The Straits Times, 12 April 1946

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
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  • 597 1 SUPPORT FOR POLAND BY U.S. ON FRANCO Nazi Atomic Scientists Said o Be Working In Spain NEW YORK, April 11 Official sources revealed today that the United Slates would support Poland's request for full Security Council discussion ot the Spanish question now coupled with the report that Nazi atomic scientists
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  • 556 1 Britain's Taxation 'Too High' LONDON, Apr. 10— Sir J-hn Aadenon. forma: chancellor cf Exchequer, s^ai,ed th 2 debate on the budget m the House of Commons today that taxation In Britun was far tco high. Tli? fad that B. 'tain was much nearer a balanced budget t'.an ma.ny had
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  • 283 1 Tojo To Face Three Charges TOKIO, April 11 -The Japam-e war time premier Hideki T:jo, the man who made war m the Pacflc and Asia, is expected to plead not guilty when he comes up for trial as a war criminal suspoct. The Indictment en him will be turned over
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  • 88 1 COLOMBO. Apr. 11.— Four thousand Italian prisoneis of war have left Ceylon fur their home-land, which some of them have not seen for the last eight or n'ne years. Most of the men were captured m the r-arly campaigns la the MidJle Eat. Mary fought m
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  • 415 1 Royalists To See Franco LISBON, Apr. 10.-The Dolce ot .Maura, \vi h Don Ramon, Political Advser to the Spanish Fre-.ender, Don Juan, left here by plane t^cny for Madrid on a sprcial mission to see Gen. Franco on ;he qucs ion of the restoration of the monarchy m Span.
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  • 196 1 CHUNGKING, April 10. Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek, m an interview wi h a special correspondent cf the United Press today, disclosed that China had no: seen the text of the Yalta agreemen: until it was released by the United Sta es State Depar ment recently.
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  • 411 1 CHUNGKING, Apr. 10.— Chinese Communists forces have started an all-out offensive against the Peking-Mukden Railway m an effort to hamper the occupation of anchuria by Chinese national forces, It was officially announced to-night. Thousands of Communists soldiers are bartering Sichong, 37 miles northeast of Shanhaikwan, Fengtai,
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  • 625 1 LONDON, Apr. 10.— Britain has effered to raton bread If the United States will do so too. Alternatively Britain will take any other measures which the United Siates is ready to adopt m order to grcpple with the food crisis
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  • 59 1 Jew elled Sword For C.-in-C. DAMASCUS, Apr. 10— The city of Damascus, capital of Syria, will present a jewdi.d swcrd U Gen. Sir Bernard I'atet, BriUsh Commander-in-Chief m the Middle East, tomorrow when the city is celebrating "evacuation clay to mark the departure of Biitish and French troops. Gen. Pagct
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  • 272 1 LONDON. Apr. 13. -Mr. Ernest I Bevin, Dritain's Foreign Gecretary, today sent a mesia^c to the Greek Resent, Archbishop Damaskincs, whose res.nnation announced frcm Atl.cns yc day No ttatMWal of the content., of the ucsttg* has been mutic j in cfTirial quarters, but it i.s sumed
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 985 2 Reference w:-s made m a recent article In thi; column to the d cuities hich confront civilians i who return to Singapore without having made finy pevious arrangements for fnmlahklg such accommcdaticn ns they may jc able ti obtain. We wrote of
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  • 314 2 Mr. TrtwaBf I*" a0 Loess to reSpeech gard int r national as a two-way transaction at every itaCfl I*presen s the lar^c t demand which world peace must, upon the great co::' seif-ccntained powers, the United States and the fcu. l Unicn. In the orderly process oi give
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  • 1641 2  - THE PRISONERS AT NUREMBERG What They Do Inside Their Cells the Earl of Birkenhead By During my visit to Nuremberg I had the unusual privilege of being conducted over the gaol by the Commandant, Col. Andrus, the American officer m charge of the war criminals. The prison communicates with the
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  • Man-in-the-Street
    • 82 2 So much has been written about the ex-PoWs. internees and volunteers, but the Passive Defence men have been forgotten. The civil populrtion owes a huge debt to these brave men which only the government can repay, j The Passive Defence men also j had their share m the
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    • 75 2 The authorities were vary thoughtful m putting up the signboard "We're waiting till cheaper goods arrive." But an they say when the goods will arrive? I shall bo glad If the authorities who p::t up that signboard can enlighten us as to when the first yard of textile
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    • 80 2 You have thought it necessary to devote a whole editorial to *he question of "Accommodation" for European civilians. Would it be too much to expect \cu to stress the importance of returning Raffles Institution and Victoria to the civilian authorities so that more than 2.000 students, who were
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    • 69 2 Before the war I had a certain deposit with a Chinese bank. In 1943 I drew a part of my deposit and paid m again a few months later an equal amount. New the bank tells me that my account is good for the sum less my withdraws!
