The Straits Times, 21 November 1945

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1 4 The Straits Times
  • 21 1 The Straits Times ltALAi.i'S LEU IMG \'LU SPAFER-ESTAti USHED M 45 i: r\. SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, NOVFMBER 21. 1945 PRitr 10 ci.Ni-
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  • 192 1 SOV IET ATT ACK ON U.S. PO LICY IN JAPAN c Arthur's Control "Inadequate" A Russian charge that Gen. MacArthnr's itrol over the execution of the unconditional "render terms imposed on Japan is clearly irate is made by Prof. Eugene Zhukov, lor of the Institute of Pacific Relations, imming the
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  • 125 1 tokio. tfov. 19.— The Mlied Command today order- the arrest of eleven addi>nal Japanese '"who's who- who are am oner the listed i >pnotch war criminals. The list Included Gen. I Kuniaki Koiso, who followed I as premie: Gen. Mac Arthur ordered the eleven to
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  • 35 1 WASHINGTON, Nov. 20. v. S. War Department d last night that! of its fast troopships m Atlantic will be diverted i Pacific at '.he beginnext month to return tops to the United States. Iter Press.
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  • 76 1 LONDON. Nov. 19.— Mr. Herbert Morrison. Lord President of the Council, sad m the House of Commons today that, m addition to nationalization of coal-mining, the Government proposed within th< life oi the present Parliamc it to brine urder national ownership railways, cara's. long-distance road haulage
    Reuter  -  76 words
  • 63 1 LONDON, Nov. ::o.— V.r. P. J. Noel-Baker, Minister oi state, qfeclared m the flouse of Common he had no evidence that German scientists were work inj; m Spain on research m th"" use of atomic energy; iiut h would be £lad to consider
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • 163 1 America's Air Defence Measures WASHINGTON. Nov. 20. It was learned yesterday that the United Stateis taking steps to protect the nation from air attack through unguarded Arctic approaches. r'-.i e plans, which ace reported to be recelvln major attention, include thr proposal for a Ion?- rang." agreement with Iceland providing
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  • 273 1 BATAVIA. N<m. 'o.— Six 11. bombs wore droppeJ i the i-ntre of Scinaran? mi* inoiniii-; following •U-minute ua nini; uUmesians t-» evacuae pusirafned as the result of surprise attack launched night. Mljrs a Netherlands Igcnejr di>na'<h today uprise attack last c [ndon< sians sueIn splitting up
    Reuter  -  273 words
  • 178 1 TIENTSIN, Nov. 19.— A Communist spokesman today said that Yenan troops won id co;. tinue to disrupt military communication tinea m North China as long as they arc used to transport Central Government troops and supplies, reports United Press. He termed the firing incident involving
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  • 139 1 MELDOURNi:. Nov. i.. In connection with Admiral Mountbatten's protest against the Inaccurate ani damaging broadcast pw out under the i uspicss oi the Commonwealth Ministry ot' Information, tl*e Sydney Sun's Canberra correspondent reported todaj th? li future all short-wave broadcasts will be examined b.v responsible officers to
    Reuter  -  139 words
  • 85 1 TEHERAN, Nov. 20.— According to an official i announcement today, fierce righting is taking place in Mianeh. in Azerbaijan province, .says Reuter. Fighting is also believed to bo taking place at Tabriz, where the Persian command t> has issued a proclamation declaring that all disturbances
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  • 66 1 WASHINGTON. X ?.n.— Po Kzru P >und has arrived h"re to face charges of treason, it w-»s revealed yesterdov. The wellknown poel paid that fince he hud been arrested for making 'ir-vtri-easts over Romo radio he Itacl spent bis time m orison wrttine poems and ti an
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 592 2 The Straits Times S'pore Wed., Nov. 21, 1945. Education aporc have en distressed I deir school f< lime tth they can barely provide food and clothing for their children. A desire that children should make as far M may be possible. tfefecti In their education arising from the distortion of
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  • 1297 2 By A Naval Correspondent This is the story of the British 1 i-t Indies licet which, under (he command of Admiral Sir Arthur Tower, swept the Japanese from (he Indian Ocean •«<! succeeded m confining Japanese naval operations m these waters to the brief stretch of
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  • The Man-In-The-Street
    • 152 2 Certain Government school teachers are sa'd to be pivi- private tuition at a prescribed after school hours. It would have been less objectionable if the students were from other sch >o!s or not in any school at all bu\ when the ext r a c^achinsr is given to
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    • 44 2 it Is not pleasant for the patient pedestrian Singaporean to see. Japanese prisoners driving about town m saloon ears. Have the autooriUes already dured by v. Blam and !<• neo If it 1 •r Individual laps I with the br tld b<igapors.
