The Straits Times, 1 February 1946

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
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  • 401 1 First Units Arriving At Kure Within Next Few Days LONDON, Jan. 31. Details of the plans for participation m the occupation of Japan by a British Empire foree drawn from the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand and India were officially made known, here today.
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  • 307 1 CRISIS ITS SPAIN SAID IMMINENT LAUSANNE. Jan. 30— Don Juan. Pretender to the Spanish throne, armed with a five-point programme for the future of Spain, is leaving his wartime exile here on Friday morning to fly to London on his way to Portugal where he is to make a stay
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  • 99 1 Soviet, Persia To Negotiate Direct LONDON. Jan. 30— The I'nited Nations Security Council tonight unanimously decided «o leave the Soviet Union and Persia to seek a settlement if their dispute over allesed Russian interference m North Persia by bilateral negotiations, the Council, at the same time. ieservinjj the right to
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  • 90 1 CAIRO, Jan. 30— A battle between Egyptian frontiersmen m armoured cars and smugglers riding desert camels has been raging for several days m the sands between Bahariya oasis and Fayoum, 83 miles southwest of Cairo. A frontiersman killed one smuggler, captured 80 rifles and other weapons,
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  • 175 1 BATAVIA. Jan. 30: --Indonesian terrorists, wearing black uniforms! and Japanese helmets, used women and children to cover their advance m a road cla^h nerft Semarang on the north coast of central Java, according to a British communique today. A British artillery barrage broke
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  • 71 1 Admiral Mountbatten Is flying to Hongkong today for consultations on the colony's administrative problems, It was officially announced m Hongkong yesterday, says Reuter. Hess Defence NUREMBERG, Jan. 30— The International Military Tribunal, sitting here to try the 21 major Nazi war criminals, today announced that it has
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  • 253 1 U.N.O. Asked To Define Traitor' LONDON, Jan. 30.— The inter- national definition of "a traitor" was demanded by Fr. Dehousse Belgian delegate. at today's j meeting of the Social. Humanitarian and Cultural Committee of the U.N.O. Intervening m a heated discussion of the problem of Euorpe's "non-repatriable" displaced persons, Dehousse,
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  • 414 1 Clark Kerr Explains Mission One of the reasons for his choice as Unlains special envoj to Java to help hi an amicable settlement oi ihe Dutch-Indonesian problem is that the British Government want a fresh mind to look at the issue, said Sir Archibald
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  • 144 1 MADRID, Jan. 30— Three mer were killed and another captured by Coast Guards when 24 men attempted to land on the north Spanish Atlantic coast yesterday, it is learned m Madrid today from a reliable source. Four of the men. stated to have been armed,
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  • 171 1 JERUSALEM, Jan. 30.- A fores of more than 2000 airborne troops formed a cordon round four Jewish quarters north of Tel Aviv today— on thp eve of mass protests aerainit the cessaj tion of Immigration oi Jews into i Palestine which the Jewish [National Council has called
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  • 145 1 LONDON, Jan. 30:— An immediate service inquiry is to be made on the "recent instances of disaffection at RAF. stations m Air Command South East Asia," it was announced by John Strachey, Under Secretary for Air, m reply to a question m the House of Commons
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 44 1 NOTICE The public is hereby notified that our office will not be open on Saturday, 2nd and Monday, 4th February 1946, being Chinese New Year Holidays. We take this opportunity of wishing our Chinese patrons a Happy and Prosperous New Year. PHASER NEAVE, LIMITED.
