The Straits Times, 22 February 1946

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
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  • 362 1 Angry Note Says Attache Involved Was Recalled LONDON, Feb. 21. Russia admitted last night m a radio broadcast that members of its staff obtained secret info rmation m Canada— including data on atomic energy and radar— but said that the information was valueless. The
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  • 51 1 Casey Says "'Jai Hind' Always" CALCUTTA, Feb. 20:—Bengal's outgoing Governor, Mr. R. O. Casey, freely returned greetings or "Jai Hind' (Salute India) at a farewell function. The first time Mr. Casey was greeted with "Jai Hind, he said: "If ><> i mean by that 'freedom of India', Jai Hind always.'
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  • 177 1 CALCUTTA. Feb. 20:-"Revolt means revolt," Mohamed All Jinnah, Indian Muslim League leader, aid today when questioned about nis statement last week that Muslin*, would revolt" if the British called a single constituent assembly. Jinnah said revolt would be the only alternative because, firstly, such an assembly
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  • 20 1 SHANGHAI. Feb 21—Shanghai newspaper! failed to appear yesterday morning following a strike of printers demanding higher wages—UP.
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  • 239 1 NEWS IN BRIEF txsrd Killearr. was received m audience by th<: King on Wednesday upon his appointment as British Special Commissioner m South-East Asia.— Reu'or. Moscow ra^ir. reports that the Soviet Foreign Minister, M. Molotov. has had an interview with Gha\am Sultanel\ Terstao Prime Minister Reuter A four-man Chinese mission
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  • 87 1 TEHERAN, Feb. 20:— Neutral observers reported today that there are no signs of heavy movement by Russian troops from northern Persia, r] though Teheran newspapers were full of accounts of departure of the forces from the villages. The reports were confusing and contradictory and difficult to sift
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  • 93 1 CLEVELAND, Feb. 20:— Thret hundred thousand members of the United States' two most powerful railroad brotherhoods locomotive engineers and railroad trainmen— indicated today almost 100 percent approval of a nationwide rail strike for higher wages. The trainmen's union president, Mr. A. F. jyhltney, said that
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  • 82 1 JOHANNESBURG, Feb. 20.— "Indians of the superior class" have been allowed to travel m the rear seats of aircraft, said Mr. F C. Sturrock, Transport Minister, replying to a question m the Union Parliament yesterday. He added that if traffic waranted it the provision of
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  • 58 1 LONDON, Feb. 20— The British financial expert, Lord Keynes, has been j-ppointed Governor of the International Monetaiy Fund and of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development. He will shortly leave for the urat meeting of the Governors of the Fund nnd of the Bank
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  • 109 1 U.S. Tin Consumers Concerned Over Malayan Scarcity NEW YORK, Feb. 20.—American consumer* of tin are still concerned over the scarcity of the metal and especially a boat reports of destruction of mine properties m Malaya and the N.E.I, by the Japaneae, or by the owners to prevent the properties from
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  • 151 1 Jews Attack R.A.F. Radar Station JERUSALEM, Feb. 20:— RAF. personnel opened fir* on armed Jewish terrorists In the dark early hours of today when an RAP. radar station at Mount Carmel, near Haifa, was attacked with explosives. It Is not known whetner the attackers suffered any casualties but two British
    Reuter  -  151 words
  • 42 1 Reported Mutiny In Celebes BATAVIA, Feb. 20:— Reports at present unconfirmed reaching Batavia today from northern Celebes say that a bloodless mutiny of native troops has broken out at Mcnado. Europeans m that area are reported to be withdrawing into Menado.— UP.
