The Straits Times, 5 February 1946

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
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  • 315 1 Appeals To House Of Lords SecretaryOfStateForColonies A protest against the creation of the Malayan Union and an appeal for modification of the provisions of the White Paper recently issued are contained m telegrams, sent through the Chief Civil Affairs Officer, Malaya, to Lord Marchwood and
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  • 230 1 LONDON, Feb. 3— A high liplcmatic official said today that none of the big four powers drafting the Italian peace treaty had made e>^ossive demands. He admitted that the Italians probaby would regard the conccsMcns as harsh, but contended that was unjustifiably pessmistic. considering the
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  • 232 1 Waf dists Want Effective Voice In Treaty Discussions CAIRO, Feb. 3:- The first shots In the Wafdist Party's bid to have an effective voice m the forthcoming Anglo-Egyptian talks m Cairo to revise the 1936 treaty alliance were fired today by I Nahas Pasha, leader of the Wafd opposition pcrty,
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  • 139 1 U. S. S. R. Attitude Toward Asiatics Before U.N.O. LONDON, Feb. 3— This week, lor the first time, the Russian attitude towards the peoples of South-East Asia— their claims, aspirations, rights and wrongs will be formally clarified at the international forum when the Ukrainian charge that British and Indian troops
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  • 109 1 Clark Kerr Impresses Sutan Sjahrir BATAVIA, Feb. 3.— The Indonesian "Premier Satan Sjahrir is most favourably impressed with his Prst informal meeting with Sir Archibald Clark Kerr, British special envoy to Java, whom he described as "a great diplomat because he does not give the impression that he is a
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  • 81 1 LONDON, Feb. 3.-A White Russian, named V. Shabin, sentenced to 25 years' imprisonment at Habarovik (Far Eastern Russia), is said to have been Chief of Staff of the White Russian armies of Ataman Semenov «n Russian civil war 28 years ago. Moscow Radio stated tonight
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  • 120 1 U.S. Warned Of War 72 Hours In Advance WASHINGTON, Feb. 2.—Captain L. F. Saflord, former chief of the Naval Communications Intelligence, told the Pearl Harbour Committee today, that the Japanese gave the United States three days' warning through the "winds" code broadcast. Saflord said the messase which *-a* broadcast from
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  • 177 1 LONDON, Feb. 3— Tomorrow will also probably see the first meeting of the Military Staff Committee of the UNO Security Council, compos3d of representatives of the Chiefs of Staff of the Big Five. The first task of this Committee will be to draw up proposals for
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  • 118 1 LONDON, Feb. 3:— The former Secretary for India, Leopold Amery, will be the leading speaker m defence of imperial preferences at a meeting sponsored by the Empire Industries' Assoc.ation on Tuesday to protest against and condemn the British Government "for committing Britain to participate this
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  • 711 1 .CAIRO, Feb. 3: Of the many thorny problems which the war has left behind m the Middle East, one of these calling urgently for settlement is the future of Cyrenaica. For two years, from December 1940 to December 1942, the contending British and
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  • 34 1 Lieut. Gen. Sir Montjfu Stopford, former commander of the 12th Army m Banna, has taken over duties at Allied Commander-in-C'hief. N-thrr-lands East Indies, from Lieut. Gen. Sir Phillip Christison.
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  • 247 1 BATAVIA. Feb. 3— At Semarang on the north coast of Java, British troops used mach.negun fire to disperse Indonesians who approached their position m heavy rain. Near Kletek British artillery opened up m support of an Allied patrol when heavy fighting developed there, according to Dutch
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  • 40 1 TEHERAN. Feb. 4— The Persian Press today reports that the Soviet Government has informed Frrmier Ghavam that the Soviet Government is ready to rrceive a Persian mission m Moscow for direct negotiat'ons on Persian-Soviet affa'rs Reuttr.
