The Straits Times, 13 May 1946

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • 586 1 Negotiations Break Down And Azerbaijan "Ready To Fight" TEHERAN, Sunday. PIVIL war in Persia appeared im ininent tonight, after Tabriz Radio had announced that the negotia tions between the Government and representatives of the northern province of Azerbaijan had broken down. It
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  • Article, Illustration
    26 1 Part of the h«/sr crowd wMrh rat'<c rd In th* I'ia/z.-i dH Punrno Mf'in. 1™ rrlebralr thr anuitcrsa'jr or «talv'n llh-ration fir..n tbr FneMi d*m l*atlMi
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  • 391 1 Communists Try To Cut Railway NANKING, Sunday. pOMMUNIST attempts to v cut the Peking-Mukdan railway, the major Nationalist supply line tD Manchuria have been intens'fied With a new attack by 2,000 Commutvst reinforcements. Informed sources pointed out that the agreement on central j China announced by the Com- I mittee
    AP  -  391 words
  • 332 1 ROME, Sun— Fifty thousand republicans shouting, "Down with Kin».," marched to the seat of the Italian Government, Viminale Palace yesterday In a demonstration the new monarch, Kin? Umberto 11. Simultaneously. Slgnor Faln-ie Luclfero, Minister of the Royal House, announced it had j been decided
    UP  -  332 words
  • 78 1 TEHERAN, Sun —The Persian Cabinet met m Teheran today Earlier it was learned that several Cabinet Ministers had threatened to resign if the Premier, (ihavam es-Sultaneh decided to exce?d the concessions j o:Tered tr> AzThaijan m his seven-point programme. Ln'onlir.r.ed r. ports m Teheran said the Persian
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  • 430 1 Malays' "Loss Of Faith In Government" A v, arnlng that tlie Malays of this country, wl.o woul'l nevrr ircrpt Malayan Union, had almost lost laUn m the Bri i^h Government, came I rom I>ato Onn bin Jaafar fir j%- president of the i,f •,v!y-forrrff<f United Malays National Organization, wlion he
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  • 226 1 TWO TOWNS IN SIAM BOMBARDED BANGKOK. Sim. The |Foroimi Minister resterday confirmed reports thai frencn forces h;ul bombarded Nakhon Phanom and mnchmeKuniird Tha Whin on the Siamese frontier nlong the Mrkon? River on Wednesday rvenlug. The Mir:t«»r Nakhon Phanom, Oovertim' > n* bulldinKs 'iid private wrre severely dsi I th^r*irs
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  • 87 1 Indians Fi ne Last Wicket Stand LONDON Sin A prral last »i<Kel •.taml lit ■anmts mo.' m»« <.m .mil Bannerjrr (X 7 r>»l out* wtiiih ha* mo f;ir proiluir I IU runs, Irft India m an SMOapostOdlf ntronic position .il the pn of thr flr^t day> play fOsterday In t*»rir
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  • 68 1 NFW [Jnlt d comm will r c ivr uments v/ithn days purporting t<i show that Mrxiran itifor; Mexico wou thai RpanLnh activities In boom i Ish ndlsj it rrexi'ed 'Oovemment" hnd Tr crlved "i" uiuist. activities m the ■f-rp »4 work on ri memorandum r
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  • 205 1 AMERICA ADMITS SOVIET CLAIM PARIB, i lay. Ri m m. a m ii o< i \\;n > ompe sat iwi tn>m Italy but, m H r. the I'" st pui it h, v the nin DC mad ttp i; i |g ,i not i that should i im pan i
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 72 2 Speedy re-opening of the Y.W.C.A. hostel m Canning Rise has been due m no little part to the efforts of the Army s Welfare Unit members who made this one of their first jobs when they arrived after the reocrupatinn. Pictured m the group are
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  • 406 2 One thousand five hundred British Navy peisonnel, ship-wrecked on the last stage of a 12,000-mile voyage from the Pacific, fought to save the presents they had brought home, for "mother, the girl, and the family." They were more concerned about thcss presents
