The Straits Times, 6 May 1946

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • 570 1 Russia Objects To Yugoslavs Being "Punished" PARIS, May s.— The deadlock over the Italo- Yugoslav frontier came no nearer to solution at yesterday*! session of thr His? Four Foreign Ministers, when Britain, Uu. l T nited States and Russia all stood firm on their respective
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  • 77 1 SAN DIECiO, May s— The next war's weapons, "more terrible than the atnmii- bomb." will (five America no time for pi rpa rat ion, Gen. Joseph Stilwell said m a speech to a reserve officers' group today. He said up to now America had been protected hy
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  • 273 1 Nuremberg Rocked By Explosions NUREMBERG. May 5 The United states army began evacuating Feucht, eight miles southeast I f Nuremberg day as fire swept out of control through the uiant Nuna Ord nance works and toundroui ci i rocked the countryside Feucht Is a mile and a half the ordnance
    Reuter  -  273 words
  • 153 1 Indian Leaders Meet Cabinet Mission SIMLA. May s —The climax of the Indian constitutional drama was reached this morning when at the mountain-top Vi here two Indian polltiral parties Congress and Muslim League met the British Cabinet Mission at a round table conference The Congress President, Maulan? Abul Kalam Azad,
    Reuter  -  153 words
  • 75 1 victor Emmanuel Packs His Bags ROME, May I A despatch from Naples to t 1 i;i!ian newspaper II Iavaro wyn f hat King Victor Emmaih, i h paring t> leave Italy on royal yacht. Great movenif-' 1 i norted between the ya"' t :> i the Kings residence. Royal house
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  • 57 1 MILAN, May 5 Police said tocUy f !"at the body of ire widow of Mussolini's s \i Bruno, who w'l'S' drowred i Mav 4 Jn f.ate Como, has b' 3 n recovered. It Is stated that she had been on a ]-\Jm;zht boat" patty with thr*>
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  • 93 1 Purchasing Missions T o Be Disbanded WASHINGTON, May 4 The United Statrs Government has Informed 15 countries that their purchasing missions m the United States should be {USbanded by the md of the "trantion period, the U.S. State Department announced to.lay. Ihe missions during the 'transition period" should limit their
    Reuter  -  93 words
  • 67 1 May 4. Franco Epaln Is to speed up the repatriation of Germans und the seizure of Grrmnn property m Spain. Just what action the Spanish government intends to take la as yet unannounced. The decision was mane a few hours after the Spanis'i Unc'ertry for Foreign
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  • 24 1 CALCUTTA. May 4. The firemen's strike has now ended. The strike started on April 22 and two trrousand men have been involved.—Reuter.
    Reuter  -  24 words
  • 240 1 ARABS TO APPEAL TO RUSSIA CAIRO. May 5-The leading Pan-Arab societies have decided to send a joint delegation to Russia to enlist Soviet aid against the Anglo-American af•empt to implement the Palestine Inquiry Commission's recommendations, according to reports circulating m Cairo today. The idea is reported to have < riginally
    Reuter; UP  -  240 words
  • 79 1 Allies Reject Swiss Offer WASHINGTON, May 4— The Swiss offer to give the Allies about half of the German assets in that country has been rejected by the Allies, it was reported today. Switzerland had also promised to yield a smaller portion of the $25 million worth of gold which
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  • 259 1 Whether or not Sarawak retains her nationhood depends on the fidelity of her people, stated Mr. Bertram Brooke, Tuan Muda of Sarawak and younger brother of the Rajah, who arrived m Singapore yesterday on his way to Kuching. "I am not opposed to the
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  • 269 1 SAN FRANCISCO, May s—Convicts Coy, Cretzer and Hubbard. ringleader pr'son, mutineers, are dead and the Alcatraz prison revolt which began at 2 p.m. last Thursday, ended a little after noon yesterday. Two guards were killed and tuurteen injured. The exact number of convijts v.-bo took part m
    Reuter; AP  -  269 words
  • Article, Illustration
    40 1 Soliiiers In? m? fiv d into Army trucks at Smlthfi-11 Mnikrt, London, follow In? a refusal by »>OO provision workers to rail off their unofficial strike. As the troops moved m, the r.-st of the 3.000 market men ceased work.