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  • 868 2 The Straits Times Singapore, Friday, Feb. 1, 1946. The Strike Leaders of the Singapore General Labour Union actsd wisely m dccicirc: to abr.ndcn their efforts to bring about a complete stoppage of work on the island. Unfortunately, they cannot be congratulated on their efforts to save "face" by the truculent
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  • 1430 2 THIS ENGLAND "A Lovely, Shabby Land" Our London Letter j By j 1 Our Own Correspondent LONDON. Jan. B— l nave just arrived back m Londen from a few days' Journey by devious ways to the other end of England, to Marazion In Cornwall by the stormswept Land's E I&,
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  • 84 2 MOSCOW, Jan. 29.-£ir Archibald Clark-Kerr, retiring British Ambassador to Moscow, In a farewell message published In the Russian language m the British Ally, a weekly British newspaper m Moscow, says: "During the war, friendship has been built up between our two peoples which will form a solid foundation
    Reuter  -  84 words
  • Article, Illustration
    67 2 Tfi? four commant'crs of the jcciir-y^ng: armies attended Iha opening of the newly elected Parliament of the SecoiH Austrian Republic m Vienna. ~J Gen. Sir Richard I. McCreery (Britain) General Matfc W. (lark. (America) Marshal of the Soviet Union Ivan S Koniev, and Lt. Gen. Emile Marie Bethouart (France) m
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  • 368 2 The General Strike The recent general strike has been called on* but it is not finished. Unless cur present ~iministriivion takes vsry strong steps in order to suppress the gangsterism and intimidation I which grows every day we are [going to face ver> serious trouble later on. Ordinary
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 622 2 SITUATIONS VACANT WANTED clerk-typist with extensive Flre-Marlne Insurance experience. Apply Immediately Box 300, S.T. WANTED Competent European Lady Stenographer and Private Secretary. Good salary, permanent position \ith leave. Box 296, S.T. ENGLISH Gent. Requires regular foot treatment by Qualified Chiropodist. State location and fees. Repl 1 Box No. 299, Straits
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    • 99 2 HUME PIPE LIMITED SINGAPORE. Telephones: 6215. 6400 5068 ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL ENGINEERS CONTRACTORS Sole Agents m Mf&QM for the fnlloxi'ttifi:— A. Rey.ollc Co., Ltd W. T. Henley's Telegraph Works Co, Ltd. Lancashire Dynamo Crypto Ltd. Tannoy Products (Guy. R. Fountain IM.) SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR PtAl. A Happy Prosperous Chinese New Year
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  • 213 3 ARMS SUPREMO'S DECISION The Supremo has decided that the offence of carrying arms without a permit may be punishable by death. He is seriously concerned at the I increase m cases of robber> and gang-robbery with arms. The following communique was issued from SEAC head quarters
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  • 97 3 Arrested when police broke up a Rathering of about 300 people m Middle Road on Wednesday, Choo Ah Tong, 23-year old Chinese, appeared m court yesterday before Mr. L. C. Goh charged with giving provocation to an assembly knowing it would be likely cause them to
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  • 109 3 Straits Times Corr., IPOH, Jan. 30,— Raja Omar bin Raja Ali, m tlw Jap regime District Officer, Kinta. und, for a time chief justice, was committed for trial at the Superior Court on only one of five charges of sedition, namely, making a speech on
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  • 290 3 The Services newspaper SEAC which does not usually comment on non-military affairs, has this to say on the outcome of the Malayan General Strike. "Smiling Chinese faces greet you this morning as the workers of Singapore go back to their Jobs. Yesterday, when they were on strike
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  • 187 3 An elderly Chinese, Lim Siew Meng. partner of Chop Lim Teck Lee, stated to be one of the largest Chinese firms m Singapore with a monthly turn-over of botween $100,000 and $200,000 was fined $2,000 or six months' rigorous imprisonment by Major D P. Rees m
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  • 162 3 Charted with another accused with possession of a loaded Colt automatic found m a car during a police checkup, and acquitted without his defence being called as the magistrate could find nothing m the prosecution evidence against him, Jamal bin Hamed (19), entering the witness box
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  • 111 3 "Double Tenth" Atrocities Investigations centering on the perpetrators of the "Double Tenth" atrocities which Involved scores of prominent Malayans who were subjected to tortures which In cases proved fatal, are nearing completion, the Straits Times reliably understands. The case is expected to be heard some time this month. Among thrse
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  • 200 3 Wong Keng Koong and Hoo Liong, two of the men for whose release from police custody the general strike m Singapore and the peninsula was called on Tuesday, were charged m the Johcre Bahru District Court on Tuesday and their cases were postponed for
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  • 147 3 With the announcement by posters on Wednesday afternoon by the Singapore General Labour Union that the protest strike would end yesterday, Singapore's Chinese quarter, with its brilliantly lit food stalls, roadside hawkers, barber shops and sundry shops, had returned almost to normal by the
