM S.\lltnß!> to Unit 1 Datei 11 )t K'lnraiitrrd 1.1 ■< accrptrd «h"ti Inriiicr OMMM :>nr frn-n '< i W<r lamirdon Du.- from I v Hi Mms WKSIKRN \l IKAIJA The «horlr«l roulr >t h« rhrape^t rate Rlnrlr Farr Ifl A
      467 words

  • 93 8 First greetings at the airfield fcr Sir Mark Young, Governor of Hong Kong, came frcm Brgrdier MacDougall, the C hief Civil Affairs Officer, seen shaking hands with the Governor, and from Admiral Sir Cecil Harcourt who took tht Japanese surrender m Hong Kong last year. The services
    93 words
  • 77 8 Sir Mark Young, who was governor of the Colony at the of the Japanese occupation, was interned with Singapore's late governor Sir Shenton Thomas in *crmcsa. Today's page cf pictures shew Sir Mark's return to Hong Kong to take over from Admiral S*r Cecil
    77 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 322 8 GARRICII GEYLANG PkOM ***** ToJay, 3.15, 6.30 95 p.m. Prabhat presents "RAMSHASTRI" A First-Ilun Hindustani Film Released tUru the United Exhibitors Syndicate Next Change: "THE GREAT MAN'S LADY" MARLBOROUGH Tel. 6900 3 SHOWS DAILY 3—3 C D p.m. "A1 N A (In Hindustani) with Hu.snbanju— YaKoob Sulochana Chatterjl Music Love—
      322 words
    • 313 8 Al MA MRP A DAILY 5 SIIOWS HLtiMIfIDRM 11—1. 30-4-633-9.15 A GRIMLY REALISTIC 10,000 FT. DRAMA OF NORWEGIAN GUERILLAS BATTLING AGAINST NAZI HORDES! THE STORY INCOMPARABLE OF A PEOPLE UNCONQUERABLE!! "I prefer to fight on the Eastern Frcnt instead of against the Norwesirns These are not people,— these are GHOSTS!"
      313 words