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  • 73 1 TEHEFAN. May 4.-Agree-ment between the Persian Premi r Ghavam es-Sultaneh and the mission from Azerbaijan may be reached this evening, it was reliably reported here today. The Persian government representatives are to refer the matter to the Cabinet which will meet tonight. The agreement may be
    Reuter  -  73 words
  • 25 1 WARSAW, May 5— Polish officials today announced they were seeking extradition from Germany of 7.000 Nazis wanted on war crimes charges.— A.P.
    AP  -  25 words
  • 122 1 NEW YORK, May s— Members of the United Nations Se-uiity Council are today hop fully awaiting a report tomorrow that Russian troups mv? b°en withdrawn from Pe:sia which may permit the Council to v. the question flnp.lly. Although press and diplomatic dispatches indicate that the Red
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  • 310 1 After four hour.;' complete cessation of work ye i I morning, about 8.0 0 Chinese, Indian and Malay labourers m the Singapore Harbour Board returned to work on the afternoon shift at 1 p.m. Th? strike followed an incident on Saturday involving an Indian workman and a
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  • 87 1 Rio de Janerio, May 5. Tho early dissolution of the Communist party here Is reliably predicted as the tense situation between the Government and Communist leaders approaches a climax. Tension reached new heights when the Government prohibited all propaganda of ''extremist ideas" and banned the May
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 67 1 JMe fame LV iMk THE SAME BOTTLE aVlw\ THE SAME LABEL gm\m J5 iSTimTtable Filter <3*s/ FLAVOUR ■(M\ OF SELECTED Lmf ■iX^/\ Other P. N. minerals of the same old s^^bV^L^ impeccable flavour are sold TEMPORARILY m "*T^ BIV Your assistance is requested to get back tH^ «^y IzS^mlV OUr
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    • 9 1 Indies I) r ess ma he Cents' Outfitters VISIT
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  • 158 2 A 27-YEAR-OLD soldier told a court-martial at Beverley Yorkshire, how he "vanished" from the Army for five and a half years after escaping from Dunki:--:. He said h e stayed on his father's farm m Yorkshire until he gave himself up last February —as an absentee.
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  • 60 2 NEW YOr.K, May 2.- Lord Hal i lax, British 'Ambassador to the US.., said m a farewell speech at a Pilgrims' Society dinner: I most confess that I have frequently deplored the extent to which the atiitude of many oi' your people towards
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  • 131 2 It leads them to be unaware of the changes of 150 years and obscures the fact that the Commonwealth and Empire of King George VI. is something very difTorent from th» colonial empire of King Georje III." Musicians Give B.B.C. Notice The Masicians Union has given notice to BBC. to
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  • 89 2 Prjf. M. L. Ollphant, Professor oi Physics at Birmingham Universlty, In his Kelvin Lecture to the Institute of Electrical Ensinc < at Kingsway Hall, London. said that the first general vs 2 of would prcbably b? by-products, called artificial radio-active substances, which coold be used
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  • Article, Illustration
    47 2 BEWARE OF PITY LJlii Palmer as Edith the heroine of the Two Cities film of Stefan Zwehs "Beware of **ity" whi< h staio Alfa: rt Lieven.Ceiric HMdhrttM and Gladys Ccorer. Directed /by Maurice Elvey, the film is produced by U. P. Lipsrortib m association with Maurice Elvey.
