The Straits Times, 16 April 1946

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
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  • 476 1 Instructions Sent From Teheran To UNO Delegate ThHiiKAN, April 15 It is officially announced that the Persian Government has instructed Hussein Ala, the Persian delegate to the Vnitcti Nations Organisation, "immediately to withdraw Persia's complaint Mains! the Soviet from the Security Council agenda." The announcement
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  • 120 1 Pethick-Lawrence May Retire LONDON, Apr. 14 —Ths New 3 oi (he World reports today the imminent retirement of Lord Pethitk-Lawrcnce. Secretary for India, effective on the compleli m of the India mission. Others on tha News of the Woild list of ra ly retirements are !Ur. (ieor^e Hall. Secretary f
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  • 336 1 Paris Crisis Approaches PARIS, Apr. 14: -On the eve of elirtion a split threatens the French coalition government as the National Constituent Assembl. elected last October lor a maximum life of seven months. entcn; h linal week of its career. /vlthough predictions of an early sp.'' in the coalition made
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  • Article, Illustration
    309 1 The first full dress ccn."er;nc2 on the food situation i.i Southeast Asia, presided ever by Lord Kiilrar.i. Sp'ci'l Ccmmissic.-er fn South-East Asia, becan at Cathay building yesterday, but no cffi-iai indication is available yet a.s «> what pheses of the f:od i r.Llrm the discussions dealt wi'.h. The Supiem^ Allied
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  • 353 1 LONDON. April 15.— Sir Charle 3 Vyner Brocke, Rajah of Sarawak, r.rrived at Kuching, capital cf Sarawak, today. As the Rajah mounted the strps from the Royal launch to the dais to receive addre?s?s of welcome, Royal salute of 21 guns boomed from Fort Margharita. He inspected
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  • 58 1 Proposal To Give Franco A Chance NEW YORK. Apt 15— On the eve of the Security Council debate on the Polish (barges that Gen. Frrnro's regime In Spain was enr'r.nsering world peace," the British delegate, Sir Alexander adoean. pro^esed a liberal discussion of thf Spanish question m order to allow
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  • 268 1 Martial Law In Manchurian Capital CHUNGKING, Apr. 15:— Maittal law and curfew from dusk to dawn rere proclaimed today by the Chinese garrisjn commander in Changchun, capital of Manchuria, tftef Red Army trcops had pulkd out of the city in the course of their general withdrawal from e Fas em
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  • 189 1 GENEVA. Apr. 14 —The Finnish delegate to the League of Nations was the first to suppo:t a Polish Czech resolution t:day that Russia bo given a BhT3 cf th^ League's $12 mil ions r.sscls, although the Soviet Unico was c p lied from the League
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  • 233 1 Sultans May Go To London Straits Times Corr: LONDON, Apr. 14.— A report that the Malay rulers wished o corns to London personally to po ition the King m connection with the establishment of the Malayan Union was mentioned m the Sunday Times today. From the point of view of
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  • 422 1 FURTHER FOOD CUT URGED WASHINGTON. Apr. H.-Mr. Florello La Guardia. Dlrec orGeneral of UNRRA. revealed today that he was urging the United States Government to cut domestic flour oor.sump ion an cddifonal tc-i per cent to meet the despera c fum'ne si uation abroad. The Depar men.', of Agriculture expects
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 1204 2 The Straits Times Singapore, Tuesday, Apr. 16, 1946. At The Bottom Of The Well What is the truth about the world food situation? Undoubtedly the outlook is grim m several parts of the world and many people are already existing perilously near to the starvation line; some, even now, are
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  • 140 2 Road The inclusion of Safety road m oaieiy tne terms of re ference of a reconstituted Road Research Board marks a great step forward. It means that for the first time ther? is to be a scientific investigation, guided by impartial experts and conducted by professional research workers,
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  • 20 2 South African visitor wishes t< contact family of Jong Pook May lati Quce:is College Johannesburg. Real No. 758 S.T.
