The Straits Times, 23 November 1945

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
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  • 573 1 Possible Cut In Local Ration "GROW MORE FOOD' AGAIN If the report from London yesterday that M the phantom of famine is threatening the 1,000,000.000 rice-eating people of Asia," gives a true picture of the expected world shortage of rice, rice rations in Malaya
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  • 213 1 The following i<= Reuter's report frrm London: The phantom or famine is threatening the 1 000.000.000 rice-eating people 01 A detailed purvey by experts the total sunply of rice le for the deficit countries about *****0 tons compared i irh an earlier estimate
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  • 84 1 SINGAPORE JEEP WAS JAP MODEL KYOTO, Nov. 22.— The Japanese succeeded by August, 1944, m making an almost exact duplicate of a jeep, using as model one of the vehicles captured at Singapore, it was revealed today. This was disclosed when two Japanese jeeps were discovered at the Toyoda motor
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  • 157 1 Russians Stripping Korea SEOUL, Nov. 22—Japanese refugees and Koreans yesterday claimed that the Russians are removing industrial machinery and consumer goods from Orod, Korea, into Russian Outer Mongolia. The president of the Korean Federation m Manchuria who has just arrived from Mukden reported that the Russians are removing surplus steel
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  • 86 1 PARIS, Nov. 22.— Genera 1 de Gaulle's new Cabinet was announced this afternoon. General de Gaulle himself U Minister of National Defence i as well as Prime Minister. The Cabinet consists of 21 t Ministers, m addition to General de Gaulle, including five representatives of
    Reuter  -  86 words
  • 288 1 Breakdown Of Batavia Talks SEAC headquarters radio said last night that the crisis m Java had entered a new stage yesterday when Indonesian leaders announced that they would not take part m any meeting attended by the Dutch authorities. This announcement was made m the
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  • 66 1 WASHINGTON, Nov. 22. —U.S. State Secretary, Mr. James F. Byrnes, today told the press that none of the other United Nations had replied to the Anglo-American-Canadian proposal to establish an atomic energy commission. The present plan is for the three powers to present the proposal
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  • 72 1 WASHINGTON, Nov. 22 U.S. Secretary of State, Mr. James F. Byrnes admitted today that delegates are find ing it very diflicult to reacii agreement m the ten weekv old British-American financial talks. Progress was still being made, but he could not say it was satisfatcory. From other
    Reuter  -  72 words
  • 63 1 CHUNGKING, Nov. 22.The Executive Yuan yesterday announced that two Japanese national companies which were formed to exploit China for the Japanese war effort are now being reformed to promote the welfare of the Chinese people. The two hu!{e economic organisations are "Th.? Central China Development Corporation" and
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 688 2 ordlntr h lt\ uflk ii> ii Ma urn- {Indlnsja r »i Urn I'omxniLt-efy inveatigaUn^ f hp posiUor '>f 'h-' ut': and rubbe*" mdintrian U' Maiajffl m rvznniro ••hii!hl> OOO- leottal lht-% .tre to b' 1 ■n- lv Ibe W;i- OflW>! and p Ootnntxi Ofllci < n»J Uieir intent*
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  • 869 2  - THE ENIGMA OF RUSSIA -II Alexander Werth By In ye- terd^y's Straits limes we published th'first part of Mr. Werth > article which dealt with British and American relations with IJussii up to the Agreement about Poland. Today, Mr. Worth describes the Kussian postwar attitude as shown m the distrust
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  • The Man-In-The-Street
    • 335 2 In reading the clauses of the Atlantic Charter m your issue of 1 Nov. 12. I was surprised at :he text of clause 8. winch runs: "We beUeve that all the nations of the world must come t<> the aband nment of the use of force, and goes
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    • 43 2 Sonu- people tent out t money before the war in Briti.h »"eptfuch i payments as them vraa no other alternative, it u a n it« «J«t ir British ,urre:;;-, a ffi D«en converted into worthlei Japane e currency notes Are thev
      43 words
    • 94 2 Th v time of reopem*n R of Raffles CoUege and Medical Collc-c be 23ft? fi "Ly-w completed their secondary school f! L r r *e outbreak the war u the authoritleB would explore possibilities for n$Si I and t.rhnicnl education of Malayan studenU overseas What Mr. M s Bundran
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  • 366 2 1 1 la not my make this columi moans and gr many of whir). Singapore just i letters I have i 'Puzzled- and regarding Voluni ters contain which point t state of affairs. At Volunteer n returned P.Q that applications of pay since Febr cannot yet bo but
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  • 554 3 Speed-Up In Collaboration Inquiries Promised .i n-Miii m cvmpwmw ay members of the pubdatCS f »r the holding of preliminary inquiries into gatiom of ioll;il)(»ra(i(»n :i gainst five persons, indinu Lin Chonq; Paag and S. Gnho, will be litelj fixed on Dec 6. tatement was
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  • 39 3 TAY YONG KWHE. 47 years ->as>fPd away peaoefully at 6 Bukit !l<^ Swce on 20 1145. leavi: -md 1 .^on (Tay Kirn Oh'i and 1 laughter (Tay Kirn m to mourn Ma loss. Deeply regretted, all n:pathi«er<! thanked.