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  • 394 2 I IFTING of the ban on marriage between British soldiers Lj and German women was demanded m the Commons by Mr. B. Levy, Labour member for ELon and Slough, who drclared that the ban was "a hang-ever from the war" and ought to
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  • 110 2 Mr. W. Averel! Hairiman. U.S Ambassador to Britain, said at the Press conference In the American Embassy: "It seems to me Britain and the United States are pred:siincd to work together m mutual interest, m no sense of exclusive association but together with other nations and
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  • 831 2 THE United Stales navy is already well advanced with Operation Mothball" its project to lay up within tne next few months some 2,200 warships of every class m such a way that they will not rust and can he made ready for sea, if required,
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  • Article, Illustration
    73 2 Four Egyptian fire ofli -er< are sp-n'insj a yirr ii Rritiin to study British m:tho-*s of Tire fighting. They are Main;Ibrahim K r lish, f'ommsn 'ant of Port Sai! Fir- Brii^e: Captain Salim Ilaikal and I ieutenant AA. Fari.l of aim Fire Brigade; and Ca-.tain Kl-Khouli CoßMr.ander of the Suez
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  • 123 2 Australia To Keep Mandate Dr. Evatt, replying to a question m the House of Representatives m Canberra recently, said thot Australia had no intention of allowing any part of themandatd territory of New Guinea out a her control. New Guinea MM a hallowed place to the relat Australian service men
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  • 58 2 Teheran, Eat A TREATY has been signed betwern A3erbai.'an and R Stan, which stitrs tl^at the two nations were present°d by th? Central Governmrnt. There is provision for th° intfrrhangp of diplomatic representative mutual miKtnry assistance m the event of a r and joint negotiations wi'h
    Reuter  -  58 words
  • 264 2 Contract Bridge Both sides vulnerable South dealer NORTH 487 3 2 V A 6 0 J 9 A KQJ 6 WFST X.AST A 10 5 X '</ Q J 10 0 4 8 7 531 0 X 8 G OAIO 43 10 9 7 < 4 SOUTH QJ9S4 <? X
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  • 65 2 Regimental commif.ees wUI soon be invited to select the battle honours of th? war tr> b? emblazoned on standards, guidons and appointments from a list of engagements prepared by the Battles Nomsnctatttnre Committee. It is expacted that the dc-ision reached aft?r the first w~rld war
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 190 2 i« -nCP r*l lvl> v JOT Zxcu* 1 I vj£ JIBf First thing m the morning yes, even before your S^~~~^\ b" 1"*1 t n »nk of Inner Cleanliness. There's nothing so /L> \AW*\ refreshing and invigorating as a glass of sparkling Ttl€ f Andrews nQthing that will so surely
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 507 2 RADIO PROGRAMMES OTMr nAnP 11.30 p.m. From Todays Papeis. 12.20 olrtVjArCJrtt am. Twenty N-wj RED NETWORK from oood <o MAY me%™ s f'rnl V Pm n 20 a.m. Brains Trust. 7.20 am me.res from noon to 5 p.m on 4.825 Radio Newsreel 7 35 a m Music Hill tst 9
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    • 236 2 Tip-Top Tunes. 10 a.m. News and 'Prom Today's Papers'. 10. M a.m. Programme Announcements lO :"> a.m. In Town Tonight. 10.45 a.m. Carroll Levis Fhow, 1130 a.m. Nlus. 11.40 a.m. Programme Announcements, 11.45 am. SEAC Merry-Go-Rouno. 12.15 p.m. Spotlight. 12.30 p.m Army Radio OnJir-stra, 1 p.m. News Headlines, 1.01 pm.
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  • 25 3 i Indian Division at Labuan. British Noilh Borneo, are seen visiting the War Cemetery and paying homarre to their fallen comrades.
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  • 501 3 TH 1 law relating to divorce for desertion was reviewed exhai'*tiv*l by three lodges m the Court of Appeal when each of them save a separate judgment on an appeal which one of thrm described as 'of farteachlnt Importance." The question the were
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  • 438 3 This advertisement, signed by Mr. Ben Hecht and Mr. Louis Eromficld. two famous authors and by Mr. '.Vill Rogers jun.. hnappeared In t nP Now York Timp.s the New York Post, and the Chicago Si'-n: "Give us the money We'll act them there! "It
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  • 423 3 PoW Died After He Starved— Counsel IN a Japanese prison camp on ihe cliffs at Hakodate, Hokkaido, Japan, Gunner Jamos Smith, aged 33, Royal Artillery, died on March 30, 1943. And because Smith's death 1 tcok place abroad, Serge Herbert George Gibbs, aged 27, of the R.A.F., was charged at
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  • 741 3 Thousands Await Passages From Britain To Malaya A system is now m existence lor ensuring th: claims of thousands of individuals who wish Britain to Malaya for urgent personal reasons, emphasized that at present when competition for consideration of mere hardship would be sufficier Many thousands of would-be passengers are
