The Straits Times, 26 February 1946

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
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  • 298 1 Riot Deaths Reach 270 1,700 Were Wounded BOMBAY, Feb 25. The situation is now completely under control, states a communique from Southern Command A dv. H.Q. The RIN ratings are returning to duty and the civilians are going back t o work. Already more
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  • 208 1 Troops Fire On Angry Cairo Crowd CAIRO. Feb 25— Three Egyptians were wounded yesterday when troops fired on a crowd which attempted to beat up a Polish officer and three Polish •oldiers the truck m which they were driving ran down an old Egyptian woman m front of the
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  • 157 1 Communist Push In Manchuria SHANGHAI, Ftb. 24.— The Comtnun its have begun an oifensive against the nationalists 'from all sides" m Manchuria, aiming at captur'ng Hsinminfu, 45 miles south of Mukden, and disrupting the nationalist rail link with Mukden, according to a Central News Agency report. Th? report added that
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  • 99 1 CALCUTTA. Feb. 24— Mohammed All Jinnah, President of the All-India Moslem League, opening his Bengal election campaign here, said tonight that Moslems would try to make the three-man British mission which Is shortiy to visit India "understand that there is no other way out than acceptance
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  • 92 1 TOKIO. Feb. 25.— Specific instructions have been issued to British, Australian, New Zealand, and Indian troops comprising the British Commonwealth occupation forces taking over m the Hiroshima prefecture "not to enter Japanese homes," it was announced today by their commander. Lieut. -Gen. John Northcott.—U.P.
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  • 57 1 ANKARA, Feb. 25.— The United States has accorded Tu*ey $10,000,000 credit for the purchase of surplus material and equipment which American forces discarded m the Middle Eastern areas, it was reliably reported today. It is reported that a Turkish delegation is leaving for Egypt
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  • 132 1 CHUNGKING. Feb. 24— Eight members of the Control Yuan (highest supervisory organ of the Chinese Oovernment) have declared In a resolution that the secret Yalta agreement between President Roosevelt. Mr. Churchill and Stalin "violated China's sovereignty and territorial integrity to a greater extent than the Japanese demands clamped
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  • 329 1 U.K. Scientist Held, Says Columnist WASHINGTON, Feb. 25.— Columnist Drew Pearson m a radio broadcast last night said j that a British scientist who i had worked on the atomic bomb project Is under arrest j by the British In England m I connection with ths reported Soviet spy plot
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  • 344 1 Knockdown won the $100,000 Santa Anita derby run at Arcadia, California. Star Pilot was second and Honeymoon third. Reuter. Two Indian soldiers were killed and three wounded when their Jeep ran over a concealed mine during mopping up operations m Sourabaya. U.P. U Tin Tut, senior Burmese
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  • 513 1 Evidence that an aircraftman told him that airmen should be made politicaily-minded before they returned to civil life was given by Group Captain C. Riley, commanding R.A.F. station, Kallang, at the court martial m Singapore yesterday, m which Aircraftman Norris Harold Cymbalist, a radar
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  • 164 1 PARIS, Feb. 24.— The retirement of 20 French' generals an<J many other high-ranking officers was officially announced today. It is widely believed that the step indicates an elimination of de Gaullist elements although the retirements are officially described as dv« to the new
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  • 132 1 JERUSALEM, Feb. 14.— Tel Aviv was m the hands of the Haganah —the Jewish secret army— for six hours today with no British forces m evidence except for a number of Jewish officers and men. Meanwhile, 50,000 Jews, a third of the city's population, marched
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  • 154 1 Stalin Boast Alarms Americans WASHINGTON, Feb 24.— Stalin's boast yesterday that tha Red Arniy is now at the height of its power was contmsted her* today by military men with tn* rapid dissolution of the United States armed forces. They saw la the growing inequality betweea the two forces cause
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  • 106 1 Cheap-Fare Mass Travel Plan LONDON, Feb. 24 Meio.;urn« radio reports that Lord Knollys\ j Chairman of the British Oversea* Airways Corporation, tonight dls- closed future plans for Empire air routes. Lord Knollys said three types of air services would be offered to suit different needs a long stagei express, medium
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 44 1 3cw>i( urttl toon be Bovril, the stimulating drink which i^^^^^^A^A you enjoyed so much m prc-wai tfcjjjjjiijwmijijt days Bovril which adds so much jfL Wk, enjoyment to soups, stews, and Jm'iiM W^§i wk have waited so long— will soon be m \UM M M
