The Straits Times, 18 February 1946

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
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  • 325 1 American Officials Said Involved In Secrets Leak OTTAWA, Feb 17.— The possibili ty of a roundup of suspected persons m i the United States is being discussed here following the detention of suspects m connection with the disclosure of "secret an d confidential"
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  • 273 1 BATAVIA. Feb. 16.-Troops of the 23rd Indian division today took ov-r the waterworks at the hill station of Bandoeng, m western Java, the new headquarters of the division, where Indonesians had cut European residents' water supplies four days aso, a British spokesman west of the town were
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  • 83 1 NEW YORK, Feb. 16.— Stocks today responded briskly to the new steel management-labour agreement but mild profit-taking sealed gains toward the md. Pivotal Issues were up a point. or more In Bethlehem, U.S. Steel, General Motors, Anaconda, JohnsManvllln Goodyear. International Harvester, American Airlines and Goodrich nt .it-; reflected
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  • 97 1 NEW YORK. Feb. 16— The Journal of Commerce, In an editorial today on the sugg sted British price of 28 cents (US.) per pound for natural rubber fo.b. from Far East ports, says; "When the British decide to regain a large share of the American
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  • 37 1 SEOUL. Feb. 17— Person to person radio telephone service between Seoul and the United States will be opened within three months for use by military personnel. Later the service will be opened to civilians.— UP.
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  • 64 1 Russian Spy Ring In Canada OTTAWA, Feb. 17:— An unimpeachable source stated yesterday that evidence gathered by counter-espionare squads indicated that Russia was f'»dually building up a large intelligence service In Canada. The same source said it was possible scores of persons would be detained before the end of the
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 223 1 CHUNGKING. Feb. 16:— The afflcial Central Newt Agency today described the news from Manchuria that fighting had broken out there between Communist and government troops as a "bombshell" and a complete surprise. The report said it was a well-known fact that there were no Communist* in Manchuria at
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  • 90 1 TOKIO. Feb. 16— Col. C. H. Archer, who holds the rank of Consul-General In the foreign service, arrived here today to Join the British liaison mission In Japan which Is headed by LleutGen. Charles H. Galrdner. He will be responsible for liaison with Gen. Mac Arthur's
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  • 316 1 Bank Of England Nationalisation Is Effective Today LONDON, Fel. 17— The nationali ation of the Bank of England becomes effective tomorrow for Ui« nationalisation has now Passed all its Parii'impntary stages: It received the formal Royal Asst-nt la^t week and thus is now law. Tomorrow the Chancellor of the Exchequer
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  • 440 1 "WE MUST SHARE OUT OUR FOOD STORES" VICEROY Appeal For Sacrifices To Meet Food Crisis NEW DELHI, Feb. 16.— The daily basic cereal ration m India is to be cut from 1 tb. to 12 ounces, with foar ounces more for heavy manual labourers. Field Mtiishal Lord Wavell, Viceroy of
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  • 294 1 IMPORTANT INDIA MOVE EXPECTED LONDON, Feb. 16— Political Quarters m London believe that the British Government, m an important statement on India, which is expected to be made within the next few days, will announce that the Secretary of State for India, Lord PethlckLawrence, and the Under-Sec-retary of State, Mr.
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  • 65 1 CAIRO Feb. 16— Hopes of "«rer more wild friendship between Britain and Egypt" were expressed tonight by Ismail Sldky Pasha. 71-year-old "strong man" of Egypt, who. It U reported. Is making such good progress In his Cabinet construction that It is expected the names of
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  • 117 1 LONDON, Feb. The Security Council of the I'NO. tonight settled the Levant question by adopting the I'nited States resolution which expresses confidence that foreign troops will be withdrawn as soon as practicable and that negotiations to that end will be undertaken without delay The Soviet delegate, M.
