The Straits Times, 11 February 1946

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
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  • 526 1 45 Nations Adopt Resolution FORTY-FIVE nations, with two Latin American States abstaining from voting while awaiting instructions from their Governments, gave their lull support to the resolution, introduced by Panama and am«idrf Norway, that the Franco regime should be refused admittance to the United Nations Organization
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  • 209 1 Indonesia To Decide Own Political Future THE HAGUE, Feb. 10. -The Government today issued a statement on Indonesia, saying: "The Netherlands Government take the view that the peoples of Indonesia should be enabled to decide their political destiny. "Therefore, the Netherlands Government, deeply coiuclcus of their responsibility, con idcr it
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  • 377 1 CAIRO, Feb. 9.— Several thousand students, back frcm their holidays, demonstrated m Cairo and Alexandria today, and clashed with steel-helmeted police who used batons to disperse them. One student was killed and, at least, 100 injured m a clash on Abbas Bridge during
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  • 108 1 Spanish Exile Govt. Chief In Paris PARIS Feb B.— Senor Jose Ciral, head of the Spanish Republican Government m Exil.V landed here this evenin-,' by air from New York. French opinion has been speculating on the possibility of hi stay m Par's coincidine vi h the French breach of d
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  • 41 1 New Zealand Bu shfire WELLINGTON, Feb. 9— A milewide bushfire Is advancing on the township of Taupo, North Island, New Zealand, destroying In its path thou-j.-'.nds of acres of bushland, forests and rcenic HUtf In the famous Wairekei ?L-yser vr-Uey.— Reuter.
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  • 257 1 Trusteeship Plan For Italy's Colonies WASHINGTON, Feb 9.—Secretary of State James Byrnes at h.s Press conference tonight outlined a plan for the trusteeship of Italian colonies that was submitted by the United States at the Foreign Ministers Council meet ng; m London last September. The four principal colonies would each
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  • 173 1 WASHINGTON, Feb. 9:—Secretary of Agriculture Clinton Anderson told a Press conference today thai he was unable to promise any drastic new measures to increase the export of rice to famine threatened areas of India and the Fast East. Anderson said: "Britim— and most of Europe
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  • 415 1 Trusteeship Extended LONDON, Feb. 9. United Nations trusteeship discussions finally transcended the limits of mandates to include the whole problem of the world's non-self-governing peoples when John Foster Dulles, United States, this afternoon called on the General Assembly to approve the Trusteeship Committee's resolution
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  • 173 1 Sutan Sjahrir Empowered To Negotiate HATAVIA. Feb. 9 Sjahrir, Indonesian "Premier.' ha* been given full powers by Soekarno and the Republican Cabinet at Djocjakarta to ac. m the disoisrions with Dr. Hubertus van Msok and Brilish special envoy Sir^Archibald Clark Kerr, the Dutch news agency learns It is understood
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  • 50 1 TOKIO, Feb. 9.-Lieut.-Gen. Samade Shimomura, War Minister m both the Japanese Cabinets formed by Baron Sl.idehara since the Allied occupation of Japan, whose arrest was ordered on Feb. ii. gave himself up to the Allied authorities at Sugamo prison on the outskirts of Tokio today. —Reuter.
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  • 29 1 WASHINGTON. Feb. 9—The Siamese King Ananda Mahidol may visit the United States en route from Bangkok to Switzerland where he will soon resume his education.—U.P.
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  • 276 1 'Soviet Forces Must Be Strengthened Sta tin LONDON", Feb. 9:—Generalissimo Joseph Stalin m a speech m Moscow on the eve of the elections and m his first broadcast since his victory speech on the day of Japan's formal unconditional surrender, said: "The defensive might of the Soviet State will m
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 737 2 The Straits Times Singapore, Monday, Feb. 11. 1946 Sedition Following the announcement of the Supreme Allied Commander's decision that the time had come when most, of the Offences against the Forces Proclamation could be withdrawn, but that henceforth the death sentence might be imposed for the offence of carrying arms'
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  • 1832 2  -  I write this perched high on the top of the Madras High Court on the day when a Parliamentary delegation has just left the city after several days' visit. The papers have been ringing with their words about independence, economic freedom and the will of
    Reuter  -  1,832 words
  • 919 2 This New Freedom Something has happened to Singapore. The freedom for which Br.tain and her Allies have born renting mr x >• ir*. the freedom for which gallant China has been desperately fighting for more than e.ght years, the freedom for which Japanesedomina.ed Malaya longed for. cam c
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  • Article, Illustration
    35 2 Chinese youngsters crowd rouirt a ■terr* wm to w.nt t*i"ir turn to look at photograph* at p exMbitfoa of RAF \<l- "\pments m the Second WorM Wi r, which opened In Singapore •n Feb. 4.
