The Straits Times, 11 May 1946

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • 395 1 VICEROY'S COUNCIL RESIGNS IMLA. Friday. Executive Coan.e equivalent of aa tendered its .c King, m a step a conference on Independence. Nations of riidian leaders! the British Cabinet Mission en Indir.'s sell-government have n p. brighter turn with the new announcement. The eesture Is interpreted m sj ..e quart
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  • 27 1 Oxford, Fri-'ay Tl-c In 'ian critkct tourists were all out bv lunr'j for 2'8 runs in th-ir fir.t iii'- iii'-s. ffn/are scored C4 run*. -Rcuter.
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  • 825 1 6 'Unless I Get Firm Figures My Job Quite Impossible" WASHINGTON, Friday. jy|l>. FIORELLO LA GUARDIA, who ha s been Director General of UNRRA for only seven weeks has indirectly thre aiencd to resign. Mr. La Guardia has toUl the UNRRA Council: "If the admin
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  • Article, Illustration
    37 1 x Volotov (Russia), Mr. B>rjies (Tnitrd Sta»«), Mr. B?\in < cr.lnin) an 1 M. Bl 'Franrr) at a diplomatic recent on given m Paris by M. Rid zult for the drl?^at to the Foreign Ministers 1 onferenr c.
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  • 66 1 SAN FRANCISCO. Frida".Former U.S. President, Mr. Herbert Hoover, returned to the United States from :i world"irdUng tour as President Truman's representative to itndf famine conditions. He declined to comment to press rerortcrs. saying that he felt he should report to the Frrsident before talking with the
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  • 73 1 LONDON, Fri— The Bel<rhn Ambassador to the Court of St. James, Baron de Cartier de Marchienne, doyen of the Diplomatic Corps m London, died here today after several months' illness. He was 71 years old. The Baron took up his anpointment m London m 1927.
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  • 66 1 U.S. Philippines Treaty MANILA, Friday— The newspaper Courier this morning reported that the signing of a treaty of friendship between the United and the Philippines would be one of the s of the inauguration of the republic on July 4. Ilie report stited that the treaty would be signed
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  • 372 1 LONDO!:, Frl— The whole question of consultation with Dominion Governments is to be raised by the Opposition m view of what Mr. Anthony Eden. Conscnative, described yesterday as "equivocal replies" given by the Prime Minister, Mr. Attlee, In the House of Commons on
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  • 221 1 PARIS, Thurs. The "Big Pour" Foreign Ministers' Conference came out of a 2 /2-hour session of inconclusive discussion last night on the proposal of the United States Secretary of State, Mr. James F. Byrnes, for a 21natlon peace conference, with an announcement that another session
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  • 387 1 Truman May Seize American Railways WASHINGTON. Fri. American President Truman disclosed at his press conference today that he was contemplating seizure of the United States railways which arc at present being propresslvely crippled by the continuing six-week-old coal strike. The President also flatly opnospd the laying aside of the British
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  • 50 1 BANGKOK, Frl.— The French authorities have threatened to open fire on the tcWm of Nakorn Phano unless the Siamese hand over refugees from Indo-China and their arms and ammunition. Nakorn Phano is on the right bank of the Mekong river, opposite the Indo-China town of Thakek.-UP.
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  • 276 1 Move To Stop Russian Veto Attempt NLW .OF.X, Fri.-The Aostr.lia.ll delegates protest to ttie Security council against the Russian boycott of the discussion of tne Pc.olan question is interpreted tide as paving tne way for a demand for UNO investigation of the situation m Persia If it is not clearly
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  • 235 1 SENATE VOTING ON LOAN WASHINGTON. United States Senate vviil vote finally, decisively, and in every probability favourably, 0:1 tho I dritich loan at 8 p.m. GM f today. This deadline was set bv thl Chamber, after one of the most diL)a in the history of American Congress, 'urcd, ited oenators
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 8 1 SCtBNTiftC A OUALIFIEO OPTICIAN c.s. CHonG o.a.r »oc
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  • 438 2 "Axis Sally' Unrepentant To The Last "Axis Sally" can be exceeded In audacity only by Hermann Coering. As I sat and talked with her tn a middle-class house on the outskirts of Berlin where she Is under arrest. I found that she does not care about her future, writes Judy
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  • 94 2 Close-up pictures of the Royal family will be televised at the Victory Parade, on June 8. Camera positions have been fixed only 80ft from the Royal box m the Mall and ?perial telephoto lenses will be used Viewers are also likely to ser- pictures of Gen.
