The Straits Times, 8 May 1946

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • 422 1 Temporary Headquarters To Be Set Up In Penang THE Rt.-Hon. Malcolm MacDonald, Governor General of the Malayan Union and Singapore, is expected to arrive in Singapore on May 18, the Straits Times understands. He will remain m Singapore for about two days and
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  • 305 1 Challenge To Soviet Secrecy Paris, Tuesday. 'THE United States and Bri1 tain are reported to be ready to insist that Ru.--s.« lift her secrecy v:-il from Eastern Europe as the "Big Four" Foreign Ministers turn to th^' consideration of p^azt s with the Baikaa na: ons. The United States Secretary
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  • Article, Illustration
    50 1 Hundred! cf prwpccthpt buyers waiting for the opening of the r. .i;>a of :2i."» cars and vans and 100 motor-cyiles irfeicll v o ■mplin stock from the National Fir» Service and othtr ti il defence organisations and wen» sold to th«- nublic at the Park Hatch Depot, near Godalming, Surrey.
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  • 277 1 Withdrawal From Persia Unverified NEW YORK. Tues— The j'ersian Ambassador, Hussein Ala, states m a letter to the Secre-tary-General of the United Nations: Organisation, Mr. Trygve Lie, that Soviet troops have De-en completely evacuated from toi.r northern provinces of Persia, but he is unable to give a directly verified report
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  • 153 1 Another Grenade In Cairo CAIRO. Tuo3.— Another grenade was thrown Irom a car in the Albassa district of Cairo last nislit, injuring a woman and a child. It was officially announced that, of the 12 persons wounded when a hand grenade was thrown at ths door of the Y.M.C.A. club
    Reuter  -  153 words
  • 19 1 Jap Buddhism T";: t O, Tues. Japanese Mists have announced plans fr.«" a ra'ionwlde campaign for new followers.— AP.
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  • 112 1 Tungku Musa Uddin, installed Sultan of Sclangor by tho Japa- es3, has returned to Singapore i Ircm tho Cocas-Keeling Islands/ to which he had be?n sent under j detention by th? British ■authorities. Tungku Musa Uddin, who is tho dr'est brother of the Sultan
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  • 113 1 Gandhi Sees The Viceroy SIMLA, TiiCi.— Uli: Gandhi had a talk with Field Marshal Vis-jcunt Wavell, Vice oy of India, and the Cabinet mission here last night at Viceregal Lodge. His visit followed the conlerence of the Cabinet mission and representatives of Congress and Muslim League. After a two-hour session
    Reuter  -  113 words
  • 63 1 Australians To Guard Hirohiio TOKIO, Tu?s.— S:vvn hunched .'•rack troons of V\? 3ith Australian Infantry Division will arrive in Tokio tomorrow p« \h? firs'. British Commonwealth Occupation Force contingent to b? sta'icned her?. Commanded by Col. L. W. j Thornton, the troops will be part of the Al'ied forces engaged
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  • 50 1 New B re it on Woods Appointment WASHINGTON, Tues. The former Belgian Finance Minister, M. Camille Gutt, has been appointed Managing Director of the Bretton Woods International Monetary fund. His appointment, proposed by the acting Managing Director and the American executive director, Mr. Harry D. White, was approved unanimously.— Reuter.
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  • 62 1 Nurses Protest At $20 Rate Between ten and fifteen probationary nurses attached to the Tan Tock Seng Hospital remained away from wora yesterday as a protest against a salary cut from $35 a month to the 1941 $20 rate. The nurses are supplied with free board and furnished quarters The
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  • 77 1 Admiral Lord Louis Mountbatten, Suprem; Allied Commander, South-East Asia, left £ingapcre last night for Nepal, where he is to h invested with the Star of Nepal by the Maharajah 1 his order has been awarded to him m recognition of his contribution to Allied victory. It
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  • 110 1 No Cabinet Crisis For France PARIS, Tues— The victorious Popular Republican Movement has promised that so far as it is concerned, no government crisis is to follcv.' the nations rejection of the left-win^ constitution. It is not considered likely that I the left wing parties will provoice a rupture before
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  • 86 1 House Approves Aviation Bill LONDON. Tues— The British Government's plans for public ownership of British air transport were approved m principle by the House of Commons last night when the Opposition amendment m the name of Mr. Churchill and others rejecting the Civil Aviaticn Bill was defeated. Under the bill,
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  • 61 1 Giral To Present Spanish Case LONDON: Tues.— Don Jose Giral. premier of the .Spanish rxilod republican government, today told a press conf?r?nc3 that he would personaUy pres?nt to the United Nations S'curity Council subcommittee on Spain a memorandum provin? that Gen Franco was a threat to «vo-;d peace. He said