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  • 108 1 Causeway Builders Tell Of Iraq Projects LONDON. Feb. 16— The A^gloIraqui Society today gave a luncheon for th? Iraqui UNO. delegates marked by a toast by the Society's president, Sir Bernard Bourdillon, to Iraq, "which has prown to full statehood among the United Nations." Guests included Mr. A. M. MacTnggart
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  • 43 1 WASHINGTON. Feb. 16— The U.S. Navy today announced that the date oa which an atom bomb will re dropped on a fleet of 97 ships off Bikini atoll m the Pacific has been set for May 15.— UP.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 86 2 IN ever loving memory of Mr. Z. Vuz. late Accountant. Straits Times who passed away on 27-12-1945 Deep!" nourned by his sorrowing wife t»*4 children ano his brother-m-law Ur J A N Saldanha. SAMUEI, WILLIAM Vounge (8. W. Tounge) of Tandjong Plnang. Rhlo, passed away peacefully at his residence
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  • 840 2 The Straits Times Singapore, Monday, Feb., 18, 1946. The Power Of Veto There assembled at San Francisco on April 25 last year, a conference at which was born the United Nations Security Council which has just ended its initial series of sittings m London. A'though compromise was reached on all
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  • 1978 2 Lords Debate On The New Malaya Lord FARINGDON: I consider that the Government deserve enthusiastic congratulations on the steps which they appear to be taking for the unification and development of Malaya, because I believe that no development, political or economic. Is possible without unification.
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  • 140 2 It rl it- -r'', i .■•(iiminy Is a ward which mgit find an early resasclta'lon from dinr\ law beokf f a revolution by h irtl-hraiir^ business nn and a long vnfrring public is to be avoided It is not la the di tionary of (he B M V who
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  • 403 2 (To the Editor of the Straits Times< Bir,— lt may not be entirely without interest and profit to the public of Malaya to know the stages whereby a sovereign independent State, financially independent, may be transformed, without publicity or ceremony, into a British colonial territory. First, the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 603 2 SITUATIONS VACANT WANTED fully qualified typewriter Bicchanlcs Apply 89, Stamford Road. WANTED Exprrlrnct d Storekeeper by European Import firm Apply to IBfi. ST WANTUi Quallf.ed Typewriter Mechanics also apprentice lads, apply •85. ST. WANTED: Efflrient Secretary P'rnrrrrriph"!-. State experience and ■alan required. Apply »o V-G-M 275 Orchard Road. WANTED Radio
      603 words
    • 200 2 COMPENSATION FOR EVACUATION OF REMPANG ««r.™«' i:eeS C X ,Rempa!l«, Rempa!1 and othrrs h v n Properties on rr«e Island of Rempang are informed that the Commission (or valuing the properties left n^ n bein7'..t:l the tnhabltants «"1 tS^WWmS &Tan K K<*iig Jtth February Tioeng j« th f. binary p
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  • 279 3 'DISTURBANCE OF PEACE WILL NOT BE TOLERATED' SUPREMO WARMS TROUBLE-MAKERS NO DISTURBANCES of the peace, whether organized or unorganized, will be tolerated, says .Admiral Lord Louis Mountbatten, Supreme Allied Commander, South-East Asia, m a statement issued last night. The statement says it was reported to Admiral Mountbatten, during his recent
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  • 22 3 Lin Ah Liang, chief of the Singapore branch of the Malayan Communist Party. has bren detained by the Police
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  • 57 3 On Feb. 12, Indian Muslims organised a procession through Jobore Bahru town. About a thousand people took part. The following da; Muslims took part in a procession which .started from lia offlce of Persakutuan Islam, passed through Jalan Trus and Jalan Ibrahim to Abu Bakai Mosque. The processions
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  • 56 3 Local people whose families have been ill -treated by the Japanese, particularly the Kern pel tal, are on c more requested to contact the War Crimes Complaints Bureau at Goodwood Park Hotel, either T person or by letter. All information given wilt be treated i as confliontial
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  • 55 3 Straits Times Corr., I'ENANG, Feb. 15—After tying up and locking inmates of the house In a room upstairs, a ga?<r of armed robbers entered a I.arut Road bungalow last niuM and escaped with haul of rash and Jewellery. A child, overlooked by the robbers, set free the
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  • 45 3 Kee >nu; up n rclrntless drive to •heck black marketing m controlled commodities, the Singapore Food Control Inspectorate mad,e the biggest haul yet on Thursday when approximately 13 ton-; of suear were found In a raid or premises m Cecil Street.