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 655 2 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Cl~.ssiried Smalls SI V, per line Mm. Charge 55. PuV.Hc Notices ll* per single column inch 0 Pcrccnal Domestic SfJSt prr line Mm. Charge Sli> Six a\c;-.;e words compile 3nt lice .i(Jvrr«i-.«Tr:rnts may bs s,-ni by post an o.r^Mnied b> remittance For Information l«lep:;one M«*rUri4 JWararrr, M7I or
      655 words
    • 85 2 RAY KiHui;lf AND HIS HAWAIIANS present Five rnr'i.intins Hawaiian Iforoids m j a IV.-autiful Presentation Albu*a. 7373 Mai Poina On L*M Nani Wale Na Hala— Hula 7374 111 Nei— Hula Wahine U'i— Love Sor.g 7375 Pili Me O Cowboy hula Hapa Haole Hula Gir: Hula 737G Hi:a'nlai— Hula i Kn
      85 words
    • 288 2 NOTICE TO CONSIGI IFPI*." v p -*ed *O arrive from London on the 13th April and consifrne^s should apn'v stead Cc. Ltd. Uni-m MSjSJhMI fc--fcßiaty orders NOTICE TO CONSIG^ M V •'CHARON" v.ill Mrtß at th' 1 I of SHB. on Anr'i 12th to discharge her inward < should apo'v
      288 words
    • 308 2 TF-: ICE. P.W.D.. D B "i lr > noon <.f the SjSSti Aori!. 10^ l. 1 5.4fi All nartie;' r» of r.p Ensiam. p.w d DM rktng <iv 'the boors of 8"3 &.TA sil'.! 430 p..l.p ..l. nd must (m the prin'-r' tend to b<-- obtained at the P T1
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  • 747 3 R.A.F. VACATING 130 HOUSES THIS MONTH But Accommodation Problem Still Acute Api.Toxinidtcly 130 residential houses m Singapore, c^ieflv m the Katong district, are due for release by the R.A.F. before or at the beginning of May. The remainder of the Chinese Swimming Club premises (ground floor), will be released about
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  • 231 3 Lawlessness In Mining Areas Strays Times, Corr: IPOH, Apr. 11.— Ou' of about 30 Chinese mines that have been operating. in the past few weeks 12 have born so badly stripped of vital equipment by looters that further work has been made impossible on these vie imised proper! ies. These
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  • 52 3 Straits Times Co r: KUALA TRENGGANV, Apr. I.—A 45-year-nld Malay. Fashim, w^s so overjoyed at Mi re'oa^e f orn detrnticn that he died while pcetiag lii- H siiim livfd m Kuala Bran:; and had been detained m the local caol perHin? investiL'ati ns into alleged
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  • Article, Illustration
    69 3 Evidence Wanted Wcda Kumejlro was In charge of the Office of Controller of Er.emy Civilians during the Japanese occupation of Singapore. I It has been alleged t'/at he submiUed the "White Star"' people to cnirl mental toriurc by threes and a bi'llyinR attitude. Anyone, who ran pndwt any evidence to
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  • 457 3 SPORTS At yesterdny't cricket meeting held at Customs House, a committee of six was elected with authority to control cricket activities m Singapore till the clubs start functioning aea.n and to select Singapore sides as tba occasions arise. The committee Is as follows- Chairiran. Mr.
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  • 582 3 COLONY COUNCIL WELCOMED "The formation of a Legislative Council on the lines set >ut i.'. the Order in Council Is welcome if :t is the first step towards self-government." said Mr. Yap Pheng Geek, commenting on IM riTs'itutloi. of the Council, in an interview with the Strai's Times. Mr. Yi.p,
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  • 663 3 From Straits Times Conespon den. ts •3*.u.-v.u i —Measure; have be n taken by the health authorities to checa the spread of typhoid m this district Though more than 10 cases have bom reported, mostly among Indians, no (italics have so lar been recorded. Compulsory inoculation
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 368 3 T BOYS' CLUB, b WO] or offirifl!!v -u-able Mr. P.A B on S^'urday the in>h Instant at 5 pn 1 B->vs between the res of 12- 1R who nre not In School. may enrol for membership a* thr 1 "nt there will I ip.ton. boxinc. reading, and heturcs. n radio
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    • 144 3 SPOKTI\(; RACEFORM (ells voo race Dy met? K\> they lookfa In the paddock bow thru went ln tl I tl.r> all j ran The Ideal contact for o\e;sens sportoaun with racto| In England j Weekly by Air Mall Pu'l oarttculars I from RACEFORM d') 43 High Street. London SVVI! POLIOMYELITIS.
