The Straits Times, 12 March 1946

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
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  • 495 1 British Seek Increased Food For A Hied Coun tries WASHINGTON, Mar. 11.— The British Food Minister, Sir Ben Smith, in Washington to press South-East Asia's fo od demands to the Combined Food Board, has registered with the Board the British Government's protest against the demand
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  • 225 1 Pravda Hits Out At Ch urchill LONDON. Mar. 11:— Under the Churchill waves the gun." organ, of the Govict Communist Party, published tod.iy a quoted by laosc< w Radio in Russian on Mr j Winston Churchill's speech at i Fulton, Missouri. When one reads the spt the former Biitish Prime
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  • 137 1 LONDO M r. 10 Moscow Radio, quoting the French news-;, paper, Soir, said today that j Gen. Frnn-o i? 'juyinq; armaments in Switzcr'nnrl. Th« Cc Soir stated i that the Hispano-Sulxa factory in Geneva h~.s agreed to supply Franco with 50.000 shells for 20 cannon, according
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  • 256 1 Gen. Gcortje Marshall. U.iited States Special Ambassador to Ch'.na, is teturning to t.-e United States today to report to President Truman, according to a Chungking newspaper report Reuter. The British Foreign Se< rctary. Mr Ernest Bevin, retired as General Secretary of the Tran-port and General Workers Union
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  • 42 1 NEW DELHI, Mar. 11.— The Viceroy, Lord Wavell. conferred today with Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, president of the All-India Congress, on India's current food shortage and the formation of provincial minis. ries. a cording U) reliable sources. UP.
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  • 96 1 WASHINGTON. Mar. 10— Mr. Winston Churchill told prominent Ameri:an Navy, Army and Air Force leaders Kith whom he had been associated luring the war that the 'effective mity of British and American mill;ary staff work Is a "precious possession which we have In common." "This unity
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  • 325 1 Sjahrir On "Dutch Invasion" BATAVIA, Mar. 11 ln his capacity as Minister of Foreign Affairs in the Indonesian "Republican Government," Sutan SJahrir today lodged a writUn protest with the Allied Commander in the Indies, Lt.-Gen. Stopford, against the landings of Dutch troops. Sjahrir wrote: "I emphatically reiterate the standpoint of
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  • 80 1 BA'.AVIA, Mar. 11.— Two separate British convoys were attacked in the Soekaboemi area last night and early this morning and Thunderbolts carrying out sweeps in the area report that both convoys, bound for Batavia. are at a standstill. The convoys were fired at from both sides of
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  • 493 1 CHUNGKING, Mar. 10.—Chinese National Governmen. trcops and Yenan Communist forces are reported to be engaged in clashes in the streets of Mukden, key city of southern Manchuria, following the withdrawal of Russian forces fr .m the city. No confirmation of these reports
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  • 270 1 British Major Believed Killed In Ambush A British major is mLssLng, be- i lieved killed, a captain and two J Indian other ranks are wound d and five Indian other rants are j missing following an ambush by j Indonesian terrorists on Saturday near Tandjoeng Morawa. about nine miles south-east
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  • 112 1 Provisional Go vt. At Hanoi PARIS. Mar. 10.— A new provisional government headed by Ho Chi Minh, leader of the Viet Minh (Indo-Chinese nationalist movement) hr.s been elected in Hanoi, northern Indo-China. by the Assembly of Viet Nam (Annam), Frcinch sources reported from Saigon tod. Bao Dai, former emperor of
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  • 80 1 Moscow. Mar. 10 controversy as to whether or not the U.S. and Britain should share the atom secret with Russia rages, Soviet scientists are quickly working to discover it independently of their western colleagues. Brilliant physicists lik" Academicians Kapitza, Vavil JofFe are vigorously exploring cosmic rays
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  • 42 1 CAIRO. Mar. 10. A bo-.nb in the Miami Cinema. C I during a por'ormanre of the British Him "Place One's Ovn I Sunday hoire of p.. tors ruslied to all t 1 t killed and three injure
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 66 1 BOVRIL Jfct will he reach i 33g With the removal of war restrictions, Bovril will ji -M B jm \sf once again be available to you as quickly as it can dM fi 8E be sent. It will be the same Bovril you always Hr enjoyed as a stimulating beverage
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  • 588 2 The Stairs Singapore, Tues., March 12, 1946. Keeping OrderJap Style Rabble-rousers who have sought to establish a reign of terror in Malaya, and those peculiar individuals who can always find something to be said in defence of gang robbers. Lntimidators. and other disturbers of the peace, nearly all react in
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  • 716 2 Mishandling Of Malayan Affairs Criticised Straits Times Corr: LONDON, Mar. 10.— The Sunday Times scathingly criticizes the d-lonial Office for mishandling Ihs Malayan affairs, which is resulting in the most awkward questions in both Houses of Parliament and a battery of complaints from former high officials of
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  • 83 2 WASHINGTON. Mar. 10 —Sir Rarr.r. waml II ':-!:ar. head of the I fi-rt r>- i■: to W'-F'Titon and London, said the mission had completed the p tut lon of its case to tin C i \Va afci T*tv 'v ii|| fO" ttW cislon of th: ard
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  • 47 2 Pilot Officer D. S. Bamjee of Uic Royal Indian Air Force was klllei in a crash two miles from Chropcnham (Gloucester >on Saturday. The plane narrowly missed several houses and took of! the top-, of a number of trees before It crashed. lieuter.