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  • 593 2 By Alan Thompson ANE of the main problems of peace-time air transport, especially over short distances, is the reduction of the time wasted m landing and taking off. Another is the inability to deliver the iroods directly to their destination. These disadvantages may be overcome by
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  • 264 2 G.I's Free 3,300-year-old Egyptian Nefertiti is a 3,300-year-old "displaced person." This bust o: an Egyptian queen, discovered by American troops m the deep shaft of a Thuringian salt mine, where it had been deposited for safety, has been causing trouble for more than 30 years. Nefertiti, noted for her beauty,
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  • 158 2 Half the cars and commercial vehicles earmarked by British makers for export ill stored today m quayside sheds and warehouses waiting for shipping One car maker said that "a serious situation is developing British motor manufacturers have been allotting 50 per cent, of their
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  • 48 2 TCKIO, Thurs.— Tckio University today refused to admit Prince MorJhiro Higashl-kuni, son-in-law of Emperor Hirohito. when he failed m the entrance examination. While the Prince, who is 30. failed, several girls passed the entrance examination to become the first women students of the University.—A. P.
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  • 134 2 LONDON, Fri.— Grants totalling £191,000 for research on atomic physics are to be made by the British Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, it was announced here last night. Grants will be made to Prof. M. L. Oliphant, Professor of Nuclear Physics at Birmingham University, and
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  • 115 2 The Emir Abdullah of Transjordan. who is soon to be crowned King of Transjordan, recently visited Broadcasting House m London, and is seen signing the Visitors' Hook. With him zse (left to ris'it): Sir George Gat< r of the Colonial OOCC, 'AM al-Mun'im Bey Rifai. private
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  • 208 2 The General Council ot wJe Association of Cinp TeelTiiciar* lat a conference m ondon I "severely censured Mr. Gat>rirl Pascal, producer o! tne CUM. OPC film "Caesar md Clooprvra" an-i recommended tha* he i-hor.'d only be al'.OAPd to .:ia::e pictures m this country subject to special control
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  • 170 2 PILOT HAS 630 m.p.h. TARGET Britain is out to break its own world air speod record of 606 miles an hour. Grov.p-c Hugh Wilson, 37-year-old test pilot who set up the record, is expected to make the new bid. A twin-enjincd Glostcr Meteor will attempt the record over the same
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  • 256 2 >i iMM Villnei .:l)lf South dealer XOKTII J 7 4 <? 6 5 I AKQ10 I WIST !\ST A 8 6 2 K Q S I 3 V K Q J 4 T 0 7 6 3 4 3 2 A J 7 6 ACKJTH A A lo
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 75 2 "PLASTERITE" Reinforced plasier board fcr Ceilings Walls WE HAVE PLEASURE m announcing that ws are again manufacturing our renowned and genuine •PLASTERITE 1 plaster boards THE IDEAL MEDIUM FOR HIGH SPEED REPAIRS NEW WORK Stocks ready Size of boards of 4 ft. x 4 ft. x 5/16 m. Prices On
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 919 2 RADIO PROGRAMMES I England vs. Switzerland, 11.20 pjn. 11 a.m. Stories and Music. 11. jo am v v 'Programme announcements. 11.30 pjn. News, 11.40 a.m. Prograunmc AnttED NETWORK troni noon u, News. 11.40 p.m. From Today's nouncements. 11.45 am. family J pm. and 6S0 to 11 nm on 225 1