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    • 151 2 Over 5.000 people are suffering hardship and monetary loss because the East Coast railway (Oemas-Mentakab) has been closed. This line was functioning rit-'ht up to the time of th<? reoccupation. Those people (mostly agriculturists) live In and around the townships of Mengkuang, Kemayan, Aver Hitam, Sunget Luis,
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    • 34 2 My, I demolished by the Nippon authorities m connection with the construction ol an aerodrome at Oeylang Could not the hM a. make the J i" (> w erecl housi ii o,
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  • 444 2 Singapore Diary Do you war' g e n u 1 n e antique made in Birmlngh piece of useful bri Ii so, take a the direction of Am where a tantalisii ty of articles bot mental and ultilitari displayed for sale t>. vendors. Since sue are not included in the
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  • 430 3 BOLD, GENEROUS ACTION NEEDED" plea for (he Rrant of a subsidy by the A. to (he Malayan rubber industry, so as to it back rapidly on its feet, and* for the rientisation of technique to achieve a lower i of production and a higher wage
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  • 33 3 Pan Chuan Hock. 56. formsrlv Kellv Walsfa Ltd.. at P9 Seng Road on 14.11.45. family tender heartfelt thanks relative*. mombriN of 31 Saua.l- RAF. and friends who stled the funeral, sent wTeaihs
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  • 79 3 PERAK CASE RETRIAL From Our Own Correspondent IPOH, Nov. 20: Major J. G. Adams In Perak Superior Court this morning ordered a retrial of the case against nine police personnel charged with murder in connection with the death of 22 Chinese. The President said all charges were to
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  • 83 3 An America:!. Mr J. S. Brennoman, of the Texas Company, who was with the Malayan Petnleum Board, She'l Hou^e, was killed at Keppel Road on Monday when the jeep in r hich he v/as travelling came into collision with an army vehicle. The funeral look place
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  • 63 3 A branch of the Labour Office has been opened at No. 3, 7th mile Bukit Timah Road. People living m Woodlands, Jurong and Bukit Timah who wish to register as unemployed should do so at this branch. Residents of these districts who have already registered at the
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  • 27 3 A programme of l'ght music, vocal and instrumental, will b^ given at a V.M.C.A. Concert m the Victoria Memorial Hall tomorrow at 7.30 p.m. Admission is free.
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  • 83 3 The findings of (he committees investigating the tin and rubber industries in Malaya are "highly confidential," and will be sent direct to the War Oflice and Colonial Oflice. through whom the reports will eventually be made public, an official of the B.M.A. told the Straits Times
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  • 121 3 There will be a short service with community hymn singing every Sunday night a 8.15 P.m. m the Victoria Memorial Hall. The service will be conducted, by the RAF and the singing led b\ the choir of 5353 Wing. This follows the very suc,l
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  • 252 3 Removal Of Age Limit Urged Urging the importance of keeping Singapore children occupied, a suggestion has been made to the B.M A. that the school age limit should be removed and that accommodation should bo provided temporarily by finding or constructing suitable premises in
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 246 3 \RMAN GmnLESTONF. ■cement h announced r.nd "nap- will shortly t .-.*■> between Eleano- M. Gi-dle-Briti h Red Cross Welfare t :md Chrfstonher Brought on '"'.in. Commissioner, S.E.AC. Cross. Malaya. CHU-LYB. The engarreirrnt on iPth Nov. 1945 neMr Chu Chee Kwai. frur'h the late Mr Mrs. c^u OODfr. and Miss Lye
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    • 353 3 THORNYCROFT (SINGAPORE) LTD NOTICE is hereby mven that an Extraordinary General Mer^tinp of Thornycroft Singapore) Ltd. will be held at Thornvcroft Hou-»». Smith Souare. I/ondon. S.W.I, on the 4th December 1945 to consider Ordinary and Special resolutions m respect of which particulars and proxy forms may be obtained by shareholders
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    • 200 3 BEWARE OF IMITATION Insist on HAIR OIL Tiic Oldest Brand In The Market The Great Eastern Optical 0., *>T5. South Bridge Road. |||>W| established *5Sf/ 0< r nisrount (3j. for a short period. NANG HWA FURNITURE CO. Modern Furniture Makers Also I'ndertake Polishinp. Painting nnd House Repairing, etc AT MODERATE
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  • 264 4 OCCUPYING FORCEi INVESTIGATING TOKIO, Nov. 19 The occupation forces are today ting a fantastic Japanese report that a small group of Kan (suicide) corps urvivors nave threatened to ass ite a dozen Communisi leaders m J ipan on Dec. I. n e rep >rt
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  • 57 4 CLEVELAND. OHIO. Nov. 19.— Former lightweight champion Lew Jenkins, recently discharged from :.<■ navy, who us making ring omehack. will moet welterweight Jimmy Doyle m a ten-round fight kre on Dec. 3. it \\a c Ann unc I ast night. Jenkins said he would iu'k the welterweight title. Doyle nas
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  • 338 4 TOKIO N>\ IS. -The Em- ol Japati has taken the initiative f abolishing the jfflee Lon PI -r of the Privy Seal. I to thi newspaper Aj till Press. tokio. Nov. 19.— The Allies have aski the Japanese Government to submit a list of national art nn<l
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  • 98 4 Britain Bulgarian Elections LONDON. Nov. 19.— The British representative m Buir,a ia. who is exnminin" nans for the Bulgarian elect! t, reported information •*"i ilar to that on which th united States based a renewed protest, it was reported here lr.*t night. Hie United States had ad- 1 •Msed Bui
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  • 105 4 LONDON. Nov. 18— The Sunday Times warns the Government that "or all times. the worst to embarK on a general programme of nationalisation."' The Government's policy, i k not -practical but controlled by doctrinnaire Not only the liberties but the standard of life of the country are
    Reuter  -  105 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 38 4 NOTICE :i that the c is thf roperty .^1 CHIANG of No 251 and i* n, m respect of nair •us kinds <>i to:y ired and sold by and othw art her poratl ition then Ocf-- I HIAr'G
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    • 369 4 I'\LACEGAY Phone v -23 (fan ■ml er 3 th *2nd at 1.00--3.1 na. Rt al i Niven m ROL* 1 GLOBE -Gre^' World ark at p. in "Northwest Moonted Po!lee" rroA Henr> i i— C nu Ptte Colbert m "Druni- Aloag the Mohawk" SKY-Grcyt WorH Park 2 sh ms al
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    • 271 4 CATK Wkoj i 5 ShowII .i m I N 1 TODAY TO^ I I si.ii B.V "SONS of tl GERALD Stirring S Ente BOX on hi CATHAY CINE] BARS and REST I'hon OPEN A: I JUBILEE THEATRi (North Bridge Basah Rd r I sT 4 1. 3 30, 8.38 PUll
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