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  • 76 1 NEW YORK, Feb. 20.— The market made a small recovery today after a break In prices ranging to over three. Late In the day Chrysler was down over two points, and Bethelehem, U.S. Steel, Goodyear, and American Can Company were all off between a quarter and a
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  • 316 1 BOMBAY, Feb. 21. Indian naval ratings on "strike" m the Royal Indian Navy sloop Hindustan at Karachi today fired from two naval guns when the military opened fire on them. In a broadcast over Bombay Radio Vice Admiral Sir John Godfrey, Flag Officer Commanding
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  • 272 1 WASHINGTON, Feb. 21:—II wii announced today that sheep, pin, and goats v ill he trthrred on target vessels m the atomic tests m the Pacific i-i order to determine th* ueapm s possible effect on ship's nnel. Officials »aid a 'imum number of animal*
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  • 75 1 Lieut-Gen. Sir Montagu Stopford. Commander of the Allied forces m the N.E.1., arrived m Medan, Sumatra, by «1r on Wednesday for conferences with Major-Gen. R C. O. Hedley, commanding Allied land forces m Sumatra, and for an inspection tour of the Medan area During his
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  • 33 1 Empress Also T o Go Democratic TOKYO, Feb. 21— F blowing the Japanese emperor's "getting close to the people" *">ur, Empre. l Nagako tomorrow will visit welfare agencies In the city— U P.
    Agencies  -  33 words
  • 414 1 Relations With Russia Better— Noel-Baker LONDON, Feb. 20.— Denying that the recent debates m the Security Council of the UNO. have worsened relation* between the Bl« Three, Mr. P. J. NoelBaker. Minister of State, r,peeJcIng for the Government m the House of Commons debate on foreign affairs, said: "On the
    Reuter  -  414 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
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  • 572 2 The Straits Tiems Singapore, Friday, Feb. 22, 1946. Lord Killearn's Appointment Lord Killearn's appointment as Special Commissioner In SouthEast Asia has raised a considerable amount of interest and hope. Public attention is concentrated mainly an that part of his talk which Is concerned with the acute shortage of food m
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  • 35 2 Any former employees of the Successors of Motne Co-nte C). Ltd. who wish to get In touch with Mr. W. J M. Warden, should write tc the following address—6, Paragon Blackheath. London, SE. 3
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  • 1247 2 LORD FARINGDON: My Lords, ,i I rise for one monoent to welcome this Bill It Is because, as the Leader of the Opposition remarked, although it Is a very sir all Bill It Is by Implication an extremely Important one I think it was the noble
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  • The Man-In-The-Street
    • 503 2 During the occupation both withdrawals and deposits were generally made In Japanese military scrip. In the case of "payments out" by the banks It was entirely so from the very start, but "payments In" by customers were for a considerable time m both currencies. It seems more than
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    • 46 2 Would it be possible for the P. P. Department (8.M.A.), to publish a list showing the revised pronunciation of place names m Malaya, Borneo, N.E.1., Siam, etc. so that listeners to the news broadcasts may be able to recognise the places mentioned? —Puzzled Listener.
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  • 67 2 It strikes me that after 3v, years of Japanese oppression daring which period all of us were forcefully taught to bow In public to Japanese soldiers and In the direction of the Imperial Paltce some people still have not got the decency to stand at attention when the Ant
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  • 1313 2 Assurances Given In Lords Debate VISCOUNT ADDISON. My Urd» j I think that we have had a discussion on this Bill which is characteristic and m the high tradition of this House, (t has been contributed to by a considerable number of speakers who themselves are well acquainted with the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 718 2 SITUATIONS VACANT WANTED Lady stenographer/typist. Mate experience and salary. Apply feox 413, c/o Straits Tim'-s. WANTED charming and attractive dance hostess. Good prospect. Apply Calrnhllls. 30 Calrnhill Road SHORTHAND Typist male or female. Stockbrokers office. Good •alary. Box No. 402, Straits Times WANTED Young Men for outdoor fob. good prospects,
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    • 280 2 NOTICE. The undernoted clvilivi lighters have now been released by thi Transportation Directorate. Claimants for ownership should apply to the King's Harbo-it Ma't»rPullerton Building, producing documentary evidence. Claims will be received up to Noon, Saturday, March 16tn 194G After which unclaimed craft will be disposed oi to the Singapore Harbour
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  • 463 3 Consultations In London Today Recent reports of unfavourable reaction to the Malayan Union scheme are not without effect on Whitehall, aad it is reported that the Secretary of State for the Colonies, Mr. George I Tall, is conferring today in London with a number of
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  • 78 3 Strait; Time.s Corr: IPOH. Feb. 21 —Before the British O^lcer Court yesterday, the fust case under the Public Order and Safety Proclamation. In which the death sentence was passed, was concluded when Ong Ab Kow, a youth of 18, was convicted on two charges, firstly of
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  • 88 3 An Arab, raitdjl bin Said AwatMartak, who wai to have left Singapore for Java on Wednesday, appeared In the Fir^t District Court yesterday, and claimed trial to a charge that he was exporting currency without authorisation from (he Chief Civil Affairs OAcer. Th? incident was
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  • 43 3 Dr. Wu Pak Shing. Singapore's new Chinese Conrul-General. who was to ha\e arrived b% air yesterciiy evening, win arrive today. Dr. Wu left Chungking on Feb. 1 The Cor.suiate-General at Bingaport will be offlciauy rr-open-•d *9 soon aa lie assumes duties.
