The Straits Times, 3 May 1946

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • 504 1 Inland Revenue Expert Invited By Union Tin; levy of income tax throughout the Malayan Uni :i<?e«l m a memorandum by the Union Financ dodsd!, which was tabled at Wednesday's meeting Advisory Council m Kuala LumDur. Colonial 01 it has been requested to send to
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  • 83 1 LONDON, May 2.—T!ie SulU'i of Johore described Iho British schema for the Malayan Inion as an •outright" annrxntion of the nine Malayan states and predicted there was •'bound to be trouble." The Sultan said that agreements with the British had been signed under "duress" 'Now
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  • 198 1 Separation Of IRhineland Opposed LONDON, May 2.— lt was revrp.led last ri^ht that lie Conference of British Empire Prime Ministers, new meeting m London, was -.uianimously opposed to the French demand lor "he separation o[ the Ruhr and Rhinelana from ths rest of G?rm?ny. Th e Premiers, it was stated,
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  • 44 1 i BERLIN, May I.— Marshal of < A.F. Sir ShoUo Douglas 1 arrived by a'.r m Berlin this after- i v. on i) take over from Field Viscount Montgomery as (hi i of th 3 British ociupa ion I Rcutrr.
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  • 112 1 Lord Kilkarn, Special Commissioner for Sou.h East Asia, who arrived back m Singapore from Bangkok yesterday, revealed that a new rice agreement had been concluded between Great i Bri am and Siam. No details of the agreement are yet available, but it Is known that
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  • 127 1 rolling stock, and to supply serum as well as cloth, agricultural implements and hospital equipmeiv i and medicines, consignments of 1 which are already reaching this I country Increase m Australian Food Exports. Page 1. Liquors Decline NEW YORK, May 2.— A number of stock leader? were higher m the
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  • 116 1 JAP NAVY TO BE DESTROYED 'XOKIO, May 2 —The Alli3d Command has ordered ;h2 Japanese Government to destroy what is Isft of the Japanese Navy by April 30, 1947. I; is expected that eigh* vessels tarrier and cruiser— wi'l soon be destroyed under the order s ipulating t'-.a*. all Japanese
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  • 106 1 WASHINGTON, May 2.— The United States is to ship 150.000 tales of controlled cotton to the American zone of Germany. The Secretary of Agriculture announces that shipments are also under way to the British, I French and Russian zones. It Is not yet certain if the
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  • 304 1 CHANGCHUN, May 2.--*lvo' American corre.spondc.its aave i bevw detained m Changchun by i Communists under 'protective 1 house arrest since the city fell en Apr. 16. according to the Associated Press correspondent. The correspondents had protest, d rcncatcdlv that they were held under armed guard. O-ice
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  • 245 1 "Self-Protection" War, Says To jo TOKIO, May 2.— Hideki Tojo, j Japan's war-time Premier, broke i a long silence yesterday to declare that Japan fought a "war of self-protection," and promised that his defence at the War rimes trial would include the lull story of his actions without remorse. In
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  • 213 1 Co mm it tee Meets On Spain NEW YORK, May 2— The United Nations Security Council sub-committee investigating Spain plunged into a mass of 467 separate documents on the Spanish question at its first secret meeting. A communique said that most communications urged recognition of the exiled Spanish Republican Government.
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  • 51 1 TOKIO. May 2. Mount Aso, m the Mumamoto prefecture of Kyushu has started erupting for the first time for two years, it was reported today. The northernmost of seven pits started action on the afternoon of Apr. 29 throwing rocks to heights of I.OCO feet. I
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  • Article, Illustration
    45 1 The Cabinet Mission to India m conference with the Congress President at Viceroy's House New Delhi. Left to r ght: Lord Pethit k-I.awrence, MauUna Abul Kalam A?ad (Congress President), Mr. Asaf Ali (Congress leader). Mr. A. V. Alexander (near the wall) and Sir Staffo.d Cripps.
