The Straits Times, 6 December 1945

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
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  • 343 1 Loan Figure Said Slashed By $1,000 Million LONDON, Dec 5.— It is understood, says United Press, that final agreement has already been reached on the size of the United States loan to Britain as well 9B on the waiver clause as to whether, in the
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  • 135 1 COMMUNIST ATTACK COLLAPSES CHUNGKING, Dec. s:—Communist forces attacking Paotow collapsed on Monday after a aeries of attacks on Sunday night and Monday, it is reported by the Central News Agency. The report stated that the attack came m 14 waves totalling 10,000 infantrymen. At the same tims. 20 Japanese- manned
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  • 86 1 WASHINGTON, Dec. 5:— Gen. George Marshall, former U.S. Chief of Start, in a letter in Uv» current Issue of the Army and Navy Journal, urged universal military training. "It will present to the world available power so great and so readily mobilized that it would discourage
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  • 66 1 Britain Will Hold India— Winchell NEW YORK, Dec. 5— Walter Whichell, radio gossip commentator, last night broadcast that the British will never give India freedom as a remit of the recent die' ittre that ur.nnium had been i utcd by the rare metal thorium in the production of the Atomic
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  • 156 1 NEW YORK, Dec. 4— A late bunt of buying lifted rail share* on the New York exchange to a 14-year high shortly before closing today. Late spurt* gave the market an irregular appearance during the final hours. Rails gains ranged to more than two and
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  • 171 1 TRUMAN'S PROPOSALS ASSAILED LONDON, Dec. 5: The American Congress of Industrial Organisations has rejected President Truman's proposals for ending strikes. The President's lafcour peace proposals were assailed last night by the C. I. O. President, Mr. Philip Murray, who charged the Federal Administration In a radio speech of "completely Ignoring
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  • 63 1 WELLINGTON, Dec. s:— The New Zealand Government yesterday Introduced an atomic energy bill giving absolute control over uranium and thorium to the Government and vesting these ore* In the crown. The bill prohibits private ownership or trading m atomic processes or metals, but permits universities
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  • 532 1 Bennett Claims Only He Could Have Helped Australia MELBOURNE, Dec. s:— LJeutGen. Gordon Bennett, former Commander of the Australian Forces In Malaya, went Into the witness-box here today to explain his escape from Singapore when this port fell to the Japanese In February, 1942. Speaking on the conference of commanders
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  • 120 1 STRONG BRITISH DEMANDS ON SIAM REPORTED BANGKOK, Dec. s:— Britain has presented a series of new demands to Siam, including tbe right to negotiate a territorial treaty with France on behalf of Slam, it was learned from reliable 'sources today. The new demands include, according to these sources; (1) Siam
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  • 74 1 N.Y.-Calcutta Test Flight NKW YORK, Dec. 4:— A fourenglned plane will tUrt a trip tomorrow acrou the Atlantic as a teat night for the new direct lervlce between New York and Calcutta which the Pan-American Airway* are planning. The route will be by way of London, Brussels. Budapest, Istanbul, Ankara,
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  • 241 1 TEHERAN, Dec. 5.- The Hakim 1 Government In Persia U to-day collapsing before Soviet pressure and Internal dissensions. Minister Hakiml Is now trying to open negotiations with the Russians personally and settle the Persia-Soviet dispute without reference to Britain and the United States. Prime Minister
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  • 249 1 MELBOURNE, Dec. 5.— Australia is today faced with one of the most serious industrial upheavals in its history as a result of a general coal strike which is beginning in New South Wales. Drastic coal, gas, electricity and transport restrictions have been imposed throughout the Common*
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  • 78 1 WASHINGTON, D«c. 5:— Th« C.S. Senate Toted 65 to 7 In pawta* the United Nation* Grcansatlon bUI after rejecting amendment! which would haro limited the President'! power to •end United States troops against an acrreseor. The bin called apon the UJK.O. Security Conncil to control the
