The Straits Times, 22 November 1945

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 19 1 The Straits Times MALAYA'S LEAUI,\G MWSfAl'tn-ESTAti LISHED IBli mm it r\».i SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1945 PRICI 1» KMS
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  • 207 1 WASHINGTON, Nov. 20. President Truman at his Press conference today ex- pressed the belief "that: there would be permanent peace m the world. He declared that the United Nations were on the threshold of the greatest age of mankind. ••The world must have permanent peace
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  • 11 1 M 11-aded me Consrrvi Britsh Laboi riuncnt next week „tion pr-
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  • 368 1 10-Cents Transport Rate 'Fantastic' TAX RAISE QUESTIONED (From Our Own Correspondent) LONDON, Nov. 21.— The lack of any wellintegrated policy toward the Malayan rubber plantation industry on the basis of a proper understanding of its contribution to the Commonwealth's overseas trade was the main cause of
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  • 4 1 11 m By m.-
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  • 78 1 WASHINGTON, Nov. 20. A new rnited States loan plan was today cabled to London for Cabinet consideration. It is believed in many quarters here to be the last attempt to reach a successful conclusion in the long drawn out British-American financial talks. The Americans yesterday retracted
    Reuter  -  78 words
  • 139 1 India— Six Months' Patience LONDON, Nov. 20.— A beliei that if Indian leaders vculd endure patiently for six more months they might have the happiness of seeing Hie late of the sub-continent Settled satisfactorily for centuries to come, was expressed to Router today oy Iro.. George Catlin, British Labour intellectual.
    Reuter  -  139 words
  • 50 1 TOKIO. Nov. 21:— Col. Alva j C. Carpenter, chief of Gen. Mac Arthur's legal section, today told United Press that I the Tokio war crimes triads j will start on or about Dec. 1. He indicated that Tojo. wartime premier, may be the first tried -United Press.
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  • 45 1 PARIS, Nov. 21. Ind cations are that a new French triparti;e Government will bo formed today. Flonmond Bonte. <»i:e of the leading OammunisU. .said a new Oovernment waa "well on ius »ay" with portfolios equnab'v. bd regard Imporl Republican Populaire Socialist—ReuUr.
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  • 281 1 D utch Troops To Quit Batavia BATAVIA, Nov. 21.— AH Dutch and native troopvS are bein^ withdrawn from Batavia on the instruction of the Allied Command. Early this morning the 13th Gurkhas set out on a|| 40-kilometre forced march through central Java from Magelang to Ambaraw.a where a R.A.P.W.I. camp
    Reuter  -  281 words
  • 84 1 WASHINGTON. Nov. L'O. A United Stales Army Boeing Supcrfort today broke the world* record for a long distance flight when it arrived hero from Guam, m the Pacific, after flying 35 hours and minutes, and covering 8.1 *)8 miles non-stoi). The plane broke by more than 1,000
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  • 102 1 LONDON-, Nov. 20. -The Russian military authorities in North Persia today barred the road to Persian Government troops moving northwards rom I Teheran with orders to rr'store calm in the province of Azerbaijan, where fierce fighting was last reported at the railway town of Mianch. to fs
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  • 43 1 JKRUSALEM. Nov. 21 —It i» officially announced that an Arab vraa .-hot and killed by two Syrian gendarmes while he was trying to cross the Pvrtaa ixjrdtT illocallv into Pa'estii:' Thrf-p other Arab I (rrcups were reported to have besa p.rrestfd. United Prc:>.s.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 341 2 The Straits Times The Malayan Union [1 Sir Enc :hard Win i itributed to v synipo- i] osed and > not.' th arut< i ies o, led m 8t an> ii <s last week Reaction r i i from lastic npprovsJ of I. througn r mem to out- mi
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  • 1079 2  -  Alexander Werth By Alexander Werth, London Sunday Times' »<>rre«:poni!> nt m Russia, deals m this pace today with a jiicstion which is OCCBPyiv.v the »ni:ids r.f many p«*np',e. Werth Heals with the his- lory of relations between the bis three powers and shows how those relations
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  • The Man-In-The-Street
    • 61 2 rhe pubic >-ould be verj grateful to Military Authorities If they could .-pure .sunn- of their cigarettes for the people, at .i cheap price. The price of cigarettes today is ridiculously During the Jap regime essential worker? r« <■ >;\. d m ial rations and all iiiiv lea