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  • 65 1 PARIS, May 1. Spanish monarchist ouarters to iay reported that the pretender, Don Joan, had rejected the conditions rightist Republicans proposed m exchange for their support m the event of the restoration of a monarchy m Spain. The Monarchists said the conditions were designed to
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  • 100 1 NEW DELHI, May I.— Th e Flag Officer Commanding he Royal Indian Navy, Bombay, hr-.s announced tha: invest iea'.iom into th? cas:s ot 312 ra ings, ojt of 362 originally placed under r straint af:er the February naval mutiny, have been comol /ci. Eighty-four have
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  • 97 1 ALEXANDRIA, May 2.— The Egyp'ian Army at midnight last nicht occupied Farouk el Awal University following two t'avs' rio'ing !n which two policemen were killed and 23 injured. Troops were called out yesterday evening to clear the university, and after making 18 arrests they occupied
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  • 418 1 U.S. PLAN TO CUT FORCES PAIH3 AND WASHINCrTUi*. May 2.— The United States U I ca Jy to reduce at once her occupation forces m Italy and Austria to 15,090 men each and to withdraw all her tr lrom both countries as soon as Peace Tr-aties are signed. Mr. James
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 560 2 ALONG dusty Georgia roads, across the plains of Oklahoma, and up through the winding valley of California a vast and varied tribe of Americans has started upon an annual northward trek. They ride m ancient jaloppies, as did the Joad family m John Steinbeck's
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  • 309 2 In an underground room at the Admiralty during the war the positions and movements of U-boats were plot ed on charts by a team of specialists. One could find m that room a detailed track chart of the cruise of any particular U-boat. These
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  • 219 2 Anglo-Indians In The New India ahe position of the Indian Christian and Anglo-Indian communities m regard to the pending constitutional changes was outlined to the Cabinet missis by the heads of their respective all-India organizations, Sir Maharaj Singh and Mr. Frank Anthony. The Indian Christians, Protestant and Roman Catholic, are
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  • 136 2 Screaming "Tenno Heika. banzai" <long live the Emperor), 'wo Japanese captains, Takakuwo and Hoshijima, were hanged at Rabaul recently. Takakuwo was the officer responsible for marching probably 2.000 British and Indian troops to their death." from Saixtekan to Ranau, British North Borneo, m 1945. Hoshijima commanded Sandakan
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  • 160 2 A Royal Canadian Air Force court-martial at Aurich passed sentence of death on two former German soldiers, Robert Hoelzer and Walter We gal, for the murder of an unknown R.C.A.F. airman. A th .rd ex-soldier, Wilhelm Ossenbach, was sentenced to 15 years' imprisonment. The case concerned
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  • 59 2 America's migratory farm labourers are one of the impoitant factors m the great world battle for food. They move with the sowing and the reaning and on their efTorts this year will depend v hclhfr millions will survive the famine months m Europe and Asia.
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  • 303 2 War Work Of Naval Architects Addressing the po^t-war general meeting of the In&t.tation ol Naval Architects, the president, Lord Chatfie.d, rsmarked on the substant'al contribut on wh'ch wns already being made by the shipbuilding industry to the restoration of the economic position of the country. Sir Stanley Goodall. Director of
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  • 30 2 gowig home alter lung service m South East Asia. At Calcutta docks welfare workers garland them with flowers, serve tea, cigarettes, hot meals and gift parcels.
