The Straits Times, 9 May 1946

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • 745 1 Churchill And Eden Attack Plan To Withdraw Troops LONDON, Wednesday. THE Labour Government last night wo n a 327 to 158 vote of confidence from the llouso f Commons on its decision, announced yesterday, to withdraw all British troops from Egypt. The debate took
    Reuter; AP  -  745 words
  • Article, Illustration
    39 1 Boy scouts of all nationalities celebrated St. George's Day m lions Kong's Botanical Gardens. Major-Gen. F. W. r* sting G.OC. Land Forces, Hong Kon and others listen while one of the scouts read* the "Scouts" Promise over the microphone.
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  • 55 1 MELBOURNE, Wed— Gen. Sir lii.iinas Bfoctejr, former Comir.aii er-i.»-lhief of Australian military forces, commcn,inj on the British dec sion to withdraw all hrr armed forces from Esypt said: "Why (id ve send Australian Imperial forces to fi^ht in the Niddle East if the Suez Canal is
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  • 163 1 Evacuation Of Persia "Complete" Teheran, Wednesday. THE obviously happy Persian 1 Premier, Gnavam esSultaneh, shook hands with foreign correspondents last night and directed them to the Propaganda Minister, Prince Firouz, who quietly announced: "Gentlemen, reports \vc have received indicate that the evacuation of Persia habeen completed." Prince Fiiouz said that
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  • 68 1 NEW YORK, Wed—The United Nations Security Council subcommittee today called upon member! of the United Nations ti> furnish information on the orl >in and general conduct of the Franco regime, on the production cf uranium and war materials, on atomic research and the persecution
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  • 51 1 TOKIO, Wed.—The pilot was killed and 10 passengers injured, :\t least mx .seriously, when an American army transport plane crashed on Oshima Island, 60 south of Tokio, on Sunday The plane was en route from Nichols Field, Manila, to Tokio. The survivors wwa evacuated by air and
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  • 55 1 BATAVIA, Wed.-Netherlands East Indies troops, which clashed with Indonesian extremists at Pelaihari, south-west Borneo, killed eight Indonesians including Biz "rang leaders, 1' the Netherlands news agency rc.l today. Dutch troops on patrol in Java killed two extremists and arrested three near Tjibinong where two dispatch riders wore attacked
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  • 138 1 CAIRO, Wed.— The Egyptian Premier, Ismail Sidky Pasha announced last night that Britain's "quit Egypt' rroposal would be discussed in detail at the formal opening session of the Anglo-Egyptian treaty talks tomorrow. The Premier added that, although he had agreed to the publication of the British proposal,
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  • 125 1 Plan To Develop Iron And Steel LONDON, Wed.—A plan to develop and modernise the British iron and steel industry at a cost of £168,000,000 is the major proposal of the British Iron and Steel Federation—representing the owners in a report to the British Government —published yesterday. The publication of the
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  • 22 1 TOKIO, Wed.—The troops of the 34th Austral'an Division who are to do guard duty in Tokio arrived here today.—AP.
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  • 250 1 Commons Sit For Fifteen Hours LONDON, Wednesday.— Because the Borrowing (Control r.nd 1 Guarantee) Bill was interrupted by the debate on Egypt, and the Government insisted on getting j the Bill through before the House 1 parted, when the Coramrns rose at 5.23 a.m. <GMT> today they had sat for
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  • 136 1 SAN FRANCISCO, Wed Three shiploads of 'Operations Crossroads" personnel have left Californian ports for Bikini to take part in the atomic bomb t^sts. Among those abcard Ml sci nt fie and technical experts who will measure the bombs' multi-million degrrcs of heat, t rri c
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  • 84 1 Senate Debates Loan To Bri tain WASHINGTON, Wed.— The U.S. Senate today defeated a move to limi#the debate on the AngloAmerican loan agreement by voting 41 to limit the debate and 41 against. The adoption of the rule required a two-thirds favourable vote. Th Senate then prepared to discuss the
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  • 79 1 ATHENS, Wed. _M. Spiro Theotokis, Minister of Public Order in the Greek Populist (Royalist) Government, today ordered the closing of 150 offices in the suburbs of Athens of political organisations of the extreme Ricrht and Left. The most Important of the organisations affected were the monarchist
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  • 122 1 LONDON, Wed— A working proup of the United Nations Committ?e on refugees and disI placed p-rsons is to investigate: the position in the Far East. According to an analysis supplied by UNRRA. r?fug3fs and displac?d persons in the Far East constitute a figure approaching
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  • 209 1 NEW YORK, Wed— The publishing firm of Doubleday and Doran today release 1 'Wrath in Burma, a book by Fred Eldridse —who walked from Burma with Gen. Joseph Stilwell and remained with the General until he was removed in which he made startling charges against
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  • 41 1 OTTAWA, Wed—The Canadian House of Commons tonight by 167 votes to six gave a third and final reading to the bill for ratification of the proposed $1,250 000 Canadian loan to Britain. The bill now goes to the Senate.—ReuUr.
