The Straits Times, 14 November 1945

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1 4 The Straits Times
  • 21 1 The Straits Times MALAYA'S LEAIjISC .\L'A SfAI'LH-ESfAb USHED 1840 ii v r\i.i SINGAPORE. VVEDNESD AY. NOVEMBER 14, 1945 PRICE 1« TENT*
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  • 104 1 Gen. Gordon Bennett Sounds Warning Sydney, Nov. l:i.— Lieut.-Gen. Gordon Bennett, former commander of the Australian Eighth Division, urges that all nations m the Pacific with common friendly interests should form alliances to avert any chance of groups m the east rising like the Japanese
    Reuter  -  104 words
  • 212 1 MANILA. Nov. 12.— Thre<; lliipino survivors toli :he United States Military Commission, trying Gen Tomoyuki Yama^hita as a A-ar criminal today of he Japanese attempt t;) i.vsacre all men m the Kwn of Bauan. m Batangas Japanese troops herded 100 U inhabitants of the town ::to
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  • 31 1 \\>,. 12 Mi < [(Miner United M*a of 1 l> 1 n Nobel Peace to V Hull h rhe pi nferr d< I Committee i i the in
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  • 1 1 led.
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  • 163 1 London. Nov 12:— Mr. P. J. Noel-Baker, Minister of State, replying to questions on beha!f of the Foreign Secretary m the House of Commons, said it was very important that diilerenees between Inc Fritish and the Soviet Goveicments should not b. exaggerated. He had been asked
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  • 46 1 Rangoon. Nov. 12.—FieldMar^nal Lord Alan Brocko. .Chief of the Imperial G<n Pal Stfcit, who arrived m Rangoon today, toured the war-scarreo |r:rv and dock area He saw the 900-io;t 1 ns floating believed to be the bis-'r^t m the ''-Id R uter.
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  • 21 1 Chungking. No* 12:—The nivsid the Cl Ijer oi Commerce m Ho Lo, was r< ted by the after Chinese ommitted
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  • 62 1 WASHINGTON, Nov. 13. In reply to press queries .il. i nit the role of American troops m China, the U.S. Secretary for War, Mr Patterson, stated: "There is no danger of our troops t-econiin? involved m the civil strife m China unless they are attacked, m which event
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  • 232 1 Progress In Atom Bomb Parleys WASHINGTON. Nov. 13.— Ilie 'Anglo-Saxon Bi? Three"— the BritLsh Prim Minister, Mr. Clemen; At+iee, President Truman BXKi tho Prime Minister 01 Cinada, Mr. W. L. Mackenzie King— now fully briefed on each other's approach to the British plan for internationalisation of scientific discoveries, yesterday handed
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  • 68 1 FRANKFURT ON MAIN, Nov 13:— The first major German war factory to be royed under the United 6 proiiramme for de- j militarising German y— the i Knufbouren smokeless pow- der plant— has been bl up by 14 explosions Each explosion wr< Iced prrup of
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  • 411 1 NO PERMISSION YET FOR DUTCH FORCES TO LAND IN INDIES Batavia, Nov. i°.. The British military authorities have noc yet given permission to Dutch forces to land m the Netherlands Indies, authoritative reports quoted by the Netherlands News Agency stated today. The 20,000-ton Alcantara riCiS arrived at Singapore with ever
    Reuter  -  411 words
  • 110 1 Kandy, Nov. 13— The British Second Division, the only all-British division in the Far East, k shortly leaving India for Malaya, where it will replace the Fifth Indian Division, at pri sent <i eh tinin Sourabaya. Though it has the same number, this Second Division is
    Reuter  -  110 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 599 2 The Straits Times S'pore, Wed, Nov. 14, 1945. Synthetic When id to the Pacific the Japanese arid the Oermans hoped to immi th ir en*mles by cuitins ctr all rutbor supplies. For a whi.e the position was extremely critical but American Industry achieved one of its major triumphs In organising
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  • 1356 2  -  George Maxwell llv Sir K.8.E., C.M.G. Sir (Jeorge Maxwell, who wrote this artide. is a member ol family which has been connected with Malaya since 18:>(i. Sir George joined the Malayan Civil Service In IS!M. beiiiii himself the son of a famous Malayan administrator and scholar. Sir
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  • The Man-In-The-Street
    • 134 2 There «re many cmplovees of ti c Air Ministry Works Directo' at.» m Sn^'apore who are without v.ork hiV money. Thry were cal'e- 1 L> K.a.F. Base H.Q on Sept 14 to roaster for re-employment ixna they Cid fo. They were u'.st r.-kea t; apply m writing
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    • 55 2 llie authorities h'.ve created a blftrtine fcicunJ for files by ciuiy.) irq refu?t on a plot of land known as Kampoup Martin. Tins site abutts tl.e Kivcr Vatlty itci'd r»f:dential district, and for s ,:,i > time p.:s', al' hoiurs around UII3 ■Jtk-;ao«t:y at present m occuoa t' Military—
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    • 32 2 ticed on several oc-i-!:;it drivers of trollej a.ia omnibuses do not to pick up a consr-qmnoe of tHs ing v. bother tNy pr<- \v.ii:.;i- at Could the win, EG."