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  • 49 3 Singapore* police fOTC6, more than 1,700 strong, are now rnrivini; tree food ration* m (hi- same manner as the troops. This is the lirst time m the history of the police force that, m addition to free quarters, members rereive daily meals free of charge.
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  • 105 3 "THREE-STAR" ARMY TO BE DISBANDED The demobilisation of the Malayan People's Anti-Japa-nese army, which for yoars put up such a heroic resistance 1 gainst the Japanese dorrination of Malaya, will begin on Dec. 1. Aii arms m the possession of Its members will be handed ever to British liaison
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  • 95 3 A special mission, headed by Mr Yap Pheng Geek, who is m charge of the Chinese section of the Citizens' Advice Bureau Mr. Ong Thy?* Ghee and Mr. Tan Khen. 1 Kor. hr.s left Singapore for Bangkok to investigate the oosition of the 30.000 Malayan refugees
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  • 28 3 Another batch of Japanese civvian internees, this time women and children, are to b? uj»atriaLed from Sinsnnore is .soon as another ship (s available.
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  • 28 3 A general meeting of the St. Theresa's Choral Societv will be held at 10-5 Short Street on Sunday, Nov. 25, t 6 p m to elect ofTiceucarers. etc.
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  • 22 3 A Road Transport Urion has bren formed embodying the Singapore Traction Company Workers' Union, the Drivers' Association and the Trisha Workers' Association.
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  • 220 3 (From Our Own Correspondent) LONDON, Nov. 22.— Commenting on the Rubber Study Group Conference, the Times dopes that the report and conclusions will be published and "the tfroup not be treated merely as another secret advisory body." While apparently there is no prospect of the
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  • 156 3 Advance parties of thei headquarters staff of Lord Louis Mountbatten, Supn silica Commander, Sout^i -t Asia, have now arrived m Singapore and, under ttv I direction ot Col. W. E Maine, are setting up offices m the Cathay building from where tii»
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 290 3 MR CHETU'VN PorcnilCOTF Mount Austin F-tate. son 'f i <t Mrs. Vnrkv Pr>->thi"ote with W Oracv f"f>-^h'->'- f M*" s V E Tl-'.oi-inr. of S^nai wiP h« ml'fnniZ'"' the Rrarch of r>ur La«^v of ".maculate Conce^tiDn Johor^ at 7 s ra. and afterwwrts fen at South Johore Indian -ociat
      290 words
    • 321 3 NOTICE OF CLAIM?. ALL parties having claims arrainst the late Mr. James Russell of Bintan Plantations. Riouw. N.EI. are requested to lodpe rhe same forthwith with the ubFcribers, and all parties Indebted to the deceased are requested to make pnynent to the subscribers immediate! v. Cochrane <V BK^r Paterson, SSC.
      321 words
    • 278 3 AUCTION SM.F OF Furniture etc comprising: Wax Do!i«hed tenk wardrobe---. wjti-:j» table, ice chert. 1 Royal tvn"writer with cover, OH norcelain Chinese vases, F'oral no f .t?rn centre carpets, l steel fili 1 cabinet, Plated forks, spr-ns an- knives. One canteen s°t for 6 i>ers"n« m oali stained teak care,
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  • 229 4 Arabs Resent Moscow's Interest In Area CAIRO, Nov. 22 The Persian situation as well a> the Russian attitude nre causing comment in Arabic papers, which believe the Russians are behind the separatist movements in the north. "1 The indications are that rhe Arabs resent
    Reuter  -  229 words
  • 161 4 LONDON*. Nov. 21.— Mr. John Strachoy, Under Secretarj for Air. told the House f l Commons today that he muck regretted the action ji the CommandinfT Oflicer of the Royal Air Force unit m Centra] India m calling rpon n detachment of the Jodhpur st. :t: t
    Reuter  -  161 words
    • 52 4 WASHINGTON*. Nn\ 22— U S Frn-etary of State. Mr James F. Byrnes, today revealed that the I'nit"d States ha* asked France to rea*e obstructing the agreements of the Bis Three 1 made at Pots-" ciam regarding Germany, and cooperate m establishing a Central Administrative Authority m Germany.
