The Straits Times, 13 November 1945

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 24 1 The Straits Times MALAX 1 S A 4 UING SEWSI'APER-ESTAB USUED 1846. PACiES SINGAPORE. TUESDAY N< R 13, 1915. I—X E 10 CEM V
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  • 92 1 Atom Bomb For Any Enemy —Arnold n ton, n»i 13 ii. States Air Forcos Gen. Henry Arnold. 1 that America should ..:i complete up-to-lans during peacetime destruction of any itial enemy state b> b and. eventually 0 ships." ".ade this statement Ir. al official report ol r. piiblished yesterday
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  • 58 1 Nov. 11 An Inoontingent marched Dominion and home to the cenotaph m all, for the first peaceArmistice Day ceremony years. before eleven, the a wreath at the He was followed .>.-, Elizabeth, heir British Crown, who. first time, took an m the ceremony. C. rmans for
    Reuter  -  58 words
  • 67 1 I! AT.WI.X. Nov. 12.— Threo Japanese generals Liout.Gen. Nagano, commanding the 16th Japanese Army m Ja\a: Ma.jor-Gcn. Yamamoto. Chief of Stuff, an.l M.-iior-Gon. Nakim v ra Commander of Japanese forces' m central J:iva are to bo tried shortly at *m' rrapore for handing o\er
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  • 67 1 CHUNGKING, Nov. 11. China's ti rd political party —the Liberal Democratic League, a federation of six cal bodies and nonmembers—has participated for the first time m the negotiations between th"Kuon";.. -aid Con md there Is hope that intervention may break the deadlock between the major
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  • 6 1 FAR IS, 12 Mr vt-d ir
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  • 354 1 "DEFINITE WARNO MERE BRUSH" BATAVIA, No\. 12.— Fighting in Sourabaya, the great naval base of .lava, is increasing in intensity. A British army officer, Lieut. -Coi Roy Oliver, who returned to Batavia from Sourabaya yesterday, declare;!-: "There is a definite atmosphere of war over Sourabaya
    Reuter  -  354 words
  • 135 1 ON, Ni>v 12: -British aen are bei: g held arrest by Chinese Government i -..r Force and United Krmy Air Force airbeing imp.' -e-cont rolled res of British air plane-pass-unnecessarlly d every day alons? t of the I Sea, I w >rid si rresthe
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  • Article, Illustration
    60 1 Lt.-Gen. Sir Mile i;cmpsey. C.0.C., Malaya, who. reports Keutor from Kandy, i* shortly relinquishins; his post to take over the post of Command-er-in-Chief of the Allied Land Forces. South-Ilast .Asia, frotr (ipncral Sir William Slim Cien. Slim is to take up an appointment m Europe. Lt.-Gen. Sir I". W. .Messervy.
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  • 64 1 Cairo. Nov. il.— The British Overseas Airways C rporation's "Silver York.'' flyirnr mails and passenrrers on the first post-war through-ser-vice to South Africa, landed at C\ iro today. 30 minutes ahead of schedule. Thr twelve pa ssen?ers, who left England alter tea yesterday. wer« bie-jktastine
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  • 49 1 Bombay, Nov. 12.— Pandit Nehru, speaking on the British ultimatum to the Indonesian leaders at Sourabaya. said "If imperial powers do not make up their minds to quit Asi'i or their own accord, i: is certain Asia, and Europe will hive to prepare to fi?ht each other soon." Reuter.
    Reuter  -  49 words
  • 305 1 WASHINGTON, Nov. 12.\n authoritative source here states that Mr. Clemen- British Prime Ministor, has made the following three proposals to Preside.' Truman 1. Britain. the Uniteu States and Canada to agre> jointly to place complete sec iets of the atomic bomb ant its production
    Reuter  -  305 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 528 2 The Straits Times S'pore, Tues., Nov. 13, 1945. Liberty statement muaj ay we of the irade and r. I)r;.artme:H of UK d.M A. on Saturday encouraged kepes ol an e;;rly resumpu n «'i Malay*. "> .mport trade. but contained a warning that "certain restrictions" will rcoutin and a notification that
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  • 1521 2  - OPIUM Some Echoes Of The Past Wu Lien-Teh, By OPIUM inspissated juice ol the unripe poppy, I'apavrr somniferum. What memories :l.a drvg brings forth and Wha: blessings as well as tragedies' The ancient Persians wer? perhaps the first to cultivate it and to know of its properties 2,000 years ago
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  • The Man-In-The-Street
    • 451 2 ITo The rditor, Straits Times'. The Malayan peoples are not ■'one m their profound expectation! from cur Labour Govern-n.-ent, for we British rorkers m uniform assisted m no small measure the Labour tvam to office, ov their specific democratic politieottonomie programme Which w,i3 such
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  • 419 2 Singapore Diary A flying accident „as deprived Malaya o f most promLsinofficials. He was Innes Tremlett, who I 3 rr.Lssin;j believed killed, when travelling on dm. r^, m Singapore to Ceylon rr-m-lett was a member the Straits Settlements Police force and before he war worked almost i m the Chinese
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  • 380 3 \FEGUARDING PRODUCERS AND CONSUMEPS In order to salt-guard the future interests of botli prm ucers and consumers, conferences have hold m London and Xtw ork between British CM and Dutch representatives to discuss the ion of how to operaie the rubber industry on
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  • 51 3 THE MALAYAN UNION Starting tomorrow, the Straits limes will publish articles on Malayan l^nion hy four wellknown authorities on Malaya, Sir Firhard Winstedt, Sir C.eorge Maxwell, Sir A. P. Robinson and Sir Erie Marfadyen. The first of these articles, by Sir C.Porue Maxwell, will appear on pape 2 of tomorrow's
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  • 168 3 YAMASHITA TRIAL Feelers have been sent out by the B.M.A. to Mr. Tan Kan Kee and Mr. Yap Twee, prominent Singapore Chinese, on the idea of their representing the Singapore Chinese at the trial of Lieut-Gen. Yamafhita m Manila, the Straits Times reliably understands.