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  • 78 2 LONDON, Saturday. /"•HESS is a gentleman s game, i Recently when R. J. Broadbent and W. Fairhurs*. British entrants m an int<-r- national chess tourney, ran into an apparent deadlock they called their match a dmn 1 Fairhurst re-studied the positions of the chessmen as he was travelling
    AP  -  78 words
  • 178 2 LONDON. Sat Three new Junior Mimst: are announced i tonight. The changes are unoflicially attributed to the Prime < Minister, Mr. Clement Attlees intention to give promising young men from the back benches the ranx and file membership an i opportunity to shoulder greater i responsibility Ir.e
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  • 408 2 3,000-Mile Flying Baby's Desert Landing MADE HONORARY WING-COMMANDER ELEVEN-MONTH-OLD Anthony John Whitehouse, Honorary wing-commander of the Western Desert Air Force, sat up m his pram and waved as the Flying Whitehouses touched down at Cairo m their tiny Auster plane. For nine days he had been m his pram at
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  • 225 2 London Dresses Go Overseas It !s no doubt slightly irritating to women m Britain to know that women overseas will be wearing the new London fashions long before they do. but the response by foreign buyers to the dress collections now being shown Is an indication of how these soberly
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  • 259 2 OVERSEAS boron will witness a demonstration, on a blitzed site m London, of the system of mechanical car parking invented by two British engineers, Mr. W W. Baldwin and Mr Harold Auger. When using this system, the motorist simply drives into the park, takes the car
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  • 303 2 Liverpool World's First Fog-Proof Port Radar experts from all nations are meeting m London to discuss the best way of achieving fogproof ports, roadsteads and shipping routes. First port to become all-radar is likely to be Liverpool Sir Robert Watson-Watt, the "father" of radar, said m London a few days
    AP  -  303 words
  • 137 2 Hundreds Bark From Forces Idling "Part of the reason for the c and uneven distribution of foodstuffs m Britain is due to faulty organisation and some ecs," Lord Que? >.sroroagh, president of the Royal Society of St George, sail m a personal message to m-mbers. He states that ihe figure
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  • Article, Illustration
    12 2 The latest in swi 1 suits, v.'th Betty Hitton feat rin« it
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  • 336 2 v uliKM.ifole and I score Wost deal -r Look onl\ a! t tie North-Soutli hands NORTH A 7 2 AQ 7 4 J8 3 2 |AII WFST I MW aa*J J 10 3 0 X I io ;t 5 4 X 1 a i; m i Q i
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  • 126 2 An Attempt To Blow Up Destroyer An attempt by terrorists to blow up H.M. destroyer Chevron at Haifa was foiled when a kitbag full of explosives primed with detonators was discovered over the ship's magazine. The explosives wcr? found after 13 Jew ratings c'uo fnr dtsrhat-ge m Palestine had
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 134 2 fy More and more people are coming to realise that Inner Cleanliness with Andrews is a first rule of health. It is only natural that the body needs cleansing inside as well f I as externally, and with Andrews it is easy to make sure of J Inner Cleanliness. A
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 822 2 RADIO PROGRAMMES QINPfiDOOP MAY 14 a.m. Programme announcements, 11.43 aiftVaftrUKL 6prl Music-G 30 p mNews 6 .50p.m. ■•«>• SEAC Merry-Go-Round. KED NETWORK from oood w Cricket commentary Gloucestershire 12.15 p.m. Spotlight, 12.30 p.m. I Z p.m *nd 6 30 U II pen on tt! I vs. Lancashire. 7 pm. BBC.