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  • 146 1 RIO DE JANEIRO, Feb. 2Diplomatic tension between the United States and Argentina is likely to result m a new postponement of the conference of American Foreign Ministers tentatively scheduled to take place here between March 15 and April 15, an Argentine official said today. The announcement that
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  • 484 1 NEW YORK. Feb. 4— Lieut-Gen. Sir Frederick Morgan has left the United States to return to the UNRRA Headquarters In Germany. Reuter. LONDON. Feb. 3:— The King has approved the appointment of Sir Maurice Drummond Peterson, at present British Ambassador at Ankara, to be
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  • 709 2 The Straits Times Singapore, Tuesday, Feb. 5, 1946. Tainted News Sources Many years ago, Fleet Street was the centre of activity of a group of men known as press t. gents. For the most part they were seedy individuals, figures of iun or of tragedy. Their purpose was to try,
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  • 939 2  -  Charles Lambert \By As the war was drawing to its inevitable close with defeat for Germany, a group of politicians of my acquaintance used to meet m Berlin to plan a democratic future for their homeland. With the British Socialist Party, which they
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  • 214 2 Lease -Lend Ships To Be Handed Back A squadron of LCI(L)s sailed from Singapore recently for Manila. They are being returned to the Americans under the terms of Lease-Lend. The record of these ships proves that the material America gave Britain has not been wasted. The squadron now sailing to
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  • 22 2 Cpl. D. G. Dunkley, attending to repairs m the engine cowling of a RAF Transport Command Dakota at Batavia.
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  • ENGINE COWLING REPAIRS Malayan News From London
    • 247 2 Straits Times Corr., LONDON, Jan. 20.— The Sultan of Johore -s now staying at Grosvenor House, and both he and his wife ar? already far better for their rest and change of climate. Tributes to the Sultan's loyalty to Britain during the Japanese occupation of
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    • 171 2 Sir Shenton Thomas On Empire Straits Times Corr.. London, Jan. 22- -Sir Shenton Thomas. Governor and H;gh Commits .oner m Malaya until 11*42. told a meeting of the Overseas League m London this week that he was retiring. "after serving the Empire for 36 years". Advocating a greater interchange of
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  • 296 2 Straits Times Corr., London, Jan. 22.— Dr. O. Macdonald, Director of the Ross Institute of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, reports that, "because of the war, health condit ons in Malaya have gone back to very much the state they were in
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  • 453 2 Volunteers I ,nust than* "P.B." for writIng such kind words about Volunteer ex-POWs. Perhaps he is not conversant with the inside story and the situation confronting the men. After all, they have a reason to gr:use and a cood soldier always jjrumD'.es. Does your correspondent realiz. that before
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 656 2 SITUATIONS VACANT CHINKSE Clerk/Typist, experience Unnecessary but must be good m English. Permanent Job with good prospects for right maiy Reply statin? ■alary required to 0.P.0. Box 766 6'- gapsß, WANTED immediately a CAN MAKING expert wt!h knowledge of canmakina: machinery. Applicants must stati' (X icrience. furnish testimonials and reference
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  • 176 3 Strike Delayed Soong Kwong's Release A statement issued by headquirUrs, British Military Administration, Malay I'eiiinsula, on Sunday night said that the petition for review against the conviction and sentence of Scong Kwong on Jan. 3, m the Si rior Court, Kuala Lumpur, h;j.i been received. TU« conviction was upheld, but
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  • 152 3 Most Singapore rctaurants are toeing the line m regard to the order which stipulates S3 as the maximum price lor a meal. Certain establishments, unable to meet the order, have stopped selling cocked meals. One restaurant m the heart oi the business centre of the
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  • 377 3 With $10,000,000 to $15,000,000 worth of foodstuffs from Hong Kong and other parts of China already distributed all over Malaya, a fur her large shipment is expected m Singapore about the middle of this month. I-OCnl imDOrters have customers aa-av hv nhirtrinir hi rh received
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  • 816 3 THREE ALLEGED MEMBERS IN COURT Sensational disclosures of the existence of a secret anti-allied spy and sabotage organisation m Singapore during the occupation were made at a special sitting of the collaborator's court yesterday, when Commissioner J. C. Cobbett held an inquiry into allegations, under
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  • 60 3 An official notification Issued yesterday morning lays there should be no misunderstanding about the decision of the Supreme Allied Commander to withdraw certain provisions of Proclamation No. 2 which deals with offences against the Forces. The Sedition Ordinance (18 of 1938), which deals with unlawful publications
