The Straits Times, 25 November 1945

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
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  • 638 1 "Savage And Bestial" Attack By Terrorists Van Mook Praises Restraint Of Dutch And Arnbonese BATAVIA, Nov. 24.— Women and children were butchered by Indonesian terrorists in a "savage and bestial attack' on the RAPWI camp at Am ha raw a on Nov. 22, according to
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  • 89 1 French Plans For Future Of Indo-China SAIGON, Nov. 24.— Admiral Thierry d' Argenlieu, French High Commissioner for Ind>Chm said today that aationanot leaders in southern Indo-China, with whom the French held abortive talks recently, had since fled because they were unable to control tiieir followers. Comple c agreement al ready
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  • 65 1 CALCUTTA, Nov. 24:— The city was quiet last night after the two-days' strike but troops which moved into positions in north, central and south Calcutta were still standing by. Transport services were resumed today but 20,000 employees of Calcutta's Corporation remained out Casualties in
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  • 24 1 CALCUTTA. Nov. 24— Six American soldiers and 52 Indians wrr» killed in an ammunition explosion on Friday morning north of Calcutta.— UP.
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  • 126 1 Hull Before Pearl Harbour Committee WASHINGTON. Nov. 24:— Mr. Cordell Hull, former United States Secretary of State, told the Congressional committee investigating the Pearl Harbour disaster, the possibility that the Japanese would attack Pearl Harbour had not occurred to him in the critical last days of the diplomatic negotiations in
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  • 115 1 NEW YORK. Nov. 23 —Stocks *oda« declined Irregularly with curtailed volume. Traders continued to profit with a lone list of industrials. Rails behaved better than othrr majors. The Office of Price Admin'stntion decision ti ho'd off steel price considerations brought declines of fractions to more than a
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  • 19 1 CHUNGKING. Nov. 24.—Communist forces have captured Yencheng, it was reported in a Communist stfltenr. .it issued here yesterday. nj?
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  • 163 1 Premier Sees Soviet Envoy TEHERAN, Nov. 24.— Direct diplomatic negotiations between the Persian Prime Minister. Ibrahim Hakim 1. and the Soviet Charge d Affaires in Teheran are proceeding "satisfactorily," according to a stattmen* made by the Prime Minister to the Persian Parliament yesterday. The Premier asked
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  • 56 1 NUREMBERG. Nov. 24.Hitler and Matsuoka had discussed Japanese-German co-operation in the event of war against the United States eight months before th«. Pearl Harbour attack ilthough both had expressed hopes that such a war would not occur. Transc-ipt notes of their meeting were introduced at the trial
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  • 38 1 In Purr 1 of yesterday's Strait* Times. Vie commander of the British land forces at Honir Kon? was described as "Major Oen Francis P. Stin?' The commander of British land forces at Hong Kong is Major-Gen. Frank Festlng
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 11 1 Insist on: P ACIFI C TRADERS Hashinr Soap for SEKVICE SATISFACTION
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    • 40 1 RADIOS KfUuITRADIOI? 112-124 OKH4BD 00. reumon «m« PIANO (wife) MUSIC Pianoforte Tutor*, Studies, Solos, Albums, Music, etc., etc. From Old Masters to Modern Swing! Call ati— T. M. A. MUSIC HOUSE Also at: VIENNA MUSIC HOUSE, 336, North Bridge Rd.
