The Straits Times, 16 November 1945

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 23 1 The Straits Times I v.l S M IS U ibING \f It US/IED 1845, i IRE, FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 16, 1945. I'Rlcr 10 CENTS
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  • 197 1 W ashington Decision To Share Atom Secret Reported Rucsians Must Clarif. Post- War Aspirations York, No>. 15.—The New York Times i Washington Message says it is understood licrom conversant with the discussions cen the United States President, Mr n the Brit^h Prime Minister, Mr. Cle\tilce. and the Canadian Prime Minister
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  • 149 1 Four -Power Control O f Japan Requested WASHINGTON, Nov. 15.— Mr. James P. les, l/nitcd States Secretary of State, said lay that Moscow has returned to its earlier mand for setting up a four-power control tuncil m Japan on the Berlin model. Ho said that no agreement has been reached
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  • 75 1 WELLINGTON. Nov. 15. The New Zealand Government was well aware that trade representation must be expanded m the Eiui and no time was being lost m restoring the basis of New Zealand's representation abroad, stated the Prime Minister. Mr. Peter Fras^r, Mr. Fraser added that the question
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  • 162 1 200,000 Casualties In China CHUNGKING, Nov. 15: General Ho Juan, Governor of Shrntung, said today that si.:co Japanese surrender there have been 200,000 casualties m Shantung Including 30,000 soldiers killed as the result of Communist I attach. This is the first authoritative report of casualtlei which indicate the ferocity
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  • 284 1 Prompt U.S. Action In Palestine Necessary ri-ton. Nov. 15: -The iretary of State. Mr. P Byrnes stated toPresldent Truman I appoint three mem- the two-power Comcri Palestine as soon -ible. Mr. Byrnes that it was essential United States to act d States Senate s Committee d tutted for two ■solution
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  • 256 1 Batavia, Nov. 15. Prince Bernard will be flying to Batavia within a few days "presu ably to represent Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands at the expected discussions between i.he Dutch and Indonesian Governments'", according to the London Daily Herald's correspondent m Batavia quoted by the
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  • 30 1 Wellington, Nov. 14.— The New Zealand Labour Party conference baa rejected the proposal for v repeal of the conscription law bemuse of possible obligations to 'he United Nations Organisation. Reuter.
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  • 68 1 HONGKONG. Nov. 15 Th c Commander-ln-Chief, R^ar-Admiral Cecil H. P. Harcourt, today removed restrictions on ihe entry <r persons other than Europeans into Hongkong trom China and Macao, his purpose bein.j; tc accelerate trade between China and Hongkong and alleviate the hardship j among those >rc?d to
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  • 120 1 Japs Want To Play Davis Cud Tennis SYDNEY Nov. 15:— The Tokyo Correspondent of the Sydney Morning Herald today cabled a report from the Japanese capital that Japan wants to enter a team for the Davis Cup to be held by Australia. The Japanese have "revived their Lawn Tennis Association
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 630 2 The Straits Times S'pore, Friday, Nov. 16, 1945. Not So "Brani" One of the leading articles published m the Straits Times la-t m iXtm a letter m which w were credited with being "bnml" tot having ventured to ofTer mild criticism of ihe B.M.A. We take thn' letter as the
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  • 1697 2  -  Sir Arnold Robinson Hy Sir Arnold Percy Robinson came to Malaya in !!>07 to join the firm of Messrs. Drew and Napier. advocates and solicitors, of which the late Sir Walter Napier was then the head. He served his firm for a while in Kuala Lumpur. On
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  • The Man-In-The-Street
    • 384 2 In Septorr.b^r, I chanced to come into contact with an o'd friend, who had fled at the fall of SincaDcre and had returned with pips on hi* shoulders. I reirarkod to him that the scrapping of the Japanese currency notos would brins great hard hip on the majority
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    • 114 2 After reading what the B.M.A. has to say regarding the requisitioning of houses, I live m uncertainty. The Army has more chin adequate premises to accomm d-tte the troops, at barraks. aJI over [the island, so why must 'hey aff- eravate the present housing shortage of Si-igapore by this
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  • 414 3 COUNCIL SE VING UP SHARK LIVER OIL FACTORIES ne of the first >t pa to help anaemic mothers nildren In Singapore, the Malayan N- t'-jt I has arranged for the opening soon < i a shark r oil factory m this island, and later probably
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  • 26 3 The Messiah will b? rend-ed by St. Andrew* Cathedral daring C. "i Unas. Loan of mv ie copies \vi 1 be appreciated by the itednd Rhaplain.
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  • 120 3 Or. William Clyde, Food Adviser to the Colonial Office and chairman of the Colonial Office Nutritional. Food and Agricultural Survey I'nit. which is coming out from England M>on. has arrived in Singapore, and attended a meeting of the Malayan Nutritional Council at the Municipal building on Wednesday.