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  • 373 2 Nine thousand regular officers will be required for the future Indian Army according to the tentative estimate made by the Commandcr-in-Chief, General Sir C'aut e Auchinlcck, in the Council of State. General Auchinleck was speaking en resolution moved by Pandit Kunzru (Liberal), asking the
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  • 361 2 Contract Bridge Both sides vulnerable m South dealer NORTH A X 10 96 3 <? 6 4 O8 7 2 9 r, WEST FAST *JSA Q a 2 C?KQJ9t; y 10 7 0Q43 O> A 9 5 Q io AJMII SOUTH 7 4 9a• t a 0 X J 10
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  • 130 2 A site m Grosv^nor-square isi suir'jDs^cd for the Roo.s-.ver memorial m Lon:on. This is; stated In th? first report o> the Franklin Roosevelt Memorial Commi.ce. which adds that the: British Government is willin-. k> tak c over ih? square and statue m perpetuity. The Duke of Westminster
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 147 2 NEDERLANDERS Zij die buiten het kamp wonen en genoteerd staan om per eerstc gciegenheid naar Nederland te evacueeren moeten Vrijdagochtend 3 Mci tusschen 10 en 12 hun jn;<sagebiljet afhalen op het Evacuatiekantoor Wilhelminakamp barak V. Het biljet wordt ultsluitend afgegsven aan hen die bewijs overleggen, dat zij gebockt staan voor
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 651 2 RADIO PROGRAMMES I Wickham Strcd, 12 midnight ShipOlllVjnfuKL I mates Ashore. 12 30 a.m. Close Down. RED NETWORK from oooi, it MAY 4. i C 5 I I ESE noon t0 X -1S p.m. <nev.j British Band of the ASF, 11 a.m Gue-t in Hokkien at 1 p.m. in Cantonese
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  • 131 3 EX-BMA OFFICIAL FINED $1,000 (From Our Own Co; it ,ponaem) Penang, May 1. FOUND guilty on two r,ut oi I five charges of giving false informaton to publx vaius, Flt-Lt. J. B. Seager, forma- Controller of Road Transport, Province Wcllesley, vas this afternoon fi;:ed a total of $1,000, m default
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  • 229 3 Japanese On Killing Charge (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, May 1. THE Perak Second War 1 Crimes trial opened this morning at the Town Hall, when Mamaro Nagayasu, Ja]) Officer-in-Charg^ Police District, Ipoh, m 1945 stood trial on a charge cf kill ng Chon^; Tot Siew a welikncwn Chine youth
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  • 133 3 Kranji Camp Commandant Gets 4 Years Found guilty on an amended charge of having !!!treated British Australian and Dutsli loWs at Kranjl PoW eamo between May 1941 and August 1945, Sgt Maj'/r hikawa Tairo was sentenced to four years' rigorous imprisonment m Singapore's First War Crimes Court yesterday, after a
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  • 131 3 Children's Photo "Guided" Jap Haya hi Yasuo, making his defaru c In the Singapore Second War Crimes Court yesterday, m ruse m which ci;.'ht Japanese facing charges of atrocities committed against "snies" m the Andamans showed President of the Court, L. Col. S. C. Silkin, a photograph or his two
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  • Article, Illustration
    95 3 A mart skull cap tri:. with The first cay of official "summertime' 1 brought many people into Hyde Park to enjoy the sunshine. Above a larse blsrk telt hat worn by a visitor to the SrYpentine lake m Hyde Park. A 1 \o picre costur:.r» m 11cm re
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  • 220 3 Jap Charged With Killing Labourer Yesterday, a Japanese second class Petty Officer, Takayanan Yoshinobu as arraigned before 1.t.-Col. G. A. Peacock, who wa; on the bench with Major A. D Yates and Capt. Taufiq Hasan, I UM Sixth War Crimes Court o: a charge of ill-treaang and killing an Indian.
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  • 132 3 Sentence of thre? months' simple imprisonment and a fine of $2,000 or a further two months' imprisonment w«?r.^ imposed by Mr. R. C. Hoffman m the Fourth Police Court yesterday on a Chinese woman, Ang Chang Neo, who was found guilty on a charge of concealing
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  • 85 3 [From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, May 2. The Chinese Consul Mr. N. K. Lee, has cabled the Chinese jovernment for advfee on the juestion of Malayan Union ituenship. Mr. Lee disclosed this at a •onference with the Press yesterday. He also referred to the
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  • 471 3 Pol liftmen Allowed Bail On Hurt Charges Ihrse Police Inspectors, including Hossaln bin All Alsi'jotl, and 14 detectives, most of whom have been detained In prison irany months on tentative charges connected with alleged Ul-treafcnent of various per.-.ons arrested Cv.riv% the enemy occupation of Etlogapore, have been released on bail
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  • 158 3 From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, M?y 1. Over ten thousand labourrs and a fair sprinkng of Cabiret hostesses md even children paraded hrcugh the town at noon today. nd m evident holiday mnod, ang and shouted their way to he headquarters of the General
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  • 414 3 Malayan Merchants Trade Revival In South China Ports iriii restoration of normal trade between Malaya and Hong Kong and South China is being expedited. For this purpose, Mr. Lien Yin?; ('how, chairman of the Singapore Chin se Chamber of Commerce, leaves for Wong Kong today by air on a three
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  • 198 3 One dark nijit iii Yedashe Lane m the 15a?an Quarter of Rangoon, a stringer knocked at the door of .Ma Khin Von, and asked 10 be admitted as a boarder m her house. He MM his name was .Maun^ Khin, by profession a t>.o ,er. H2 spoke
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  • 175 3 Decision Reache Following a conference in Kuala Lumpur, the Malay rulers. Including the Regent of Johore, have decided to attend a conference with Sir Edward Gent, Governor of the Malyan Union, next Thursdav. The Malay rulr-s came to this decision after seeking the advif? of
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  • 170 3 Two doctors from the Kandang Kerbau Hospital. Dr. A C. Smha and Dr. B. H. Shearos, gave evidence at an inquiry yesterday into the death of Dr. Victor Norris, of the Malayan Medical Service, at the conclusion of which the Coroner, Major C. H.
