The Straits Times, 8 February 1946

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
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  • 1064 1 White Rajah Says Time Ripe To Cede Territory To Britain Sir Charles Vyner-Brooke, Rajah of Sarawak, has informed the British (iovernment that he considers the time has arrived when Sarawak should be ceded to His Majesty the King. Announcing this m the House of
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  • 184 1 Rajah Muda Opposes Straits limes Corr. LONDON, 111,1 1 1, t; -it is for the British Govenuacßl and the Rajah or Sarawak to convince the world this immoral transaction amounts to anything lioltrr than crude imperialism." says the Kaja Muda for Sarawak m a statement on the proposal to cede
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  • 39 1 y ugoslav Demand LONDON. Feb. 6: -Belgrade rad.o this morning reported that Marshal Tito cabled the Yugoslav delegation to the UNO. instructions to demand the inclusion of Trieste m the Yugoslav Federation giving the Atlantic Charter as grounds— Reuter.
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  • 167 1 CHUNGKING. Feb. 6.-Japa-neM and ruppet troops m the North China provinces of Shunsi, •Hopei, Shantung. Charhar and Honan killed almost 2,000,000 people and drafted 80a.000 ablebodied men, according to Communist sources. They also destroyed 5.500.000 houses and slaughtered 5,000,000 domestic animals, the
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  • 59 1 Straits Times Corr: LONDON, Feb. 6. Evening newspapers here splashed the news of the proposed cession of Sarawak to Britain with the headline "Britain Buys Sarawak." The Raja of Sarawak, who is now in London, expects to fly to Sarawak next month with the Ranee. The office
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  • 107 1 LONDON, Feb. 6.— The Security Council of the United Nations' Assembly, formally closed the Greek case last night when Russia withdrew the charge that British troops m Greece threatened peace. Chief Soviet delegate Vyshinsky proposed: Firstly; the council take no formal action and pass no formal resolution
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  • 77 1 LONDON, Feb. 6:— The Panamanian delegation submitted a resolution to the U.N.O. today calling on the United Nations to formally denounce the Franco regime m Spain. The resolution was given to the Secretary-General's office. The proposal contains a resolution "that the Assembly, In adopting these
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  • 748 1 'Failed In Duty To Country, Foe And Mankind 9 TOKYO, Feb. 7.— Gen. Douglas Mac Arthur, Allied Commander m Japan, has confirmed the death sentence gassed on Gen. Tomoyuki Yamashita, 'Tiger of Malaya', by the Military Commission which tried the Japanese general m Manila last December. It
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  • 155 1 Homma Admits Responsibility MANILA, Feb.6.-Homma admlW ted. under cross examination to* day that he was "morally responsible" for what occurred under hla command. He asserted, however, that he repeatedly sought medical supplies from Tokio but failed t« obtain them. Homma claimed that he did not authorise proclamations ordering the execution
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  • 202 1 Mac Arthur Ends Public Relations 'Spoon Feeding' TOKIO, Feb. 7— Gen. MacArthur today directed official* of the Supreme Allied Paciflo Command <SCAP) to grant Interviews to correspondent! whenever possible, it was officially revealed. A spokesman for the Supreme Commander said: 'Gen. Mac Arthur doesn't want anyone to get the Idea
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 33 2 Mrs. Catherine Fernandez passed away peacefully at her residence •MARY LODGE". QUILON, aged 55. Friends and relatives are requested to pray for the repose of the departed aoif. (Upcountry papers please copy).
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  • 849 2 The Straits Times Singapore, Friday, Feb. 8, 1946. A Remarkable Transaction Although it has been known for some time tha* plans were under consideration for tffecting major constitutional changes m Sarawak, few people can have been prepared for r-ything m the nature nt the transaction reported yesterday. Early messages received
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  • 881 2 It used to be said m Lancashire that if the Indian could be persuaded to add one inch to the length of his shirt this seemingly slight change of custom would add many millions of pounds to the annual turnover of cotton textile mills. And
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  • 37 2 It strikes me that 'here Is too much talk about Democracy by p:ople who mean Communism, too mv -h shouting down or real Democracy by accusing it of Kasii-.m, too much Fascism m Communism. 2 2=l.
