The Straits Times, 28 February 1946

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
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  • 797 1 British Concern Over Sidky Pasha's Statement LONDON, Feb. 26.— Viscount Addis on, Leader of the House of Lords, m a statement on the rioting m Egypt, said that the British Government took a serious view of the outrages, coming as they did at a time
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  • 119 1 France Closing Spain Fron tier PARIS. Feb. 2G The French cabinet voted today to close Hi Franco-Spanisli frontier at nidnifht on .Mar. 1. It was also decided at this ir. iiiiii;'s sess'on to renew pressure on the United States and Britain to join France m a complete break m relations
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  • 128 1 Australian To Represent Empire CANF.ERRA. Feb. 26:— Dr. Herbert Evatc. Australian Minister of External Affairs, announced today that Mr. W. M. McMahon B 11, a former lecturer m Political Economics at Melbourne University and cne of the Australian delegation at the San Francisco conference, has been appointed representative of the
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  • 28 1 BATAVIA, Feb. 27— There were strong rumours m Ba;avn today that "Premier" SJahrir had resigned after discussions with party leaders m DJooJacar a. U.P.
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  • 36 1 LONDON. Feb. 26.— Mr. E. J. Williams, who has been Minister cl Information under the Labour Government for a tow months, has been appointed United Kingdom Hish Commissioner la Australia.— Reuter.
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  • 30 1 CHUNGKING. Feb. 26: AntiSoviet "Quit Manchuria" demonstrations took place m Chungking, Shanghai, Wuchang, Hankow and Chengtu today. About 40,000 Chinese took part In the Shanghai demonstration. Reuter.
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  • 219 1 WASHINGTON. Feb. i«— At th« first meeting of the reconstituted Far Eastern Commission the Australian delegate. Sir Frederick Eggleston, protested at settlement of the Moscow terms of ireference without consultation of all numbers of the commission. His protest was supported by the New Zealand representative. Sir O.
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  • 308 1 Sir Arcmbaid ciarK-Kerr, British envoy m Indonesia, Is suffering from a sudden attack of malaria which will keep him to his room until the beginning of next week, Dutch sources report. Sixty newspaper executives and editors from the British Commonwealth, including five from India, will po to
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  • Article, Illustration
    27 1 Lord Winster Minister of Civil Aviation (left), being met by Air Chief Marshal Keith Park, Allied Air C-in-C, S.E Asia (right) when he passed through Singapore recently.
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  • 459 1 WASHINGTON, Feb. 26. Mr. James Byrnes, United States Secretary of State, denied today that there was any secret Big Three agreement giving the Soviet Army the right to remove heavy machinery from Manchuria. He made the statement when asked to comment on the claim
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  • 106 1 NEW DELHI, Feb. 26.— Gen. Sir Claude Auchlnleck, C-ln-C. India, has commuted to seven years' rigorous imprisonment the sentence of transportation for life passed by a court martial on Capt. Burhan Ud Din of the 2nd/10th Baluchls and later of the "Indian National Army, who
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  • 81 1 LONDON, Feb. 27— "The evacuation of British troops from Java Is expected to start early m April, making way for Dutch occupation." it is reported by Frank Rostron of the Daily Express from Batavla. Sir Archibald Clark Kerr, Britain's special envoy to Java, is leaving at
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  • 142 1 Terrorists Blow Up 14 R.A.F. Aircraft JERUSALEM, Feb. 26.— Jewish terrorists believed to belong to the Irgun Zvai Leuml, illegal military organisation of extreme Zionists, destroyed 14 RAF aircraft and damaged 8 others In attacks during the night on three airfields m Palestine. A dead Jew, believed to be a
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  • 77 1 NEW YORK, Feb. 27.— MajorGen. Leslie Groves, US Army atomic development chief, told United Press today that it wpuld take Russia "another generation to develop the atomic bomb despite any data its agents may have obtained m Canada." "If we gave them unlimited help," Groves said,
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  • 256 1 India Leaders Hit Out At Extremists BOMBAY, Feb. i 6 -Sardar Vallabhal Patel, Bombay Congresj leader, presiding tonight over one of the largest public mee^ng* ever held m Bombay, warned '.he people not to allow themselves "to be misled by those who attempt to exploit anJi-TmpcTialiat feelings of the masses
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  • 128 1 LONDON, Feb. "7- Hongkong** first treason trial opened this morning when George Wong faced a charge of "adhering to the King's enemies." Wong, who is Chinese, is charged under Britain's treason act of 1351 with committing 36 overt acts, including spying for the Japanese and
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  • 36 1 BATAVIA, Feb 26— The formal surrender of some 3,000 Japanese troops on the Island of Ball ha* taken place aboard the H.M.3. Locheck, Allied headquarters her* announced today. No other details were given.— Reuter.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 58 1 CALDBECK MACGREGOR Co., Ltd. Wine Spirit Merchants have pleasure m announcing the temporary appointment of Messrs. KHIAM HIN CO, 134, Amoy Street. Tel: 4920. to ad as Sole Distributors for all their popular lines of Wines Spirits Their London Agents, Messrs. MACCRECOR CALDBECK CO., LTD., assure the public that every
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  • 25 2 N.E.I. Ond.. Llut Walter rhilips mag. Meester c.'o M. L. Andlr Vermist mls■ine since 18 '9 '43. Any li.fonratlon If plive. to 468. S.T.