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  • 588 2 Opinion Hawkers One n the prubieins that ..ens to get out of hand in Singapore is that of the hawker. In the first issue of trie B.M.A. Oazette. dated Nov 2 there appeared an order containing a warning that licences had to be held by hawkers and specifying the streets
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  • 315 2 DISTRIBUTION OF SUPPLIES IN SINGAPORE The sift of £750,000 worth of food, clothes and medical supplies from the people of Australia to the people of Malaya arrived in Singapore in the first week of October. The Sun. ay Times gave its readers the full story of
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  • 208 2 To the Editor of the Sunday Times Sir,— The most prominent item of news in your Issue of Sept. 30, concerned a gift "to the people of Malaya" of food, clothes, and medical supplies, said to be worth £750.000. from the Australian Red Cross. The following is an
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  • 250 2 Women Labourers Jobless Hundreds of Singapore women labourers have been hard hit by inability to find employment, and many havebeen forced to go on the streets. Miss T-ee Kiu. president of the Singapore Women's Association, declares in an appeal for the employment of more women la*>nur. Education, treatment of the
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  • 76 2 Remittances to China, limited to $100 a person, will be forwarded to China as soon as arrangerm. nts between the British and Chinese Governments are completed, it is officially stated. The local postal authorities have been In communication with the Postmaster General in Chungking on the subject.
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  • 32 2 The registration of pupils for 1946. for the Methodist Girls' Continuation School, at 11. Mount Sophia, miv be effected any day. except Si. irdays and Sunday; from X p.m. to 4 p.m.
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  • 210 2 Mission School's New Methods A new angle on local education may be obtained by visit to the Methodist Mission Social Centre in Sophia Road where, at a hostel run by Miss E. M. Sadler, nonpaying as well as paying boarders receive a course of instruction that combines
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  • 98 2 Service families registered wltn the delegate for the Interrat o"al Red Cross Committe« at Diethelm Building. 139 149A. Market Street, should note that distribution of foodstuffs will take place in the mornings on the fol'owlng days: Dec. 3. No. 1—150; Dec. 4. No. 151 —300: Dec. 5. No.
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  • 883 2 Mr Ernest Bevin made a stirring appeal for international frankness when he i spoke in the foreign affairs j debate In the British House of Commons yesterday. "If any large or small nation in the worid." he said, "is suspicious of Great Britain. I invite
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  • 165 3 Good News For Men In Public Services Government and Municipal employees in Singapore will get increments in salary to which they are entitled, in the same way as Government employees in the Peninsula but not three and a half years' back payPayment of the increments has
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  • 115 3 Major-Gen. H. R. Hone, Chief Civil Affairs Officer. Malaya, is continuing to press the Services for the release of the Singapore General Hospital for civilian use. it is officially stated. Singapore is not taking over the General Hospital in Johore Bahru for civilians. A number of
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  • 127 3 Relaxing The Moratorium In Singapore Lie t.-Coi. F. O. Charlesworth, Singapore Legal Officer, wi-h the assistance of members of the local Bar. is examining the question of to what extent it may be possible to retox the moratojrium, and as soon as a T2commendation is made, permission will be sought
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  • 121 3 The Singapore Amateur Football Association was reconstituted at a meeting former members of the Council held on Friday night. The aim of the Council is to revive organised football on the civilian side as far as circumstances permit, and plans are In contemplation for seeking the use
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  • 49 3 Though food condition* admittedly wUI be difficult. I think well manaee to pet throueh." said Mr. F. W South agricultural member of the Colonial Office; Burvey Unit, commenting yesterday on the rice situation. Mr. South has made an exhaustive stc^Y of agricultural conditions In Japaiicr*-occuplcd countries.
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  • 37 3 The marriage will tak<» place to-day at No. 789 Pasir Pargane Road, between Tan Hah Che? i Benny) son of MaAni An? Tiew Neo and Mis? Cm Chirr; Heng adopted daughter of Mudym Tan Soh Eng
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  • 151 3 Twelve cases of profiteering In rice and sugar were brought before Mr. R. C. Hoffman, in the Fourta District Court, yesterday. In five cases, the accused came from undry goods 'stores in Rochore Road and were charged wl\h selling sugar at $1.80 to $1.90 a
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  • 46 3 The Indian Chamber of Commerce have presented a cheaue of $10 000 to Brigadier P.A.B. McKerron. Deputy Chief Civil Affair; Officer, for relief and welfare work ie Singapore. The presentation was made at a tea party at the Cathay Restaurant on Wednesday.