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    • 443 3 BILL BAILEY S NEW COCONUT GROVE 55 Cuppage Road (off Orrh.rd Read at the other end of (hr- road from Singapore f'n!d Slnrare) Open Daily from 13.00 noon to 1 Midnight For Dance -»rinks No Admiminn charge till KOO p.m. "oj'i:n all day si xd.^y" Male- Your Date With THE
      443 words

  • 412 4 COMPANY REPORTS Ths following excerpts from company reports will be of interest to our readers: Brunei United Ap;>:- ximate'y 100 acres of the best rubber were cut down by ihe Japanese or. this cs'.at? to mak- an a!r „*,i.p and nearly 90 acre; of youn* ir;> anted l-übbtr were lo
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  • 735 4 Woman Is First Candidate Assured Of Election TOKIO, Apr. 11.— A 38-ycar-oJd housewife, T.lrs. Satcko Togano, is the first candidate of eilh°r sex to be virtually assured of election to the Japanese Diet. Representing the Japanese Party, she polled 24,000 votes. As counting of voles
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  • 198 4 COLOMBO, April 10— Ceylon has been taken oil the air trunk route, according to information received here from the British Minis'ry of Civil Aviation. The thrice-a-week 8.0.A.C.— Qanta.^ Lancastrian service from the U.K. has been diverted from Karach 1 via Singapore to Sydney and Darwin,
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  • 318 4 Japs Caused Racia IFeeling In Malaya LONDON, Apr. 10.— Racial feeling between the Chinese and Malays m Malaya which led to the murder of 56 Malays m a mosque at Bikaw, Perak, on Mar. 6 was directly attributed to Japanese occupation by the Secretary of State for the Colonies, Mr.
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  • 275 4 Coffee Shop Owners Fined: Court Warn jng As a result of surprise visits by men of the Ford Con rol Inspectorate under Captain J R. Lansdeil, more than 100 summonses hay- been served on coffee shop pnprietors and their asois?an's m S ngaoore. Yesterday, m the Second Court. Mr. L.C.
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  • 719 4 Leary Cons tan tine Discusses Indian Test Team cricketer, who Is Reuters special cricket correspondent, thinks that India has ;elec:cd :i erl K-^t ;i'!e ti tour England that will not ".ose, rather than that will win test matches. Magnificent batting strength is not •sufficiently supported by attacking bowlers unless some
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  • 342 4 Straits Times Corr. IPOH. Apr. 11. —In the Superior 'Court yesterday. Lieut. -Col. J.C. Adams sentenced three Chinese and two Ind'ans to prison terms varying from one month to i cur vc-ars for gr>ng rcbbiry on Suncel Blah Esfste in Chemo- Road In February this year. Col. Adams remarked that
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 751 4 FRASJ3H NEAVE, LIMITED. (INCORPORATED IN T.-IE BTPJUTS SETTLEMENTS) Registered m England under the Defence (Companies) Regulations, 1940 mJSSLS&S tS&S I Ss2^tbl M lsg^g S^SSLLr&i ZJZTZ T d «S? Sheet Panted at th, 1945. the Directors publish the Company's Balance Lc-et as at 3Cth June ?945 Fenchurch Street. London. E.C.3. on
      751 words
    • 570 4 Tay Wee Soon, of M»s;: Afltafl ,'z Co., a^ed 43. tlic only sn;i 0* Mr. anJ Mrs. Tay Pan Pr:;-^ pasted away P"n"efully after p ihort lli-.r-s nt h>% residence No. 8. Saint Thomas Wal>, Sin-apcre, at 113") a.m. on HUi Ajrlj I9lfi. Imilm h<;iinfi him ih 1 parents, wife
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 252 4 SINGAPORE RADIO KEI) NETWORK from noon 1 pm and B 30 to II p m on rr. metre* from noon to t p.m an 4.8?5 mri arc In 61 metre band and fro-n 7 to 9.30 p m on 4 7H nnr/«.rc Ir fit metre band Chinese noon to I.
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