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  • 159 1 CAIRO, Tues. All British j troops arc to be withdrawn from Egypt, acccrdinz to a statement 1 issued by the British Embassy I this morning. The statement said: 'The Bri- tlcfa Government propose to withdraw all British naval, military and air forces from Egyp- i
    Reuter  -  159 words
  • 38 1 PARIS, Tues— Col. Raoul de jWavrin, Gen. de Gaulle's former counter-espionage chief, is under close arrest on orders of his miliI tnry superiors, it is confirmed, but reasons have not yet been made 1 known.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 193 1 THE Anglo-Siamese excharga of textiles, medical sup1 plies, wheat and cigarettes for rico is taking place m Singapore. A report m the Siamese newspaper Aiasab states that a ship left Bangkok on Api 1 29 rice for Singapore and will return
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  • 100 1 Jap P.M.'s Appointment Today TOKIO. Tuesday. Fis expected that Tetsu Katayama will be aDpoint?d Japanese Prime Minister to- morrow. It is believed that General Mar Arthur will approve. ii~.c appointment as Tetsu Katayaraa is known to b? a devout Christian and to have Ion? !>'• n opposed to the military
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  • 91 1 TOKIO, Tues Defence counsel for the major Jananc.-e war criminal suspects mdi ted today that they wouli augment their efforts to save thru clients' lives by a running attack on the jurisdiction of the court Dr. Ichiro Kivose explained to the tribunal today that future defence
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  • 63 1 NEW YORK. Mon— Stocks declined fractions to more than two points today, reflecting the growing seriousness of the ccal strike. The progressive decline m the share list was accompanied by small trading volume This meant many operators were on the sidelines and others moderately trimming their accounts.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 20 1 1 #':Jr ITROOINtt BNUAOORNT UING9 V J' m a. I CALL AT P. B. HZNCBY. TM North Bridge Road. SinKapore.
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    • 58 1 Me Same, LV S^siil THE SAME BOTTLE L*lwP\ THE same label raAtk J5 inimitable Wmkk, <Sfej FLAVOUR HavHSPv M* OF SELECTED gP^^^^^^^y^i impeccable flavour are sold TEMPORARILY m U /rsasm^™"***^ Bu Your assistance is requested to back ■^T~~"^^^\ to OUr f° rrnc r presentation of drink*, m whit* Ak w%aa
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    • 14 1 "NUVITA" TONIC Builds YOU up for Youn« Old. Sold Everywhere Sole Importers PACIFIC TRADERS
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  • 126 2 ral MacAr.hurs rule is resulting In giving Japan an American-flavoured constituion. It i.s giving the country Amrriran libraries American broadcasting pio.-rrammcs. American films. American n?ws-s:rvi -ci. American statistical systems. American business advice. MD American police Kjrstem, and an American education p!an. Japan i.s thus well on the
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  • Article, Illustration
    39 2 lii Ihe M.tunee hall of Broadcasting House. London, Reginald Hills. Senior Commissionaire, who has been on the staff or the British BroarNastin? C'ortorafion sin~e December. l!t!.). meets John Mrad, the newest boy iness:n?er. who has just joined th? >taff.
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  • 63 2 The Austrian Government is offering a pri.-e of 10.000 schillings i £250' lor a new national anthem. Both words and music must be new. The anthem should have three ver.scs and le composed for piano and voices. Any Austrian may enter who was not di of
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  • 65 2 Britain la producing; a .jet uero engine so powerful that none of the prosrn! aircraft could use i< at lull power. Tho "Mene." built bv Rolls Royce. is only 02 ir hi diameter, but it produces 15.020 horse-power at 60fi miles an hour. Thia i; fiv
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  • 306 2 £125,000 Bail For Financier NEW YORK judges demanded 300,000 dollars (£125,000) bail !rom Serge Rubinstein, 37-year-3ld international financier, to nnsurc his appearance to answer charges of avoiding military call-up. This is the highest oall ever demanded in the United States It was fixed when trie court heard that Rubinstein had
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  • 69 2 V-DAY COST £140,000 Chief itcnu of expenditure on the Victory Parade on June 8 will total nearly £140.000. Mr. George Tomlinson. Minister of Works, gave these details m the Commons m reply to questions. The following are the items: Camp. 1 £35.000: decorations .1:20,000: floodlighting. sound amplification and aquatic €30.000:
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  • 623 2 Planes, Landing Craft, Petrol TanksFor Sale 'J'HE case of the 40,000 bungless steel barrels proves why it is sometimes sensible to let surplus war material go to rust and ruin. The barrels, which were used to haul aviation gasoline, are on the jungled island of Finschaven off the coast of
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  • 65 2 For the first time sirn-e lf>3o a National Scout S:-rvi -e »>::s been held at St. Georges Chapel, Windsor Cast!-. Here the King and Queen ar" taking the salute at the march pMsl of nearly 1,000 Kini; i Scouts and holders of ,a"a..'r\ awards.
