The Straits Times, 12 May 1946

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • 89 1 Nip Officer Barefooted In Court 0:0 11-RSIII lirutrnant in t'.ie Imperial Japanese *.rm> appur d in the SingaP orf">i\tl> Crimes Court >rstrrday barefootfd a:Ked the President of „iri It ("I B E. drern, •V. hs i> th- acrased g»in2 1 (I bar-footed?" a> said his hoots were liil his
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  • 116 1 HONG KONG, 8 JMJCEE than 10 pcrcoi.s Ml killed and several injured wh?n an HprtM train n the Cinton-Kowloon li .<- v:ai mined .nd Icolcd by Lu.cti 'erday, it M np ited nere today. The train, comprising a uiesel engtaM and two carriages, was
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  • 63 1 Copenhagen. Saturday. stio prices r.rc being paid d automobiles in Denmark he relaxation of governl.u nt i fccaiu>e of a of new carj. A 1039 Chevrolet recently sold for 10,0 1 kroner (nearly US a 1P31 Chrysler broiiRht kroner 'more than $1,000) and small
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  • 46 1 Japanese Major Yoshlo Makizawa was sentenced in Shanghai 30 years' hard labour "hy the United States Military Trll unal. for torturing an American I.'avy dive-bomber pilot to make real information on the United States Heri. which shelled i Mi Ortnbrr, 1944 —A. P.
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  • 36 1 runs speed limit of 25 per hour for all army veh been iixed in Calcutta. ng incidents in which involving civlltd milit.irv drivers led t>) the vehicles being burned oa the ■pot Reuter
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  • 29 1 The Untied States and Canadian automobile Industry produced 57.56* vehicles in the week ended April 21. greatest production for any week since the war ended— A P
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  • Article, Illustration
    27 1 This is the Gm ie \Ltorv. lying aground o.T Belfast with I.ICO sailors, on their way home from Australia for release aboard. Relief boats ar; alongside.
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  • 360 1 WASHINGTON, Sat. IT is believed that the United States House of Representatives will ratify the proposed £937 million loan to Britain in some six weeks. The question of the loan is expected to come before the Banking and Currency Committee of the
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  • 127 1 FOOD Hoover Warns Of Famine rX-PRESIDENT Herbert Hoo- ver, head of President 1 ruman's Famine Committee, on return to the IS. after a tour of famine ar-as said in San Francisco: 'The wrrid facrs the greatest potential famine in all human history I warn America that strlkrs may rrsult in
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  • 333 1 'To Ease Critical World Food Situation LONDON, Sat. BECAUSE of the serious world food silMtiaa, British forces von home service ire to have their raliois cut by ten psr cent to bring then into line with civilian tool consumption, ascertfig to a statement issued from 10,
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  • 227 1 LORD LOUIS TO RETURN TO SEA? London, Saturday. /CHANGES in the composition V^ of South-East Asia Command within the next few weeks to implement Britain's policy of handing over liberated territories to their civil administrations were indicated today in well-informed militiry quarters in London writes Ronald Bedford. The three Ser
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  • 104 1 CAIRO. Sat. British. and experts are to tour British barracks, workshops and aerodromes in E?vpt to estimate hov/ long it will take British 1 troops to evacuate the countrv. It is believed that there will be i comoromise hetwern Britain's five year proposal
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  • 25 1 NJREMBErtG, rvt. Two United States soldiers were shot dead by unknown assailants In an ambush while riding in a jeep in Nuremberg.— A.P.
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  • 26 1 WASHINGTON. Fri. By a C 6 to 9 vote the U.S. Senate has decided to take up anti-strike legislation. No date Is set —U.P.
