The Straits Times, 28 March 1946

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
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  • 345 1 Insists Persian Discussion Be Delayed Until Apr. 10 NKW YORK, Mar 27.— The Russian delegate to the UNO Security Council meeting, M. Andrei Gromyko, has threat ened to take a "temporary walk" from the Security Council if it discusses the Soviet -Persian dispute before Apr. 10,
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  • 98 1 CAIRO. Mar. 27— \lthoush MossM radio has repeatedly ir.cnt one! an agreement signed r\ Teheran betwevn Russia and j p rsia, the Persian Government still srvs no such agreement u.Ti signed Th» British ;"'J Am?iran Mibas c ies are »'iH attemyiißS t» discover v.h 'l-rr surli a'jrecm?nt
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  • 94 1 PARIS, Mar. 26.— A new Franco I Chinese incident is r ported by the French News As ncy corns pondent m Hanoi. He st?.tes that two Chinese soldi: is. encouraged by an Indo- Chinese mob. att'Cked three French soldiers. Tv.\> French! soldiers were wounUfd. One has net
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  • 77 1 Despite wind and rain, thousr.nus ul p.. pi"? ln.d ;h.> it-eels to welcome Aim. Lord Loula Mour.tbatten, Suprrms Allied Cummander i.i S.E. Asia, on his arrival in Molbournr, s aya Rer.ter. Ac'm. Mountbatton told Lord Mavor Cor.acl'y that he was in thp eitv f*t th" invitation bt
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  • 55 1 Jemadar Zarnan Knur, member j of the Japanese-sponsor, d Indian National Army, has be^n found not guilt; by a court martial at New Delhi of five marges of erueltv alleged to have boen committed when be was a-I'"tnnt of a prisoner of war tamp m! Blnvanore
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  • 67 1 TOXIO. Mar. 27— The Allied Commi ml revealed today that Lt.-Oen. Kumaklchi Harada, former Japanese army C-ln-C m Java, has been delivered to Sugamo prison In compliance with orders Issued on Mar. 14. He is sought by the British In connection
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  • 68 1 >W. Mar. 21 —A vfrdict of suicide while his balance of mind was disturbed v.tis returned at the Inquest m Sir Samuel O'Donnell, former Secretary to the Government of India m the Reforms Office. llj was found dead from gas poisoning m his London flat on Sunday and
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  • 146 1 Russian On Spy Charge PORTLAND (Oregon). Mar. 27. —The Federal Bureau of Investigation has arrested a 29-vear-o!d Russian naval lieutenant, Nicolai Grcgorivttch Redin, on charges of espionage against the "peace and dignity of the United States." ArralTnrri in full uniform before a United States commission, Redin relusea t> answer cha-k?
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  • 90 1 BATAVIA, Mar. 27— Dr. Soebardj^. MM iviinlster lor Foreign Arfairs Jn th" Indonesia Republic Cabinet, has been arrested at Jogjakarta, Republican headquarters In Central Java. It was stated In official Indonesian circles here today. Reports from Jogjakarta quoted by the Netherlands news agency said that
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  • 219 1 NUREMBERG, Max. 26.— Rudolf Hess, Hitler's deputy until his flight to Britain In 1941, refused today to give evidence in his own defence at the War Crimes Court trying him and 20 other highranking Ns>zis Dr. Alfred Seidl. his counsel, told the Tribunal that
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  • Article, Illustration
    38 1 ISritain'a Snrclal I oitinns&iuner. SE. A<ia, Lo d KiMeam lai ri?ht) photographed with Lt.-Gen. Sir F. M. Browning, thief of Staff to the Supreme Allied Commander, at Tuesday's session of the foal conference now taking place In Singapore.
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  • 178 1 WASHINGTON, Mar. 26.— Mr. Dean Acheson, U.S. Under-Secretory of State, m disclosing secret sessions of the Senate atomic energy committee, said the administration' i policy is to place atomic energy under the UNO. He said a curb on the use of the atom
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  • 291 1 OTTAWA, Mar. 26 A new plan to make more Canadian wheat available to ease the food shortage of nations or the world was announced today in Ottawa by the Canadian Minister of Trade, Mr. J. A. Mackinnon. Under the scheme farmers will
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  • 49 1 LONDON, Mar 26: -British, Food Minister Sir Ben Smith told I cnnferer.rp today th^re would be no cut m Britain's fats ration at the moment but the p-jsition would be kept "enntinually m view." He refused to comment on scap or oils— Reuter.