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  • 430 3 WOMAN STUDIES BELSEN Quiet middle-aged Dr. Joan Ross, of Paddington, former rmure-study teacher and pupil cf Sir Bernard Spllsbury. has been awarded the John Hunter medal of the Royal College of Surgeons. The researches which earned brr the distinction were made on the battlefields of Salerno and Cassino and among
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  • 224 3 I AIWAXCIII) princess vhom l"> incsc p;«(n Is rail tiu« "Mftta I!;iri of the Far Kasf is now awaiting trial, acvusnl of htlrajilig her country as Japan's numb; r MM secret agent, m l'ekinq;. the ciiy where her ancestors Met nil (f. ."ho i? 3n-yc:ir-old Toshiko
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  • 50 3 T:-lk.s on South-west Pacific Bases an* exp ct rl b I ween President Truman nnd the A'i;trallan Prime Minister, Mr. Ciliary, next week. The United States has told alia of her desire I nornnn nt u<o of the U.S. bas- i n nd.— A P
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  • 235 3 Britain Tops Shipping ReDarations m Britain is to receive the Largest share of the two- thirds of Germany's merchant fl°et, already handed to her and thr Unitei States for division am >n 15 allied countries, according to figures issurd by the Interallied Reparations Agrmy In Brussels. The other third has
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 91 3 rO-DAY 5 SHOW: WM^J^Mh II A.M. 2 P.M. 4.15, 6.30 4 9.15 rHONE 528 i "THE SON OF ROBIN HOOD" IN TECHNICOLOR 7KT 'e&t-tumto' IWTUL <tf 4U 'has-kins? <JL*iM. dU waA-lunL jW 4& e^LL y Wt Jtt la ■p H I S HL 4ft M H L ttfruufy fiwunttfit Aid
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  • 27 4 In loving Memory of our b'-lovcd son Vernon Andrew Rozaflo. Lctn Jan. 24* 10'! Died May Pin 1945. We love h'lii But God Ic*-ts him Best.
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  • 1481 4 The Straits Times Singapore, Monday, May 6, 1946. Justice, Legal and Moral Now that Civil Government has been restored m Malaya, a. nuir- ber of emergency regulations are being modified or removed. It is doubtful, however, if all the special powers at present tatting m the hands of the civil
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  • 994 4 IN the first weeks of sprins two thougnts have been uppermost m the minds of Berliners. One is of relief that spring is here; the other is that the winter, long, sunless, and dreary, was not as bad as Germans had expected and had been encouraged
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  • 845 4 Poultry Prominently displayed notices brazenly forbid us, service personnel, to purchase poultry from civil markets, but carefully omifc the reason for such an order. If poultry is scare? the explanation can be found m the menv little (bodies fluns from t>se Chinese "hatcheries' to bloci tV fatten |of Crawford
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 759 4 PERSONAL MRS. Sharpe formerly Miss O. B:ikcr, if In Singapore, is re-ji'i-sted to advise L. E. Tcls Co. lb9 Cecil Btrret of her present address. SITUATIONS VACANT WANTED experienced Chl.usr stenographer (either sex). Q4od salary Di!cred. Apply Box No. BV) S.T. WANTED an apprentice Typewriter mechanic for a well established
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    • 12 4 MURPHY BRITAIN'S FAMOUS RADIO. Ist. Shipment Arriving Soon Snlc Agents m Afalaya
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    • 133 4 TAILORING AT WHITEAWAYS Our well known European cutter is now avail for the ma':ing up of customers own materials. The extremely high standard of Style, Cut and Workmanship previously set by us, will be well maintained and satisfaction Is assured. Strictest attention will be paid to the essential details of
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  • 530 5 ANGLO DUTCH TALKS ON SUMATRA ADMIRAL Lord Loui: fi Mountbatten. Supreme Allied Commander, SouthLast Asia, presided over a .special conference just concluded in Singapore at which "forthcoming military movos in the Netherlands East Indies archipelago" were dis-cus.-ed, according to a Netherlands news agency report quoted by Reuter. "Although official Dutch
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  • 30 5 The f'rst trainload of internes from the interior of Java reached Batavia safely recently. Here is one uf them talking to newspapermen. Arm i Film Unit picture.
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  • 71 5 S raits Time^ Corr: PENANG, May s.— Two inmates— brother and sister— were shot v/hen they illered resistance to a gang of five robbers who entered a squatter's hut m Bukit Minyak. lonely village m ths suburbs of Bukit Mertajam, about 9.30 p.m. on May 2.