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  • 52 3 Italy Magi in Its train ths op ratlms of bla:k marketeers. In spite cj recurrent police drives against these people, they continue their activities almost op:nly. Here are black marketeers in the almostdestroyed Central Station in Rome, awaiting a train to take them to the country for
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  • 597 3 The nun.bcr of children now attending schools m Pcrak— 79,loo— is almost exactly equal to the total m December 1911, but the distribution of the pupils m the virious types of schools has changed. There are 35.CC0 children m I Chinese schrols comrjared wi^ri
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  • 358 3 Acquitted Of Assisting Jap Charge From Our 0.. n Correspondent IPOH, Sun. Remarking he was satisfied that the accused had no intention of assisting the enemy but ected to safeguard himself and his prop?rly. and that pros:culion failed to establish a prima facie case against the arcus'dj Che Samsutiin m
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  • 229 3 Kedah Malay Committed To Superior Court From Our Own Correspondent ALOR STAR, Sun. At the conclusion of an inquiry into charges of assisting the vnemy m causing- grievous hurt and of betraying British soldiers, a Malay. Putoh Marican, was committed to trial m the Superior Court. Giving evidence at the
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  • 466 3 One Killed, Another Injured In Gun Battle POLICE POUNCE ON SUNGEI ROAD MEN CUNGLI ROAD, Singapore's Caledonian market, early yesterday morning was the scene of a gun battle which ended m a Chinese shot dead and a police corporal worn ded. Another Chinese escaped. The corporal was m charge cf
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  • 439 3 Th e conditions under which orilcers and men of RAF. Transport Command are living and working m Shanghai to maintain this vital air link with the British occupation torce m Japan are disgraceful, writes Arthur Mathers m the Daily Telegraph. More than
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  • 547 3 Crime Wave Checked: MerguiGang Smas he d JUST how S2ri3us the recent crime wave m Singapore was may be gauged Ly tho fact that figures leaped up, m seme categories, by more than 200 per cent, over the 1940 figures. In this aftermath of war. and occupation by the Japs,
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  • Article, Illustration
    64 3 Ther2 were hun:r:d» of pro*prctive customers on the opening day of th; sal: of 215 cars an] vans, ar.d 100 moturrycles, which irerj surplus sto^k from the Nafo-al Fire Service and olher civil defend" organizations, ani were rd'ect^d at the Park Match Depot m Surrey, to be
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  • 388 3 THREE hundred new tlratr^s are to be built m the Soviet I'nion m th~ court" of the Fovrtb Five-Year Plan. By the end ol 1950 a total of 893 permanent nlavhouses will b« funct'onirq;. many of the existing buitfings will bavj been improved and extended. C
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  • 430 3 1,000 Gantangs Of Rice Confiscated Our Own Correspondent KRIAN. Sun— Gjverr.l the Prohibition of Tiansportinn Rice Enactment wcrs .i GU^ht beiore Raja ta. im. the District J.'d?e, m tr-e firs^ sitting of the Ba^an S:rai District Jud^e'o CjuiL. Approximately I.COO pintanff of ii-e W*> ordered to be confiscated when
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 68 3 "PLASTERITE" Reinforced plasler board for Ceilings Walls WE HAVE PLEASURE m announcing that VI aro again manufacturing our renowned and genuine 'PLASTERITE' plaster boar ds THE IDEAL MEDIUM FOR HIGH SPEED REPAIRS NEW WORK Stocks ready Siie of boards of f ft. ft 4 ft. x 5 16 m. Prices
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  • 44 4 Mrs. Wong Tong Hin. Lee Poll Hood and Yov; Choo Kye deeply thank those relatives and friends who kindly paid niiht visits, sent wreaths, lent cars, attended and rendered services at the funrral of the late Madam Khoo Ghor. I I i I
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  • 1090 4 Sk Htvaits Simrs ipore, Monday, May 13, JU*6. British Films Years aso. when "films" meant Hollywood "movies," the British aim Indnstrf might have be?n ilismissod m somewhat the same rranner as the apochryphal SSS&J subject "Snakes m Iceland'— despatched with a curt "There ain't none Some years hence, a goo.}
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  • 259 4 Hard Economic n is no n question of Proposition being sorry for the Germans: it is a hard economic proposition. Either German production must be lift- cd to the point at which she can or the British taxpayer must continue to pay it himself. The only other course
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  • 1239 4 A Territorial Navy For The British Empire T'HE two wars that have occurred during the last thirty years have shown very clearly that the sea power of Britain does not lie principally m the strength of the Royal or Merchant Navies, but rather m the inherent love of the sea
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  • Man-in-the-Street
    • 201 4 Your correspondent "Cautious" is amazed to find a Jap running loos? at Bedok. I would advise him to take a trip up to the Jap "Holiday Camp" at Rengam. There he will see hundreds of JS.Ps <not PoWs—a subtle difference which the wily Nip knows all about!)