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  • 232 1 INDIAN DEFENCE TALKS SIMLA, Wed.— A British proposal for a strong central autho- rity for Indian defence will be j presented at the conference of Indian leaders and British 'Cabinet nre-fbers hera today. informed sources said. The British ministers will offer the plan alter consultations with Gen. Sir Claude Auchinleck,
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  • 255 1 Big Four May Drop Talks Paris, Wednesday. THE British and American 1 delegates to the "B.g Four" Foreign Ministers' Conference here are considering breaking up tb.2 Conlerencj for two or three weeks as there are so many dadlccks. On Tuesday. M. Mclotov ths Delegate, c'a;hci sharply with the ether ministers
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  • 57 1 NEW YORK. Wed.— Rerorts that the Truman Administration was attempting to rrins: about an end to the coal stiike brought inv?stors back into the stock market yesterday, and prices dosed from fractions to above $2 a share higher, wiping earlier losses Steel, Automobile. Rubber and Railroad shares led
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  • 41 1 COLOMBO. Thurs— Colombo Harbour work?r> return to work today after a four VMki strikr. Reuter. DETROIT. Wed.— The For* motor works is at a standstill due to the 17 S. coal strike and shortage of rail. ay transport. Reutet.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 53 1 RADIOS KEE 4-iUAT RADIO D /2t-f24 OfKWWD OD. TELEPHONE kSC6 CAMBORNE ENGLAND ionoon ovnet- broad JimiT mouu tea Specialists in Mining, Quarrying, Civil Engineering, Compressed Air Plant Equipment. Machines Spares available ex stock, Singapore. Resident Engineer: F.F.L. Morgan WMW M JACKS CO. (MALAYA) L™ OCEAN BUILDING PHONE: 6256 SINGAPORE P.O.
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  • 413 2 Control Deadlock In Korea RUSSIA MAY RULE IN THE NORTH INCREASING anxiety is felt in London that Korea or at least the half of it north oi the 38th parallel which divides the Russian and American spheres of control is degenerating into another Azerbaijan, with Russia manoeuvring for the sort
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  • 233 2 British 'Jet' Well Ahead— Says U.S. U.S. anxiety over British gasturbine progress stands revealed in Senate and Press. Says American Aviation: "It is generally conceded the British are considerably ahead of the U.S. today in jet and turbine development. "The Eritish won't bs lagging behind in transport three years fiom
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  • 167 2 (Shipowners are considcrins rubstantial addition* to their fleets, and to get tonnage immediately some are making an effort to obtain dollar exchange wttfa a view to purchasing vessels from the colcssal block of surplus American shipp.. Some of these ships would be useful acciiiisiucns to the
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  • Article, Illustration
    98 2 Seen here Is Wynford Vaughan Thomas. British nroa'castin,' Corporation commentator (holding microphone), who stood in Oxford Street, near Marble Arch, London, recently and selected four people from the passers-h.v as a "Quiz" team. They competed against a resident BBC t?am (Christopher Stone. Margaret Stewart, Anona Winn, Daniel George)
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  • 43 2 BERLIN, Wed.— Criminal investigation agents of the U.S. irmy today announced that they had arresed 12 more Germans lor operating a fa'ce penicillin narket. Thirty-tv,-o Germans are low beino; held for trial on :harges of selling spurious penicillin.— UP.
