The Straits Times, 27 January 1946

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 16 1 THE SUNDAY TIMES n:\iji.\a siwday newspaper i.\ malaya SINGAPORE, SUNDAY, JANUARY 27. 1946 PRICE 10 CENTS
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  • 330 1 Momentous Talks Will Start Soon r.ow boin^ split up into separate i naval and army commands, f rtheless. he gave an assurance that the co-operation between both commands would be maintained as much c.s possible. Dr. Hubert us van Mook, Lieutenant-Governor of the Netherlands
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  • 79 1 R. A.F. Strike Ends CAIRO. Jan. 26— The strike of about 700 men at each of the Royal Air Force camps at Lydda (Palestine) and Almaza near Cairo ended today. it is officially announced. An official statement lsr.tied by Che Headquarters of the Royal Air Force, I Mediterranean Middle East
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  • 63 1 ATHENS, Jan. 16 —In I statement made after a meetinr of the Greek Foreign Affairs Commission today. M. Sophoulis. the Greek Prime Minister, said the Commission was of the unanimous opinion that "British troops are at present 'n Greece at the request of the Greek Government and their
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  • 233 1 LONDON, Jan. 26— Recalling "endangering peace" Mr. Ernest that the British Government has Bevin. told the Security Council, been included in charges of tonight: "I am so tired of these charges by the Soviet Government in private assembly that no one will be happier than
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  • 361 1 Britain's Foreign Policy At The Crossroads LONDON. Jan. 26— Britain's foreign policy is clearly reaching the crossroads, states tne weekly financial review "Economist, commenting on the Russian raising of the Indonesian and Greek problems following the Persian complaint of Soviet intervention in their territory. The Economist says: "The Russians are
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  • 146 1 WASHINGTON, Jan. 26.— President Harry Truman has directed Mr. James Byrnes, U.S. Secretary of State, the Secretaries of Agriculture, War, Navy and Labour, the War Shipping: Administrator and Director of the Office of Defence Transportation, to give personal attention to the problem of the worldwide shortage
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  • 54 1 LONDON. Jan. 26.— Mr. Ernest Bevin, the British Foreign Secretary, today announced in the House of Commons that the British Government was making a Lan to Greece of £10,000.000 Mr. Bevin read an exchange of letters revealing that a representative of the United States had collaborated in
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  • 102 1 NEW YORK. Jan. 25 —Trading quietened on tre stock market today and prices moved irregularly cs the uncertainties of the labour situation brought caution all around. The steel shortages due to the strike were felt In many other lines, notably In the automobile Issues, with Pord
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  • 297 1 LivelyWeekFor Parliament LONDON. Jan. 25— Possibly the greatest British Parliamentary controversy of the present session will be produced by a bill of 12 lines, containing only one effective clause. The Trades Disputes and Trades Unions Bill published today by the Labour Government simply repeals the enactment ol 1927. which amoni?
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  • 222 1 LONDON, Jan. 26. Criticism of the replacement of the military administration in Burma by the civil administration on the grounds that it had robbed the country of Army resources and personnel at a time when they were badly needed for rehabilitation Was made in an
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  • 30 1 Flight Over B.N.B. "S for Sugar" a Sunderland of 230 RAF Squadron Coastal Command, making a survey flight of British North Borneo, was the first seaplane to land at Jesselton.
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  • 204 1 British Prestige In Siam Rises LONDON. Jan. 26 -British prestige is "rising again" in Siam, according to the Evening News correspondent. The likey premier of the new assembly, the correspondent adds, will be Nai Kuans? Aphaiwong who "will take office It Britain guides his decisions and helps in his future
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  • 123 1 TEHERAM, Jan. 26. Ghavan. Sultaneh was elected the nen Prime Minister of Persia by th« Majlis (Parliament) today. Immediately after his elccti in he stated: "I hope to take up the matter of Persia's request to the Security Council of the U N.O. tonight and enter into
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 55 1 OXYGEN ACETYLENE m We :ire pltMed to announce that regular supplies of Oxygen «L J AettjrttM are again available yow enquiries and orders are solicited and will receive prompt attention FAfr EAST OXYGEN ACETYLE.NE CO., LTD. 651, PASIR PANJANG ROAD. SINGAPORE. TEL. *****-2 T. A. "OXYGEN" 217, JELUTONG ROAD. PENANG.