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    • 73 4 Kerosene Oil IsiackMarket I understand that a shipment of 3,000 tins of kerosene oil has arrived m Kota Bahru and the agents have sold them at $8 per tin. A certain local firm has fix<d the price [or its agents at 52.75 a tin and receipts have been issued to
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    • 51 4 I entirely agre- with Mr. E. R Koek's suggestion to tax those people who made undue profits during the Jap acci'.nation For example, here m Malacca, I know of some very prominent people who made huge fortunes out of gambling saloons and black market businesses.—A Loyal British Chinese,
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    • 47 4 Although it might not be an nDportUM time to hold a Reunion Dinner I sußstest that the ExMalay Students (Fnginnd^ meet at an informal dinner party to contact and exchange Such m*etlniM usM to be pl*r f Pti'W m pre-war days Mr. A. Kcciah.
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    • 223 4 I shall be glad if you will allow me to ent-r a protest m your; columns against the rrcklrss dri- I ving of motor cars, and military i trucks m the streets of our town. The speed at which thrso vehicles are row driven is not only a
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    • 133 4 Cigarettes were released for sale m Johore Bahru on May 7 and, strangely enough, nobody was able to obtain his needs unless he was somebody m the town. The public had to line up before the doors of the few wholesalers who sold only a tin of the
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    • 27 4 An airmail letter postel In London on Feb. 17 was c! to me on Apr 29. What's wrong with the mail?— Joseph Llm.i |Seremban.
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    • 314 4 tlx-OScer < .j!»!cm Once again our sympathy is requested for the pcor ex ■London Letter Btratta Times May 4». Surely it Ls time that the public realised that the "ex~fflcer problem" has been created fcv these «ent!emen themselves soured by ttvredibhr -•rom.nrions a^ a remit o* f tunes of wcr.
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    • 69 4 The B.M.A. m many Instances gave preference to candidates with non-Malayan qualifications while making .lrrical appointments. The civil government has resumed functions—but eonditiins do not se?m to have altered very much. When thrre are plenty of candidate with local qualifications it is unfair to go m for
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 590 4 Cliye PERSONAL TECHLAB—E. C. YATES, Radio EnKineer.s, have now opened office and vorkshop at 46, Orchard Road (Opposite Universal Cars). Service and repnlrs to all makes of Wireless receivers use old phone number 7295. SITUATIONS VACANT WANTED Corresponding clerk with experience, need apply stating salary rvnulred. Box 945 S.T. WANTED
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    • 12 4 MURPHY BRITAIN'S FAMOUS RADIO. Ist. Shipment Arriving Soon Sole Agents m Malaya
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  • 72 5 lop nicturc shows a jeep travelling o.i the toad from Stanl v to Victoria m lion? Konj. Driving around the island calls for skrll as the loads are stsip and tortuous Hi.h up on Hong Kong island is the historic Stanley Tort (depicted m pi.ture below) which
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  • 307 5 HEALTH NURSES TO RESUME VISITS TO HOMES J-JO3IE visiting by health nursed— so desirable a feature of Singapore health work but unfortunately suspended for the past four years will be carried out again from May 15 when the Municipal Maternity and Infant Welfare Centres revert to pre-war lines. Provision is
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  • 120 5 Drive For St. Dunslan 's Concludes St. Dunstan s Week er<auu< ed by Air Command, JcuthFast Asia, to raise l't.:><i- or the St. Dunstan's Home lor the Blind concluded on Saturday with the ta-set fljrure of $10 000 wdl exceeded. The Straits Times understands that collections on Saturday, before the
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  • 135 5 .11 Inaudible tone, a 21 -year-old Chinis^, appearing before Mr In thi Ustrlct Court on Saturday, admitted a charge o£ •ed suicide by drinking a solution ol caustic s )da. aid that he did so because he was afraid of the revenge of t-.vo compatriots who ha:
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  • 81 5 Mr. M. Jones has been appointee! to ac t ao Financial Secretary, Singapore, and Mr. E. C. S. A'kir M C.S.. to a-t as SscreUry lor Chinese Affairs, Singpore, according to ci Government Gazette notification. Oth'. r appointments: Mr. S. E. M.C.S. to bo Social Wei-, i?r<?