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  • 257 3 St. Andrew's Society Is Revived About 23 Scotsmen met at Raffles Hotel ye.*-erday evening 1 revive th:> Singapore St. Andrew's Society. Mr. C. F. Smllh. lormer Chieftain, presided and In the cours? of tha meeting was re-elected president of the Doclstsr. Mr Smuh said that membership had bc?n sorely dephtel
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  • 92 3 A 43-year-old spinster, IflH Easterley Hugjins, was found dead m a b?th m her cottage at rhildrcy. Berkshire, her hands loosely tied, her mouth sealeci with adhesive tape. She was wrapped m a blanket, fully clothed and she was wearing a civilian tas mack. The
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  • 70 3 Having to say. 'Sorry, no cigarette*" to customers was t.O much f 67-year-old Clara Wise, of High-street, Hampton Hill, Midclesex, found] hanging m the Bat abora her ihop. libours said that she had been won if d because she had j b:en unable to get
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  • 58 3 n\\o -«st-i of Siipr'v. Mr lohn Wilmot, M.P.. ail -rfwei a Tr ss co iVerenre en P^ni illin p ;odiii(ion m London rerfntlj. Thoto shows (from risr-t to lrft>: the Minister of Rupi»l> heinir sown a bottle of cT-owinr mould for prnir'llin by Sir Alexci" et Fle.nin-,; Sir
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  • 338 3 CONSUL-GENERAL SAYS From Own Own Correspondent IPOH, Thurs. REPLYING to a speech of welcome by Mr Lav P*k Khuan, Dr. Wu Paak-shing, Chinese Consul-General, who is on a vbit here, said h r s ms-in mission was to help m the rehabilitation of Chinese
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  • 128 3 (From Our Own Correspondent) SEGAMAT, Thurs. In a rrove j to rlran up tha black market, j the Food Control Department produced 12 proffers' m the District Court yesterday and fines ranging irom $10 to C 250 were Imposed by District Judp.e Hamid bin
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  • Article, Illustration
    49 3 Two people were killed whfn a f feU« primunitinn cJumr* Mew up rent Dounr Perthshire. eMl'd 'it was thoa ht at Ant) l»y a is^ath fire, although t- n n roiv djniei. Huge craters ".ers formed m the roarf, ani tree* n*»ar!>y were stripped completely, and the country devastated.
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  • 712 3 Chinese Views Of Malayan Union Citizenship 'Would Like Pre-War As Well As New Rights' i H X consensus of opinion on Malayan Union citizenship at a meeting of Chinese individuals and representatives of Chinese organizations held at the Chinese Consulate m Kuala Lumpur on Wednesday was that the Chinese would
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  • 83 3 Malcolm Keen In Tonight's Radio Play TonUht at 10 o'clock, the Singapore station of Radio Malaya presents a special adaptation of ClifTord Bax's play "Th 2 Rose Without A Thorn," the story cf th* lov; of BSStfy VIII for Katheryn Hov.ard. The part of Katheryn will be played by Adzi
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  • 90 3 N?arly £3«,000 has been granted to the Royal Institute of International Affairs, Chatham House. by the Rockefeller Foundation for the writing of a world survey of the last 10 years. The work will be m 10 or 12 vorumes by Prof. Arnold Toynbre. c'irector of
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  • 68 3 (From O;ir Own Corrrspondfnt) KUALA LIPIS. Fri.— The Governor of the Malayan Union Fir Edward Gent, made his first official visit here on May 7. Tbf> town was beftaggrd as ths Governor, accompanied by t.h* Resident Commissioner and other officials, motored r roreh toe streets.