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  • 575 5 'BLACK CAT' ROAD -17 DIVISION'S LEGACY TO BURMA Five thousand four hundred Japanese :?urrcnuered peisonm.. 15 elephants and Bcorei of bulloik carte did the spade work m the construction, just completed, of the 56-mile "Black Cat" road !in!ung Thanbyuzayat, 40 miles south ot Moulmeip, with Ye. Thanby.izayat, the start m"
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  • 299 5 SIKH REGT. CELEBRATES CENTENARY St.aits Times Corr: KUALA LUMPUR, May, 4— Demonstrating gieat efficiency and precision, the first battalion Kins George Sikh Regiment were seen m an impressive t'a.ii-out on the padaiT* for the centenary celebration m which they trooped colours m the presence of the Supreme Allied, Commander. Admiral
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  • 101 5 .straits Times Corr: KUALA LUMPUR, Mai 4— That ihe .Malays are solidly behirv! the Sultans m their stand against the Union was the view expressed by the Sultan of Prrak at the conclusion of informal talks betwoen the Sultans and the Governor of the Malayan Union. Ti«e
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  • 62 5 S'pore Chinese Celebrate Chinese m Singapore hoisted the Chinese naMon.ii flag yesterday <o celebrate the return of the NefclMl Government to Nanking, and the anniversary of the election of Dr. Sun atsen as the first President of the Chinese Republic. To m. rk the occasion, members of the Kuomtntang Party
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  • 305 5 Claims for losses sustained during the war run into hundreds of millions of dollars, and a special staff has been enga-ed by the Financial Secretary"* Department in Singapore to sift the documents which have come in from poor man and rich man. commercial houses
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  • 443 5 The Malayan Sharebrokers Association, m Its report for the week ended May 4, says the most important item of news to Malayan markets concerns the current announcement by the Union Financial Secretary on income tax anci new loan issues. Pertinent reference is made
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  • 680 5 Strong Trade Unions A Great Asset Existing Bodies Can Play Big Part In Malayan Economy "^NY attempt to restrict or restrain the legitimate functions of trade unions will lrica/ industrial unrest which can o nly hinder the return to a prosperous Malaya," declared Mr. J. A. Brazier, a tr ade
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  • 70 5 From Our Own Correspondent. Penang, May 5. The shooting of a Siamrse sampan man by a party of six pirates who attacked his boat In Pena Harbour m the early hours of Jan. 23 this year was recalled m the Coroner's Court yesterday afternoon when, following evidence that
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  • 285 5 THAT small bit pourrnil 1 band of Sotsmen ,n Singapore are out to make their presence felt again. They are reforming tho S.ngapore branch of Sf. Andrew's Society, and the pipes-call has gone out to all Scots to attend a gathering at Raffles Flotel on Friday (or
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  • 376 5 Government Appointments Lt.-Col. C. .T. Robertson has n appointed to act as Deputy ..ncial Secretary. Singapore, and Mr. E A Jo?' to act as Ac- ro'mtant Ger.cral Singapore !m? to a Govcrnrnri'.t C:i ctte notification. Other appointments: Major H. R. S. Zennder. OB E a- d Mr. H E. Kin^don
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  • All The Latest Sports News
    • 208 6 /.t the close of the first day's play at Worcester on Saturday m the match between lh« IndUr cricket tourists and Worcester, the County had scored 191 In their i::\ t Inninga to which India had rmiied with SI for three. There was some surprise v.hon
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    • 79 6 Woman Runs Schools' Fencing The Public Schools Fencin? championships, organized by a woman, were held at the London Fern m? lub last month. Here we see, top, a practice bout m progress on the roof of thye London club between representatives of the Royal Naval Cctflcpe Dartmouth (left) and Cooper's
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    • 190 6 The British hardcourt championship "Finals Day" on Friday produced a brilliant tennis feast lor the crowds of sportin? fans who saw Jack Harper, r;m!-.ed eighth m Australia, win the singles ct 7- 5. G— 2, 3—l against Derek Barton, England's No. 1 Davis Cup player.