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  • 287 5 New Arrangements For Berthing Steamers At S.H.B. TO A VOID UNDUE DELA YS MEW arrangements to prevent undue delays m the berthing of ships arriving at Singapore have been made with Lordon, the Straits Times understands, and from today rio vessel may have to wait m the outer roads for
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  • 147 5 Ex-M.C.S. Men On GovernorGeneral's Staff Fror.i Our Own ('orrrspondrnt LONDON. Sun. THHE announcement that Mr. 1 H. R. Hone wid he Sccri'tary-Gencral to the Kt. Hon. Malcolm HacDonaJd, Governor-General of the Malayan Union and Singapore, is published here accompanied by reports that Mr. MarDonald will initially reside m Penang sine,'
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  • 253 5 War Prisoners' Association Membership The scope of membersliip of the War Prisoners' (Singapore) tun. which wi.l hold a I genera] mo tin- on 15, has been extended t > (ncludc not only those interned but et i'i'prisoi:cj by the Japanese. Any Ki' nt In Malay.i who 1- >
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  • 173 5 India Lifts Export Ban Owing to the large number of requests received from individual.; for permission to send parcel; of old clothes by post to their friends and relatives m Mala?a. who require immediate relief, the I Government of India have lifted j the ban on such exports. Parcels of
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  • 357 5 Singapore's first home for 50 wo: king women— the Y.WCA.J m Canning Rise— ls expected tn be completed m six week:;' time when the official re-opening by Lady Killearn will take, place. Work on an annexe. which, v. lie i will accommodate 2-
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  • 515 5 Market Report On continued London support. Sterling Tins continued firm, and with Dollar and Australian Tins moving more slowly towards 1941 levels, the general advantage to be pained by a switch out of sterlings is marked, says the Malayan Sharebrokers Association m its report for the
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  • 384 5 A three-day conference on nutrition opens today -it Singapore. Convened by Lord Killearn. the eonfcrczee I* to consider arronß other mil.or.-,. v hat nutritional measures ran be taken to cope with the threat ot famine m South-Eas' Delegate, to the meeting include India: Dr X
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 305 5 GOODS FROM 1.M.1 \M» Brylcreem No A476 In 5J Jars f sh. IT- per Uoz Maclean's Tootpa.str, Larif; Tuboi sli 8 p. r Maclean's Stomach Powder Lanre Size '•< s!i 18 pm Maclean's Stomach Powder, Family Si/Calvert's Tooth Powder per gross <n sh. 18 iSmall) 36 iM diurr. > 64
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  • 19 6 Racing In Hong Kong In.ops stationed m Hon.? Kon; natch a tlose finish at the popular Happy Valley racecourse
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  • 271 6 Chinese Athletic 3 R.E.31.E. 0 MAKING few mistakes and taking the &ame more sercu>ly, Chinese Ath!et c Assoc'ation wen the "rubber" match ag; inst R.E.M.E. iit Jalan B?sar yesterday, sccrinjj three times, while keeping th?ir goal intact. Earlier m the r.fiernoon a game of
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  • 216 6 Hat-Trick By Walts A hai-t.ick ty Alex Watts who! bowled fix overs and tcoii ceven v. i for one run and a '.>pi' v- j did innings of 73 mm by i>. iZ. .S r.dram cnnb'cd a Ci'. Ulan XI io ciwtCC c SACSEA team by 151 ruiis a:
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  • 69 6 GreyhoundRacing Now 'Nine-Figure Industry" LONDON, Sunday:—Greyhound do* racing, started with a K. 11,000 bankioan ii Min«he:t?r some vcars a* hy Bri? Gen. A. C. Critohl-y an enthusiast from Calgary. Cii ids has become a •ninefigure' industry' m Britain. I asl year the country's 150 tra.'fcs att'artcd over 50 inulian •spectators