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    • 33 2 tCondit!) lei I and r. pj Int In the vcrna u!ai d lU ft. wi.i !j [> may well v < regime I that ami >'■'. In ir< n vu c tndu -ive i
      33 words
    • 107 2 I join Mr. Lee Yum Scan m i giving myself the proverbial kick i Several cars wen offered to me bul ;u the sellers could not pro- due the ownership card, 1 refused to buy. The source of such cars is only too dear. They were either looted,
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    • 17 2 What barbers' 10 Singapore? Many or I at 5 pin lid they M K. Pal
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    • 78 2 Juu before the end of January, 1942. Johore Bahru government servants were paid 'wo months' pay UnfortunaHy many did not receive this as they were away from j.b rio;iiR active service at vulnerable points us volunteer.-, etc.. and returned to J.B. t,o late to receive their pay
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    • 68 2 The atr tprayn:.: oi U.D.T. (iid reduce thi^ number o! mosauitoea. Mosquito nets are \.rv exi> Onij the rtch can a bteek market mi Mighl I \>. lowi d that the air ,s;.; ay i; ,i D.D.'i b< repeated li Ml until there Un i lar»it< i outbreak
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  • 485 2 The announcement Washington thai the Pi i Administration his fixed retail price >t automobil 5 on the average level 1 1942 Is welcome news car-less Singaporean. B what is of equally vil I moment Is: when arrive In Malaya lor t] general public and shall be allowed to
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  • 368 3 \Y TO SMASH RLACK MARKET rdet 1o speed up Hie resumption ?»f tradt m md smash the Mack market ramp, (he B.M.A. intradoee mcasuns which will allow the Unit of soods from comtries outside (he sterling 1 1 A. shtuiic als i -m tmoortation
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  • 112 3 of dollar*worth of wearing apparel was seized by officers of the Special Investisatinn Branrh on Tuesday as a result of a son^s of raids m the Sunjje: Koad area. Swooping on roadside '< vendors a:^d taking them completely by surprise, the i officers seized dozens
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  • 76 3 Talcing a serious view ol the case, tines ranging irom SI 00 to $300 were imposed bv H. w. Nightingale in the Kuala Lumpur District Court on six persons who cut down rut* r trees valued at $1. 400 on an estate at PU- chong. I
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  • 64 3 RAYAPPA PATHK^ flO I the wei-known Jewd'y i mond Me-vhant. nass^-i I at h's re ider.c°. I 1 Market Stre-t. Singapore Wovember. 1945. Pu»gr;U 1* 6 prn. on the ssms nidndarl Cerr- t-ry. Th" thank all relations and \ho a»t«»r!deil the ftir.err.l wraths A. Mverfa A: Fimi'v de^lr >
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  • 225 3 A Rent Assessment Board for the Municipal and Rural areas of Singapore, under the chairmanship of iMajor 11. R. S. Zehnder, has been appointed by the B.M.A. The members of the Board consist of Muj. H. R. S. Zelinder (chairman). Mr. Chew Hock Leor.cj, Mr. Woe
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  • 120 3 Mr. M. f Dening. Foretell Ofnc n.viticn! rriviscr to Lord LruLs Mountbatten, ha< arrived rom Batavia m Singapore "merely to .settle affairs relating to the establishment of his offices 'n HiH ).■<•." consequent on the transfer of SACSEA headquarters .Torn Kandy to Singapore. Mr. IXnins t-ot-k part
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  • 79 3 ;500 Japanese I ,<i m Bing i- cargo i japan. All oi the men were d medically At anc vcars old Th. flr s ramr to Singapore with thr .lan occupation forces, to bo repatriated. j left theli camp a* Juren o
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  • 137 3 Transportatior Perils Thcro have been Instant m which importers of fondstufLs and perishable supplle: have had their consignments to or from Sinpapore lo^tod or pilferrcd m transit from railway trunks pnd lorrl Importers of roodstuffs .m.. rther perishable s'in')'i<> are al\nsed to report a 1 such Instance;
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  • 138 3 At a genei al mi ol Ins of M t Youth New Democratic held recently. ;>n Executive mittec of 3.3 was "i. d. ii' ■■■'< an Active Committee ol Members of the Ex mitteearf Messrs. Lee So i Boon Kirn. S?.n Da. Oh Chandran, Tcb ntr.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 170 3 I BONO. Th« b"*veen Mr. !_ee Chf >ng an-i Mi Loons !"FD two EiT'li'h MM Apnly r'ai'y between j nBL Happy Cafe 24S Rd. "enr Net ed Telecommunication t Balarj Jsfl ier men- et to eoufl' Hiatlon T f t^r nr. batk narr period. must be prepared to b -re