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  • 703 2 The Straits Times Singapore, Thurs, Feb. 24, 1946. Terrorism In The Ulu While the situation m Singapore In regard to acts of violence by Individuals and small gangs continues to improve, reports from up country remain of a very disturbing nature. Lawlessness is widespread, the rehabilitation of the two industries
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  • 1043 2  -  Scrutator -By m the Sunday Times, London. We publish this article without comment, except to say that it appeared m a London newspaper toon after the strike at Seletar of R.A.F. personnel. Nobody who realises what serious results may germinate from any seed of indiscipline m the
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  • 1004 2 Rubber Price Dissatisfaction Admitted S. raits Times Corr: LONDON, Feb. 10. Criticisms of the price fixed for Malayan rubber were made m the House of Commons again this afternoon, when Mr Janner asked the Secretary of S'^.te for the Colonies whether he had reviewed the circumstances under whtcn only lOd.
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  • Man-in-the-Street
    • 189 2 Chftßft I oteerw ttftrtl wfw wttt nH little mice during the captivity have now, with astonishing rapidity, developed into roaring liens, demanding vengeance m tones of thunder Yet again, we now have men rising up who proclaim m stentorian tones upon the ""i^hts of man. who are
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    • 40 2 An air mail letter posted at New Delhi on Jan. 24 reached me here on Feb. 22. I wonder whether it would have come quicker had the sender marked It "via bullock 'cart and sampan."—Alor Gaiah Resident.
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    • 168 2 There MM be MMM I 13 m charge of n gulatii m Singapore m certain areas on the Island tary police are m charge 1t n lating traffic, m others civilian police. There is little to ehoaM between the pointsmen as far as efficiency goes, but their redf*
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    • 114 2 Pas t Privileges. Malayo sh uid not mln the article by Mr. Roland Braddell, entitled "Malayan Union or Malayan Disunion" which appeared in the Straits Times of Feb. 11. It is the best of the articles on the subjct which vou have published. Whatever may be the outcome of this
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    • 98 2 I am one of those unfortunates who before the war was encaged by Government at a fixed salary. While my coll^aßUPs. rnrn^rd by Government tmdfft n neh»ffta which assured them regular increments. hiv« row been granted their increments for the past three years. I am still drawing the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 670 2 A DAUGHTER was born to Una Nancy Forrester (nee Ebden) on 22nd February, 1946 at College Green Castletown Isle of Man. Mother and daughter are doing well. LEE: GAN. The engagetifnt of Mr. Lee Beow Clilpng took place on the 57.2.4 G. the second son of Mr. Mrs. Lee Tian
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    • 283 2 NOTICE. The undernotea civilly lighters have now oepn released by lht Transportation Directorate Claimants for ownership shoula 1 pply to the King's Harbo'ii Master— Pullerton Building, produe'np documentary evidence Claims will be received up to Noon. Saturday. March Iritn 1946 After which unclaimed craft will be disposed 01 to the
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  • 148 3 TIN INDUSTRY REHABILITATION WILL TAKE FIVE YEARS Lack Of Machinery Low Price Stressed Straits Times Corr: KUALA LUMPUR, Feb. 27. About five years will be needed to rehabilitaf completely the tin industry in Malaya, according to available data. Only 50 open cast mines out of 100 operating before the war
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  • 208 3 Jap Orders For Treatment Of PoWs The Japanese rules and regulations governing the treatment of PoWs, which were laid down at a conference of high-ranking Government and Army officials In Tn'.iio m 1942, were related m the War Crimes Court yesterday by Major-Gen. Saito Masctoshl, who was civinsr evidence m
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  • 266 3 Meanwhile, a statement issued by the B.M.A. (Perak region) on mining m Perak describes &s absolutely ur:true the account that only 20 mines are today functioning whereas 38 were m operation when »he BM.A. came to P. rak In captember last year. statement, which aims at
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  • 102 3 Monn um ent To Martyrs Straits Times Corr: KUALA LUMPUR, Feb. 25. More than 100 prominent citizens of Selangor. at a meeting m the premies of the XxService Comrades Association here last night, elected a committee to arrange for the construction of a "Mnlayan People's Antl-Farcist Martyrs* Monument." Mr. Eric