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  • 91 2 Sir William Haley, DirectorGeneral ot the B.B.C., declares that "broadcasting can no longer take an aloof take-it-or-leavs-it attitude and live In an ivory studio." Writing in the first issue of the B.B.C. quarterly, described as "a i journal intended for those engaged in the art
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  • 228 2 AFTER a ten-minute hearing Mrs. William Thompson. r\ worker m a beauty parlour, was granted a divorve at Pittsburg. Now her husband will be able to marry Nora Carpenter the English mother of his quads, bern at Heanor. Dertqrsnire, m February, 1944, when he
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  • 87 2 —£428,000.000 Mr. Attlee said in the Commons recently that between October 1. 1941, and March 31. 1946. we supplied Russia with 5.218 tanks. 1,388 of them from C-im.da, and 7,411 nircraft including 3,129 sent from USA. under Lend-Lease. Total value of military supplies sent to
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  • 239 2 The danger of a new totalitarian State— this time from the Left— growing up in Germany was debated in the Housr of Lords when the Lord Chancellor. Lord Jowitt. re-erapha.sised the Gov- ernments policy that no central [Government should be allowed i there for many years.
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  • 133 2 Seeking Swiss Watch Patent A considerable obstacle to tht creation of a large-scale BritKi watch and clock industry is th? aifnculty of manufacturing the jewels used for th> arbor bearings. Natural jewels nre no longer used, and their plac? iias boan taken by syntaeti:a!l,- produced substi utts. Thesj satisfactory mechanically
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  • 313 2 Both ?ide9 vulnerable South dealer NORTH AQJII ]<> H E 2 A J 10 7 WOT MM A 10 T 4 a X «j Qlun X j m'r n' 0«0 4 3 Q I 4 4, nocrra ■AA 1 A 5 AKQ J 7 AAKi Tin- I'idding South
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 710 2 RADIO PROGRAMMES CTUP Ml^nr merits 10.40 pm Forces F-i\ourltes. OlKbrtrUKt H20 pm News. 11.30 ,i pi From RED NETWORK from nono «o Today's Papers. 12 20 a in Twenty ipm and 6 30 to II p m cd OS Four-Hour N us metrrs from oann to pm on 4.825 M\Y
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    • 217 2 Headlines. 101 pm Wbtet lt To You? 1.30 pm. What's Orchestral Music. 2 p.m News Headlines, 2.01 p.m. Ycurs For The Askiu,<. 3 p.m. Hollywood Parade. 330 p.m. News, 3.40 pm. Bandstand. 4 pni Phil Green and his concert Orrhestrx. 4.30 p.m. Music. spm Comedy Caravan. 5.3) pm. Light O.ehestrrl
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  • 173 3 THE experimental one-week Police patrol by radiofitted station wagons ended at noon on Monday for a check-up on the sets and the organization Singapore's C.I.D. chief, Lt. Col. J.R.C. Denny, dedared that the experiment was quite satisfactory- and it would be resumed m a
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  • 242 3 Jap Claims To Have Protected Torture Victim Making his defence m the Sixth Singapore War Crimes Court, before Lt. Col. G. A. Peacock, yesterday, Nakano Chuuii claimed that once he protected the very man he Is alleged to have illtrcated and killed. Np.kano said he had heard from the inhabitants
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  • 98 3 The lion Duke. JellicoeV; flagship at Jutland in 1916, was rcfloal i en April 19 at Longhope, in Hi? Orkneys, where she was boached after bein™ bombed by Gorman aircraft in Octob?r 1939. She will be patched before bpin<; towed to a breaking-lip yard in south
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  • 83 3 T Frir'ay morning. Chi I Inspector Mori Yoshitada, onetlme t hi. f el Japanes.-> police in Kaiang, waa hanged i:i Pudu La 1. Kuala Lumpur. crlmca were tortur md In i ra:;? murder of C! In .>e ilay civilians, had been tried l i ihe Sun
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  • 151 3 Scientist Becomes "Guinea Pig" Scientists were their own •':,uinea pigs" for experiments m chemical warfare, it was revealed recently. Dr. Hamilton McCombie. head ot the Cambridge research team and Reader m ChemLtry at the university, offered hiniself for a test of one of hij own discoveries. The chemical, Fluoroohosphonate, would
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  • 165 3 Educated Man On Arms Charge (From Our Own Correspondent) PENANG. Tues:— Alleged to have entered an Indian woman's bouse on the pretext of searching for a revolver and. instead, to have relieved her of Jewellery at pistol point, Lim Cheow Kee. a pmmg Chinese, whom the prosecution described as an
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  • 408 3 'Work Hard,' Says Perak Commissioner (From Our Own Correspondent IPOH, Tues: In an interview given to me, the Resident Com missioner, Peralt, Mr. A. F Jomaron. expressed how happ; he was to be back and to servi 1 to Perak after the unhappy day; of Japanese occupation. Asked to give
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  • 637 3 PROGRAMMES FOR LOCAL SCHOOLS WITH the re-opening of schools after the Easter vacation, Singapore Radio, in conjunction with the educational authorities, has extended schools' broadcasting to six days a week. These broadcasts, it is felt, could heip to combat the insidious evils
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  • 48 3 Broadcasting Organisers Pirtuie shows Sin"ap«>r* Radio's schools broadcasting organizes at work on the new term's schedule. They are (left to right) Mr. Sia Cheng Tit (Chinese seel ion supervisor), Mr. William Eldtidce, (Schools Broaicasts Organizer), >Ir. David l.ytt!»* (Assistant Organizer) and Inche Noorcin Abdul Rahman (Malay s-ction supervisor).