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  • 158 1 ITALY TO KEEP 45 WARSHIPS Pa- THE Corrmitt:? of Nay pcrts meeting; at thi Four" Foreign Ministers' Conference in Paris have agreed to leave Italy 45 warships, including two outdated battleships and four cru'srrs In addition, the United St-"^ experts favour Itmvtag Itl I new unlit for sai The French
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  • 66 1 Latest scores i.i < ii< k t At the Oval, where the Indian tourists are meeting Surrey, India has scored 12*! for 3 wickets (Merchant b Squies 53: MoCi b A. V. Brdster 0; llazare lbw A. V. Bedstcr 0; Girl Mohamed not out 62: Nimbalkar not out
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  • 62 1 On? British cfncer ani fjur British other ranks were ambu hco with two in e.pretirs wh:;n driving in jeeps on the outskirts of Medan, a town r.e ir th^ Baal Coast of Suma'ra. The ofllc r It reported tj havo baa wounded. The report adioi that :r w'.iich
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  • 88 1 ITONO KONG. Sat. Admiralty House, official home ■in pre-war years of Admirals coounandlnx the China Ptation. was almost destroyed by firj today. The fire, first discovered in one of the flag officer's bathrooms, snread through the wood and plaster construction o: the fir^t floor, causing the
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  • Article, Illustration
    36 1 The white 1 one in the tap pic t r* Is Norton" who wll leal lon on's V-Pan > on 8 June. second picture shows other ho ises in training while uniformed "Spectators'* wave flats.
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  • 263 1 Simultaneous with an order, which comes into effect tomorrow, deleting milk from the rations 1st, over 115.0C0 tins of milk in 24,000 cases will be releas:d in Singapoie for free sale through established dealers. The order also provides for the sale, in restaurants and
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  • 40 1 WASHINGTON. Fri -The Senate War Investigating Committee today sought more evidence in the case of 18 high ranking Naval officers, including five i'.dmirals. possibly implicated in mishandling and blarkmarkcteering of naval supplies at Pearl Harbour.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 23 1 TT rji fan J* A* JbJbfe Pen Repairers 4 Repairs Guaranteed for 2 Ycarv 332. Rorib Bridge Rd. 34. Chuiia St. Pha:t 7971
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    • 238 1 RADIOS KEEWMTMDIIfe m-MOKMBDQO. miPUQHI *566 fjPUH^L^ REMARKABLE SERVICE! < 'r&Sx&Pi Every Ma brl n?s in Mv !c an-J MORF Ml sif fH&rdr! from a P* l l r Ihe Brl^h Empire, to irpieniAe*? rTSK Muslc shelves »t testtnes to the Kemarlcab'p fcrvlc* V W^y that on] y T.M.A. can o.Tlv.
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  • 2073 2 CLIFFORD PEER TURNS HIS CLUB lift* has I rening requite tell ol armchair •i cd from an t'.de way a i week d on a club crawl and plenty of healthy >:itemI the me< the most d professional '.he pv m 100 are bar
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  • 282 2 SUNDAY BRIDGE PROBLEM In our dircusj lon i open the bidding 11 v.pll to consider a iVvv rmrc crram;: B. A 10::::-: 11. II 2>. a C I (b) S. An H KSM D. xx C. A10x::x These two tan£a belt tain 2 12 honour o; rtel tricks, the rnin
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 61 2 A Limited Quant ty -..f ftONALDSON TIPPETT y iS DIESEL ENGINES IS MOW AVAILABLE 8), ."> A 8 H.P. Tank Hopper& Radiator Cooled j^ Priceson Application tj WBg THE EAST ASIATIC CO LTD. 1? RalDm Qu-.j THrphonr 25(17 TPJpa Sole Agrnta tor RONALDSON TIPPETT, AUSTRALIA aTC back again to cater