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  • 177 2 WASHINGTON, Wed.—Experts here predict serious financial difficulties for the new booming American aircraft and air transport industries. Just about the time their European contemporaries hope to have made up ground as the result of the war. The experts base their prediction on the fact that if
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  • 53 2 MELBOURNE, Wed.—T hree men, James Miller and his two sons, who are working a claim in Chewton gold area, near Victoria goldfield. Bendigo, reoorted today a promising fina of rich coarse gold only 30 f .>et down. They said a reef had oeen proved for 150 feet
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  • 397 2 MR. H. J. Weeber, Mayor of OdendaaLs Rust (Orange Free State), a lonely huddle of buildings, was smiling. He said: "Soon this village will be a city." Here, where 300 people live in wooden and iron shac k*. where there is one public
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  • 136 2 Commons Have Bed, Breakfast Sleeping: on lers have now been provided in the House of Commons for these If. P. a who have no other accomni vrfeen Parliament ri.-c.i after en allniaht or very late sitting. In future they will answer the eaD "Who Cccs Home? by rcMr:n«r to the
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  • 65 2 MILAN Tues —Sentences un to 30 years' penal servitude hav-j been passed by the Milan Co'.irt on leaders of the four-dav revolt wliich startPd at San Vittore prison on Easter Sundnv Giacomo Rega/iini. the leader was sentenced to 30 years and F~io Bcr^ieri to
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  • Article, Illustration
    46 2 A street suit in a aafl ■r.r.i(c loured woollen. It has A corselet skirt wit^i an easy, swinging hem, and a loose three-qnarter-lensth coat. The blouse is in vivil green silt, and the hat is clouhlenrimmed straw in the same bright grern. trimmed with velvet ribbon.
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  • 163 2 TO AFRICA BY AIR -VIA U.S.! RATHER than wait up t'l two years for a passaga frcm Britain to Su!h Africa, many among the 10,000 pnoplo eagor to travel ther? arc noing 3,000 miles in the opp>x;ito direction— via Now York and Betting there in vv y .< m: a
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  • 280 2 Contract Bridge N. ii her sidf vulnerable Nor Hi dealf-r NORTH K 10 g J7 6 OA J i A I I WIST UsT AaJ: S a K IJ 4 i [QIH ?6A Q J A 5 4 mm 6 V A lo 09 6 4 A A K in
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 212 2 (6rp?ttngH from BEST GEE PTY. LIMITED BEST GEE PTY. LIMITED send their greetings to their many friends and customers. Their dii^ct representative, Mr. W. ROTH, partner of late F. B. VODAK, ROTH 6L COMPANY, Hill soon return to Malaya. In the meantime BEST GEE PTY. LIMITED and Mr. W. ROTH
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 357 2 RADIO PROGRAMMES SINGAPORE RED MTVVOBK from noon to 2 p.m. and 6 30 to 11 p m on 225 metres from noon to t p.m. on 4.813 met/sec. Id 61 metre band and fro-n 7.45 to 9.30 p.m on 4 78 msc/wc Is 61 metre band CHINESE noon to 1.15
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    • 347 2 MAY II 7.20 a.m. Radio Newsreel, a. 05 am Ballet Music, 8.20 a.m. News.. 8.38 a.m. The Robinson Family. 6.20 p.m. News, 6.38 p.m. U.ll.C. Theatre Orchestra, 7.20 p.m. Music. 8.20 p.m. News, 8.30 p.m. Korccs Programme, 8.35 p.m. Jack Fayne und his orchestra, 9.23 p.m. B.B.C. bymphony Orchestr?. 10.20
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    • 242 2 International Celebrity, 12 noon Hollywood Parade. 1230 pm. Bfllet Music. 1 p.m. News Headlines, 1.01 pjn. Singing For You. 130 pm. They Missed The Parade, 2 p m. News Headlines. 2.01 p.m. Foot- ball Fixtures, 2 15 p.m. Heard Melodies 1 Are Sweet. 3 p.m. Comedy Carman. 3 30 pm
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  • 49 3 Salute to the Boy Scouts in Iki top ricture v. as giv?n at Hong Kong on St. (Seorge's Tay by Maj. Gen. F. \V. Fcstin;, G.OC. Land Forces, Hang Konj. Below, one of th: scouts reads the well-known 'Scout's promise. (Army Film Unit Pictures).