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  • 141 3 The Government of India are about to aopoint a trade Commissioner to Malaya, according to Mr 3 K. Chettur, Indian Government Agent in Malaya, who was entertained by Singapore Indians M Friday. Mr. Chettur also made a plea that the conditions of those who
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  • 234 3 Lower Prices This Month Singapore market stallholders are complaining that they have more vegetables than they can sell, according to an official statement, because people are buying vegetables chiefly from itinerant hawkers. Transport by road and by rail Is now provided by the B.M.A. to
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 351 3 FOR SALE -Two "Frigidalres" 4 5 cv. ft. complete. A C. Latest models one 'Philips' 8 v»lve AC. bandspread set in good conditions. For Inspection call at 87, Wllkie Road, from 9 am. WANTED a clerk experienced in Import it Export. Must be able to Correspond In English fz Chinese.
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    • 254 3 WELL-KNOWN AUSTRALIAN PRODUCTS HERE SOON! We take pleasure in announcing our latest appointments as hereunder: Sole Agents For: Trade "LADY ELEANOR" Mark i Fau de Cologne; f-otlon. Facepowder; Brilllantbte: Vitamin Cream; Cold Cream; Vanishing Lipsticks; j Cream; Menthol Ice Rouge; Sticks; EW Etc Trade "NUVITA" Mark •Fruit Tonic; *Llver Kidney
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    • 246 3 Manufacturers Life Insurance Confederation Life Astocluflott Crown Life Insurance C», (Incorporated In Canada) A Representative for the above Companies Is now In Singapore and Invites policyholders to communicate with him. quoting policy numbers and other relevant Information In notifying death claims, the date and circumstances of death should be rirwi
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  • 134 4 LONDON, Nov. 24.— A search over a wide area H being made for twu RAF aircraft which have disappeared this week in England. Last Tuesday a Meteor jet- plane took off without authority from the airfield at Molesworth i Huntingdonshire) and shortly afterwards the Air Ministry
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  • 61 4 CALC1TTTA Nov. 24 East Zone beat the Australian Services by two wickets here This Is the Australians' first defeat Australian- 107. (Sarwate. 3 for f) and 3C4 (Has^ett 125. CrNtofani 6:.>. one- 131 <Mushtaz All W: OHMiHl 4 for 48. Price S for 14 1 and 280 for 8 i
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  • 310 4 Winter Crisis Looms Alieud TOKIO. Nov. 24. Japan's acute food situation which has become steadily worse during the past two months now appears nearing a crisis. Despite the fac that! the current harvest has just been completed and rice stocks are presumably at their highest
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    • 27 4 BERNE. Nov. 24 —Normal relations with Russia would be welcomed by the Swiss, Foreign Minister Perre announced yesterday at a Ped.ral Council session -UP.
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    • 42 4 CANBERRA. Nov 23 Australian Prime Minister J. B Chlfley announced today that the External Affair? Office would in future check ■11 comments of a po'ltlcal nature 01 affecting the Commonwealth's relations with other nations before they are broadcast. Reuter.
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    • 25 4 NEXT 'BIG THREE' MEETING WASHINGTON. Nov. 23 Barrio unforeseen developments President Truman win insist that Unix \t Big Three conference be held at Washington. UP.
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    • 40 4 WASHINGTON. Nov. 23 —It is prubable that the next trip President 'lYuman makes outside the country will be to the Philippines some tro during late spring or early summer for the declaration of full Philippine independence C P
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    • 20 4 CHUNGKING. Nov. 23— Tr first Communist operated railway In North China ha<- ju«t been openei to traffic. UP.
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    • 26 4 WASHINGTON. Nov. 23— The U S Sectetary of Agriculture announced that all rationing of meat. butter, fats and oils will end nvdnieht tonight Reuter.
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    • 31 4 WASHINGTON. Nov. 24 —The House of Representatives banking and currency committee yesterday approved a Bill authorizing the Export -Import Bank to extend its operations to the Philippines.— UJ».
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    • 29 4 TOKIO. Nov 23— Practically all equipment with which Japan c~uH conduct atom research was destroyed today when United States Army engineers raided three Japanese universities Reuter.