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 284 2 W®€ Ra^l^ If^^eisiaig SINGAPORE NCTWOKK from noon tc tpm *r.d U3O (g II p m on T.rires from noon It. otn on 4 n?" mrc/sec in II tnc'it band 4ml IMal *13 to 9.30 p.m on t M rr.-i << VI mrlrr band CHINESK noon to 1.11 p m
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    • 233 2 -10 35 pm. GSV 16.H! rnrtres. 8.20 p.m —12.20 v in GSF If) 8! radrs JO. SO pm— l2 22 am G9N r, 3S metres \v iz 7.30 an Radio aMOMai 8.30 am News. 8.45 am 8.8 C Theatre Or ht tra. 8 pjn Bunemy Service. 630 pm. News. 7.30
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    • 112 2 Itnia. 6. 3D p.m. News. 6.45 p.m. Sunclpy In The Park. 715 p.m. H 1 j p m r, S p.m. Rallo SZ and Hews, cos p.m. Toun i ■> Tcm Acfclnc 9 p.m. Bbavtlmc o.*o p.m. 'J.'.i p.m. Music-. 1D. 3") ».n de. p.m. Mm.--, 11.31 -Ne-; and
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  • 254 3 $109,000,000 Test On Target Ships "APEUATiON CROSSROADS" is slowly building yj u» *>>\::id Ihe climax next July when at<Jm hjir.o numijer four ;mri live, will fall on a target fleet, i (I Pros correspondent Joseph Mylers aboard the i tint ."VLKinley v.hich is hearing f Vice
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  • 108 3 MJOHN B. Hyn3, Chancellor Dnehjr cr '.ar. d i'i the Bocm of Co-n-it "it was t tiicre are areas in < i-i which tha Na^is to.-' in control.' rn~orti U.P. PsplyJns Xj crl o! Britlsh r.d-rini^tration. Mr Hynd Htld that "th* commander-in-ould not be espected to
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  • 65 3 PARIS, r.r old c t- k iai i com- of fraice-a armirs has beta He 1 tn pa'cle (ri m a rnili- The roneral I- ii Leld tor laves. lgmJon on crllnbora'ion charges. Tht> examining remmi'sion of Ih? Frtrch H* h Court :a'd th-.t d WM fr
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  • 73 3 NEW YORK. raturda;.-^Stoc-.:s A from one to five point; rrd. the tickets fell several minutes bshind v/!-.en John L. coal miners' un'on rhi?f. crc!"r.d a fortnight's trie? in the coal stri^^. Steels were the first to spurt. United States and Cethl?hem st?el? ran up four or mar? and
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  • 105 3 TOP picture shows some of the excited spectators who visited LonUons St. James' Park to watch the explosion of "Ticking An::ie. the 1,000 lb bomb which has lain dormant in thr p:irk Fince IMI until it ■ane to life v.ith its fuse t::;.in7 recently. In the
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  • 268 3 JOH:,' L. Lewis, ccal miners' union chief, today made a surprise ar.rcur.cemcnt of a two weeks truce in the soft. cc:\\ strike, immediately after he was summoned to the White Hones for a conference v.i h Prcciticnl Truman and Vr. a i mine oneratora.
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  • 100 3 'JOY JEEPS' BAN ON JAP GIRLS THE US. £lh /.rmy Fro. ■1 entered i«own bnd on Gls with an ord r for rigorous onfe-cement of regulation* re- ::n» militan- courtesy, dress n", an crd to jcy-ridin^ Janane.-e girls in army Hnueforth all jeeps in Yoko- ama are to be checked
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  • 69 3 Two Jews, mombers of the n "resistance movement" sentenced to.f r- jears and .hrc? years impris r.;nt. nancnivcly. by tne Ifili ?.ry Court i i Jerusa'^m U r unlawful passesMr.n of two sa?ks ot explosives. I he men wlio ples(t!-d guilty we:. arr?sted by ih? poll? 3 on
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  • 42 3 The manias? of Miss E. H. Dupree, younger dauehtei o\ Mr F. H. Dupree of Pava L'bar, Sin&ar>ore. and Nor .oils Avenue. t!?rstcad, Surrey, and the late Mrs. Dupree. to Mr. R. N. Turner is reported by our London Correspondent.