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  • 756 2 The Straits Times Singapore, Tuesday, Feb. 26, 1946. Care Of The Young Hope that Singapore Is about to make up leeway m a matter In which she has lagged far behind most cities of comparable size ajid importance is encouraged by reports published during the past few days. Plans for
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  • 643 2  -  Hessell Tiltman By Through a decade of non-stop aggression Tokio asked, begged and appealed for it. Tokio got it! "I knew that Japan couldn't win the war, but I did not expect that the consequences of defeat would be so serious for this nation," Admiral
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  • The Man-In-The-Street
    • 185 2 I have just completed a trip through different parts of Malaya and I feel your readers will be interested m some of the remarks made to me during the Journey. When I was staying at X— with n.y brother-in-law I informed him that I had invited some
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    • 118 2 I wish to congratulate you on the recent articles that have appeared m the Straits Times about putting an end to lawlessness. Every sensible person heartily agrees with you that the instigators of trouble should be sent off the country. We have enough trouble as it Is about
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    • 99 2 With the expected early return of Civil Government, It is now clear that the majority of the Depots, Military organisations and establishments are about to close down. What does the Civil Government intend to do with those employed by them? If they are thrown out of employment with
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    • 52 2 I wish to thank :.ll members of the Ceylonese community of Singapore for the kindness shown to all Ceylonese serving In the armed forces who were entertained recently. It was good to feel at home again so far away from home— Cpl T. H. J. Hadgie, EFI Transit
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    • 38 2 Congratulations on your editorial, "Violence," m the Straits Times of Feb. 19 You can rest assured that all right-thinking people are with you. For law and order, may you go from strength to .strength.— Abdul Rahman, Singapore.
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  • 38 2 i\ pi.turc which occupies Malay a never <taw: I ntha I; n ed, B-29's win? directly over Japan °s Fujiyama on their way tr< strike at Tokio. Japanese firhter plane opposition was sporadic.
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  • 689 2  -  John Deane Potter I By I m the Daily Exprrss Only three things are happening m Hiroshima today snow is falling. tr~ms are running and they are trying to put a few windows back In the gutted ouildings. The power station and the trams escaped
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 654 2 SITUATIONS VACANT Box 337, 338, 336— applicants thankad position filled. EXPERIENCED Linotype Operators required. Oood wages. Apply to Box 439. Straits Times. EXPERIENCED clerk required by European firm. Age not exceeding 30. Oood salary to competent man. Apply Post Box 469. EXPERIENCED typewriter mechanic required by European firm. Permanent position.
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    • 295 2 NOTICE. The undcrnotea civiln llslitcis have now De<-n released by uu Transportation Directorate. Claimants for ownership shr.uld pply to the King's Harbo v Master— Pulierton Buildlnc. producing documen tary evidence Claims will be received up to Noon, Saturday. Mar.-li Ititn 194fi After which unclaimeJ craft will be disposed o, to
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  • 160 3 Force 'W' Ends Great Career South East Asia Command has said farewell to the «reat amphibious force built up by Rear-Admiral B. C. S. Martin, known as Force "W," which was disbanded yesterday. In November. 1944, Admiral Mountbatten made urgent appeal for an Assault Force planning ■tall to plan and
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  • 173 3 'Exemplary Penalties In Future' Exemplary penalties will be pressed for infringements against the Finance Regulations 'n future, emphasized Capt. K. H Oantrell c; the HM. Customs in the First District Court yesterday prosecuting in a case in which an Arab. Faradj bin Said Awat Martik. was cautioned and dscharged on
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  • 1080 3 Japanese General On War Crimes Charges On a September morning, almost four years ago, on Betin Kusa beach at Changi, four PoWs two British and two Australian were shot, for allegedly attempting to escape, by an Indian firing squad on the instructions of
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  • Article, Illustration
    13 3 SINGAPORE COMMANDER Major-Gen. L H. Cox, C.8., CBE., M.C.. Commander of Singapore District
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  • 282 3 No Decision Yet On Rubber Sales Money Straits T.mes Corn LONDON, Feb 11 —No dec f- ion has yet b:en tak-n by the British Government as to the disposal of money received by the Custodian of Enemy Property in rrspect of the sale of Malayan rubber stocks. This was the