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    • 702 2 THE BNOAOKMBNI ta announced bet wren Mr. Teo Kirn Lend third son ef Mr. Mrs. Teo Boon Chye, and Ml s Koh Chiew Guat, youngest sister Ot Mr. Koh Guan Ghee. The Engagement is announced today between Mr. Lim Keng Teck, 4th ■on of the late Mr. Mm Ah Pin
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  • 359 3 'NOT CONSULTED' DECLARES TUAN MUDA Further Protest At Sale Of Sarawak Straits Times Corr., LONDON, Feb. 9.—lncreasing public interest m the Sarawak cession proposal has been heightened by a dignified though hardhitting letter to The Times from Bertram Brooke, the Tuan Muda, who thinks it is not yet realised by
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  • 100 3 Three Indian lawyers are coming to Malaya to defend political prisoners now on trial here, it is reported by Reuter from Bombay They are P. N. Sapru, son of Bir TeJ Bahadur Sapru, veteran Liberal leader, X Bhasyham, prominent Madras member of the All-Indian Congress, and
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  • 396 3 Straits Times Corr., KUALA LUMPUR, Feb., 10.— Messengers at the Central Telegraph Office, I Kuala Lumpur, resumed work today, their demands having! been "satisfactorily" me^ by the authorities. Mr Alfred, sent by the Colonial Office to study labour conditions m Malaya, intervened m the dispute.
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  • 77 3 Straits Times Corr. PENANG, Feb. 9: Remarking it was a case of the utmost gravity. Lt. -Colonel Bellamy today adjourned the hearing of the Carlyie da Silva case to consider whether the evidence indicated a prim a facie case Proceedings today were confined to
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  • 74 3 It is officially announced that owing to the present strike m the railway workshop at Sentul and the running shed, the passenger train service between Kuala Lumpur and Penang and Kuala Lumpur and Singapore is bring reduced to one train per day. This will result m
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  • 182 3 OKG—Ong Soon Tee passed away peacefully at his residence No. 61. Cairhlll Road at 7.30 a.m. on Sunday, the 10th Fed 1916. aged 77. He leaves behind Us 2 wives. 6 sons. Ons; Siow F: i. l) (Jr.;, F Wan, Riow Kee. Slow Glap. Siow Hin and Siow Leong.
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  • 243 3 Among the 16 passengers who arrived by the 8.0 A C. flying-boat yesterday waj Col S. McFadzean, Deputy Controller of Finance and Accounts B M A. Kuala Lumpur, who has returned irom Britain after iHf-itf a rtrf with the Colonial Office on Malayan financial problems. Col. McFadzean
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  • 261 3 BMA Vehicles: Tightening Up Control A reminder that all B.M.A. vehicles are military vehicles and must comply with military ruleis contained m v new order which will come Into force soon. This order Is chiefly directed towards ensuring a greater measure of security and enforcing the strictest economy In petrol.