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  • 125 3 Britain Can't Afford Trade Disputes Moving the second reading In the Lords of the Trade Disputes and Trade Union Bill, the Lord Chancellor, Lord Jowitt, said: *I r"on't want this Bill berause I want bls»g?r and better strikes. "If we are to set out of the grave difficulties that confront
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  • 486 3 Unhappy Berlin ers Seek Religion A LTHOUGH a religious revival is sweeping Berlin, hitherto n a more or les3 unreligous city, C-ird nal Von Preysing, v.ho has returned frcm Rome, hr.s hi.^ fears re^ar iing both Germany and religion. He maintains that the fly In the ointment from the Church's
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  • 147 3 Sunday's Church Services St. Andrew's: 7, 8, 10.30, 5.30; At. Peters: 7.20, 10.30, 2.30; Garrison (Tanglin): 7.15, 9. 9.45, G3O; Christ Church: 8, 10.30, 5, 6.30: St. Hilda's: 8, 5.30 St. Pauls (Serangoont: 8: Salvation Army: 10, 3, 4; Christian Science Society: 3.00. Metho-JLsts: Wesley 10 30, 5; Straits Chinese
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  • 467 3 Gaol For Threat To Girl Trevor Sidney Mulholland, a young neatly-attirrd Msman, who "Jumped" hi? ship when the vessel called at Blngai some months ago. was sentenced to a month's rigorous Imprisonment by Mr. Paul Btorr m the First District Cowl yesterday, for threatening a dance hostess with a toy
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  • 70 3 The Ma n Who Could "Not He ar Music" George Freeland, 65-year-old Sussex man. took his lifp. the T ittbharrpton coroner was told, i s<? he was deaf ani could not hear himself play th? piano. One of his friends said was worried about his stone deafness and the fact
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  • 59 3 HITLER— IN 39 WORDS Dr. Siharnt. Hitlers former Finance Chic", giving evidence at Niremberg, gave this description of Hitler: "H a waT a semi-educatad. spmiintellectual who juggled with what knowledge he had. "No doubt he was a man of Eenii's m some resnerts. with intuition and Heas that few others
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  • 41 4 (Madam Ho Gr'.< f :iway at 6 50 n.m. on ltth mat. BsM leaves behind hi r husband, i sons, 4 daughters l son m law nnd a Rrancl child. Funeral on Sunday. May 12 at 10 a.m. at Bidadarl.
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  • 1004 4 The Straits Times Singapore Saturday, May 11, 1946 Two Loan Plans On Wednesday last the Canadian House of Commons gave a third and final reading to the Bill for the raLittcation of the proposed loan of $1,250,000,000 to Britain. On the same day, the United States Benftt* defeated an attempt
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  • 334 4 Rehabilitation The gratitude g\m i. of Hongkong's Ot Hongkong community, not only the present populace but that ior many years to come, has _e«.n earned by *-.e .r,all band of administrators that took over the early rehabilitation Job in the immediate poot-liberation period. Something more thainominal credit is
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  • Man-in-the-Street
    • 162 4 Cinema Queues In Britain, queues cf all kind] were regarded as strictly a war- j time evil. With the comin.; of the peace, this evil began slowly to disappear. It is, therefore, surprising that here m Singapore one is forced to queue before obtaining a seat at the cinema. One
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    • 126 4 The present method of rationIng petrol, especially to private car owners, calls for an immediate revision. One has to call over to the rationing office every month to fill In a form 'if you are lucky to get a form after much scrambling), deposit it there m an
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    • 82 4 It is high time the authorities employ sterner measures to eliminate gangsterism from this part of Asia. The tolerance shown by authorities has been mistaken by the criminals for weakness. These gangsters should not be treated lightly but should bo given the maximum penalty ol death or should
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    • 64 4 When the food control department came into being, I held the highest esteem and placed my full confidence irj its efficiency to assist the public m connection with foodstuffs. Today, after experience and careful observation, I find that I have to withdraw my previous esteem. The Food
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    • 47 4 The bisected two-cent stamp of Johore. S. G. No. 24. to which your correspondent refers, is not an official issue. Just as m some other cases, unauthorised stamps have gone throi^h the post with or without the knowtodftt of the employees m charge.—W. Ingold. Singapore.