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  • 423 3 'From Our Own Correspond nt) MALACCA, Mon.— ln a case of criminal intimidation heard today In the Superior Court, a Chinese, Knh Mon Pew, who'wps charged with having threatened a* Cejlon Malay. Mohammed Sal>eh i bin lL:opc, with death, was acnuittrd and discharged without beins called on
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  • Article, Illustration
    60 3 Th? sinking boys of St. M;irj-of-the-Angi'ls Son;; School, in Addlestone, Surrey, lccrnlly w?nt on a tour to I i:i oln to spend a week singing in the 1 churches there. These pictures show the sinrin? boys holdi iz an irioromp v choir practice on the platform of King's Cross Station.
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  • 228 3 New York, Apr. 30 Gen. McNarney, Commander of the U.S zone in Germany, has ordered commanders of all American forces in Europe and their subordinates to devote themselves to the restablishment of discipline. "This,"' he wrote, '"becomes their most im mediate function." His order said
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  • 71 3 WASHINGTON. Monday —The Carnegie Endowment for international peace will help to restore the libraries m wa*-devast-ated areas In Asia by replacing books and other publications lost or destroyed, it was announced yest?rday. Mr George A. Finch, the Endowment Secretary, said that about 200 libraries m Eurone and
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  • 196 3 The body ot a Chines? w rain, when throat had been slashed, was discovered m the JWflgk near Siglap by a Chin?s? Uvinz i i Nallur Road, Siglap. at 7 O'eloc!* l;iot Sunday morning. Police ofiicers investigating the case of suspected murder. A number oi radio S2*s
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  • 102 3 Mrs Mary Irene Ear'ce: blacksmith's daughter from Tipton. Staffordshire, is being sued for divorce by her Chicago husband, a former G.L. He allega tl:at whib he vma ill m bej she bent him. and that on another day she hit him with a shoe They were
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  • 80 3 More than 2,400 peopl?, rany of them women, answered a recent advertisement for an anrorncer m the 8.8.C.. North Regional studios m Manchester. Ihe salary is .€6OO a ,car. The successful applicant will have to announce speakers, orchestras, brass bands and entertainers, and read news
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  • 31 3 The 1,520-mile cable between Singapore and Hong Kong has been restored to service after being In Japanese han:'s from January 1942 until the surrender of Japan.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 113 3 =^OPENING SOON— CITY BOOK STORE W I ■Cii o s tor II ous c, COLLYER QUAY, SI N(J A PO X IC. T}nr\lf 2. Of Latest VKSM m^ m^^^^ m^ mm^^ mmmmmmmmmmt _D\J\Jrk.D \v.M He On Sale mm^ m TO BE I REE FROM I/OMESTIC WORRIES STAY A DINE AT
      113 words

  • 44 4 Mr. F. J. Montelro and daughter Gracie tender their sincere thanks to all who kindly sent wreaths, attended and or rendered assistance at the funeral of Mrs. F. J. Monte iro (nee Clara Lambert) who passed away peacefully on 4-5-45 at Johore Bahru.