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  • 195 1 COLOMBO, Mar. M< le Governor of Ceylon, Sir Henry < llMae-Mourt, and Mi Ij. S. Ser.annyake. leader of th? State Council, will be attending the South-east Asia Food Conferrnce In Singapcre In the middle of April. Announcing this at the con ference of Ministers
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  • 220 1 CAPETOVN, Mar. 26.-If tl>- Asiatic land tenure and Indian representation bill becomes law. I the executive of *he Soutn African Indian Congress has unanimously decided to inform the United Si- j tlons Organisation that the j South African Government has I flagrantly
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  • 76 1 CAPETOWN. Mar. 25.— Introducing the A-latlc Land Tenure and RegLMritlon Bill before the assembly here today. Oen. Smuts. S. African Premier, denied the bill represented an Insult to India and a challenge to Asia. BmuM pointed out that "If the question H not tackled South Africa
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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  • 773 2 The Straits Times Singapore, Thurs., March 28, 1946. Free Port Policy Penang traders are reported to be overjoyed at the announcement by the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies that Georgetown Will again become a free port when the Malayan Union proposals are put into effect. That reaction is understandable;
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  • 1696 2 U.N.O. TO DEBATE PERSIAN ISSUE Soviet Outvoted On Exclusion Proposal Russia's proposal to exclude the quest ion of Persia from the agenda of the present session of the Security Council of the United Nations Organisation was rejected by nine votes to two yesterday. We publish on this page today a
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  • Man-in-the-Street
    • 85 2 With reference to the article In the Sunday Times of Mar. 17 that civilian accommodation used by the military is being released, I should lllce to point out that students of St. Patrick's School have waited in vain for their school to be returned. It Is well
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    • 102 2 I should like to draw the attention of the Singapore broadcasting authorities to the dissatisfaction of the listeners who depend on the public address system in the Tanjong Pagar— Anson road area. For some time the loud speaker was "off the air Then later it was "on the
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    • 134 2 Would you please convey Co the Chinese residents of Singapore my gratitude for the many ways in which they and the Chinese of Java and Sumatra helped me while I was a prisoner of war with the Japanese? Before my capture, I did not really understand their kind
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    • 43 2 With reference to the King's Harbour Master's notification m your Issue of Feb. 22, one finds that the lighters supposed to be released are still being used by the same department. Can the authorities concerned please explain this A Claimant, Singapore.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 749 2 The marriage will take place on 31st March, 1946, between Mr. Ong Tiang Huat, youngest brother of Mr. Ong Tiang Heng, to Miss Tham Koon Nco, •ldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tham Bwee Siong. SITUATIONS VACANT FIRST CLASS salesman required by Import House. Applications to Box 621. Straits Times.
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  • 489 3 Utmost Efforts To Encourage Trade Malaya is to receive a share of the 1,000,000 tons oi foodstuffs which Australia will export during 1946 while the Commonwealth Government, m order to encourage trade v.ith Malaya to the Upmost extent, has already lifted controls on m; -j y
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  • Article, Illustration
    60 3 ■■hs r '<Bi a:';a t:r «Ticnirg sesson of thi- B Kast x ia !■>)! Otmttnmet m Sinsapo^ shows (from ritrht to left): Dr. Nicholls, Dr. William Clyde, Mr. C. Empson (counsellor to Lord KiHcarn), Lord Killcarn, l ieut. Gen. Sit F. A. M. Browning, Chief of Staff to Supremo, Major
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  • 98 3 It has k««l dcciicsl b> His Majesty's Goverrmer.t that i.-ivil pvfrMUt siiail be rMOMd m th? Malajar Union and Sinsanore on Apr:! 1, cr as ill nrardi as '.nn he conTenlcatljr arranged. *3}- a SEAC H:■ annomiccm-'nt. Bota Sir Biward Cent and Mr F. C. GJmson. Urn r.ov-ernjr-d
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  • 62 3 Awards to personnel In Air Command. South East Asia, have been announced rs follows: Distinguished Service Order to acting Sq. Ixlr. L. P. Evans. A JVC and Distinguished Flying Cross to F/Lt. D. S. SeofTham. F Lt L. M. Rowley. D.F M F/Lt. J. M. Ayshford. F/O.