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  • 265 3 Legal Point To Be Argued In War Trial Can Japanese civilians r.ot employed by the military b3 tried as war criminals? Argument of this legal point, raised by defenco counsel, is expected to be the bi/hUsht ot the final sta?e of th? trial v/hich conclid;s to-day in the First Singapore
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  • 130 3 Former Y.W.C A. club ard committee members are enthusiastically working on th2 re-es.abash-ment of th? Y.vv.c.A. In Kuala L'tmour and P<>nang, according to Miss Owen of the Y.W.C.A who has "(turned trom an upcour.try tour Many young gir's are enrolling In clubs which
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  • 74 3 .•!i Our Own Correspondent iron. v\ ed. in- Resident Csmt ner of Pcrak, Mr. A. C. J tnaron reveals that the Pomk H ,Uo:ial Advisory Council, formo:i In December last, will continue tr> rewe under th? civil administration until a derision is rea?hed I -thfds of election
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  • 332 3 S.H.B. Man To Develop Fremantle Harbour A FORMER chief civil cngir Eoard has been engagec Western Australia to advise mantle harbour and the prov He is Mr. F. W. E. Tydeman who, for *he next two years, will also make inquiries concerning a site for a dock and the removal
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  • 405 3 House Possession Contested In Court /.n inquiry as to which party is in actual possession cf a house In Pierce Road was heard before Mr. Paul "Storr in the First District Court yesterday. The parties concerned were the applicant, a Chinese v/cman, named Tan Soo Enp. and the respondent Isaac
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  • 935 3 Scheme To Train Planter Recruits In Malaya DEMOBBED MEN GET AD VICE FROM R. G.A. From Straus Times London Correspondent INDEK discussion in London at the present time li a plan lor training planter recru:ls in Malaya. The suggesion is that a course of training of 12 months should be
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  • 57 3 (From Our Own Correspondent) PENANG, Wed:— A da> light shooting occurred here yesterday afternoon when Majhar Singh, a watchman, employed by a storehouse in Prssgrave Street, was killed by two shots fired by three unknown gunmen just as h? was having lunch wi'.h his wife. The
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  • 193 3 Memorial To British Killed In Java A memorial to the men and women of the British Empire Commonwealth of Nations, killed In the Netherlands East Indies, will be erected In the compound of the English Church in Batavia. Lieut. Gen. Montagu Stopford. C-in-C., Allied Land For:es. South-East Asia, will unveil
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  • 227 3 (From Our Own Correspondent) IPOH, Wed:— An audacious attempt to victimise the ovnn of a grocer's shop rght In the middle of the town yest'rday was successfully frustrat-d whfn plain clothes d-tectives ambushed three members of a gang who designate themselves as "The 303" and have
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  • 162 3 CINGAPORE within a fort»3 night will bo right on tha civil air map. Two Sunderland livingboats will mike Sinfja stopping point on a s»ti through :erv ce Jr. m I!i3 United Kingdom 111 1 An i and back again. At present, i:oac run thrca flyinrr-boat
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  • 138 3 Tributes To Leaders Of India From Our Own Corr-spondent KUALA LUMPUR. Wed.— A trl;>utp io the mem try of Bhnini)i\il Desal, Nationalist leader f India, whose death occurred on > c v;as paid at a conclol?rc<-. hid under the "f the t '-:an';cr Indian As .tciat'on y sterday. Dr. Cholkar,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 236 3 THE NOUVEAUX COMPAHI have pleasure Jn advising tr>eir former SBSSSJ that thr-v han rWMBMSmi business at their old premises In LAIDLAW BUILDINO— Top P.o ,r Room 20 under the style of: THE CLIPPER TRADING COMPANY Mr. Paul Robltschpk. proprietor of the Corrnrnv has lvcentlv r»>i.irncd from Australia and extends his
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  • 38 4 Mrs. D. M. Ranaslnshe and family convey their thanks to all those wIV) have a stated in the Cremation of her beloved husband and those who have sent wreaths and telegrams of cor.dol «ncc in their bereavement.
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  • 159 4 Chan Keng Gcjw sole proprietor of Messrs: Lam Guan Co.. passed awav peacefully at his residence No. 61, Club Street, Singapore, on tne 6UI Instant at 9.40 A.M. leaving behind his beloved wife Madame Kay Yue Tee, one son Chan Chen Chuan Ullar Chan Kok Hong), one daughter Madame
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  • 655 4 The Straits Times Singapore, Thursday, May 9, 1946. Good From Evil We described in a recent leidin^ article some of the progress made by various belligerents in the search for regret weapons whi-h vas maintained intensively throughout the war. We did not then t:uch upon what was ptrhaps the mo
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  • 482 4 It can hardly be disputed that the press, politicians and people of Britain and the United States have up to now shown an almost angelic patience in face of the abuse and vilification that have poured In a constant stream out of Moscow on their unoffending heads.
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  • Other Opinions
    • 96 4 Soviet Economy *n Russia, taxes come out of tiie lood the worker eats and the clothing he wears, and, unlike some other peoples, the Russians do not fool themselves with painless alternatives. Furthermore, in the classless society, artisans pay more income tax than artists: high officials in government and stateoperated
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    • 145 4 We me^ n0 troubl2 in Burma or Malaya because we moved in 'there quickly and in such force as the East ic^fts. The French could only go back to Saigon, the Dutch to Java, on our shoulders. We had induced thorn to put their shipping into the
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  • 1633 4  - The Future Of The King Of The Belgians Samuel Lubell THERE is a little afreet 1 here in Brussels which just about sums up Belgium's political crisis It is known as "Rue D'One Personne," meaning "Street of One Person' and it gets its name from the fact that it is
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  • Man-in-the-Street
    • 232 4 Flying the skies yet lacking the vision of the vulture, the kite, and the eagle, the two critics ol your London letter. J.E.E.L. and K.A., R.A.F., Spore, venture to wax sarcastic over the tar vision rnd excellent powers of observation and deduction possessed by your London Correspondent.