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  • 158 3 Witness Surprises Japanese *-\.!:aJami Yoshiiiitu. a subPetty officer m the Jap Navy md during 1945, an agricultural jverseer. m the Andamans maknq; his defence against a charge H ill-treatment of an Andaman [slander who died following an illeged beating, told the 6th War Crimes Court yeste. :iv that the :hief
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  • 154 3 R.A.F ON RICE SURVEY Plan At.rA 11UJN at lit:i;lquarter« Air Command. Chan<;!, I undertaking a r;co survey South But Asia. I'liotS graphs by thli Bectlon wil provide the basis for a ropoiH un th 3 extent of land now under cultivat.on as opnoseH to acreage suitable for pacfl a;id the
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  • 213 3 A youn'; dete.tivf. Won lI who appeared i:i th CrimH nal Dislrrt Court yesterday eH i charge of re^eivint an ill??H «a; told by tIH Fudje, Mr. Paul Storr. to kc^J 'way from the coiripl^inant H lip ca.=:e. V.'on'^ was aUeied to hafl iccepted SCO
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 166 3 FOR THE ONE WHO CARES! FOR YOUR CUT tic FIT PU'iisc Onifiilt OUR EXPERIENCED TAILORS LADIES' DRESS MAKERS GENTS' OUT-FITTERS You Can AlwmjU tret The Best Selections of Materials AT WASSIAMULL'S DEPARTMENTAL STORE 29, 31, 33 35 High St., Singapore Tels:- 3454 6202 UNIVERSAL BUSINESS MACHINE COMPAK (Typewriter Office Equipment
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  • 58 4 E. C YiUe Propriet r of TECHLAB iiico U;uiio Dis rlbutors, and Ratio nglnsers, 2 Orciiard Read. Btngaporc, I returned to resume bustac r en-p r address, Room 1" rcond Fl:;ir. Mercantile Bnnk r.uil-'-f, Phone 23 S. Private address <"2 Road, Phono 70 ih. All enquirlej ir the time
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  • 975 4 The Straits Times Singapore, Friday, May 3, 1946. Transition Of The Army If the pu'aent i&rccast oi miltcry commitments hold good, the strength of tne British Army wi i Le reduced to 650.000 men by the md oi this year. That lisure vu given by tne Secretary of Stale foi
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  • 389 4 Commonwealth 11 ™unjAf lest that the Meeting closest international co-operation upon communications of thr^ j is demanded. In the Fa cine, for example with whlrb the first discussions have been largely concerned, interests are shared with the United States, Holland and Prance, and the integrity of the great
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  • 893 4 COR six years East Africa's links with Britain were, for civilians, almost cut. There are Government officers who have hnd no oversea leave for eight years, farmers and missionaries who have stayed at their po ts for twice as long. If their minds are focused on
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    19 4 Tyr.iral of Uganda. Above looking towards Port Hr!l from Kampala and the L of E. ensret at Kampala.
