The Straits Times, 19 February 1946

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
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  • 564 1 Alleged Russian Spy Activity Believed Reason For Step OTTAWA, Feb. 17. Investigation into Ottawa's espionage ring came ,nearer to a climax here last night with t he disclosure that the Dominion Government had cancelled the production of Can adian supplies for Russia. The disclosure came
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  • 128 1 LONDON, Feb. 17. The American UNO. delegate, Mr. Edward S'ett'nius, has sent a letter to Dr. Trygve Lie, Sec-retary-Ceneral of the U.N.0., urging tha' the commission on human rights as soon as possibile study the problem of freedom of information with a view to preparing a draft
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  • 90 1 CALCUTTA. Feb. 18.— The army patrols and pickets called In by Aichard Casey, Governor of Bengal during last week's rioting have now been withdrawn The police order forbidding processions and assemblies, however, continues. Some 40 pfsoi.s were Ki'led m the rioting which began last Monday and
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  • 91 1 TEHERAN, Feb. 17.— The Persian Premier, Quavam Sultaneh, today discharged the pro-British Chief of Imperial General Staff. General Arfa, and received the resignation of Martin Dafatri, Minister without Portfolio and member of the mission to Moscow which is scheduled to leave Teheran early tomorrow. Outlining the
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  • 58 1 CANTON, Feb. 18.— The steamer "Chungking" was today reported pirated on Feb. 12 by 11 armed pirates travelling as passengers between Canton and Kongmoon. The pirates ransacked the ship's saf* of several millions of Chinese dollars and robbed the passengers, after which they put the loot
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  • 29 1 LONDON. Feb. 18— The Rajah of Sarawak, Sir Charles Vyner Brooke, slated today that he intends to leave Great Britain by air on March 14.— Reuter.
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  • 143 1 "Important Russian Reply" On Manchuria CHUNGKING, Feb. 17:— The Chinese Foreign Minister, Dr. Wang Shih-chieh, has received an "Important Russian reply" regarding the question of th« Soviet withdrawal from Manchuria and has left for Nanking to consult Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek, according to the Catholic "Social Welfare." Dr. Wang Shih-chleh had
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  • 68 1 SHANGHAI, Feb. 18.— Flfty-nint Chinese soldiers of the new Sixth Army were killed on Saturday night aboard a United States LST (landing craft) when a box of hand-grenades exploded on the tank deck as the troops were bora' tba siiip m preparation for the trip
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  • 374 1 LONDON, Feb. 17.—Speculation credits the British Prime Minister, Mr. Clement Atlee, with the intention of making some early changes m his Government. After six months of power the Labour administration has found its feet sufficiently to review the portfolios, all of which Mr. Attlee
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  • 163 1 Indonesian Split BATAVIA, Feb. 17— The first suggestion of possible disunity among the Indonesians regarding the Dutch constitutional proposals became apparent today. It was contained m a resolution passed here by the Working Committee a small advisory body composed of members of tho Java National Committ:e— call-* ing on Dr.
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  • 40 1 CHUNGKING, Feb. 17— The rightist World Daily News today reported that recently foreign planes of a "certain nationality" (hinting at Russian) flew over Yenan. The newspaper said that this fact was "worthy of serious consideration."— U.P.
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  • 105 1 LONDON, Feb. 17:— The Sunday Dispatch diplomatic correspondent reported today that Moscow has withdrawn Its support for Yugoslavia's claim to Trieste and is planning to support the Italian counter-claim. M. Vyhinsky, chief Soviet delegate to the UNO, had a private meeting on Thursday m London with
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  • Article, Illustration
    70 1 Lieut. Gen. J. Nortbcott, C.OC. British Commonwealth Occupation Force*, Japan, and Air Vice-Marshal C. A. Boochier, A. O. C, British Commonwealth Air Forces of Occupation. Japan, recently visited R.A.F. units preparing at Kuala Lumpur to take part la the occupation of Japan. At top Lieut. Gen. Northcott Is
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  • 47 1 Viscount Knollys, chairman of the British Overseas Airways Corporation, left Poole by air on Sunday for Australia. He is to cLscuss future plans with the 8.0.A.C. Australian associate, Qantas Fmnire Airw?ys. and to inspect facilities at Singapore, Hoiig Konp a".d P: ""-'on Reuter.