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  • 1198 4 The Straits Times Singapore, Wednesday, May 8 ,1946. Who Pays? When Malaya was liberated, the majority of European civilians who had been interned were sent to the United Kingdom or to Australia on recuperative leave. They were in effect ordered out ol this country: those who remained for business or
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  • Other Opinions
    • 199 4 It is not overoptimistic in our judgment to re- g&rd a mere meeting at Sinla with Congress and the Moslem League representatives sitting round the same table as evidence of a new Indian belief in Britain's desire to see a truly independent India, Britain's faith that such
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  • 1160 4  -  J. L. Garvin By THE successive meetings between the Dominion Premiers and the British Government will extend veil into May. In appearance thoy arc the most informal of the historic series of consultations with the representatives of the Overseas Empire that began uear'.y
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  • 262 4 FINALLY, there will be a similar interlocking on economic questions ii American Loan passes If i there would have to i amicable adjustment of am;' kind. In the present state i>. the world to talk of a tracktween the British Empire and the United States is moor.- 'ruck
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  • Man-in-the-Street
    • 69 4 The Stanley Gibbons Catalogue makes no mention of Johore S. G. No. 24 bisected and u^ed as one cent, when the postage rate vai increased from 2 cents to 3 cents m 1894. I have recently seen two original covers with these bisected stamps and so would like
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    • 91 4 The announcement that the Hindu Burial Ground at Bidadari will be closed for burial and that burials will take place at 15:<, miles Chua Choo Kang Road from May 1 onwards has come as a surprise. It would be interesting to know whether any of the Indian
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    • 134 4 In your issue o." May 4 you say the price of whisky is coming down and that liquor importers have asked the Government to gazette the retail price at $7 per bottle instead of the present controlled price of $8. I am wondering whether this action of the importers
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    • 50 4 In your issue of May 3 you published a letter from "Pep" on the delay of mails. I can beat his "speed" with a letter postmarked: Paddington W. 2, Dec. 10, 1945 and delivered to me on Apr. 29, 1946. What is wrong with the malls?— Toby, Singapore.
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    • 106 4 R.B.U. l0d In fairness to members of the Rubber Buying Unit who had nothing to do with price fixation, and for the information of the whole Malayan planting industry, all the names of the "expert representatives on the spot" who decided upon "lOd alb to the producers" for Malayan rubber,
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    • 138 4 Yesterday I was on board an omnibus. At one section I saw a group of youths boarding the bus. I guessed that they were a gang of pick-pockets and I was right. One of the boys tried to pick the pocket of a gentleman but was apprehended by a
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    • 186 4 Shareholders of Malayan Tin Companies whose properties have been despoiled during the Jao occupation request that Government should without delay detain .'or investigation Jap officials resoonsible for management of the M'nes Department m Malaya The despoliation of mining properties proceeded at such a paoe that it was a
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    • 77 4 We were overwhlemed with joy when we heard that nearly 3,000 tlai of kerosene had arrived and will be sold to the public at the control price of $2.75 per tin But when we approached kerosene oil dealers, both wholesale and retail, they said the stock had
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 809 4 DI'ARMARAJ— At 304 Telok Kurnu Road. Singapore on Tuesday 7th May 1946 to Leela Nee!ambal wife of Mr. D. Dharmaraj. Managing Director "The Asia Fhipbuilding Company Singapore" gift of ton; prandson to Mr. Mrs. I). Sunderum, (Govt. Pensioner). Both mother and child are well. The marriage will take pi i"c
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    • 81 4 AND MORE HAW^ 1 bkobm And* icna His 1.->:.uitfrrs ***** For you a Lei. I've found a little grass Skirt, ***** Ta-hu-wa-liu-wa-i. Minnchaha. ***** Hula O Ka Aina. Hawaii Sing to Me. ***** My Rose of Waikiki, Hawaiian Paradise. ***** Hawaiian Hospitality. DrinkinK Song of Hawaii, ***** Kuu Ipo— Hawaiian
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  • 216 5 Christmas Is. Phosphates Supply to be Doubled 'SHOULD INCREASE WORLDS WHEAT' DLANS are being made on Christmas Island to step up the annual pre-war production of phosphates from I*oo,ooo tons to 400,000 tons. Most of this will be going to Western Australia and this, said Mr. P. A. B. McKerron,
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  • 636 5 5 Andaman Torturers To Die FOR tcKuring, beating and causing the death of Andaman islands inhabitants during the courss of "spy" trials which characterized the Japanese occupation of the island, I luce Japanese Navy men and two civilians were sentenced ti death by hanging m the Singapore Vu Crimes
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  • 345 5 Civil Aircraft Will Use Cocos Strip 1 I GIANT airstrip constructed in the Cocos-Keel-ing group of islands, in the Indian Ocean, early last year and intended as a main air striking base against the Jaj anese in Singapore, is to be maintained for possible civil or K.A.F. use. This was