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  • 313 4 Africa is a deceptive continent. When you fly or drivtover it you v are impressed by its vastness and emptiness But thai is only one side of the picture. For instance, m parts of Tanganyika people crowd at the rat^ of l.'iOO to a square mile. In
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  • 467 4 The Post- war 'noved from their plots), the yield of cotton from small-holdings ls declining, as indeed is the case with most African poasant-pro-duced crops, m West Africa as well as East. The total cotton crop, on which the Protectorate aepends, passed its peak several years ago. In Kenya the
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  • 683 4 Nelson Annuity Your correspondent Mr. Russel, In your edition of Apr. 25— si._ zests that the discontinuance of tr.e paying of £5,000 annually to tne Nelson family is "immoral": but we -have always considered that this annuity, and others in the same category, was an example of misdirected
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 705 4 The engagement is ii;.iurccd berecn Mr. Nrr Miang Qucc. eldest son Mr. N;: Beow Phuan r and Miss Low net Sam. eldest daughter ol Madam ban. VACANT i MAN. Wif.i wid? experience l S.S. Utd IKE. Indie.;, seeks post Hi 870, S.T. WANTED Experienced advertisement mmission. Apply n; 1 Box
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    • 71 4 MONOPOLY. A most popular game that pleases the Young and dellght3 thu Old. Three models available: I'OPI'I.AR MODEL In Blacic Cardboard Box, complete with all arcessoiies. GOLDEN MODEL In Golden-coloured Box with high class Accn-sorips ABISTOCKAT MODEL A srt you will b; proud io own. In Imitation Crorodilo-graln leather Box
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  • 54 5 Advisory Council In Session F. C. (limson presiding ovtr th« meettßf of the hinsapore isory Counc l > ester lay. On his left is .\.r. Hartley, actliresident of the Municipal Co >'mis.-;ioners, on his ri*:ht are >r Gen. Cox, Comman cr. Si i :pore District and the acting Attorney General,
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  • 114 5 n Our Own Correspondent) London. May 1. 3lying to a question by Sir rln Lucas m the House of nons (Straits Times. Anr. the Secretary of Stite for Colonies. Mr. G Hall, Fald mber of British subjects of Ie origin belonging to the Eastern defence
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  • 60 5 nang War Trials This Month aits Times Corr.: PENANG, 2.— A special War Crimes will open m Penang about niddle of this month, ac1K to the Resident Commer, Mr. Norman Grice. s delay m holding the trials plained, was chiefly due to s made to bring to Penang Japanese surrendered
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  • 92 5 man Pillion Rider urt In Accident ounjr Chinese woman pillion and a male motor-cj t m severe Injurii j, the more seriously, when an Z. omnibus and a motorcame into collision at the ion of Katnns and Joo Roads yesterday evening. injured couple were rei to hospital, the man ■jrr
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  • 126 5 1,150,000 Loan To Chinese Miners INAACIAL aid foi the rehabilitation of Chinese tin mines of v. to £1,150,000 is proposed m memorandum tabled at i]Pi meeting the Malayan Union Advisory Council m Kuala mpm. Ie aid will take the form lvances, on certain terms. 950,000 for carrying out oved programmes
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  • 686 5 Singapore's Housing Law "Needs Changes" BACK RENT CLAIM FEARS "T THINK it will generally be felt that the Taw with regard j 1 to housing accommodation obviously requires drastic readjustment and that the present Increase of Rent Restriction Ordinance does not meet all the contingencies which now arise for decision,"
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  • 177 5 Army Police Catch Gold Thief The I6UWA.«jr Police m Kuala Lumpur recently mad^ a sensational arrest. A civilian bank manager rang them up and reported that a British soldier had come to his counter and asked how it would be possible to transfer $10,400 to England. Immediately, a detachment set
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  • 100 5 (From Our Own Correspondent) PENANG, May 1— A threat "by the notorious Jap officer.! Suzuki, to cut off complain-i ant's head," was referred to by j the defence counsel m the case i m which C. M. Sunderaj, Police Inspector before and t'uiii the Japanese occupation,
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  • 168 5 Clarification On New Buying System Wanted 'From Our Own Correspondent) LONDON, May 1. Commenting further on the levision of the system for purchasing rubber The Times says: "In some quarters, it is feand that Singapore will now be cut off and that Singapore brokers rind dealers, being forced to sell
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  • 404 5 Approach To Governor For Arrears Of Pay .1. _HRepresentatives from the Malayan Union and Sinsanore took part In a meet nc; heli m the Municipal EuiLiing yesterday to elect a commttce wHch will anproach the Governor, Mr. F. C. Oimson, on the question of the grant of arrears of pay
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  • 403 5 A new strain of mould produced by X-rays, *hich pron ises approximately to double Penicillin production, has just been announced by the rniversily of V/isconsin. Nearly 1.000 units of the lifesaving drug may be obtained from every cubic centimeter of the I broth m
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  • 176 5 New S.M.C. Set-Up Disclosed The new constitution of the Singapore Municipal Commission was di.-clo?ed at yesterday's meeting of ths Advisory Counc.l. The acting Attcrney-Gen-eral, Mr. G. W. McL. Handerson, said that it had been decided that the Municipalit; should be carried on by a President and a minimum numter of
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  • 7 5 (APT. L. D. GAM.WANS.