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  • 305 3 Long before gates were opened at the Victoria Memorial .*alJ yesterday for the preview of :he R-AJ"s "Achievements" exhibition, crowds gathered so fast that the RAT. guards gave up trying to make it a preview and, when Sir Keith Park arrived for the official opening ceremony
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  • 156 3 Malayan Pineapple Industry An article published m the last issue of the Sunday Times described plans for the resuscitation of the Malayan pineapple Industry. We are now asked to state that the position Is not so far advanced as the representative of the Sunday Times was given to* understand. The
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  • 72 3 Armoured cars, Bren carriers, trucks and outriders of No. 2 RECCE Regiment— a squadron of about forty vehicles carried out an exercise In Singapore this morning m co-operation with the police. They were testing a police scheme for using cars equipped with radio to help both m
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  • 109 3 Straits Times Corr., Klang, Feb. 2.— Two Chinese Customs officers were killed and an Indian and a Malay were seriously injured as a result of a fracas when pn unarmed customs party came into conflict with Chinese at Pulau Ketam. a fishing village eight miles hem
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  • 437 3 An allegation that the B.M.A has been guilty of a "series of actions wh eh resulted m infringements of the liberty of the subject" during the past four months, is made m a statement to the Press by Mr. Loh Seng, chairman of the Singapore General
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 448 3 Mutual Trust Co-operation— The Key to Business fIMMK GREETINGS to All our friends and Patrons 'A Happy Chinese New Year' UNITED REAL ESTATE SERVICE House Agents, Commission Agent* A Licensed Valuers. Mortgages nrrnn:r:l Inventory Valuation of Goods undertaken. Mr. Wee Sin Ann with over 23 year* 1 experience In this
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    • 361 3 RAFFLFS HCTEL TONIGHT I) A N C E 900 p m. to 12 30 p m Admission Ciarge: $100 to Ncn-Rt-iid-nts MARI.BO3OUGH The Governments of Gl '.JMtain and United State, of America pn "TRUE GLORY" Distributed and Sponsnrrd k] >'• 'I A. PhotographM by Combat C i of USA. Canada.
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  • 685 4 Said Necessary For World Security LONDON, Feb. 3.— A proposal that the Balkans and the Middle East should be turned into a security "no man's land" is made by Ahmet Emm Yalman, editor of the Istanbul newspaper Vatan, m an article m the Sunday
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  • 354 4 LONDON. Ftb. 2.— Trygve L:c became hat first "citizen of the 'vurld" today by swearing allegr.nce to all the United Nations and to the Un.teri Nations only m I solemn ceremony which n.ado him the first U.N.O. secretary-general. In scarcely accented Engl sh,
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  • 274 4 NEW YORK, Feb. 3— The New York Times, continuing a report from New Delhi on the prospects of famine m India, said today that real concern over the prospects of famine m a considerable part of India continues to exist among well-informed persons, including
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  • Article, Illustration
    33 4 Flvlnj crews of an R.A.F. squadron at Batavia have been refueling and servicing their aircraft m the absence of sufficient ground crews. Photo shows two air crew members carrying out a daily Inspection.
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  • 359 4 Indians Eating Carcasses BOMBAY, Feb. 3:— The people of southern Bombay province are already selling their cattle to buy nee and the peasants m Chittagong district m Bengal are living on carcasses as famine, likely to affect more than a hundred million people, threatens India. Shortages exist also m the
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  • 185 4 PEIPING, Feb. 3:— United States Marines m North China are conducting one of the greatest manhunt m history m an effort to trace three wooden boxes merely marked A. B. and C. containing the fossil remains of "Peking Man," the oldest relic of human race
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  • 196 4 MOMBASA. Kenya, Feb. 2:— A call to the British Government to withdraw the White Paper proposing seml-federalization of three East African territories under a General Secretariat and Legislature for the administration of certain common services was made by Sir Alfred Vincent, leader of the Itenya European
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  • 227 4 (From Singapore) RED NETWORK on 225 metre*. SI metres and 41 metres from noon to 2 p.m. and from 6.30 p.m. to 10.30 pm Chinese noon to 1.15 p.m (news In Hokkien at 1 p.m.: In Cantonese at 110 p.m.). and from 6.30 pm. to 9 pm (news
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 37 4 RE-CONDITIONED Pianos A WIDE RANGE FORYOUR SELECTION— Collard Collard Zimmerman f-^^^^^^ M. F. Rachals Bechstein Robinson IjS^Q* Mout r i c And Many Others. Excellent Condition Reasonable Price. NANG HENG 6c CO., Piano House, 103-105, Selegie Road.
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    • 424 4 The ■PVffWPT'^n BLONDE FIRE BALL \jtm^\ jj fjftl From jL^^^ BROADWAY IS HERE! wMMmaMm^^mum ppw BETTY HUTTON gjgj^ (AMERICA'S No. 1 JITTERBUG) Paramount's Brilliant Musical-Comedy h I "THE FLEET'S ?W wL_ with DOROTHY LAMOUR l. Ml William Holden Eddie Bracken t -Xll j; m Dor»ey and His Orchestra THE FINEST
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