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  • 627 2 The local fishing industry's problems have acquired such a high priority that a special committee is sitting to deal with them. C'uuplcd with such long-term policies as the encouragement of deep-sea fishing from motur launches equipped wrth refrigerating plants and the removal of time-honoured
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  • 218 2 /vuvisory Domini nee All peace-loving citizens of all communities in this country must h.ivv be n greatly wo.rled and cijturb:d by the recent betwe?n the Ch'n r,e and the iv'Mrys in j-omc prrts o. the r lufatry. It will be v ry sad Uuk id it th s stne
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  • 675 2 Sir George Maxwell With draws Support For Union Proposals Writing from Chindies. High Salvington. Worthing, or. Feb. 10, Sir George Maxwell says: In your issue of Nov. 14, 1945. I wrote a short article in which I gave my warm support to the proposals for a Malayan Union. When I
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 768 2 SITUATIONS VACANT OLD established British firm requires experienced Chinese Salesman for Ininorts. Box No. 526, ST. WANTED two female Lift Attea'J dants (Chinese preferred) Apply Cathay Cinema, Singapore. WANTED a fully qualified accountant, by well-established contracting firm. One who reads and writes Chinese tt English need apply to 517, ST.
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    • 73 2 BABCOCK WILCOX LTD. London and Renfrew BOILER MAKERS ENGINEERS have re-opened their Branch Office:— B-1, HONGKONG BANK CHAMBERS. SINGAFORE I LEE KIM SOO LiiV. -?:*r Coal Tar Merchants and Sole Proprietors Of The "E L X A V E S" Group of Factories M.itrhes. Nails. Ornamental Flooring Tiles. Earthenware Anti-MjUrial
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  • 522 3 Accelerated Release Of Public Properties The task of restoring Singapore to its pre-war normalcy will be greatly accelerated towards the end of this month and throughout April when a considerable number of properties will be returned to their civilian owners. The Straits Times
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  • 236 3 G aol For Having Penicillin Tvcenty-four-year-old Kaipal Singh, %ho pleaded guilty to a charge that en Mar. 6 ne was found in possession of 220 bottU-s of penicillin valued at $1,320 at '.ho junction of Bras Basah Road and Victoria Street, vas sentenced to two y<ars' rigorous imprisonment by Major
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  • 135 3 At 9 o'clock on Thursday morning. Lieut. Kanlyuki Nakatnura, first Japaesc to be sentenced to death as a war criminal In Sooth -East Asia, will be hanged at Chanfi Gaol Nakamnra waa foand gniitj on several charfes, one of which was that he beheaded
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  • 117 3 Entries For Ipoh Races On Mar. 16 Straits Times Corr IPOH. Mar. 11. As only 20 entries have been received for Saturday's races, the Ipoh meeting will, therefore, be confined to four races. The entries are: H <rm. Class one, six furlonss: Goafs Skin (10.00). Remembrance (9.11), Ballvmum (903) and
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  • 111 3 Gen^iou^ terms for the revival of their life insurance policies are available to aU policy-holders of the Oriental Government Security Ufe Assurance Co., Ltd.. which has rc-cpened it branch office in Kuala Lumpur. ThO6e who have paid their premiums which fell due prior to Dec.
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  • 186 3 Cloves Osborne Woodford, 51-year-old Eurasian draughtsman, was sentenced to death by the British Officer Court yesterday on a charge of collaboration. "I am innocent," declared Woodford on being asked if he had anything to say. Wins Commander F. A. Briggs (President) who sat with Capt.