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  • 202 5 Gammons To Meet Rulers CapL L. D. Gammas, Cor- servative M.P., who pass, r: through S:ngtipovc on his way to BtnKTßfc on a Parliament.;' ry mission prci poses to return to Mr.'a^a for 'a few weeks to "dIKIUI v.iih ihe Sulcans and the leaders o' all commur,it:e3 the propeseu constitutional
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  • 186 5 BANDITS SWOOP ON WEDDING FEAST Straits Times Correspondent Ipoh, May t. Armed bandits continue to terrorize Ipoh, and two of the coolrst MM mosl daring hi hl-ups feature a week of armeu rcbb?nrs m and srrurd the town. m Oreentown last night, Hut Man 838, a cciut intern. c er.
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  • 147 5 WARSAW, May 1 In a Ion? statement daiirs to Polish placed before tre "~u Fo <;!;!e:errc. Mr. ZinMiniiter o! Fo r a"n Affairs, said: "The fannot conr.ifier this Bten M':rn by the Czechoslovak G otherwise than as a iriendly act." '•polish puHi fi.n i i*
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 82 5 Uftl/MVii* TEL. No. 6909. *|["f lfl Sunday 4 Shows ttmm^ dmlmMtt r "i iiiiliv 11.30 a.m. Z 6 9 p.m PRASUAVS PRESENT "CHAND" Starrin* PREM AUie-r.i.C.IM PARA— SIT.IUA HEAR— THE NEW LOVE SON 33 AND ENCHANTING DANCES! IP ITS PRAEHATS ITS THE BEST SHOW IN TOWN! N>xt t hanre The
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  • All The Latest Sport News
    • 319 6 AN OUTSIDER WINS THE 2,000 GUINEAS T. West on Again SIR William Cocke's HAPPY KNIGHT, ridden by Tommy Wcslon, won the Two Thousand Guineas, the first classic race of the 1946 season, at Newmarket on Wednesday, the colt running away at the finish to win by four lengths. History thus
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    • Article, Illustration
      18 6 Ihe Services mixed hockey team which lost by four coals to onr m a game played at Thomson
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      15 6 lie hard-working left back m the mixed hockey side which met the Police on Wednesday.