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  • 1335 4 Asia Tackles The Problem of Growing More Food A RECENT publication, A Food Plan for India, issued by the Royal Institution of International Affairs, studies the admlnistratio:i measures that will be necessary to increase crop production m India, at a rate at least sufficient to keep up with the increasing
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 790 4 Wes-Tay— The engagement is anrcunced between a€r. ffu li. .si n elder son of the Hie 111. Web Chin Hock and Mrs. Wee Chin II ck to aj <Je.,k Nc-.) scconvi ightn of the late Mr. Tay Chyn 1I?-S end Mrs. Tay Chyp Hock both of Singapore. AJarrL c will
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    • 31 4 <ww nmucmiFt that way! i.HS arM H'st, Urrlfylng m Its implicatons, proves that good vision Is priceless. Take care cl your eyes. Have them examined periodically. C S CHONG. 0.D.. F.PO.C
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    • 20 4 TTif^VD Bg^gavl I^^%,/i N YOUR ILLS F^Jfc^K, -£#>% i -\-::e cuhe poworß T.cin balm ENG AUN TONG THE TIGER MEDICAL HALL
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  • 645 5 Indian Beaton or 20 Days: Died In Cell EVIDENCE of how an Indian, named Arumugam, was beaten for about 20 consecutive days m the Central Police Station until his back b came raw, his shirt bloodBtained and his he.ilth deteriorated to such an extent that
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  • 679 5 AN official Mtatcmcut, issued yesterday, says the Britislt Government is appointing: advisers to assist the labour societies m strengthening their bargaining machinery. These officials will be independent of the Labour Department although its work will be assisted greatly by their efforts. Coincident with this statement was
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  • 105 5 (From Our Own Correspondent) H'Oli, Kri When a young lMala> failfd to stop when rhafleaced by a p.>lire patrol at (iimon? Cheroh on the outskirts of Inoh yesterday, and Instead, jumped off his hicycl* and started to r:in. he was firp-l upon and killed. Scarrh of the
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  • 430 5 13 Arrests In Radio Station Robbery Thirteen peisons. alleged to have taken part m an armed gang robbery at the Cable and Wireless emergency station last Monday wcie arrested by the Police on Thursday night at a coffee shop! and m a house m Jalan Rajah. The Police recovered three
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  • 191 5 Two violently cont alt ins British documentary films shortly to be released !n Singapore theatres are "This Was Japan" and "Total War In Britain The titles spea for themselves The building up of Japans liinatical force for world domination is grimly depicted m "This
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  • 77 5 Out m the oprn air wherr (he registration of members van carried on. Mrs. J. R Gal* and Mr*, l.rong m charge of the Krnrttfcftg »am an enthusiastic n?w member m l^dy Kilkarn «ho is here s«en signing up at Thursdays me'tin-; of t'»» V.WC.A In Siniraporo
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  • 630 5 Labourer Who Struck M.P. Gaoled An incident involving a Milipoliceman and an Indian dock labourer which < thousands of dock workers to go on strike for a few hours on May 4 had a srqurl m the Third Police Court yesterday when the labourer was sentenced to a fine of
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  • 121 5 From Our Own Correspondent PENANG, Frl.— A Junk, heading for Penang with 450 cases of Deli rubber, valued at $20,000, was attacked by pirates of Pulau fMmau, according to a report by a member of the crew. The vessel had sprung a leak and the
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  • 117 5 Governor General Due On May 21 rHE Rt. Hon. Malcolm iMcDonald, Qorernor-Oem ral designate of th<> Malayan Union and Singapore, poctod lo arrive In Sir, I on the morning of M;y 21. He will be aronn H. R. Hone as hi; SecretaryC'eneral and one A D.C. I R. Hone was
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  • 74 5 From Our Own rorrrsp.tml.-nt HUANG, I tcntlon of a Chine* nearly two a i bar I by »he presiding officer, Lt -Col. A. W. a case m which a Chinese jrooth. Lim Cheoii X t, Wi with gang robt RnUna lhal tli to me?t. the presiding off