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  • 33 3 Sentence ot death passeri by a British Officer Court on Feb 7 on Manuel de Silva and his wife, Doreen Wales de Silva. nas been commuted to three years' rigorous imprisonment
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  • 128 3 Dutch PoWs and Internees who died on Singapore Island during the occupation were remembered in a ftimplr. solemn ceremony held »t the PoW and internees' cemetery at Changi yesterday. On the memorial built tliore. a h.cge wreath was placed by Col. Rinkhausen. senior Dutch ex-PoW In Singapore Island
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  • 161 3 The King has approved the award of the British Empire medal (civil division) to Lai Yu Khan. Chinese carpenter of the motor vessel British Trust. The presentation was made yesterday by Flag Officer, Malaya and Forward areas. Rear Admiral J. A. V. Morse. C.8.. C.8.E.,
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  • 763 3 In Singapore's war crimes trial yesterday, a crowded courtroom heard a novel and amusing story of the Japanese Kempeitai as an organisation which practised extreme patience and had as its "great" motto the order that "no violence must be used." This story came from no
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  • 295 3 How Low Rubber Price Affects Britain Straits Times Corr: LONDON, Feb. 20.— 1n a letter to London papers. Sir John Hay offers to demonstrate the relation betwe?i. rubber shipments from Malaya and the vital food needs of the harassed and bewildered British people, pointing out that m 1944 the dollar
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 170 3 ANGLO FRENCH BENDIXSENS, LIMITED have re-opened their office at their former address: 12, SOUTH PIER. TELOK AVER, SINGAPORE. PHONE NO. 2101 Any person able to give infornuition leading to t)\e recovery of any of their records or property will be rewarded. Arrived!! Our effort to briiie you the best of
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    • 532 3 SPORTING RACEFURM tells yo* race Dy race ntbey looked hi the paddock, how the. went In the betting and how tbey an ran. The Ideal contact for overseas sporuman with racing tn England Weekly by Air Mali Pull particulars from RACEPORM B»/43, High Street. London. S.W.I 1 AUCTION SALE OF
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    • 334 3 MARLBOROU H Operated by The I nited Exhibitors Syndicate Last 4 AMD 1.30 3.3* -v 15 J.M Bos Office Phone 6M9 GROt'CHO IIICO HARPO Three Gainer on horseback "GO WEST" with John Carroll and Diana LewU The Mad Merry MARXMEN mak« even the Indians say more than "UOH" St they'll
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  • 325 4 Secretary Of State On His Confidence LONDON, Feb. 20.— Lord Pethick-Lawrence, Secretary of State for India, today told a press conference of Empire journalists m London gathered to hear about the Cabinet mission to India that he had every confidence that the mission would
    Reuter  -  325 words
  • 129 4 Straits Times Corr. KUALA LUMPUR. Feb. 20.—The Pan-Malayan Chinese Journalists Union was Inaugurated after a two-day conference of reUvei <>i II Chine c diilie? an* two newa areaciea la Malty* which ended yesterday. Following the Inauguration, 13 resolutions were passed, among which It a request to
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  • 83 4 A crowd ~>f Indians gathered at the Padang yesterday afternoon laying wreaths at the spot where the I.N.A. memorial had been blown up. waa dispersed by a party of policemen who visited the place and removed the wreaths and a wooden plinth bearing a photo of Subhas
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  • 67 4 The following are nivited to play against an R. A. F. XI on Sunday at the Jalan Besar Stadium, starting from 11 a.m. Eu Cheow Chye (Capt.), L. van Bennekotn, Cheong Thlam Slew, E. J. Doraisamy, R. D. Jansen, Low Kee Pow. Ong Swee Keng, V. R. Sabapathy,