      170 words
    • 428 3 THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LTD This Company is temporarily j registeied In London and a I Clerical Staff hns been working i at the Great Eastern Life Builiing. Ceril Street. Sinpapore. sin.-e the re-occupation of Malaya, i gettinc records up-to-date. The Company welcomes this opportunity of acain establishing
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    • 126 3 .TOO LEI BAKFR^ BISC'tITS FACTORS Nos. 328-330-322. Changi Road. Singapore. At your iervice for nj'gienically prepared bread, biscuits, ca of any design to suit birthday, or picnic pari.i Contracts f..r regular suppl may be arranged on applic TYPKWRITKItS CALCULATORS ADDING MACBrNES TO SI IT EVERYONE Teo Typewriter Service 7 South
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  • 184 4 DACHAU. Nov. 13 Kudolf Wolf. Commumsi and former* prisoner of the Germans m Dachau, giving evidence m the Dachau war criminal trial today. described the death march from the camp as the U.S. Seventh Army advanced, during which between 600 and 800 prisoners perished 'On
    Reuter  -  184 words
  • 68 4 WASHINGTON, Nov. 21. —The diplomat ir adviser to !'.N R.K..V. after reportins to the White House yesterday, said his mission to India. South Africa, and the Middle Fast had resulted m thf rounding up of S 17.000. 0ii0 (American currency) worth of relief supplies for
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  • 34 4 TjONDON. Nov. M.— British Prime Minister Clement Attlee landed at Tancrmere aerodrome, near Londen. shortly txfore 3 p.m today thus completing his visit to the Tnlted States '.rd— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 117 4 NUREMBERG. Nov. 20.— Today 20 surviving leaders of the Nazi clique which plunged the world into war stood before the United Nation;-; tribunal to answer for the slaughter of more than 20 million persons killed on the ba'tlefield and in concentration camps. Each man wore a
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  • 76 4 NEW YORK. Nov. 20.— A crime wave dwarfing even that which followed the first world war threatens the entire city of New York, an unofficial survey of the city's criminal activities disclosed j today. Murders in Ifanhati tan alone average almost one i daily. Police
    Reuter  -  76 words
  • 71 4 LOS ANGELES. Nov. 19.— Capt. James J. Braddock, former heavyweight champion of the world, who has just returned from eleven months' overseas duty, said yesterday he was convinced Billy" Conn will defeat heavyweight champion Jce Louis in the title bout next June. "Billy Is
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  • 142 4 Gave Orders For Cruel, Slow Killing MANILA, Nov. 20.— Col Fujishige, a war prisoner who is alleged to have condemned 6.000 in the last days of Japanese control of the Philippines, yesterday testi[fied that "I issued orders to kill Americans cruelly and not with one stroke." He added that he
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  • 95 4 TOKIO. Nov. 20.— Shigeru Hohjo. 69, commander of the Kwantung army at the time t:! the Mukden incident, today committed hara-kiri in his less than 24 hours after be had been ordered to be orrcpted for war crimes. Ih- disembowelled himself a dagger shortly after
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  • 56 4 U NDON. Nov. 20:—Expressing "deep concern" of British newspapers at home an i overseas at the possibility of the withdrawal of the present Empire press cable r'tte of a penny a word, the Fm^ire Press Union has asked the Deputy Prime Minister, Mr. Herbert Morrison, to receive a deputation to
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  • 283 4 Chungking. Nov. 21—Wellinformed Chinese military sources yesterday asserted that American-trained and equipped Chinese trocp-, are not being, and will not be. used m the internal strife. These sources stated that the new First Army, under Gen. Sun Li Jen, which marched to the Canton
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 24 4 V" The Famous EAGLE BRAND Rubber Coagulant V Manuracturea by A v. m \m i k\sim ir 1 rhoon <;uan St. S'por* Ptionr U76
      24 words
    • 333 4 RAFFLES HOTEL TO-NIGHT I) A N C E 9 00 pm to 12 00 pm. Admission Charge: $100 to Non- Residents PALACEGAY Phone 6223 Last 4 -hows at 100— 3.15— (5.30— 9.00 pm. Errol Flynn David Niven m "DAWN PATROL" Openinp Tomorrow "BUCK PRIVATES" Midnight on Sat. at 1130 p
      333 words
    • 253 4 JUBILEE THEATRF North W Basah IM OPENING TODAY I, r.r.o ptn M G M "Mutiny On The Bounty 1 Clark Gftble v Gaumont B Midnight Shon Charlie Cl h "THE GREAI DICTATOr GARRICK (Western Becti PIIOM J4678 OponinK Toda> I] m JUNGLE I.ovf with Ray Ml fc Dor tin Lan.
      253 words