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  • 39 3 The Soismograph which traces eerthnuakes can new locate hurriranrs 2.000 milrs away at s?a following wartime experiments by the Rev. J. E. Ramirez, a Columbian priest at St. I ouis I University in ihe United States, i
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  • 117 3 Panda Flies on Ice LONUJN, Sat. r UK Royal Zoological otiety today await. d the arrival of its new (jiant fan a and orripd about the ice supply in Karachi, Cairo, and Mars ill?s. ihe Panda, en route from Calcutta by BOA' Flying Boat, is travelling comlorially on a 1.10
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  • 211 3 UMBERTO II 'THE KING OF MAY' SOCIALISTS called the new King of Italy, Umberto 11, the "King of May" and declared in their newspapers today, Fascist Prince Succeeds Fascist King for 23 Days," as Rcmi Radio broadcast a Royal proclamation that laws will be promulgated in the name of "King
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  • 153 3 Mosque Riot: Police Fire CATRO, Saturday. rjtHE police today fired buckshots Into a crowd of more than 200 stone-throwing Moslems, wno had assembled on the roof of Azhar Mosque in demonstration against the Palestine report. The police also dispersed a crowd of thousands who had gathered in the square and
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  • 339 3 Major-Gen. Claire Chennault, who has just returned from a our-month investigation of the g^crnment-Con.-nmnist feud, in Oakland (California) today painted a glo.nn picture of the peace prospects :n the Cnineee clvJ wai. -It is my belief that the communists wont compromise UD any respect." he
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  • 408 3 PARI Saturday. AFTER a turbulent session today, the b g Four f« rci^n ministers reached a virtual iiffcensMN t» an-jpt the French proposal to hand over the Ha. in colonies ta n I N.*.). trusteeship and also to give ttv^ i .«.'J(iO,000 rep tuitions
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  • 88 3 irankir.?. Eat THE Chinese Government announced lhe losses in the Chancchun battle ns 7.000 killed, wounded and missing. Central News Agency repnrtec! that during the flThtint? in Sh province one Government d*^sion was complete! v.iped out •and many i cnior officers captured by the Communists. It
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  • 216 3 COMMONS DEFENDS BRIDES LONDON, Sat. THE Hcuso cf Commcni J di3cu o s o d y. st: rday whether or not 40 ncr cent, of the gir's undrr 20 in England pre prejiuuH on thvr wedding day. Labour Mem"""'" f or K( J nWI, Lieut. T. C. Skefflngton l od^a
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  • 184 3 75 MILES IN JUST 20 SECS NKW MFXICO. Sat A CAPTURED Oei o V-2 i^ rocket I r aked Ul Ti n-il ■:> ■bn\e tlie New M?:io uc> I tcrdrv as Amsricin nil art scientists stared r::p?rinv > with sopcr-rock°ts nnd d a'-a nst si n-rscnir a'.omi: nria il of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 4 3 NUdfACTHUIIS JEW£U«S 1 /jfij
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    • 371 3 GOODS FROM KNCI AN» Brjlcreem No A 476 In 5J n? jars I sh. 10 per doz. Marlean's Tootpaste. 1.z.T",2 Tubes f ;.h 8 per doz. Maclean's Stomach Pov/^sr. Lanre Size f< sh. 18- per dor. Maclean's Sto-na'-h Pov.der. Family Size i shot <■> ot doz Calverfs Tooth Powder per
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  • 11 4 lends, arcl i the lurural of the Ist" :s Of
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  • 536 4 THE SUNDAY TIMES SINGAPORE, MAY 12, 1946. Cut Cafe Prices THE i Is of < 1 ii turn ard H I'-as taken I ■hrfc eeentha to ta>T:Mits wr- w the < v:imum pri'^ of dollars for meals. over-chargini has le establishments carry quit" opmhr "dinner S4" it wr.s ;'.:e first