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  • 79 6 American Racing Results BALTIMORE, Sun. Armed, five-year-old star of Warren Wright's Calumet farm stabtes, ran away from a field of five oth:rs on Friday m the 42nd running of the 520,000 Dixie handicap at Pimlico, defeating Mrs Ethel Jacob's Stymie by three and one-half lengths It ran the mile and
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  • 70 6 Baby Eagle and Charlie Gibson fought a hard draw at last night's boxing at tbe Happy World, while Clver Senclo beat Battlihg Khoon on points. Both fights were over eight rounds. Other results were: Paddy Tyrrell beat JafTar In Jaffar. the referee disqualifying Jaffar m
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  • All The Latest Sports News
    • 541 6 GREAT PARTNERSHIP BY INDIANS London, Sun At the end of the first day's play yesterday m the match between the Indian tourists and Surrey at Ihc Kennington Oval, India had scored 398 runs for nine wickets, thanks to a great last wicket stand, whtch is still continuing, by Sarwate, who
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    • 108 6 LONDON, Sun.— Close of play scores m County crickft matches which bfgan on i.aturtay are: I ancashirc 261, Ph:il pson not rut 63, f.ambeit 5 fcr 48 against Glourrstershire 47 fcr 2. Northamptonshire TB3. Bro k s 11". Davis not out 102 against Middlesex 18 fcr 0.
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    • 274 6 DAVIS CUP China, France Sweden In 2nd Round LONDON, Sun— Franc?, C.^ina and Sweden joined Switzerland m the second round of the European di\ision of the Davis Cup tournament, th? first three teams winning doubles rratches ypsterday to go with a pair of singles victories m the opening ti~s on
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  • 297 6 STAMFORD BRIDGE. LONDON, Sat. England beat Switzerland comfortably by four goals to one before 75.000 spectators m summerlike weather here this afternoon aUer being one gcal down twelve minutes after interval. Once again England's Captain and centre-forward Tommy Lawton proved a match winner, for it was he
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  • 234 6 Tengah Beat Chinese RAF. (Tensah) beat S.C.R.C. by three wickets in a cricket match played at Tengah yesterday. Scores are: 5 C R C i Khoo On? Lee c F/L North b Marsh 21 I Choong Thiam Siew lbw. Farav.ay 5 I Cheah Kim Swce b Faraway 6 Low Kee
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 77 6 JUBILEE TEL 3405 T°D A V LEE KIM SOO LIMETEB Ccal Tar Merchants and Sole Proprietors Of Ihr "ELKAYES" Group of Pactoriet Matches, Nttli Di uanirnljl Hoorinf I ilrs Knrllirnvv.irr *.nu M:i lar: Subsoil Pipes, Omrnt (.oiuiete (>onds Of 111 Descriptions. At Your Service Again Bnqulriet Solicited HEAD OFFICE: No.
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    • 851 6 POLICE CANTEENS. TenScrs arc invited for the sole management and supply ol canteen? situated In certain Police Station* in Singapore. 2. The contract will be tr;r rr>year and th? successful contractor will be required to furnish his ovu labour, fuel and traa-port. i. Tenders yhculd ts made by Itf tr-r.«
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    • 309 6 S* igTCRNftI 1 r»rinn Its* i iii^i i. WeeUdavs I "> pin "lIAI.EX" Tcolh Bru hes A (Mltty product of BRITISH MANUFACIUnn, as ruppllcd to Sirvlcemen during War time, is c> l^ned for lons r active IKe. Whon ycu ne>d n H u -ii, imlst on "HALr.:: Wholea!'? Dl t
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  • 670 7 And Now Cold Spell Hits Wheat Fields CSTIMATES issued by Lhe I Li Agriculture show that owing duction is only 724,887,000 bus bushels less than a forecast m the draught the United State to export more than 350 millie This year's
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  • Article, Illustration
    42 7 Mr Chifley 'Prime HM« of Australia), Mr. Attlee 'Prime Minister of Riitain), Firld Marsha! Smuts (Prime Minister of South Africa) and M Beasley (Australian Resident Minister in Britain) in the garden of No .'•> Downing Street during the British Empire talks in London