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  • 609 3 In Singapore and other parts of Malaya today, small bodies of men, living apparently blameless lives, carrying on legitimate bdftinm, or corducting societies which make no attempt to hide their existence, are making the business oi" oppressing the-r foliov-bfings one paying rich dividends. Informed dicks
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  • 58 3 Straits Tunes t'orr LONDON, Mar. 26.— The rubber trad*- is eagerly await ins the Government anruuiutmfnt, expected in the middle of next week, regarding the new An?lo-Am*rican rubber sales agreement. The Financial Times reports the faint hone, not shared by <h- rubber share market jrffnerally, O f
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  • 167 3 Juvenile Court Inaugurated Describ. it as ar e.c •>;■ riiuent. the success of which depended on the puhlic-spiritedness anJ sacrifice in time and riv.ney on the part of those who would U 4 s advisers. Mr. L. C. Goh inaugurated Singapore's first Juvenile Court yesterday. Slttir.? as presiding offirer, Mr.
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  • 94 3 In what Is believed to be the first Instance of prosecution for alleged overcharging of customers for meals. a restaurant proprietor Lim Kla Hin, and his waiter Wah Keng Wee. claimed trial to a summons charge that they charged $10 for two meals, exceeding the maximum
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  • 57 3 Search For Missing Lancastrian Air-Sea rescue squads attached to SEAC and stationed at Cocoa are participating in the search for a Lancastrian, missing since Saturday while flying from Ceylon to the Cocas Islands. It Is understood that Sunderland flying-boats of 230 Squadron are standing by at Seletar. Until a late
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  • 21 3 News has been received from Australia that Mr. W. McArthur, of Derrick Company, to returning to Singapore shortly.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 94 3 P^^AW mm JOE ONAI lflJCl(C^ M N^^AOROWI MIRANDA^DORA LUZ^CARMEN MOLINA e^^^ fi I j OPBMIira TO-DAY 615 p.m. ALHAMBRA 915, p^n. ONLY Thereafter 5 Shows Daily 11. 1 15 3 30 6 15 9.15 p.m. Phone For Reservation No: 6909 Added Attractions (For To-Day Only) "EHE ASTORIA RHYTHM BOYS 1
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    • 454 3 NOTICE TO TELEPHONE SUBSCRIBERS Telephone Subscribers nc nereby Informed lhat the Oriental Telephone Electric Co LU1. will resume control and maintenance of th< telephone systems In Singapore a A Johore Bahru as from 1st April 1946. Prom that date all comirunications regarding *hc seivice shouM be addresvd to the Company,
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    • 277 3 Daily. S i tM Columbia's Pasclnatim; Drama of the West! William Hnldens Triumph l -TEXAS" with Glenn Ford <5S Geor;r Bancroft Rou<rh Play Rut Bill Will Return 'or Blow SKY l,r< at W.rld (Nlgntly at 9 30) "TTIF ri.YING CM! S I Chapter; i Sor Tlie CVsMI I M Splesl
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  • 233 4 CHUNGKING, Mar. 26.— The Chinese Food Minister, Mr. Hsu Kan, m the People's Political C^v.ncil today charged UNRRA with sending fewer supplies to China than to Hongkong and the British with not allowing Siamese rice 'to Cii'e to China. The Minister said UNRRA pror^ssd that
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  • 164 4 E'-iit- Times Corr: PENANG, Mar. 26 —Handicaps tor the first days Pe.ian^ races on Saturday are as fo'Viws: Horses Class 1 Div. 1. 51 fur: Jesanne Sur'^a^ P 10. Krishna 8.12. Th» Pathan 8 6. Mickey Rooney 8.3, Bull Xoi 8.0. Tepong 8.3. Jimanla 7.12. Horses Class
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  • 129 4 Straits Times Corr: PENANG, Mar. 26 Although no outstation horses will be racing, satisfactory entries have been received lor the Penang two-day meeting on Mar. 30 and Apr. 6. when a card of six events has been provided for each day. Owing to ihe death, on Saturday,
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  • 126 4 Thrift Loan Society Meeting Singapore Municipality Co-opera-tive Thrift and Loan Society member.?, who succeeded In keeping records of ths Society intact throughout the oc-cu'-.a;ion, held their first annual meeting since 1941 on Monday 1'ne meeting declared a dividend of fou.- por cent, on June 30 1941 credit balances, approved payment
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  • 60 4 Maximum sentence of thtee years' rigorous Imprisonment was passed on a marine policeman. Omar bin Ariffln, who was charged with dealing In firearms. He wps arrested while trying to sell an American revolver with ammunition In a house tn Albert Street on Mar 6, by Mr. L C.