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  • 1009 4  -  Brig. Gen. Brenton G. Wallace By AMONG American field commanders Gen. George Smith Patton jr., will undoubtedly go down in history as one of the greatest. Patton would listen to the advice of his corps commanders and then say; "The Germans will think we
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  • 566 4 Y.hg.huia, Japan, (By Ar Mail). WHB.REVER one goes in Japan, one usually finds a Mi. Watanabe. This farm village, 170 miles north-west of fokio, was no exception. Th s particular Mr. Watanabe was attending ;i meeting of tenant farmers who were dissatisfied with their dreary existence,
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  • 377 4 MUST WE SLEEP ON WOODEN BOARDS? Letter To The Editor I congratulate The Sunday Timss on its leading (Spoils of Peace) in the last :jo. It is high time I tie Press (because obviously r.o';ody else intends to do anything about it), should take up th? defence of civilians w'io
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 125 4 i fill were mam-.-d is anra ol Mrs Tan 8001. ate II k and eldest 4*njktm Mrs Robert Urn. UATIONS VACANT must I I s had l^np 1 >• ri> nr pHMH ar- MTtxl or FLATS. ROOMS WANTED '.n^alou- prrm R \-\d PUBLICATIONS I iv' !i will I ii-.i h
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    • 50 4 W> are so sure you will be Impressed with the u.iusual value inei quality of DAH SIN classes And nHh expert eye examinations to cure your headache and eye strainings Try Dah Sin nrrrire'e y*« g* etaewbere DAH SIH OPTICAL HOUSE Manufartcrinc Ophthalmlo Opticians 32.>. Nonh Bridge Road, Singapore.
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    • 97 4 < "< '^STTT of our M I bottles are 1 HM bci:i^ aeed by ''inulous pcoiilo the public, wi-o r/.ir. believing tlir:" to 1 1 c:- i.ik.s. 'he public who have been so victimised, please give in- -^^/C^A formation to this Cesapaay r~^ wno wtll take rigorous notion against such
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  • 50 5 Dancing At Princes $100 Fine i a roalt of turprlM visits on p 0.0 in -charge of minal turn I Brant a;>ore. and th? Odeon ;-i A museMax to t ~f ci the: Imple Im- i i i m r»t d. N ACTION AGAIN iirior ijv if met rrthe actlvl
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  • 141 5 'From Our Own Correspondent) PENANG, Saturday. As a result of burglars removpractically all machinery and other equipment during Easter vacation the Penang Trade School is unable to carry on and may have to close down, it is officially leai.ied today. The burglars are believed to have taken
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  • 368 5 Singapore Hell Camp ChicS Admits MORMANTON ROAD CAMP, where 20 PoWs died in thwee months as a result of ill-treatment starvation and neglect, was yesterday described in the War Crimes Tribunal as "the worst PoW working camp in Singapore during the occupation.*' Its
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  • Article, Illustration
    56 5 IMS unusual shipping notice was displaced outside Australia House in London by Fit It Frederick Cork? DFM of the RAF., w'.o rom?s from Frrmnntlf. Au-tralia. The Flight LfaaftMMUrt Is ramass n-, for pa^siiiir«. t> join Mm in his H ft. ir.otor >acht for a r -lia \o priori 1 is
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  • 77 5 REPRESENTATIVES of countri and territories in Sout Asia and India will meet on Monday for a three-day conference on nutrition convened by Lord KUlearn. special commissioner, S.E A The conu rence Is to consider what nutritional measuies cm be ?3 cope with the threat of 'icr-is to
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  • 115 5 LONDON. Saturday f|\HE COO Indian and Burmese I I servicemen due to arrive in Britain on May 25 to take part hi the Victory celebrations will parade in London, and six of the cities in the Biitisir Manchester. Birmingham. i. Glasgow. Edinburgh und Nt v a<tlp. officer