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  • 203 5 Overcharged On Meals, Fined $250 As a result of .several complaints of overcharging for meals in restaurants, the Food Control Department set out to work and a trap resulted in Lim Kia Bin, managing r" "t-iier o 1 the Savoy Restaurant and Bar In Collyei Quay, and a waiter. Wah
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  • 52 5 Ko'.i Swe- claimed trial before Mr. R. C. Hoffman in the Fourth Court yesterday to a thai 0:1 May 5 ait Keppel Roud he was found in pos Of an automatic pistol without a ed in police custody fcr 48 hours, air! the rase postponed to May 9
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  • 80 5 Death Of Mr. D.N. Ranasinghe The death took place last Saturday of Mr. D. N. Ranasin:;hr, who had been suffering lor some time from a head wound .sustained during the Japan'.*?- 1 occupation. Ths cremation took place on Sunday afternoon at the Sinhalese Buddhis. burial ground. Mr. Ranasinghe figured prominently
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  • 134 5 "I conside- the inhabitants on Christmas Island, among them many Chinese, to bs immeasurably better off for food than the people m Malaya. They receive all their ration and rice from Western Australia, and I should say they are the best fed peor-n m this
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  • 209 5 (From Our Own Correspondent) KLANG. Men.— ln the course of his Malayan tour, Dr. Wu Paak-shing, Chinese ConsulGenrrai, accompanied by his Secretary Mr. Ec Swee How, oaid a visit to Klan yesterday. He was entertained to tea at the V/ah Keow Chinese School, when Mr. Loo Wan,
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  • 232 5 Singapore Flooded With Cigarettes Singapore was flooded with Virginia cigarettes yesterday, and it is hoped that the fresh supplies will end the black market which sprang up m the last ie*v days. A week ago, American Raleigh cigarettes could be bought at 25 cents for 20, five cents less than
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  • 126 5 Penang Wants Tax Deferred •Irani Our Own Correspondent)' PENA N G, Tues:—General! agreement that, income tax i; z' "post-war inevitability" was ex-: pressed today by local leaders. Mr Jules Ivlartin, president of the Pcnang Chamber of Commerce, expresses the hope that the tax will not come too early "because the
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  • 62 5 'From Our Own Correspondent* PENAXG, Tues:—A number of pirates have been captured by the Siamese Government, according to information received m Penang, and local traders who have lost any cargo are being asked by the Police to submit statements of their losses. These particulars are required oj the
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  • 89 5 (from Our Own Correspondent) PENANG. Tues:—Eleven men m a car staged a daylight raid on Henry Waugh's godown about noon on Sunday and. after holding up the watchman, decamped v.ith several gunny bags of nailo The police are investigating. On Sunday night, four armed lobbers entered a merchant's
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  • 28 5 The Rotary Club meets to-day m the Roof Garden of the AdelDhi Hotel at 1 p.m. It is an Election Meeting, not open to visitors.
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  • 127 5 A 19-year-old Chi i pleaded guilty m ti: trict Court yesterday to a charge of theft of a bicycle and who waa found m possession of a bunch oi keys. adr:.Ued that he carried the keys for the purpose o kflf Ho was sentenced to
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  • 311 5 Acting on information, a party of Police officers led by Assistant Superintendent T. H. Stockdale, raided a house oft the 7th mile, Bukit Timah Road, on Apr. 24 and. searching the premises, discovered a Thompson rifle. While the rifle was mudstrvnod and rusty, the machinegun had
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  • 261 5 TrHETlE is no intention on the part of the Government to alter the peculiar political status of the Coeos- Keei i rig group in the Singapore Co set-up. The Cluni.^-Ross family will continue ho'ding swiy: oM John Sydney was always known u
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  • 104 5 Malayan Youth Joining Chinese Navy (From Our dun Correspondent) IPCII. Tacs: The honour of beini; lr>»> h "s fir ,t I i jouth to be call?:l ly thr f'hinrsp Ministry oi Nav> at Shanghai for subsequent i'ispatch to Britain or America as a nava! «adet ofiiier fails to Yap Kin
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 100 5 Insist On v T? p J(f typewrite:: ij IV 11 RIBBON MADE IN ENGLAND Suitable for "IMPERIAL". "ROYAL" and "UNDERWOOD" Typewriters. Stock Available Black and Black/Red only If you cannot obtain from your rsval Stationers nlcnse apply to the SOLE AGf"7_ S: 34, BOAT QUAY, SINGAPORE PHONI 25U4"NUVITA" PRODUCTS APOLOGIAS:
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  • All The Latest Sports News
    • 1167 6 Howarth Scores Century In Worcester's Second Innings WORCESTER, Mon.— Although 1 ed by one run on the first innings. Worcester are m a strong. position m their match against the Indian Cricket tourists. When stumps were drawn to-da y they had scored 230 for six wickets
      Reuter  -  1,167 words
    • 146 6 INDIA— ltt INNS Mustaq Ali 1* Merchant Amarnath ■<lul Mohamrd b Perk» ..29 Modi lbw Jackson 31 Pa'audl c Singleton b IVrfcs 2 Mankad c While b Perks 23 HintHrkar Ibtv Ja«-!tson ..0 Ranrrjee b Howard Sarwate rot out ..21 Sliiruk b Perks is 10 Total 192 Run*
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    • Article, Illustration
      27 6 v M.-.rner tlie Australian, who won th? Britsh !!ar l?ou't title on Friday. II? beat D:r 'c tinrton. England's No. 1 Davis (up, 7-5, 6-2. G-l.