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  • 368 3 The delay m the distribution of the November rice ration and the halving of the sugiir ration, which came into force this month, are explained m a statement made by Col. K. C. Tours, Food Controller with the B.M.A. (Slalaya). According to the
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  • 239 3 The transformation of Horn: Lim Gr:en, former S.C.R.C. sports ground, into a hawkers* centre, will be considered by i the BM A Brigadier P. A B McKsrrrn, Deputy Chief Civil /A "airs Officer. Sir.ganore, told a deputation of six representatives of th-
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  • 105 3 Subsidy For Feeding Of Schoolchildren? A scheme, whereby Oorcnmonf will subsidize the feeding and nutrition of schoolchildren m Singapore, has been submitted by th>> Healtn Department, and la •„t'-<■ >--- *«nf»tim by h'ehcauthorities the Straits Times understands. By (he scheme, it is unders „^on^rppnts will b made with certain food
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 354 3 v ANTED An Accountant %-\l i Sccrvtaiy f >r a reputable Chi- :.rm Good Salary. Please ■Aith references tc P O 543. WANTFD four commercial ar- witn txperiencc m black nnr. v>: ite arc colour illustrations .1. 1 i ni\ m i<rson with samples .irv ab $150 Corr ii i-
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    • 288 3 FOR SALE 1.000 4 i -gallon Malt drums. These m«.^ be inspected -it Malayan Srfwe.ies Ltd Alexand:a Road dunoe the hours 9 a.m. I p.m. WrHton applications should be addi -s-ed to the Secretariat Fraser Neave Ltd Trafal^JSfret. M. E. NATHAN RADIO ENGINEERS RADIO ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS 25/27 Orchard Rd. Phone
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    • 244 3 rfwarf op rvrrrAT^n* i f i t op A*)f I fe i T^i^^^^^^^t^^^ Hair on The Oldest Brand Is The Market General Typewriting Service undertakes Typewriting Duplicating Work at reasonable charges. Prompt Service No. 22, Arcade, Ist Floor, Spore. NANG HWA PIANO Co •Tuning ♦Repairing. •Buying and •Selling. a* moderate
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  • 66 4 The Chief Scowl h.i* sent i tmMc to Mr. I rank C <ands. Stout '••mmissinncr. Malaya, congratulating the xconten and s«outs m Malaya for their magnift- < »*nt work iaring the 3'l« %rars of Japanese oi«upalion and e\pres-«inr reliance <>n thp scouts to p'^y their par! m
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  • 120 4 1 is d«*p concern In Tndia over the arrest of various loaders of the Indian community In Malaya, notably Mean. N. Raghavan, N. K. Meno:i, S. C. Goho and others on Charges of alleged collaboration with the Japanese and Rubh&s Chandra Bose." So
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  • 32 4 A mass meeting of all nati:>naiitie.s orpanbed by the General Labour Union, took place at Farrer Park on Wednesday afternoon m honour of the 58th birth'tay of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru.
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  • 202 4 NOT AVAILABLE FOR PUBLIC SALE Rhipmeat of 1.000 motorcars iuad lorries, ordered for Malaya, is expected to unite in Singapore in about lour months but Ibey will ni>t be available for public •ale. They will be distributed all \cr Malaya to
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  • 46 4 Manufacturers m Singapore are i.->ked to submit th~ monthly requirements of rice. si;c-ar, salt and *!our needea by them to continue 'heir industry. Applications hould be addressed to the Deputy i tod Controller (Singapore Divlion». Municipal Building, and hould be submitted by Nov 25.
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  • 70 4 From Our Own Correspondent Kuala Lumpur,— An exhaustive search for re,rM«r.-; of land ti !es m Pahane: b beinr. it raa recently revealed by Brigadier H. C. WilLin. Deputy Chief Affairs Officer. Malay Peninsula. He said that aii exhaustive search had been made
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  • 56 4 The second lecture on the "History of the War" series wfll take p'.are el the Victoria Memorial Hall at 6 p.m. toaay. The lecture is entitled "The Black Year— l 942." The lecturer tonight Ls Lieut.Col. G. G. Thomson, who was formerly lecturer m Political Science and International
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  • 303 4 British Prefer Natural Rubber To Synthetic From Our Own Correspondent London, Nov. 2 British rubber manufacture r.s will turn from syntheric substitute* for rubber to tilt mtural plantation product immediately supplies of the latter are available. This is the opinion expressed Uk me by all authoritative n anufacturing or producing
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 19 4 EVERBRIGHT OPTICAL CO. Qualified Opticians Scientific Eye Examination 4- Modern Eyewear 10, Chulia Street, Singapore I'honc 1 135 j
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    • 677 4 JUBILEE THEATRE (North Rridcr Rd M Bas.»h R?l riIONI Oppiini!; Today: I, 'j :.i "ZORRO RIDES A( with John c\. Kfldnight show Totaori "THUNDER AFLOAT' with Wallace Bei CHUNGKING Tnnionp P.Tnr PUmi Today A Tomorrow M.G.M.'fl ful'-j-nirth i.. turc BLOCK IIEADS with Laurel c <- Rm Midnight Show Tomorrow CONFESSIONS
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