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  • 183 1 COLOMBO, Dec. 4:— Ceylon, which promises to become the most Important Junction of transocean air routes, has Inaugurated] a post-war civil aviation programme by switching over to thq) newly- acquired airport near Colombo m place of the imaHtsj one at Ratmalana. The new airport, claimed to bt
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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  • 725 2 The Straits Times Singapore, Thursday, Dec. 6, 1945. The M.P.A.J.A. Many eloquent tributes have been paid In the course ol the last few days to the work of the Malayan People's Anti-Japanese Army, which has now been disbanded. Service awards made to officers of the army confirm the status it
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  • 1013 2  -  Norman Crump By Why Loan Negotiations Must Succeed BIRMINGHAM, ALA, U.S.A— A friendly feeling for Great Britain exists In America, not only on the Atlantic seaboard where you would expect to find it, but as deep m the interior as Nashville (Tennessee) and Birmingham (Alabama). In particular, there
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  • The Man-In-The-Street
    • 211 2 As seafarer who has traversed th's globe for the put ton jtmk, I have been able to roughly estimate the psychological quaUUes of various natives In their home environment. It seems u > me that there U »UU quite a sap between the Eastern and the Western
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    • 138 2 According to Information I have received from my home at Coventry, England, there are quite a number of children from Singapore at preaent staying at the Bagtnton Fields Hotel, whose parents either originate from, or are at preaent residing In, Singapore, and I thought that If. through the
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    • 203 2 I I wish to Mil attention to your leader of today's date, especially to the second paragraph In which you broug ht up the deUtate question, to which even the BMA. is closing one eye It is the purchase of rubber tram local *tockl<ts which yon stated the
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    • 48 2 The statementa that .'hopkacpcn arc In need of help, that they find their itoclu dwindling, capital hard to ratoe. and the rest of It, are all dangerous half-truth*. The treat majority of them have hoarded wealth and ate waxing rtc». In the black market.— "C. Nick."
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    • 57 2 The generti public U not Interested in stories of "Free Rations for Police." ■'Employees of Oovernment and Municipality to get Increments," which only concern the lucky ones. What concerns the public most U the fact that the rice ration Is to be cut What are the authorities doing
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    • 40 2 Why Is the price of bread so high Should the authorities not supply flour to approved bakeries and control the selling price. Large stocks of flour should be imported now, to Implement the rice ration. "Why not?"
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  • 685 2 DELEGATION LEAVES SOON LONDON, Dec. 4.— Lord Pethick-Lawrence, Secretary of State for India, made the following statement on India m the House of Lords today: "The statement made by the Viceroy after his return to India contemplates the steps which His Majesty's Government propose should be
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 676 2 SITUATIONS VACANT WANTED, Lady Typist, apply Box No. •6, Straits Times. WANTED A lady steno-typLst for a European Firm. Good prospects to suitable applicant. Apply to Box No. 91 c/o Straits Times. WANTED Doctor for dispensary m Talplng. Partnership or sale on easy terms. Reply P.O. Box 55, Ipoh. EXPERIENCED
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    • 194 2 NOTICE. f,— 7 12* wer mMnb n <* «>• Boectal ConiUbulary 88on or beIS lrtUl ">*«£ "A" 1. Tan Kirn Swee. Co NAAFI (NCB). J. Oh Teow Suan. c/o Chinese Oospel Hall. Teo Chu Kacc. Wv. "B" 1. Stanon Choong. e/o Ou Dept Mun'ctoauty J. Thy Kirn Tee. e/o Irritation
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  • 427 3 COMMANDERS WILL DISCUSS FAR EAST TROUBLE SPOTS Dutch Claim To Share In Java Operation Important discussions are taking place m Singapore today m connection with the situation m Java and French Indochina, the Straits Times learns from unofficial sources. Figuring m these discussions will be the Supremo, Field Marshal Lord
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  • 125 3 Possession Of D.D. Goods Not Wrongful An Indian, Wstly Mohamed, charged with wrongful possession of tinned provisions belonging to the Forces, was acquitted by Mr. L. C. Goh, ■'residing Officer, Second District Court, yesterday. Tins of beef and cheese were found in possession of the accused. Four tins were marked