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  • 54 3 Penang Robbers Gag Victims Straits Times Corr.. PENANG, Feb. 9:— After threatening the inmates with revolvers, five masked robbers who entered a Dato Kramat Road house at dawn today escaped with over $20,000 haul. The chief tenant, a Chinese and her family were huddled upstairs, bound and gagged while the
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  • 729 3 Share Market Almost A "Black Market" With so many shareholders out of the country, dealings m the market tend to become artificial, m fact there is almost a parallel with the black market m goods, states the Malayan Sharebrokers' i Association market report for i the week-ending Feb. 9. There
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 331 3 ARMY OFFICER 31. Public School leaving Army shortly. Require.* post In Far East. Speaks Urdu, sound knowledge administration, vehicles and transportation Married, wife residing In Malaya qualified nurse. Write Box 180. Straits Times. TANN'S REFRESHMENT ROOM 118. I pper Serangoon Road, Singapore NOTICE i* hereby given that the abovenamed business
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    • 589 3 THE BORNEO COMPANY LIMITED.. SINGAPORE Have pleasure In announcing that they, have now reopened their office at:— JttCRCANTIin BANK BUILDING (2nd Floor) Raffles Place TELEPHONE 2760 TENDERS. TENDERS are invited lor the pur- chase of s number of major Landing Craft. These craft are twin screw anri i fitted wltn
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    • 370 3 I A (mmmetetii ff Wfl'Wl I'losr lutiKllu 9 'lavs 2—52 5 p m I 'die*' Dres«makrrs CJcnK' Outlitlrr* NO. 41-««. HIGH STREET. SINGAPORE. Fr>r Portable A Standard TYPFWRITERS Sales Service Call at: STKriIEN MAX typkwi:iti:r sfrvice 18. The Arradr. Ist Floor. m PEN TROUBLE? U so. a new sac
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  • 531 4 'Revelation Of Guilt By Military Clique 9 TOKIO, Feb. 10.— The Yomiuri-Hochi characterized Gen. Mac Arthur's decision that Yamashita is to be stripped of his military uniform and decorations and punished as a war criminal as a "sad revelation of the heavy crimes committed
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  • 206 4 MANILA, Feb. 9.— The verdict In the trial of .Gen. Homma will ba given on Tuesday after the defenc and prosecution have summed up their cases. The Homma defence was an indictment of the Japanese Army system and the Japanese Gov.ernment, which the generars counsel sa
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  • 275 4 CHUNGKING, Feb. 9— Gen. Marshall met today with Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek and Gen. Chou En-lai m an effort to end the crisis m Tainan where the Peiping Executive Headquarters has failed m its efforts to enforce the cease-fire order. The Communists demand the opening of
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  • 77 4 MADRAS, Feb. 9.— The Government of Madras proposes to form a women's police force as a post-war innovation, it was reported here. A women's corps m a city police force is expected to facilitate matters like searches m which women are involved and special problems created
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  • 319 4 NEW YORK, Feb. 9:— The first authorised revLslon of the New Testament In 65 years appear In American bookstores on Feb. 12. it was announced today. The new translation Is the result of the work of a committee composed of representatives of 44 Urrited States Protestant
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  • 259 4 England's Worst Gale For Half A Century LONDON, Feb. 9.— With traffic stopped both on the roads and railways m hundreds of places owing to floods which also cover vast areas of farmland and threaten to add to the country's food difficulties, Britain today keeps an anxious watch for the
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  • 189 4 ROME, Feb. 9— When the congress of the Italian Action Party, one of the six parties m the present coalition Government, ended early this morning. there were signs that the Party might break up. Attempts made during the congress to reconcile the hostile left and right
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  • 153 4 (From Singapore) RED NETWORK on 225 metre* and SI metres from noon to 11 p.m. Chinese noon to 1.15 p.m (news Id Hokklen at 1 p.m.: tn Cantonese at 1 10 p.m >. and from •.30 p.m. to 9 pm (news tn Cantonese at 745 pjn and In
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 294 4 iODAY ONLY! (By Special Request) "AIR-WAR OVER CHINA" From The Pages of Col. Robert Lee Scott's Autobiography "GOQ IS MY CO-PILOT" (A Warner Bros. Product) CEN. CLAIRE CHENNAULT'S Aii pilots Smash up Japs For and en Behalf of China. mrSJDFP TO THEM ALL! WHEN MEN GO TO WAR! DEATH IS
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    • 260 4 ALL-IN WRESTLING TO-NIGHT At 8.30 p.m. GREAT WORLD Razak 20th Century Promotions Prewnts A British Empire Programme MUG MORRIS World famous No. I Enu ish International Matman— Champion of N-W England 13 '-a st. versus KARTAR SINGH Malayan 6c African Champion— No white man has beatrn him! SE%t European Gold
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