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    • 81 4 I think everyone will agree that it will be a great relief and a little bit more like old days if the management of the S.T.C. adopt V e pre-war system of putting a small coloured square board on the driver's windscreen such as green and red for
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    • 315 4 I was in a party at a piciu- out at Bedok Point yesterday and after lunch, while looking out to sea. we noticed a man in the water close to the spot where we were, and he was catching jellyfish which happened to dc flouting on the
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    • 137 4 S'r Edward Gent, the Governor of the Malayan Union, has made 8 timely move in the formation iof a committee to examine the i Question oi was i high «'o i of living. All v.a i earners will follow the investigation with interest. While other types and
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    • 130 4 "Were you here before the War?" is a auestion that i.s occoming increasingly diilicult tor me to answer truthfully or with civility. This opening salutation that I am being "daily, in contact with many European.; i facet 'drop* when they get a negative an I didn't know
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    • 46 4 Now that the civil Government is here, the question of transport for office workers p.nd other i and from the town, particularly in the U^por Serangoon an, becomes vory apparent, v.' t nm a shuttle bus service during rush hours and relieve pressure, Clerk, Singapore.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 595 4 The engagement is announced between P/Lt L.E.H. Scotchmer (R.A.F.) of Chesterfield, Derbyshire, and LACW Pamela A. Tivey (W.A.A.F.) of Harrow, Middlesex, England SITUATIONS VACANT "WANTED Typist for European Im-pn-t House. Box 113 Btrlata Ti-.ncs. WANTKD a Tamby for offire work salary J4O apply Eox No 902 c o Straits Times
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    • 33 4 Gouts mnouGHUft that way! This I) ief le^t, U'liitylns In Its impllcatroas, proves that good visl.n is priceless. Take care of your eyes. Have them examined periodically. C S. CHONG. 0.D.. F P.O.C.
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  • 793 5 'Occupation Doctors" To Get $75 A Month Temporary Staffs Revert To 1941 Schemes IVITHOUT any prior warning, pre-war senior medica took diplomas under the Japanese a nd were enga Seng Hospital by the B.M.A., have been t old, in a shori to be reduced from $220 a month to $75
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  • Article, Illustration
    112 5 If jou see a tin like the on- in these pictures, aboat five in'hes long and three inches in diameter ly'.ng on the beaches or anywhere else. leave it alone; (Isc it might exnlole in your fa-e A bomb oi this kind was p'eked up at Pulau Rukom recfntly. Three
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  • 306 5 life Term For Collaborating With Japs H'rum Our Own Correspondent.) ■ALACCA, Tues:— Sentence of I imprisonment was passed By on a 35-year-old HainaB, Kho Ah Beng, who was Hid guilty by a British OfnH Court today on a collabora- charge. Lt-Col. W. A. Br-Kerr was president of the Hie case
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  • 183 5 Tradesman On Helping Enemy Charges •om Our Own Correspondent) it the end of the preliminary uiry into allocations against v Khai Patt, Camrron ds tradesman, the Ipoh t?, Che Samsudin, committed used to stand trial in the jerior Court on the three irg?s of assisting the enemy by ing information
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  • 132 5 Citizenship Criticised rom Orr Own Con KUALA LUMPUR, Wd. A jmorandum. c:itit-i;ing the? ilayan Union citizenship prosals and stating that they of a number or I a subst of un realism has jmitted by tho Malayar >cratic Union to Sir t Malaya rhe memorandum su ai In order to
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  • 45 5 Found guzlly of the murd r of an Indian, named Ovran, ?n the Andamans in Mky 1944, Chief Petty Officer Chuuji in sentenced to death by hanging by Lt. Col. (J. Pcr.cfxk in the Sixth War Crimes Court yesterday.