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  • 56 3 Telegraphic advice has been received in Singapore from Ipoh that the remains of Llm Bo Seng will arrive here by train on Dec 7 and not on Dec. ti. British underground agent, Mr. Um Bo Seng died In Batu Oajah jml lo 1*44 a.'i«'r being
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  • 98 3 Applications are Invited for the posts of one Junior Lecturer In Physics. Chemistry and Biology and one Malay Agricultural Instructor. The salary scheme b 'that of Agricultural Assistant* of the Department Cf Agriculture, Malaya, vis. Grade II $70— $150 p.m. I $170— 5250 Siwcial Grade
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  • 219 3 Singapore Chinese rubber estate owners, representing interests covering 100 acres and over both m this Island and Johore, at a meeting held at the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce decided that they will not Join the Malayan Rubber Estate Owners Co. and proposed that
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  • 159 3 More money will soon be avallu.e for relief work in Singapore when the King George V Jubilee Fund committee, reconstituted, gets down to work. A greater part of the Fund Is still In the United Kingdom but should the committee find it desirable to star*
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  • 157 3 While on passage from Penans to Port Swettenham on Tv.eadey the Royal Fleet auxiliary tanker Ennerdale was damaged by a mine explosion In the Malacca Strait. She Is able to proceed to Singapore for repairs, and it is believed there are no casualties. A Japanese coaster
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  • 44 3 torn have read that "literally millions" t dgarettee being sold to Black Market operators hare been recorered by the RAF Police. Well, here are 3?0.0M of them, being examined by Sgt. Hamilton who recently conducted a raid on a smuggling gang.
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  • 100 3 In a few days the larger con sumers of electricity In Singapore will be rationed, but house hoi consumers generally will not be affected and may not be affected for a long time. Use of outdoor electric lights became Illegal from last night, as u result
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  • 63 3 A young Chinese, Lim Ah Bah. who, claiming to be It, waa ordered to be sent to the Salvation Army II >roe for six months for theft of clothing belonging to the Force*, and who escaped was sentenced to three months' rigorous imprisonment In
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  • 137 3 Questions In Council INDUSTRIES' NEEDS Subjects connected with trade and industry, wage levels, housing shortage, supplies, rubber estates, policing and collaboration are among the subjects which will be discussed at the Singapore Advisory Council at its second meeting which will take place at 10 a.m. on Wednesday next. Membership of
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  • 67 3 A daily airmail acrriee between Sinrapore. Kuala LiP|« and Penanc, and a biweekly service between Koala I.umpur and Kelantan has been intfwdaced. Enqairiea from the Ci P.O Sincapofc. in J rate that Christm-^ mail for Ind*. China and Australia should reach the GP.O.. Singapore, not later
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  • 145 3 A group of nine buses is operating between Beach Road and Sembawang, several more will be placed on this run probably during this month and new buses, when they arrive, will further augment the service, accordIng to advice from Tay Koh Vat Bus Company.
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  • 342 3 The BMA has not conducted the business of returning Malayan evacuees from India either kindly or fairly and members of the Singapore Rotary Club and the Advisor- Council should bring pressure to bear on the Government to get these evacuees back as soon
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 268 3 NOTICE. R«: MEDINA CAFE NOTICE Is hereby given that N. AH AM AD ROWTHER has since the 27th day of November 194s ceased to be a partner of the above Cafe at No. 63 Rochore Canal Road. Singapore, and thn". he Is bo longer authorised to transact any business on
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    • 771 3 LEGAL NOTICE. Be: Uiu Chlaac Co. NOTICE is hereby given that the business (excluding book-debts and liabilities) but Including all stock-in-trade, goodwill snd the tenancy of the premises known as 77, South Bridge Road. Singapore, of "Hua Chiang tt Company", carried on m partnership between Chan Joo Tlang, Chan Joo
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    • 567 3 LEGAL NOTICE Se: Hua Say A Company. NOTICE Is hereby given that tha business (excluding book-debts and liabilities) but Including all stock-in-trade, goodwill and the tenancy of the premises known as 81, South Bridge Road, Singapore, of "Hua Say Company", carried on m partnership between Chan Joo Tlang, Chan Joo