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    • 288 6 Singapore Basketball Tournament A basketball and volleyball tournament under the auspices cf the Singapore Chinese Amateur Athletic Federation, will be held at the Happy World Stadium beginning today and continuing till May 18, Sundays excepted. On each evening the first same will start at 7 30 and the second at
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    • 532 6 COUNTY CRICKET Gloucestershire will have two new trophies m the pavilion this summer and not quite the sort of thing you expect to see m a cricket pavilion. The trophies are two 5001 b. bombs, writes Harold Dale, the Daily Express encket reporter, previewing this
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    • 207 6 Revival Of Sport In Segamat s.raits. raits Tunes Corn sluamat. May 2.— Upholding her position as the foremos: sports centre In Johore, Segamat has organised a soccer league for the district. Nin e teams, of which five are lrom Military Uni s, are taking part. This is the second league
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    • 149 6 Squadion Leader R. M. Ritchie wen the R'cyal Air Force individual golf championship for Eenrlng personnel at Hun?tanton on Apr. 18 by one hole. He beat "Flight Servant K. G. Thorn, runner-up for the boys' championship m 1930. In the morning Ritchie was the steadier, and m
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    • 92 6 LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, May I.— Rippey won the Derby Trial Stakes race on Monday to become the commanding figure !n Saturday's Kentucky Derby, premier American turf classic. Rippey finished a neck ahead of Spy Song with Pleasure third, and Assault fourth. Rippey clicked the mile m 1.40
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    • 140 6 Two soccer ma < hes will be played nex; week at Jalan Besar stadium m aid of the St. Duns'an's Fund. In the first game, on Monday, May 6, th e R.A.F. will mcc; the Second Div., and In thr second, on Wednesday, May 8. the
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    • 79 6 .'o- Lenta, world's hcavvw.i.;ht bcxin? chani'uon, told a?: ftiieflllnd Press torresponc?:nt on VV-clncscljiy t'.iat he intends to carry the light to challenger Billy Conn all the way m their title bout on Jimic 1 iti New York's Yankee Stadium. ouis arrived m >."<■ v York from Indiana
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    • 66 6 Wednesday's Home Football Results Results of football matches .pb.yed a' Home on Wednesday are: LEAGUE NORTH: Leeds 3 Bradford I;< Middlesbrough 3, S oke ciy 1; Newcastle l, B?rns]ey 1. LEAODI THREE SOUTH: (cud s-ini-final replay): Queen's PR. 0, Bournemouth 1 (after extra time* Western Command 2, Scottish Command 2.
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    • 320 6 LONDON, May S. The "threat" of the American Gene Sarazcn to fly to Britain and participate m the forthcoming open championship at St. Andrew's, is not regarded as a sericus threat to Dick Burton's title, writes James Chambers. Associated Press sports correspondent. British golfers would likw
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 388 6 TINDERS TENDERS ir.vited 'o run Barrack's Laundry. Steam plant and accesserl;?3 available for use. Estimated Kven(C number In Barracks to be entered for. l/.CO men. A.l tond^rs to be submitted to Commander. H.MS Sultan I, B'.nkang Mati by Monday, May Cth 19 16. SINGAPORE ST. ANDREW'S SOCIETY. A Special
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    • 360 6 AUCTION SALE OF Va'.uab'.e Freehold Building AHoUMBM sliuate o3 Al-Junied Read. Singapore, total area 223.069 sq. ft. (To be sold In 19 separate Lots as app" ->»d by imS.IT.) To Be Held At Our Saleroom Ko;. 14/16 Rob.ns-in Road, On Thursday 9th May 1946 at 2 33 pm. 'Full Particulars
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    • 434 6 SPORTING RACEFOKM Mk you r-\,r how they hmked m thr paddock, they went n th.they all ran. The ideal Redd] tact for Overseas Sportwn wi'r m? m England. The Ceawn, b Mail 16 weeks trial for £i R FORM, 39 43 Hatters Hlq:, London, SW 11 CHINESE RECREATION CLUB PENA
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  • 577 7 Attlee Tells House Decisions Urgent LONDON, NEW YORK, CAIRO AND JERUSALEM. May 2. American Congressmen feel that Britain should turn to the United Nations rather than to the United States for military assistance necessary m Palestine were the joint Anglo-American report acted upon.
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  • 152 7 WASHINGTON, May 1--Sena-tor C. Wayland Brooks today to.'d the Senate that the American lean to Britain is pa. c "of £.v American New Deal plan for a v.&r'.dwide WPA project." He declared that the loan v.culd lower the standard of living of the United States
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  • 78 7 Dr. Saul Hertz. Research Associate of the Harvard Medical School, claims to have cured a case of hyperthyroid-over-act ve goitre by means of radioactive iodine therapy. He claims that the disease may be very cheaply cured by artificial radioactivi f y The present treatment is
    UP  -  78 words
  • 45 7 WASHINGTON, May 2.— Several Latin American republics are considering the possibility of establishing diplomatic relations with the Philip Dines aftrr theii Independent. It is not known whether the first step will be through the establishment. of a late-general or embassy.— v.p.
    45 words
  • Article, Illustration
    18 7 Dr. Hugh Dalton, Chancellor of the Exchequer, leaving No. 11 Downing Street to present his Budget to Parliament.