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    • 242 1 ■Sql MUSIC FOR CHILDREN. fin flpi? lf]l<fc\ By special requests, here are some 1 1 M|==|| W r tne books available from stork. wLx jTi No otner lists ava>iabie WB&^^r^£ Bertlnl 25 Studies, op. 100 2 Burgmuller 25 Studies, op. 100 2— ■M^^^^^S^f Burgmuller 12 Etudes op. 105 2.— tfMulf
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  • 970 2 This Freedom In the spate of slogans and catch-phrases that has burst upon the world since post- war planning became the occupation of millions, words have lost their meaning. Daily the people have Crumincd into their ears the virtuts of freedom, self-government Ind2pendence. and so forth. They are told
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  • 1658 2  -  Lieut. Playfoot R.N. V.R. By In July, ML thips of the British East Indies Fleet were engaged in a mine -sweeping operation north of the Malacca Straits to open op the gateway to Singapore During this operation they were subjected to the only attack made
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  • 577 2 Singapore 's Traffic Problem Jeeps used for joy .rides, lonely majors rolling along In benzinedrinking limousines, 3-tonners used for shopping expeditions some of these ccirmon military traffic spectacles in Singapore have gone, rl_anks to recent instructions issued by headquarters, but we stili have with us quarter-mile lons traffic hold-upo clv*
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  • 53 2 WASHINGTON, Jan. 24.—President Truman has sent to the Senate a lona list of names for permanent Army promotions. The top ten were appointment to the rank of permanent major general and Included: Generals Hodges, Devers. Kenney, Spaatz, Clark, Kenney, Eichelberger, Eaker, Walter B. Smith, and R. C.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 611 2 KEQI'IEM MA^ A Requlrm High Mi i r the repose •I the soul of the late Mr. A. W. laiwn. will be rung at Uie Church »f St. Joaeph. Vie or la Sireet. on Tueslav. 29th January. 194€ at 615 AM 'anre jf relatives and :::estly iou>ltcd. in ,i I
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  • 233 3 Must Evacuate In Same Manner As Jap Military Personnel A ban on Japanese, Korean and Formosan civilians remaining in Malaya was ar.nounced yesterday in a statement issued by the civil police, B.M.A. legal department and the Singapore Security bureau. The announcement states that
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  • 163 3 R.A.F. To Teed' Civil Airlines that will ensure a |1 if hi"hlv-trainPd and direct from t In the Rovil Air I h civil d by the A rr'nt one of th<* most lulure of c flyinc men who dv ndt destre or are not srirr'r ant-ii t sen Ice In
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  • 284 3 Results Of I poh Races Sunday Times Corr: IPOH. Jan. 26:— Following are the results of the racss held here today: Race I:— lst Tommy (Col. Harris >. 2nd Shamrock (Col Barlow). 3rd MOM (Gunner Lowe): Time 1 mln. 8-3/5 Won by six lengths, six lengths, half a length: Tote
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  • 228 3 Trom Feb. 1. Singapore restaurants may not charge a price In exctss of S3 for any meal Inclusive of cover or service charge The order does not prohibit the voluntary gift of a gratuity to a ant: provides for a fine not exceeding S5OO and imprisonment I
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  • 168 3 Saving Smokers From Black Market In an effort to help to eradicate the black market, a big cigarette and tabacco dealer in Cross Street is making direct sales to large bodies of consumers, such as the employees of big firms and RM.A. departments. This is done by registering the consumers
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  • 181 3 To a^ st coffee shops to carry on, notu. t hstanding the Catering Premises Restriction Order prohibiting the use of sugar and milk by these shops, the Singapore Food Control Department has enabled members of the Chinese Coffee Shop Association to obtain directly from the
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  • 400 3 Redress For Atrocities And Indignities By Japs Bureau To Help Civilians War crimes trials at present in progress in SouthEast Asia give special importance to the work of a new department established by the Army to help the public to have atrocities and indignities <*~- imitted against them by the
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  • 64 3 Japanese To Try Deserters Sunday Times Corr. TAIPING, lan. 24— Fifteen Japanese d«sert«r* captured In the 25th Indian Division area have been handed to the Japanese for trial. It is rep »rt«d that according to the Japanese code, the maximum punishmen 4 will be fiv? years imprisonment. All the deserters
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  • 87 3 Thj MNBtf oaten of Japanese repatriates from Singapore left ye&terday for Japan aboard the Choran Mart' There were 5,307 rep- Uiat.s— 4^,08 civilians and 499 army personnel. The Sunday Times understands that there are no women and children la this butoh, and that the army personnel comprise
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  • 401 3 Rubber Estate Owners Form Association Sunday Times Corr. KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 26.— "1 feel It Is the duty of the authorities to assist in every way in their power the early rehabilitation of the rubber industry by seeing that every estate owner wishing to produce rubber is allotted a fair