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  • 41 5 Plea For SinoIndian Amity 'Fr-ni Our Own Coi I I KUALA LUIH was made by Mr X R mln, n Indian the ciati' the p"l il Intel Chinese and Indian Identical, and li ■ns cxi?!! n the two commui I I
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  • 96 5 Jo ho re Magistrate Ente rtained Che Abdul Hamid b Mustapha was the gut at a colleagues and by the Cot m Johore nharu prior tr-ns 1 r to assui r :>r,d Batu Pahat. Speeches wcr^ made by Sh ik Ba<ar. llagiatrai Police Court Insn Manas, and by court Int
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 25 5 Always Ask For "REX" Best British Made CARBON PAPERS Fresh Shipment From England Just Arrived Obtainable Everywhere Sole Importers: 34, BOAT QUAY, SINGAPORE PHONE 25U4
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  • 726 6 SEVEN DEFEATS IN 14 RING YEARS Jack Beech, the present Ughtheavy and heavyweight champion of Mklaya, is one of the most worthy boxers ever to have held these two titles. There is good reason for saying this. When JBeech left England last year, he had already taken part m 169
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  • 978 6 Oxford, Thurs.— Batting first to-day in their match against the Indir.n cricket tourists, Oxford scorsd 256 ruiu. and when stumps were drawn the Indians had sccred 125 run3 for four wickets. SCOREBOARD OXFOED: Eile b Hazare 47 aims c Hazare b Shinde -<8 Newton Thompson
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  • 76 6 Boy Andre For Australia Boy An^re, the youn* Eurasian bantamweight from Sercinbm, has been selettcd by Jack Warner to tour Australia With Battling Sima, Ti*er Aman, Kid Pancho. Battling Khoon and Clever Sencio l-'U'h'ir; m Sin?apo-c about two months i?o, Anc'r? lost on po'nts to scnei'i but a few weeks
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  • 172 6 Compton Bowes Show Good Form LONDON, Thurs. Denis Compton, Middlesex and I England batsman, played a good Innings of 74 at Lord's today where Middlesex are meeting Leicester. While Bill Bowes, another Test player, took three wickets for 17 runs for Yorkshire against Cambridge. Batting first at Lord's Middlesex scored
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  • 206 6 There have been four chanses Ik the RAF. team to meet th? Army at rugger m aid of St. Dunstan's Fund at Jalan Besa: stadium today, kick-off at 5 1) pm Carr fWidnrst had dropped out of the side and his pla^e at right-wing threequarter
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  • 349 6 If anything happens to Billy Conn between now p.nd Tine 19, the date for his fight with Joe Louis, it will be Lee Oma who faces Louis m the title bout. Oma qualified for this honour whm he t.k.od Gus Lesnevich r.t Madison Sauare
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 819 6 JOHORE CIVIL SERVICE CLUB.] A General Meeting of members will be held In the Club Buildings at Johore Bahru on Thursday 23rd May at 5.30 p.m. It Is hoped that as many members rs possible will attend to discuss the re-cpenlng of the Club. L. V. J. LAVILLE President 1941-1942.
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    • 533 6 BRITISH MEDICAL ASSOCIATION MALAYA BRANCH. An Extraordinary General Meetini v 11! be h 'Id on Friday 17th May Hit at 5.15 pm. at the Raffles Hotel AGENDA. 1. To Approve accounts. 3. E:ert!on of Officers. 3. General DR. LEE CTiOO NEO Honorary Treasurer lOlh May 1946. THE STRAITS CHINESE BRITISH
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    • 241 6 FAMOUS A V. M l'Roi)Urr EAGLE GOANU Rubber UoatfMfcMMNl \iul yCOAGUUTMG^ Sole Distributing A«t?nf« CHID A FRANCIS Ci >.O» II M Arm? Contractor* A Shlpchandlrrs. H3-A. tx;cil Strt-ft. Sin^:ip<»re. Established m 1916. OPNMETMSTS OP7ISI.VJ3 13, Batisry Road, Singapore. For Si kvu;k Satisfaction MUDCRATI nUCKS SINGAPORE STATIONERY WART, 28. Chulia St
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  • 363 7 Russia To Give Aid LONDON, Friday. THE Arab office has issued a 1 statement which alleges that the recommendations of the Anglo-American Committee on Palestine were biased by the known wishes of President Truman and Congress. The statement alleged that the views of the
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  • Article, Illustration
    42 7 Gen. Raffael? Cadorma presenting a gold medal to the little son of the Italian patriot, Bcltrame, who died fighting against the Fascists. The presentation took place m the Piazza del Dnmo, Milan, on the anniversary of Italy's liberation from the Fascist regime.