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  • 109 3 The museum bronze Dust mystery has been solved The bronze, discovered at Pulau Branl and sent to the Singapore Museum for preservation and identification, Is the work of the sculptor -brother of Mr. W. J. Wilcoxon, one-time managing director of the Straits Trading Company who went to England
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  • 131 3 remain in the Museum. $15,640 Involved In Armed Robbery At 4.30 am yesterday, four Chinese armed with pistols forced their way Into 201 Souih Bridge Road and robbed the Inmates of Jewellery and other valuables estimated at /1 5, 640. On Sunday at 1 30 p.m. a', ths 10th mile
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  • 772 3 japs To Answer For Car Nicobar Executions When Japan was plunging headlong into defeat during the middle of 1945, away on the extreme fringes of her penetration towards India, in two groups of islands in Bay of Bengal, Japanese Army and Navy men were jxcelling themselves in brutal :rimes and
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 244 3 V€%mJ%A'Y1 THAT RICH BIG STORY »&&*> WHICH THRILLED U.S.A.! ROMANCE OF THE $6. 000,000 SAILOR! CANTEEN nmninpßn| MARRYING TO THE IbAil THE SERVKE X2 v r r <S **?2^ G!RL he HIEBI3&9S HE serves! EHffiii22iEj3a9^Hß3H deserves! MG.Ms SUPERFINE COMEDY WITH SONGS MUSIC TO NATCH Featuring 3 of Hollywood's Popular Younger
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    • 591 3 CHRISTIAN BROTHERS' OLD BOYS A General Meeting of the Christ*an Brothers 1 Old Boys will be held at St Joseph's Institution. Bras Basah Road, on Wednesday. 13th Marco, 1»46 as 5.10 p.m. sharp. NOTICE. As from 10th March 1946 all applications from firms or Individuals wishing to purchase new motor
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    • 301 3 II HI J rriiT II Rimless Gttumet •■< DAH SIN OPTICAL HOUSE 326 Mortb Brtdfe Km. N porr. Proprietor— P 8 DZING O.D. M. FI.INTER S. GRINBERG Wholesale Retail Dealers in DIAMONDS 6c JEWELLER!' 67. Stamford Rd. Eu Court Bldfe R. C. A. RADIO TUHFS KEEHUAT RADIO CO. ■MM Orrhart
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  • 416 4 BOLTON, Mar. 10. An official statement on the worst disaster in British football history in which 33 people were I killed at liurnden Park during the FA Cup-tie between Bolton I Wanderers and Stoke City yesterday was made by the Chief I Constable of Bolton
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  • 208 4 Consumer Goods Arrive In Penang Straits Times Corr: PENANG, Mar. a— Braining from next week, clgaiettcs will bo dl~tributed according to lire cards to every adult in Penang. A'thoi "h the bacls of distribution lias not |ret besn announced, the first intimation of this news has already resulted in a
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  • 239 4 A British Officer who. on Dec. 9. 1941, was commanding an anti-air-craft-detachment of the Hongkong and Singapore Regiment Royal Artillery at Kota Bharu aerodrome was captured by the Japanese. His arms were said to have been tied behind his back with wire for four or
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  • 113 4 LONDON, Mar. 11. Moscow radio last night broadcast a commentary in English and German on what it described as a "noisy anU-Soviet campaign" in Britain and the United States. "Progressive public opinion in the Urited States and Britain," said the radio, "will not tolerate
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  • 119 4 U. K. Protest To Soviet On Manchuria LONDON, Mar. 10— The British, Joining the United States in protest over Manchuria, have delivered through the British Charge d'AfTaires in Moscow, Frank Roberts, a note to the Soviet Government protesting against the removal of Japanese plant and installations from] Manchuria. The U5.
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  • 288 4 Probably before the end of this month, a court for juvenile delinquents will be established in Singapore, which will be assisted by a panel of 20 assessors 15 men and five women and a panel of medical advisers. The Salvation Army is appointing a full time
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  • 186 4 During the years of the Japanese occupation, a large number of pre-occupaion mining leases in Malaya were not renewed and expired. Although under normai circumstances this would not have happened, in order that lessees shall not suffer on account of circumstances beyond their control, II has
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 364 4 RAFFLES HOTELI TONIGHT I) A N C X M o m to 12.110 o.m »i rr. >.sinn (hj, %t <l«t to Non K*«i-*M>t» r* f\ v v las V rhr Dennis Morgan it "COD IS MY CO-PILOT' The lstrst and (featcst aii hit! 3. 6 15 9.15 p.m. Openin? Tomorrow
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    • 331 4 MISCELLANEOUS AUSTRALIAN Army Officer holding responsible position in B.M.A. due for rc'.case desires employment with reliable concern in Malaya or elsewhere in the East. Age T) extensive administrative business experience. Also experience rubber production. Write Capt. Arrowsmi'n B MA. Labuan. British North Borneo. GENTLEMAN requires board and lodging with respectao'?
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    • 15 4 FOR CORRECT PITCH Consult NANG HENG CO., PIANO HOUSE. 103-105, Selegie Rd., Spore. Phone 6958.
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    • 214 4 'Phone i^ f% AT LI AY Where Every bthly 3400 rjj UHlllMl Goes fZZsdIM 11 a.n. 2.15 4.30 7.00 9.33 p.m. tfc*iS3^ OPENING TO3AY! From the thrilling pages of JACK LONDON'S Famous Book. ADVENTURES of MARTIN E3B GLENN FORD-CLAIRE TREVOR* EVELYN KEYES»STUART FRWSN IF YOU WANT ACTION AND EXCITEMENT HERE
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 312 4 SINGAPORE RADIO RED NETWORK from noon to 2 pm. and 630 to 11 pm. on 11' metres from noon to t p.m. on 4.825 mes/sec. in 61 metre band and ft<> I 745 to 9.30 pm. on %M msr »M 61 metre band Chinese noon to 1.15 pm. mews Hokklen
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