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 202 3 NOTICE. >lr F. r. (i fcoyd. HE., MI Las resigned from the position of Manarine. Direi-tor •f \uMral MaU) Tin Limited, and h?- also resigned from the Board* of fLampong Kamunting Tin Dredging Ltd. Thabauicik "I hi Mrrdffing Ltd.. Puus^h Tin Drrdzing Ltd.. Austral Amal- tamatcd Tin Ltd and Austral
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    • 506 3 BRITISH MILITARY ADMINISTRATION. SINGAPORE RURAL BOARD Aaaessment List 1944 Tt la notified tha* in pursuance of tie provisions of Section 63 of the Vunicipal Ordinance, the SO II (Lands Rural District) has duly revised the amount of assessment to be «.v!rd on a.l hou?es. buildings and Ixnds for the Rural
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    • 267 3 f| OX V SHOWING TODAY FOR 3 SHOWS Tommy Trlnder in the greatest fun blast of t.i "SAILORS THK> I Supposed by Claude Hulbrrt Micliael Wtliiing a riot everyone will enjoy 3. CIS A Ma m MAJESTIC Today: 1. 3 15. 7 9.15 p m. A Double Feature Programme "GLORY
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  • 90 4 England To Australia By Sea In 25 Days LONDON. Jan 26:— The Jourr»v from England to Australia will take 25 days in two new giant British liners now under construction. The first one will be given a trial run over the route by the end of the year, it was
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  • 224 4 BRITISH INTENTIONS IN SARA WAX CRITICISED B \KAW \K, Jan. 2C:— Sarawak is described as a cMt tor Britain by Mr. Anthony Brooke, thje Raja Muda of Sarawak and head of the late Provincial (Government, in a letter to the current issue of the NewStatesman
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  • 333 4 LONDON. Jan. 26.— The belief that a forward British policy would be to recognise that dynamic national movements are going to grow up in the Far East and that it was not only Britain's moral duty but also to her political interest
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  • 145 4 TOKIO. Jan. 26— YomiurlHochi's front page lead story this morning raid that Dr. Iwasaburo Takano adviser to the Social Democratic Party, has proposed the adoption of a republican form of government headed by a president Dr. Takano suggested the convocation of a People's Convention sometime in
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  • 62 4 LONDON, Jan. 26:— Sir Archibald Clark-Kerr, who is on his way to undertake a special mission m Java, was received by Generalissimo Stalin today, Moscow radio reports. Sir Archibald's appointment to be British Ambassador in Washington was officially announced yesterday. He succeeds Lot a Halifax, "who has
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  • 105 4 LOS ANGELES, Jan. 26.— Mr. \V E. Osborne. former major in the Australian Army, who has been conducting radar experiments to contact the moon, predicted to press correspondents today that rocket trips would be made to the moon within the next ten years. Mr. Osborne made
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  • 177 4 DURBAN. Jan. 26— The Nata! Indian Congress in a statement issued here protesting against the proposed legislation to freeze property deals between Indians; and other races in the province of Natal, called on "all freedomloving peoples to bring diplomatic pressure against the Union ot South Africa and
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  • 379 4 Indonesians Prepare For Van Mook JOGJAKARTA. Jan. 26— Lights burned until midnight last night at the house of Dr. Soekarno, Indonesian "President," as members of his Cabinet gathered round his sick bed in this south coast Java "capital" for a last meeting before the return from Europe of Dr. Hubertus
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  • 248 4 CHUNGKING. Jan. 26 —More than 5.000 Chinese students demonstrated outside the British Embassy In Chungking this afternoon shouting: "We want Hongkong back' and "Stop building Pingshan airfield." the British airfield now being con.«tructed near Kowloon on the mainland opposite Hongkong. Unarmed secret military and
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 317 4 PAL ACEGAY.. Phone 6223 I -3 15 6 30—3 pm.) o PAT KWAI" (Cantonese) <Sst Kok Ma) GLOBE Great World (Daily: 3— 7— ated Mat* Play on the Screen! NO, NANETTE" i Anna Neaglri SKY Great World 3—7—9 p.m.) HAUMEN OF MISSO man— Wayne MorrU) ATLANTIC... Great World I ERS
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    • 33 4 CONTRACTORS for THE SUPPLY Or BREAD to H. M. NAVAL FORC£S Enquiries From OTHER FORCES SOLICITED Apply to: UNITED BAKERIES 74. 75 76. Sungei Road. PHONE 3 1 79 Sect Jiuiy Kiat, Manager.
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    • 330 4 TODAY tad TOMORROW rSr Jl »1 h f*} I "burma i^fml.fftllifc tr victory" MBSTTTfISpB^StyS see |t and add your MMmmmmtMlm^m^mmMilmW CHEERS! A FITTING CELEBRATION THE FIRST *PLAtEFUL CHINESE NEW YEAR AFTER YEARS of WAR! "AIR WAR OVER CHINA" American General Claire Chennault't Decisive A Blow to the Japs' Task Force
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 187 4 TODAYS RADIO (From Singapore) RED NETWORK on 225 metres. 31 metres and 41 metres from noon to 2 p m and from 6.30 p.m. to 10 30 p.m. Chinese noon to 1 15 p.m. (news in Hokklen at 1 pjn.; In Cantonese at 1.10 p.m.) and from 630 p.m. to
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