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  • 62 1 LONDON. Feb. 17:— A fire at the Victoria Station last night caused serious damage to the station roof and dislocated all traffic entering and leaving the station. The fire, the origin of which has not yet been ascertained, threatened to spread across a street adjacent to the
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 37 1 JOSEPH TRAVERS SONS, LIMITED have re-opened their office at their former address; CNARTERED BANK CHAMBERS Bligaptff Any person able to give information leading to the recovery of any of their records or property will be suitably rewarded.
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  • 40 2 MESSRS. Wee Boon X *ng and Wee B -oi Bal nish to thank nil friends and relatives who attended ll'e funeral of their mother and those who sent letters of condolence, wreaths, )oss papers and paid nisM visits, etc.
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  • 111 2 SAMUEL WILLIAM Vounge (8. W. Tounge) of Tandjong Plnang, Rhlo, passed away peacefully at his residence at 445 am on Wednesday 13th February 1946. Before Interned m Changi Pilson Sc Sime Road Camp. Funeral took place the same day at pm. Deeply regretted by his loving wife. Louise Younge
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  • 893 2 The Straits Times Singapore, Tuesday, Feb. 19, 1946. Violence We have our own protest to add to several that have bean made as a consequence of a disturbance which trr.k n'.ace m Brns Basah Road on Friday last We wish to prot3st against an attack by at If r t
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  • 1343 2 The SECRETARY of STATE for DOMINION AFFAIRS (Viscount AddLson): My Lords, this Bill is a ii.achinery Bill to help us give effect to the genercl propo als which were discussed m the House on December 19. and your Loidships will remember that these were subsequently set out
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  • 73 2 It strikes me that McArthur's confirmation of YtmuhiUs death •entente bears reading and rereading a dozen time*. It It like a refreshing breese m a hothour of legal technicalities which, lawyers may enjoy, the criminals "cling to, bat which for the man m the street are a loss of
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  • 1214 2 Orders In Council Should Be Laid Before Lords Viscount CRANBORNE: My Lords, I should like— and I am sure I shall have the agreement j of the whole House in this— tJ thank the noble Lord, the Leader of the House, for the very full statement which he has made,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 527 2 SITUATIONS VACANT COMPETENT shorthand typist required by Fr.ropean firm. Write stating experienf p md salary re-i'Jired. Box 399. Btrpits WANTEP Urgently 40 Dance Hn>tessps and Hawaiian Band. Ap.jly Henson's Cabaret. Nos. 377 St 3R3 Jalan Besar EXPERIENCED INDIAN for Secre t«rv'<= Po«t Write Wfca l?stimoni:>ls stntins "xiioticnce. qualifications ani
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  • 276 3 INTENSIFIED DRIVE AGAINST CRIME IN K.L. Police Dragnet Ropes In Six Suspects Straits Times Corr: KUALA LUMPUR, Feb. 18.— An intensified drive against crime m Kuala Lumpur has been launched, and the police dragnet is being drawn across all known haunts of gangsters and gunmen. Within the past 48 hours,
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  • 45 3 Three Indians, former members of the Indian National Army, are being held by the police for questioning In connection with three recent armed robberies They were taken Into custody on Saturday when they were found on the premises of the Reformatory School.