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  • 116 3 Straits Times Corr: KUALA LUMPUR, Feb. 27.— A daring armed highway robbery was committed at the 10' 2 mile Ipoh road last night when a (anf of seven armed Chinese held up a lorry conveying SG.OOO worth of goods and seven passengers to Kuala Lumpur. After robbing the
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  • 229 3 A sudden disclosure was made! m a British Officer Court yesterday when senten- c of death was about to be passed on 23-year-old Agnes L~e. convicted with Charles Albert Bell, on collaboration charge under the War OfTrnccs Ordinance. Win? Commander F. A. Briggs President, who heard
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  • 62 3 The first supplies of foodstuffs from Australia to the Singapore Colo Storage Company are being discharged from ships and will probably be on sale some time next week. Owing to the comparatively small quantity available. ss.les will be limited for the time being, by arrangement with the Food
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  • 445 3 3 Brothers On Espionage Charges The machinations of an antiAllied spy and sabotage organization In Singapore during the Japanese occupation were disclosed at the trial before a British Officer Court yesterday of three brothers. SL.M. Zainuddeen S.LM. Salahuddeen, and S.L.M. Mohamed RharlfT, on a charge under thp War Offences Ordinance
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  • 72 3 A concert was given on Monday evening at the Forces' Centre, Changi, by Robert Pilder, violinist, and Daniel Koletz, pianist. The programme began with Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata, lollowed by Beethoven's Violin Concerto. The second half of the programme consisted of lighter works. At the conclusion. Major R. A.
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  • 420 3 Persuaded Others 'Not To Be Hasty' Airman Claims R.A.F. Court Martial Answering the charges that he incited airmen to mutiny and used insubordinate language to his superior officer, Ancraftman Norris Harold Cymbalist testified before a court martial m Singapore yesterday that when he heard a group of men shouting "Seletar
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 377 3 REWARD Suitable reward will be paid for information leading to niie of the tiiipi monj-ls of the MV "Ruys- and TSS 'Nieii'v Holland" property ot Messrs Rovol Packet Navigation Ooj Ltd. iK.PM.) I, m Green Singapore. THE "ATRISTOCRAT SCHOOL Or BALLROOM DANCING. 30, Cairnhill R'i 'Former Du'rh Club). Tel: 2963
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    • 391 3 JOHN LITTLE Co., Ltd. A substantial reward is oflercd for lnformaiion leading to the recovery of books and documents, the property of the above Company. Wr<te P.O. Box BG7, Singapore REPAIRS A considerable quantity of furniture now stored at the Naval Base is m need of repair. Any firms prepared
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    • 433 3 POLICE| TEL 522 2 j REQUIRED NITRIC ACID for Process Work. TRAITS TIMES Phone 5471. LIANG BROTHERS STATIONKRS 9, Chulia St. 'Phone 7706. TOCK TYPEWRITER CO. Established 1932. •-A, Chance Allry. Phone 2633. Dealer* In Typewriters, Adding Calculating Machines and Office equipment. Stationers, A Repairers Repair* onder expert mechanics. BAEY
      433 words
    • 320 3 THIRD PASTY FUjKS Thlfd P;ii Ltal ;v is UNLIMITED. You>- driver's negligence may cost YOU S'ooo' You 'un obtain complete protr < tlon at low coet by Insuring with National Employers Insurance. Quotations may be obtained from:Walter Grrnirr Co.. Ilign SI.. X U I. Mom A (hi I M Can
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  • 264 4 Attlee's Statement To Commons LONDON, Feb. 26.— The British Government's support of the attitude of Gen. Sir Claude Auchinleck, Commander-in-Chief of India, on the Indian naval mutiny was announced m the House of Commons today by ;he Prime Minister, Mr. Attlee, and m the
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  • 75 4 The following are invited to play at Jalan Besar on Sunday at 11 a.m.: Scan Keng Slew (Capt), AE. Delllican, L. Dclilkan, J. H. De Suuza. Ibhlm Isa, Lav Hock Chye, H.R. Perry, H. Shah, S.K. Sundrum, Tan Guan Hcng ard G. W. Webb. S. DharmaraJ (Capt),
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  • 177 4 Arrangements for the appearance m the Malayan courts of the panel of the five Indian lawyers vho arrived In Singapore recently have now been completed, and they are expected to make their first appearance shortly m defence of Indian nationals charged with collaborrtion offences.