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    • 89 2 Nations clamour for peace. Thi OUiy v j m achieve this noble c^a Is to refer > j; ,rk to tha three-poMt piogramme outlined after fhe Great Wor by the late Woodruw •Vilon. *h? then President of mo United Stfl f e«. These are the threpoints '—firstly,
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    • 58 2 I have r<r\d with interest yy.-r op'nor on the new police and lM.irt'K surport your attitude It 11 Juet that people who have not the interest of Malaya at Leart, but. en the contrary, ar> jbaessed wi.h the thought of tlu.r our rationalistic ideas be deported, m Ic.-.ncss
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    • 46 2 1 should like to v :c "Panacea" v.hat is sreng with freedom of :peech. pnss, belief, orgmLsati,.. tti n precisely v.i 1 ■"•iP" 1 men' are rtemat ding jhese "impulsive youiv nwp H w«c impulsive enough to J-fy the J— Ping Chan
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    • 27 2 Nov. 13 and yet no rice supply! wrong sonifvbere. 1 ixh la Voiding au Will thi 1$ m A the p;j-; 1 iv p.,!,. '.ing
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  • 167 3 >STRATION'S RIGHT TO BUY CAL MERCHANT'S SHIPMENTS the RJLA. will issue no import licenevs I 1 lines, no prohibition exists m Malaya lor the import of any commodity \vhic>. lufer the uncontrolled category. Apart from t. .iMlstuffs. motor vehicles and other essential commodities
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  • 13 3 Ethel Jackson, a?-a :cd ;it Sime Road t Camp on Nov. ,14.
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  • 139 3 Beyond stocks held by tlv^ B.M.A.. no textiles are available either in Britain or India for import by Sii.capore merchants, the Straits Times understands XtM _-ame position applies to all controlled commodities. Rich p-s foodstuffs. Explaining this state of affairs an official statement points cut
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  • 81 3 The 656 Air OP. squadron has lent valuable aid to troops engaged m hunting bandit gangs m central Malaya. Infantry officers heading the patrols fly as passengers m light aircrr.ft of the squadron to tracks leading to suspected hide-outs. Photographs assist m the search.
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  • 118 3 Kuala I.unipur. Nov. 10. "In spite of the agitation b\ the puM'c and the I'rc^ for the establishment of the Special Courts, uhwh have been puickly brought into beins; by the British Military Administration the public has not yet made any complaints
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  • 285 3 STAFFS NOW WORKING FOR B.M.A. Bociiusc they have no representatives to act on their behalf m Malaya. British mercantile firms are being; virtually kept out of the import business, now that opportunities are open for local merchants to recommence their trade. According
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  • 218 3 The concern of Indian businessmen over some _of tion of rt MAREOC, (Malaya R lbber Estate Owners Com- pany, Ltd.) and the desire of Indian insurance companies. operating m Malaya, to play a more effective part m the consortium of insurance companies h^re,
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  • 145 3 A new racket has cropped up m Singapore Imformaticn about missing and disniaced persons is being cirated by rprtnin individuals fci a monetarj consideration. The public Is warned by the IXrootor of the Cil teen's Advice Bureau, Sinpr'pon-. not to riv credonro to information ciftflated
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 233 3 t ment wu announcec 10, rf-io be' wee Tk and Mr. P. R Royal Marines. an y-Naearctnam. The 1 take place on 17-11- i oon at Batu Pahwt M. Kanthaswamv. of Mr. v Muttiaii. aueutway inspeto.* bore Banru and Wat tarn, daughter of Mr M. Appiah. retired Inspector Rlwys and
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    • 395 3 A suitable reward will be Riven for the return of Office Equipment, Office Records and Motor Equipment which can be Identified as being the property of thi« Company. TIIL TEXAS CO: (CHINA) LTD: Shell House. FOR SALE 1.000 'ii -gallon Malt drum:.. These m^ be inspected 'it Malayan Srcwe;ies Ltd.