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  • 670 5 From Our Own Correspondent) MALACCA, Tues:— How he wao tuven the "electric treatment' at the Japanese Kempeitai Headquarters several times when he refused to confess that a Roman Catholic priest. Rev. Father R. Dubois, ha.d discussed war news in his house, was told in the Buperior
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  • 656 5 "I WAS taken before a Japanese officer uiihcut a word i 1 spoken. I was made io kneel and lake off my s!:trt, after which the beatings starieJ immediately, first by lira Malays, followed by an lirJian. and then by a Japanese ■fiicer. Rict sticks tad
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  • 431 5 RAUB GOLD MINE LIESINDESOLA TION DAUB Australian gold i I*• only large gold mine tern war produced about month, is a devastated and All plant and machinery j been destroyed or removed, station at Sempam, situated virtually intact and is being oi authorities for the distributi township of Raub and
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  • 123 5 Maximum prices for fi^h have Bzcd. with effect item t->-umriciw. If landings of n^ii are high, prk is can b? cxvc b? lower thaa th- maximum T is maximum prices per katl arr as i ilnv Chznehani 8<) cents, Kuraa $2.70. M-rah $1.80, Parang Pari
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  • 63 5 U.S. Army Men Staying Here Indefinitely than ■■<) ;:i number, v. ill remain h( by Ami ric: n ivcn first refusal. the b;U-f thai mm were moving oat porn ruin to Davis of th; US. I. en account of ratloi r •v. reIn Singapore pi Ue-i Ea Batavia Two British
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 75 5 V2IV&WW r^?n THEATRE or; JUSSILISIS TEL. 3405 TOD A Y BOOK NOW 11 A. H 1. IJI, C.3i) I P. M. p jny g V t >a. v 'wj^^gj lil^ff %vi I^nrfi mLLl^^bSjPl oflgo>SSSaw L^Lvi^Bw^tH *vL9*^>^gMkk^ I kA I Hi V■ jK x *fl sK .4H fft \t W I
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  • All The Lates Sports News
    • 44 6 International Motor Racing Again International motcr-raclng has been revived again, and 40,000 enthusiasts crowded to see the first event since the war at Nice. Picture shows the Italian, VHlorcsi, who won the first prhe of 5C0.000 fnncs, taking a wide bend in his Maseratti.
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    • 538 6 AIRMEN AND CIVILIANS DRAW 2-2 Thrilling Soccer Sino-Malays 2 R.A.F. 2. In a soccer match that started tamely and wanned up to a thrilling finish, the Sino-Malays and the R.A.F. dr. w two goals— all at Jalan Besar stadium yesterday. It wa.s ths second big soccer match in the R.A.F.
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    • 783 6 Worcester, Tues. Worcester beat the Indian Cr -elect lourisis today in a thrilling finish by 16 runs. Worcester .scored 284 runs in their second innings and the Indians, alter a poor start, recovered magnificently and were only 17 runs short of victory when their last
      Reuter  -  783 words
    • 120 6 The Eelangor Toff Oub'l Spring Extra mc'/i*"i will be held on May 25 find June 1, and entries will closa an Wfdresday, May 15. Twu runs are being provided f' r horses in claaMs one, 'vo, three and four. Class one horses will run tver six furlongs and
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    • 49 6 CAMBRIDGE. Masachusetts, Tues.—Cornell's 'varsity crew defeated Harvard. Princeton and Massachusetts Institute ot Technology in that order in the annual regatta on*the Charles Fiver on Sunday. Cornell travelled the mile and three-quarter course in 9 min. lf> sec. agcinst a stiff headwind tc win by two lengths -A.P.
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    • 56 6 GENEVA, Tu;s.—Czechoslovakia won the European basket-ball tournament on Sunday night, defeating Italy by 34 to 32 points. Hungary was third After defeating France by 38 to 32 Great Britain c'id not distinguish itself, eominj last of the other six teams competing. Switzerland ranked fourth, followed by Holland, Belgium, Luxembourg.