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  • 466 7 Reparations Plans For Japan TOKIO. Sun.— Mr Edwin W Pauley, President Truman's representative en Japanese and German reparations, yesterday lunched with Gen. Mac Arthur. up.d then released the text of the letter explaining his mission to U.i Far East. The letter U d that his mission vas to recommend, m
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  • 105 7 Cross Panda Arrives In England POOLE. Dorset, Sat.— Lien Ho, the No. 1 air priority Panda, arrived m England m a bad temper after her Might from China. She refused t» pose for her photograph unri slapped a sailor who tried to tickle her ears. The Pandas travels wfre held
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  • 346 7 Americas May Keep Cotton Lead WASHINGTON. Sat. Latin American Republics and India will have a lone, post-war period m which to stabilize gains m cotton textile production and commerce made during the war. according to experts now here for i the International Cotton Conference. The textile trade is only very
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  • 241 7 Roxas Pledges Friendship With U.S. WASHINTON, Sun— Don Mai nuel Roxas, President-Elect of the Philippines, stated here yesterday that he hoped relations with the United States "will always be the keystone of our foreign policy and our national political economy." He added that this was one of the principal reasons
    UP  -  241 words
  • 224 7 Indian Talks In Danger Of Breakdown SIMLA, Sun.— Gloomy forecasts came from bcth the Moslem League and the Con<:res.s Party Headquarters that the conference at Simla on Indian Independence would break down 'unless a miracle happens," despite the talks between Mr. Jinnah, head oi the Ler.sue. and Pandit Jav.-.i-liarlal Nehru,
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  • 442 7 NEW YORK. Sunday—stocks i rose fractions to more then one point today m an extension of the sharp run-up of the previous session when the announcement of the coal truce brought a price boom m the final hour. At the best levels prices today I
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 48 7 rowds thrilled by the mosi elaborate •ARYA MALA" (The Tamil M P- -T. a Ballata M. R Santhana Lakthml ;t— Picture by up-ci wh > have Heard of its fame. "CAPTAIN MIDNIGHT" Itement to a lumph— Culprit nnd his then Opening Tv- morrow SPI II 11:1 <t David Niven)
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    • 683 7 NOTICE OF REWARD Pahang Registers of lilies. The Resident Commissioner, Pahang offers a reward of $1,000/- to any one who gives information leading to the discovery of the above rezlnters which were kr.t m Singapore during the Japanese occupation. These registers were received m the office of the Commissioner of
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    • 360 7 Mansfield Co., J. (Incorporated tv Si'ivapou- > BLUE FUNNEL UNI Sailings to United Kingdom MM not guaranteed Cargo for Continent accepted when inducement ">flers Glenflnlas One from IK. If. May Laomedon Due from I.K. 16 May WESTERN AUSTRALIA The shortest sra route at >h< ehrape*t rate Single t'arr $210 00
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  • Article, Illustration
    218 8 Britain's spring weather Is the warmest for a century and Londoners are flocking to the Parks, where the gay striped umbrellas and afternoon teas help to brighten the blitzed prospect of London. Spring also brought out the Yeomen of the Guard (see picture below) at the Westminster Abbey Maundy
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 377 8 GARRICK GEYLANG LAST 3 SHOWS 3.15, 6.30 9.'.5 p.m. M-O-M's Musical Jewel with the TopLine Tunes, The Head-Line Talent and An All-Star Cast with Eleanor Powell, Ann Sothern, Robert Young, Red Pkelton, Lionel Barryir.ore, Vlrgliup O'Brien John Carroll, In "LADY BE GOOD' 1 HEAR these Celebrated KernHammmteln Song; -Hits: "Lady
      377 words
    • 173 8 Phone HATH AY -^SEnSS •Man V fl I llfl I It AM, 2, 4 30 O41MJ 7 30 P.M. LAST 2 DAYS WK> OVC PRIZE Or TNC ISLANDS! i^^^&jl ooaomr v N*. I^^-/ I AllflHD f -^fa^mtimi ii HALL OPENING WEDNESDAY "ONE OF THE YEAR'S BIG SURPRISES!" -&ovi Tim* Me
      173 words