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  • 186 4 CHUNGKING, Peb. 27;— New regulations Issued by the Chines* Ministry of Finance giving the Central Bank of China wide control over exchange transactions will assist the country to attain currency stabilisation experts believe. The Ministry has abolished the official rate of exchange of 80 Chinese dollars
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  • 111 4 Running Gun Duel With Police Straits Times Corr, PENANO. Peb. 27:—An armed gang of Chinese ln an Austin car fhot their way through a police cordon at two point*. Padang Serai and Sungei Kerangan. Province Wellesley. last night when Kedah and Province police co-operated In a road check following report
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  • 62 4 The statement that 100 Chinese were killed by Malays at Batu Mallm near Raub recently la untrue, and this la confirmed by the Raub Chinese Chamber of Commerce. Thirty Chinese and two Malays were killed More than 25 Malays have been arrested, and Investigations are proceeding. Meanwhile,
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  • 37 4 Madam Anne Wee Geok Peng, aged 24. passed away peacefully at 23, Lorong 24, Geylang at 1 p.m. Feb. 27. leaving behind her beloved husband, William Tan Chin Heng. Funeral today at 4.3J p.m. at Bidadan.
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  • 43 4 BANGKOK, Feb. 26.— A Siamese goodwill mission under the leadership of Luang Sidhl Sayamkan, Permanent Undersecretary for Foreign Affairs, left for Chungking this morning. Members of the Chinese mission who recently signed Sino-Siam treaty also left for Chungking. Reuter.
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  • 227 4 Steps To Check Infantile Paralysis The Singapore public health authorities have taken every precaution to stop the spread of Infantile paralysis, said a B MA. medical officer m a broadcast from Singapore. The city's water has been treated with extra chlorine for sterilization. Cases are being collected as quickly as
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  • 393 4 S. O. S. Interrupts Air-Sea Rescue Exercise Yesterday's air-aea rescue exercise, the first to be carried out m the East, was interrupted by a real S.OS. from a Sunderland which got into difficulties near Singapore. Fortunately, the Sunderland did not require the airborne lifeboat and the giant Lancaster which carried
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 386 4 RAFFLES HOTEL TONIGHT DANCE 900 p m to 12.00 p.m. Admission Chart': 91.00 to Non ResltJri.ts. nmnji .i ii s» o.m. Berrcomlni out— to the Woild and to taste the Happiness (or I<ltterness) of Life! MG.M's ■ura noun for axdx hardt* (Mickey Rooney) with Judy Garland Le*ls Stone SKY Great
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    • 251 4 CHUNGKING. Op.-ning Today 4 shows daily— 1, 3 15. 6 30, 9M "FIGHTING 69th" with James Cagney Pat O'Brien Midnight show Sat. 2nd March— 11 30 "MIXDA MORA" with Rosa del Rosario Fernando Poe Next change opening Sunday March 3 THE BAD MAN" QUEENS... GEYLANG Today: 3.00, 6.43 A 9.15
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    • 46 4 Famous A. V. M. Product FAMOUS FLAVOUR— smooth, full, rich, delicious, gives extra fragrance it bouquet. CHARACTER from choice tea leaves. ECONOMICAL— you use less "Durbar" per cvp it's so rich In flavour. A. V. M. Abul Kasim Bros. 79, Choon Guan St., Spore. Phone 4476
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    • 215 4 OPENING TODAY The «c it uror Thrilling Inside Story Of The Doomed Capital Of Germany and AS IT WPEAED Its Hated Gestapo. Vicki Baum 's l IW BERLIN HOTEL BERLIN 1945 IL STARRING 'None FAYE EMERSON RAYMOND MASSEY 34OO^anp HELMUT DANTINF ANDREA KING M PETER LORRE. WARNER BROS. Where Everybody
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 284 4 TODAYS RADIO From Singapore RED NETWORK from noon to 2 p.m. and 6 30 to 11 p.m. on 225 metre* from noon to t p.m. on 4.825 nct/stc. In 61 metre band and from 7.45 to 9.30 p.m. on 4.78 msesrc. In 61 metre band. Chinese noon to 1.15 pm.
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