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    • 266 6 LONDON. Tv:;.- The British boxing public is taking a keen interest m Bruce Wcodccck s debut m the United States on May 17. Britain's heavyweight champion meets Tami Mauriello, and already there is tall< of Woodcock latrr meeting Jce Louis for the world tltla. Win or lose
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    • 103 6 Sere mban Soccer «':ir r)v.:i Cor.-..5-r)nilent) I ,'I3A!\T. Tuea. Good I was witnessed on the EtatJ »n padan« on Saturday when the "Malayan Unton xi" j I'u. [a Lumpur defeated the i llan Chinese ny two to die m th= Rr t half the Cl r.- lead I rough but
      103 words
    • 126 6 The RA.F. m;:t th- Si:ioMalays m the s." con 1 meet match m aid of Zt. Punstan s Fu-.d for the BUnd at Jalan Rcsar starUum ct 5!5 p.m. toc!ay. The teams arc: R.A.F.: Scott (6 BPl): Brolh\vi':l (BHQ). Green (Spore S'gaab): Williams (Spore Snr^ls), Capt, Ni
      126 words
    • 197 6 -Tr^m Our Own Corrrs"sondent> SEGAMAT, Tuts. A third wicket partnership that realised 101 run^ rrrotly helped a Segarnat Civilian XI to score .'■n inning:; win over th" sth Parachute Brirac'e, m a cricket match on Sunday. Br<ttin^ lirst. the Brigade wers bundled out for T. 9
      197 words
    • 89 6 (Trim Our Own Correspondent) SEREMBAN, Tues—ln a recent crickpt mat-h at Sercmban, Capt. V. Dass'a XI lost to a Serrmoan XI by three wirkets. Capt. Dass'a XI ccrrmilcd 120 runs iLall Slnfrh 45, Qorbex Sinr-h 42. Maior R. R!nU;ul 13>. B. ,T. DionysU:s ;;)o'c four wickets for 3")
      89 words
    • 330 6 WORCESTER. Tues.— The weather was cold and windy on Monday four hours before the Indians were due to resume their first innings. An hour before resumption the weather dpt^iorated, squalls of rain falling. Covers were put over the ends of the wicket and likelihood of cricket seemed doubtful
      Reuter  -  330 words
    • 157 6 Gloucester Surrey Win LONDON, Tues— Gloucester and Surrey both scored innings victories m their firs: matches of the season, the games ending yesterday m two days. In the match at Oxford, Gloucester had scored 431 far seven wickets declared on Saturday. Hammond had scored 132 an! Karnett 110. Yesterday Oxford
      157 words
    • 255 6 (From Our Own Corrc ponden..) PENANG, Tues.— Weights for Saturday, the second day of the Penang races, are: Horses, Class One. Div. One, Scv«n furs Jesanne 11.07, Krchna 9.05. Mickey Rooney 9.03, Sunbeam 9.00, Moaullglit 8.00, The Pathan 8.00. Bull loi b.UO. Horses, Class One, Div. Two.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 728 6 SINGAPORE ST. ANDREW'S SOCIETY. A Special General Meeting of th< members of the above Society 111 be held In the Orlll Room. Raffles Motel at 6 p.m. on Friday. 10th May. 194to transact the foliowinj bvsnev: (1) Resumption of the So letys Activities. (2) Election ofi Office b?a ers. (3)
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  • 652 7 Pandit Nehru Thanks Indonesia For Rice New Delhi and New York, Tuesday. JNDIAN Army rations have been cut and the Army has put several thousands of acres of land under cultivation. In 1h<; lour Army Commands, military transport has been
    Reuter  -  652 words
  • Article, Illustration
    43 7 Grn. Sir lan Hamilton, veteran of three wars, who v m his 91th year "takes aim" with his walking stick at photographers after the Anzae Day service at St. Martin-in-the-Fields, London. Behind Sir lan is Mr. J. B. Chifley, the Australian Prime Minister.