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    • 30 4 WASHINGTON. Nov 24 —General Douglas Mac Arthur has requested authorization to proceed immediately in the trial of exPremier Tojo but such authorisation has been withheld— UJ».
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    • 38 4 LONDON. Nov. 24— Sources close to Buckingham Palace said yesterday that ■it was quite probable an announcement of the appointment of the Duke of Windsor to a government port would soon be forthcoming. UP.
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    • 38 4 WASHINOTON. Nov. 23 —The U.S. Senate's special committee on atomic enenry will begin hearings on Monday. Chairman Brian Menahon announced the first phase of the meeting would deal with the basic International problem* Involved. UP.
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    • 49 4 JERUSALEM. Nov. 23— R.A.F. planes with flares are believed to have aided two Royal Navy destroyers which this morning captured a Greek schooner off the Palestine coast after some 200 illegal Jewish immigrants from Ru-upe had landed on Herzlia shore midway between Haifa and Jaffa. Reuter.
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    • 42 4 DETROIT. Nov 23 Peace moves are scheduled in the Censral Motors automotive workers strike. There are also increasing indications that the U.S. labour secretary. Lewis Schwellenbach. may ask representatives of both sides to meet with him In Washington. U.P.
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    • 26 4 VONDON. Nov. 23— Princess Margaret, daughter of the King nd Queen, who had her appendix removed on Thursday, continues to make satisfactory progress. Reuter.
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    • 32 4 TOKIO. Nov. 24— A plan for the epoch-making labour vi.. :n iaT recognising Japanese labour's right to strike, collective bargaining, and participation in management has betn completed. UP.
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    • 31 4 LONDON. Nov. 23 Ttv> King, at Buckingham Palace tcday. invested Mrs. Amery. wife of the former Secretary for India, with the Order of the Crown of India. —Reuter.
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    • 34 4 ROME. Nov. 23— Plrucio Parri. Italian Prime Minister today reiected the Italian Liberal Party's intimation that he should resien in response to the withdrawal of Liberal ministers from the Oovernment Reutcr.
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    • 36 4 WASHINGTON. Nov 23 —The Par Eastern Advisory Commission announced today that it Is planning to go to Japan "in the near future" to consult with Oeneral Douglas Mac Arthur. Supreme Allied Commander. Reuter.
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    • 38 4 NEW DELHI. Nov. 24— It Is reliably reported that Gandhi has written to Lord Wavell. urging the release of I.N.A. prisoners on humanitarian grounds and in the interest of future cordial IndoBritish relations— UP
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    • 40 4 MOSCOW radio reports the former Hungarian Prime Mir ter Bela Imredy has been sentenced to death by hanging. His appeal against the sentence will be heard by the Supreme Court but no date has yet been fixed—Reuter.
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    • 46 4 SAIGON. Nov. 23.— For the second time within a fortnight thousands of gallons of petrol went skywards when a petrol dump on the outskirts of Saigon was fired at early last night. The fire is believed to have been caused by nationalists. Reuter.
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    • 44 4 FRANKFURT. Nov. 24— The international exchange of displaced persons is only partially solving the problem of returning them to their homes and the Russian zone terms to be getting the best of the exchange deal, American and British officers said yesterday. U.P.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 42 4 United Engineers Limited. SINGAPORE Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Our Workshops Foundry are in a position to undertake normal requirements as before. Structural, Civil Engineering, Electrical Mechanical departments operating. All under the supervision of our technical staff. Limited Supplies of usual Engineering Merchandise available
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    • 480 4 CATHAY Where Lverybod; Got* 5 SHOWS DAILY 11 am; *00; 4 13; 6:30 9 3* LAST S SHOtVS TODAY! Deanna Duibin In "IT STARTED WITH EVE" •*ith CHARLES LAUOHTON ROR1?RY_ CVMMINGS Opening Tomorrow SUSANNA FOSTER The Girl with the Golden Voice in "MAGIC IN MUSirwith Allan Jones Margaret Lindsay. PAR
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