The Straits Times, 17 November 1945

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
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  • 282 1 "TOO MODERATE" ACCUSATION BATAVIA, Nov. 16.— Indonesian extremists in a broadcast from Sonrabaya threatened to "attack Dr. Soekarno, President of the selfproclaimed Indonesian Republic, and his Republic," according to the Netherlands News Agency. They accused him of being "too moderate/' declaring that "his orders must be
    Reuter  -  282 words
  • 163 1 Russians Important Discovery LONDON, Nov. 16 Russian physicists investigating cosmic rays aye discovered a now group of co?mic particles-, reports the Moscow correspondent of the Daily Telegraph today. He say 1 "Some foreign ircies here are asserting that announcement of these discoveries might be linked :<p with the atomic bomb
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  • 10 1 The Norwegian Parliament has Unanimously ratified the United Nations Charter.
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  • 43 1 SAIGON. Nov. 13.— Field Marshal Count Tcrauchi. former Commander of the Japanese southern armies, has been ordered to go to Singapore, where his presence is necessary "for closer cooperation" with Admiral Lord Louis Mountbatlen. the Supreme Allied Commander.— Reuter.
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  • 71 1 (From Our Own Correspondent) LONDON, Nov. lti.— lt is believed m the City that the American delegation to the Anglo-Amer' an rubber conference, open. .is here on Nov. 2Q, will propose some form of output control, dividing the world production quota between eastern plantation producers and American
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  • 193 1 SEAC HQs Here As From 25th COLOMBO, Nov. 15.— Headquarters of the Supreme Allied Command, S.-E. Asia. Allied Land Forces, S.-kl Asia and Air Command, S.-E. Asia, will cease to operate from Nov. 25 from Kandv. where they havo been housed for the past 10 months, and will operate from
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  • 471 1 WASHINGTON. Nov. 15.— Reports that agreement had een reached In the historic six-day parleys on the atom bomb were confirmed today. It was also announced thot echanlcal details of the itom bomb will be kept secret. President Truman, accompanied by British Premier ''lenient Attire and Canadian
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  • 138 1 JERUSALEM. Nov. 16.— Any person m Palestine illegally wealing British military or police uniform <»l those of any armed force of any foreign country, will m future be liable to imprisonment tor life, it was announced m todays Palestine Government Gazette The same penalty applies also
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  • 85 1 LONDON, Nov. 16.— The British Colonial Secretary, Mr. George Hall, stated m the House of Commons las' night that a report on the Palestine situation was btki: 1 decoded at the C. inlal Office and that he would be abh to give mil kni ..i' ion to day.
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  • 44 1 LONDON. Nov. 15.— There is no foundation lor any suggestion that the arrest oi Pandit Nehru is contemplated, Mr. Arthur Hendei son, Under-S( cretary >'. State lor India, slated m reply to a question m the House of Commons tod Reuter.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 9 1 g:an sift&K Co. rvparimmtai Store. 4 Kd rtinnt 2483
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    • 100 1 EVER3RIGHT OPTICAL CO. Qualified Opticians 1!», Chulia St Singapore. Phone 4435. SINGES? SEWING MACHINE COMPANY Notice to all former employees With u view to re-employment, those residing i i Singapore are required to call personally at Company's new office add es 46 48, Peck Seah Streel bringing along with them
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  • 535 2 If any satisfaction whatever could be derived from the price racket In pre.p >re. H would arise from the certainty that some of the its are bound NJ rs burned sooner or m« of the black market op< rators
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  • The Man-In-The-Street
    • 337 2 A ,i :.'man with MM tin weeks' experience of Malaya. I confess to the utmost temerity In commenting upon the article r.y that acknowledged authority en MaL.ya. Sir Richard Wlnstedt, uhirh appeared In the struts Tim s of N 18. The utronglj peevish and onconstructive atmosphere of
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    • 170 2 I was a student m Raffles Institution and when it re-opened I registered myself but. after a we k's study, l was informed that I was not eligible as I was overage, due to no fault of my cwn. I was not over a<je when my studies were
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    • 203 2 Several Rotartani Kave arked me whether anything Ls beintf dona to start up Rotary again In Malaya. I hone m>. In the past Rotary provided an admirable platform, week by weok; and if such a pi \tform was necessary m the past it is trebly necessary now.