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  • 491 4 Announcements In House Of Lords And Commons LONDON, Dec. 4. A British Parliamentary delegation is to leave for India as soon as possible to meet leading Indian political personalities and learn their own views at first hand. Announcing this m the House of Lords today, the
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  • 173 4 Yamashita Verdict Tomorrow MANILA, Dec. 4.— The verdict on Gen. Tomoyuki Yamashlta, "Tiger of Malaya" and one-time conqueror of the Philippines, will be given on Friday. He is on trial for atrocities and other crimes. The court has been adjourned until tomorrow when tooth the prosecution and defence will sum
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  • 108 4 LONDON, Dec. 4.— The United States, which holds the keys to both prices and volume, will lead the world diamond trade Into an era of unprecedented prosperity, the Financial Times predicts In an editorial. The editorial, headed "Why Diamonds Glitter," viewed the United States
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  • 76 4 WASHINGTON, Dec. 4.— (ien Mac Arthur once planned tentatively to take over Indonesia and make It his base of operations if Adm. Cheater Nlmltz had been given overall command of the Pacific, It was reliably reported here today. These sources said that Oen. Marshall was the
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  • 668 4 Communists on Monday picketed the US. state department demanding a "hand oft" policy In China and the return of American troope from thert. —UP. The Japanese Finance Minister. Kelxo Shlbuzawa. told the press that Japanese assets In Manchuria, China. Korea. Formosa. Sakhalin, and the Southern
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  • 110 4 Cabinet Crisis In Egypt KOTLA PARTY'S DEMAND CAIRO, Dee. 4.— Reports of a cabinet crisis were current here last night. Earlier yesterday the Government's resignation was regarded as probable but last night It was learned reliably that the Government would defer any decision until after today's meet- Ing of Egypt's
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  • 53 4 LONDON, Dee. 3: The British Ambassador at "The Hague has been Instructed to seek the Dutch Government's view on the whole problem of the evacuation of women, children and aged and sick .people from Java, said the Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs, Hector Mcneil, m the House of
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  • 84 4 WASHINGTON. Dec. 4:— The US. Senate Foreign Relations Committee has voted unanimously to admit the public when Major.-Oen. Patrick Hurley, former ambassador to China, testifies before the commltt- concerning his charges that certain "career diplomats ltiterJered with established United States policy m China. Mr. James
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  • 87 4 SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 4— Th« San Francisco Chronicle carries a story without giving the source charging unbelievable confusion and Inefficiency In army and navy handling of-overseaa cargo. The story stated that some merchant seamen crews were nearlng mutiny and that 300 cargo vessels are being shifted
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  • 66 4 MADRID. Dec. 3: Demonstrations In favour of the Monarchy are reported from Valencia and Pamplena. At Pamplena, stronghold of the Carllsts and capital of Navarre, about 1.000 royalist supporters of Prince Xavler of Bourbon Parma today paraded in the main square on the religious feast of Saint
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 479 4 PALACEGAY Phone 6223 Today Tomorrow only at 12.00 3.15 6.15 9.00 pjn. Paul Muni Lulse Ralner m Jl-G-M's Prize Winning Reproduction of Pearl S. Buck's "THE OOOD EARTH" GLOBE Great World Park Last Day: 3.00 7.00 9.00 p.m. k Charles Chaplin In The Greatest Hit of his Career "THE GREAT
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    • 14 4 TEA with an Extra Frag ra n cc. It's Smooth and Refreshing SOLD EVERYWHERE
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    • 391 4 SELANGOR TURF CLUB NEW YEAR— (1946)— BACE MEETING It Is proposed to resume Racing during 1946 commencing with a one day Meeting on New Year's Day, Ist January, 1946. Members are Invited to remit their subscriptions for the year 1946 to the Hon: Treasurer, P.O. Box No. 47. Mercantile Bank
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    • 148 4 RAFFLES HOTEL TO-NIGHT DANCE 9.M p m ta 12 M pm. Admission Charge: SIM to Non -Residents GARRICK (GEYLANC) (Western Electric Sound System) THONE 54«7l TO-DAY 3.15. US 9.15 TM. Robert Taylor Wallace Beery la "STAND UP FIGHTTomorrow "Captain Caution" MARLBOROUGH Next to Alhambra. Brack M. 1 3». Me, 15
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