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    • 103 6 T< Idy Lre easily outpointed B r Newton over ten rounds at the Happy World stadium last :-ht. The result was never m doubt from midway m the first round when Lee sent Bomber down, and repeated the process thrice more m the second round,
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    • 242 6 Hammond Scores Century Walter Hammond, England and Gloucestershire captain, opened t:;e 1946 season on Saturday by scoring 132, while C J Barnett, his team mate and Test player, scored 110 Beth were playing tor their County at Oxford against Oxford University, who are the next opponents for the Indians. |O::!ord
      Reuter  -  242 words
    • 258 6 Rallying nicely m the last 15 minutes, the Maia>s bejt REME by four 'goals to two at Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday. A. feature of the game was fine goalkeeping by ooth Jafl'ar ;inri Douglas. Fielding a team that incluCed MALAYS: Jaffor; Abdul Rahsix players
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    • 660 6 The King's filly Hypericums victory m the One Thousand Guineas, th? first fillies classic of the season, has been described j as one of the most spectacular victories m British turf history. After throwing her Jockey and bolting before the start, she was caught by a civilian
      Reuter  -  660 words
    • 59 6 GENEVA. SWITZERLAND. May 4. Hungary, Cz?nhs'ovakia. France and Italy have entered the srmi-flnal round of the 'European ba.skr:ball champion- I shin tournament. France advancrd to trn nxt- j to-last by dcf?a:in<j Hol'.pnd 47-18 on Thursday night. Czechoslovakia moved up by ouip ayins B>l"ium IW-33. E»rli.?r on Thursday, Italy trounced
      AP  -  59 words
    • 305 6 LOCAL CRICKET Recs Pile Up Big Score Recs scored an easy victory over the R.A.F. <Tengah) m a cricket match at Tengah yesterday. Batting first the winners piled up 321 runs. E Barker hitting fre?lv to score 95 runs including eight sixes and as many fours, while J. de Souza.
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    • 317 6 Scoring 174 runs tor nice wickets and dismissing tfieir opponents for 88. T. Leijssi-iS team beat Cantrells team by 86 runs m a whole-day cricket match played at the Police yesterday. In a pood pre-lunch spell A. C. Growder showed some of his former skill and
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    • 87 6 The first sports fixture m the K.A.F. Drive m aid of the St. Dunstan's Fund for the Blind will be played at the Jalan Besar stadium today, starting: at 5.1"> p.m., when the RAF. meet the Second Division. The teams are R.A.F. Weares; Ilutchinson, Robson; Williams CCapt.),
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    • 464 6 BIRMINGHAM LEAGUE WINNERS piIARLTON Athletic, who had hoped to complete the e'usive V/ Cup and League Championship double have failed m both. Birmingham City by virtue of their three-nil victory over Luton ov Saturday hint won the League South championship. Charlton have done no better than share honours with Wolverhampton
      Reuter  -  464 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 734 6 *et»n 1 lim|:i. W>«!(dayf I—sI 5 p m When your Offre tn (Is Typewriters fa'cnl;i ors. Slerl Furniture. l>-ip!i< ators and other Oflii-e I Typrwritinat <V I) Service Apply to KWOK rOKE WKt*C CO. 2S. Arcado. Ist Floor. T.-i. 20!>3. Maaagbif Partner— Kwok v< ke Went:, (No connection whatsoever
      734 words

  • 581 7 Anderson Optimistic out Wheat Drive HINGTON, May s.— There is only 11,810,000 tons of m the world r>d the allocation of this short supp'y has r.<>w been settled by the Combined Food Board. Pacific and Indian areas are to receive 677,000
    Reuter; AP; UP  -  581 words
  • Article, Illustration
    17 7 Mr. Gandhi with T ord Pcthirk -Lawrence, Srrrctary for India, after their tal s in New Delhi.