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  • 186 7 King Of Italy Abdicates ROME, Fri.— King Victor Emmanuel signed his aberration yesterday, and embai_«._ last night with Queen Elena m the Italian cruiser Duca degli Abruzzi at Naples. The cruiser was escorted by two destroyers. The King's destination has not been > iicially revealed, but it is understood that
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  • 503 7 THE HAGUE, Fri.— The hope that the Western and Eastern democracies of Europe might draw together "m ever closer amity" was expressed yesterday by Mr. Winston Churchill m an address i to the joint session of the Dutsh I Houses of Parliament. Taking hi_ place
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  • 233 7 New Plan For Indian Govt. SIMLA, Friday. JT is reported here tcday that a strong centre with greatly enlarged list of subjects within its jurisdiction is thmain feature of the latest proposal of the British Cabinet Mission to India. The central list i$ said to include defence, finance pertaining to
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  • 251 7 PEKING. Friday. Chinese newspaper dispatches yesterday reported that the Communists were attacking the Nationalist forces at Weihsin. fen Shantung province, and two towns m Hopeh province. They also said that the Communists captured Fenchiako\ m Hopeh on Wednesday and occupied and looted Plngyao railroad station the day before,
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  • 100 7 NEW YOEI, Thurs.— Stocks moved irregularly as there was hope of the coal strike being settled. Leading shares registered losses, and lr some cases they were as wide as Allied Chemicals at a low of 200 oft* four. Toward closing conditions Improved. Allied regained half its
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 416 7 Mansfield Co., Ltd. (Incorporate m Singapore.) BLUE FUNNEL LINE Sailings to United King lorn Dates not guaranteed Cargo for Continent accepted w'.icn inducem.-ot oQer3 Glrnfinlas Due from U.K. 15 May Laomedon Due from U.K. 16 Ma) WESTERN AUSTRALIA The shortest sea route at »h* cheapest rate Single Pare: $240.00 (A
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    • 385 7 SINGAPORE BOXING ASSOCIATION An Extraoidinaiy General Meeting ot the Association will be held \l Happy World Stadium at 5 p.m. on Wednesday 22nd May 1946 Agenda. (1) Chairrmn's Address. '2) To receive and Consider the Accounts of the Association. f3> To receive applications for associate membership. (4) General AU former
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    • 332 7 YOUR WEEK END CINEMA ENTERTAINMENT IS ASSURED 100':, »t Singapore's Larjeat Theatre Showing the New cm the latest and by far the Best Picture Seen Here Slnre Our "LIBERATION 1 COLUMBIA'S TECHNICOLOR TREAT OF 1946 "THE SON ®W ROBIN HOOO" CORNFL WILDE as THE BANDIT of SHERWOOD KORFST %\T BH^^^'^Snyj^l
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  • 135 8 Supr emo Vis its Ja va During a recent tour of Java, Admiral Lord Louis Mountbatten, Supreme Allied Commander for South East Asia Command, visited several units m sections where British and Indian soldiers are t:H on jruard. This r, irture shews the Supremo .walking with Lt.-Col. E. G. Brooke
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 395 8 GARRICK GEYLANG To-day at 3.15, 6.30 9.15 p.m. M-G-M's Starlfnc Musical Extravaganza "LADY BE GOOD* Eleanor Powell, Ann Sothern, Robert Young. Lionel Barrymore, John Carroll and Introducing TWO TOPSTARS Red Skclton and Virginia O'Brien. Hear These Hot Favourites: 'Lady Be Good." "You'll Never Know," 'The Last Time I Saw Paris"
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    • 135 8 DAILY 5 SHOWS ALHAMBRA !^SS^i" WARNER BROS.* Mifhtv. New Entertainment I jik.a«i^.~ \Hfn|l/" jM ITa i u4k MIDNIGHT TO- NIGHT 4& *r*&S mii SHOC WOMEN SPEECHLESS... Jt Mmm mfWYtTrWI^E iXP^M m^k 1 1 I w mm*t¥}^^^*^fH£m 3400 uft b aa^a s n A s M =i 2r..2 r..M 3 NOW
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