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  • 216 5 i!\GAPORE"S "occupation doctors" senior medical k3 students who qualified during the occupation who arc orking in the hc-pitals. will continue to draw a salary of J a month instead of $75 a month, as they were advised a lew days aeo. i Jt is not
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  • 163 5 •V.HE death of 40-year-old J. Duncanson, a Pahang planter, found in a Singapore hotel bathroom with a wound over his eye and a revolver in his hand, v as inquired into by Major C.H. Koh, the Coroner, yesterday. Edward Graham Gardiner, who shared Duncanson's room told
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  • 139 5 From Our O*n Correspondent) PENANG. Saturday. To create suitable conditions for burglary thieves are smashing street lights and stealing 'bulbs. In the past week alone iti.e Electric DeDartment had to replace 100 bulbs Admitting the position was serious, an official of the Department assorted: "Nothinß
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  • 187 5 SIMLA, Saturday. INFORMED sources said that, Indian negotiations have progressed so far that the conferees are talking about personnel to occupy offices In the proposed interim Central Government. A Congress Party source predicted that the Central Government would be ready to take office In New Delhi
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  • Article, Illustration
    15 5 Tul'ps, a gift from Holland to the people of Britain, bloom in Regent's Park, London
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  • 35 5 From Our Own Correspondent PENANG. Saturday. K S. Dural. police Inspector during the Jananese regime, was sentenced to three years and 10 months' rigorous imprisonment on 11 charges of voluntarily causing hurt.
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  • 276 5 AN attempt to standardize the price of dance coupons in Singapore has proved v successful because ot Ma? attitude of dance hestesses. They won't hear of it. At present the Happy World pells four coupons for $1 (of which the hostesses get
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  • 332 5 PETROL Singapore Uses As Much As Pre-War BM.A., and civilian-ov. rc^ rahtrVl in Singapore estimated ty the Road Transport Board as ■M 27 xirrr*?lj 15.000. use r COO.OOO gallons of petrol ano i an amount which, iwaltt rationing, approxliv.ates BM nrc«ar unrestricted use of petrol VI abort the same numbe
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  • 145 5 Hong Kong To Stay British 1OK1O. Sat Admira 1 ord Praser raid toda, that Britata did not intend to return Ilmi; Koru 10 hina. Most influential t hincse with whom I have talicd, ha saij, "lulare that is the last tiiin-; they want since the British com man 1 of
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  • 45 5 PEN AND. Bl t'ud The hon? tiia f the prlvilctm 1 onioved before tho .vn: h-> <he Straits Chines? BrltJ I Uon. PenrnK. wot'ln b? i was expr?s.sed by I>r m <_1. 2 Lcong. presiding over U. ciations annual g aeml ing. 1
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 50 5 r^O-DAY at 1, 3.15. 7 9.15 p.m. |fl »>nU Apj>! •d Avoid ih~ P*h Jk BOOK E.HRLY J M THE POAD TO MNNT g if Lii'yli and a Cssl of Thousands C> COMNC ATTRACTION T "COQUETTE" I A I.t rf New Relrsse In Mind?rn. |f^ BinLPE TEL. 3405 V ODAY
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    • 440 5 NOTICE NOTICE IS UEPE3Y GIVEN thrt Soh Koon Vr.m. ~.>ii KJa V;an Sch No. 51, Robir._ >v Road, ire. lia\e lrr.:i U- Ist Apr icrl full r.nd control >f i .i Bmt 8u; 1 o-i by U :i Eoon Hup under 1 the style or firm i 1 f: Co.
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  • Article, Illustration
    36 6 This picture of the Duke and Duchess of Windsor was taken two months before war broke out in Eurcpe in 1939. They are watching the t*rix de Paris from their box at Longchamps.