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  • 126 3 Gangster Chief Shot Dead Straits Times Corr: KUANTAN, Feb. 14.— How a sensational ea•tpe of an alleged bandit chief from Kuantan police lock-up led the local police sleuths to trace the headquarters of one of the Worst terrorist gangs m the district, was disclosed by tnrpt'ctoi Din of the Kuantan
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  • 322 3 ChargesAgainst Communist Representative Lin Ah Lian, 25-year-old representative of the Singapore branch of the Malayan Communist Party, appeared before Wing Commander F. A. Briggs m the first Superior Court yesterday on eight charges including three counts of sedition. Lin, whose head was heavily bandaged, claimed trial on all charges, and
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  • 151 3 Winning every one of the 15 roun is. Jack Beech easily outpointed Bomber Newton for the Malayan light-heavy-weight and heavyweight boxing tltl«« at the Happy World stadium on Sunday night. In addition to being a far more experienced boxer. Beech at 174 lb. wa« 16
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  • 115 3 To the Editor, Strait* Times. Sir— With reference to your editorial on Feb. 17, I have to point out to you that my remark* were mlsreported. We did not ask any reporters and I do not think your reporter was present and If any comment was to be made,
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  • 59 3 Two more Chinese, who were Involved in the disturbances oa Feb. 15, were produced before Mr. L. C. Ooh in the Second Court yesterday and claimed trial on a charge that they were members of an unlawful assembly and committed a rioting offence. Bail of $1,000 each
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  • 212 3 BMA Policy On Collaboration Straits Times Corr., TAiPINO, Feb. 15. "As the present policy with regard to collaboration is one of extreme leniency, I have been Instructed by higher authorities to drop this case. I am, therefore, dismissing charges of collaboration against you, and leaving lt to the senior Methodist
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  • 92 3 Straits Times Corr: PENANG, Feb. 18 —Boos and Jeers greeted Carlyle da Silva while he waited outside the Superior Court to be taken to serve a sentence of five years' rigorous imprisonment passed by Lieut. Col. Bellamy m the British Officer Court on
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  • 102 3 Penang Postmen Resume Work Straits Times Corr— PENANG, Feb. 18. Following week-end discussion* with Col. Mai ley, postal chief, Malaya, who came specially from Kuala Lumpur to effect a settlement, Penang postmen and otter uniformed staff resumed work this morning after a nine -day stoppage. As a gesture to the
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  • 62 3 In a report on the distribution of bread on Sunday, it was stated that "a further setback has occurred owing to the demand of coffee shop employMs for higher wages." This should read "owing to the demand of emppioyees of bakeries for higher wages." It is also stated
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  • 350 3 Housing And WageProblems Being Studied A Housing Committee, under the chairmanship of Mr. R L. Eber, to examine the question of rents and housing of Municipal and Government servants, has been appointed, while an amendment of the salary scheme for the junior civil service is under consideration, the Straits Times
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  • 170 3 Robbery A Chinese Chan Chew Terk. who robbed a compatriot of cash jewellery and opium to the total value of about $800. was sentenced to seven years' rigorous imprisonment by Lt. Col. O.C.H. Culley In the second Superior Court yesterday. It was stated that the
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  • 109 3 Mecca Pilgrimage May Be Resumed The pilgrimage to Mecca, which has been Impossible for Malayan Muslims since 1939, may shortly be resumed 1! arrangements can be made with the shipping company conrerned. Brigadier P.A.B McKerron, Singapore chief of the BMA, told local Mohammedans at a tea party in Singapore to
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  • 44 3 Straits Times Corr: PENANO Feb II: Aa Indian schoolboy was nut over and killed by a trolley bus this morning at Pulau Ttkus. He had alighted from one trolley bus and was crossing the road when be was knocked down by anotaer.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 232 3 NOTICE. Under tnt auspices of the Clerical Union, a public Meeting of all clerks (both sexes) will be held at Liberty Hall North Bridge Road, on Saturday ■3rd Feb. at 230 p.m. Mr Lim Chuan Oeok. a member of tt)e Advisory Council, will deliver an address. Llm Tin Soon. Hon.