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  • 1415 2 On April 8 we published an article on a Modern Hospital m London. Today we publish another article reproduced from The Times (London) which describes the efforts of British hospitals to provide the best service for all citiz-ns. British medicine Is facing a
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  • Man-in-the-Street
    • 677 2 A great deal has been written m the local press giving the impression that the Malays as represented by the Pan-Malayan Malay Congress are entirely opposed to any form of Malayan Union and any form of common citizenship for Malaya. This is absolutely wrong. Malays throughout
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    • 83 2 Your "17-year-old" correspondent amuses me. I take it that the correspondent means that Mrs. Kirwan has never slept on the hard floor. I can assure her that she has, and it r a long period at that, with a child by her side. But that was during
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    • 64 2 I use Anson Road daily. This road outside the Fleet Canteen has, m the last two weeks, been turned into a "mud bath". Permission to allow this, and more so to continue, Is an abuse of authority. I have personally seen a man skid and nearly fall of
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    • 149 2 The Malayan Tnian In Pantun i I < Now that Malay opprsition to the Malayan Union is a widely discussed subject, asserting itself j even m the minds of such emin- ent ex-Malayans as Sir Trank Swettenham and Sir Richarr! Winstedt, it is interesting to note how It is finding
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    • 50 2 Nothing Is more welcome to Dresseis than a chrnge m drsi?nation. The titlo "Dresser" fails to convey the real meaning that is intended by the word Trr word is so vague that It may mean anything including a hairdresser Fo why not change it to Hospital Assistant.—K.A.N. <Dresser>. Singapore.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 749 2 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Classified Smalls $1.2;> per line Mm. Charge $5 Public Notices ¥10 per single column mcl Personal Domestic $2.50 per line Mm. Charge SK Bix average words comprise one tire Advertisement* may be vnl by pos accompanied by remittance Foi Information telephone Advertls uj Manager. 5471 or write Straita
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    • 38 2 Eyesight Once Rained is Never Recovered Whether you wear glasses or not, should you experience the slightest discomfort or difficulty with your eyesight or lenses, don't hesitate to have your eyes thoroughly examined! C. S. CIIONG, O.D F.P.O.C.
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    • 250 2 Education for cfa life-long security! W BUSINESS edttcatiaa ha- ew-r km th<- MadM hmrtMal— rot urn in;; handsome dividends in personal advancement security success and g.-nrral well-being. Today, there is a demand or ihoroughly trained and qualified \j/ men and women to fill the important, H.R.I. Career Training responsible, well-paid
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  • 1585 3 Condemned Men Include Singapore Kempeitai Chief Lieut. -Col. Sumida Haruzo and seven of his subordinates, described by the court as the men "who turned the prisons of the Singapore Kempeitai into the Jklsen of the East," were sentenced tc de ath by
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  • 629 3 'Stern Example To Those Who Support Evil' i-.ieui.-uoi. sunv.aa Haruzo, chief of the Japanese Kempeitai m^n, sentenced to death by hanging in Singapore yesterday, was the subject of special remarks by Lieut-Col. S. C. Silkin, President of the second War Crimes Court. "Your case is different, Sumida," said the President,
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  • 68 3 X c' a I fim addressing the r=.'-hc rinff at the opening of tlie I Uib m quern Street last Saturday. On his right are Mr. PAH. McKerroii. Colonial Beewtf y. and .Mrs. II A. I.cid; on his left Dr. Wu I ihilir. (hints- Consul-General. r.nJ
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  • 665 3 Australian Prime Minister, Mr. J. B. Chifley, Minister for External Affairs, Dr. H. V. Evatt, Mrs. Evatt and a party of Australian Government officials arrived in Singapore yesterday en route to the Empire Conference that is being held in London shortly. The party arrived in