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  • 153 2 Compromise On Admission Of Trade Unions The Russian propo presentation of the World Federal i n of Trade Unions In th» Economic and Social C'janci: of the UNO Assembly v. d by the British ittegate, Noel Baker, at a meeting of the Political and Security Committee tonight. Baker MM uilliiiR
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  • Article, Illustration
    120 2 An exhibition of RAF achieveni en throughout the S-«ond World War was opened by Ai- Chief Marshal Sir Keith I'ark, Allied Air Commander-in-chief. South East Asia, m Singapore on Feb. 4. Amongst the exhibits are an RAF Spitfire with Tour Jap kills to its credit, an Auster aircraft. Radar equipment,
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  • 1602 2 Malayan Union The Sultans We publish today three letters >* hich appear m the latest issue of the magazine, British Malaya, on the subject of the new constitution of Malaya. The letters are from Sir Frank Swettenham, Sir Richard Winstedt and Mr. W. P. Hume, all former Malayans. December, 28th,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 616 2 CHIA— To Grace, wife of Mr. O. J. Chla. at No. 59A. Eng Hoon Street, girl— Chia Ec Lin on sth Instant. NATIONS VACANT WANTED translators (spare-time^ from and to English. French, D' 1 Chinese Romanised ru Amble Mais). Apply P.O. Box 574. WANTED— Experienced Civil Enginerr and or
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  • 583 3 DE SILVA AND WIFE SENTENCED TO DEATH Recommendation To Mercy "The sentence of the Court against both of you is that you suffer death by hanging.' Deep silence reigned as those words, uttered by the President of a British Officer Court yesterday afternoon, brought the trial of Doreen Wales de
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  • 81 3 Straits Times Corr PENANG, Feb. 7. The harbouring of British soldiers by an unlucky thirteen at Telok Kahang was recalled m the Second Court yesterday before Major Walker at a preliminary inquiry into alleged collaboration by a Malay, Mat bin Matsaman. A woman witness,
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  • 520 3 While passing sentence of death by hanging on two of the six Japanese charged with brutally beating British POWs m Kanouri camp. Siam, m 1943 the Singapore War Crimes Court yesterday Imposed, for the first time since Its establishment, a nominal sentence of one day's imprisonment
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  • 395 3 The following statement which deals with the export of cloth from India to Malaya. wa< Issued yesterday by the office of the Representative of the Government of India In Malaya: •While m India the Representative of the Government of India m Malaya made an appeal to
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  • 295 3 Six Years For Jap Torturer Staff/Sergeant Sugimoto Heikichi and Sgt. Kobayashi Takashi, former kempeital men, were yesterday sentenced to six years and three years imprisonment respectively by Lt. Col. S. C. Silkin, President of the second court m Singapore war crimes trials. Myasaki Kazuo. a civilian interpreter attached to the
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  • 397 3 Moratorium Partially Lifted By a moratorium proclamation issued by the B.M A. Singapore, all accounts m banks m which there hav e been no transactions of any description during the Japanese occupation may now be released, and the balance transferred to such new accounts as j have been opened m
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  • 477 3 COMMUNISTS FAKE TRUMAN LETTER SAYS B.M.A On Jan. 17 and 18, three Chinese daily newspapers published a report circulated by the Singapore City Committee of the Malayan Communist Party, purporting to reproduce a translation of the text of a letter from President Truman of the U.S.A. It was an alleged
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 56 3 ANCLO THAI CORPORATION LTD. Singapore Prnang Any person who gives information leading to the recovery of the Corporation'!) Ottice Furniture and Equipment. Account Books, Records etc will be suitably rewarded. THE BORNEO COMPANY LIMITEdT. SINGAPORE Have pleasure In announcing that they have now reopened their office at: MERCANTILE BANK IH'ILDING