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    • 202 3 BEWARE OF IMITATION Insist on Hair Oil The Oldest Brand In The Market For a really pood tiffin try our ever popular CURRY TIPPIN served every Monday Thursday TA TONG RESTAURANT 18. (hulia St. Phone 1303. Commercial Sienbfnrd Painters For attractive Signbaarda, Palntin?. Wh'tewashfnt ano General Repairs of BuiltiinrsNo. 22
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  • 227 4 .APSPONSORED POLICE ON TRIAL From Our Own Correspondent iron, N«V. It. A story of incredible brutality on Ihc part of nine local members of the Japanesohponsored police Cone was related m the Supreme Court today, when the trial opened against two Malay subinspectors,
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  • 70 4 Newsprint From "Banana Notes J ipiicn "banana" money, found m large quantities In Kuala Lumpur, will he re-pulped, and made available to the public m the form of newsprint. This was stated at a fioss conference m Kuala Lumpur last Saturday by Major (i. S. Walker of th'» Publicity and
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  • 188 4 Port Facilities To Handle Consumer Goods In ordvr tc cope with the arri\al of consumer ?oods m Malaya, t flortfl are now being made to restore, on a temporary basis, the cargo landin? facilities m Singapore and Penang harbours. Even m their present cone ition. both harbours are contident of
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  • 107 4 The Royal Air Force (Tengfth: bt-at a stronc Chinese team i-y three «oaLs to two In an exciting game of soccer at Jalan Besar Stadium on Sunday. Organise*] for the benefit of the Red Cross, the match was witnessed by a large croud. Displaying sur»
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  • 53 4 A large number fanner ami prospective Bmnben were present at a general meeting o Singapore Yacht Club held rit Raffles Hotel on Pr: Mr. E. W. Sligr.i Mr. Slipht said ih< i.. yttiUon was mind Ir wuuld ink a little time !>• could &tart j.nd one ol
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  • 161 4 The importance not only of maintaining law and order out of helping the public w,».s -tressed by Lieut. -Gen o;r P W Messervy. the new G.O.c for Malaya, at Folkc inspection parade htVd en the Padann yestenl rrint* Gen. MMservy was accompanied by Col.
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  • 215 4 INDIA AMONG CLAIMANTS PARIS, Nov. Ll -India i.s one of the 17 United Nations which are now meeting m Paris to stake their claims, involving scores of erorcs, m the HrSl Allied reparations talks. The t ther nations are Britain. Liie United States, France. Belgium. Luxembourg, the Netherlands,
    Reuter  -  215 words
  • 154 4 U.S. Praise Or Burma Campaign •VASHINGTON, Nov. 11.— Britain's Burma campaign described as 'vne of the most difficult and original :>f rhe entire war" by Gen 11. H. Arnold, Chief of the Uni> d States Army nir forces, ia an official report today to the United States Secretary of '."ar.
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  • 39 4 LONDON, Nov. 11.—Air Chief Marshal Sir Arthur Harris, former Chief of the Bomtw-r Command, is 1 iil In the RAF. hospital ai Halton, Buckinghamshire. Sir Arthur, who is due to n tly r<Hurn«'d from ill mission to Rl: Bout]
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 16 4 The Famous EAGLE BRAND Rubber Coarulant Macufactured by A >1 u:\ 1 K\s|%t BROS Sk. Spttf
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    • 477 4 PALACEGAY Phone k 1 ivi 3.15 6 15 9 IS nm N'nvrmber 14th to 16th Dont Miss Tho Conclu Episodes GRKKN A! CHER (Chapters 8—15)8 15) (Victor Jory Iris Meredith > GLOBE Great World Park November 13th to 15th 3.00— 7 00— 9On n.m U,KF HLNOPvED MEN t t A
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    • 141 4 MARLS DttCl'ci C »ol I. •«:.!> with Lulsi I'.ravat Chungking' Tanjonir P LAS! SAMA^ANG nrr 1 DEEP" .v si iiH.m with NEW WORLD See Cne Cream Indian flrestlci m It's Chan Promcl Main Crent* Lifetime! BOXING Kirn's Promotion RONALD V» BURR "AMAI Due to the High Expeitfiv, this Promotion th.
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