    18 words
  • 258 7 Huge Capacity Of New Gold Strike An irtOUlMttm :u£ay -> 23,037 inch-dwt, is measured for the recent gold strike m the Orange Free State, South Africa, according to the Cape Argus. In the Free State the highest value hitherto revealed was 2.309 inch-dwt. Ordinary Rand ore runs at about 250.
    258 words
  • 159 7 LONDON, Apr. 30— The M nster of Labcur, Mr. Isaacs, stated m the House cf Commons today that the conditions governing the entry of students to univer-Kie* for the year bsginning October had been decided m the li^ht of the general manpower position. Preterence would be
    Reuter  -  159 words
  • 290 7 Increase In Australian Food Exports Australia is to make contributions to hundreds of thousands of tons of grain and aiumal foods, and more lamb and butter than was expected to the world's food pool. This decision follows the return from the Singapore Food Conference of Mr. Keith Offl er. the
    Reuter; AP; UP  -  290 words
  • 205 7 WASHINGTON, May 2 "The U.S. Secretary of the Navy, Mr. James Forrestal, attacked the legislation to merge j the armed forces, although praisling President Truman's basic objectives of post-war unification. Mr. Fo.restal told trie Senate Naval Committee that the 'army plan for merger" could result m
    205 words
  • 243 7 Schacht On His 'Fight Aga inst Nazis NUREMBERG, May 2— HjaLuor Srhacht, former president of the Reichsbank, told the International Tribunal yesterday that he was no creature of Hitler's Genranv and had wa^ed a cois'stcn'. fight against the excesses of the Nazi regime. "At every opportunity I said no," Schacht
    AP  -  243 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 462 7 SKI G. W. (Nightly at 7 9.30) Bis.' Tnsk Fur Grrat D^tirtive! "THE SCARLET CLAW 1 with I ii'ior.c as Sherlock Holmes and Niqcl Bruce as Dr Watsor Oprninc To-morrou-: "(i.\\csTi;ns boy" (Jackie Cnoper) Midni'M (11 SO) Tomorrow "ADVENTURES OF MARTIN EDEN' (Glenn Toid Claire Trevor) ATLA*!2IC G. W (Nhl-.Mv
      462 words
    • 742 7 REWARD. For information leading to recovery 3f Packard 28 HP. car Engine No *****7. Chassis No. *****5. Strict j.ifldence Box No Ml ST. REWARD. Will any person with knowledge or In possession of Private Correspondence Fi es and Sundry personal effects belonging to Lt Col W. A Gutsell, Mambau, Negri
      742 words
    • 507 7 Mansfield Co., L.J (Incorporated m Si\\dpore.) M4JI PUNNEL LINK Salimrrs to United KiuMum DMM not guaranteed OafgQ for O accepted wlni m Juccm -ut nUers Antilochtis 1 lor O.K M^» Olenflnlas Due from UK 7 May WESTERN AUSTRALIA The shortest %ra route at >hr rhrapett rate "Go- ''m I
      507 words

  • 92 8 Anil ?r^tnc9 d?mor.str;:*ors pnra' -g m ffeafiUfcar ffptttre. ORGAN WATCH When he is on duty Telegraphist Cartwright of LST 427 works a wireless set. Off duty he likes to play an organ. Picture shows Cartwright an Associate of the Royal College of Organists at Singapore's
    92 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 276 8 SINGAPORE MUSICAL SOCIETY. First Orchestral Rehearsal TODAY at 5 15 pm. In the Victoria Memorial Hall. All who wish to take part please &ttend or communicate with: G. G. VAN HIEN, 4th Floor. Union Building. P.O Box 448 Tel. 5091. ™!™CATHAY NOW SHOWING 11 a.m. 2—4.30—7.002 4.30—7.00 9 3»» p.m.
      276 words
    • 300 8 f IMIBF Hr OPENING TODAY K!t's!liJfl:!lP^?^ 4SHOWSI 30,4,6 30,9 30 P m HI know f giveMV^gJ^ I V^3B V MERLE ■'■Jr F GEORGE |ft||^^ LAIRD JJ pnrn ad I I SIR CEDRIC HARDWICKE 27 M__JW I SARA ALLGOOD tV f? HM I Aubrey Mathsr I Directed by JOHN BRAHM ftM
      300 words