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  • 98 3 War Ordinance Not Applicable To Penang Btraite Times Corr. PENANO, Feb. 15— Declaring that the War Ordinance of 1941 enforced In Singapore on Dec. 22 was not applicable to Penang which was occupied by th? Japanese on Dr*;. 19, Ueut.-Col. Bellrmy, presiding m the British Officer court yesterday, ruled that
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  • 129 3 SARA WAk PEOPLE NOT CONSULTED The Malay National Union of Sarawak held a meeting In Kuching on Saturday to discuss the proposed cession of Sarawak to Britain. A special meeting has been called fo- today at tr.e residence of the late Haji Kasslm. At Saturday's meeting, the vie? president of
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  • 403 3 Police action as a whole was fully justified. This is a gist of the findings of the inquiry, ordered by HQ SACSEA, into the incidents arising from the clash between the police and demonstrators in Singapore on Feb. 15, when 250 people gathered
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  • 482 3 Share Market Industrial Prices Frighten Away Buyers Under more normal conditions, the share markets would doubtlessly be influenced by any one of the many items of news concerning Malayan politics, both external and internal, which have occurred recently.— the Malayan Union discussion, Sarawak, the N.E.I. troubles, the fixed prices of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 419 3 NOTICE TO CONSIGNEES The M v •ORESTES Is due to arrive at Singapore from Australasian Port? or <>• about the «U February and consignee." hould apply to the Malnyan Shipping Unit. 2nd Floor. Orrnn Butkltoer. for delivery of their cargo Thp "Omtif wl'i dts"harge her ln*ard cario at the prcm:s«-<.
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    • 534 3 TENDERS. A numbei ol Engineering Machines J comprising Lathes. Milling Machines. Grinding Ma-hlnes. etc. at H.M. Naval Base. Sinsaporp are off^ed for sale by j Tender i The Machines ma> be viewed daily by arrangement with the Superintending Naval Storr Officer. (TWphone 5231 Ext-nslon 547) H. M Nnval Base, Singapore
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    • 574 3 TENDERS NOTICE Tenders will be received up to noon 21st. February. 1846 at the Office of O.K. 960 R.E. Works. Municipality. Singapore for the supply of labour required for the construrtior of revetments at Bedok. Plans and Specifications can be Inspected at the of the O C. Marine Works Section,
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    • 207 3 rf I Seton (lose lanjlin Weekdays 2—5 p m. Ladle*' Dressmakers Gents' Outfitters No. 41-46. HIGH STREET. SINGAPORE. Nimless Glasses by DAH SIN OPTICAL HOUSE 3*5 North Bridce Rial Spore. Proprietor— P. 8. DZINO OD. Sfccfo De Luxe :s* the w-ll knowa ICAZURA BUNGA TANJONG Brtlllantinc A Halt Oil Obtainable
      207 words

  • 579 4 Forces Said Moving Toward Border LONDON, Feb. 16:— The Soviet delegate to the UNO, Andrei Vyshinsky, forwarded to the Secretary General Dr. Trygve Lie, on behalf of the Yugoslav delegation, a memorandum complaining of the activities of the Polish army m Italy under
    Reuter  -  579 words
  • 860 4 Generally speaking, sportsmen m Singapore today are living off their memories. Besides other weightier matters, the enjoyment, ease and exercise which sport provides are luxuries not within everybody's reach nowadays, but a revival of sport is on its way. Boxing has got off to
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 355 4 Thonr P A T U A V 8400 JH I HAT j£Sg| 111 A.M. 2.15. 4.30. lfc*,££3s& l 7.00, 9.30, OPENING TODAY Another New 1945 Production The Greatest Sea Adventure Ever Filmed! SAN DEMETRIO with a Wonderful Cast of Sixty headed by WALTER FITZGERALD MERVYN JOHNS Filled to the brim
      355 words
    • 257 4 REWARD. REWARD will be paid for Information leading to the recovery of any personal effects (document*, photographs, silver, etc.) the property of the underslsrrd left at 33, Orange Rm4. In February 1942 Jas Nicoll, Socfln Co. Ltd. Kuala Lumpur. ANDERSON SCHOOL THRIFT ASSOCIATION. All ex-puplls of Anderson School. Ipoh, who
      257 words
    • 13 4 i ctf* A QUALIFIED OPTICIAN C.S CHOnG OD. mOD€«n €YIW€AR PHONE 4435 tt
      13 words
    • 368 4 QUEENS... OKYLANc, OARRICK (GEYI.ANC| Today t, «.45 9.15 p.m. Todav-3.15. 6.30 915 pi* The Picture with the Boi Office "SONS O' GUNS" Power of 'Jesse James' with the popular comedian "BELLE STARR" JOE E BROUN tin perfect technicolor) and with Randolph Scott Oene Tiernry JOAN BLONDKLL LAST 5 SHOWS y^g^|
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 191 4 TODAYS RADIO (From Singapore) BED NETWORK on 125 metre* and 81 metres from noon to p.m and 6.30 p.m. to 11 p.m Chinese noon to 1.15 p.m (news in Hokklen at 1 p.m.; In Cantonese at I 10 p.m and from 1 pm. .to 9 p.m. mews In Cantonese at
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