    43 words
  • 433 7 Accused RIN Ratings Blame Officers I BOMBAY. Tues— Giving evid- ence at yesterday s hearing of the Commission of Inquiry into the mutiny of the Royal Indian Navy personnel in Bombay in February, an Ind.un rating named Bansilal said the commanding officers usually spent their time drinking and with girls.
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  • 360 7 WORLD-WIDE EFFECT OF COAL STRIKE WASHINGTON, Tues.— Foreign representatives here are viewing with increasing concern the industrial strangulation imposed by the sof c coal strike, which with other economic problems besetting the United is making itself felt m almost every other country of the civilised world. While the effects
    UP  -  360 words
  • 273 7 NANKING, Tues.— Communist troops have captured Tsitsihar, the third largest city in Manchuria, 200 miles north-west of Harbin Some of the 260,000 Communists in Shangtung province are infiltrating into Manchuria, where the Communists now possess TO aircraft. It is authoritatively reported here that the Communists
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  • 239 7 JERUSALEM Tuesday. THE Palestine Arab Higher Committee has now definitely decided to send Moussa Alami to London to inform the British Government that unless the principles of the Anglo-American report on Palestine are reversed the Arabs intend to appeal to Soviet Russia.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 421 7 MISCELLANEOUS SELL your gold Diamona Jei try. also loose diamonds etc. Goo.l price paid. Chiong Sheng Goldunltb, 65G N. Bridge Road. AN EXCEPTIONALLY V»lusM«s p:i<v of land situated at the corner i\J Dt'ltn and Jervois Roads approximati i 2> .«()0 feet is offered for sale. Sh-vf.crdcon. Property Broker, French Bank
      421 words
    • 302 7 NOTICE TO CONSIGNEES M S "Konrj Haakon VII" Is expected tv uil*t fro:n Copenhagen via Ports on the 11th instant and will discharge cargo m the roads. Consignees should apply to Boustead Co.. Ltd Union Building, for delivery orders and send their lighters alongside vessel tc receive BUM. P.W.D. TENDER
      302 words
    • 479 7 McALISTER CO., Mansfield C., LU. (Incorporated m Slr.v,ipore (Singapore) LTD. blue finnel uni SUltnsts to United Klngiuai Oatet not guaranteed Cargo for Continent accepted when mducenvnt iflers FIIFRMAM it BUCKIALL LINE Antilochus Sails for U.K. 11 Ifef tLLtifnMR ft BUbnnftLL lihc j olenfllllas Dm tna UK May MM Kiardom lIS
      479 words

  • 32 8 Lieut. Gen. Sir Montagu Stopford inspects ItAF Regt. Guard of Honcur at Batavia before flying to Singapore to his new job as C-in-C Allied Land Forces, S. E. Asia.
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  • Article, Illustration
    28 8 Last farewell for the late N.E.I. Commander came from successor, Maj-Gcn. Mansergh, who led 5 Ind. Div. to the relief of Singapore last Sept. —Army Film Unit pictures
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  • Article, Illustration
    10 8 London shopgirl demonstrates new dress made from sea weed.
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  • Article, Illustration
    21 8 Gullincli veteran Sapper Fahey from Victoria, Australia, hands out rcs: mary for remembrance. Mr. Beasley, Australian Renrp-pntative m 1,0-drn. on ANZAC.
    21 words
  • Article, Illustration
    0 8
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  • Article, Illustration
    11 8 Eager car hunters at a Surrey sale of Civil Defence vehicles.
    11 words
  • Article, Illustration
    29 8 Leonard Seager, 15 year old English schoolboy spent his ftiitw holiday helping to excavate the remains of Roman London. And (below) found this ancient horn m a blitzed square.
    29 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 367 8 QARSIG3 GEYLANG Thone ***** Last Oay, 31".. C.3J -M 5 p.m. Have yon alrrrdy seen the Climax to this Tiiri'linT Arcionful SsrUl? If not lt'3 your last chance to sco II TO-DAY. Don TVrry, June Durrez md Elyse IZnox i i "Den Winslow 01 The Cosil GaarJ" (Conrlud^d Chapters' A
      367 words
    • 256 8 LfryM3fefc|ifcg^ OPENING TO-DAY 4 SHOWS 1.30 4 6.30 9.30 p.m. Q B Q^^ fißk. 4m~»h BAD r BG^^ 1 1 I RU| I M Imp |i ""BETTY GRABLE JOHN SOTTON. REGINALD GARDINER t .r»*'JiJ£ iiiectei it *^i OARRYL F. ZANUCK HENRY KING **0t lorn cixtuti roi ncrvtl Ar :'GoZ
      256 words