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  • 580 3 Prison Terms I For Inspectors iwo young inspectors, (Jng Hock Jin and Koh Say Yeow, who iuined ih' rai Settlement* Pclice Force a few years b?fore the war m th? Pacific, and who, after an interval following the fall of Singapore, continued working m the same capacity for the Japa:irsc,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 613 3 PUBLIC NOTICE We, the undersigned, declare that Messrs. MASTERS LIMITED of Singapore, are our sole Representatives for BRITISH MALAYA and are du'.y authorized to accept orders m that place for displayed advertisements and paid insertions m. and copies of KELLY'3 D I R ECTORY OP MERCHANTS. MANUFACTURERS SHIPPERS. linJ all
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    • 217 3 RAFFLES HOTEL TONIGHT DANCE 9.00 p.m. to 12.00 p m. Amlsslor Charcm: $100 to Nun Rrsldrnt*. MAJE 8 T I C Premier Chinese Picture Palace 4 Show* Dally: 1. 3.15, 7 A 9. 15 p.m. "SHE KNEW ALL THE ANSWERS" Starring:— Mi*<. Chrn Swan tt Mr. Pak Wan Nine Rrmnd
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  • 882 4 Government 's Specific Orders To Mission BRADFORD, Apr. 15. The British Labour Government has issued instructions to its three Ministers at present m IndiU the Secretary of State for India, Lord PethickLawrence, the President of the Board of Trade, Sir Stafford Cripps, and the
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  • 221 4 SYDNEY, Apr. 14.— Uncertainty as to whether Australia is still technically at war has caussd a deadlock m respect cf coalmin:rs' wages. In Canberra it was stated that In th? opinion of the Federal Gjvernment a state of war exists until a state of p?ace is
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  • 378 4 Alleged Murderers Arrested Straits Times, Corr; IPOH, Apr. 15.— Three Malays and an Indian, believed to be members of a gang specialising m motor thefts, have been arrested by the Ipoh police. They will be charged with the murder of a Chinese taxi driver and theft of his vehicle some
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  • 409 4 Japanese Charged With Shooting Signed statements made to Allied officers investigating war crimes m the Andamans, were put m as evidence yesterday when two Japanese were brought. up for trial m the Singapore War Crimes Court charged with beating and shooting a civilian resident of the Andamans. Major D. E.
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  • 470 4 LONDON. Apr. 15. —Selectors to pick Englands test team against India will be the youngest m history, consisting as they do of 46-year-old A. J. Holmes of Sussex, 38-year-old A. B Sellers of Yor'^shre and 39-year-old R. E Robins of Middlesex Tc their number will be added
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 273 4 M/V "KISTNA" •rrived 14th April from Bombay. Consignees should apply fcr delivery orders to Messrs. Islay Kerr Co., Ltd.. HA, Collyer Quay. Consignees are requested to send lighters alongside for delivery ex ship Jn the Roads ran q fl ff> Q Q^^^P r o. W. Nightly! 7 A Ml p.m.
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    • 42 4 SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTION UNIT. THE SINOAPORE SALIIS DEPOT Of the Supplies Distrlo.ilion Unit has now removed to Lhfl following address: SIPI'LIES IHSTRIBITIGN UNIT I1I 1 W.I). Kilildin; I ii> press Place Singapore Trlcpliuiif 5213 5211 Tbe Itradsiiiarters only remains at fi Malacca Street.
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    • 1031 4 A Miracle*^ Was Needed m No single event In the history ol the United States so stirred the imagination of the American people as the bombing of Tokyo On April 9. 10t2. Bataan capitulated: The fall of Corregidor was expected hourly. American so'dlers. sailors pnd Marines were dying bravely and
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 266 4 SINGAPORE RADIO REII NETWORK from noon to 2pm and •> 30 to II pn on 12', metres from noon to t p.m on I.Kft met/»ec m 61 metre band and from 745 to 9.30 pm on 78 m»c/sec «r Rl metre band Chinese noon to 1.15 pjn (news m Hokklen
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