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  • 49 3 A youn? Chinese, Chin Fook Kicr<?, who was found m possession >">f an automatic pistol and ;(4 rounds of ammunition, was sentenced to six months' rigorous i?::prisonment and a fine of $500 or m default six months' rigorous imprisonment, by Major D. P. Rees m the fln.t District Court
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  • 49 3 Ihe price of tin will not i less than £2M a ton, ""•J ins: to what Col. R. Williams, chief of Trade mi lad— try Department, ilajrm, called his "personal < <»pia. he thouffhf. with ftther produce would fetch i-her prices than before 1 nr.
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  • 260 3 From a Naval Correspondent A UOOO-tcn newly-built merchant ship, River Crest, bound irom Calcutta to Siiv^pore with nearly 200 troops on board hit a mine m Singapore Strait early jresterday moring, and hai. been towed to th? eostern anchorase with her engine-room flooded
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  • 244 3 FIRST MEETING TOMORROW Seventeen prominent Singapoie citizens, including one woman, have accepted invitations to serve as members of the first meeting f.f the Singapore Idvi »i\ Coin 11, ti eld at ihc Lcgisl itive Council Chamber at 10 a.m. tomorrow, under
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  • 33 3 Arre&ted on a warrant allegin? s collaboration offence, a Chines', Kwar Par Poh, apperred bef^ra Mr. J C. Cobbctt m the Special Court yesterday. The preliminary lr.oulry will be held on Dec. S,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 256 3 VNTED an Rnglish speaklns experienced m textile Kj owledge of French, a l o Apply 1= Battery Ra. Swing PianL^t n »^-.gage:.ient with local rchestn or entertainment Address enquiries to Box its Time*. -an wishes to rent small |c < Katong sea front or Paslr ing preferred i or flat
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    • 305 3 Will anyone able to give information concerning the removal during the Japanese occupation of furniture etc., from No. 3 Chatsworth Avenue, Tanglin, kindly communicate with Messrs. Donaldson Burkinshaw, First Floor. Mercantile Bank Chambers. Singapore. KEWARD Any per. on giving information hading to the recovery of mlssinn b~oks. records or property
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    • 243 3 BEWARE Of IMITATION Insist on flair OU The Oldest Brand In The Market LIANG BROS., CO. 9, Chulia Street, Sirgapore. ENVELOPES of any description made to order. Charges moderate. Enquiries solicited. Greetings to all our Friends Customers THONG WHATT CO. General Provision, Wine Spirit Merchants. 123 Beach Road. TeL 4965
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  • 437 4 People Must Be Trained For Govt. Appointments Malayans must bo trained for government appointments on an equality with those who are now ■erring, and the first step towkrd liiis state of affairs is the Malayan I'nion. Expressing this view, Col.| Victor Purccll, Adviser on
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  • 115 4 From Osir Own ('«»rri'spoinloiit KUALA LUMP! R, Not. 10.— 'iho Moratorlwa Proclamation M.»s been relaxed to enable persons to obtain loam from baaki approved !>> the B.MJL on deposit of their land title deeds," announced Brigadier 11. C. Willan, Deputy Chief Civil iffairs Officer, Malay Peninsula, .it this
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  • 35 4 From tvtnorrow, there will be flve show.- dall) at Cathay Olnenut which is screering "Captain Caution". Sbowt .ri at 11 a.m.. 2 p m.. 4. In p.m.. 0..50 p.m. and f.30 pin
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 138 4 NOTICE. Mr CoomariuAvainy, Ce>. f>vU S*»r\'ice Representative of SIM fv-yion C-o\ernment m Malaya has now arrived m Singapore. He will quiie Into the economic conJittoo of th» Ceylonese and con- I M''er way- and means of providing iwW to Ceylonese m suitable is* s where there Ls no local pro»Mun
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    • 623 4 MARLBOROUGfI Perfect Bound Reproduction Cocl Comf irtabie D itrj i >i> ii i.v f> 15. 915 l i OWING GOLD Tomorrow: OBEAT waltz. w ith Lufc Ralncr mti >i Musi Super GARRICK (GEYLANG) i Western Electric Sound Systdßl) PHONE ***** Opr 1,112 today 5.15, 1.18 A: 915 JOLL MeCKEA m
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