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    • 155 2 1 am fed-up with the whining attitude adopted by a certain percentage of the local population when they write m your "Man-in-the-Street" column. Now. I was for 18 months a prisoner of *he Kempei-tai and I know that the people had grievous cause for complaint under the
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    • 121 2 T was a schoolmaster when the Japanese Attacked Malawi. But tr.ough responsible for the t>.->-tection and support of my wi and five children, I chose deiib irately to adept an uncomp.'orrsing attitude toward* the Japanese I was able to liv without hrvlng anything to do with the Japanese.
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    • 146 2 On Ncv. 9 a schoolboy, on hta \<ay ho:ii" irom school. Witt knockea c"cwn by a military veh;:;t\ the Indian driver of whi;.i o>d not stoj The boy sustains J n.ultiple bruises. He was carried U his hrroe and his people were anxious to have him removed
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    • 87 2 After 31-..31-.. years of Japanese rule. we m Malaya have learnt at least how to take our punches square.;.on the jaw without flinching, so it is quite unnecessary for the BM.A. to dole out :-weet words and empty promises. If no action is passible by way
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  • 457 2 Singapore Diary Beliind th > announ that Raffies Library w be reopened, Is a storj some <>i the bigg a ries m Sins:: pore w< i frcm destrucii n Japanese took over the try In 1042. The saved these valuable b vir E. J. H. Corner, Assistant Director of S.S.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 485 2 ORIENTAL GOVERNMENT SECURITY LIFE ASSURANCE COMPAiNY, LIMITED. Incorporated m India. 1874. H. Q. Bumbiv Commenced tran>aLtin»: business m Malaya m l*H)B_ To the Policyholders of the Company or their Heirs. We are most anxious to get into touch with all our Policyholders m Malaya or their heirs. FIRSTLY because we
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  • 303 3 Ne w Rubber Control Plan Would Benefit Malaya :ON REPORT CAUSES SURPRISE m rubber would bo placed in a verv le poMlion while approximately 75 per cent :i sytfcctk factories would gi out of pro* I the proposal for the control of world output, Ic I v the American delegation
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  • 118 3 ADVISORY COUNCIL DISCUSSIONS Held behind closed doors after Major-Gen. H. R. Hone, Chief Civil Affairs Officer, Malaya, had delivered publicly an opening address, the Singapore Advisory Council discussed informally, at its first session on Wednesday and Thursday, a series of questions of public interest, the Straits Times understands. These included
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  • 112 3 Su ltan Of Joh o re Going To U.K. The Sultan of Johoro accompanied by the Lady Ibrahim and a small retinue will leave for the United Kingdom m the near future, travelling by sea. The Sultan has been sufTerinT from recurrent attacks of gout for some time, and during
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  • 23 3 Briti h Eurasians are holding a trneral meeting of the Eurasian Association ut St. Joseph's Institution on Monday ai 5.15 p.m.
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  • 20 3 The Rcdemptorist Fathers have re-establi hed their monastery and wifh to |rtve notice of their newaddress, 418 Thomson Road, Singapore.
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  • 201 3 Employment Found For 45,000 People The inspection of factories and other places of employment, the disposal of complaints m connection with terms and conditions of employment, and the settlement of disputes between employers and employees are some of the problems, affecting the welfare of the working classes, dealt with by
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  • 42 3 Approval has been given by rh" Commander-in-Chief, East Indies Fleet, for a United States bombing survey mission to vi<it Sin lapore Naval Base where American bombers caused huvoc m attacks during the stepping up of ihe offensive against Japan.