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  • 422 3 How a mother made repaatcd attempts to save her son who had been detained for an offence which she sa d he did not commit, and who subsequently died in prison together with four others, was revealed in the Special Court yesterday during
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 633 3 BRITISH MILITARY ADMINISTRATION. Region N«. 5. Notice of Sale by Public Tender 1. The Assistant Custodian of Property. Malacca, invites tem'trs for the purchase of a Motor To-igkang No. M.T. 4971 now lying In >ht Malacca River near Neweome Road, Malacca. 2. An inspection permit ran be obtained upon application
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    • 583 3 \imless (Shis s fry DAH SIN OPTICAL HOUSE 325 Mnrtb Bridge Ku t. S pore. Proprjetor— P. 8. DZING O D. VICTORIA MEMORIAL HAlL Commencing 27th Ffbruarv 1946. Erery Wednesday at K 00 p.m. THE 8INGAPORF. SYMPHONY ORCIIESTHA (Conductor— l>r Erik Cliisbalmi will give a POPULAR SYMPHONY CONCERT Admission free
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  • 169 4 Java Talks Making Little Headway E ATA VIA, Feb. 24.— According to Dutch sources, solution of the Indonesian problem is months away, and the proposals of Dr. Hubert us Van Mook, Lieutenant Governor-Ceneral of the N.E.1., are making little headway despite the conferences of Sir Archibald
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  • 53 4 LONDON:— The War Office and India Office refuse to discuss*. h and Indian army strengths m India, I'akstine, and Egypt. Reminded that m peacetime the army normally published its strength and distribution, a War Office spokesman said, "Well, you wouldn't call this peace now,
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  • 120 4 Rioters Fire Building ALDERSHOT. Feb. 24 In a last gesture of defiance before surrendering the rioteis m the Aldershot "Glasshouse" mutiny tonight set fire to the mak block. Collecting three vast eyres of bedding, clothing and broken furnituro. they set them alight ahd they hooted derision as men of the
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  • 213 4 Straits Times Corr: IPOH: —On Tuesday, the Perak Superior Court sentenced to death Yeop Bin Haji Ali on a charge Of murder. The case arose out of the Sino-Malay troubles m lower Perak m December last The Incident took place In Kampong Oajah on Deo. 16,
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  • 747 4 The following completes of those who died m Outram Road civilian gaol during the Japanese occupation. Previous lists appeared m our issues of Feb. 23 and 25. Leek Wee Meng (26.4.45). Loh Mun alias Ah Peng < 1.5. 45), Chua Hal Lam (2.5.45). Teo Sow (2.5
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  • 72 4 Plea For Anglo-U.S. Federation WASHINGTON, Feb. 25 The United States should immediately propose a federation with Britain as the first practical step towards the elimination of war," declared Mr. Frederick Uillkie, brother of the late Internationalist, Mr. Wendell Willkie. m an address to the School of Advanced International Studies. "This
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  • 230 4 Information now available to 8 War Crimes Investigation Team brings to light the fact that during the period November 1942 until April 1943 over 1.000 Chinese and some 80 Sikhs were tortured and eventually hanged In Pudu gaol, Kuala Lumpur. Further evidence is urgently required
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  • 39 4 LONDON. Feb. 24— New York radio, quo'lng a Chungking announcement, stated on Sunday night that an agreement for the fusion of the Chinese Government and Communist armies into one national army will be. rigned tomorrow Reuter.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 308 4 RAFFLES HOTEL TONIGHT DANCE 9 00 p.m. to 12.00 p.m. Admission Charge: $1.00 to Non-Resldenta. Last Few Shows! TODAY and TOMORROW ONLY CATHAY 11 a.m., 2.15, 4.30, 7.00, 930 p.m. Abbott abd Costello i. "PARDON MY SARONG" Universal':! ,The Titanic Tropical Frolic The Screen Greatest Comedian adrifton an Ocean of
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    • 275 4 LOST— Leather case In toxl. Continents: Passport papers Please return Mcd Rapwi. Cecil Street. 28, Singapore— Reward $30. QUEE NS...GEYLANG Today: "00. 8.45 A 915 p.m. Mochtar. Miss Dahlia. Soerip and Fin Young In "PANTJAWARNA" A Streamlined Malay Musical with 10 Exotic Kronchong Hits And Oripping Thrills. Comedy Frolic H
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    • 42 4 Let us talk "GRAND' A GRAND PIANO n your home adds grandeur m DECORATIVE ART MUSICAL TASTE Let us offer you Steinway Grand Moutrie Babygrand Bechstcin Grand AT REASONABLE PRICK KELLER PIANO C 0. v F.E.M.S. No. 2, Orchard Road, Phone 1358
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    • 389 4 FSrluYfSTll DANNY KAYES m. fmim A2p3 spectacular ■J \J V» i« Oil LAUGHTER and NOVELTY MUSIC and ROMANCE I PPM Blended To Make T^| H up"*"' 0 1 N ARMS 1 i^M (in Technicolour) The Season's Happiest Offer ♦•^-i^^^H Dinah SHORE Dana ANDREWS Constance DOWLINC and the GOLDWYN GIRLS SONG
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 282 4 TODAYS RADIO From Singapore RED NETWORK from noon to 3 pm. and t; to 11 p m. on 225 metres from noon to 2 pjn. on 4.825 mcs. sec. in 61 metre band and from 7.45 to 9.30 p.m. on 4.78 msc M ir. 61 metre band. Chinese noon to
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