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  • 588 6  - Windsors 'Rough It' on Riviera Geoffrey Fraser By Cann,:-. I he Djke and Duchess ot Windsor, in their Deau .1 £3'>00 a yejr villa at Cap d' Antibes on the n;h Riviera, are feeling the pinch of European penury and currency regulations. Though from the rtvtnutt of ths Duchy of
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  • 187 6 NUREMBERG, Salurduy. EX-GRAND Admin] Kail D:enitz, former Ccmmancler-in-Chief cf the German Navy, denied respon.^bilily lor the murders c:dc-rcd by Hitler when Sr Dav,d Maxwdl Fyie deputy British prcsccutcr, resumed hu cross-exam nation before the War Crimes Tribun*] yes f erday. nocnit?, in the witness
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  • 110 6 Noisy Fish Annoy Navy NEW YOKK. (By Air Vail). 'THE 1 s'a in ths sea are a noisy 10. anl their < hatt rin» and ringing have becMnf a matter cf concr« to Ih; VS. ia»>. 'I hey »Trike so much noise that it threat?ns to L'.terf'rc vith st«rh
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  • 271 6 NEW YCRK, Sat. THE US. Govern mint's vast 1 hoard of goli, which shrank steadily during the*, is < beiiiT built up again rapidly as foreign nations on-e mo.c buy American-made goods. In November 1941— a few Cays J before the Japanese struck at I
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  • 825 6  -  Samuel Lubell By Bru:r,els, By Air Mail Nearly everyone we met in Brussels told us. "Be sure to visit Radish Street; it's a sight you'll never forget." And so, one Sunday morning, we did. Radish Street, near the Palace of Justice, is Belgium's top
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  • Article, Illustration
    23 6 Italy is makinc a striiing rtirn tv tbe fashion parade. This picture shows one of De Gaspari's most iecent models.
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  • 260 6 AN understanding with Russia on Germany is Imperative if Europe is to be saved, declar!rd Senator Donald Gant. in Singapore yesterday o-i his way |to Eurooe as the only Ai'straUan M.P. to attend tbe Pra-? Conference with Dr. H. V. Evatt. j Australian Minister for
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 490 6 IMPOR TANT NO TICE. CABLE AND WIRELESS LIMITED The public U notified ;hat as from Monday the 13th May 19*8 the telephone number of CABLE AND WIRE- LESS LIMITEO will be 5175 (5 lines) between the nours or 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. From 8 p.m. to 0 a.m. the
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    • 89 6 £2\ rv& i v A LAMP 3HADES in ALL COLOURS C* DESIGNS i at SPECIALLY REDUCED PRICES. Wholesale Retail Emulr'p^ Invt'en i P HONK 1 1 BTTfWyrt"^^^PfT^a¥v]rrY%^j 248, Orchard Road. 2LBCTRIC SANITARY CONYR\CTOnS. established in 1310. OPTOMETRISTS VTItIM) 1 13, Battery Road. Singapore. 124 ARAB ST.. SINGAPORE M.ivufiuturers flf Ref)aire<-$
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 211 6 Crossword Pnzzk Solution Across: 1. Sapper. C Dart. 10, Hull. 11. Enable, 12. Abound 14. Vain. 15 Madge. 16 Vista. 17. Stroro in, p^tr, 21. Hot. 22 Do\ 24. Acetic. 27 Unbar. 29. Valet. U Ribs. 33 Merino. 34 Allege. 3> Veer. 36 Lees. 37 Trends. Down: 1. Sham, 2.
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  • Week-end Page Of Sports News
    • 468 7 ARMY RAILWAY TE TO WIN 17-7 Two injured In Hard Game Army 17 R.A.F. 7 Scoring 12 points in as many minutes midway in the second-half, the Army registered a convincing victory by 17 points (one goal and four tries) to seven points penalty and a dropped goal) over the
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    • 369 7 TIGHT years ago in London a boy stepped into the ring f«>r Li his first amateur fight in public. Serious and intent he ■ad a trifle nervous, tco, but nobody, except his eldest brother in his corner, could have guesssd it. mm »v.