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    • 65 6 NEW YORK, Tues—Mr. James J. Johnson, British-born boxing manager, died her- suc"denly to-day from a heart attack at the age of TO. Mr. Johnson was a former Madison Square Ga:d?n promoter and encouraged overseas ooxers. He managed Phil S:ott when he toured the United States In 1935, when
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    • 144 6 BUENOS AIRES, Wed.—Arscntina's ra;s horses soon may be running for the Govern.r.ent. U the polit col plan to nationalize the country's several rac2 tracks is carried out. Nationalizing racing would mean the addition of many millions in revenue to Government wealth, and would mean a
      AP  -  144 words
    • 109 6 10,000-Mil e Trip For Racing Yacht PLYMOUTH, Tu-s.—Competing .T£ain on June 29 for honours In n New York to Bermuda race, Michael H. Mason's 52-foot ya.%l, Latifa, will sail soon for New York on the first part of a cruise which—including tie rare and the voyage horn?—will ta'.ie the trim
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    • 60 6 BRISBANE. W'd. The BrishMie Amateur Turf Club will run tiie richest sprint rac? in the British Empire with stakrs worth £10.000 when a sev.n furlong race is bein^ hold at tho Dscembcr racetrack. Thr stamen eiuai to thos? of the ri h M lbourne Cup rac-!, and tbs
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    • 420 6 In a friendly badminton match of five singles end two doubles the Maxfii Badminton Party beat the Epcrtlight Badminton Party on Sunday by four games to three at the Sporti light B.P. court. The detailed results are. Maxfll B.P. players mentioned flrst: Sln-;I?s: Ng Chens Hua lost
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    • 63 6 Dei by Hope Wins CHESTER, Tues.— lord Derby saw his Derby candidate Sky High win the Chester Kai-e run over one-and-a-half miles the Derby distance— here this afte-noon. Sky nigh s illustrious sire, Hyperion, won this race before his triumph in the I)tl>\. Lord Derby will have GaM Stream, Fleet
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    • 272 6 Up-Country Sport Lee Soon Wee Bats Well (Fnm Cur Own Corre-pondenO S2REMBAN. Mon —A fine innings by Lee Soon Wee, the former Selangor and Malay States cricketer, was a feature of a cricket match'herd on Sunday when the "Malayan Union XI" from Kuala Lumpur met the Ne;ri Sembi'an Club, the
      272 words
    • 117 6 (From Our Own Correspondent) TAIPING. Mon -Playing a c;ean game of soccer, the Royal Devon Yeomanry of Tpoh beat a combined Civilian ur.d Military Taiping XI by three goals to one. Martell (2) and Hornsby scored for the winners, and Sallehudin scored for Taiping. Athlete Honoured STOCKHOLM. Tues.-A
      117 words
    • 154 6 Segamat League Soccer (From Our Own Correspondent) SEGAMAT. Turs.—ln a Segamat Soccer Lca?ue fixture, the Malays A scored a five-two victory over the SDU, on the town parfang. The Malays scored thr^c goals in the first half and two in the second. The SDU. n?tt3d twL-e before the enri. R.A.MC.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 748 6 NOTICE TO CONSIGNEE MS "Kong Haakon VII' is expected to arrive from Copenhagen via Ports on the 11th Instant and will discharge car^o In the roads. Consignees should apply to Boustead Co Ltd Union Building, for delivery orders, and send their lighters alongside vessel tc receive car^o. SINGAPORE ST. ANDREW'S
      748 words
    • 412 6 l-juiious A. V. M. f'm.liiU FAMOI St. R— smooth. I ill. rich, II m nives extra fraprance Ac booquet ci:ak\cti.r ban choice t^.i leaves I ONOMICAL— you use MM "Durbar" per cup— lt's N rich in A. V. M. Abul Kasim Cro 73. CkWM Ouan St S pore. Phone
      412 words

  • 573 7 Labour M.P. Alleges U.S. Hoards Grain WASHINGTON and LONDON, Wednesday. THE United States has decided to maintain her food allocation to her zones of occupation in Germany and Japan and to reject the British argument that Allied countries, India in particular, should take precedence.
    573 words
  • 114 7 KONG KONG. Tuesday.— The Erar.?h of the Chi- oreian Office is acce.;tin3 itions r om Chinese who G3?ir? to retrrn to their homes in Malaya, and Borneo. mts have to bo guaranteed Kong firm or shop. Many persons, unable to secure such guarantees, plan to appeal
    114 words
  • 158 7 U.S. Striking Miners Gun Fight NEW YORK, Tuesday— There has been a gun battle at Benham, Kentucky, between membr; of America's United Mineworkers Union, at present on strike, and the "Progressive Mineworkers" who are not on strike. One man has been killed and six wounded. Owing to the coal shortase
    Reuter  -  158 words
  • 90 7 German Secret Gold Deposits NUREMBERG, Wed Walter Funk, war-time President of the Reichsbank, was confronted with a film showing Germany s secret gold deposits found by the Allies in bank vaults, which included gold-filled teeth and gold dentures, at the Nuiemberg court today. Funk denied any knowledge ot the teeth,
    Reuter  -  90 words
  • 64 7 LONDON. May 7— Mr. Devadas Gandhi, son of the Indian leader and managing editor of the •Hindustan Times," who has been on a mission to Britain to try to obtain a large allocation of newsprint for papers in India, left Hum Airport, Hampshire, this afternoon
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 61 7 ROME Wed. -Two people have "onlessed U) stealing Mussolini's oody from its grave in a Milan cemetery tn ADril 22-23 night, a Rome news-ap^r said today The people were arr:sted after a third party had gone to the police claiming to represent them and
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • 74 7 TOKIO. Wed— The Allied Command told the Japanese Government tolay that Srtsuya Beppu, Japanese Consul-Gene-ral in Dublin, no loncrr had a job. Rrppu continurd at lii.s post despite an alleged Japanese order to close the Consulate and turn over all records to Allied officials. Bmpu
    UP  -  74 words
  • 236 7 Germans To Make-Up U.S. Cotton WASHINGTON. Wed. The United States is to ship 154,000 bales of cotton to Germany for manufacture in German iril'; America will ac^pt manufactured ttwt'lr.s a.s payment for the cotton, and they will hr told in Germany and possibly other European countries, announces Mr. Clinton P.