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    • 560 3 NOTICE TO CONSIGNEES The M V ORESTES U due to arrive at Singapore from Australasian Ports on c aaout the %tl February and consignees -hould spply to the Malayan Shipping Unit, 2nd Floor. Ocean Building, for delivery at their cargo. The "Oreites" will discharge her Inward cargo at the premiv*
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    • 285 3 RAFFLES HOTEL TONIGHT DANCE 9 ft* pm. to 12.00 p.m. Admisr.ion Char*?: 91.M to Non -Residents. Thun. 21st Mh DANCE t.M p.m. to 12 n.m. Music By "ASTORIA RHYTHM BOYS" JUBILEE THEATRE Where Everybody Enjoys Today: 1. 3.30. 6 JO p.m. One Day on!y "RIDE ON VAQUERO" with Caesar Romero
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  • 176 4 Canada Ring 'Extends Throughout America' WASHINGTON, Feb. 17.— Representative John Rankin of Mississippi said that a "Communist spy ring has been uncovered m Canada which "extends 'throughout the United States and is working through various Communist front organizations." The statement was made after the White
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  • 179 4 LONDON, Feb. 17:— The Security Council of the UNO adjourned last night until March 21 after finishing m unusual circumstances the discussion of the Syrian and Lebanese complaint against the presence of British and French troops. The American resolution s.ttling the issue had been carried by
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  • 204 4 A big: expansion m shipping accommodation from India to Malaya is expected this month and next month, according to Mr. S. K. Chettur, Representative of the Government of India m Malaya. He further stated that the Indian Committee looking after the repatriation of Malayan Indians to India
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  • 88 4 Arrangements have been completed by the Indian Association Relief Committee to distribute relief to needy and destitute Indians. Every Saturday between 4 and 6 p.m. applicants for relief will be interviewed by a member of the committee at the Ramakrishna Mission, Norrls Road. The Labour Department of
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  • 377 4 Saving Young Criminals The B.M.A. is considering the establishment of a juvenile court, states an oiiicial announcement. A boys' club has been formed m Queen Street, and the first of a series of lectures will be given by Mr. Claude da Silva at St. Joseph's Institution on Mar. 7. Arrangements
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  • 96 4 The Fleet carrier, Indomitable, has left Singapore for the United Kingdom, on her first Job as a "Trooper." About 160 officers and 2,000 men all bound for "Civvy Street" or repatriation sailed m her besides the normal ship's company. The hangers which once housed Fleet Air Arm
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  • 77 4 ROME, Feb. 17:— The Italian Socialist newspaper Avaiti said today that strenuous attempts to ensure the survival of Gen. Franco's regime m Spain would be made by high dignitaries of the Roman Catholic Church now assembled m Rome. The Avaita referred to the fact that
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  • 206 4 LONDON, Feb. 17:— It is reported from S. E. A. C. that the stage is set for the Burma war crimes trials at the civic hall In Rangoon the first m a series of Japanese war criminals to be tried by the Burma Command No. 4
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  • 61 4 Straits Time* Corr., KUALA LUMPUR. A Chinese, Koh Chung Mo, serving an eight year sentence for housebreaklng, theft and gang robbery, escaped from jail for 3 hours. Today, he was sentenced by the district court to an additional two years. Accused was one of
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  • 30 4 The tea party by the Pan-Malayan Labour Union orig: nally planned for Feb. 23, U now taking place on Feb. 20 at 2 p.m. at the Happy World
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  • 262 4 "Landslide" In Spain Is Forecast LONDON, Feb. 11: The Monarchists have made an offer to the Spanish parties of the Left which "may produce a landslide in the Spanish political scene within ihe next few weeks," says tht special con i pondent of the Sunday Observer. The negotiations, ne writes,
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  • 42 4 TOKYO Feb. 17:— Charged with responsibility for the torture and deaths of 150 Allied prisoners of war Major Yalchi Rikitake. Japanese prison camp commandant, will shortly be tried by a United States military commission. Reuter.
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  • 51 4 SHANGHAI, Feb. 17:— The authorities here, who blame the speculation In United States dollars and gold bars for th» soari"<r c-^nmo'lify price*, temporarily suspended trading on the gold bar exchange on Friday pending an investigation of the recent transactions which sent quotations to a new high level.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 354 4 srdh; UATHAY Where Everybody JSBfe Goet MMF TODAY 11 an... 2.15. 4.30. .00 9.30 p.m. An Epic Which Will Go Down In History Wherever Tales Of The Sea Are Told! SAN DEMETRIO with a Wonderful Cast of* Sixty headed by WALTER FITZGERALD MERVYN JOHNS Excitin <r, Th rilling Adventvre The
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    • 527 4 PACITRADER ""^kv.V«KS^; l 5 Kaniroon Road, Telephone: 3392 Singapore. t.O. Bos «M We take pleasure m announcing our appointment as SOLE AGENTS for the FAR EAST by the friUwtH Dominion Firms: NimTA MANUFACTURING CO. Patent Medicines. Embrocations, Ointment ele. EDWARD O. VACGHAN CO. Hardwire etc. SYDNEY BLAKE Provision* of all
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 200 4 TODAYS RADIO From Singapore RED NETWORK on J2J metre* and 61 metres from noon to p.m. and 6.30 p.m. to 11 p.m. Chines* noon to 1 15 p.m (newt to Hokkien at 1 p.m.: Id Cantonese at 1 10 p.m.). and from 7 p.m. to 9 pjn. (news In Cantonese
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