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  • 90 7 WASHINGTON, May s.— Seven United States landing craft, which are to b? used as training schools for Chinese sailors, have arrived at Tsinntao. The Chinese are to be taught to man amphibious craft so that th v can take over the transportation ol the National Army,
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  • 55 7 lON, May 5.- Rolls Royce officials iu'.ve come to r.n agreement v.ilh the Chines? Government for the manufacture of gal turbine and Jet-propulnion airpfaine eiv.incs m China. Chinese engineer! are being tr-sined at th On- 1 any's plant iv un.i British experts will m to China
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  • 203 7 WASHINGTON. May 4.— The White House today released a report terming the coal btrike a ■national disaster," the impact of which "th? American people have barely begun to feel." The report was issued by the office of War Mobilization. The statement reviewed the strikes' effect
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  • 150 7 THE HAGUE, May -Queer. Wilhdmina of the NetherlanCj, has paid a tribute ra Allied troops who freed the country from the Germans m a sieech at Vu-'ht on the eve of todays liberation anniversary celebrations •We gather at this place which is drenched with t
    Reuter  -  150 words
  • 96 7 Are Tokio Trials Legal? TOKIO, May s.— Defendants now appearing before the Far East War Crimes Tribunal are to be given an ODDortunity to question the legality of the court's Jurisdiction. At the opening of yesterday's session. Dr. Shumei Okawa, one Of f he accused si-muted out: "Do you know
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  • 156 7 LOS ANGELES. May 4.— Mr. Edwin Pauley, recently appointed by President Harry Truman as head of the United States Reparations Mission for Korea and i huria, arrived m Los An f es yesterday, en route to the Orient. Mr. Pauley will stay m his Beverly Hills
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  • 387 7 TOKIO. May s.— Tetsu Katayama, Secretary-General of the Social Democratic Party, cciferred today with Baron Shklehara as political leaders resumed attempts to formulate a new cabinet following yesterday's Supreme Allied Command disqualification of Ichiro Hatoyama. the Liberal party president. Gen. Mac Arthur ordered the Japanese
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  • 67 7 Hong Kong, May 4. It was learned today that two Ameriran sailors were dead and four near death, and that 67 had suffered severe convulsions as a result of drinking wood alcohol which wr.s purchased m the belief that it was whisky. The men are attached
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  • 205 7 France Expects A Close Poll PARIS, May 4.— Paris newspapers today forecast a very close contest tomorrow, when i nearly 25,000,000 French men and women will go to the poll to vote "yes' or "no" on the new constitution adopted by the National Constitution Assembly on April 19. The results
    AP  -  205 words
  • 245 7 NANKING, May 4 Chinese Nationalist forces have captured lenki, about 40 miles southeast of Mukden, after routing 100,000 Communists, 7,000 of whom were killed, it Is officially stated here tonight. The Nationalists have now cut the link between the Communists m northern and southern Manchuria. With the
    Reuter; UP  -  245 words
  • 227 7 PRINCETON. (New Jers-y), May 4. The Radio Corporation of America today announced that iU laboratories h.iri developed a miniature image tube during th? war which provided soldiers m the Pacific with one of the most effective ni?ht righting devi-es of the war Operating by infra-red rays I
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  • 241 7 NEW YORK, May 4.— A break m tyre shares featured the general decline m market prices m today's short session. Although losses m the tyre group ranged to over two m Goodrich, the Street could find no immediate explanation for the selling other than
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 757 7 REWARD. A suitable rtward will be given to the person or ptrsons giving Information leading to Hi. return of any of the documents and books of the Nestle A Anglo-Swiss Milk Products Ltd., which were left at >H Nassim Road, the residence of the late Mr J. B David. In
      757 words
    • 437 7 Mansfield Co., LH (Incorporated m Su.k,apore i BLUE PUMNBL LINK Sailings to United Klnftfum Dates not ffjaranteed Cargc for Continent arreyled when inducement offers Antilochus i". ii' ifr UK Mnv Glenfinlas Due from UK 7 May WIIIIIN AUSTRALIA Thr shortest *r» roule al »h» rhraprst rate "GorK'Jii" s;>iH 6 May
      437 words

  • Article, Illustration
    104 8 Two London Wrens, Mabel Ashton and Margaref Pyle, caught the last Liberty boat recently. Now they are ashore for good and have decided to celebrate their release on the first ail-m Swiss tour to be arranged since the war. For £*>6.6. apiece they will enjoy 16 days of ease
    104 words
  • 100 8 TROOPS SEEK LOOTED ARMS IN MALAYA Soldiers of Malaya Command who were originally trained to carry out operations behind the enemy lines m Burma have recently been busy rounding up arms looted from Japanese dumps m Malaya. These Chinese seem to be getting a laugh out of the Army's hunt.
    100 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 476 8 IMI 3 B/\W s> 615> Shows KvA I 9.15 p.m. M G Ms Ship Shapely musical "2 GIRLS AND A SAILOR" ■with Van Johnssn, June Allyson, Gloria De Haven, Jimmy Durante and Oracle Allen. Opening To-morrow "GUEST WIFE" Ifs so funny, it's a scandal! HAPPY Tonight at 7 9 15
      476 words
    • 465 8 For Reservations Dial 8!0*3 GARRICK THEJJRE) o*.;* t*,: *«l "zss't'S,;? Jsr 3.15. 6.30 ».i 5 p.m. —^ma^^ Concluding Cha :< rs of •DON WINSLOW OF THE COAST GUARD' Starrl.ij Don Terry. June Duprez, Elyse Knox .t Walter Sande A Great Plc.ure depleting the perils and hardships of The It-. Coast
      465 words