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    • 35 4 London. Nov. 22.- An announcement from Buckingham Palace state?. "An operation for appendicitis was reformed on Princess Marrare; this morning. Her Royal Highness' condition is pr.tisfactory." Princess MarEur?* Is 15 years old. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  35 words
    • 38 4 HONG KONG. Nov. 22— Air services from Hong Kong to Chungking. Canton and Shanghai will be officially inaugurated on Thursday when the first plane leaves for Chungking. The China National Aviation Corporation is nowaccepting bookings.— Reuter.
      Reuter  -  38 words
    • 41 4 LONDON, Nov. 22.-Ac-cording to Radio Moscow the Soviet periodical, New" Times, charged tiiat the situation m Japan indicates that single-handed supervision by America cannot ensure the radical reconstruction of Japan demanded m the interest.- of all United Nations.— UP
      UP  -  41 words
    • 47 4 .".THENS, Nov. 22 T\w <"t< < k Regent, Archbishop Damaskinos, today swore m the new Cabinet formed by the Liberal leader, M Sonnoulis, after which th.> Reftcnc'a resignation which was ai »Kune.-d earlier will be-f-cnie efTective. According to port. M. Sophoulis has regent M retain United
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    • 39 4 TOTTENHAM. Nov. 22.—Moscow Dynamos. Soviet League Champions, were very lucky to beat a scratch Arsenal side 4 to 3 m a game which was ruined by thick fog. Arsenal had. territorially, much more of the game.— Reuter.
      Reuter  -  39 words
    • 53 4 Chicago. Nov. 22.— Genera] of the Army Duipht Eisenhower, U.S Chief of Staff, said yesterday he favoured one year's compulsory military training for young men. -To be strong nationally is not a sin— it is a necessity— l hold the conviction that no other co-in-try a
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    • 20 4 CHUNGKING. Nov. 22.— General Albert C Wedemeyer, commander of American troops m China, has arrived m Chungking. -U.P.
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    • 21 4 HAVANA, Nov. 22.— Ernest Hemingway, the author hr s filed suit for divorce from Martha Gelhorn, charging desertion U.P.
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    • 54 4 DETROIT, Nov. 22.— Two hundred thousand motor-car worKers were cp.iled out on a nationwide strike today. All General Motors plants m 20 States lay idle.The outcome of this strupi,'!" between the industrial and union I giants is expected to do much to determine the post-war economic pitch for
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    • 49 4 COPENHAGEN, Nov 21 Worldwide strike by seamen L wages of Indian sailors jvere not brought to the same level as European, were threatened by the Indian etc :epate to the International blftntlme conference of the Intei national Labour Office addressing the Salaries Committee of the conference Renter
      Reuter  -  49 words
    • 55 4 TOKIO. Nov. 22 An Allied memorandum yesterday directed the Japanese government to submit complete information t-oncernin-the location of the remains of deceased Allied personnel m Japan before Dec. 15 41 cry parties have been having difficulty m locating the graves of Allied dead because their location only known
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  • 227 4 TEHERAN. Nov. 21.— A representative of the Persian general staff has arrived at the Russian military headquarters in Kazvin. 85 mil^s northwest of Teheran, t>; discuss with the Russian commanding general the Question of permission for Persian troons to move north to deal with the reported
    Reuter  -  227 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 19 4 EVERBRIGHT OPTICAL CO. Qualified Opticians Scientific Eye Examination Modern Eye wear 19, Chulia Street, Singapore r Phone 4435 s
      19 words
    • 578 4 CATHAY Whoie I v. 5 Shows Dailti 11 am; 200: v OPI \i\(, '''.I DEANN untversai "IT STARTED Wirif t \f CHARLES LAUGH ROBER7 Gs p.ook \.,u GENE AUTR> The Bingin i "RANCHO GRANDE" with JITNH STOREY -t: p.. BURNETTE. MARY US BOX Om« i -hove 3KI CATHAY CINEMA BARS
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