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  • 52 4 Fresh from a record season m Kuala Lumpur, "Pardon My Sarong," starring Bud Abbot and Lou Costei'.j, opened at the Cathay Cine-na yesterday. Bud and Lou are m great form In this picture and, m their inimitable way. have made it one of their Xunr.iest efforts to
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  • 73 4 CHICAGO, Feb. 20.— British policy m India has aimed at Indian self-government for the last 40 years. Lord Halifax, British Ambassador to the United States, told the Inland Press Association here m a speech m which he strongly denied that the greatest obstacle to
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  • 376 4 Perak War Crimes Another Jap M.P. To Die Straits Times Corr: IPOH. Feb 20.— Ekio Yoshlmura this afternoon received the death sentence when the War Crimes Tribunal, presided over by Lieut. Col. Figgures, found him guilty on both charges of brutal illtreatment of Sybil Karthigesu and her seven-year-old daughter. Dawn
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  • 119 4 Let Them Die Goering NUREMBERG, Feb. 20.— "1t makes no difference to me if the people under you starve," Goering told Nazi gauleiters m occupied countries throughout Europe, Soviet prosecutor Shinin told the war crimes tribunal today. He said Oeoring made the statement m a secret speech to the commissars
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  • 119 4 LONDON, Feb. 20.— Pope Pius XII today denounced "modern imperialism," contrasting it with the spiritual unity of the Catholic Church, when he addressed the 30 nev cardinals m the Hall of Bk'ssings m the Vatican Palace today. He had just handed 29 of them their red birettas
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  • 188 4 Chinese rubber estate owners who do not want to join the Malayan Rubber Estate Owners Company, preferring a separate body representative of Chinese rubber interests m this country, held an inaugural meeting of the Chinese Rubber Estate Owners' Association at the .Singapore Ch'n;se Chamber of Commerce. The
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  • 202 4 China "Not Bound By Yalta Pact CHUNGKING, Feb. 20— The Director of the Chinese Foreign Office Information Service, Dr. Ho Feng-shan, told the press here today: "As China was not a party to the Yalta agreement, she is not bound by it." Dr. Ho added that nothing but the Chinese-Soviet
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  • 170 4 A demonstration of the efficiency of the Singapore Fire Brigade will be given at 2.30 p.m. at Hill Street Station tomorrow when Geylang and Central stations compete for the Watkins Championship Shield m the final round of the inter-stations contest. The competition will be followed by a
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  • 38 4 For the relief of orphans and destitutes, the RamakrLshna Mission is appealing for a donation of $2,000 per month. A sum of $6,000 has been donated, from the funds of the Servants' of India Society.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 445 4 GLOBE (Great World Park) Opening To-day Don Ameche (The Tip-Top Baron In "Tha» Night In Rio" I In Paramount'j M KISS THE BOYS GOODBYE" with Mary Martin Midnight < 11.30) To-morrow "THE HORN BLOWS AT MIDNIGHT* (Jack tfrr.ny— Alexis Smith) SKY Great World Nightly at 7 <Sc 9> A Big
      445 words
    • 15 4 1 t$ L QUALIFIED 7 OPTICIAN c S CHon'G ocx mOOCRn €Y€W€AR PHONE 4435 tT
      15 words
    • 427 4 TWO PERFECT 'BABES' IN SARONG GAY ARE AT THE CATHAY FOR YOU TODAY WITH ALL THEIR LOVELIES FULL OF "IT" IT'S BUD AND LOU'S TREMENDOUS HIT "DADnnil MY BUD ABBOTT LOU COSTELLO rHnuun mi Virginia bruce CADftNP" ylake loday Your OMnUHU Uu&h-day Ever! Universal 11 A.M. 2.15 4.30 7.00 9.30.
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 192 4 TODAYS RADIO From Singapore RED NETWORK on t25 metres and 61 metres from noon to t p.m. and •.SI p.m. to 11 p.m. Chines* noon to 1.15 p.m (news ID Hokklen at 1 p.m.; In Cantonese at l 10 par), and from 7 p.m. to 9 pjn. (news In Cantonese
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