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    • 179 7 (Prom Our O-vn Correspondent.) Today's race results are: RACK 1 1. Stella's Pet (9/)) Whitafcer; 2. Pockets (9.0) Love; 3, Bamo-y i 8.5) Kirn Time 1 mm. 17 15 sec Won by one. four Totes: $14, $C SC. Cash Sweep: N v > 9t% «1056. No MS") <:i5B
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    • 192 7 Donnelly 116 v Indians A BRILLIANT century by the New Zealand test match player, Donnelly, and an unlinished fourth wicket stand by Oxford of 171, were the features lof the Indian cricket tourists' :-cond match, which ended in a v on Friday. Tho scares were: OXFORD— Ist li:as. 2:C INDIAN
      Reuter  -  192 words
    • 165 7 CHARITY SOCCER THRILLS Sport In Penang »PHE chief sports attraction ofi the past week has been the soccer match in of St Dunstan's Fund bet'.veen the R^.F.; and the Civilians. It produced some heavy scoring and exciting moments, the civilians eventually winning by six goals to five The R.AP.
      165 words
    • 285 7 (From Our Own Correspondent.) PZNANG. Sa;urday. PKE results of todays races are: RACK 1 1. New Cello (9.8> W. Noordin: 2, tfoonv.ln (8.7) Wahat; 3, Ruinina;ion i9.8) Ahmad. Won by 3 lengths, J lengths. Time: 1 min. 13 sec. Tutc: S8. $5. to. $n. Cash Sweep: No. 175
      285 words
    • 414 7 THE performances of Civilian soccer sides against strong Services teams during recent weeks has been a source of great satisfaction to all those fans, both European and Asiatic, who have loyally backed Singapore In the Malaya Cup competition over a period of many years. dit of
      414 words
    • 166 7 PARIS, Sat CHANCE won the I rst singles against Crpat Britain in thi Davis Cup European oi at here yesterday afternoon uhen Pierre Peliizza beat Donall Mac p! ail c— l, 6—2. 2. Later Yvon Petra Beat Derrick Ha: ton 6 4, 6—4, 6—3 and
      166 words
    • 454 7 Enthusiasm For Cricket Increasing ANYONE interested enough i** write on Perak cricket wcu today adopt a very diHerent toi from that, of l".r?ly a month ag( For Fca.k n has crrenrE from the shadows, and the oi 1 event we have to tliank for i resurrection is the Easter mstc
      AP  -  454 words
    • 21 7 ARMY HOLDS GYMKHANA IN GERMANY i in British orrupird 1., rir. hfld a khana on Dori .im r»re- >ipeti- the tea
      21 words
    • 126 7 Sport In K.L. S Kuala Luir.prr Is into its Euro- known on .c the war. •n by d the Army who. n the elterweight into ht v:ith victories over ;>e Intone- :!id Bcr.iber lalayan n with a hrre. and be la new on h:<-. in Kuala
      126 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 257 7 BRiTiSH MEDICAL \SSO:;AroN MALAYA BRANCH. Aa Ev d ary Cr er 1 I be h Id oi Friday 17:h May IJtt at 515 pm at tl AGENDA 1. To ate 3 E'.oct.on of Offlf' 3. Oene-al DR LEE CHOO NFO Honorary T.rarrr lO.h May 1945 K. P. M. LINE.
      257 words

  • 91 8 Tug of War caused almost as much strain for the team leaders as for the L Bdr A. IlPighton means to put that shot a long way. Rickshaw Derby aye novel twist to the obstacle race. Pullers were Ser geant-MaJors, fares expensive. Before the wa« Malaya
    91 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 327 8 ALHAMBRA 11—1.30 Itt tit ftf pm. I %can afo, you'd hm\e I forbidden to net th a rtvralin pi< lurr now yoa ran see it vithout paylnr. with Ufr! fill "^"'lLL—^ HAH Ilami in r:d rr»olt against the barbaric HunTHE DISTRICTS MOST POPULAR UP- TOD A TE QUEENS THEATRE Tci
      327 words
      133 words