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  • 63 4 Gall For Amnesty Republic LONDON, Mar. Hi.— "The release of all political prisoners and unequivocal recognition of Indian independence, would create a better impression m India than a statement by the Prime Minister, Mr. Clement AUlee. m the Home of Commons, declared Mr. Mohan Lall. at a public meeting here
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  • 129 4 Two Years' Gaol For Whipping Compatriot A lons-servlce detective, Kuan Pat Poll, who whipped and beat up a compatriot with a pole tn the Central Police Station in February. 1942, was sent?nced to r vears' rigorous imprisonment in the second Superior Court on Monday, by Lt.-Col. O. C. H. Culley.
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  • 217 4 "I feel that Overseas Chinese H.-e 'iving in a country that Js somewhat like a paradL-e compared to the piMabl» conditions of their brethren 1n China. Overseas Chinese have large capital, experience and Initiative 1 trie* thi*v would return to thetr mother country and invest their
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  • 67 4 The annual general meeting of the Royal Asiatic Society (Malayan Branch) was held yesterday and the following werj elected for the coming year: President, Col. Vlcror Purcell; vice presidents, Ungku Aziz. Father Cardon. Maior Rentse, treasurer, Capt. G. N. Winsley. secretary, Capt. M. R. Henderson; councillors, Col.
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  • 147 4 No Losses In Bandoeng Operations BATAVT i. Mar. 26.— The Brtclsh military spokesman said that as far as hs knew ther> WM not a single casualty in the operations which last flMM completed Allied occupation of the southern part of Bandoe:v hill station. 100 miles south-east of Batava. nccirding to
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  • 122 4 A general meeting of the members of the Senior Officers' Co-operative Credit and Investment Society to held In the office of th» Director of Posts. Malaya. Kuala Lumpur, when ;t was unanimously decide! to revive •he Society. The following provisional Committee of Management vas elected: Col.
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  • 67 4 Straits Times Corr: PENANO. Mar. 25. The hoisting of the Chinese fla?, watched by a large gathering of Chinese leaders and representatives of Chinese associations and schools. marked the official opening of the local Chinese Consulate this mornlns. Consul N. K. Lee, In a brief
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 257 4 A Shows Dally: 1.30. 3.30. 7 00, A 9.30 Phone for Reservation 6909 Universal Pictures present, "DON WINSLOW OF THE COAST GUARD" With Don Te)ry— Walter Sande Elyse Knox June Dupree Philip Ann BEE Bomber Crash-Dive on Ship's Deck-depth Bomb explode under sea Trap, Police Boat Shattered by Surfacing Sub
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    • 144 4 NOTICE. The Scientihc Instrument Company Ltd. (Incorporated In the 5.8.) formerly of 2, tinlayson Green. Singapore, wll be rc-.umins business In the near future. In the meantime, all customers, old and nev.\ are cordially Invited to -(lid their ord">s or enquiries for Microscopes and accessories. Binoculars, fcurveyln,' and Engineering Instrument*.
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    • 62 4 Famous A. V. M. Product FAMOUS H AVOUK— smooth, full, rich, delicious, gives extra fragrance bouquet. CHARACTER from choice tea leaves. ECONOMICAL— you use less "Durbar" per cvp It's so rich In flavour. A. V. M. Abul Kasim Bros. 79, ('noon Guan St.. S pore. Phone 4476 Stockists: CHIUA FRANCIS
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    • 138 4 He's a love guinea pig for a beautiful blonde who puts emphasis on kissing 9f^^^^^^^ M-G-M'» Bs^f LEWIS STONE 1 \r hrn. WK 1% t WA I fec^' li Ilk II I rV^ 'iflH Ki^J^'-- Introducing OPENING TO-DAY f* atii a v n m 2is> 43 SrnfiL uAi nui Pm
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 298 4 SINGAPORE RADIO RED NETWORK from noon 10 2 p m and 6 30 to 11 pm on BS metres from noon to I p.m. on 4.825 mcs/se« in 61 metre band and from 7 45 to 9.39 pm OD 4 78 row »ec it 61 metre band Chines* noon to
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