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  • 173 3 Church Services tomorrow are as follows: St Andrew's Cathedral 7 am,' 8 am. 10.30 a.m.. 11.15 am. and 5.30 p.m.; Cathedral of the Good Shepherd 6.30 a.m., 8 am.. 10 am and 5 p.m.: OarChurch 8 am. and 030 pm St. Hilda's Church (Katontn 8 am and
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  • 235 3 B.M.A. PERMISSION TO BANKS Remittances up to $100 a person to all parts of China will be accepted by Singapore Chinese banks from today, the Straits Times is informed. An authorization for acrcpting such remittances has been received by the banks from the Finance
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  • 38 3 FPr ft hicrbij kennis de opening van haar kantoor fee Singapore, Robinsonroad 37. Ann allo employe'?, pepensionnecrdcn en gezinslcden tc Singapore wordt verzocht zich aldaar op te r;cvcn, voor zoover noff niet geschicJ
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 272 3 T.n. 2 Rad.o Mechanics, r between sioo to $150. tatlng qualifications and ■rly employed to Box Times. v ted: Work hop Foreman lor t Estate m S.langur. Ad- to torward conies of Ttetili'fthcr with indication n expected to Box t£tn its Times 1 LET: Bedroom With Bath•;ichcd. Private bungalow. residential
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    • 249 3 NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV2N that the marriage between Mr. S. P. SIM and MISS LOW GEOK CHOO. both of Singapore, has taken Dlace on the 10th day of November, 1945 at No. 163A Cecil Street, Singapore. Dated this 10th day of November 1945 TSAN CO Solicitors for Mr. and
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    • 206 3 QUEENS... Gevlang Today Daily: v a.m.. 115, 3.30. G. 45 9.1 S p.m. Gary Cooper <fc Paulntte Ooddard m "NORTH-WEST MOUNTED POLICE" (m Techicolour> TONIGHT AT MIDNIGHT: "MUTINY ON Tni: BOUNrr* HAPPY WORLD BOXING TOMORROW AT 8.30. Amalgamated Sports Promotion Presents GOLDEN BOY vs BATT. SIMA (Singapore) 10 Rds Philippines
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  • 457 4 662 lb. OF LETTERS LEAVE SINGAPORE DAILY Singapore is today linked by a direct airmail KrvicC daily with the exceplion of Sunday with Gnat Britain, Burma. Ceylon. India, Indo-China. Java and Sumatra. An average of (>(J2 Ib. of mail, m 33 bags, is daily
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  • 98 4 I ronsidcr tht v best vay tlie nutritional point of view. 01 utilising the asrtenlhiral resources of the counrms one of the sevenbjerts ot ihe Nutrition. rod nnrt Igrriculture Survey arhlcri due In Singartly. The unit pro;)oe< :<> 'is-eNS how the war has
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  • 46 4 Dirk Kalf. a Dutch violini-t. will give a recital In (he hall cf St. Hilda's School. Ceylon Rotul. on Nov. 21, from 8 p.m. A pupil of Alexandra SchmulltT, Kalf has selected a gioup of well-known compo&itions for liis reci .J. Admission is frt-e.
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  • 39 4 All former MAS members attached to the Balmoral Road find Goodwcod House aid po^ts tind depots are requested to their names and addresses to Mr. Chua Btvui Teck, of the Municipal Finance Dept,.. 8.M.A.. pore.
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  • 21 4 Commencing at 5.30 p.m.. a sp lal service will be held today Hildas Church. Ceylon I '.lowed by a musical perance.
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  • 52 4 Mr V Coomarasamy, representative of the Government of Ceylon, who is now capore. will tx> glad to meet as many of the Ceylon residents as possible at Victqrh Memorial Hall today, at G p.m. to discuss any special problem.* affecting Ceylonese m Sintrapore. All < oese are invited
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  • 972 4 Nov. 5 issue 01 the Sr't raits Times contained a list >: names vi civilians who died ;n Singapore during interuu:c n That Ust was not o n.plete M\d the names apI>< tring beiow must be added to the roll of civilian dead. Further names
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 21 4 The Famous EAGLE BRAND Rubber Coarulant I ufactured by A V. ML ABL'L KASIM I'.ROS < boon Cnan SL, Spore Phnn* 4«:s
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    • 415 4 RAFFLES HOTEL TO-NIGHT I) A N C E 'i i.i) pin to 1 'on pm. AdmisMon Charge: SI 00 to Non-Residents PALACEGAY Phone 6223 November IT— i;>th 1 no— 31 i it 15— 9 ift n m SCARLET PIMPERNAL Midnight Bhow At 11. 30 p.m. DAWN PATROL GLOBE Great World
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