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    • 556 3 SPORTINO RACEFORM tells you race Dv race nc they looked In the paddock, how they went In the betting and how they all ran. The Ideal contact for overseas sportsman with racing In England Weekly by Air Mall Full particulars from RACEFORM 39 43, lattersca High Street. London. S.W.I 1
      556 words
    • 398 3 JUBILEE THEATRE Where I.vcr>b!>dy Enjoys 1, IM, CIO A p m Today 4 Shows Dnvirt Nlven m "TIIK WAV All? \M with Stanley Ilolh. D maid \>\t Ch.ins.-" tXMIUMNIT with Oaan I Tomorrow at Midnight "rwmrs of rontrar with Frecl M I Spend Your Festival live v. il!i (he Forturr
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  • 359 4 Important Bill Before House Of Lords LONDON, Feb. 6.— The statutory bar to the future replacement of the existing Viceroy's Executive Council by one drawn from members of Indian political parties will be removed by a bill to amend the Government of India Act 1935 introduced
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  • 160 4 LONDON, Feb. 6:— The Netherlands First Chamber of Parliament today decided by 22 votes to 10 to send a Parliamentary delegation to Indonesia. Hilversum Radio said tonight. A motion to postpone consideration of the matter was rejected. The President of the Chamber was authorised to
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  • 143 4 JERUSALEM, Feb 6:— The 'Fighters for the Freedom of Israel"— a stern gang wing of the Jewish resistance organisation Irgun Zvai Leumi— today issued leaflets containing a fourpoint declaration of war against the British authorities m Palestine. The declaration stated that its supporters would, firstly, fight to
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  • 86 4 Jap Camp Doctor On Trial YOKOHAMA, Feb. 6.— Captain Shlgeru Aonv former medical officer at the main P OW. camp at Hokodate, pleaded not guilty here today In the Initial trial by the military court for alleged atrocities against British and Scottish piisoners. Aona is charged with contributing to the
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  • 172 4 CHUNGKING, Feb. s:—Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek stated m Chungking today that "informal discussions" were at present taking place between China and the U.SS.R. on the subject of economic concessions. No formal negotiations, he said, were going on at the moment with regard to economic concesl
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  • 409 4 'Wrong End 9 Invasion Liberated Burma LONDON, Feb. 6.— The Burma invasion was made from th« wrong end because of lack of equipment and supplies, Gen. Sir William Slim, head of the Imperial Defence College and former C.-in-C. of the 14 th Army, told the Royal Empire Society and East
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  • 204 4 Straits Times. Corr., KUALA LUMPUR. Feb. s— The All-Malaya Nattukottal Chettiars' Chamber of Commerce, was inaugurated today by Brig. A. T. Newboult. D.C.C.A.0.. today. Mr. S. M M. Anna.nalai Chettlar. the secretary, en behalf of the president Mr. K.V.A.LM. Muthlah Chettlar. said the chamber was organised not
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  • 189 4 TODAYS RADIO (From Singapore) BED NETWORK on 225 metres from noon to 10.30 p.m. and also on 61 metre* from 1 to 130 p.m. 1.45 to 2 p.m. and 7.45 to 9.30 p.m. Chinese noon to 1.15 p.m. (newt Id Hokkien at 1 p.m.: In Cantonese at 1.10 p.m.). and
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 390 4 To-Morrow's "Tropical" Midnight Premiere! (Film Just In By Air from U.S.A.) SOUTH-SEA ROMANCE In Its Latest Truest Form! COLUMBIA'S "HONOLULU-LU" HULA-HULA GIRLS In The Snappiest 'Hit' Under The Sun (The Moon!) SUN or MOON IMI SHOW IS HULA-HULA which mcanj O.K For all! LL'FE Vfcl.EZ In the Lead with the
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    • 14 4 L QUALIFIED 7 OPTICIAN C.S, CHOnG O. 0» H mODCPn €Y€W€AR PHONE 4435 tT
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    • 78 4 TO-NIGHT.'! BOXING GREAT WORLD AT ARENA 8.30 P -.1. HhEv f L>w 4 ft Smashing first Class BmU RONALD BIRR Penang Sensational Coloured Champion versus STAR DIAMOND Marines Idol— The Rage of Singapore Over 10 Rds. LITTLE SENCIO (Penang Fly-wt. Champion) versus C V YIN (Chinese K.O. Arttet) MWIEL OLIVKIRO
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