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  • 724 3 Prosecution 's Final Address War Crimes Trial Singapore's first war crimes trials entered their last stage yes:erday when Lt.-Col. R. S. Lazarus, the prosecuting officer, made his final speech a comprehensive and well-presented address lasting one-and-three quarters hours. Col. Lazarus addressed the court m the afternoon, after ihe examination of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 213 3 r.eartiest Chinese New Year Greetings and All Good Wishes To Our Patrons! The)■■e i|P^ B The FAITH Iflf A IU iWI > COURAGE Gf fcl^.ft^WMMfPJi of A n im^y^n^mj^N^N^NfUjjiN^ m AN T -DAY C If E, S E E C H E E R "AIR'WAR OVER CHINA" From The Pages
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    • 409 3 SI'OKTING RACEFORM lellk you race oy race n they lookro m the paddock, how they went m the betting and how the) all ran The ideal contact lor overseas sport.- man with racing m England Weekly by Alt Mall Pu I oarticular* from RACEFORM 39 43 lattersea High Street. Londi.n
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    • 368 3 A HAPPY NEW YEAR tt, All Our Chinese Putr-ms! (PfcTßJfllV/ Where l-vcrTbody UH I lift I TMONC 3«o 11 am. 2.13. 4.30. 7.00. 930 pm LAST FIVE SHOWS TODAY! LAURENCE OLIVIER JOAN FONTAINE m "RfeBECCA" TONIGHT AT MIDNIGHT THE JAP DEFEAT IN I UN V "MARCH of VICTORY" See Speciiil
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  • 446 4 TRUMAN ASKS FOR EARL V RA TIFICA TION WASHINGTON, Jan. 30.— President Truman, m his message to Congress, recommending ratification of the £1,100,000,000 United States loan to Britain today said: "Britain needs this credit and she needs it now. It is
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  • 212 4 Straits Times Corr., Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 30. The first war crime., opened before the military tribunal pres d£d over by LUut.-Col. F. C. Fggures and assisted by Major H. E. R. Smith and Capt. J. Carter. The courtroom was crowded to capacity and cameras
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  • 495 4 Two young Malays, Sher Latill and Faquir Mohamed, and an Indian Gurdial Singh, who robbed the caretaker of the Hindu cemetery at Upper Aljunied Road m December, were sentenced to seven years' rigorous imprisonment each by Wing Commander F. A. Briggs m the Supcriar Court.
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  • 116 4 HONOLULU, Jan. 30.— Fo:e;g n Broadcast lnt?li:gence Service of the U.S. Arm y today told of how Japanese broadcasts frequently «rave the U.S. Army Air Force the clue;, they needed to lac ate targets m Japan. Citinr the case of the listenin; post
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  • 165 4 Big Haul Of W heat Flour At 4 p.m. on Sunday four Indians were caught alleged to be selling 30 bags of wheat flour at $106 per picui. The next day they were brought before Mr. L. C.I Goh m the second court on two charges: selling a controlled commodity
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  • 83 4 Chinese Gets Eight Year Sentence Two Ch nese who participated m an armed robbery were sentenced to eight years' and seven years' rigorous imprisonment by Wing Commander F. A. Briggs m the Superior Court on Wednesday. Ancther similar charge was taken into consideration m respect of the accused on whom
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  • 185 4 Amery Urges Partition Of Palestine LONDON, Jan. 30.— Leopold Amery, former Secretary of Star e for India, told the Anglo-Ameri-can Palestine Inquiry Commission that the only solution to the Palestine problem was partition into two independent areasJewish and Arab. Both, he said, should be completely independent except for one small
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  • 175 4 Contending that his client at the time of the occupation, owed his allegiance to his Sultan and through him to the "protecting power" i the Japanese i counsel for the defence of a Malay penghulu at Klang. raised a point of international law which
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  • 106 4 In the months of January and February 1942 Immediately before the fall of Singapore, large numbers of ship.' left for destinations In the Netherlands East Indies and elsewhere. Most of these ships were carrying refugees and were sunk by Japanese bombing or shelling with
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  • 174 4 (From Singapore) RED NETWORK on 225 metres. 31 metres and 41 metres from noon to 2 p.m. and from 6.30 pm. to 10 30 p.m. Chinese noon to 1.15 pjn. (news In Hokklen at 1 p.m.; In Cantonese at 1.10 p.m and from 6.30 pm. to 9 p.m
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 464 4 Heartiest Chinese AV«> Year Greetings To Our Patrons! PAL ACEC AY.. Phone 6223 (Dally: 1—3.15—6.30—9 pm) "DAI DEI" (Cant:) (The Great. Good Earth) Midnight (11.30) To-night '■VAN HUI LOW HOONG" (Cant) (Ng Chor Farn— Wong Mam Lee) GLOBE Great World (Dally: 3—7—9 pm M.G.M.'s Sensational Drama •THEY MET IN BOMBAY"
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    • 11 4 L QUALIFIED OPTICIAN c.s. CHono o.a mOD€RD €Y«W€AR PHONE 4435 s
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    • 334 4 GRAND CATHAY MALAYAN PREMIERE OPENING TOHIGHT AT MIDNIGHT The Authentic Story of The Jap Defeat m China 'MARCH of VICTORY' Actually Photographed m China, In MA NDA RIS I) I A LOG IK! Heartiest CHINESE NEW YEAR GREETINGS TO OUR PATRONS! opens TO-DAY Q O"~B~£~" DAILY 3 SHOWS Rm y
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