    AP  -  236 words
  • 155 7 LONDON. Wed— The Un. Nations Organizations spcommittee ot refugees and di-.-plartd persons to;ay iicard Australian ddagalM dei Australia's preparedness to mit refusees. A target figure of 70,000 Im- mtgrmnta annually had been set by the Australian Government, the spokesman said, ana a proportion of this
    UP  -  155 words
  • 294 7 LONDON, Wed.— The Judicial) Committee of the Privy Council, the highest judicial authority in the British Empire, studied albums of more than 500 photoprraphs yesterday, seeking some due that would help to determine j whether the claimant to a rich I Indian domain, as big
    294 words
  • 389 7 "Danger Of Quit India INDIA VM no more united than the states of Europe, except with a superficial un'ty which' had created by British rule and guidance «n the last hundred years, .!<•- clarcd Mr. Wmston Churchill wlien the freedom of the city of Westminster was conlcr/cd on him
    389 words
  • 241 7 German man Experts For Britain. i.ONDON, Xue.v— Gcrmaj I are coming to Britain If cooperate with British scientists, it was announced yesterday .>/ Mr Arthur Woodburn. Parliamentary Secretary to the M try o. Supply They are about 25 I aathoritirs on aeronautics all non-nazis and they will work at t
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 634 7 AUCTION SALE OF FREEHOLD LEAGEHOLD PROPERTIES. To be betd :it The sale room of MESSRS. CHEONO KOON SENG ft CO., LTD.. No 1 Chulla S'rcet Sineapore. On ajetoestay, lStk May 1916. at 2.30 p.m freehold lane situate at Buckley TCoad, Si.icapor? area 36,095 sq. It. (Messrs. L-'ew N;;pi r Solicitorsr.
      634 words
    • 401 7 KVM MM (Ravsl P:iM 4 rt X;> ra'lm (nl In^orp. in tl>o ftf tllClWlwfc Th^ m.T. "VAM HSUTB: will Iravr ■SinKap ire for Hon-^konß Swalow Amoy on Mnv Iftth I Tor cargo space and passii-< i. Irrt Sbimiinu K P It. Bui'd'iiK. PhOM 750fl and 648? BLCAcnrNa rowiwf hypo sri.riiini;
      401 words
    • 159 7 MansfisM Cl., I. mil t) wb»n in Alitilorhll* I GlnnflMiflS DM fro-i IK '1 M*v NIIIUN Ai'Hinin rate Sin** l»re !f.»««0 KM Singapore S:ra*M Stramr.liip o '.!d. »nd Sarawak S Co 1 t rl Rrrvlr^f to flrtll-.h .North nonic» koh IM A DM <>a N 1) p!.?» F-rirc Airway* Br
      159 words

  • 70 8 fottHg Mfl!av e'r'" begin thr iMMtf I».incr Mgnin«<l h-.rk j;i nrul f:f Sinjj«Tn«rp'«i (iovrrntnent House. Occasion was xhihition of «lnn "njj by local school children. IiMM Iff! CMmm jjirls prrfrrrcil f;in Hitnring but Javanese dancer (right) went in for a different style*. l>rspi(e high cost of
    70 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 181 8 GARmCK.-..C,F.YLAW I PKone «407* T. < ■■> > ■< *m |MM( 'ir?ini* Brnoc In M's 1 E r F-REEDOM RING" With Vlotnr M«<>T^flrl<'n frii^v Ki I M>-»'- ire of th S« Y C. W. MlgllMy f A fjf pm iffff f.Tfi VFW TI»K^" "Ml Ope*!*-* f« r~nrrtrw Tft.l* Hfivo-nprj >.»
      181 words
      219 words